Journal Articles
(permanently being updated)
ALBRECHT, P. Behandlung parameterabhängiger probleme auf einem hybriden analogrechner (Title in English: Treatment of parameter dependent problems in a hybrid analog computer). Elektronische Rechenanl, Berlin, v. 10, n. 1-6, p. 26-33. 1968.
ALBRECHT, P. Zur lösung partieller differentialgleichungen mittels moderner rechenanlagen (Title in English: Solving partial differential equations with modern computers). Elektronische Rechenanl, Berlin, v. 10, n. 6, p. 280-285. 1968.
ALBRECHT, P.; NIXDORFF, K. Zur theorie des BAUR’schen wellenanalysators. Fraquenz, Berlin, v. 22, n. 9, p. 263-266. 1968.
CHAVES, T. C. F.; ORTIZ, Z. L. On the numerical solution of two-point boundary value problems of linear differential equations. ZAMM, Düsseldorf, v. 48, n. 6, p. 415- . 1968.
ALBRECHT, P. Über den einsatz elektronischer rechenanlagen in biologie und medizin. Deutsches Medizinisches Journal, Berlin. 1969.
SÁ, G. Branch-and-bound and approximate solutions to the capacitated plant-location problem. Operation Research, Catonsville, MD, v. 17, n. 6, p. 927-1092. 1969.
FURTADO, A. L. A two-level Newton method for function optimization. Canadian Computing Journal, [s.l. 1970].
SANTOS, J. R. R. Discretisation et redution numérique de l’équation des ondes. Numeriche Mathematik, Berlin, [1970].
FURTADO, A. L.; ROSCHKE, S. I. An algorithm for obtaining the chromatic number and an optimal coloring of a graph. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 2, n. 2. 1973.
MENASCÉ, D. A. Modelagem e avaliação de sistemas de computação: um estudo de caso. Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia, Brasília, v. 4, n. 3/4, p. 141-151, set./dez. 1973.
LE GUET, F.; STANTON, M. A. A phenomenological study of cosmic ray propagation. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Berlin, v. 35, p. 165-169. 1974.
BERRY, D. M.; ERLICH, Z.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Correctness of data representation: pointers in high level languages. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 11, n. SI, p. 115-119, Mar. 1976.
FURTADO, A. L. Characterizing sets of data structures by the connectivity relation. International Journal of Computers and Information Sciences, Amsterdam, v. 5, n. 2, p. 89-109, June. 1976.
LUCENA, C. J. P. On the use of very ligh level languages for the design and implementation of reliable programs. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Rio de Janeiro. 1976.
LUCENA, C. J. P. Programas para construção de programas. Dados e Idéias, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 1, p. 44-51, ago. 1976.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; SCHWABE, D. Specification and uniform reference to data structures in PL/I. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 11, n. 12, p. 94-104, Dec. 1976.
LUCENA, C. J. P. Structured data representations: a proposed modification to the concept of cluster. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York. 1976.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; COWAN, D. D. Toward a system’s environment for computer assisted programming. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 5, n. 2, p. 35-40. 1976.
NÓVOA, M. A.; CARVALHO, S. E. R. On the use of pointers and teaching of disciplined programming. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, New York, v. 8, n. 3, p. 26-29, Sept. 1976.
RUAS, V. Some results on the curved plate bending problem solved with non-conforming finite elements. Calcolo, Berlin. 1976.
STAA, A. v.; LUCENA, C. J. P. On the implementation of data generality. Programmigesprachen, Berlin, v. 1, p. 135-144. 1976.
ALBRECHT, P. Simplifies error considerations for Richardson’s method. Zamm, Düsseldorf, v. 51, n. 1. 1977.
ALBRECHT, P.; HONIC, G. Numerische inversion der Laplace-Transformierten. Angewandte Informatik, Wiesbaden, v. 19, n. 8, p. 336-345, Aug. 1977.
GONNET, G. On the structure of zero-finders. Bit Numerical Mathematics, Berlin, v. 17, n. 2, p. 170-183. 1977.
GONNET, G.; ROGERS, L. D. Interpolation and interpolation searching. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 6, n. 4, p. 136-139, Aug. 1977.
LUCENA, C. J. P. On the use of very high level languages for the design and implementation of reliable programs. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Rio de Janeiro, v.49, n. 1. 1977.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; BERRY, D.; ERLICH, Z. Pointers and data abstractions in high level languages 1: languages proposal. Computer Languages, Amsterdam, v. 2, n. 4, p. 135-148, Jan. 1977.
VELOSO, P. A. S. The history of an error in the theory of representations of relational algebras. Journal of Symbolic Logic, Storrs, Conn., v. 142, n. 3, p. 473, Sept. 1977.
ALBRECHT, P. Explicit, optimal stability functionals and their application to cyclic discretization methods. Computing, Berlin, v. 19, n .3, p. 233-249, Sept. 1978.
ALBRECHT, P. On the order of composite multi-step methods for ordinary differential equations. Numerische Mathematik, Berlin, v. 29, n. 4, p. 381-396, Apr. 1978.
ALBRECHT, P. Zum stabilitätsbegriff von diskretisierungsverfahren. Jahrbuch Überblicke Matematik, Mannheim. 1978.
BARROSO, P. B.; FURTADO, A. L. Implementing a data definition facility driven by graph grammars. Computer Languages, Amsterdam, v. 3, n. 2, p. 65-74, June 1978.
BARTSCH, B.; BOLCH, G. R. H. A conservation law for G/G/m queueing systems. Acta Informática, Berlin, v. 10,n, 1, p. 105-109, Aug. 1978.
CARVALHO, S. E. R. A proposal for a generalized “FOR” statement. Computer Languages, Amsterdam, v. 3, n. 3, p. 157-162, Sept. 1978.
FURTADO, A. L. Formal aspects of the relational model. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 3, n. 2, p. 131-140, Apr. 1978.
GONNET, G. H. Notes on the derivation of asymptotic expressions from summations. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 7, n. 4, p. 165-169, June 1978.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; SILVEIRA, A. M. Geração de dados e teste baseada nos aspectos estruturais de programas. Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia - RBT, Brasília, v. 9, n. 1/2, p. 101-118, mar./jun. 1978.
RUAS, V. Some results on the curved plate bending problem solved with non-conforming finite elements. Calcolo, Berlin, v. 15, n. 2, June 1978.
SCHWABE, D.; LUCENA, C. J. P. The design and implementation of a data abstraction definition facility. Software: Practice and Experience, New Jersey, v. 8, n. 6, p. 709-719, Nov./Dec. 1978.
CASANOVA, M. A.; BERNSTEIN, P. A.; GOODMANN, N. Comments on process synchronization for database systems. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, New York, v. 4, n. 4, p. 545-546, Dec. 1979.
FURTADO, A. L.; GOTLIEB, C. C. Data schemata based on directed graphs. International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Toronto, v. 8, n. 1, p. 39-73, Feb. 1979.
FURTADO, A. L.; SEVCIK, K.; SANTOS, C. S. Permitting updates through views of data bases. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 4, n. 4, p. 269-283, Dec. 1979.
FURTADO, A. L.; MYLOPOULOS, J. Using graphs grammars to define sets of diagraphs. INFOR, Waterloo, Ca., v. 17, n. 3. 1979.
GONNET, G.; MORGAN, D. E. Analysis of closed queuing networks with periodic servers. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. SE-5, n. 6, p. 653-659, Nov. 1979.
LUCENA, C. J. P. Program derivation methods. Revista de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO), Buenos Aires. 1979.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; PEQUENO, T. H. C. Program derivation using data types: a case study. IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. SE-5, n. 6, p. 586-592, Nov. 1979.
MENASCÉ, D.; MUNTZ, R. R. Locking and deadlock detection in distributed databases. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. SE-5, n. 3, p. 195-202, May 1979.
PEQUENO, T. H. C.; LUCENA, C. J. P. An approach for data specification and its use in program verification. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 8, n. 2, p. 98-103, Feb. 1979.
RUAS, V. A direct method for solving two-dimensional one phase Stephan problem. Memoir of Numerical Mathematics, Kyoto, v. 6, p. 39-63. 1979.
RUAS, V. Automatic generation of triangular finite element meshes. Computers & Mathematics: with Applications, Amsterdam, v. 5, n. 2, p. 125-140, Apr. 1979.
STAA, A. v.; COWAN, D. D. The development proposal: the first step in software systems construction. Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 1, n.2 , p. 107-122. 1979.
STAA, A. v.; FURTADO, A. L. Diretório de dados: utilidade e especificação. Revista Brasileira de Processamento de Dados (SUCESU), Rio de Janeiro, n. 84, abr. 1979.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Characterizing the regular prefix codes and right power bounded languages. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 9, n. 1, p. 5-7, July 1979.
VELOSO, P. A. S.; GILL, A. Some remarks on multiple-entry finite automata. Journal of Computer and Systems Science, Amsterdam, v. 18, n. 3, p. 304-306, June 1979.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Traversable stack with fewer errors. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 14, n. 2, p. 55-59, Feb. 1979.
CASANOVA, M. A. ; BERNSTEIN, P. A. A formal system for reasoning about data manipulation. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), New York, v. 2, n. 2, p. 386-414, July 1980.
CASANOVA, M. A. ; BERNSTEIN, P. A. General purpose schedulers for database systems. Acta Informatica, Berlin, v. 14, n. 3, p. 195-220. 1980.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; COWAN, D. D.; GRAHAM, J.; WELCH, J. A data-directed approach to program construction. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 10, n. 5, p. 355-372, May 1980.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; MAIBAUM, T. S. E. Higher order data types. International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, Berlin, v. 9, n. 1, p. 31-53, Feb. 1980.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; CUNHA, P.; MAIBAUM, T. S. E. On the design and specification of message oriented programs. International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, Berlin, v. 9, n. 3, p. 161-191, June 1980.
MENASCÉ, D. A.; POPEK, G. J.; MUNTZ, R. R. A locking protocol for resource coordination in distributed databases. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, New York, v. 5, n. 2, p. 103-138, June 1980.
MENASCÉ, D. A. Sistemas distribuídos: uma tendência atual em computação. Dados e Idéias, Rio de Janeiro, v. 5, n. 2, p. 75-80, maio 1980.
STAA, A. v.; BERRY, D.; KEMMERER, R. A.; YEMINI, S. Toward modular verifiable exception handling. Computer Languages, Amsterdam, v. 5, n. 2, p. 77-101, June 1980.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Characterizations for the regular prefix codes and related languages. International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, Berlin, v. 9, n. 5, p. 371-382, Oct. 1980.
ALBRECHT, P. New ways for the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations. Boletim da SBMAC, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 1, out. 1981.
BERNSTEIN, P. A.; CASANOVA, M. A.; GOODMAN, N. Errors in 'process synchronization in database systems'. ACM SIGMOD Record, New York, v. 11, p. 9-29. 1981.
CARVALHO, S. E. R.; FURTADO, A. L. Towards constructive axiomatic specifications. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 16, n. 1, Jan. 1981.
FURTADO, A. L.; MAIBAUM, T. S. E.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Especificações abstratas (de banco de dados) via níveis de traço. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n. 3, p. 179-193. 1981.
FURTADO, A. L.; SANTOS, C. S.; CASTILHO, J. M. V. Dynamic modelling of a simple existence constraint. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 6, n. 1, p. 73-80, Mar. 1981.
FURTADO, A. L.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Procedural specifications and implementations for abstract data types. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 16, n. 3, p. 53-62, Mar. 1981.
FURTADO, A. L. Horizontal decomposition to improve a non-BCNF scheme. ACM SIGMOD Record, New York, v. 12, n. 1, p. 26-32, Oct. 1981.
LANDES, O. E.; MENASCÉ, D. A. Especificação de um componente de armazenamento confiável para um sistema de arquivos distribuído. RBC -Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n. 2, p. 127-144. 1981.
LANDES, O. E.; MENASCÉ, D. A. Um estudo sobre técnicas de recuperação de erros em bancos de dados. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n. 1, p. 55-71. 1981.
REMY, J. L.; VELOSO, P. A. S. An economical method for comparing data types specification. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 16, n. 5, p. 39-42, May 1981.
RUAS, V. A class of asymmetric simplicial finite element methods for solving finite incompressible elasticity problems. Computer Methods in Applies Mechanics and Engineering, Amsterdam, v. 27, p. 319-343. 1981.
RUAS, V. A direct method for solving two-dimensional one phase Sthephan problem. Computer Methods in Applies Mechanics and Engineering, Amsterdam, v. 25, p. 51-64. 1981.
SANTOS, C. S.; FURTADO, A. L.; CASTILHO, J. M. V.; CARVALHO, S. E. R. Towards constructive axiomatic specifications. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 16, n. 1, p. 183-185, Jan. 1981.
SANTOS, C. S.; MAIBAUM, T. S. E.; FURTADO, A. L. Conceptual modeling of data base operations. International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Berlin, v. 10, n. 5, p. 299-314, Oct. 1981.
BOSCH, F. V. D.; Ellis, j. r.; Freeman, p.; Johnson, l.; McClure, c. l.; Robinson, d.; Scacchi, w.; Scheff, b.; STAA, A. v.; Tripp, l. l. (Eds.). Evaluation of software development life cycle: methodology implementation. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 7, n. 1, p. 45-60, Jan. 1982.
FURTADO, A. L.; FURTADO, A. A. B.; MESSEDER, F. A. Instructional graphics packages to be used with a line printer. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, New York, v. 14, n. 4, p. 12-15, Dec. 1982.
MENASCÉ, D. A.; ALMEIDA, V. A. F. Operational analysis of multiclass systems with variable programming level and memory queuing. Computer Performance, v. 3, n. 3, Sept. 1982.
MENASCÉ, D. A.; NAKANISHI, T. Optimistic versus pessimistic control mechanisms in databases management systems. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 7, n. 1, p. 13-27, Jan. 1982.
REMY, J. L.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Computing data types specifications via their normal forms. International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Berlin, v. 11, n. 3, p. 141-153, June 1982.
ROCHA, A. R. C.; STAA, A. v. Especificação de sistemas automatizados: em busca de uma família de linguagens de especificação. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 2, n. 2, p. 65-100. 1982.
RUAS, V. On the strong maximum principle for some piecewise linear finite element methods of non positive type. Journal of the Faculty of Science of the Univ. of Tokyo, Sec. IA, Tokyo, v. 29, n. 2, p. 473-491, Aug. 1982.
RUAS, V. Une methode d’element finis non conformes en vitesse pour le problème de Stokes tridimensional. Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC), Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 1, p. 53-73, jan. 1982.
RUAS, V. Une ,éthode d’elements finis stable pour lê problème de l’elasticité incompressible non linéaire tridimensional. Comptes Rendus de L’Academie de Sciences de Paris, Paris, v. 1, n. 46, fev. 1982.
STAA, A. v. O que é e porque MUMPS. MUG Notícias, Rio de Janeiro, n. 4, p. 12-14, jul.. 1982.
SUNSHINE, C. A.; THOMPSON, D. H.; ERICKSON, R. W.; GERHART, S. L.; SCHWABE, D. Specification and verification of communication protocols in AFFIRM using state transition models. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., SE-8, n. 5, p. 460-489, Sept. 1982.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Methodical specification of abstract data types via rewriting systems. International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Berlin, v. 11, n. 5, p. 295-323, Oct. 1982.
ALBRETCH, P. Über die schrittweitensteurung bei verfahren zur numerische behandlung von differentialgleichungen. ZAMM, Düsseldorf, v. 64, n. 415. 1983.
ALBRETCH, P.; KLEIN, M. Um método para aceleração da convergência na relaxação. Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC), Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 2, p. 282-293. 1983.
ANDREEWSKY, A.; RUAS, V. Indexação automática baseada em métodos lingüísticos e estatísticos e sua aplicabilidade à língua portuguesa. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, DF, v. 12, n. 1, jan., (ou) n. 2, jul.. 1983.
CUNHA, P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; MAIBAUM, T. S. E. Message oriented programming: a resource based methodology. Computer Languages, Amsterdam, v. 8, n. 3/4, p. 95-111. 1983.
FURTADO, A. L. An informal approach to formal specifications. ACM SIGMOD Record, New York, v. 13, n. 3, p. 32-41, Apr. 1983.
LEITE, L. L. P.; MENASCÉ, D. A. Análise de desempenho de redes locais com passagem de permissão. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 1, p. 29-57. 1983/84.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; MARTINS, R. C. B.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Construção de programas por transformadores de dados: introdução e estudo de casos. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 1, p. 5-17. 1983/84.
RUAS, V. A convergent finite element method for solving transient problems with consistent diagonal mass metric. Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC), Rio de Janeiro. 1983
RUAS, V. Méthodes d’élèments finis quasilineaires en déplacements pour l’étude de milieux incompressibles. RAIRO-Analyse Numérique, Paris, v. 17, n. 2, p. 557-590, mai 1983.
STAA, A. v. Qualidade de software. Data News, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n. 191, jul.. 1983.
STANTON, M.A. Compiladores e linguagens. Micro Sistemas, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 27, abr. 1983.
