Book Chapters
MENASCÉ, D.A.; POPEK, G.J.; MUNTZ, R.R. Centralized and hierarchical locking in distributed databases. In: BERNSTEIN, P.A.; ROTHNIE, J.B.; SHIPMAN, D.W. (Ed.). Tutorial distributed data base management. Long Beach: IEEE, 1978. p. 178-195.
MENASCÉ, D.A.; MUNTZ, R.R. Locking and deadlock detection in distributed data bases. In: In: BERNSTEIN, P.A.; ROTHNIE, J.B.; SHIPMAN, D.W. (Ed.). Tutorial distributed data base management. Long Beach: IEEE, 1978. p. 95-112.
MENASCÉ, D.A.; MUNTZ, R.R. Locking and deadlock detection in distributed data bases. In: CHU, W.W.; CHEN, P.S. (Ed.). Tutorial: centralized and distributed data base systems. Long Beach: IEEE, 1979. p. 489-506.
STAA, A.v.; BERRY, D.; KEMMERER, R.A.; YEMINI, S. Towards a modular verifiable exception handling. In: WASSERMAN, A.I. (Ed.). Tutorial: programming languages design. Long Beach: IEEE, 1980.
CARVALHO, S.E.R. Linguagens de programação. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
CHAVES, T.C.F.; albrecht, p. Software orientado para equações diferenciais ordinárias. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
FURTADO, A.L. A evolução do software para bancos de dados. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
LUCENA, C.J.P. O problema da especificação e desenvolvimento de software. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
MENASCÉ, D.A.; SCHWABE, D. Software para sistemas distribuídos e comunicação de dados. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
PLEHWE, A.K.v. Sistemas operacionais de uso geral para microcomputadores. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
RUAS, V. Métodos e software de elementos finitos. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
STAA, A.v. Ferramentas para aumento da produtividade no desenvolvimento de software. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
STANTON, M.A. Compatibilidade de software e o problema de padronização de sistemas operacionais. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MENASCÉ, D.A. A engenharia e a economia do software. Rio de Janeiro: CAMPUS, 1983.
CASANOVA, M.A.; FURTADO, A.L. On the description of database transition constraints using temporal language. In: GALLAIRE, H.; MINKER, J. NICHOLAS, J.M. (Ed.). Advances in data base theory. New York: Plenum, 1984. v. 2, p. 211-236.
LUCENA, C.J.P.; MARTINS, R.C.B.; VELOSO, P.A.S. A theoretical proposal to CASD system extending the Jackson’s method. In: TOU, J.T. (Ed.). Advanced automation. New York: Plenum, 1984.
MAIBAUM, T.S.E.; SADLER, M.R.; VELOSO, P.A.S. Logical specification and implementation. In: Joseph, M.; Rudrapatna Shyamasundar, r. (Ed.). Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. Berlin: Springer, 1984. p. 13-30. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 181)
VELOSO, P.A.S. Decompositions for general multilinear systems. In: TZAFESTAS, S.G. (Ed.). Multivariable control: new concepts and tools. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1984. p. 105-123.
VELOSO, P.A.S.; FURTADO, A.L. Stepwise construction of algebraic specifications. In: GALLAIRE, H.; MINKER, J. NICHOLAS, J.M. (Ed.). Advances in data base theory. New York: Plenum, 1984. v. 2, p. 321-352.
FURTADO, A.L.; CASANOVA, M.A. Updating relational views. In: Query-processing in database systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1985.
TUCHERMAN, L.; FURTADO, A.L.; CASANOVA, M.A. Modular database design tools. In: Relational databases: state of the art report 14:5. Oxford: Pergamon Infotech, c1986. p. 249-271.
VELOSO, P.A.S.; FURTADO, A.L. Towards simpler and yet complete formal specifications. In: LANGEFORS, B. [et al.]. (Ed.). Trends in information systems. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986. p. 257-271.
LANZELOTTE, R.S.G. SGBD: a evolução para sistemas de conhecimento. In: MELO, R.N. Bancos de dados não convencionais e suas novas áreas de aplicação. Campinas: UNICAMP, 1988. (Escola de Computação, 6).
RUAS, V. Accurate solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using asymmetric quasilinear finite elements. In: DAVIS, G.V.; FLETCHER, C. (Ed.). Computational fluid dynamics. New York: Elsevier, 1988. p. 621-630.
VELOSO, P.A.S. Problem solving by interpretation of theories. In: CARNIELLI, W.A.; ALCANTARA, L. (Ed.). Methods and applications of mathematical logic. Providence: R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1988. p. 241-250.
LUCENA, C.J.P. Towards software packages that know about their individual users. In: Advances in computer science. London: [s.n.], 1989.
NISKIER, C.; MAIBAUM, T.; SCHWABE, D. A pluralistic knowledge-based approach to software specification. In: EUROPEAN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (ESEC), 2., 1989, Coventry. Proceedings… London: Springer-Verlag, 1989. p. 411-423. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 387).
SOUZA, C.S.; SCOTT, D.R.; NUNES, M.G.V. Enhacing text quality in a question-answering system. In: Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA), 4., 1989, Lisboa. Proceedings... Berlin: Springer, 1989. p. 222-233. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 390).
SCOTT, D.R.; SOUZA, C.S. Getting the message across in RST-based text generation. In: DALE, R.; MELLISH, C.; ZOCK, M. Current research in natural language generation. London: Academic Press, 1990. p. 47-73.
GARZOTTO, F.; PAOLINI, P.; SCHWABE, D.; BERNSTEIN, M. Tools for designing hyperdocuments. In: DEVLIN, J.; BERK, E. (Ed.). Hypertext/hypermedia handbook. New York: McGraw Hill, c1991. p. 179-207.
HAEBERER, A.M.; VELOSO, P.A.S. Partial relations for program derivation and adequacy, inevitability and expressiveness. In: MOLLER, B. (Ed.). Constructing programs from specifications. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1991. p. 319-371.
