Theses and Dissertations



Departmento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains the list of the MSc. Dissertations and PhD. Thesis presented to the Departmento de Informática, Pontifcia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, in 2003.  They are all available in print format and, according to the authors' preference, some of them are freely available to download, while others are freely available to download to the PUC-Rio community exclusively(*).
For any requests, questions, or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho

Last update: 31/AUGUST/2005


Adriana Cesário de Faria ALVIM. Uma heurística híbrida de melhoria para o problema de bin packing e sua aplicação ao problema de escalonamento de tarefas. [Title in English: A hybrid improvement heuristic for the bin packing problem and its application to the problem of task scheduling] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 13/06/03 136 p. Advisor: Celso Carneiro Ribeiro.

Abstract: We propose in this work a hybrid improvement procedure for the bin packing problem. This heuristic has several components: lower and upper bounds; reductions; construction of initial solutions by reference to the dual problem; heuristics for load redistribution based on dominance, differencing, and unbalancing; and tabu search. We also investigate the application of this hybrid heuristic to the problem of task scheduling on identical parallel processors. Computational results on hundreds of benchmark test problems are represented.

Alexandre Altoé PIGATTI. Modelos e algoritmos para o problema de alocação generalizada (PAG) e aplicações. [Title in English: Models and algorithms for the generalized assignment problem (PAG) and applications] M.Sc.Diss Port. Presentation: 25/07/03 74 p. Advisors: Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi de Aragão and Eduardo Uchoa.

Abstract: This dissertation tackles the Generalized Assignment Problem (PAG), models and algorithms are studied and proposed. This work was motivated by a real world application/ the Truck Loading Problem (PCC). Research was done on approximated (metaheuristics) and exact algorithm for solving the PAG. The approximated algorithms proposed were based on a recent idea from Fischetti and Lodi. It uses integer programming to explore wider neighborhoods. The results were compared to the best known, while demanding much less implementation effort and using less CPU time. The exact algorithm proposed is a branch-and-cut-and-price developed from the branch-and-price algorithm of Savelsbergh. We used stabilized column generation techniques similar to the one by Du Merle, Villeneuve, Desrosiers and Hansen, and devised experiments with different implementations of this mechanism. The resulting algorithm proved its efficiency by solving to optimality open instances from the literature. Finally, experiments with the PCC turned possible the evaluation of the codes developed on real problems.

Anselmo Antunes MONTENEGRO. Reconstrução de cenas a partir de imagens através de escultura do espaço por refinamento adaptativo. [Title in English: Reconstruction of scenes from images by coarse-to-fine space carving] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 12/09/03 198 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho.

Abstract: The reconstruction of scenes from images has received special attention from researchers of the areas of Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. As examples of application we can mention image-based scene reconstruction, modeling of complex "as-built" objects, construction of virtual environments and telepresense. Among the most successful methods used for the reconstruction of scenes from images are those based on Space Carving algorithms. These techniques reconstruct the shape of the objects of interest in scene by determining, in a volumetric representation of the scene space, those elements that satisfy a set of photometric constraints imposed by the input images. Once determined, each photo-consistent element is colorized according to the photometric information in the input images, in such a way that they reproduce the photometric information in the input images, within some pre-specified error tolerance. In this work, we investigate the use of rendering techniques in space carving methods. As a result, we propose a method based on an adaptive refinement process which works on reconstruction spaces represented by spatial subdivisions. We claim that such method can reconstruct the objects of interest in a more efficient way, using resources proportional to the local characteristics of the scene, which are discovered as the reconstruction takes place. Finally, we evaluate the quality and the efficiency of the method based on the results obtained from a reconstruction device that works with images captured from webcams.

Antonio Jorge Gomes ABELÉM. Difusão seletiva em inter-redes IP baseadas em redes ópticas. [Title in English: Multicast communication in optical IP internetworks] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 02/04/03 130 p. Advisors: Michael Anthony Stanton and Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez.

Abstract: Multicast communication and recent advances in optical technology, most specifically in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), allied with the consolidation of IP as the dominant protocol of convergent networks, offer new perspectives for the next generation Internet. This thesis utilises these technologies to propose a set of adaptations, called MIRROR, to multicast communication, specifically IP Multicast, in labelled burst-switched optical networks. MIRROR proposes modifications to traditional IP Multicast in order to improve its scalability as a function of the number of simultaneously active groups, as well as marking it more appropriate for use in optically switched networks. Basically, MIRROR includes new proposals for handling state information about the multicast distribution tree, as well as for the establishment of label-based multicast paths. In order to evaluate this proposal, two approaches are followed, one based on a comparative analysis between MIRROR and a number of other alternatives to IP Multicast proposed in the literature, and the other based implementation of a prototype in the simulation environment provided by NS (Network Simulator). The comparative analysis evaluates such parameters as: state requirement information, control overhead, packet processing efficiency and tree cost. The prototype implementation implements a new node structure and alters existing NS modules (OBS e MPLS), to make possible the simulation of labelled burst-switched optical networks in the multicast context.