VELOSO, P. A. S.; FURTADO, A. L. Multilevel specification based on traces. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 8, n. 1, p. 17-19, Jan. 1983.
ALBRECHT, P. A new theoretical approach to Runge-Kutta methods. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Philadelphia. 1984.
ALBRECHT, P.; KLEIN, M. P. Extrapolated iterative methods for linear systems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Philadelphia, v. 21, n. 1, p. 192-201, Feb. 1984.
ALBRECHT, P. Numerical treatment of ODE: the theory of A-methods. Numerisch Mathematik, Berlin. 1984.
ALBRECHT, P. Zur schrittweitemteuerung bei verfahren für gewöhnlich differentialgleichungen. Zamm, Düsseldorf, n. 64, p. 261-262. 1984.
CASTILHO, J. M. V.; FURTADO, A. L.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Algebraic specifications of data base applications. International Journal on Policy and Information, New York, v. 8, n. 1, p. 59-70. 1984.
FURTADO, A. L. Generalized set comparison. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 19, n. 9, p. 12-15, Sept. 1984.
LEITE, L. L. P.; MENASCÉ, D. A. Análise de desempenho de redes locais com passagem de permissão. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 1, p. 29-57. 1983/84.
LEITE, L. L. P.; MENASCÉ, D. A. Avaliação de desempenho de redes locais do tipo difusão. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 1. 1984.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; MARTINS, R. C. B.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Construção de programas por transformadores de dados: introdução e estudo de caso. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 1, p. 5-17. 1983/84.
LUCENA, C. J. P. Vem aí a quinta geração de computadores. E o Brasil? Revista INFO, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 13, fev. 1984.
MELO, R. N.; CORDERO P., J.C.; ZAKIMI, M.E. Comparando modelos semânticos de dados. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 2. 1984.
MELO, R. N.; ZAKIMI, M. E.; VIEIRA, M. T. P. Uma proposta de notação gráfica para especificação de banco de dados usando conceitos do RM/T. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre. 1984.
NAKANISHI, T.; MENASCÉ, D. A. Correctness and performance evaluation of a two phase commit based protocol for DDBs. Computer Performance, v. 5, n. 1, Mar. 1984.
RUAS, V. A convergent finite element method for solving transient problems with a consistent diagonal mass matrix. Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC), Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 3. 1984.
RUAS, V. A complete 3D version of the quadratic velocity-constant pressure triangular finite element method in fluid flow problems. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 2. 1983/84.
SCHIEL, U.; FURTADO, A. L.; NEUHOLD, E. J.; CASANOVA, M. A. Towards multi-level and modular conceptual schema specifications. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 9, n. 1, p. 43-57. 1984.
STAA, A. v. O que é e porque MUMPS. Data News, São Paulo. 1984.
FURTADO, A. L.; MAIBAUM, T. S. E. An informal approach to formal (algebraic) specifications. Computer Journal, Cambridge, v. 28, n. 1, p. 59-67, Feb. 1985.
MELO, R. N. Uma resposta de notação gráfica para especificação de BD usando conceitos RMLT. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre. 1985.
RUAS, V. Quasisoleinoidal velocity-pressure finite element method for the Stokes problem in IR³. Numerische Mathematik, Berlin, v. 46, n. 2, p. 237-253. 1985
STANTON, M. A.; SEGRE, L. Some concerns about Modula–2 considered unwarranted. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 20, n. 5, p. 31-36, May 1985.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Outlines of a mathematical theory of general problems. Philosophia Naturalis, Frankfurt am Main, v. 21, n. 12/4, p. 354-367. 1984.
RUAS, V.; LE TALLEC, P. On the convergence of the bilinear velocity constant pressure finite element method for viscous flow problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics, Amsterdam, v. 54, n. 2, p. 235-243, Feb. 1986.
RUAS, V. Geração automática de malhas tetraédricas para esferóides. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 3. p. 20-35. 1986.
SCHWABE, D. Sistemas especialistas. Dados e Idéias, Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, n. 103, p. 21-25. 1986.
FURTADO, A. L. PROWIN – windows package for UM/PROLOG. IBM Expert Systems Newsletter, Poughkeepsie. 1987.
FURTADO, A. L.; CASANOVA, M. A. ; TUCHERMAN, L. The CHRIS Consultant – interim report. IBM Expert Systems Newsletter, Poughkeepsie. 1987.
VELOSO, P. A. S. On the concept of problem and problem-solving method. Decision Support Systems, Amsterdam, v. 3, n. 2, p. 133-139, June 1987.
RUAS, V. A quadratic finite element method for solving biharmonic problems. Numeriche Mathematik, Berlin, v. 52, n. 1, p. 33-43. 1987.
CASANOVA, M. A.; FURTADO, A. L. String pattern-matching in PROLOG. Computer Languages, San Francisco, v. 13, n. 3-4, p. 149-170. 1988.
FURTADO, A. L. Towards functional programming in PROLOG. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v. 23, n. 3, p.43-52, Mar. 1988.
FURTADO, A. L.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Interaction for applicative languages. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v. 23, n. 12, p. 86-94, Dec. 1988.
LUCENA, C. J. P. Engenharia de software e inteligência artificial. PUC Ciência, Rio de Janeiro, n. 2, jul./set.. 1988.
RUAS, V. Sur la formulation variationelle des équations de fluides visqueux incompressibles en fonction du potentiel vecteur. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences de Paris, Paris, fév.. 1988.
LEITE, J. C. S. P. Viewpoint analysis: a case study. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 14, n. 3, p. 111-118. 1989.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; TAKAHASHI, T.; HAEBERER, A. M. The Ethos project: an introduction. International Journal of Information Technology, Berlin, v. 4, n. 1, p. 31-40,1989.
MENASCÉ, D.E.; ALMEIDA, V. A. F. Analytic models of supercomputer performance in multiprogramming environments. International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, Cambridge, v. 3, n. 2, p. 71-91, Summer 1989
NISKIER, C.; SCHWABE, D. A look through PRISMA: towards pluralistic knowledge-based environments for software specification acquisition. Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 14, n. 3, p. 128-136. 1989.
RICHTER, G.; MAFFEO, B. Uma perspectiva sistêmica sobre engenharia de software. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada - RITA, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n. 1, p. 29-44, out. 1989.
RUAS, V. Existence and stability of asymmetric finite element approximation in nonlinear incompressible analysis. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Philadelphia, v. 26, n. 5, p. 1031-1059, Oct. 1989.
CABRAL, R. H. B.; CAMPOS, I. M.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Interfaces as specifications in the MIDAS user interface development. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 15, n. 2 p. 55-69. 1990.
LEITE, J. C. S. P. Validação de requisitos: o uso de pontos de vista. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 6, n. 2, p. 39-52. 1990.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; SILVA, I.R.; VEGA, J. S.; FINGER, M.; ARASAKI, J. Um ambiente baseado em conhecimento para o projeto de sistemas discretos. Controle e Automação, Natal, v. 2, n. 3, p. 158-174. 1990.
MENASCÉ, D. A.; FONSECA, N. S. Análise de desempenho com redes de Petri estocásticas. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 1, p. 3-14. 1990.
PEQUENO, T. A. C. O método dos tableaux generalizados. O Que nos Faz Pensar, Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 3, p. 81-96. 1990.
RUAS, V. Approximation of vector potential for viscous incompressible flow via the constant stress finite element. Japan Journal of Applied Mathematics, Tokyo, v. 7, n. 2, p. 345-62. 1990.
RUAS, V. Finite element solution of flow between eccentric cylinders with viscous dissipation. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, New York, v. 11, n. 7, p. 849-65. 1990.
RUAS, V. Uncoupled finite element solution of biharmonic problems for vector potentials. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, New York, v. 11, n. 12, p. 811-22. 1990.
SCOTT, D.R.; de SOUZA, C. S. Planejamento conciliatório para textos descritivos extensos. RBC – Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 3, p. 37-42. 1990.
SILVA, W. T.; MILIDIU, R. L. Algoritmos para a combinação de crenças politômicas. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional, Rio de Janeiro, v. 10, n. 2, p. 37-42. 1990.
STAA, A. v.; LUCENA, C. J. P. The Talisman software engineering environment. Journal of The Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. 1990.
TOSCANI, L. V.; VELOSO, P. A. S. A programação dinâmica: um caso particular da divisão e conquista. Revista de Informática Pura e Aplicada, São Caetano do Sul, v. 1, n. 2, p. 53-67. 1990.
TUCHERMAN, L.; CASANOVA, M. A. ; FURTADO, A. L. The CHRIS Consultant: a tool for database design and rapid prototyping. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 15, n. 2, p. 187-195. 1990.
ATALLAH, M. J.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; LIFSCHITZ, S. A linear time algorithm for the computation of some distance functions between convex polygons. RAIRO: Recherche Opérationnelle, Les Ulis, v. 25, p. 413-424. 1991
ATALLAH, M.J.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; LIFSCHITZ, S. Computing some distance functions between polygons. Pattern Recognition, Amsterdam, v. 24, n. 8, p. 775-781. 1991.
CASANOVA, M. A. ; FURTADO, A. L.; TUCHERMAN, L. A software tool for modular database design. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), New York, v. 16, n. 2, p. 209-234, Jun. 1991.
HANSEN, P.; PEDROSA FILHO, E. L.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Location and sizing of offshore platforms for oil exploration. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 58, n. 2, p. 202-214, Apr. 1992
HANSEN, P.; ARAGÃO, M. V. P.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Hyperbolic D-1 programming and query optimization in information retrieval. Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam, v. 52, n. 1/3, p. 255-263, May 1991.
LEITE, J. C. S. P. Validação de requisitos: o uso de pontos de vista. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 6, p. 39-59. 1991 (NA).
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; FREEMAN, P.A. Requirements validation through viewpoint resolution. IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 17, n. 12, p. 1253-1269. 1991.
MENASCÉ, D. A.; ALMEIDA, V. A. F. Heterogeneous supercomputing: why is it cost effective? Supercomputing Review, Massachusetts, v. 4, n. 8, Aug. 1991.
RUAS, V. Variational approaches to the two-dimensional stokes systems in terms of vorticity. Mechanics Research Communications, Amsterdam, v. 18, n. 6, p. 359-366, Nov./Dec. 1991.
RUAS, V. Une formulation vitesse turbillon des équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles tridimensionnelles. Comptes Rendus de L’Académie des Sciences de Paris, Paris, v. 313, serie I, p. 639-644. 1991.
SILVA, W. T. ; MILIDIÚ, R. L. Indexação e recuperação da informação com função de crença. Ciência de Informação, Brasília, DF, v. 20, n. 2, p. 155-164, jul./dez. 1991.
SILVA, W. T.; MILIDIÚ, R. L. Algoritmo para combinar crenças em uma hierarquia de proposições. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 6, n. 4, p. 23-30, abr./jun. 1991.
STAA, A. v.; LUCENA, C. J. P. The Talisman software engineering environment. [Journal of ] The Siberian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk. 1991.
VELOSO, P.A.S; HAEBERER, A. M. A finitary relational algebra for classical first order logic. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 20, n. 2, p. 52-62, June 1991.
VELOSO, P. A. S.; VELOSO, S. R. M. On conservative and expansive extensions. O que nos faz pensar: Cadernos de Filosofia, Rio de Janeiro, n. 4, p. 87-06, abr. 1991.
VELOSO, P. A. S.; VELOSO, S. R. M. Some remarks on conservative extensions: a Socratic dialogue. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, Bratislava, n. 43, p. 189-198, Feb. 1991.
AMORIM, S. G.; BARTHELEMY, J. - P.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C. Clustering and clique partitioning: simulated annealing and tabu search approaches. Journal of Classification, Berlin, v. 9, n. 1, p. 17-41, Jan. 1992.
BAUM, G.; HAEBERER, A. M.; VELOSO, P. A. S. On the representability of the V – Abstract Relational Algebra. IGPL (Interest Group on Propositional and Predicate Logics) Newsletter, London, v. 1, n. 3, p. 3-4, Sept. 1992.
FURTADO, A. L. Analogy by generalization and the quest of the grail. ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES, New York, v. 27, n. 1, p. 105-113, Jan. 1992.
GARZOTTO, F.; PAOLINI, P.; SCHWABE, D. HDM – a model based approach to hypermedia application design. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, New York, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-26, Jan. 1992.
HANSEN, P.; PEDROSA FILHO, E. L.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Location and sizing of offshore platforms for oil exploration. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 58, n. 2, p. 202-214, Apr. 1992.
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; MENEZES, A. L.; SOUZA, F. Re-engenharia de software, um novo enfoque para um velho problema. IPESI, Negócios e Informática, São Paulo, v. 12, n. 241/NI-60, p. 34-45. 1992.
MAYERHOFER, M. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Design of an algorithm simulation and animation environment. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, New York, v. 24. n. 2, p. 7-14, June 1992.
MENASCÉ, D. A.; PORTO, C. S. S. Scheduling on heterogeneous message passing architectures. Journal of Computer and Software, Oct. 1992. (Special issue on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
MENASCÉ, D. A.; BARROSO, L. A. A methodology for performance evaluation of parallel applications on multiprocessors. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Amsterdam, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-14, Jan. 1992.
RUAS, V.; ARAUJO, J. H. C. Um método mejorado de segunda orden con elementos finitos quadrilaterals para el sistema de stokes associado a problemas de fiujos viscoelasticos. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingenieria, Amsterdam, v. 8, n. 1, p. 77-85. 1992.
RUAS, V. A convergent quadrilateral finite element method for simulating viscoelastic flow on irregular meshes. Revue Européene dês Eléments Finis, Abingdon, v. 1, n. 4, p. 391-406. 1992.
SCHWABE, D.; CALOINI, A.; GARZOTTO, F.; PAOLINI, P. Hypertext development using a model based approach. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 22, n. 11, p. 937-962, Nov. 1992.
SILVA, W. T.; MILIDIÚ, R. L. Belief function model for information retrieval. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, New York, v. 43, n. 10. 1992.
SILVA, W. T.; MILIDIÚ, R. L. Algorithms for combining belief functions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Amsterdam, v. 7, n. 1/2, p. 73-94, Sept. 1992.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Yet another cautionary note on conservative extensions: a simple example with a computing flavour. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, Bratislava, n. 46, p. 188-192, Feb. 1992.
CHEINEI, J. - P.; LANZELOTTE, R. S. G. Vers une nouvelle géneration d’optimiseurs pour les SGBD orientés objet. TSI – Technique et Sciences Informatiques, Paris, v. 12, n. 4, p. 433-461. 1993.
COWAN, D. D.; IERUSALINSCHY, R.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; STEPIEN, T. M. Abstract data views. Structured Programming, Berlin, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-13. 1993.
COWAN, D. D.; STEPIEN, T. M.; IERUSALINSCHY, R.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Application integration: constructing composite applications from interactive components. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 23, n. 3, p. 255-275, Mar. 1993.
FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; DUARTE, R. C. Towards the requirements for computer supported cooperative software design. Design Methods: theories, research, education and practice, San Louis, v. 27, n. 4, p. 1864-1878, Oct./Dec. 1993.
GARZOTTO, F.; PAOLINI, P.; SCHWABE, D. HDM – a model-based approach to hypertext application design. ACM Transaction on Information Systems, New York, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-26, Jan. 1993.
GATTASS, M.; PAULINO, G. H.; GORTAIRE, J. C. Geometrical and topological consistency in interactive graphical preprocessors of three-dimensional framed structures. Computers and Structures, New York, v. 46, n. 1, p. 99-124, Jan. 1993.
HAEUSLER, E. H.; PEREIRA, L. C. A formalization of Sambin’s normalization for GL. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, New Jersey, v. 39, n. 1, p. 133-142. 1993.
HEMERLY, A. S.; CASANOVA, M. A. ; FURTADO, A. L. Avoiding misconstruals in database systems: a default logic approach. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 5, n. 6, p. 994-996, Dec. 1993.
IERUSALIMSCHY, R. A formal specification for a hierarchy of collections. Software Engineering Journal, London, v.8, n. 4, p. 237-245, July 1993.
IERUSALIMSCHY, R. A denotational approach for type-checking in object-oriented programming languages. Computer Languages, San Francisco v. 19, n. 1, p. 19-40, Jan. 1993.
JAUMARD, B.; PRAIS, M.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Penalty computations for the set partitioning problem. Annals of Operations Research, Basel, v. 43, n. 5, p. 285-293, May 1993.
JAUMARD, B.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Implication graph and quadratic 0-1 optimization. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 4, n. 1, p. 85-101. 1994
LANZELOTTE, R. S. G.; ZAIT, M.; GELDER, A. v. Measuring the effectiveness of optimization search strategies. ISI - Ingénieria des Systèmes d’Information, Paris, v. 1, n. 2, p. 177-201. 1993.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; QIAN, Y. Formal specification methods and numerical software: a case study using Z. Utilitas Mathematica: an International Journal of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, Antigonish, CA, v. 44, p. 85-114. 1993.
LUCENA, C. J. P. Software technology/engineering: the creation of a new discipline. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 3, n. 2/2, p. 111-118, Ago./Dic. 1993.