RUAS, V.; ARAUJO, J.H.C. Finite element solution of unsteady viscous incompressible flow past a cylinder. In: TAYLOR, C.; CHIN, J.H.; HOMSY, G.M. (Ed.). Numerical methods in laminar and turbulent flow. New York: Pineridge, 1991. v. 7, p. 454-458.
RUAS, V.; ARAUJO, J.H.C.; RAMOS, M.A.M.S. Finite elements models for viscoelastic liquids: some recent developments. In: TAYLOR, C.; CHIN, J.H.; HOMSY, G.M. (Ed.). Numerical methods in laminar and turbulent flow. New York: Pineridge, 1991. v. 7, p. 1658-1668.
VELOSO, P.A.S. Problem construction (with data abstraction) as transformation on theories. In: ALCOFORADO, P. (Ed.). Lógica, computação e epistemologia: ensaios em homenagem ao prof. Jorge Barbosa. Niterói: ILTC, 1991. p. 133-154.
RIBENBOIM, A.; LANZELOTTE, R.S.G.; MELO, R.N. OPUS: an extensible optimizer for update database systems. In: BAEZA-YATES, R. Computer science: research and application. New York: Plenum Press, 1992.
RUAS, V. Finite element methods for three-dimensional viscous incompressible flow. In: CHUNG, T.J. (Ed.). Finite element flow analysis. New York: Hemisphere, 1992.
HEMERLY, A.S.; CASANOVA, M.A.; FURTADO, A.L. Exploiting user models to avoid misconstruals. In: DEMOLOMBE, R.; IMIELINSKI, T. (Ed.). Nonstandard queries and nonstandard answers. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. p. 73-97.
HAEUSLER, E.H.; FIGUEIREDO, L.C. Another interpretation for Abramsky’s proof as process for multiplicative linear logic. In: CARNILELLI, W.; PEREIRA L.C.P.D. Logic, sets and information. Campinas: CLE-UNICAMP, 1995. (Coleção CLE, 14).
MAIBAUM, T.S.E.; VELOSO, P.A.S. Formal specifications: logical approach. In: GABBAY, D.; MAIBAUM, T.S.E. (Ed.). Handbook of logic and computer science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, [s.d.]. [no prelo]
SILVA, J.R.; AFSARMANESCH, H.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. An object-oriented approach to the design of flexible manufactoring system. In: CAMARINHA-MATOS, L.M.; AFSARMANESCH, H. Balanced automation systems. Londres: Chapman and Hall, 1995. cap. 9, p. 10.
VELOSO, P.A.S. On some logical properties related to modularity and interpolation. In: CARNILELLI, W.; PEREIRA L.C.P.D. Logic, sets and information. Campinas: CLE-UNICAMP, 1995. p. 213-246. (Coleção CLE, 14).
Alencar, P.; Bumbulis, P.; Cowan, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A component-based approach applied to a netscape browser. In: Palanque, P.; Paterno, F. (Ed.). Formal methods in human computer interaction. London: Springer-Verlag, 1997. p. 244-251.
LUCENA, C.J.P.; Bumbulis, P.; Alencar, P.C.; Cowan, D.D. Validating properties of component-based graphical user interfaces. In: BODART, F.; VANDERDONCKT, J. (Ed.). Design, specification and verification of interactive systems'96. New York: Springer–Verlag, 1996. p. 347-365.
LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P.S.C. A formal description of evolving software systems architectures. In: Prêmio compaq de estímulo a pesquisa e desenvolvimento em informática, 1. São Paulo: Instituto UNIEMP, 1996. p. 3-16.
ROSSI, G.; GARRIDO, A.; CARVALHO, S.E.R. Design patterns for object-oriented hypermedia applications. In: COPLIEN, J.O.; SCHMIDT, D.C. (Ed.). Pattern languages of program design. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1996. v. 2, cap. 3, p. 177-191.
SOARES, L.F.G.;CASANOVA, M.A.;RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Nested Composite Nodes and Version Control in an Open Hypermedia System Revisited. In: Prêmio compaq de estímulo a pesquisa e desenvolvimento em informática, 1. São Paulo: Instituto UNIEMP, 1996. p. 99-116
Alencar, P.; Bumbulis, P.; Cowan, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A component-based approach applied to a netscape browser. In: Palanque, P.; Paterno, F. (Ed.). Formal Methods in Human Computer Interaction. London: Springer-Verlag, 1997. cap. 27. p. 244-251.
Alencar, P.; Cowan, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Nelson, T. An approach to hypermap-based applications. In: Denzer, r.; Swayne, d.a.; Schimak, g. (Ed.). Environmental Software Systems. London: Chapman & Hall, 1997. p. 244-251.
COSTA, M.; FEIJÓ, B. Agents with emotions behavioural animation. In: II Prêmio compaq de estimulo à pesquisa e desenvolvimento em informática. São Paulo: UNIEMP, 1997. p. 235-243.
HAEBERER, A.M.; FRIAS, M.F.; Baum,G.; VELOSO, P.A.S. Fork algebras. In: BRINK, C.; KAHL, W.; SCHMIDT, G. (Ed.). Relational methods in computer science. Wien: Springer, c1997. cap. 4, p. 54-69.
IERUSALIMSCHY, R., FIGUEIREDO, L. CELES. W. Lua: an extensible extension language. In: II Prêmio compaq de estimulo à pesquisa e desenvolvimento em informática. São Paulo: UNIEMP, 1997. p. 174-189.
AIEX, R.M.; MARTINS, S.L.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Cooperative multi-thread parallel tabu search with an application to circuit partitioning. In: FERREIRA, A. [et al.]. (Ed.). Solving irregulary structured problems in parallel. Berlin: Springer, 1998. p. 310-331. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1457).
FEIJO, B.; GOMES, P.C.R.; BENTO,J.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G. Reactive design agents in solid modelling. In: GERO, J.S.; SUDWEEKS, F. (Ed.). Artificial intelligence in design '98. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1998. p. 557-577.