Artur Alves PESSOA. Dois problemas de otimização em grafos: transporte em redes de dutos e busca com custos de acesso. [Title in English: Two graph optimization problems: pipeline transportation and searching with access costs] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 23/05/03 119 p. Advisors: Ruy Luiz Milidiú and Eduardo Sany Laber.

Abstract: We consider two combinatorial optimization problems: the pipeline transportation problem (PTD) and the problem of searching with different access costs (PBC). In PTD, we are given a directed graph G = (N,A) where each arc corresponds to a pipeline. We are also given a set of batches, each batch being initially located at an arc or node and having a destination node. A subset of these batches are considered as further batches. Our aim is to find a sequence of pipeline operations leading all non-further batches to their corresponding destination nodes. First, we show that PTD is NP-hard, even for the case where G is acyclic. Next, we present a polynomial algorithm called BPA. This algorithm solves PTDS, a variation of PTD, for general graphs. For acyclic graphs, BPA also minimizes a general cost function. For the case of makespan minimization for PTDS, we prove that there is no (formula) approximate algorithm for any E > 0, unless P = NP, where n is the instance size. The previous result also holds if G is both acyclic and planar. In PBC, we are given an ordered vector with n elements and the corresponding access costs. Our aim is to find a search strategy that minimizes either the average cost with uniform probabilities (PBCM) or the worst case cost (PBPC). In both cases, the best known exact algorithm requires in O(n³) time and O(n²) space. For PBCM, we present the ratio algorithm, that requires O(n²) time and O(n) space. This algorithm always obtains a search strategy with average cost at most 4ln(n+1)/n, assuming the sum of all access cost to be 1. Furthermore, we introduce approximation algorithms for both PBCM and PBPC. Both of them give (2+ E+0(1))-approximate solutions, for any E>0, in O(n) time and space.

Carlos de Salles SOARES NETO. Descrição arquitetural da provisão de QoS em ambientes genéricos de processamento e comunicação. [Title in English: Architectural description of the QoS provision in generic processing and communication environments] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/08/03 113 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: The increased demand for platforms with support for multimedia applications raised the importance of mechanisms for Quality of Service provisioning, since each media has its own processing and communication requirements. SCM Model (Service-Composition Model) provides abstractions for the representation and programming of QoS aspects and multicast in communication services. According to its terminology, the QoS provisioning can be seen as a service provider, where QoS negotiation and QoS maintenance meta services act upon it. The QoS negotiation are the mechanisms responsible for the admission of new user flows, while the QoS maintenance meta service is responsible for maintaining the negotiated level of service during the service operation. Such meta services had been previously described as frameworks modelled in UML. The present work focuses on the architectural description of these meta services using Wright architecture description language (ADL), which allows the use of its analysis and formal verification tools to infer properties. To smooth this approach, a domain-specific language (DSL) called LindaQoS is proposed as a notation closest to the abstraction level of the problem domain, specifically designed to define hierarchies of negotiation and maintenance subsystems. Moreover this work presents a compiler allowing the translation of LindaQoS specifications into architectural descriptions (currently, using Wright) and into programming languages (JAVA in the future).

Cláudia Silva Villa Alvarez de Noronha ROLLINS. Um framework para gerência de contexto orientado a sistemas hipermídia adaptativos. [Title in English: Context manager framework for supporting adaptive hypermedia systems and other context-aware applications] M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/12/03 118 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: Context Aware Computing is a paradigm that allows applications to find and take from information that surrounds them at a given time, such as location, nearby resources, available infra-structure, user preferences, among others. Research in this area focuses on mobile or ubiquitous computing. However, recent research indicates that several aspects of this area not limited to mobility and ubiquity. They can also profit from systems connected to other areas. Comprehensive multimedia/hypermedia systems must support all the phases of a document treatment. The treatment must encompass authoring, as well as storage and final presentation to the reader (end user). Particularly in this type of system, it is desirable to have tools that adapt the document, that is, tools that apply transformations to the hyper-document, making it adequate to the visualization. Hypermedia systems with adaptation strategies are an example of contex-aware applications. The goal of this dissertation is to create a new architecture for context management: one architecture developed and built as an independent structure that may be reused by different systems, particularly by hipermedia systems. This architecture is based on a model of context information representation and on a recyclable framework that can be incorporated to several implementations.

Cristiano Braz ROCHA. Inferências semânticas na recuperação de informações para aplicações hipermídia. [Title in English: Semantic inferences in information retrieval for hypermedia applications] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/07/03 134 p. Advisors: Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi de Aragão and Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: The information overload problem is one of the most challenging problems being faced today. In order to solve this problem, different areas such as Knowledge Management, Semantic Web and Hypermedia Applications Modeling have used similar solutions that consist basically of semantically structuring the information so it can better be accessed. This dissertation proposes an infra-structure based on classic algorithms and techniques of Artificial Intelligence that utilizes the availability of domain specific models to enable the applications where they are defined to make inferences about these particular domains. These inferences enable the creation of new functionalities in these applications. Four new functionalities were proposed and implemented, the most important being a semantic search. The new functionalities presented were successfully tested in two existing applications: the website of the Computer Science Department of PUC-Rio and the Portinari Knowledge Portal that presents all the work of the famous brazilian painter Candido Portinari.