PEQUENO, T. A. C.; BUCHSBAUM, A.V. A reasoning method for a paraconsistent logic. Studia Logica, Berlin, v.52, p. 281-289. 1993.
RICHTER, G.; MAFFEO, B. Toward a rigorous interpretation of ESML – Extended Systems Modeling Language. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 19, n. 2, p. 165-180, Feb. 1993.
RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; RANGEL NETTO, J. L. M. Types in school. ACM/SIGPLAN Notice, New York, v. 28, n. 8, p. 81-89, Aug. 1993.
SOARES, L. F. G.; CASANOVA, M. A. , COLCHER, S. An architecture for hypermedia systems using MHEG standard objects interchange. Information Service and Use, Amsterdam, v. 13, n. 2, p. 131-139. 1993.
de SOUZA, C. S. The semiotic engineering of user interface languages. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, London, v. 39, n. 5, p. 753-773, Nov. 1993.
de SOUZA, C. S.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Heuristics for the minimum rectilinear Steine tree problem: new algorithms and a computational study. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Amsterdam, v. 45, n. 3, p. 205-220, Sept. 1993.
SOUZA, L. T.; GATTÁSS, M. A new scheme for mesh generation and mesh refinement using graph theory. Computers and Structures, New York, v. 46, n. 6, p. 1073-1084, Mar. 1993.
VELOSO P.A.S. A new, simpler proof of the modularisation theorem for logical specifications. Logic Journal of IGPL, London, v. 1, n. 1, p. 3-12, Jul. 1993.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Towards a simpler proof of the modularisation theorem for logical specifications. IGPL Newsletter, London, v. 2, n. 1, p. 4-5. 1993.
ANDREATTA, A. A.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C. A graph partitioning heuristic for the parallel pseudo-exhaustive logical test of VLSI combinational circuits. Annals of Operations Research, Basel, v. 50, p. 1-36. 1994.
CARNEIRO, L. M. F.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P. ADVchats: a visual formalism for interactive. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, New York, v. 26, n. 2, p. 74-77, Apr. 1994.
FUKS, H.; MOURA, L. M. A document based approach for cooperation. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 1, p. 36-45, July 1994.
FURTADO, A. L. A source in Babylon. Arthurian Interpretations, Memphis, v. 3, n. 1, p. 38-59. 1994.
GUIMARÃES, M. A. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; CAVALCANTI, M.R. Experience using the ASA algorithm teaching system. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, New York, v. 26, n. 4, p. 45-50, Dec. 1994.
HANSEN, P.; PEDROSA FILHO, E.L.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C. Modelling location and sizing of offshore platforms. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 72, n. 3, p. 602-606, Feb. 1994.
HERTZ, A.; JAUMARD, B.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. A graph theory approach to subcontracting, machine duplication and intercell moves in cellular manufacturing. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Amsterdam, v. 50, n. 3, p. 255-265, May 1994.
LANZELOTTE, R. S. G.; VALDURIEZ, P.; ZAIT, M.; ZIANE, M. Industrial-strength parallel query optimizations: issues and lessons. Information Systems, London, v. 19, n. 4, p. 311-330, June 1994.
LEOPOLDINO, C. M. A.; PEREIRA, M. V. F.; PINTO, L. M. V.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. A constraint generation scheme to probabilistic linear problems with an application to power system expansion planning. Annals of Operations Research, Basel, v. 50, p. 367-385. 1994.
PAULINO, G. H.; MENEZES, L. F. M.; GATTASS, M.; MUKHERJEE, S. Node and element resequencing using the Laplacian of a finite element graph – Part I: General concepts and algorithms. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, New York, v. 37, n. 9, p. 1511-1530. 1994.
PAULINO, G. H.; MENEZES, L. F. M.; GATTASS, M.; MUKHERJEE, S. Node and element resequencing using the Laplacian of a finite element graph – Part II: Implementations and numerical results. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, New York, v. 37, n. 9, p. 1531-1556. 1994.
PAULINO, G. H.; MENEZES, L .F. M.; GATTASS, M.; MUKHERJEE, S. A new algorithm for finding a pseudo peripherical vertex or the endpoints of a pseudo diameter in a graph. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods in Engineering, New York, v. 10, n. 11, p. 913-926. 1994.
PAULINO, G. H.; MENEZES, L. F. M.; GATTASS, M.; MUKHERJEE, S. Profile and wave front reduction of large sparse matrices based on spectral properties of a graph. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 4, n. 1, p. 27-48. 1994.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; HERTZ, A.; JAUMARD, B.; FORMOSINHO FILHO, W. P. A multi-criteria tabu search approach to cell formation problems in group technology with multiple objectives. RAIRO Recherche Operationelle, Paris, v. 28, p. 303-328. 1994.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; JAUMARD, B. Implication graph and quadratic optimization. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 4, n. 1, 85-101. 1994.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; SOUMIS, F. A column generation approach to the multiple-depot vehicle scheduling problem. Operations Research, Baltimore, v. 42, p. 41-52. 1994.
SOARES, L. F. G.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; CASANOVA, M. A. Modelo de contextos aninhados – um modelo conceitual hipermídia. RBC - Revista Brasileira de Computação, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 2, p. 35-48, jan./jun. 1994.
COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Abstract data views: an interface specification concept to enhance design for reuse. IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 21, n. 3, p. 229-243, Mar. 1995.
FRIAS, M. F.; BAUM, G. A.; HAEBERER, A. M.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Fork algebras are representable. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 24, n. 2, p. 64-75, June 1995.
FRIAS, M. F.; HAEBERER, A. M.; VELOSO, P. A. S. A finite axiomatization for fork algebras. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 24, n. 4, p. 193-200, Dec. 1995.
FUKS, H.; MOURA, L. M. Supporting team collaboration. ACM SIGOIS Bulletin, New York, v. 16, n. 1, p. 64-68, Aug. 1995.
FURTADO, A. L. From Alexander of Macedonia to Arthur of Britain. Arthuriana, Dallas, v. 5, n. 3, p. 70-86, 1995.
GUARANYS, P. Y.; LUCENA, C. J. P. New approach to user modelling based on double stereotypes. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n. 3, p. 43-50, Apr. 1995.
GUIMARÃES, M. A. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. A software environment for teaching introductory algorithms. ACM SIGCUE Outlook, New York, v. 23, n. 3, p. 2-11, Dec. 1995.
IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; RODRIGUEZ, N. Side-effect free functions in object-oriented languages. Computer Languages, Oxford, v. 21, n. 3/4, p. 129-146, Oct./Dec. 1995.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C. A formal description of evolving software systems architectures. The Science of Computer Programming, Amsterdam, v. 24, n. 1, p. 41-61, Feb. 1995.
MERÉ, M. C.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Definition-like extensions by sorts. Logic Journal of IGPL, London, v. 3, n. 4, p. 579-595, Jul. 1995.
MERÉ, M. C.; HAEUSLER, E. H.; FRIAS, M.; PEREIRA, L.C. Multiplicative quantifiers in linear logic. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 3. 1995.
PORTO, S. C. S.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. A case study on parallel synchronous implementations of tabu search based on neighborhood decomposition. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 5, n. 1, 1995.
PORTO, S. C. S.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. A tabu search approach to task scheduling on heterogeneous processors under precedence constraints. International Journal of High Speed Computing, Singapore, v. 7, n. 1, p. 45-71, Mar. 1995.
SCHWABE, D. International workshop on hypermedia design. ACM SIGLINK Newsletter, New York, v. 6, n. 3, p. 20-21, Dec. 1995.
SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G. The object-oriented hypermedia design model. Communications of the ACM, New York, v. 38, n. 8, p. 45-46, Aug. 1995.
SOARES, L. F. G.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; CASANOVA, M. A. Nested composite nodes and version control in an open hypermedia system. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 20, n. 6, p. 501-519, Sept. 1995.
VELOSO, P. A. S.; MAIBAUM, T. S. E. On the modularization theorem for logical specifications. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 53, n. 5, p. 287-293, Mar. 1995.
ALENCAR, P. S. C.; LUCENA, C. J. P. A logical framework for evolving software systems. Formal Aspects of Computing, London, v. 8, n. 1, p. 3-46, Jan. 1996.
AZEVEDO, G. P.; de SOUZA, C. S.; FEIJÓ, B. Enhancing the human-computer interface of power system applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 11, n. 2, p. 646-653, May 1996.
BARBOSA, L.F.J.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; STAA, A. v. Uma abordagem para reutilização de software em grande escala na internet. Coletânea Politécnica - Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia e Ciência, São Paulo, v. 1, n.1, p. 27-53. 1996.
BARRÍA MARTINEZ, M.; VALLEJOS, R.; SOARES, L. F. G. Performance analysis of a voice multiplexer with bit dropping. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 5, n. 2/3, p. 169-198, ago./dic. 1996.
COSTA, M.; FEIJÓ, B. Agents with emotions in behavioral animation. Computers & Graphics, Amsterdam, v. 20, n. 3, p. 377-384, May-Jun. 1996.
FEIJÓ, B.; GOMES, P. C. R.; BENTO, J.; SCHEER, S. CAD for process innovation in the construction industry. International Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Daejeon, v. 4, n. 6, p. 717-729, 1996.
FIGUEIREDO, L. H.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; CELES, W. Lua: an extensible, portable embedded language. Dr. Dobb's Journal, Redwood City, v. 21, n. 12, p. 26-33, Dez. 1996.
FURTADO, A. L.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Folklore and myth in the knight of the cart. Arthutiana, Dallas, v. 6, n. 2, p. 28-43, 1996.
HAEUSLER, E. H. Generating programs from problems: an interaction between problem theory and type theory. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 5, n. 2/3, p. 153-168, ago./dic. 1996.
IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; FIGUEIREDO, L. H.; CELES, W. Lua – an extensible extension language. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 26, n. 6, p. 635-652, Jun. 1996.
LEITE, J. C. S. P. Working results on software re-engineering. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 21, n. 2, p. 39-44, Mar. 1996.
LEVY, C. H.; FIGUEIREDO, L. H.; GATTASS, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. IUP/LED: a portable user interface development tool. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 26, n. 7, p. 737-762, Jul. 1996.
LUCENA, C. J. P; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; FERNANDES, J. R.; GHEINER, M.; PRADO, A. F. JSD/PUC: um ambiente experimental para estudo do processo de automatizacao de desenvolvimento de software. SBA Controle e Automação, Campinas, v. 7, n. 3, p. 126-146, set./dez. 1996.
MARTINS, S. L.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; RODRIGUEZ, N. Ferramentas para programação paralela em ambientges de memória distribuída. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 5, n. 2/3, p. 67-98, ago./dic. 1996.
PORTO, S. C. S.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. A case study on parallel synchronous implementations of tabu search based on neighborhood decomposition. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 5, n. 2/3, p. 233-259, ago./dic. 1996.
PORTO, S. C. S .; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Parallel tabu search message-passing synchronous strategies for task scheduling under precedence constraints. Journal of Heuristics, Boston, v. 1, n. 2, p. 207-223, Mar. 1996.
BENTO, J.; FEIJÓ, B. An agent-based paradigm for building intelligent CAD systems. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Oxford, v. 11, n. 3, p. 231-244, Jul. 1997.
BENTO, J.; FEIJÓ, B.; SMITH, D .L. Engineering design knowledge representation based on logic and objects. Computers & Structures, Oxford, v. 63, n. 5, p. 1015-1032, June, a997.
CORRÊA, M. S. ; HAEUSLER, E. H. A Concrete categorial model for the LAMBEK calculus. Mathematical Logic Quaterly, New Jersey, v. 43, n. 1, p. 49-59, 1997.
FIORINI, S. T. ; LEITE, J. C. S. P. ; MACEDO-SOARES, D.T.l.V.A. Integrando processos de negócio à elicitação de requisitos. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 1, p. 7-48, jul. 1997.
FRIAS, M. F.; ORLOWKA, E. Equational reasoning in non-classical logic. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 26, n. 1, p. 2-11, Mar. 1997.
Frias, M. F.; HAEBERER, A. M.; VELOSO, P. A. S. A finite axiomatization for fork algebras. Logic Journal of IGPL, London, v. 5, n. 3, p. 1-10, May 1997.
GARCIA. A. F.C. B.; de SOUZA, C. ADD+: Including rhetorical structures in active documents. AIEDAM - Artificial Intelligence for Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Cambridge, v. 11, n. 2, p. 109-124, Apr. 1997.
HAEUSLER, E. H., PEREIRA, L. C. P. D. A calculus for purely exponential linear logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL, Oxford, v. 5, n. 3. 1997.
HAEUSLER, E. H. Quantifiers, adjunctions and L-Sets. Logic Journal of the IGPL, Oxford, v. 5, n. 3, 1997.
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; ROSSI, G.; BALAGUER, F.; MAIORANA, V.; KAPLAN, G.; HADAD, G.; OLIVEROS, A. Enhancing a requirements baseline with scenarios. Requirements Engineering, London, v. 2, n. 4, p.184-198, Dec. 1997.
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; SANT’ANNA, M.; PRADO, F. A. Porting Cobol programs using a transformational approach. Journal of Software Maintenance: research and practice, Chichester, v. 9, n. 1, p. 3-31, Jan. 1997.
MARTHA, L. F.; CARVALHO, M. T. M.; SEIXAS, R. B. Volume contouring of generic unstructured meshes. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 3, p. 43-51, Apr. 1997.
MOURA. L. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. O ambiente Visual Spider para o Desenvolvimento de Aplicações para a Internet. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 2, p. 59-78, dez. 1997.
PRATES, R. O.; de de SOUZA, C. S.; GARCIA. A. F.C. B. A semiotic framework for multi-user interfaces. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, New York, v. 29, n. 2, p. 28-39, Apr. 1997.
RESENDE, M. G. C.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. A GRASP for graph planarization. Networks, New York, v. 29, n. 3, p.173-189, May 1997.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; RIBEIRO, C. D.; LANZELOTTE, R. S. G. Query optimization in distributed relational databases. Journal of Heuristics, Boston, v. 3, n. 1, p. 5-23, Mar. 1997.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Characterisations for fork algebras and their relational reduc. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 26, n. 3, p. 144-155, Oct. 1997.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Is fork set-theoretical? Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 26, n. 1, p. 20-30, Mar. 1997.
VELOSO, P. A. S. On the independence of the axioms for fork algebras. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 26, n. 4, p. 197-209, Dec. 1997.
BRAGA, C.O.; STAA, A. v.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Documentu: a flexible architecture for documentation production based on a reverse engineering strategy. Journal of Software Maintenance: research and practice, Chichester, v. 10, n. 4, p. 279-303, Jul./Aug. 1998.
FEIJÓ, B; BENTO, J. A logic-based environment for reactive agents in intelligent CAD systems. Advances in Engineering Software, New York, v. 29, n. 10, p. 825-832, Dec. 1998.
HAEUSLER, E. H.; PEREIRA, L.C. Gentzen's second consistency proof and strong cut-elimination. Logique et Analyse, Bruxelas, v. 153-154, n. 1, p. 153-168. 1998.
HANSEN, P; JAUMARD, B; ARAGAO, M. V. S. P. Mixed-integer column generatio algorithms and the probabilistic maximum satisfiability problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 108, n. 3, p. 671-683, Aug. 1998.
HESTER, A. M. ; BORGES, R.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Building flexible and extensible web applications with Lua. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Heidelberg, v. 4, n. 9, p. 748-762. 1998.
LIFSCHITZ, S.; VIANU, V. A probabilistic view of datalog parallelization. Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam, v. 190, n. 2, p. 211-239, Jan. 1998.
LOWE, D.; SCHWABE, D. HT98 workshop on hypermedia development. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, New York, v. 7, n. 1-2, p. 24-29, Feb./Jun. 1998.
RODRIGUES, R. F.; MUCHALUAT-SAADE, D.; SOARES, L. F. G. Composite nodes, contextual links and graphical structural views on the WWW. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 2, p. 31-44, Nov. 1998.
SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G. An object oriented approach to web-based application design. Theory and Practice of Object Systems, New York, v. 4, n. 4, p. 207-225. 1998.
VELOSO, P. A. S. On eight independent equational axiomatisations for fork algebras. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 27, n. 3, p. 117-129, Oct. 1998.
VELOSO, S. R. M.; VELOSO, P. A. S.; FIADEIRO, J. L. Labeled families in modular software development. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p. 20-31, July 1998.
ALMEIDA, E. S.; HAEUSLER, E. H. Proving properties in ordinary Petri-Nets using LORES logic language. Petri Nets Newsletter, Hamburg, v. 57, p. 23-36. 1999.
ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P.; UCHOA, E. The Gamma-connected assignment problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 118, n. 1, p. 127-138, Oct. 1999.
Breitman, K. K.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; FINKELSTEIN, A. The world’s a stage: a survey on requirements engineering using a real-life case study. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 6, n. 1, p. 13-37, July 1999.
DIAS, A .I .A .S.; HAEUSLER, E. H. A semi-sheaf theoretic approach to reactive systems. Brazilian Electronic Journal of Mathematics of Computation, Pelotas, [17] p., 1999.