FEIJÓ, B. Virtual Environments for CAD Systems. In: TASSO,C.; ARANTES e OLIVEIRA, E.R. (Ed.). Development of knowledge-based systems for engineering. Udine: Springer-Verlag, 1998. p. 183-200.
LEITE, J.C.S.P. Reuso orientado a dominios: uma avaliação crítica. In: : BARROS, J.L.; DOMINGUEZ, A.I. (Coord.). Ingenieria de software y reutilizacion: aspectos dinamicos y generacion automática. Santiago: Universidade de Vigo, 1998. cap. 2, p. [23-33].
MARTINS, S.L.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; SOUZA, M.C. A parallel GRASP for the Steiner problem in graphs. In: FERREIRA, A. [et al.]. (Ed.). Solving irregulary structured problems in parallel. Berlin: Springer, 1998. p. 285-297. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1457).
SENA, G.J.; FURTADO, A.L. Towards a cooperative question-answering system. In: Andreasen, t.; Christiansen, h.; Larsen, h.l. (ed.). Flexible query answering systems. Heidelberg: Springer, 1998. p. 354-365. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1495).
ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D.; NELSON, T.; FONTOURA, M.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Viewpoins and frameworks in component-based software design. In: FAYAD, M.; SCHMIDT, D.C.; JOHNSON, R.E. Building application frameworks: object-oriented foundations of framework design. New York: J. Wiley, c1999. p. 163-165.
FURTADO, A.L. Narratives and temporal databases: an interdisciplinary perspective. In: CHEN, P.P. [et al.]. (Ed.). Conceptual modeling: current issues and future directions. Berlin: Springer, 1999. p. 73-86. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1565).
MARTINS, S.L.; PARDALOS, P.; RESENDE, M.G.C.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Greedy randomized adaptive search procedures for the Steiner problem in graphs. In: PARDALOS, P.; RAJASEKARAN, S.; ROLIM, J. (Ed.). Randomization methods in algorithm design: DIMACS workshop, December 12-14, 1997. Providence: American Mathematical Society, 1999. p. 133-146. (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 43)
OLIVEIRA, D.A.S.; SOUZA, C.S.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Structured argument generation in a Lgic-Based KB-System. In: MOSS, L.S.; GINZBURG, J.; RIJKE, M. (Ed.). Logic, Language and Computation. California: CSLI Press, 1999. v. 2, p. 237-265.
SETTE, A.M.; CARNIELLI, W.A.; VELOSO, P.A.S. An alternative view of default reasoning and its logic. In: HAEUSLER, E.H.; PEREIRA, L.C.P.D. Pratica: proofs, types and categories. Rio de Janeiro: L. C. Pereira, 1999. p. 127-158.
SOUZA, C.S.; LEITE, J.C.; PRATES, R.O.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. Projeto de interfaces de usuários: perspectivas cognitivas e semióticas. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 18., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 19.), 1999, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: EntreLugar, 1999. v. 2, p. 425-476.
VELOSO, P.A.S. On ´almost all´ and some presuppositions. In: PEREIRA, L.C.P.D.; WRIGLEY, M.B. Logic, language and knowledge: essays in honour of Oswaldo Chateaubriand Filho. Campinas: Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência, UNICAMP, 1999. p. 469-505.
VELOSO, P.A.S. On fork relations and programming. In: HAEUSLER, E.H.; PEREIRA, L.C.P.D. Pratica: proofs, types and categories. Rio de Janeiro: L. C. Pereira, 1999. p. 5-54.
VELOSO, P.A.S. Some connections between logic and computer science. In: CARNIELLI, W.; d´OTTAVIANO, I.M.L. (Ed.). Advances in contemporary logic and computer science. Providence: American Mathematical Society, 1999. p. 187-260. (Contemporary Mathematics, 235). (cópia)
BARBOSA, S. D. J.; SILVA, S.R.P.; de SOUZA, C.S. Extensible software applications as semiotic engineering laboratories. In: PERRON, P. [et al.]. (Ed.). Semiotics and information sciences. New York: LEGAS, c2000. p. 77-96. (Language, media & education studies, 18)
LYARDET, F; ROSSI, G.; SCHWABE, D. Capturing and using design experience in web information systems. In: Furht, B. Handbook of internet computing. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000. cap. 11, p. 249-267.
ROSSI, G.; SCHWABE, D.; LYARDET, F. Patterns for designing navigable information spaces. In: COPLIEN, J.O.; SCHMIDT, D.C. (Ed.). Pattern languages of program design. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 2000. v. 4, cap. 20, p. 445-460.
LEITE, J.C.S.P. Gerenciando a Qualidade de Software com Base em Requisitos. In: ROCHA, A.R.C.; MALDONADO, J.C.; WEBER, K. (Org.). Qualidade de software. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2001. cap. 17, p. 238-246.
CERQUEIRA, R.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Automated testing for a CORBA-based distributed system. In: SUCCI, G.; MARCHESI, M. (Ed.). Extreme programming examined. Boston: Addison-Wesley. 2001. cap. 22, p. 379-396. (The XP Series)
CHOREN, R.; SILVA, V.T. On modeling multi-agent systems and theirs organization. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MILIDIÚ, R.L. (Ed.). Sistemas multi-agentes. Rio de Janeiro: Papel Virtual, 2001. p. 53-67.
COSTA, M.; FEIJÓ, B. Agents with emotions in behavioral animation. In: Fellner, D.W. (Ed.). Seminal contributions from computers & graphics – In honor of the 60th Birthday of J.L. Encarnação. Oxford: Pergamon (Elsevier), 2001. cap. 14, p. 213-220.
CUNHA, L.M.; GONI, J.L.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Sistemas Multi-Agentes e Instrução Baseada na Web. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MILIDIÚ, R.L. (Ed.). Sistemas multi-agentes. Rio de Janeiro: Papel Virtual, 2001. p. 213-229.
FUKS, H. Projeto AulaNet: Ajudando os professores a fazer o seu dever de casa. In: ESTEVES, P. E., OLIVEIRA, G. D.. Educação à distância: experiências universitárias. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ/Lidador, 2001. cap. 3, p. 81-92.