Cristina Ururahy da Fontoura CERQUEIRA. Um modelo de programação multilinguagem para aplicações geograficamente distribuídas. [Title in English: A multilanguage programming model for wide-area distributed computing] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 12/09/03 121 p. Advisor: Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez.

Abstract: In this work we propose the use of ALua, an event-driven communication mechanism for coordinating and developing distributed parallel applications, based on the interpreted language Lua. ALua adopts a multilanguage programming model for distributed parallel applications, acting as a gluing element among precompiled program parts running on different machines. New developments in parallel programming, such as Grid computing, and current interest in wide-area distributed computing demand new levels of flexibility, such as the use of adaptive strategies and the ability for an user to interfere with a computation without having to stop it. Furthermore, because of its asynchronous nature, event-driven programming provides a suitable model for environments subject to failures and delays that are frequent in the context of geographically distributed computing. In this work we show that ALua can achieve the required flexibility though mechanisms for monitoring and adapting not only applications, but also the execution environment, and also exploit its interpretive nature to allow the programmer to modify the behavior of the application during its execution.

Daniel Abadi ORLEAN. Um processo unificado para engenharia de ontologias. [Title in English: The unified process for ontology engineering] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/08/03 159 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: The Semantic Web is now a reality. Several projects all around the world are already using tools and technologies developed to support the second generation of the Web to provide machine-processable content for software agents, Web services and applications. However, computers can not agree on a consensual language by themselves. Ontologies can be used as a way to provide this shared conceptualization, making possible the desired communication among organizations, people and applications. Several proposals have been already presented regarding ontology engineering - many supported by academic and industrial case studies. However, none of them encompasses all the requirements identified for an ontology construction project. This work describes the unification of different features extracted from those methodologies to build a process framework named KUP - the Knowledge Unified Process. This unified process is based on several industry best practices and on a well accepted ontology methodology evaluation framework. Two case studies were developed so as to support and validate this process framework. The first was the development of a semantic Web solution for security information knowledge management and the second one was the integration of a skill management tool to a learning management system, through ontologies.

Davi Romero de VASCONCELOS. Análise de estratégias utilizando verificação formal de modelos. [Title in English: Analysis of strategies using model checking] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/02/03 136 p. Advisor: Edward Hermann Haeusler.

Abstract: In formal methods, one of the approaches that have been successful lately is Model Checking, which consists in a technique to achieve automatic verification about a system behavior. Nowadays, the model checking is very frequently employed in Computer Science to formal verification of software and hardware, but it is not used in other knowledge fields, such as Mathematics and Economics. The purpose of this research is to apply model checking in economics problems, using Game Theory. Some inadequacies have been observed. Therefore, it is necessary to create new definitions: a generic and qualitative definition of game that uses one logic language called Game Analysis Logic (GAL); a new language to describe game called RollGame (Romero + All Game); a translation from RollGame to a language of model specification; a translation from game definition to Kripke structure. It is also been observed that the use of model checking makes it possible to analyze players' strategies. One tool, called StratAn-RollGame (Strategy Analyzed using RollGame), makes the translation from RollGame to model Checking automatic. Thus, the present research has demonstrated that is possible indeed to use model checking in other knowledge fields.

Débora Christina Muchaluat SAADE. Relações em linguagens de autoria hipermídia: aumentando reúso e expressividade. [Title in English: Relations in hypermedia authoring languages: improving reuse and expressiveness] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 28/03/03 215 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: This work is related to hypermedia authoring and execution environments, and its main focus is declarative document authoring. Starting from studies about architectural description languages (ADL), which are used for specifying software system architectures, this thesis identified facilities found in ADLs that could be applied to the hypermedia domain, with advantages. Aiming at improving the expressiveness and reuse in the specification of relations in hypermedia authoring languages, this work introduced the concept of hypermedia connector, which has a role similar to ADL connectors, that is, representing relations among components of a document. Besides connectors, this work also introduced the concept of hypermedia composite template, which has a role similar to architectural styles in ADLs, that is, representing generic structures of nodes and links that can be reused in several distinct documents. As a validation of the proposed concepts, the 2.0 version of the NCL - Nested Context Language - hypermedia authoring language, based on the NCM - Nested Context Model - conceptual model, was developed and integrated to the HyperProp hypermedia system, incorporating the new facilities. The NCL 2.0 language was developed using a modular structure, following the principles adopted by the W3C - World-Wide Web Consortium. Thus, its modules for the specification of connectors and templates, respectively called XConnector and XTemplate, can be incorporated to other existent languages, such as XLink, XHTML and SMIL, used for Web document authoring. This thesis also proposes extensions to these languages, exemplified by the incorporation of XConnector and XTemplate facilities into the XLink standard.

Edinalda Maria de SOUZA. Um estudo sobre um algoritmo para visualização de terrenos. [Title in English: A study on terrain visualization algorithm] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/07/03 78 p. Advisor: Marcelo Gattass.