CIARLINI, A. E. M.; FURTADO, A. L. Interactive multistage simulation of goal-driven agents. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 6, n. 2, p. 21-32, Nov. 1999.
FURTADO, A. L. The questing beast as emblem of the ruin of logres in the post-vulgate. Arthuriana, Dallas, v. 9, n. 3, p. 27-48. 1999.
FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Um ambiente para modelagem e execução de processos. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 6, n. 1, p. 105-128, jul. 1999.
HADAD, G.; KAPLAN, G.; OLIVEROS, A.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Integración de escenarios com el léxico extendido del lenguaje en la elicitación de requerimientos: aplicación a um caso real. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 6, n. 1, p. 77-103, jul. 1999.
HAEUSLER, E. H.; PEREIRA, L. C. P. D. The rules-as-types interpretation of schröder-heister’s extension of natural deduction. Manuscrito, Campinas, v. 22, n. 2, p. 149-163, Oct. 1999.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; FUKS, H.; MILIDIU, R. L.; LAUFER, C.; BLOIS, M.; CHOREN, R.; TORRES, V.; FERRAZ, F.; ROBICHEZ, G.; DAFLON, L. O AulaNet e as novas tecnologias de informação aplicadas a educação baseada na web. Revista Brasileira de Educacao a Distância, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 36, p. 11-26, set./out. 1999.
LYARDET, F; ROSSI, G.; SCHWABE, D. Discovering and using design patterns in the WWW. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Boston, v. 8, n. 3, p. 293-308, May 1999.
MACULAN, N.; PORTO, S. C. S.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; SOUZA, C.C. A new formulation for scheduling unrelated processors under precedence constraints. RAIRO Recherche Opérationnelle, Paris, v. 33, n. 1, p. 87-92. 1999.
MILIDIU, R. L.; LABER, E. S.; PESSOA, A. A. Bounding the compression loss of the FGK algorithm. Journal of Algorithms, San Diego, v. 32, n. 2, p. 195-211, Aug. 1999.
MILIDIÚ, R. L.; MACHADO, R. J.; RENTERÍA, R. P. Time-series forecasting through wavelets transformation and a mixture of expert models. Neurocomputing, New York, v. 28, n. 1/3, p. 145-156, Oct. 1999.
MOURA. L. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; STAA, A. v. The spider environment. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 29, n. 2, p. 99-124, Feb. 1999.
PEREIRA, L. C. P. D.; HAEUSLER, E. H. An infinitary extension of MALL. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 28, n. 4, p. 225-233, Dec. 1999.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; RESENDE, M. G. C. Algorithm 797: Fortran subroutines for approximate solution of graph planarization problems using GRASP. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, New York, v. 25, n. 3, p. 341-352, Sept. 1999.
ROSSI, G.; LYARDET, F. D.; SCHWABE, D. Improving web information systems with navigational patterns. Computer Networks, New York, v. 31, n. 11/16, p. 1667-1668, May 1999.
ROSSI, G.; SCHWABE, D.; LYARDET, F.D. Integrating patterns into the Hypermedia Development Process. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, London, v. 5, n. 1, p. 59-80. 1999.
ROSSI, G.; LYARDET, F. D.; SCHWABE, D. Developing hypermedia applications with methods and patterns. Computing Surveys, New York, v. 31, n. 4es, art. n. 8, Dec. 1999. 5 p.
ROSSI, G.; LOWE, D.; NANARD, J.; SCHWABE, D. Design patterns in hypermedia:(2nd Workshop on Hypermedia Development). ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, New York, v. 8, n. 2, p. 38-41, Jun. 1999.
SCHWABE, D.; PONTES, R.A.; MOURA, I. 00HDM-Web: an environment for implementation of hypermedia applications in the WWW. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, New York, v. 8, n. 2, p. 18-34, Jun. 1999.
SOARES, L. F. G.; SOUZA FILHO, G. L.; RODRIGUES, R. F.; MUCHALUAT, D.C. Versioning support in the HyperProp system. Multimedia Tools & Applications, Boston, v. 8, n. 3, p. 325-339, May 1999.
VELOSO, P. A. S. Why ultrafilters for "almost all". Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 28, n. 4, p. 183-193, Dez. 1999.
VELOSO, P. A. S. On ultrafilter logic and missing axiom. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 28, n. 1, p. 17-26. 1999.
VELOSO, P. A. S. On ‘almost all’ and some presuppositions. Manuscrito, Campinas, v. 22, n. 2, p. 469-505, Oct. 1999.
AMARAL, F. N.; HAEUSLER, E. H. A Logic-Based Approach for Real-Time Object-Oriented Software Development. RITA - Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 1, p. 69-88, 2000.
AZEVEDO, G. P.; FEIJÓ, B.; COSTA, M. Control centers evolve with agent technology. IEEE Computer Applications in Power Magazine, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 13, v. 3, p. 48-53, Jul. 2000.
BOUGANIM, L.; CAMPOS, M.L.; CAVALCANTI, M.C.; FABRET, F.; LLIRBAT, F.; MATTOSO, M.L.Q.; MELO, R. N.; MOURA, A.M.C.; PACITTI, E.; PORTO, F.A.M.; SIMÕES, M.; SIMON, E.; TANAKA, A.; VALDURIEZ, P. The Ecobase Environmental Information System - applications, architecture and open issues. Networking and Information Systems Journal, Stanmore, v. 3, n.5/6, p. 865-882, 2000.
CAMPOS, L. J.; GOMES, A. T. A.; SOARES, L. F. G. Transmissão de fluxos de vídeo MPEG-2 sobre redes ATM. NewsGeneration, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 4, n.p., jul. 2000.
CARVALHO, S. E. R.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Module interconnection features in object-oriented development tools. Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 50, n. 1, p. 57-64, Jan. 2000.
COELHO, L. C. G.; GATTASS, M.; FIGUEIREDO, L. H. Intersecting and trimming parametric meshes on finite-element shells. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, New York, v. 47, n. 4, p. 777-800, Feb. 2000.
de SOUZA, C. S. HCI in Brazil: a brief report. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, New York, v. 32, n. 2, p. 15-20, Apr. 2000.
de SOUZA, C. S.; PRATES, R. O.; CAREY, T. Missing and declining affordances: are these appropriate concepts? Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 1, p. 26-34, July 2000.
FONTOURA, M.; CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D. Using viewpoints to derive object-oriented frameworks: a case study in the web-based education domain. The Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 54, n. 3, p. 239-257, Nov. 2000.
FUKS, H. Aprendizagem e trabalho cooperativo no ambiente AulaNet. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Florianópolis, v. 6, p. 53-73, abr. 2000.
FUKS, H. Groupware technologies for education in AulaNet. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, New York, v. 8, n. ¾, p. 170-177, 2000.
HANSEN, P.; JAUMARD, B.; ARAGAO, M. V. S, P.; CHAUNY, F.; PERRON, S. Probabilistic satisfiability with imprecise probabilities. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Amsterdam, v. 24, p. 171-189, 2000.
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; HADAD, G.; DOORN, J.; KAPLAN, G. A scenario construction process. Requirements Engineering, London, v. 5, n. 1, p. 38-61, Jul, 2000.
MARTINS, S. L.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; PARDALOS, P. A parallel GRASP for the Steiner tree problem in graphs using a hybrid local search strategy. Journal of Global Optimization, Dordrecht, v. 17, n. 1/4, p. 267-283, Sept. 2000.
MILIDIÚ, R. L.; LABER, E. S. The warm-up algorithm: a lagrangean construction of length restricted huffman codes. SIAM Journal on Computing, Philadelphia, v. 30, n. 5, p. 1405–1426, 2000.
PORTO, S. C. S.; KITAJIMA, J. P. F. W.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Performance evaluation of a parallel tabu search task scheduling algorithm. Parallel Computing, Amsterdam, v. 26, n. 1, p. 73-90, Jan. 2000.
PRAIS, M.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Variação de parâmetros em procedimentos GRASP. Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, v. 9, n. 1/2/3, p. 1-20, Mar./Jul. 2000.
PRAIS, M.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Reactive GRASP: an application to a matrix decomposition problem in traffic assignment. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Linthicum, v. 12, n. 3, p. 164-176, Summer 2000.
Prates, R. O.; de SOUZA, C. S.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. Methods and tools: a method for evaluating the communicability of user interfaces. ACM Interactions, New York, v. 7, n. 1, p. 31-38, Jan./Feb, 2000.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; SOUZA, M. C. Tabu search for the Steiner problem in graphs. Networks, New York, v. 36, n. 2, p. 138-146, Sept, 2000.
RIPPER, P.; FONTOURA, M. F.; MAIA NETO, A.; LUCENA, C. J. P. V-market: a framework for agent mediated e-commerce systems based on virtual marketplaces. World Wide Web, Bussun, v. 3, n. 1, p. 43-52, Jul. 2000.
ROSSI, G.; GARRIDO, A.; SCHWABE, D. Navigating between objects: lessons from an object-oriented framework perspective. Computing Surveys, New York, v. 32, n. 1, art. n. 30, Mar. 2000.
SCHMIDT, A. E. F.; GATTASS, M.; CARVALHO, P. C. P. Combined 3D visualization of volume data and polygonal surfaces using a Shear-Warp Algorithm. Computers & Graphics, Amsterdam, v. 24, n. 4, p. 583-601, Aug. 2000.
SILVA, A. S.; LAENDER, A. H. F.; CASANOVA, M. A. On the relational representation of complex specialization structures. Information Systems Amsterdam, v. 25, p. 399-415, 2000.
SILVA, V. T.; LUCENA, C. J. P. ContentNet: um framework para interoperabilidade de conteúdos educacionais utilizando a plataforma IMS. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Florianópolis, n. 6, p. 37-51, abr. 2000.
SOARES, L. F. G.; RODRIGUES, R. F.; MUCHALUAT-SAADE, D. C. Modeling, authoring and formatting hypermedia documents in the HyperProp system. Multimedia Systems, New York, v. 8, n. 2, p. 118-134, Mar. 2000.
VELOSO, P. A. S. On some misconceptions about ultrafilter logic. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 29, n. 1/2, p. 1-12, 2000.
VELOSO, P. A. S. On the power of ultrafilter logic. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 29, n. 3, p. 89-97, 2000.
BARBOSA, S. D. J.; de SOUZA, C. S. Extending software through metaphors and metonymies. Knowledge Based Systems, Amsterdam, v. 14, n. 1-2, p. 15-27, Mar, 2001.
BATTAIOLA, A. L.; DOMINGUES, R. G.; FEIJÓ, B.; SCWARCMAN, D.; CLUA, E.W.G.; KOSOVITZ, L. E.; DREUX, M.; PESSOA, C. A.; RAMALHO, G. Desenvolvimento de jogos em computadores e celulares. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 8, n. 2, p. 7-46, out, 2001.
Bouganim, l.; Cavalcanti, M. C.; Fabret, F.; Campos, M. L.; Llirbat, F.; Mattoso, M.; MELO, R. N.; Moura, A. M.; Pacitti, E.; Porto, F.; Simoes, M.; Simon, E.; Tanaka, A.; Valduriez, P. The Ecobase Project: database and web technologies for environmental information systems. ACM SIGMOD Record, New York, v. 30, n. 3, p. 70-75, Sept. 2001.
CANUTO, S. A. A.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Local search with perturbations for the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem. Networks, New York, v. 38, n. 1, p. 50-58, Aug. 2001.
CYSNEIROS, L. M.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; SABAT NETO, J. M. A framework for integrating non-functional requirements into conceptual models. Requirements Engineering, London, v. 6, n. 2, p. 97-115, 2001.
de SOUZA, C. S.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; PRATES, R. O. A semiotic engineering approach to user interface design. Knowledge Based Systems, Amsterdam, v. 14, n. 8, p. 461-465, Dec. 2001.
de SOUZA, C. S.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; SILVA, S. R. P. Semiotic engineering principles for evaluating end-user programming environments. Interacting with Computers, Amsterdam, v. 13, n. 4, p. 467-495, Apr. 2001.
de SOUZA, C. S.; CUNHA, C. K. V.; PRATES, R. O.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. Echoes of semiotically-based design in the development and testing of a workflow system. Australian Journal of Information Systems, Canberra, v. 8, n. 2, p. 115-128, 2001.
FEIJÓ, B.; Gomes, P. C. R.; SCHEER, S.; BENTO, J. Online algorithms supporting emergence in distributed CAD systems. Advances in Engineering Software, Oxford, v. 32, n. 10/11, p. 779-787, Out./Nov, 2001.
FONTOURA, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Extending UML to improve the representation of design patterns. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming (JOOP), Chatsworth, v. 13, n. 11, p. 12-19, Mar. 2001.
FONTOURA, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; ANDREATTA, A. A; CARVALHO, S. E. R.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Using UML-FW to enhance framework development: a case study in the local search heuristics domain. Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 57, n. 3, n. 201-206, July 2001.
FUKS, H.; ASSIS, R. L. Facilitating perception on virtual learningware-based environments. The Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Perth, v. 5, n. 1, p. 93-113, 2001.
FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Sobre o desenvolvimento e aplicação de cursos totalmente a distância na Internet. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Rio de Janeiro, v. 9, p. 61-75, 2001.
FURTADO, A. L. Formação de uma alegoria na Demanda do Santo Graal. Palavra, Rio de Janeiro, n. 7, p. 56-67, 2001.
GARCIA. A. F.V.; HAEUSLER, E. H. Code migration and program maintainability - A categorical perspective. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 79, n. 5, p. 249-254, Sept. 2001.
GEROSA, M. A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Tecnologias de informação aplicadas à educação: construindo uma rede de aprendizagem usando o ambiente AulaNet. Informática na Educação: teoria e prática, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 2, p. 63-74, 2001.
MARKIEWICZ, M. E.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Object oriented framework development. CrossRoads, New York, v. 7, n. 4, p. 3-9, Summer 2001.
MILIDIÚ, R. L.; LABER, E.S . Bounding the inefficiency of length-restricted prefix codes. Algorithmica, Berlin, v. 31, n. 4, p. 513-529, Sept, 2001.
MILIDIÚ, R. L.; PESSOA, A. A.; LABER, E. S. Three space-economical algorithms for calculating minimum-redundancy prefix codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 47, n. 6, p. 2185-2198, Sept. 2001.
Moreto, D.; ENDLER, M. Evaluating composite events using shared trees. IEE Proceedings Software, Stevenage, v. 148, n. 1, p. 1-12, 2001.
NAGAMUTA, V.; ENDLER, M. Coordinating agents through the broadcast Chanel. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 2, p. 63-73, Nov, 2001.
SCHWABE, D.; ESMERALDO, L.; ROSSI, G.; LYARDET, F. Engineering web applications for reuse. IEEE Multimedia, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 8, n. 1, p. 20-31, Jan./Mar. 2001.
SILVA, V. T.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; FUKS, H. ContentNet: a framework for the interoperability of educational content using standard IMS. Computers & Education Journal, New York, v. 37, n. 3-4, p. 73-295, 2001.
SZWARCMAN, D.; FEIJÓ, B.; COSTA, M. Goal-oriented dead reckoning for autonomous characters. Computers & Graphics, Amsterdam, v. 25, n. 6, p. 999-1011, Dec, 2001.
UCHOA, E.; ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P. Vertex-disjoint packing of Two Steiner Trees: polyhedra and branch-and-cut. Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam, v. 90, n. 3, p. 537-557, May 2001.
AIEX, R.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Probability distribution of solution time in GRASP: an experimental investigation. Journal of Heuristics, Dordrecht, v. 8, n. 3, p. 343-373, May 2002.
ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P. A logical theory of interfaces and objects. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 28, n. 6, p. 548-575, June 2002.
ANDREATTA, A. A.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Heuristics for the phylogeny problem. Journal of Heuristics, Dordrecht, v. 8, n. 4, p. 429-447, July 2002.
BARBOSA, A. C. P.; PORTO, F. A. M.; MELO, R. N. Configurable data integration middleware system. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 8, n. 2, p. 12-19, Nov. 2002.
BICHO, A. L.; SILVEIRA JR, L. G.; CRUZ, A. J. A.; RAPOSO, A. B. Programação gráfica 3D com OpenGL, Open Inventor e Java 3D. REIC - Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica. v. 2, p.1-43, 2002.
de SOUZA, C. S. Ingeniería semiótica y comunicabilidad de las interfaces de usuario. Novática, Barcelona, n. 156, p. 49-54, Mar./Apr. 2002.
Deshpande, Y.; Murugesan, S.; Ginige, A.; Hansen, S.; SCHWABE, D.; GAEDKE, M.; White, B. Web engineering. Journal of Web Engineering, New Jersey, v. 1, n. 1, p. 3-17, Oct. 2002.
FESTA, P.; PARDALOS, P. M.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Randomized heuristics for the Max-Cut problem. Optimization Methods and Software, London, v. 17, n. 6, p. 1033-1058, 2002.
FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P. The development and application of Ddstance learning courses on the Internet. Open Learning, Milton Keynes, v. 17, v.1, p. 23-38, Feb. 2002.
FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Usando a categorização e estruturação de mensagens para facilitar o aprofundamento da discussão e a redução da sobrecarga de informação em cursos via internet. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Porto Alegre, v. 9, n. 1, p. 61-87, 2002.
FURTADO, A. L.; CIARLINI, A. E. M. Cognitive and affective motivation in conceptual modelling. Revista Colombiana de Computación, Bucaramanga, v. 3, n. 2, p. 7-19, Dic. 2002.
GARCIA. A. F. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems – SELMAS 2002: workshop report. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 27, n. 5, p. 82-88, Sept. 2002.
GARCIA. A. F. F.; SILVA, V.; CHAVEZ, C.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Engineering multi-agent systems with aspects and patterns. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 8, n. 1, p. 57-72, July 2002.
JACYNTHO, M. D. A.; SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G. A software architecture for structuring complex web applications. Journal of Web Engineering, New Jersey, v. 1, n. 1, p. 37-60, Oct. 2002.
Kaindl, H.; Brinkkemper, S.; Bubenko Jr., J. A.; Farbey, B.; Greenspan, S. J.; Heitmeyer, C. L.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; Mead, N. R.; Mylopoulos, J.; Siddiqi, J. Requirements engineering and technology transfer: obstacles, incentives and improvement agenda. Requirements Engineering, London, v. 7, n. 3, p. 113-123, Sept. 2002.
LABER, E. S.; Holanda, L. G. Improved bounds for asymmetric communication protocols. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 83, n. 4, p. 205-209, Aug, 2002.
LABER, E. S.; MILIDIÚ, R. L.; PESSOA, A. A.. A strategy for searching with different access costs. Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam, v. 287, n. 2, p. 571-584, Sept. 2002.
LABER, E. S.; MILIDIÚ, R. L.; PESSOA, A. A. On binary searching with nonuniform cost. SIAM Jourmal of Computing, Philadelphia, v. 31, n. 4, p. 1022-1047, 2002.
LUCENA, P. S.; GATTASS, M.; VELHO, L. C. P. R. Expressive talking heads: a study on speech and facial expression in virtual characters. Scientia, São Leopoldo, v. 13, n. 2, p. [1-4], 2002.
LUCENA, C. J. P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D. A logical theory of interfaces and objects. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 28, n. 6, p. 548-575, Jun. 2002.
MAHEY, P.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Optimal routing for multi-service communication networks. OR/MS Today, Linthicum, v. 29, n. 3, p. 40-43, June 2002.
MARKIEWICZ, M. E.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D. Views and patterns in E-Commerce application design. Annals of Software Engineering, Blacksburg, v. 13, n. 1, p. 111-140, June 2002.
MARKIEWICZ, M. E.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Taming access control security: extending capabilities using the views relationship. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 32, n. 4, p. 341-358, Apr. 2002.
MUCHALUAT-SAADE, D. C.; SOARES, L. F. G. XConnector & XTemplate: improving expressiveness and reuse in Web authoring languages. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Los Angeles, v. 8, p. 139-169, 2002.
MOURA, A. L.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; HAEUSLER, E. H. Analysis of parallel programs. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam, 2002.
RENTERIA, C. J.; HAEUSLER, E. H. A natural deduction system for CTL. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 31, n. 4, p. 231-240, Dec. 2002.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; SOUZA, M.C. Variable neighborhood search for the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, New York, v. 118, n. 1/2, p. 43-54, Apr. 2002.
RAPOSO, A. B.; CRUZ, A. J. A.; ADRIANO, C. M.; MAGALHÃES, L. P. Coordination components for collaborative virtual environments. Computers & Graphics, Amsterdam, v. 25, p. 1025-1039, 2001.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; UCHOA, E.; WERNECK, R. F. A hybrid GRASP with pertubations for the Steiner problem in Graphs. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Maryland, v. 14, n. 2, p. 228-246, 2002.
RODRIGUES, L.; ANTONACCI, M. J.; RODRIGUES, R. F.; MUCHALUAT-SAADE, D. C.; SOARES, L. F. G. Improving SMIL documents with NCM facilities. Multimedia Tools & Applications, Dordrecht, v. 16, n. 1/2, p. 29-54, Jan. 2002.
Román, M. ;HESS, C.; CERQUEIRA, R. F. G. F. G.; RANGANATHAN, A.; CAMPBELL, R. H.; NAHRSTEDT, K. A middleware infrastructure for active spaces. IEEE Pervasive Computing, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 1, n. 4, p. 74-83, Dec. 2002.
Rossi, G.; schwabe, d. Object-oriented design structures in web application models. Annals of Software Engineering, Dordrecht, v. 13, p. 97-110, 2002.
SCHWABE, D.; GUIMARÃES, R. M.; ROSSI, G. Cohesive design of personalized web applications. IEEE Internet Computing, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 6, n. 2, p. 34-43, Mar./Apr. 2002.
SCHWABE, D.; SALIM, C. S. Integrating knowledge management in the enterprise - The Xerox Knowledge Portal Project. Knowledge and Process Management, London, v. 9, n. 3, p. 1-12, July/Sept. 2002.
SILVA, A. C. S.; CARVALHO, P. C. P.; GATTASS, M. Visualization of density variation in lung nodules to the medical image. Medical Image Analysis, New York, 2002.
UCHOA, E.; ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. Preprocessing Steiner problems from VLSI layout. Networks, New York, v. 40, n. 1, p. 38-50, Aug. 2002.
URURAHY, C. ; RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. ALua: flexibility for parallel programming. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, New York, v. 28, n. 2, p. 155-180, Dec. 2002.
BARBOSA, C. A. M.; DREUX, M. A.; FEIJÓ, B. An architecture for the design entity. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 1, p. 15-22, jan./mar. 2003.
BARBOSA, C. A. M.; FEIJÓ, B.; DREUX, M. A.; MELO, R. N.; BENTO, J.; SCHEER, S. An object model for collaborative CAD environments. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Amsterdam, v. 7, n. 2, p. 87-100, June 2003.
BARBOSA, C. A. M.; FEIJÓ, B.; DREUX, M. A.; MELO, R. N.; BENTO, J.; SCHEER, S. Distributed object model for collaborative CAD environments based on design history. Advances in Engineering Software, Amsterdam, v. 34, n. 10, p. 621-631, Oct. 2003.
CORTÉS, M. I.; FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Using refactoring and unification rules to assist framework evolution. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 28, n. 6, p. [1-5], Nov. 2003.
COSTA, R. L. C.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; SALLES, M. A. V. Index self-tuning with agent-based databases. CLEI Electronic Journal, Valparaiso, v. 6, n. 1, p. [1-22], Dec. 2003.
COSTA, R. L. C.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Database allocation strategies for parallel BLAST evaluation on clusters. Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, Dordrecht, v. 13, n. 1, p. 99-127, Jan. 2003.
COUTINHO, L. M.; KLIMICK, C.; CASANOVA, M. A. Relato de uma experiência de sistema híbrido no ensino fundamental: Projeto Aulativa. Revista Brasileira de Aprendizagem Aberta e à Distância, v. 1, p. 1-7, 2003.
CUNHA, L. M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P. A adaptação do ambiente AulaNet para dar suporte a grupos de aprendizagem e sua formação utilizando os conceitos de agentes de software. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Porto Alegre, v. 11, n. 1, p. 26-46, abr, 2003.
de SOUZA, C. S.; PRATES, R. O.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. Adopting information technology as a first step in design: lessons learned from working with Brazilian social volunteers. ACM Interactions, New York, v. 10, n. 2, p. 72-79, Mar, 2003.
FERREIRA, S. B. L.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Avaliação da usabilidade em sistemas de informação: o caso do sistema Submarino. RAC: Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 7, p. 115-136, 2003.
GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; CASTRO, J.F.B.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems: SELMAS 2003: workshop report. ACM Software Engineering Notes, v. 28, p. 1-1, 2003.
GEROSA, M. A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Suporte á percepção em ambientes de aprendizagem colaboratica. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Porto Alegre, v. 11, n. 2, p. 75-85, set. 2003.
GEROSA, M. A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Analysis and design of awareness elements in collaborative digital environments: a case study in the AulaNet learning environment. Journal on Interactive Learning Research, Charlottesville, v. 14, n. 3, p. 315-332, Fall 2003.
LABER, E. S.; CARMELO, E. M. A note on multicolor bipartite Ramsey numbers for K_{2,n}. Ars Combinatoria, Winnipeg, v. 69, n. 4, Oct, 2003.
LEAL, M. A.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. LuaTS - A reactive event-driven tuple space. Jornal of Universal Computer Science, Berlin, v. 9, n. 8, p. 730-744, 2003.
LOPES, L.M.C.; CASANOVA, M. A. ; Klimick, c. Relato de uma experiência de Sistema Híbrido no Ensino Fundamental: Projeto Aulativa. RED. Revista Brasileira de Aprendizagem Aberta e a Distância, São Paulo, v. 2, p. [1-7], jan, 2003.
MILIDIÚ, R. L.; MELO, T. M. L.; LIPORACE, F. S.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Multi-agent strategy for simultaneous and related auctions. Scientia, São Leopoldo, v. 14, n. 2, p. 155-170, 2003.
MILIDIÚ, R. L.; PESSOA, A. A.; LABER, E. S. The complexity of makespan minimization for pipeline transportation. Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam, v. 306, n. 1/3, p. 339-351, Sept, 2003.
MORENO, M. F.; SOARES NETO, C. S.; GOMES, A. T.; COLCHER, S.; SOARES, L. F. G. QoSOS: an adaptable architecture for QoS provisioning in network operating systems. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Telecomunicações, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 2, p. 118-131, out, 2003.
PINHEIRO, F.A.C.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; CASTRO, J.F.B. Requirements engineering technology transfer: na experience report. The Journal of Technology Transfer, Dordrecht, v. 28, n. 2, p. 159-165, Apr, 2003.
PLASTINO, A.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; RODRIGUEZ, N. Developing SPMD applications with load balancing. Parallel Computing, Amsterdam, v. 29, n. 6, p. 743-766, Jun, 2003.
RENTERIA, C. J.; HAEUSLER, E. H.; VELOSO, P. A. S. NUL: A natural deduction for ultrafilter logic. Bulletin of The Section of Logic, Lódz, v. 32, n. 4, p. 191-200, 2003.
RESENDE, M. G. C.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C.. GRASP with Path-Relinking for private virtual circuit routing. Networks, New York, v. 41, n. 2, p. 104-114, Feb. 2003.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C.; PEREIRA, M. F. V.; ABREU, N. M. M.; CAMPELLO, R. E. Nelson Maculan Filho: cientista e educador. Pesquisa Operacional, Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 1, p. 3-27, jan./abr. 2003.
RIBEIRO, M. F.; ENDLER, M. Comparing two reliable multicast protocols for mobile computing. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 8, n. 3, p. 18-31, Apr. 2003.
SARDINHA, J. A. R. P.; CLARK, P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; MILIDIÚ, R. L. An object-oriented framework for building software agents. Journal of Object Technology, Zurich, v. 2, n. 1, p. 85-97, Jan./Feb. 2003.
Alvim, a. c. f.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; glover, f.; aloise, d. j. A hybrid improvement heuristic for the one-dimensional bin packing problem. Journal of Heuristics, Dordrecht, v. 10, n. 2, p. 205–229, Mar. 2004.
BARTON, J. J.; CERQUEIRA, R. F. G. F. G.; FONTOURA, M. F. Ubiquitous computing - Guest Editorial. Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 69, n. 3, p. 207, Jan. 2004.
BARUQUE, L. B.; MELO, R. N. Learning Theory and instructional design using learning objects. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Norfolk, v. 13, n. 4, p. 343-370, 2004.
Binder, F. V.; FEIJÓ, B. Conceituando e resolvendo pragmaticamente os problemas mais críticos de um MMORPG. Scientia, São Leopoldo, v. 15, n. 2, p. 158-165, jul./dez. 2004.
CHOREN, R.; WEYNS, D.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; GRISS, M.; KUNG, D.; MINSKY, N.; ROMANOVSKY, A.; CASTRO, J. F. B.; LEMOS, R. Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems - SELMAS 2004: workshop report. Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 29, n. 5, p. 1-10, Sept. 2004.
CARMO, R.; DONADELLI, J.; KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; LABER, E. S. Searching in random partially ordered sets. Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam, v. 321, n. 1, p. 41-57, Jun. 2004.
CORTÉS, M. I. ; FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Using refactoring and unification rules to assist framework evolution. Novatica, Barcelona, v. 5, n. 2, p. 49-55, Apr. 2004.
CYSNEIROS, L. M.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Nonfunctional requirements: from elicitation to conceptual models. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 30, n. 5, p. 328-350, May 2004.
de SOUZA, C. S.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. Editorial: Human-computer interaction in Latin America. Interacting With Computers, Amsterdam, v. 16, p. 611-614, 2004.
de SOUZA, C. S.; NICOLACI-DA-COSTA, A. M.; SILVA, E. J.; PRATES, R. O. Compulsory institutionalization: investigating the paradox of computer-supported informal social processes. Interacting with Computers, Amsterdam, v. 16, n. 4, p. 635-656, Aug. 2004.
de SOUZA, C. S.; PREECE, J. A framework for analyzing and understanding. Interacting with Computers, Amsterdam, v. 16, n. 3, p. 579-610, Jun. 2004.
FEIJÓ, B.; BADARÓ, P. Jogos de computador no Brasil: uma visão estratégica de desenvolvimento. Scientia, v. 15, n. 2, p. 107-112, jul./dez 2004.
FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M. A.; RAPOSO, A. B.; LUCENA, C. J. P. O modelo de colaboração 3C no ambiente AulaNet. Informática na Educação - Teoria e Prática, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 1, p. 25-48, 2004.
GARCIA. A. F.F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; COWAN, D. D. Agent in object-oriented software engineering. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 34, n. 5, p. 489-521, Apr. 2004.
GOÑI, J. L.; FERNANDES, M. C. P; LUCENA, C. J. P. Uma metodologia aplicável a diferentes paradigmas de design Instrucional para a Implementação de sistemas de gerenciamento de aprendizagem usando objetos de aprendizado. Revista Iberoamericana de Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, Orlando, v. 5, n. 2, p.[1-5], 2004.
KARLSSON, B. F. F.; FEIJÓ, B. An overview on security in networked computer games. Scientia,. São Leopoldo, v. 15, n. 2, p. 166-173, jul./dez. 2004.
LABER, E. S.; NOGUEIRA, L, T. On the hardness of the minimum height decision tree problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Amsterdam, v. 144, n. 1-2, p. 209-212, Nov. 2004.
MASCARENHAS, F.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. LuaInterface: scripting the .NET CLR with Lua. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Berlin, v. 10, n. 7, p. 892-908, 2004.
MATHIAS FILHO, I.; OLIVEIRA, T. C.; LUCENA, C. J. P. A framework instantiation approach based on the features model. The Journal of Systems & Software, New York, v. 73, n. 2, p. 333-349, Oct. 2004.
MEDINA, M. T.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; SOARES, L. F. G. Automatic scheduling of hypermedia documents with elastic times. Parallel Processing Letters, Cingapura, v. 14, n. 1, p. 45-59, Mar. 2004.
MITCHELL, L. H. R. G.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Contribuições da gestão de competências para a educação a distância: experimento com o ambiente AulaNet. Informática na Educação - Teoria e Prática, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 2, p. 83-98, jul./dez. 2004.
MOURA, A. L.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Coroutines in Lua. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Berlin, v. 10, n. 7, p. 910-925, 2004.
OLIVEIRA, T. C.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; COWAN, D. D. Response to Jiau et al.’s comments. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 30, n. 10, p. 708, Oct. 2004.
OLIVEIRA, T. C.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; COWAN, D. D.Software process representation and analysis for framework instantiation. IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 30, n. 3, p. 145-159, Mar. 2004.
POZZER, C. T.; FEIJÓ, B.; CIARLINI, A. E. M.; FURTADO, A. L.; Dreux, M.A. Managing actions and movements of non-player characters in computer games. Scientia, São Leopoldo, v. 15, n. 2, p. 148-157, jul./dez. 2004.
RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; URRUTIA, S. OR on the ball: applications in sports scheduling and management. OR/MS Today, Baltimore, v. 31, n. 3, p. 50-55, Jun. 2004.
SACRAMENTO, V.; ENDLER, M.; RUBINSZTEJN, H. K. S.; LIMA, L. S.; GONÇALVES, K. M.; NASCIMENTO, F. N. C.; BUENO, G. MoCA: a middleware for developing collaborative applications for mobile users. IEEE Distributed Systems, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 5, n. 10, p.[1-14], 2004.
SANT’ANNA, C.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; KULESZA, U.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; STAA, A. v. Design patterns as aspects: a quantitative assessment. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 10, n. 2, p. 42-55, Nov. 2004.
SILVA, A. C.; CARVALHO, P. C. P.; GATTASS, M. Analysis of spatial variability using geostatistical functions for diagnosis of Lung nodule in computerized tomography images. Pattern Analysis And Applications, Londres, v. 7, n. 3, p. 227-234, Sept. 2004.