GARCIA, A. F.; SILVA, V.T. Toward separation of concerns in the development of multi-agent object-oriented software. In: LUCENA, C.J.P.; MILIDIÚ, R.L. (Ed.). Sistemas multi-agentes. Rio de Janeiro: Papel Virtual, 2001. p. 9-27.
LEITE, J.C.S.P. Gerenciando a qualidade de software com base em requisitos. In: ROCHA, A.R.C.; MALDONADO, J.C.; WEBER, K. Qualidade de software: teoria e prática. São Paulo: Pearson Education do Brasil, 2001. cap. 17, p. 238-246.
RESENDE, M.G.C.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Graph planarization. In: Floudes, C.A.; Pardalos, P.M. (Ed.). Encyclopaedia of optimization. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001. v. 2, p. 368-373.
ROSSI, G.; SCHWABE, D. Object oriented web application modeling. In: Rossi, M.; Siau, K.. Information modeling in the new millenium. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2001. cap. 26, p. 463-484.
Web design frameworks: an approach to improve reuse in web applications. In: Web engineering, software engineering and web application development. Berlin: Springer, 2001. p. 335-352. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016).
STAA, A.v. Instrumentação. In: ROCHA, A.R.C.; Maldonado, J.C.; Weber, K.. Qualidade de software: teoria e prática. São Paulo: Prentice-Hall, 2001. cap. 16, p. 226-237.
ANDREATTA, A.A.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. A Framework for Local Search Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. In: S. VOSS, S.; Woodruff, D.L.. (Ed.) Optimization software class libraries. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2002. p. 59-79.
BASTOS, M.P.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Reactive tabu search with path-Relinking for the Steiner problem in graphs. In: RIBEIRO, C.C.; HANSEN, P. (Ed.). Essays and surveys in metaheuristics. Boston: Kluwer Academic, c2002. cap. 2, p. 39-58.
BEASLEY,J.E.; LUCENA FILHO, A. P. ; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P. The vehicle routing problem. In: Resende, M.G.C.; Pardalos, P. Handbook of applied optimization. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. p. 584-594.
CAVALCANTE, C.B.; CAVALCANTE, V.C.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; SOUZA, C.C. Parallel Cooperative Approaches for the Labor Constrained Scheduling Problem. In: RIBEIRO, C.C.; HANSEN, P. (Ed.). Essays and surveys in metaheuristics. Boston: Kluwer, c2002. cap. 10, p. 201-225.
CUNG, V.-D.; MARTINS, S.L.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; ROUCAIROL, C. Strategies for the parallel implementation of metaheuristics. In: RIBEIRO, C.C.; HANSEN, P. (Ed.). Essays and surveys in metaheuristics. Boston: Kluwer, c2002. cap. 13, p. 263-308.
FUKS, H.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GEROSA, M.A. Engenharia de groupware: desenvolvimento de aplicações colaborativas. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 21., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 22.), 2002, Florianópolis. Livro texto… Florianópolis: SBC, 2002. v. 2, p. 89-128.
LEITE, J.C.S.P. Extreme requirements. In: Durán, A.; TORO, M. (Ed.). Applying requirements engineering. Salamanca: Catedral Publicaciones, 2002. p. 1-12.
MARTINS, S.L.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Parallel computing environments. In: Resende, M.G.C.; Pardalos, P. Handbook of applied optimization. New York: Oxford, 2002. p. 1029-1043.
RAPOSO, A. B.; FUKS, H. Defining task interdependencies and coordination mechanisms for collaborative systems. In: BLAY-FORNARINO, M. [et al.]. (Ed.) Cooperative systems design. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2002. p. 88-103. (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 74).
RIBEIRO, C.C.C. La métaheuristique probabiliste GRASP. In: Pirlot, m.; Teghem, J. Métaheuristiques et outils nouveaux en recherche opérationnelle. Paris: Hermes, 2002. p. 153-176.
SILVA, D.S.; SIQUEIRA, S.W.M.; UCHÔA, E.M.A.; BRAZ, M.H.; MELO, R.N. An Architecture for Data Warehouse Systems Using a Heterogeneous Database Management System - HEROS. In: . Bestougeff, H.; Dubois, J.E.; Thuraisingham, B. Heterogeneous information exchange and organizational hubs. Paris: Kluwer, 2002. . cap. 6, p. 87-104.
CELES, W.; CALOMENI, A.L.V. Simulating and rendering particle systems. In: LANDER, J. (Ed.) Graphics programming methods. Hingham: Charles River Media, 2003. cap. 1.1, p. 5-16.
CORTES, S.C.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Banco de dados para um ambiente de computação móvel. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 22., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 23.), 2003, Campinas. Livro texto… Porto Alegre: SBC, 2003. v. 2, p. 95-144.
FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using the AulaNet learning environment to implement collaborative learning via the internet. In: AUNG, W. [et al.]. (Ed.). Innovations 2003: World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research. Arlington: International Network for Engineering Education and Research (iNEER), 2003. cap. 23, p. 225-235.
FUKS, H.; CUNHA, L.M.; GEROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Participação e avaliação no ambiente virtual AulaNet da PUC-Rio. In: SILVA, M. Educação online: teorias, práticas, legislação e formação corporativa. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Loyola, 2003. cap. 15, p. 231-254.
FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M.A.; Pimentel, M.G. Projeto de comunicação em groupware: desenvolvimento, interface e utilização. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 22., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 23.), 2003, Campinas. Livro texto… Porto Alegre: SBC, 2003. v. 2, p. 295-338.
PRATES, R.O.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. Avaliação de interfaces de usuário – conceitos e métodos. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 22., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 23.), 2003, Campinas. Livro texto… Porto Alegre: SBC, 2003. v. 2, p. 245-293.
RESENDE, M.G.C.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Greedy randomized adaptive search procedures. In: GLOVER, F.; KOCHENBERGER, G.A. Handbook of metaheuristics. Boston: Kluwer, c2003. cap. 8, p. 219-249. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 57).