Abstract: Algorithms for the interactive visualization of terrains are very complex and, at the same time, of great importance to many applications, such as games and activity-planning over terrains. Due to such complexity and importance, in the past decade this subject has received great attention by researchers on Computer Graphics. As a consequence, a number of strategies have been developed. Among the most successful strategies, one can highlight recent works by Lindstrom and Pascucci. The algorithm proposed by these authors has various implementations available in the Internet and deserves to be reevaluated. The present work makes such reevaluation by means of an independent implementation developed by the author and tested over a base or real terrains. With the purpose of making this analysis more complete and to support some conclusions, comparative results with other algorithms in the area are also presented.

Fábio Cunha Lobo de MELO. Um método para a implementação de SMAs baseado em componentes. [Title in English:
A component-based method to implement MASs] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/08/03 108 p. Advisors: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena and Renato Fontoura de Gusmão Cerqueira.

Abstract: In the past few years, the Multi-Agents Systems (MAS) area has presented an accelerated growth. New techniques and tools are constantly being proposed and the number of specialists dedicated to this subject is increasing. Many methodologies have been published to support the development of multi-agent systems. However, most of them concentrate only on the system analysis phase. This work proposes a method to implement MASs using software components. During the analysis and design phases, the ANote language was used. It contains seven diagrams that model different aspects of a MAS and a proper notation for describing agent and different views of the system. An agent implementation model based on components is proposed and the mappings from the MAS elements to the system implementation are described. To validate the model, a Case Study is presented using the concepts described in this proposal. The Case Study consists of a virtual marketplace where agents are responsible for buying and selling products. The implementation uses the CORBA Component Model (CCM) and a language for agent communication called FIPA-ACL.

Fábio Meira de Oliveira DIAS. Execução de workflow em ambientes com desconexão. [Title in English: Workflow execution in disconnected environments] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/02/03 60 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: Workflow management systems are frequently used for modeling,monitoring and controlling the coordinated execution of activities performed by workgroups in a variety of contexts. With the widespread use of portable computers and their growing computational power, conventional systems have often proved to be overly restrictive, effectively limiting the level of autonomy of the users involved. The primary goal of this work is to identify and analyse different flexibilization techniques and mechanisms that can be employed in a workflow management system aimed at supporting disconnected operation. The main challenge is to provide a satisfactory degree of independence among individuals in cooperating teams who share a common goal and work in disconnected environments. In order to test the viability of the ideas discussed in this dissertation, a system was built whose design met the requirements presented in the text and which allows the exploration of specific features of different kinds of workflow so as to enhance execution flexibility, without compromising the predefined structure.

Fausto Veras Magalhães AYRES. QEEF – uma máquina de execução de consultas extensível. [Title in English: QEEF – an extensible query execution engine] Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 19/12/03 125 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo.

Abstract: Querying processing in traditional Database Management Systems (DBMS) has been extensively studied in the literature and adopted in industry. Such success is, in part, due to the performance of their Query Execution Engines (QEE) for supporting the traditional query execution model. The advent of new query scenarios, mainly due to the web computational model, has motivate the research on new execution models such as: adaptive and continuous, and on semistructured data models, such as XML, both not natively supported by traditional query engines. This thesis proposes the development of an extensible QEE adapted to the new execution and data models. Achieving this goal, we use a software design approach based on framework technique to produce the Query Execution Engine Framework (QEEF). Moreover, we address the question of the orthogonality between execution and data models, witch allows for executing query execution plans (QEP) with fragments in different models. The extensibility of our solution is specified by in a QEP by an execution meta- model named QUEM (QUery Execution Meta-model) used to express different models in a meta-QEP. During query evaluation, the latter is pre-processed by the QEEF producing a final QEP to be evaluated by the running QEE. The QEEF is instantiated for different execution and data models as part of the validation of this proposal.

Fernanda LIMA. Modelagem semântica de aplicações na WWW. [Title in English: Semantic modeling design of Web application] Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 28/03/03 128 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: In this thesis we present a method for the design and implementation of Web applications for the Semantic Web. Based on the "Object Oriented Hypermedia Design Method" approach, we used ontology concepts to define an application conceptual model, extending the expressive power of the original method. The navigational models definitions use a query language capable of querying both schema and instances, enabling the specification of flexible access structures. Additionally, we propose the use of faceted access structures to improve the selection of navigational objects organized by multiple criteria. Finally, we present an implementation architecture that allows the direct use of the application specifications when deriving a final application implementation.

Francisco Eduardo dos Reis FERREIRA. Desenvolvimento de aplicações baseadas em serviços na Web semântica. [Title in English: Developing service-based applications on the semantic web] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/03/03 103 p. Advisors: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena and Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: This work address issues on the development of service-oriented applications on the semantic web. It presents a platform conceived to support information sharing among different services accessed by different devices and hardware infrastructure. Using open standards and a totally distributed approach, Everyware allows users to publish their services without need of configuration and administration. Services can also be semantically tagged and integrated to the Semantic Web, so they can be easily processed by machines. Everyware platform offers a standard architecture to application development and an API to the development of coordination mechanisms. It integrates most concerns that are present in service-based applications.