SILVA, A. C.; CARVALHO, P. C. P.; GATTASS, M. Diagnosis of solitary lung nodule using texture e geometry in computerized tomography images: preliminary results. IEEE Latin America Transactions, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 2, n. 2, p. 75-80, Jun. 2004.
SILVA, V. T.; LUCENA, C. J. P. From a conceptual framework for agents and objects to a multi-agent system modeling language. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, New York, v. 9, n. 1/2, p. 145-189, Jul. 2004.
SILVEIRA, M. S.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; de SOUZA, C. S. Designing online help systems for reflective users. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 9, n. 3, p. 25-38, Apr. 2004.
SIQUEIRA, S. W. M.; BRAZ, M. H.; MELO, R. N. Increasing the semantics of learning objects. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Language, Shangai, v. 17, n. 1, p. 27-39, Mar. 2004.
URURAHY, C.; RODRIGUEZ, N. Programming and coordinating grid environments and applications. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Chichester, v. 16, n. 5, p. 543-549, Apr. 2004.
BATISTA, C. E. C. F.; BRESSAN, G.; SOUZA FILHO, G. L.; LEITE, L. E. C.; SOARES, L. F. G.; ALVES, L. G. P.; KULESZA, R.; RODRIGUES, R. F. FlexTV - uma proposta de arquitetura de middleware para o sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital. Revista de Engenharia da Computação e Sistema Digitais, São Paulo, p. 29-40, 2005.
BASTOS, T. A.; RAPOSO, A. B.; GATTASS, M. Um framework para o desenvolvimento de
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Porto Alegre, v. III, p.1-15, 2005.
BREITMAN, K. K.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; BERRY, D.M. Supporting scenario evolution. Requirements Engineering, London, v. 10, n. 2, p. 112-131, May 2005.
BURIOL, L. S.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; RIBEIRO, C. C. C..; THORUP, M. A hybrid genetic algorithm for the weight setting problem in OSPF/IS-IS Routing. Networks, New York, v. 46, n. 1, p. 36-56, Aug. 2005.
CELES, W.; PAULINO, G. H.; ESPINHA, R. A compact adjacency-based topological data structure for finite element mesh representation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, New York, v. 64, n. 11, p. 1529-1556, 2005.
CELES, W.; PAULINO, G. H.; ESPINHA, R. Efficient handling of implicit entities in reduced mesh representations. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, New York, v. 5, n. 4, p. 348-359, 2005.
CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Modeling multi-agent systems with ANote. Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym), Berlin, v. 4, n. 2, p. 199-208, May 2005.
COUTINHO, L. M.; CASANOVA, M. A. Desenvolvimento de cursos baseados na Web: Uma proposta metodológica. Boletim Técnico do SENAC, Rio de Janeiro, v. 31, p. 37-49, 2005.
FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M. A.; PIMENTEL, M. G. C.; FILIPPO, D. D. R.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Informações estatísticas e visuais para a mediação de fóruns meducacionais. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Florianópolis, v. 13, n. 3, p. 19-31, set./dez, 2005.
FUKS, H.; RAPOSO, A. B.; GEROSA, M. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Applying the 3C model to groupware development. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systens, Singapore, v. 14, n. 2/3, p. 299-328, Jun./Sept, 2005.
GARCIA, A.; CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; ROMANOVSKY, A.; GIESE, H.; WEYNS, D.; HOLVOET, T.; GIORGINI, P. Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems: SELMAS 2005: workshop report. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 30, n. 4, p. 1-8, Jul, 2005.
Gerosa, m. a.; Pimentel, m. g. c.; Fuks, h.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Component kits based on the 3C collaboration model for groupware development. Scientia, São Leopoldo, v. 16, n. 2, p. 85-96, jul./dez, 2005.
GOÑI, J. L.; FERNANDES, M. C. P.; CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Uma metodologia aplicável a diferentes paradigmas de design instrucional para a implementação de sistemas de gerenciamento de aprendizagem usando objetos de aprendizado. Revista Iberoamericana de Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, Orlando, v. 2, n. 1, p. 83-87 2005.
GONZÁLEZ-BAIXAULI, B; LAGUNA, M.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Aplicación de la teoría de constructos personales a la elicitación de requisitos. Revista IEEE América Latina, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 3, p. 82-89, 2005.
IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; FIGUEIREDO, L. H.; CELES, W. The implementation of Lua 5.0. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Berlin, v. 11, n.7, p. 1159-1176, 2005.
LEAL, M.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. A formal semantics for finalizers. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Berlin, v. 11, p. 1198-1214, 2005.
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; DOORN, J. H.; HADAD, G. D. S.; KAPLAN, G. N. Scenario inspections. Requirements Engineering, London, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-21, Feb, 2005.
MASCARENHAS, F.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Running Lua scripts on the CLR through bytecode translation. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Berlin, v. 11, p. 1275-1290, 2005.
MAURO, R. C.; LIFSCHITZ, S. An I/O device driver for Bioinformatics tools: the case for BLAST. Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR), Ribeirão Preto, v. 4, n.3, p. 563-570, 2005.
SILVA, G. M. H.; HAEUSLER, E. H.; VELOSO, P. A. S. Exploring computational contents of intuitionistic proofs. Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL),. Oxford, v. 13, n. 1, p. 69-93, Jan, 2005.
SILVA, L. F.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; BREITMAN, K. K. C&L: uma ferramenta de apoio à engenharia de requisitos. Revista de Informatica Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 12, n. 1, p. 23-45, jun, 2005.
SIQUEIRA, S .W .M.; BRAZ, M.H.; MELO, RStructured digital content for improving civil engineering education. Botswana Journal of Technology, Botswana, v. 13, n. 2, 0/1/2004.
de SOUZA, C. S. Semiotic engineering: bringing designers and users together at interaction time. Interacting with computers, Amsterdam, v. 17, n. 3, p. 317-341, May 2005.
VIEIRA, T. A. S. C.; CASANOVA, M. A. ; FERRÃO, L. G. On the design of ontology-driven workflow flexibilization mechanisms. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 11, n. 2, p. 35-43, Nov, 2005.
BARUQUE, C. B.; BARUQUE, L. B.; MELO, R. N. Using data mining for the refresh of learning objects digital libraries. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Wisconsin. v.11. n.5. p.2662-2667, 2006.
BARUQUE, L. B.; MELO, R. N. Towards Metrics for the Assessment of Web-based Education . WSEAS Transactions on Computers,Wisconsin. v.11. n.5. p.2674-2681, 2006.
BACHELET, B.; MAHEY, P.; RODRIGUES, R. F.; SOARES, L. F. G. Elastic time computation in QoS-driven hypermedia presentations. Multimedia Systems, New York, v. 12, ,n, 24, p. 461-478, 2006.
CERQUEIRA, R. F. G.; CAMARGO, R. Y. ; KON, F. Strategies for storage of checkpointing data using non-dedicated repositories on Grid systems. IEEE Distributed Systems, Los Alamitos, Ca., v.7. n.9. p.(1-11), 2006.
CHAVEZ, C.; GARCIA, A.; KULESZA,U.; SANT'ANNA, C. N.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Crosscutting interfaces for aspect-oriented modeling. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre. v.12, n.1. p.43-58, 2006.
CORTÉS, M. I.; FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P. A rule-based approach to framework evolution. Journal of Object Technology, Zurique. v.5. n.1. p.83-103, 2006.
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NUNES, C. P. B.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; LEE, J. Heuristic expansion of feature mappings in evolving program families. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 44, p. 1315-1349, 2013.
OLIVEIRA, A. P. A.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; CYSNEIROS, L. M. Aplicando a Experimentação na Engenharia de Requisitos: o caso do Método ERi*c. Cadernos do IME. Série Informática, Rio de Janeiro, v. 33. p. 19-, 2013
PRATES, R. O.; KUJALA, T.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; SILVEIRA, M. S.; de SOUZA, C. S.; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.; MACIEL, C.; FURTADO, M. E. S.; ANACLETO, J. C.; MELO, P. HCI community in Brazil---sweet 16! ACM Interactions, New York, v. 20 p. 80-8, 2013.
RIVERA SALAS, P. E.; BREITMAN, K. K.; MARX, E. L.; VITERBO, J.; MERA CARABALLO, A. A.; CASANOVA, M. A. RDB2RDF: A relational to RDF plug-in for eclipse. Software, Practice & Experience, New York, v. 43, p. 435-447, 2013.
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SANT`ANNA, C.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; BATISTA, T. V.; RASHID, A. mastering crosscutting architectural decisions with aspects. Software, Practice & Experience (Print), New York, v. 43, p. 305-332, 2013.
SCHUSTER, D.; ROSI, A.; MAMEI, M.; SPRINGER, T.; ENDLER, M.; ZAMBONELLI, F. Pervasive social context. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, New York, v. 4, p. 1 - 22, 2013.
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TRINDADE, D.; TEIXEIRA, L.; LOAIZA, M.; CARVALHO, F. G.; RAPOSO, A. B.; SANTOS, I. LVRL: Reducing the gap between Immersive VR and Desktop Graphical Applications. The International Journal of Virtual Reality, v. 12, p. 3-14, 2013.
VASCONCELOS, R. O.; ENDLER, M.; GOMES, B. T. P.; SILVA, F. S. Autonomous load balancing of data stream processing and mobile communications in scalable data distribution systems. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, v. 6, p. 300-317, 2013.
ARAUJO, A. H. M.; MONTEIRO, J. M.; MACÊDO, J. A. F.; TAVARES, J. A.; BRAYNER, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S. ARe-SQL: An Online, Automatic and Non-Intrusive Approach for Rewriting SQL Queries. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM, v. 5, p. 28-39, 2014.
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ARAUJO, A. H. M.; MONTEIRO FILHO, J. M. S.; MACÊDO, J. A. F.; TAVARES, J. A.; BRAYNER, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S. On using an online, automatic and non-intrusive approach for rewriting SQL queries. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM, v. 5, p. 28-39, 2014.
BARBOSA, S. D. J.; LIMA, E.S.; FURTADO, A. L.; FEIJÓ, B. Generation and dramatization of detective stories. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, v. 5, p. 39-52, 2014.
BARBOSA, S. D. J.; SILVA, F. A. G.; FURTADO, A. L.; CASANOVA, M. A. Plot generation with character-based decisions. ACM Computers in Entertainment, v. 12, n. 3, p. 1-21, 2014.
BEGHINI, L. L.; PEREIRA, A.; ESPINHA, R.; MENEZES, I. F. M.; CELES, W.; PAULINO, G. H. An object-oriented framework for finite element analysis based on a compact topological data structure. Advances in Engineering Software, Amsterdam, v. 68, p. 40-48, 2014.
BOMMEL, P.; DIEGUEZ, F.; BARTABURU, D.; DUARTE, E.; MONTES, E.; MACHIN, M. P.; CORRAL, J.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; GROSSKOPF, H. M. A further step towards participatory modelling. fostering stakeholder involvement in designing models by using executable UML. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation - JASSS (Guildford), v. 17, n. 1/6, p. 1-13, 2014.
CACHO, N.; SANT'ANNA, C.; FIGUEIREDO, E.; DANTAS, F.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; BATISTA, T. B. Blending design patterns with aspects: a quantitative study. The Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 98, p. 117-139, 2014.
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FARIAS, K.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Effects of stability on model composition effort: an exploratory study. Software & Systems Modeling, v. 13, n. 4, p. 1473-1494, 2014.
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HOLANDA, P.; PORDEUS, J. P.; MONTEIRO, J. M.; BRAYNER, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Improving index maintenance using decision analysis. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM, v. 5, p. 280-292, 2014.
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NUNES, T. P.; SCHWABE, D. Multilingual distant supervised relation extractors combining multiple feature types. International Journal of Semantic Computing, Singapore, v. 8, n. 4, p. 441-459, 2014.
PEREIRA, R.; LOPES, H.; BREITMAN, K. K.; MUNDIM, V.; PEIXOTO, W. Cloud based real-time collaborative filtering for item-item recommendations. Computers in Industry, Amsterdam, v. 65, p. 279-290, 2014.
PICCININNI, H.; CASANOVA, M. A.; FURTADO, A. L. Publishing deep web geographic data. Geoinformatica, Dordrecht, v. 18, p. 1-24, 2014.
SANTOS, A. M.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Automatic detection of small lung nodules in 3D CT data using Gaussian mixture models, Tsallis entropy and SVM. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, v. 36, p. 27-39, 2014.
SILVA, G. F. M.; SALGADO, L. C. C.; SUPLINO, M.; RAPOSO, A. B. Cultural viewpoint metaphors guiding the collaborative strategies design of a multitouch tabletop game for people with autism. Themes in Science and Technology Education, Ioanina, v. 7, p. 83-98, 2014.
SILVA, J. N.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; CORRÊA SILVA, A.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Automatic detection of masses in mammograms using quality threshold clustering, correlogram function, and SVM. Journal of Digital Imaging, Berlin, v. 28. p. 323-337, 2014.
SKYRME, A.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Scripting multiple CPUs with safe data sharing. IEEE Software, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 31, p. 44-51, 2014.
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VASCONCELOS, R.; ENDLER, M.; GOMES, B.; SILVA, F. S. Design and evaluation of an autonomous load balancing system for mobile data stream processing based on a data centric publish subscribe approach. International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems, Hershey, v. 5, p. 1-19, 2014.
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ALBUQUERQUE, D.; CAFEO, B.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; BARBOSA, S.; ABRAHÃO, S.; RIBEIRO, A. Quantifying usability of domain-specific languages: an empirical study on software maintenance. The Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 101, p. 245-259, 2015.
ALHADEFF, A.; CELES, W.; PAULINO, G. H. Mapping cohesive fracture and fragmentation simulations to graphics processor units. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (Print), New York, v. 103, p. 859-893, 2015.
ALMEIDA, J. D. S.; SILVA, A. C.; TEIXEIRA, J. A. M.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Computer-aided methodology for syndromic strabismus diagnosis. Journal of Digital Imaging, Berlin, v. 28, n. 4. p. 462-483, 2015.
ALMEIDA, J. D. S.; SILVA, A. C.; TEIXEIRA, J. A. M.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Surgical planning for horizontal strabismus using support vector regression. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Amsterdam, v. 63, p. 178-186, 2015.
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CAFEO, B.; CIRILO, E.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; DANTAS, F.; LEE, J. Feature dependencies as change propagators: an exploratory study of software product lines. Information and Software Technology, Amsterdam, v. 69, p. 37-49, 2015.
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DUARTE, L. S.; CELES, W.; PEREIRA, A.; M. MENEZES, I. F.; PAULINO, G. H. PolyTop++: an efficient alternative for serial and parallel topology optimization on CPUs & GPUs. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print), Berlin, v. 52, n. 5, p. 845-859, 2015.
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FARIAS, K.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; WHITTLE, J.; CHAVEZ, C. V. F. G.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Evaluating the effort of composing design models: a controlled experiment. Software and Systems Modeling (Print), Berlin, v. 14, n. 4, p. 1349-1365, 2015.
FERREIRA, J. S. J.; de SOUZA, C. S.; CERQUEIRA, R. F. G. F. G. Why and how to investigate interaction design of software development tools. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, v. 6, p. 48-65, 2015.
GARCIA. A. F.F.; GHEYI, R.; RIBEIRO, M.; UCHITEL, S. Report on the First PhD and Young Researchers Warm Up Symposium for ICSE 2017. ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 40, p. 38-38, 2015.
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KRAMER, R.; SUBRAMANIAN, A.; VIDAL, T.; CABRAL, L. A. F. A matheuristic approach for the pollution-routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 243, n. 2, p. 523-539, 2015.
KRAMER, R.; MACULAN, N.; SUBRAMANIAN, A.; VIDAL, T. A speed and departure time optimization algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam,v, 247, n. 3, p. 782-787, 2015.
KUBRUSLY, J.; LOPES, H. Constructive regression on implicit regions. Advances and Applications in Statistics, Prayagraj, v. 45, p. 201-223, 2015.
LAHRICHI, N.; CRAINIC, T. G.; GENDREAU, M.; REI, W.; CRI'AN, G. C.; VIDAL, T. An integrative cooperative search framework for multi-decision-attribute combinatorial optimization: application to the MDPVRP. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam v. 246, n. 2, p. 400-412, 2015.
MIREYA SILVA, G. F.; RAPOSO, A. B.; SUPLINO, M. Exploring Collaboration Patterns in a Multitouch Game to Encourage Social Interaction and Collaboration Among Users with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Berlin, v. 24, p. 149-175, 2015.
NUNES, I.; MILES, S.; LUCK, M.; BARBOSA, S.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Decision making with natural language based preferences and psychology-inspired heuristics. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, v. 42, p. 16-35, 2015.
NUNES, I.; MILES, S.; LUCK, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. An introduction to reasoning over qualitative multi-attribute preferences. Knowledge Engineering Review, Cambridge,. v. 30, n. 3, p. 342-372, 2015
NUNES, I.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; COWAN, D.; MILES, S.; LUCK, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Natural language-based representation of user preferences. Interacting with Computers, Amsterdam, v. 27, n. 2, p. 133-158, 2015.