SILVA, O.; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The reflective blackboard pattern: architecting large multi-agent systems. In: GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. [et al.]. (Ed.) Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems: research issues and practical applications. New York: Springer, 2003. p. 73-93. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2603).
SILVA, V.; GARCIA, A.; BRANDÃO, A.; CHAVEZ, C. LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P. Taming agents and objects in software engineering. In: GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. [et al.]. (Ed.) Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems: research issues and practical applications. New York: Springer, 2003. p. 1-26. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2603).
BREITMAN, K.K.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Lexicon based ontology construction. In: LUCENA, C.J. P. [et al.]. (ed.) Software engineering for multi-agent systems II. Berlim: Springer, 2004. p. 19-34. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2940).
BREITMAN,K. K.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Ontologias: como e porque criá-las. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 23., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 24.), 2004, Salvador. Livro texto… Porto Alegre: SBC, 2004. v. 2, cap. 1, p. 3-53.
CELES, W. Extracting frustum and camera information. In: KIRMSE, A. [et al.] (coord.). Game Programming gems 4. Boston: Charles River Media, 2004. p. 147-156.
COSTA, R.L.C.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Sintonia e auto-sintonia de bancos de dados. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 23., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 24.), 2004, Salvador. Livro texto… Porto Alegre: SBC, 2004. v. 2, cap. 3, p. 99-142.
GARCIA, A.F.; SANT’ANNA, C.; CHAVEZ, C.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v. Separation of concerns in multi-agent systems: an empirical study. In: LUCENA, C.J.P. [et al.]. (Ed.). Software engineering for multi-agent systems II. Berlim: Springer, 2004. p. 49-72. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2940).
LEITE, J.C.S.P.; DOORN, J. Perspectives on software requirements: an introduction. In: LEITE, J.C.S.P.; DOORN, J.H. (Ed.). Perspectives on software requirements. Boston: Kluwer, 2004. cap. 1, p. 1-5.
LEITE, J.C.S.P.; DOORN, J.; KAPLAN, G.; HADAD,G.; RIDAO, M. Defining system context using scenarios. In: LEITE, J.C.S.P.; DOORN, J.H. (Ed.). Perspectives on software requirements. Boston: Kluwer, 2004. cap. 8, p. 169-199.
MACEDO, J.A.F.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Agent-based databases and parallel join load balancing. In: MONTILVA, J. [et al.] Sistemas de información e ingeniería de software: temas selectos. Mérida: Centro de Estudios en Informática, 2004. cap. 6, p .69-88.
MELO, F.C.L.; CHOREN, R.; CERQUEIRA, R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; BLOIS, M. Deploying agents with the CORBA component model. In: Wolfgang, e.; WOLF, A.L. (Ed.). Component deployment. Berlim: Springer, 2004. p. 234-247. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3083)
RAPOSO, A.B.; SZENBERG, F.; GATTASS, M.; CELES, W. Visão estereoscópica, realidade virtual, realidade aumentada e colaboração. In: Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 23., (em conjunto com Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 24.), 2004, Salvador. Livro texto… Porto Alegre: SBC, 2004. v. 2, cap. 7, p. 291-331.
ROSSETI, I.C.M.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P.; BARBOZA, E.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; WERNECK, R.F.F. New benchmark instances for the Steiner problem in graphs. In: RESENDE, M.G.C.; SOUZA, J.P. (Ed.). Metaheuristics: computer decision making. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004. cap. 28, p. 601-614.
RUSSO, E.E.R.; RAPOSO, A.B.; FERNANDO, T.; GATTASS, M. A realidade virtual na indústria de exploração e produção de petróleo. In: KIRNER, C.; TORI, E. (Ed.). Realidade virtual: conceitos e tendências. São Paulo: Mania de Livro, 2004.. cap. 21, p. 283-288.
SILVA, V.T.; CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using the MAS-ML to model a multi-agent system. In: LUCENA, C.J.P. [et al.]. (Ed.) Software engineering for multi-agent systems II. Berlim: Springer, 2004. p. 129-148. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2940).
SILVA, A.C.; CARVALHO, P. C. P.; GATTASS, M. Diagnosis of Lung Nodule using the semivariogram function. In: Structural, Syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition. Berlin: Springer, 2004. p. 242-250. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3138).
SISCOUTTO, R.A.; SZENBERG, F.; TORI, R.; RAPOSO, A.B.; CELES, W.; GATTASS, M. Estereoscopia. In: KIRNER, C.; TORI, E. (Ed.). Realidade virtual: conceitos e tendências. São Paulo: Mania de Livro, 2004.. cap. 11, p. 179-202.
SOUZA, M.C.; DUHAMEL, C.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. A GRASP with path-relinking heuristic for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem. In: RESENDE, M.G.C.; SOUZA, J.P. (Ed.). Metaheuristics: computer decision making. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004. cap. 30, p. 627-658.
Bachelet, B.; Duhamel, C.; Mahey, P.; SOARES, L.F.G. Hypermedia synchronization: modeling and optimization with graphs. In: Cagnol, J.; ZOLESIO, J-P. (Ed.). Information processing: recent mathematical advances in optimization and control. Paris: Presses de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris, 2005. cap. 5, p. 49-62.
BRANDÃO, A.A.F.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. AgentZ: extending object-Z for multi-agent systems specification. In: Bresciani, P. [et al.] (Ed.). Agent-Oriented information systems II. Berlin: Springer, 2005. p. 125-139. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3508).
BREITMAN,K. K.; HAENDCHEN FILHO, A.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; STAA, A.v. Using ontologies to formalize services specifications in multi-agent systems. In: Hinchey, M.G. [et al.] (Ed.). Formal approaches to agent-based systems.. Berlin: Springer, 2005. p. 92-110. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3228).
CASANOVA, M.A. Processamento de consultas e gerência de transações. In: CASANOVA, M.A. [et al.]. (Ed.). Bancos de dados geográficos. Curitiba: MundoGEO, 2005. cap. 7, p. 233-280.