Gustavo Robichez de CARVALHO. Uma arquitetura para a coordenação e a composição de artefatos de software. [Title in English: Architecture for coordination and composition of software artifacts] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/08/03 88 p. Advisors: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena and Arndt von Staa.

Abstract: Component Based Software Engineering is an approach for reusing software artifacts when developing applications. In order to develop solutions using this approach, it is necessary to compose software using components that have already been developed. After putting those pieces together, we need to coordinate the interdependencies established among those compositions to fulfill the requirements, needed to resolve a problem. This dissertation proposes a software architecture that separates and structures the concepts of coordination, composition and software components in different architectural layers. Using this approach, we expect that specific modifications in layer constructions have the minimum impact on the others layers. ACCA (Architecture for Coordination and Composition of software Artifacts) must be understood as a conceptual structure that is used to organize component based software development. It also presents a composition framework, the reification process for ACCA and a software development process organized using this approach.

Isabel Cristina Mello ROSSETI. Estratégias seqüenciais e paralelas de GRASP com reconexão por caminhos para o problema de síntese de redes a 2-caminhos. [Title in English: Sequential and parallel strategies of GRASP with path-relinking for the 2-path network design problem] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 24/07/03 120 p. Advisor: Celso Carneiro Ribeiro.

Abstract: Let G = (V,E) be a connected undirected graph, where V is the set of nodes and E denotes the set of edges. A 2-path between nodes (s,t) is a sequence of at most two edges connecting them. Given a non-negative weight function associated with edges of G and a set D of origin-destination pairs of nodes, the 2-path network design problem (2PNDP) consists in finding a minimum weighted subset of edges containing a 2-path between the extremities of every origin-destination pair in D. Applications can be found in the design of communication networks, in which paths with few edges are sought to enforce high reliability and small delays. The GRASP metaheuristic is a multistart process, in which each iteration consists of two phases: construction and local search. The best solution found after a fixed number of iterations is returned. Path-relinking is applied as an attempt to improve the solutions found at the end of each GRASP iteration. Parallel implementations of metaheuristics are very robust. Typical parallelizations of GRASP correspond to multiple-walk independent-thread strategies, based on the balanced distribution of the iterations over the processors. In the case of multiple-walk cooperative-thread strategies, the processors exchange and share information collected along the trajectories that they investigate. In this thesis, sequential and parallel heuristics are developed for 2PNDP. Variants and combinations of GRASP with path-relinking are analyzed by comparing the results of the proposed algorithms with those obtained by others algorithms described in the literature. Parallel GRASP with path-relinking heuristics are compared to investigate the influence of the cooperation among processors in terms of solution quality and processing time. We also explore different strategies to optimize the parallel implementations, to make better use of the computational resources and to reduce communication and memory conflicts.

Juliana Carpes Imperial. Técnicas para o uso de cálculo de Hoare em PCC. [Title in English: Techniques for the use of Hoare logic in proof-carrying code] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/08/03 137 p. Advisor: Edward Hermann Haeusler.

Nowadays most computer programs are obtained from the WEB. Since their source is usually unknown, it is necessary to be sure that the code of the program behaves as expected. The ideal solution would be verify the code against a specification of safety policies. However, this can take too much time. Another approach is making the code itself prove that it is safe. The concept of proof-carrying code (PCC) is based on this idea: a program carries a proof of its conformity with certain safety policies. That is, it carries a proof concerning properties related to the code itself. Therefore, the same formal methods employed in formal verification of programs can be used in this technology. Due to this fact, in this work it is studied how Hoare logic applied to source codes written in an imperative programming language, which is a formal method to verify programs, can be useful to PCC. Consequently, methods are researched to generate proofs of program correctness using the method explained, so that it can be possible to generate PCC safety programs with Hoare logic.

Juliana Lucas de REZENDE. Aplicando técnicas de conversação para a facilitação de debates no ambiente AulaNet. [Title in English: Applying conversation techniques to facilitate textual chat in the AulaNet Environment] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/03/03 171 p. Advisor: Hugo Fuks.

Abstract: It is difficult to coordinate participants simultaneously interacting and generating ideas in a textual chat session. During several editions of ITAE course - Information Technologies Applied to Education - the following difficulties were perceived by the mediators: ensure participation from all users, keep the focus of the conversation and the flow of the chat. This research investigates the use of conversation techniques to facilitate the dynamics of textual chats. A tool (Mediated Chat 2.0) implementing those techniques was developed and made available to help mediators conduct chat sessions in a course using the AulaNet environment. Currently, the standard application used in the AulaNet environment is the Mediated Chat 1.0, an instance of the Communication Channels Framework developed in the Software Engineering Laboratory at PUC-Rio in 2000. The Mediated Chat 2.0 is an instance of the same framework. To evaluate the developed application, chats had been carried out in ITAE 2002.2 where both Mediated Chat 1.0 and 2.0 were used and compared. The chat sessions had been analyzed to evaluate whether the mediators managed to successfully apply the dynamics supported by the Mediated Chat 2.0. The Mediated Chat 2.0 will be incorporated into the AulaNet software.