OIZUMI, W. N.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; COLANZI, T. E.; FERREIRA, M.; STAA, A. v. On the relationship of code-anomaly agglomerations and architectural problems. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, Berlin, v. 3, n. 11, p. 1-22, 2015.
OLIVEIRA, F. S. S.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O. ; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Classification of breast regions as mass and non-mass based on digital mammograms using taxonomic indexes and SVM. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Amsterdam, v. 57, p. 42-53, 2015.
SAETTLER, A.; LABER, E.; CICALESE, F. Approximating decision trees with value dependent testing costs. Information Processing Letters (Print), Amsterdam, v. 115. p. 594-599, 2015.
SALMITO, T.; MOURA, A. L.; RODRIGUEZ, N. A stepwise approach to developing staged applications. Journal of Supercomputing, Berlin, v. 71, n. 12, p. 4663-4679, 2015.
SAMPAIO, W. B.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M.. Detection of masses in mammograms with adaption to breast density using genetic algorithm, phylogenetic trees, LBP and SVM. Expert Systems with Applications, Amsterdam, v. 42, p. 8911-8928, 2015.
SANTOS NETO, B. F.; RIBEIRO, M.; SILVA, V. T.; BRAGA, C.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; COSTA, E. B. AutoRefactoring: a platform to build refactoring agents. Expert Systems with Applications, Amsterdam, v. 42, n. 3, p. 1652-1664, 2015.
SOUSA, H. P.; LEAL, A.L.C.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Alinhamento de operacionalizações entre transparência e MPS.BR. iSys: Revista Brasileira de Sistemas de Informação, Porto Alegre, v. 8, p. 109-141, 2015.
VIDAL, T.; BATTARRA, M.; SUBRAMANIAN, A.; ERDOG'AN, G.. Hybrid metaheuristics for the clustered vehicle routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, Amsterdam, v. 58, p. 87-99, 2015.
VIDAL, T.; CRAINIC, T. G.; GENDREAU, M.; PRINS, C. Time-window relaxations in vehicle routing heuristics. Journal of Heuristics, Dordrecht, v. 21, p. 329-358, 2015.
VIDAL, T.; CRAINIC, T. G.; GENDREAU, M.; PRINS, C. Timing problems and algorithms: time decisions for sequences of activities. Networks, New York, v. 65, n. 2, p. 102-128, 2015.
WOLTER, U.; MARTINI, A.; HAEUSLER, E. H. Towards a uniform presentation of logical systems by indexed categories and adjoint situations. Journal of Logic and Computation (Online), Oxford, v. 25. p. 57-93, 2015.
ABASCAL, J.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; NICOLLE, C.; ZAPHIRIS, P. Rethinking universal accessibility: a broader approach considering the digital gap. Universal Access in the Information Society, Berlin, v. 15, n. 2, p. 179-182, 2016.
ALBUQUERQUE, F. C.; CASANOVA, M. A.; LOPES, H.; REDLICH, L. R.; MACEDO, J. A. F.; LEMOS, M.; CARVALHO, M. T. M.; RENSO, C. A methodology for traffic-related Twitter messages interpretation. Computers in Industry, Amsterdam, v. 78, p. 57-69, 2016.
ALHADEFF, A.; LEON, S. E.; CELES, W.; PAULINO, G. H. Massively parallel adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening for dynamic fracture simulations. Engineering with Computers, Berlin, v. 32, n. 3, p. 533-552, 2016.
ANICETO, R.; XAVIER, R.; GUIMARAES, V.; HONDO, F.; HOLANDA, M. T.; WALTER, M. E.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Evaluating the Cassandra NoSQL database approach for genomic data persistency. International Journal of Genomics, London, v. 64, p. 299-295, 2016.
AWASTHI, P.; JHA, M.; MOLINARO, M. S.; RASKHODNIKOVA, S.. Testing Lipschitz Functions on hypergrid domains. Algorithmica, Berlin, v. 74, n. 3, p. 1055-1081, 2016.
BREUNIG, U.; SCHMID, V.; HARTL, R. F.; VIDAL, T. A large neighbourhood based heuristic for two-echelon routing problems. Computers & Operations Research, Amsterdam, v. 76, p. 208-225, 2016.
FURTADO, E. S.; CONTE, T.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; MELO, P.; MACIEL, C.; SOUZA, C. R. B. Evangelizing HCI research and practice in Brazil. ACM Interactions, New York, v. 23, n. 6, p. 78-78, 2016.
GORTZ, I. L.; MOLINARO, M. S.; NAGARAJAN, V.; RAVI, R. Capacitated vehicle routing with nonuniform speeds. Mathematics of Operations Research (Online), Catonsville, v. 41, n. 1, p. 318-331, 2016.
GUPTA, A.; MOLINARO, M. S. How the experts algorithm can help solve LPs online. Mathematics of Operations Research (Online), Catonsville, v. 41, n. 4, p. 1404-1431, 2016.
HAEUSLER, E. H.; PEREIRA, L. C. Two basic results on translations between logics. O QUE NOS FAZ PENSAR, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, p. 51-54, 2016.
JACYNTHO, M. D. A.; SCHWABE, D. A multigranurality locking model for RDF. Journal of Web Semantics, Elsevier, v. 39, p. 25-46, 2016.
LAZAR, J.; MARTÍNEZ-NORMAND, L.; MICHALK, W.; TSAI, J.; VAN DER VEER, G.; AXELSON, H.; WALLDIUS, A.; WHITNEY, G.; WINCKLER, M.; WULF, V.; CHURCHILL, E. F.; ABASCAL, J.; CRANOR, L.; DAVIS, J.; HEDGE, A.; HOCHHEISER, H.; HOURCADE, J. P.; LEWIS, C.; NATHAN, L.; PATERNO, F.; REID, B.; QUESENBERY, W.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; SELKER, T.; WENTZ, B.; BARKSDALE, J.; FRIEDMAN, B.; GROSSKLAGS, J.; GULLIKSEN, J.; JOHNSON, J.; MCEWAN, T. Human-computer interaction and international public policymaking: a framework for understanding and taking future actions. Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, Hannover, Mass., v. 9, n. 2, p. 69-149, 2016.
LEAL, A. L. C.; SOUSA, H. P.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Método sistêmico com suporte em GORE para análise de conformidade de requisitos não funcionais Implementados em software. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada: RITA, Porto Alegre, v. 23, p. 140-182, 2016.
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; SANTORO, F. M.; CAPPELLI, C.; BATISTA, T. V.; SANTOS, F. J. N. Ownership relevance in aspect-oriented business process models. Business Process Management Journal, Bingley, v. 22, p. 566-593, 2016.
LIMA, E. S.; FEIJÓ, B.; CASANOVA, M. A.; FURTADO, A. L. Storytelling variants based on semiotic relations. Entertainment Computing, Amsterdam, v. 17, p. 31-44, 2016.
LOZANO, E.; ROEHL, D.; CELES, W.; GATTASS, M. An efficient algorithm to generate random sphere packs in arbitrary domains. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Amsterdam, v. 71, n. 8, p. 1586-1601, 2016.
MAIDL, A. M.; MASCARENHAS, F.; MEDEIROS, S.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Error reporting in parsing expression grammars. Science of Computer Programming (Print), Amsterdam, v. 132, n. 1, p. 129-140, 2016.
MAIDL, A. M.; MASCARENHAS, F.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. A formalization of typed lua. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, New York, v. 51, n. 2, p. 13-25, 2016.
RAPOSO, A.; REIS, L.; RODRIGUES, V.; PINHEIRO, R.; ELIAS, P.; CHERULLO, R. A system for Integrated visualization in oil exploration and production. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 36, p. 10-16, 2016.
RAPOSO, A.; MUSSE, S. R.; GAIN, J. Visual Computing and the Progress of Developing Countries. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 36, p. 22-23, 2016.
RIBEIRO, P. C.; VELHO, H. F. C.; LOPES, H.. Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition and the analysis of 2D vector field ensembles. Computers & Graphics, Amsterdam, v. 55, p. 80-96, 2016.
ROCHA, S. V.; BRAZ JUNIOR, G.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M.. Texture analysis of masses malignant in mammograms images using a combined approach of diversity index and local binary patterns distribution. Expert Systems with Applications, Amsterdam, v. 66, p. 7-19, 2016.
RODRIGUEZ LANES, K.; CASANOVA, M. A.; LEMUS, N. M. From sensor data streams to linked streaming data: a survey of main approaches. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 2, p. 130-140, 2016.
SAMPAIO, L.; GARCIA, A, F. Exploring context-sensitive data flow analysis for early vulnerability detection. Journal of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, v. 113, p. 337-361, 2016.
SANTA BRIGIDA, A. B.; ROJAS, C.; GRATIVOL, C.; DE ARMAS, E. M.; ENTENZA, J. O.; THIEBAUT, F.; LIMA, M.; FARRINELLI, L.; HEMERLY, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; FERREIRA, P. C. G. Sugarcane transcriptome analysis in response to infection caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae. Plos One, San Francisco, v. 11, n. 12, p. 1-30, 2016.
SILVA, G. L. F.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; S SILVA, A. C. ; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Taxonomic indexes for differentiating malignancy of lung nodules on CT images. Research on Biomedical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, v. 32, n. 3, p. 263-272, 2016.
SILVA JUNIOR, A. R.; CLUA, E.; VALENTE, L.; FEIJÓ, B. First steps towards live-action virtual reality games. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 1, p. 3-16, 2016.
SILVEIRA, M. S.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. Estou fazendo pós-graduação em IHC... e agora? Cadernos de Informática (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, v. 9, n. 1, p. 24-26, 2016.
SOUSA JUNIOR, L. C.; SANTOS, L. O. S.; RIOS, V. S.; ARAÚJO, C.; CELES, W.; SEPEHRNOORI, K. Methodology for geomechanically controlled transmissibility through active natural fractures in reservoir simulation. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, Elsevier, v. 147, p. 7-14, 2016.
VASCONCELOS, R. O.; VASCONCELOS, I.; ENDLER, M. Dynamic and coordinated software reconfiguration in distributed data stream systems. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Porto Alegre/Berlin, v. 7, n. 8, p. 1-21, 2016.
VIDAL, T.; JAILLET, P.; MACULAN, N. A decomposition algorithm for nested resource allocation problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Philadelphia, Pa., v. 26, n. 2, p. 1322-1340, 2016..
VIDAL, T.; MACULAN, N.; OCHI, L. S.; VAZ PENNA, P. H. Large neighborhoods with implicit customer selection for vehicle routing problems with profits. Transportation Science, Catonsville, v. 50, n. 2, p. 720-734, 2016.
VIDAL, T. Technical note: Split algorithm in O(n) for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, Amsterdam, v. 69, p. 40-47, 2016.
BARBOSA, S. D. J.; SILVEIRA, M. S.; GASPARINI, I. What publications metadata tell us about the evolution of a scientific community: the case of the Brazilian human-computer interaction conference series. Scientometrics, Berlin, v. 110, n. 1, p. 275-300, 2017.
BARROS NETTO, S. M.; SILVA, A. C.; LOPES, H.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Statistical tools for the temporal analysis and classification of lung lesions. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Print), Amsterdam, v. 142, p. 55-72, 2017.
BARROS NETTO, S. M.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Unsupervised detection of density changes through principal component analysis for lung lesion classification. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Berlin, v. 76, n. 18, p. 18929-18954, 2017.
BARROS NETTO, S. M.; SILVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Voxel-based comparative analysis of lung lesions in CT for therapeutic purposes. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Berlin, v. 55, n. 2, p. 295-314, 2017.
BOLAND, N.; DEY, S. S.; KALINOWSKI, T.; MOLINARO, M.; RIGTERINK, F. Bounding the gap between the McCormick relaxation and the convex hull for bilinear functions. Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam, v. 162, n. 1-2, p. 523-535, 2017.
BUENO, A. L. C.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; SOTELINO, E. D. An adaptive methodology for multi-GPU programming in OpenCL. Engineering Computations, Bingley, v. 34, n. 4, p. 1277-1292, 2017.
CAPONE, L.; ITUASSU, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; MANNHEIMER, V. Superposters, especialização e serviço: a primeira Consulta Pública do Marco Civil da Internet no Twitter. Revista Fronteiras (Online), São Leopoldo, v. 19, n. 2, p. 263-276, 2017.
CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Computer-aided diagnosis system for lung nodules based on computed tomography using shape analysis, a genetic algorithm, and SVM. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Berlin, v. 55,n. 8, p. 1129-1146, 2017.
CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Lung-nodule classification based on computer tomography using taxonomic diversity indexes and an SVM. Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology, Berlin, v. 17, n. 2, p. 179-196, 2017.
CARVALHO FILHO, A. O. ; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. 3D shape analysis to reduce false positives for lung nodule detection systems. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Berlin, v. 55, n. 8, p. 1199-1213, 2017.
CICALESE, F.; LABER, E. S.; SAETTLER, A. Decision trees for function evaluation: simultaneous optimization of worst and expected cost. Algorithmica, Berlin, v. 79, n. 3, p. 763-796, 2017.
CONDEIXA, L. D.; BASTOS, L. S. L.; OLIVEIRA, F. L. C.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. Wind speed time series analysis using TBATS decomposition and moving blocks bootstrap. International Journal of Energy and Statistics, Singapore, v. 5, n. 2, p. 1-16, 2017.
ENDLER, M.; BRIOT, J.-P.; PINHEIRO, V.; REIS, R.; SILVA, F. S. E. Stream-based reasoning for IoT applications - proposal of architecture and analysis of challenges. International Journal of Semantic Computing, Singapore, v. 11, n. 3, p. 325-344, 2017.
FERNANDES, R.; LOPES, H.; GATTASS, M. Lobbes: an algorithm for sparse-spike deconvolution. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 14, n. 12, p. 2240-2244, 2017.
GARNIER, M.; VIEIRA, I.; GARCIA. A. F.F. On the influence of program constructs on bug localization effectiveness. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, Berlin, v. 5, n. 6, p. 1-29, 2017.
GOMES, B. T. P.; MUNIZ, L. C.; SILVA, F. S.; RIOS, L. E. T.; ENDLER, M. A comprehensive and scalable middleware for ambient assisted living based on cloud computing and IoT. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Online), Chichester, v. 29, n. 11, p. 1-19, 2017.
FERNANDES, C. O.; LUCENA, C. J. P. A software framework for remote patient monitoring by using multi-agent systems support. JMIR Medical Informatics (Journal of Medical Internet Research), v. 5, n. 1, p. 1-17, 2017.
FERNANDES, R.; LOPES, H.; GATTASS, M. Lobbes: an algorithm for sparse-spike deconvolution. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letteres, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 14, p. 1-5, 2017.
FROZ, B. R.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Lung nodule classification using artificial crawlers, directional texture and support vector machine. Expert Systems with Applications, Amsterdam, v. 69, p. 176-188, 2017.
GOMES, B. T. P.; MUNIZ, L. C.; SILVA, F. J. S.; SANTOS, D. V.; LOPES, R. F.; COUTINHO, L. R.; CARVALHO, F.; ENDLER, M. A middleware with comprehensive quality of context support for the Internet of Things applications. Sensors, Basel, v. 17, n. 12, p. 2853-2898, 2017.
GOMES JUNIOR, D. L.; REIS, P. R. J.; PAIVA, A. C.; SILVA, A. C.; BRAZ JUNIOR, G.; ARAÚJO, A. S.; GATTASS, M. Semi-automatic methodology for augmented panorama development in industrial outdoor environments. Advances in Engineering Software, Amsterdam, v. 114, p. 282-294, 2017.
GUEDES, A. L. V.; AZEVEDO, R. G. A.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. Extending multimedia languages to support multimodal user interactions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Berlin, v. 76. n. 4, p. 5691-5720, 2017.
IERUSALIMSCHY, R. First-class functions in an imperative world. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Berlin, v. 23, n. 1, p. 112-126, 2017.
LAGE, M.; MARTHA, L. F. C. R.; ALMEIDA, J. P. M.; LOPES, H. IBHM: index-based data structures for 2D and 3D hybrid meshes. Engineering with Computers, Berlin, v. 33, n. 4, p. 727-744, 2017.
LEITE, J. C. S. P.; ZHAO, L.; KOPCZNSKA, S.; SUPAKKUL, S.; CHUNG, L. Report from the 6th International Workshop on Requirements Patterns (RePa'16). ACM Software Engineering Notes, New York, v. 42, p. 32-33, 2017.
MARQUES, A. B.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; CONTE, T. U. Defining a notation for usability-oriented interaction and navigation modeling for interactive systems. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, v. 8, n. 2, p. 35-49, 2017.
MEDEIROS, A. L.; SOUSA, H. P. S.; SANTORO, F. M.; CAPPELLI, C.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; BATISTA, T. V.; JOSÉ, H. S. S. Evolving Oryx into an aspect-oriented business process modelling tool. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (Print), Genèva, v. 8, n. 4, p. 223-242, 2017.
MÉNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, D.; LASSENIUS, C.; MÄNNISTO, T.; NAYABI, M.; OIVO, M.; PENZENSTADLER, B.; PFAHL, D.; PRIKLADNICKI, R.; RUHE, G.; SCHEKELMANN, A.; SEN, S.; WAGNER, S.; SPINOLA, R.; TUZCU, A.; DE LA VARA, J. L.; WIERINGA, R.; KALINOWSKI, M.; FELDERER, M.; MAFRA, P.; VETRÕ, A.; CONTE, T.; CHRISTIANSSON, M.-T.; GREER, D. Naming the pain in requirements engineering. Empirical Software Engineerin, Dordrecht, v. 22, n. 5, p. 2298-2338, 2017.
MONTEAGUDO GARCÍA, G.; NUNES, B. P.; LOPES, G. R.; CASANOVA, M. A.; PAES LEME, L. A. P. Techniques for comparing and recommending conferences. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, v. 23, p. 1-14, 2017.
MONTEIRO, I. T.; SALGADO, L. C. C; MOTA, M. P.; SAMPAIO, A. L.; de SOUZA, C. S. Signifying software engineering to computational thinking learners with AgentSheets and PoliFacets. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Amsterdam, v. 40, p. 91-112, 2017.
MOREJON, R.; VIANA, M. L.; LUCENA, C. J. P. An approach to generate software agents for health data mining. Internatinal Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Singapore, v. 27, n. 9, p. 1579-1589, 2017.
MOURA, P.; LABER, E. S.; LOPES, H.; MESEJO, D.; PAVANELLI, L.; JARDIM, J.; THIESEN, F.; PUJOL, G. LSHSIM: a locality sensitive hashing based method for multiple-point geostatistics. Computers & Geosciences, Amsterdam, v. 107, p. 49-60, 2017.
NASCIMENTO, N. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. FIoT: an agent-based framework for self-adaptive and self-organizing applications based on the Internet of Things. Information Sciences, Amsterdam, v. 378, p. 161-176, 2017.
PAES, F. G.; PESSOA, A. A.; VIDAL, T. A hybrid genetic algorithm with decomposition phases for the Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 256, p. 742-756, 2017.
PECIN, D.; PESSOA, A.; ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P.; UCHÔA, E. Improved branch-cut-and-price for capacitated vehicle routing. Mathematical Programming Computation, Berlin, v. 9, n. 1, p. 61-100, 2017.
PECIN, D.; PESSOA, A.; ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P.; UCHÔA, E.; SANTOS, H. Limited memory Rank-1 Cuts for vehicle routing problems. Operations Research Letters, Amsterdam, v. 45, n. 3, p. 206-209, 2017.
PIA, A. D.; DEY, S. S.; MOLINARO, M. S. Mixed-integer quadratic programming is in NP. Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam, v. 162, n. 1-2, p. 225-240, 2017.
POCHET, A.; CELES, W.; LOPES, H.; GATTASS, M. A new quadtree-based approach for automatic quadrilateral mesh generation. Engineering with Computers, Berlin, v. 33, n. 2, p. 275-292, 2017.
PRATES, R. O.; ROSSON, M. B.; de SOUZA, C. S. Analyzing the communicability of configuration decision space over time in collaborative systems through a case study. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, v. 8, p. 62-76 2017.
RORIZ JUNIOR, M.; ENDLER, M.; SILVA, F. J. S. An on-line algorithm for cluster detection of mobile nodes through complex event processing. Information Systems, Amsterdam, v. 64, p. 303-320, 2017.
SAETTLER, A.; LABER, E. S.; PEREIRA, F. A. M. Decision tree classification with bounded number of errors. Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, v. 127. p. 27-31, 2017
SAETTLER, A.; CICALESE, F.; LABER, E. S. Trading off worst and expected cost in decision tree problems. Algorithmica, Berlin, v. 79, n. 3, p. 886-908, 2017.
SANT'ANNA, F.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; ROSSETTO, S.; BRANCO, A. The design and implementation of the synchronous language CÉU. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, New York, v. 16, n. 4, p. 1-26, 2017.
SEGURA, V.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. HistoryViewer: instrumenting a visual analytics application to support revisiting a session o interactive data analysis. Journal Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (Series: The ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Enginering Interactive Computing Systems), New York, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-18, 2017.
SILVA, G. L. F.; SILVA NETO, O. P.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Lung nodules diagnosis based on evolutionary convolutional neural network. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Berlin, v. 76, n. 18, p. 19039-19055, 2017.
SILVA, T.; PINHEIRO, P. R.; ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P. A more human-like portfolio optimization approach. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 256, n. 1, p. 252-260, 2017.
SILVA NETO, O. P.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Automatic mass detection in mammography images using particle swarm optimization and functional diversity indexes. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Berlin, v. 76, n. 18, p. 19263-19289, 2017.
SOUSA, J. A.; PAIVA, A. C.; ALMEIDA, J. D. S.; SILVA, A. C.; BRAZ JUNIOR, G.; GATTASS, M. Texture based on geostatistic for glaucoma diagnosis from fundus eye image. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Berlin, v. 76, n. 18, p. 19173-19190, 2017.
TELES, A. S.; ROCHA, A.; SILVA, F. S.; LOPES, J. C.; O'SULLIVAN, D.; VAN DE VEN, P.; ENDLER, M. Enriching mental health mobile assessment and intervention with situation awareness. Sensors, Basel, v. 17. p. 1-22, 2017
TELES, A. S.; SILVA, F. S. E.; ENDLER, M. Situation-based privacy autonomous management for mobile social networks. Computer Communications, Amsterdam, v. 107, p. 75-92, 2017.
THIEBAUT, F.; ROJAS, C.; GRATIVOL, C.; CALIXTO, E.; MOTTA, M.; BALLESTEROS, H.; PEIXOTO, B.; LIMA, B.; VIEIRA, L.; WALTER, M. E.; DE ARMAS, E.; ENTENZA, J.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; FARINELLI, L.; HEMERLY, A.; FERREIRA, P. Roles of non-coding RNA in sugarcane-microbe interaction. Non-Coding RNA, Basel, v. 3, n. 4, p. 1-25, 2017.
UCHOA, E.; PECIN, D.; PESSOA, A.; ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P.; VIDAL, T.; SUBRAMANIAN, A. new benchmark instances for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 257, n. 3, p. 845-858, 2017.
VALENTE, L.; FEIJÓ, B.; LEITE, J. C. S. P. Mapping quality requirements for pervasive mobile games. Requirements Engineering, London, v. 22, n. 1, p. 137-165, 2017.
VALENTE, T. L. A.; ALMEIDA, J. D. S.; SILVA, A. C.; TEIXEIRA, J. A. M.; GATTASS, M. Automatic diagnosis of strabismus in digital videos through cover test. Computer Methods and Programming in Biomedicine, Amsterdam, v. 140, p. 295-305, 2017.
VASCONCELOS, I.; VASCONCELOS, R. O.; RORIZ, M.; ENDLER, M.; COLAÇO, M. Smartphone-based outlier detection: a complex event processing approach for driving behavior detection. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Porto Alegre/Berlin, v. 8, n. 13, p. 1-30, 2017.
VIDAL, T. Node, edge, arc routing and turn penalties: multiple problems-one neighborhood extension. Operations Research, Catonsville, v. 65, n. 4, p. 992-1010, 2017.
VIEIRA, L.; GRATIVOL, C.; THIEBAUT, F.; CARVALHO, T.; HARDOIM, P.; HEMERLY, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; FERREIRA, P.; WALTER, M. E. PlantRNA_Sniffer: a SVM-based workflow to predict long intergenic non-coding RNAs in plants. Non-Coding RNA, Basel, v. 3, n. 11, p. 1-13, 2017.
ALBUQUERQUE, M.; VIDAL, T. An efficient matheuristic for the minimum-weight dominating set problem. Applied Soft Computing, Amsterdam, v. 72, p. 527-538, 2018.
BARBOSA, E. A.; GARCIA. A. F.Global-aware recommendations for repairing violations in exception handling. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 44, n. 9, p. 855-873, 2018.
BASU, A.; HILDEBRAND, R.; MOLINARO, M. Minimal cut-generating functions are nearly extreme. Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam, v. 172, n. 1-2, p. 329-349, 2018
BENEVIDES, M. R. F.; VIEIRA, B. L,; HAEUSLER, E. H. Towards reasoning about Petri nets: a propositional dynamic logic based approach. Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam, v. 744, p. 22-36, 2018.
BODUR, M.; PIA, A. D.; DEY, S. S.; MOLINARO, M. S.; POKUTTA, S. Aggregation-based cutting-planes for packing and covering integer programs. Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam, v. 171, no, 1-2, p. 331-359, 2018.
BORTHEN, T.; LOENNECHEN, H.; WANG, X.; FAGERHOLT, K.; VIDAL, T. A genetic search-based heuristic for a fleet size and periodic routing problem with application to offshore supply planning. Euro Journal on Transportation and Logistics, Berlin, v. 7, n. 2, p. 121-150, 2018.
BRANDAO, F. B.; FERREIRA, J. C. E.; SCHWANKE, D.; BREIER, G. P. ; BOVE, C. N.; BOVE, M.; RAPOSO, A. B. RFID Technology as a life cycle management tool in the liquefied petroleum gas industry. IEEE Latin America Transactions, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 16, p. 391-397, 2018.
BRAUN, A.; QUEIROZ, R.; LEE, W.; FEIJÓ, B.; MUSSE, S. R. Persona: a method for facial analysis in video and application in entertainment. ACM Computers in Entertainment, New York, v. 16. p. 1-19, 2018.
BULHÕES, T.; HÀ, M. H.; MARTINELLI, R.; VIDAL, T. The vehicle routing problem with service level constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 265, n. 2, p. 544-558, 2018.
CAPUA, R.; FROTA, Y.; OCHI, L. S.; VIDAL, T. A study on exponential-size neighborhoods for the bin packing problem with conflicts. Journal of Heuristics, Dordrecht, v. 24, n. 4, p. 667-695, 2018.
CARBONERA, J. L.; GONCALVES, B. N.; de SOUZA, C. S. O problema da explicação em Inteligência Artificial: considerações a partir da semiótica. TECCOGS: Revista Digital de Tecnologias Cognitivas, São Paulo, v. 17, p. 59-75, 2018.
CARVALHO, E. D.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; SOUSA, A. D.; SILVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Method of differentiation of benign and malignant masses in digital mammograms using texture analysis based on phylogenetic diversity. Computers & Electrical Engineering, Amsterdam, v. 67, p. 210-222, 2018.
CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; NUNES, R. A.; GATTASS, M. Classification of patterns of benignity and malignancy based on CT using topology-based phylogenetic diversity index and convolutional neural network. Pattern Recognition, Amsterdam, v. 81, p. 200-212, 2018.
COSTA, R. W. S; SILVA, G. L. F.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; SILVA, A. C,; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Classification of malignant and benign lung nodules using taxonomic diversity index and phylogenetic distance. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Berlin, v. 56, n. 11, p. 2125-2136, 2018.
CUNHA, F. J. P.; SIRQUEIRA, T. F. M.; VIANA, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P. Extending BDI multiagent systems with agent norms. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology - International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, Ankara, v. 12, n. 5, p. 302-309, 2018.
de SOUZA, C. S. A pragmatic turn in Computer Science. ACM Interactions, New York, v. 25. p. 20-21, 2018.
DEY, S. S.; IROUME, A.; MOLINARO, M.; SALVAGNIN, D. Improving the randomization step in feasibility pump. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Philadelphia, v. 28, n. 1, p. 355-378, 2018.
DEY, S. S.; MOLINARO, M. Theoretical challenges towards cutting-plane selection. Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam, v. 170, n. 1, p. 237-266, 2018.
DEY, S. S.; MOLINARO, M.; WANG, Q. Analysis of sparse cutting planes for sparse MILPs with applications to stochastic MILPs. Mathematics of Operations Research, Catonsville, v. 43, p. 304-332, 2018.
DINIZ, P. H. B.; VALENTE, T. L. A.; DINIZ, J. O. B.; SILVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M.; VENTURA, N.; MUNIZ, B. C.; GASPARETTO, E. L.. Detection of white matter lesion regions in MRI using SLIC0 and convolutional neural network. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Amsterdam, v. 167, p. 49-63, 2018.
DINIZ, J. O.; DINIZ, P. H. B.; VALENTE, T. L. A.; SILVA, A. C.; PAIVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M.. Detection of mass regions in mammograms by bilateral analysis adapted to breast density using similarity indexes and convolutional neural networks. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Amsterdam, v. 156, p. 191-207, 2018.
ENDLER, M.; SILVA, F. S. Past, present and future of the ContextNet IoMT middleware. Open Journal of Internet of Things - OJIOT, Lübeck, v. 4, n. 1, p. 7-23, 2018.
FERREIRA, B.; SILVA, W.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; CONTE, T. Technique for representing requirements using personas: a controlled experiment. IET Software, London, v. 12, n. 3, p. 280-290, 2018.
FERREIRA, M. V. S.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. O.; SOUSA, A. D.; SILVA, A. C.; GATTASS, M. Convolutional neural network and texture descriptor-based automatic detection and diagnosis of glaucoma. Expert Systems with Applications, Amsterdam, v. 110, p. 250-263, 2018.
FONTOURA, L.; MARTINELLI, R.; ARAGÃO, M. V. S. P.; VIDAL, T. The minimum distance superset problem: formulations and algorithms. Journal of Global Optimization, Dordrecht, v. 72, n. 1, p. 27-53, 2018.
GOMES, D. L.; PAIVA, A. C.; SILVA, A. C.; BRAZ JUNIOR, G.; ALMEIDA, J. D. S.; ARAUJO, A. S.; GATTASS, M. Augmented visualization using homomorphic filtering and Haar-based natural markers for power systems substations. Computers in Industry, Amsterdam, v. 97, p. 67-75, 2018.
GONZALEZ, A. M.; PAGANELLI, A. I.; RAPOSO, A. B. Analysing balance loss in VR interaction with HMDs. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, v. 9, p. 68-81, 2018.
GUIMARÃES, E.; VIDAL, S.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; PACE, A. D.; MARCOS, C. A. Exploring architecture blueprints for prioritizing critical code anomalies: experiences and tool support. Software: Practice and Experience, New York, v. 48. p. 1077-1106, 2018.
HADDAD, M. N.; MARTINELLI, R.; VIDAL, T.; MARTINS, S.; OCHI, L. S.; SOUZA, M. J. F.; HARTL, R. Large neighborhood-based metaheuristic and branch-and-price for the pickup and delivery problem with split loads. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 270, n. 3, p. 1014-1027, 2018.
HIERMANN, G.; HARTL, R. F.; PUCHINGER, J.; VIDAL, T. Routing a mix of conventional, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles. European Journal of Operational Research, Amsterdam, v. 272, p. 235-248, 2018.
HOZANO, M.; GARCIA. A. F.F.; FONSECA, B.; COSTA, E. Are you smelling it? Investigating how similar developers detect code smells. Information and Software Technology, Amsterdam, v. 93, Issue C, p. 130-146, 2018.
IERUSASLIMSCHY, R.; FIGUEIREDO, L. H.; CELES, W. A look at the design of Lua. Communications of the ACM, New York, v. 61, n. 11, p. 114-123, 2018.
ITUASSU, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; CAPONE, L.; VAZ, M. B.; MANNHEIMER, V. Compartilhamento de mídia e preferência eleitoral no Twitter: uma análise de opinião pública durante as eleições de 2014 no Brasil. Palabra Clave, Bogotá, v. 21, n. 3, p. 860-884, 2018.
IVSON, P.; NASCIMENTO, D.; CELES, W.; BARBOSA, S. D. J. CasCADe: a novel 4D visualization system for virtual construction planning. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Los Alamitos, Ca., v. 24, n. 1, p. 687-697, 2018.
LABER, E. S.; PEREIRA, F. A. M. Splitting criteria for classification problems with multi-valued attributes and large number of classes. Pattern Recognition Letters, Amsterdam, v. 111, p. 58-63, 2018.
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MATL, P.; HARTL, R. F.; VIDAL, T. Leveraging single-objective heuristics to solve bi-objective problems: heuristic box splitting and its application to vehicle routing. Networks, New York, v. 73, n. 4, p. 382-400, 2019.
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VAN ERVEN, G. C. G.; CARVALHO, R.N.; CORDEIRO DA SILVA, W. M.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; VERA-OLIVERA, H.; HOLANDA, M. Designing graph databases with GRAPHED. Journal of Database Management, Hershey, v. 30, p. 41-60, 2019.
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WAGNER, S.; SCHEKELMANN, A.; SEN, S.; FERNÁNDEZ, D.M.; SPÍNOLA, R.; TUZCU, A.; VARA, J. L.; WINKLER, D.; FELDERER, M.; VETRÕ, A.; KALINOWSKI, M.; GREER, D.; WIERINGA, R.; PFAHL, D.; CONTE, T.; CHRISTIANSSON, M.-T.; LASSENIUS, C.; MÄNNIST, T.; NAYEBI, M.; OIVO, M.; PENZENSTADLER, B.; PRIKLADNICKI, R.; RUHE, G. Status quo in requirements engineering. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, New York, v. 28, n. 2, p. 1-48, 2019.