CASANOVA, M.A.; BRAUNER, D.F.; CAMARA, G.; LIMA JÚNIOR, P. Integração e interoperabilidade. In: CASANOVA, M.A. [et al.] (Ed.). Bancos de dados geográficos. Curitiba: MundoGEO, 2005. cap. 9, p. 317-352.
CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The ANote modeling language for agent-oriented specification. In: CHOREN, R. [et al.] (Ed.). Software engineering for multi-agent systems III: research isues and practical applications. Berlim: Springer-Verlag, 2005. p. 198-212. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3390).
DAVIS JÚNIOR, C.A.; BORGES, K.A.; SOUZA, L.A.; CASANOVA, M.A.; LIMA JÚNIOR, P.O. O open geospatial consortium. In: CASANOVA, M.A. [et al.]. (Ed.). Bancos de dados geográficos. Curitiba: MundoGEO, 2005. cap. 11, p. 379-395.
FERREIRA, K.R.; CASANOVA, M.A.; QUEIROZ, G.R.; OLIVEIRA, O.F. Arquiteturas e linguagens. In: CASANOVA, M.A. [et al.]. (Ed.). Bancos de dados geográficos. Curitiba: MundoGEO, 2005. cap. 5, p. 181-212.
GARCIA, A.; KULESZA,U.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Aspectizing multi-agent systems: from architecture to implementation. In: CHOREN, R. [et al.] (Ed.). Software engineering for multi-agent systems III: research isues and practical applications. Berlim: Springer, 2005. p. 121-143. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3390).
HAENDCHEN FILHO, A.; CAMINADA, N.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; STAA, A.v. Facilitating the specification capture and transformation process in the development of multi-agent systems. In: Hinchey, M.G. [et al.] (Ed.). Formal approaches to agent-based systems.. Berlin: Springer, 2005. p. 72-91. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3228).
KULESZA,U.; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C. A generative approach for multi-agent system development. In: Software engineering for multi-agent systems III: research isues and practical applications. Berlim: Springer, 2005. p. 52-69. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3390).
SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MILIDIU, R.L. A systematic approach for including machine learning in multi-agent systems. In: International Bi-Conference Workshop (AOIS 2004), 6., 2004, Riga, Latvia, and New York, NY, USA. Agent-oriented information systems II: revised selected papers. Berlim: Springer, 2005. p. 198-211. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3508).
Objects to Lua. In: DICKHEISER, Michael, ed.. Game programming gems 6. Boston:
Charles River Media, 2006. p.341-356.
de SOUZA, C.S. Da(s) subjetividade(s) na produção de tecnologia. In: NICOLACI DA COSTA, A.M. Cabeças digitais - o cotidiano na era da informação. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da PUC-Rio, 2006. p.81-106.
de SOUZA, C.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. A semiotic framing for end-user development. In: LIEBERMAN, H.; PATERNÒ, F.; WULF, V. End-user development. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. p.401-426 (Human-Computer Interaction Series, vol. 9)
ENDLER, M.; RUBINSZTEJN, H.K.S.; ROCHA, R.C.A.; RODRIGUES, V.J.S. Proxy-based adaptation for mobile computing. In: BELLAVISTA, P.; CORRADI, A. The handbook of mobile middleware. London: Taylor & Francis / CRC Press / Auerbach, 2006. p.311-337.
FUKS, H.; PIMENTEL, M.G.; GEROSA, M.A.; FERNANDES, M.C.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Novas estratégias de avaliação online: aplicações e implicações em um curso totalmente a distância através do ambiente AulaNet. In: SILVA, M.; SANTOS, E. Avaliação da aprendizagem em educação online. São Paulo: Loyola, 2006. p.369-385. Práticas Pedagógicas.
GARCIA, A.; CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ROMANOVSKY, A.; HOLVOET, T. Software engineering for multi-agent systems IV. Berlin: Springer, 2006. 255 p
GARCIA, A.; FIGUEIREDO, E. M. L.; KULESZA,U.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v. Modularizing design patterns with aspects: a quantitative study. In: RASHID, A.; AKSIT, M. Transactions on aspect-ariented software development I. Berlin: Springer, 2006. p.36-74. ( (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3880)
MARTINS, S.L.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Metaheuristics applications to optimizations problems in telecommunication. In: RESENDE, M.G.C.; PARDALOS, P.M. Handbook of optimization in telecommunications. New York: Springer, 2006. p.103-128.
ROSSI, G.; SCHWABE, D. Model-based web application development. In: MENDES, E.; MOSLEY, N. Web engineering: theory and practice of metrics and measurement for web development. Heidelberg: Springer, 2006. p.303-333.
SOARES, L.F.G.; AFONSO, C.A. Human development and the ICT appropriation. In: Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil. Survey on the use of information and communication technologies in Brazil. São Paulo: 2006. p.27-31
SOARES NETO, C.S; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; SOARES, L.F.G.; RODRIGUES, R.F. Desenvolvimento de aplicações declarativas para TV digital interativa. In: TEIXEIRA, C.A.C. Tópicos em sistemas interativos e colaborativos. São Carlos: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2006. p.7-45.
BRANDÃO, A. A.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Observed-MAS: an ontology-based method for analyzing multi-agent systems design models. In: PADGHAM, L.; ZAMBONELLI, F. Agent-oriented software engineering VII. Berlin: Springer, 2007. p.122-139. ((Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4405)
CARVALHO, G.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; PAES, R.B.; CHOREN, R.; BRIOT, J. Applying the governance framework technique to promote maintainability in open multi-agent systems. Lin Padgham; Franco Zambonelli. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VII Berlin: Springer, 2007. p.64-83. ((Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4405).
CESAR, P.; BAKER, K.; BULTERMAN, D.; SOARES, L.F.G.; CRUZ-LARA, S.; KAPTEIN, A. Present and future of software graphics architectures for interactive digital television. In: LEKAKOS, G.; CHORIANOPOULOS, K.; DOUKIDIS, G. Interactive digital television: technologies and applications. Hershey, IGI Global, 2007. p.91-111.