Julio Cesar DUARTE. A
transformada de Burrows-Wheeler e sua aplicação à compressão. [Title in English: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform and its applications to compression] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/03 81 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.

Abstract: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform, based on sorting of contexts, transforms a sequence of characters into a new sequence easier to compress by an algorithm that exploits long sequences of repeted characters. Combined with the coding provided by the MoveToFront Algorithm and followed by a codification for the generated integers, they propose a new family of compressors, that achieve excellent compression rates with good time performances in compression and decompression. This work examines detaildedly this transform, its variations and some alternatives for the algorithms used together with it. As a final result, we present a combination of strategies that produces compression rates for text data that are better than those offered by implementations available nowadays.

Konstantin KURISZKY. Um estudo para o compartilhamento de objetos de aprendizado em banco de dados multimídia.  [Title in English: A study for sharing learning objects in multimedia database] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/03/03 287 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo.

Abstract: This work presents a proposal to utilize database technology for storing and managing learning objects in a database federation (distributed database). The evolution of e-learning has brought the focus over the productivity to make and to manage the content of learning modules, which today comprises videos, audio, among other related data, besides the text data. Instructors normally store this material without worry about sharing. As a member of PGL – Partnership in Global Learning – a virtual organization for research, development and dissemination of learning through new technologies - TecBD - the PUC-Rio’s Database Laboratory is researching the use of database approach for managing learning objects stored on interconnected sites composing a heterogeneous distributed database environment. This work intends: 1) using market ready DB products; 2) adopting the actual standards for defining of learning objects; 3) considering learning objects stored on separated and autonomous sites; 4) to develop an application (a study case) with these learning objects. The learning object’s model establishes a structure for composing learning objects by linking atomic elements and also linking composed elements. Different approaches as Web Services, Java/Servlets and Web Application Servers were considered for the geographically distributed problem. A study case was build using the product IBM DB2 with the provided extenders for audio, video, image, XML data and the Federated System Support. The web browser’s explore of the stored data was build using the IBM Net.Data software. Although not exclusive, it provided an easy way to perform this task and also enabled an easy integration with IBM DB2 and its extenders.

Lorenza Leão Oliveira MORENO. Códigos de prefixo de rápida decodificação. [Title in English: ] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/03/03 84 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.

Abstract: Even with the evolution of communication and storage devices, the use of complex data structures, like video and hypermedia documents, keeps increasing the demand for efficient data compression mechanisms. Prefix codes are one of the most know compressors, since they are executed by some compression methods that group different algorithms, besides presenting a good performance when used separately. A lot of approaches have been tried to improve the decoding speed of these codes. One major reason is that files are compressed and update just a few times, whereas they have to be decompressed each time they are accessed. This work presents prefix codes and their decoding techniques in order to introduce a new coding scheme. In this scheme length-restricted codes are used to control the space requirements of the Look-up table, an efficient and fast prefix codes decoding method. Since restricted codewords are used, a small loss of compression efficiency is admitted. Empirical experiments indicate that this loss in the coded text is smaller than 11% if a character based model is used, and the observed average decoding speed is five times faster than the one for canonical codes. For a word based model, the average decoding speed is 3,5 times faster than a canonical decoder, but it decrease when a large number of symbols is used. Hence, this method is very suitable for applications where a character based model is used and extremely fast decoding is mandatory.

Maíra Greco de PAULA. Projeto da interação humano-computador baseado em modelos fundamentados na engenharia semiótica: construção de um modelo de interação. [Title in English: Model-based design of human-computer interaction grounded on semiotic engineering: an interaction model] M.Sc.Diss Port. Presentation: 27/03/03 87 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: Due to the propagation of personal computers, it is increasingly important to build highly usable interfaces, taking into account users' characteristics, preferences, and needs. Diverse models have been proposed to cope with the complexity of human-computer interaction (HCI) design. However, most of them deal at once with elements that should be addressed by distinct models. Moreover, many of these models are based on cognitive theories, which focus mainly on the individual interacting with an application, without exploring the fact that an application is the product of a rational decision-making process carried out by a designer. This gap is dealt with by Semiotic Engineering, a theory of HCI which views the interface as a designer-to-users message, representing the designer's solution to what he believes are the users' problems, needs, and preferences. In this message, he is telling users, directly or indirectly, what he had in mind when he conceived the application. Within Semiotic Engineering, this work extends scenarios, adapts an existing task model and builds a model which treats interaction as conversation. Our goal is to conceive models and representations that serve, each under a clear perspective, as epistemic tools that support the designer's reflection about the interactive solution being conceived. A small case study was conducted to evaluate the quality of an interactive solution designed using the proposed task and interaction models, in comparison with CTT, a widely used task model.