FEITOSA, R.Q. ; COSTA, G.A.O.P. ; CAZES, T.B.; FEIJO, B. Ajuste automático de parâmetros de segmentação. In: BLASCHKE, T.; KUX, H. Sensoriamento remoto e SIG avançados. 2 ed. São Paulo: Oficina de Textos, 2007. p.129-144.
FILIPPO, D. D. R.; RAPOSO, A.B.; ENDLER, M.; FUKS, H. Ambientes colaborativos de realidade virtual e aumentada. In: KIRNER, C.; SISCOUTTO, R. Realidade virtual e aumentada: conceitos, projeto e aplicações. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2007. p.168-191.
GATTI, M.A.C.; CARVALHO, G.R.; PAES, R.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; BRIOT, J. On fault tolerance in law-governed multi-agent systems. In: NOYA, R.C.; GARCIA, A.F.; GIESE, H.; LEUNG, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ROMANOVSKY, A. Software engineering for multi-agent systems V. Berlin: Springer, 2007. p.1-20. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4408).
HAEUSLER, E.H.; MARTINI, A.; WOLTER, U. Some models of heterogeneous and distributed specifications based on universal constructions. In: BÉZIEN, J.-Y.; COSTA-LEITE, A. Perspectives on universal logic. Monza: Polimetrica, 2007. p.297-318.
KULESZA,U.; ALVES, V.; GARCIA, A.; COSTA NETO, A.; CIRILO,E.J.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; BORBA, P.H.M. Mapping features to aspects: a model-based generative approach. In: MOREIRA, A.; GRUNDY, J.. Early aspects 2007 workshop. Berlim-Heidelberg: Springer, 2007. p.155-174. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4765).
MELO, R.N. BI e Inteligência artificial. In: OLIVEIRA, F.B. Tecnologia da informação e da comunicação - a busca de uma visão ampla e estruturada. São Paulo: Prentice Hall / Pearson Education do Brasil, 2007. v.2. p.130-134.
PAES, R.B.; CARVALHO, G.R.; GATTI, M.A.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; BRIOT, J.; CHOREN, R. Enhancing the environment with a law-governed service for monitoring and enforcing behavior in open multi-agent systems. In: WEYNS, D.: PARUNAK, H.; MICHEL, F. Environments for multi-agent systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2007. p.221–238. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4389).
SILVA, V.T.; CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using MAS-ML dynamic diagrams to model MAS behavioral properties. In: KOLP, M.; GARCIA, A.F.; GHOSE, A.; BRESCIANI, P.; HENDERSON-SELLERS, B.; MOURATIDIS, H. Agent oriented information systems IV. Berlin: Springer, 2007. p.1-18. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4898).
SIQUEIRA, S.W.M.; BRAZ, M.H.L.B.; MELO, R.N. Accessibility, digital libraries and semantic web standards in an e-learning architecture. In: PAHL, C. Architecture solutions for e-learning systems. Hershey: IGI Global, 2007. p.137-153.
SOARES, L.F.G. Padrões internacionais, contrapartidas e desenvolvimento nacional. In: Documentos do conselho de altos estudos 01: TV digital futuro e cidadania. Brasília: Câmara dos Deputados, 2007. p.129-134.
SOARES, L.F.G. Ambiente para desenvolvimento de aplicações declarativas para a TV digital brasileira. In: TV digital: qualidade e interatividade. Brasília: IEL - Instituto Euvaldo Lodi, 2007. p.51-62.
AUGUSTO, F. D. M.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using testimonies to enforce the behavior of agents. In: SICHMAN, J
.S. PADGET, J.; OSSOWSKI, S.; NORIEGA, P. Coordination, organizations, institutions, and norms in agent systems III (COIN 2007 post-proceedings). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. p.218-231. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science/ Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4870).BARBOSA, S.D.J.; SOARES, L.F.G. TV digital interativa no Brasil se faz com Ginga: fundamentos, padrões, autoria declarativa e usabilidade..In: KOWALTOWSKI, T.; BREITMAN, K.K. Atualizacões em informatica 2008. Rio de Janeiro: Ed PUC-Rio; Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2008. p.105-174.
BRAZ, M.H.L.B. ; SIQUEIRA, S.W.M. ; MELO, R.N. Standardization in learning technology. In: KHOSROW-POUR, M. Encyclopedia of information science and technology: information science reference. Hershey: IGI Global, 2008. v.7. p.3570-3576.
COSTA, A.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SILVA, V.T.; AZEVEDO, S.C.; SOARES, F.A. Art competition: agent designs to handle negotiation challenges. In: FALCONE, R.; BARBER, S. K.; SABATER-MIR, J.; SINGH, M.P. Trust in agent society: revised, selected and invited papers from the 11th International Workshop, TRUST 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12 -13, 2008. Berlin: Springer, 2008. p.244-272. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5396).
COSTA, G.A.O.P.; FEITOSA, R.Q.; CAZES, T.B.; FEIJO, B. Genetic adaptation of segmentation parameters. In: BLASCHKE, T.; LANG, S.; HAY, G.J. Object-based image analysis: spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications. Berlin: Springer, 2008. p.679-695. (Lecture Notes in GeoInformation and Cartography).
FELICISSIMO, C.H.; CHOREN, R.; BRIOT, J.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; CHOPINAUD, C. ; EL FALLAH SEGHROUCHNI, A. Providing contextual norm information in open multi-agent systems. In: KOLP, M.l; GARCIA, A.F.; BRESCIANI, P.; HENDERSON-SELLERS, B.; MOURATIDIS, H. Agent oriented information systems IV. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. p.19-36. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4898).
FUKS, H.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GEROSA, M.A.; PIMENTEL, M.G.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The 3C collaboration model. In: KOCK, N. The encyclopedia of e-collaboration. Texas: Idea Group Reference, 2008. p.637-644.
FURTADO, A.L. The crusaders' grail. In: LACY, N.J. The grail, the quest, and the world of Arthur. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2008. 272 p. Arthurian Studies.
GUEDES, J.S.P.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A reputation model based on testimonies. IN: KOLP, Manuel; GARCIA, Alessandro Fabricio; BRESCIANI, Paolo; GHOSE, Aditya; HENDERSON-SELLERS, Brian; MOURATADIS, Haris. Agent oriented information systems IV: revised selected papers - proceedings of the 8th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006 and Luxembourg, Luxembourg June 6, 2006. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. p.37-52. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4898).
IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Lua performance tips. In: FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; CELES FILHO, W.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Lua Programming Gems. Rio de Janeiro:, 2008. p.15-28.
MARANHÃO, S.M.B.; RODRIGUES, R.F.; SOARES, L.F.G. On-the-fly time scaling for compressed audio streams. In: FILIPI, J.; OBAIDAT, M.S. E-business and telecommunication networks. Berlin: Springer, 2008. p.211-223. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 9).
BORGIDA, A.; CASANOVA, M.A.; LAENDER, A.H.F. Logical database design: from conceptual to logical schema. In: LING, Liu; ÖZSU, M.Tamer. Encyclopedia of database systems. Berlin: Springer, 2009. p.1645-1649.
CAFEZEIRO, I. L.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Algebraic framework for reverse engineering on specifications. In: LAMBERT-TORRES, G.; ABE, J.M.; SILVA FILHO, J.I.; MARTINS, H.G. (Eds.). Advances in technological applications of sogical and Intelligent systems. Amsterdam: IOS PRESS, 2009. vol. 186. p.1-12. (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications).
CHUNG, L.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. On non-functional requirements in software engineering. In: BORGIDA, A.,;CHAUDHURI, V.; GIORGINI, P.; Yu, E. (Org.). Conceptual modeling: foundations and applications. Berlin: Springer, 2009. 363-379. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5600).
CORREA, S.L.; CERQUEIRA, R. Computação autônoma: conceitos, infra-estruturas e soluções em sistemas distribuídos. In: ZIVIANI, A.; GONÇALVES, P.A.S. (Orgs.). Livro texto dos mini-cursos - XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos. Porto Alegre, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2009. p.151-198.
CASANOVA, M.A.; BREITMAN, K.K.; FURTADO, A.L.; VIDAL, V.M.P.; MACEDO, J.A.F. On the problem of matching database schemas. In: HINCHEY, M.G.; COYLE, L. (Org.). Conquering complexity. Berlin: Springer, 2011. p. 431-461.
CASANOVA, M.A.; BREITMAN, K.K.; FURTADO, A.L.; VIDAL, V.M.P.; MACEDO, J.A.F. An efficient proof procedure for a family of lightweight database schemas. In: HINCHEY, M.G.; COYLE, L. (Org.). Conquering complexity. Berlin: Springer, 2011. p. 453-484.
ENDLER, M.; MALCHER, M.A.G.; AQUINO, J.F.S.; FONSECA, H.A.C.L; VALERIANO, A.A. Developing map-based and location-aware collaborative applications for mobile users. In: ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D. D. Handbook of research on mobile software engineering: design, implementation and emergent applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2011. p. 762-779.
FILIPPO, D.D.R.; VITERBO, J.; ENDLER, M.; FUKS, H. Mobilidade e ubiquidade para colaboração. In: PIMENTEL, M.; FUKS, H. (Org.). Sistemas colaborativos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier (Série CAMPUS/SBC), 2011. p. 294-313.
FUKS, H.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GEROSA, M.A.; PIMENTEL, M.; FILIPPO, D.D.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Teorias e modelos de colaboração. In: PIMENTEL, M.; FUKS, H. (Org.). Sistemas colaborativos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier (Série CAMPUS/SBC), 2011.p. 16-33.
HAEUSLER, E. H.; PEREIRA, L. C. Fibonacci estimation for the height of Schutte-like cut-free proofs. In: BEZIAU, J.-Y.; CONIGLIO, M.E.. Logic without frontiers: festschrift for Walter Alexandre Carnielli on the occasion of his 60th birthday. London: College Publications, 2011. p. 97-104.
NUNES, I.O.; CIRILO, E.J.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A survey on the implementation of agent oriented specifications. In: GLEIZES, M.-P.; GOMEZ-SANZ, J.J. (Org.). Agent-oriented software engineering X . Berlin: Springer, 2011. p. 169-179. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6038)
NUNES, I. O.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; KULESZA, U.; NUNES, C. P. B. On the development of multi-agent systems product lines: A domain engineering process. In: GLEIZES, M-P.; GOMEZ-SANZ, J. J. (Org.). Agent-oriented software engineering X. Berlin: Springer, 2011. p. 125-139. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6038).
NUNES, I. O.; LUCK, M.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; LUCK, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Dynamically adapting BDI agents based on high-level user specifications. In: DESCHESNE, F.; HATTORI, H.; MORS, A.; SUCH, J.M.; WEYNS, D.; DIGNUM, F. (Org.). Advanced agent technology - AAMAS 2011 Workshops - Revised selected papers. Berlin: Springer, 2012. p. 1237-1244. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 7068).
PIMENTEL, M.; GEROSA, M. A.; FUKS, H. Sistemas de comunicação para colaboração. In: PIMENTEL, Mariano; FUKS, Hugo (Org.). Sistemas colaborativos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier (Série CAMPUS/SBC), 2011 p. 65-93.
RAPOSO, A. B. Ambientes virtuais colaborativos. In: PIMENTEL, M.; FUKS, H. (Org.). Sistemas colaborativos. São Paulo: Elsevier, 2011. p. 94-109.
RUBINSZTEJN, H.K.S.; VITERBO, J.; SACRAMENTO, V.; ROCHA, R.C A.; BAPTISTA, G.L.B.; ENDLER, M. A middleware architecture for developing map-based and location-aware collaborative applications for mobile user. In: ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D. Handbook of research on mobile software engineering: design, implementation and emergent applications. Hershey, PA.: IGI Global, 2011. 2 v. p. 284-298.
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