Marcelo Medeiros CARNEIRO.
Interfaces assistidas para deficientes visuais utilizando dispositivos reativos e transformadas de distância.  [Title in English: Assistive interfaces for the visual impaired using force feedback devices and distance transforms.] Ph.D. Thesis. Presentation: 30/04/2003 162 p. Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho.

Abstract: The natural evolution of user interface models that occurred in the last few decades ended up popularizing a standard model based almost exclusively on visual metaphors. This process has left visually impaired users unable to use computers and to access new technologies. Some actions have been made to revert this scenario. Most of them were based on adapting the existing models instead of creating specific solutions for the visually impaired community. The development of applications for such users requires the use of new technologies, tools and communication media. This thesis proposes the use of force feedback devices in the project and implementation of assistive user interfaces, helping blind users in simple 2D interaction tasks. By exploring the sense of touch, such devices can be used to improve the efficiency of the communication between the user and the interface. Also, this work investigates the use of distance transforms as a powerful mechanism to support many 2D interaction tasks.

Marcos Magalhães MOREIRA. Integração semântica de sistemas de informação. [Title in English: Semantic integration of information systems] M.Sc.Diss Port. Presentation: 08/08/03 128 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: This work presents a semantic approach to information integration based on the OWL ontology language, proposed as a standard language to facilitate the integration of different information sources. The information integration problem is first presented and then the use of ontologies to solve it is addressed. Then, strategies to obtain and extract ontologies are identified, emphasizing database systems. Alternative mappings, between data properties and instances of the resulting ontologies are also proposed. Finally, a case study is developed to apply and validate the strategies presented. As a result, an integrator system architecture is proposed and the implementation of some of its components is discussed.

Marcus Amorim LEAL. LuaTS: um espaço de tuplas reativo orientado a eventos. [Title in English: LuaTS - a reactive event-oriented tuple space] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/02/03 87 p. Advisor: Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez.

Abstract: The widespread use of the Internet along with the rapid growth and acceptance of the Web as a general application platform impose new requirements associated with the integration and coordination of autonomous and heterogeneous software components. The specific needs of this context led to the development of new coordination mechanisms, among which the reactive tuple space. In this work we present LuaTS, a reactive, event oriented tuple space that supports only asynchronous calls. The system, developed in Lua, provides functionalities that allow programmers to extend its basic semantics and also support a more flexible tuple search and retrieval process. We describe the implementation of LuaTS and explore its features through different examples that include classic concurrent and distributed programming problems. We show that the uncoupling provided by the tuple space model, together with an event oriented programming dynamics, simplify inter-process synchronization and yield a clear execution stream, improving, in many cases, the development process of distributed applications.

Mariela Inés CORTÉS. Suporte computacional a evolução de frameworks. [Title in English: Computational support to framework evolution] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 17/06/03 127 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: Framework development is expensive not only because of the intrinsic difficulty related to the elicitation of domain knowledge but also because of the lack of methods and techniques to support its evolution and interactive development. The present thesis proposes the use of two complementary techniques to support framework evolution: refactoring and extension rules. The refactoring technique has been developed to enable software re-structuring in a way to produce more readable and reusable code. Extension rules have been proposed to change the structure of the framework variation points by allowing the addition of new design functionalities. Both techniques preserve the observable behavior of programs. This property is formally verified in this work by using CCS approach to model checking. The proposed approach has been tested by means of a tool specially developed to support the application of the defined rules.

Matheus Costa LEITE. Um modelo de computação para circuitos de objetos. [Title in English: A model of computation for object circuits] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/04/03 68 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: Object Oriented Programming is a mature, well established software modeling technique. Nevertheless, the importance of its role has the same magnitude as the consensus in respect to its weakness and limitations. OO is not a panacea, and, should it fail, alternatives must be found - some hybrid, while others entirely new. In this work, we argue that the parallel between OO and electric circuits is an interesting hybrid solution, for some of the basic features found in such circuits are the same as the ones sought after as the Holy Grail of Software Engineering - concurrency, modularity, robustness, scalability, etc. - and that are not always achieved only with the traditional OO approach. Hence, our proposal is the establishment of a correlation between electric circuits and object oriented programming. From the former, comes the circuit: closed path where information flows and is processed. From the second, comes the object: abstract entity that constitutes the information flowing within the circuit. Finally, from their union, arises a new model of computation - the object circuit - where it is supposed the benefits brought by each part are complementary. We motivate our discussion with a collection of simple - albeit elucidative - examples, followed by a case study in the simulation field. In order to ratify the functioning of these circuits, an object circuit's implementation was built on top of the Java programming language.

Nestor Adolfo MAMANI MACEDO. Criando uma arquitetura de memória corporativa baseada em um modelo de negócio. [Title in English: Architecture for building a strategic corporate memory based in a business model] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 03/07/03 172 p. Advisors: Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite and Teresia Diana Lewe van Macedo-Soares.

Abstract: This work presents a proposal for building corporate memory architecture. It has three layers: sources, middleware and repositories. First, we create an conceptual enterprise model, named Organizational Baseline (OB), based on theories of business management and organized in accordance with an approach of ontology. Second, we use multi agents system as a means to organize our proposal of architecture. The OB is the main component, where we store whole relevant information for the organization; it can be extracted from legacy systems, databases, Internet sites or human beings. The conceptual enterprise model is based on constructs elicited from positioning and emphasizing efficiency views of strategic analysis, together with function analysis and total quality management.

Raúl Pierre RENTERÍA. Algoritmos para regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais. [Title in English: Algorithms for partial least squares regression] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 19/03/03 80 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.

Abstract: The purpose of many problems in the machine learning field is to model the complex relationship in a system between the input X and output Y variables when no theoretical model is available. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) is one linear method for this kind of problem, for the case of many input variables when compared to the number of samples. In this thesis we present versions of the classical PLS algorithm designed for large data sets while keeping a good predictive power. Among the main results we highlight PPLS (Parallel PLS), a parallel version for the case of only one output variable, and DPLS (Direct PLS), a fast and approximate version, for the case of more than one output variable. On the other hand, we also present some variants of the regression algorithm that can enhance the predictive quality based on a non-linear formulation. We introduce LPLS (Lifted PLS), for the case of only one dependent variable based on the theory of kernel functions, KDPLS, a non-linear formulation for DPLS, and MKPLS, a multi-kernel algorithm that can result in a more compact model and a better prediction quality, thanks to the use of several kernels for the model building.

Rogério Ferreira RODRIGUES. Formação e controle de apresentações hipermídia com mecanismos de adaptação temporal. [Title in English: Formatting and controlling hypermedia presentations with temporal adaptation mechanisms] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 27/03/03 156 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: The development of hypermedia/multimedia systems requires the implementation of an element responsible for receiving the specification of a hyperdocument (structure, relations and presentation descriptions) and controlling the presentation. This execution control module is commonly known as hypermedia formatter. The goal of this thesis is to discuss the aspects related to the design and implementation of hypermedia formatters, proposing a hyperdocument execution model and a framework to be reused in the implementation of hypermedia systems. In particular, this work deals with document adaptation issues, both before document presentation and on-the-fly, prefetching mechanisms, integration with presentation tools, and integration with the infrastructure (in special, operating system and network). The proposal presented follows an object-oriented specification approach, defining an architecture for temporal and spatial synchronization in hyperdocument presentations. The proposal can also be used in other application domains that need real-time synchronization.

Sérgio Alvares Rodrigues de Souza MAFFRA. Propagação de som em ambientes acústicos virtuais bidimensionais. [Title in English: Propagation of sound in two-dimensional virtual acoustic environments] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/04/03 96 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo.

Abstract: For a long time, computational simulation of acoustic phenomena has been used mainly in the design and study of the acoustic properties of concert and lecture halls. Recently, however, there is a growing interest in the use of such simulations in virtual environments in order to enhance users' immersion experience. Generally, we can say that a virtual acoustic environment must be able to accomplish two task: simulating the propagation of sound in an environment and reproducing audio with spatial content, that is, in a way that it allows the recognition of the direction of sound propagation. These tasks are the topic of the present dissertation. We begin with a revision of the most common algorithms for the simulation of sound propagation and, briefly, of the reproduction of audio with spatial content. We then present the implementation of a virtual acoustic environment, based on beam tracing algorithms, which simulates the propagation of sound waves in two-dimensional environments. As most of the computation is made in a pre-processing stage, the virtual acoustic environment implemented is appropriate only for spatially fixed sound sources. The propagation paths computed are made of specular reflections and of diffractions.

Sylvia de Oliveira e CRUZ. Identificando objetos através de pronomes. [Title in English: Identifying objets through pronouns] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 31/03/03 125 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: The need to know the object identification to request it's services is a restriction in the construction of object oriented system. To reduce this restriction we have proposed a form of generic reference to an object named pronoum. Pronouns allow the programmer to specify how to send a message without knowing the destination object by name. With pronouns, the visibility of an object increases without breaking the rule of encapsulation. With this feature decoupled server classes may be constructed and used in different contexts. This work define some pronouns, show its utilities through of examples and suggest a framework to new pronouns creation.

Taciana Melcop Lacerda de MELO. Estratégia multi-agente para leilões simultâneos de bens relacionados. [Title in English: A Multi-agent system for simultaneous and related auctions] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/03/03 119 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.

Abstract: This work presents a multi-agent system to trade in simultaneous auctions of related goods. The dissertation describes the multi-agent architecture, and also the analysis and development of strategies for trading in simultaneous auctions, where the purchase of combined goods is required. Some well known problems in trading were  identified in order to design the architecture, such as price prediction, good allocation, decision making, reasoning under uncertainty, and demand segmentation. Each agent that composes the system is concerned with one of those trading subproblems. This makes possible to apply different computational techniques to separately solve the subproblems and then combine the solutions. The Trading Agent Competition (TAC) is used to illustrate our approach. TAC was chosen to test the developed heuristics since it presents a set of characteristics that adequately fits the problem domain. Each heuristic developed was tested and had its results compared to TAC previous editions. Finally, the system shows a high performance on very competitive scenarios tested by using the TAC server environment.