Theses and Dissertations



Departamento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains the list of the MSc. Dissertations and PhD. Thesis presented to the Departmento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, in 2010.  They are all available in  print format and, according to the authors' preference, some of them are freely available for download, while others are freely available for download to the PUC-Rio community exclusively(*). 

For any requests, questions, or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho

Last update: 22/SEPTEMBER/2011


Alexandre RADEMAKER. On a proof theory for description logics. [Title in Portuguese: Teoria da prova para lógicas de descrição]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 30/03/10.  117 p. Advisor: Edward Hermann Haeusle

Abstract: Description logics (DLs) is a family of formalisms used to represent knowledge of a domain. They are equipped with a formal logic-based semantics. Knowledge representation systems based on description logics provide various inference capabilities that deduce implicit knowledge from the explicitly represented knowledge. In this thesis we investigate the Proof Theory for DLs. We introduce Sequent Calculi and Natural Deduction for some DLs (ALC, ALCQ). Cut-elimimination and Normalization are proved for the calculi. It is argued that those systems can improve the extraction of computational content from DLs proofs for explanations purpose.

Andréia Libório SAMPAIO. Um modelo para descrever e negociar modificações em sistemas Web. [Title in English: A model to describe and negotiate changes in Web systems]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 05/07/10. 166 p. Advisor: Clarisse Seckenius de Souza.

Abstract: The involvement of users in system development (End User Development) has attracted significant attention in the last ten years, given that users can adjust the applications according to thier desires and needs.  The Web 2.0 has now made possible the development of a new culture of user participation through social networks, where users share knowledge, experience and abilities.  The contribution of this research is to provide knowledge and tools to foster a culture of participation among end users in the process of software development.  One of the social contexts where such participation is particularly important is that of group systems, where changes desired by some typically affect other users in ways that may not always be desirable for all.  Our main contribution is a model founded in Semiotic Engineering to support describing and negotiating system evolution in group discussions. Its main features are: i) it provides a structure  for the communication between people involved in the negotiation, and (ii) it combines three representional systems (interface language, natural language used in annotations, and a script language for interaction in Web pages). These languages are combined into a hybrid specification language for end users.  We implemented feature (ii) through the tool primoTiWIM ('This is what I Mean').  We focused on the implementation and evaluation of feature (ii), sindce expression through this combined language affects the communication quality of the whole process that we wish to support.  In order to evaluate our proposal we carried out empirical studies in which we wish to support.  In order to evaluate our proposal we carried out empirical studies in whiche we sought to observe the first reactions and impressions of users in face of the primoTiWIM Tool.  We concluded hat the proposed model has the potential to promote a culture of participation in the context of the co-authorship between user-developer and software developers.

Andréia Miranda de LUNA. Geração de interfaces RIA dirigida por ontologias. [Title in English: Ontology driven rich Web interface generation]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 06/01/10. 179 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: In this Web 2.0 era, the browsers perform ever-richer graphical interfaces. Today, virtually every type of application can benefit from the ubiquity of Web browsers without compromising the user experience. Under the Model-Driven Development paradigm, models represent more than abstraction and documentation tools; they can also perform as powerful specification languages. When transformation rules are applied to these models, this can automate the repetitive task of generating infrastructure code. This work proposes an abstract RIA interface description language and a whole software environment that can make it possible to the application designer to
automatically generate an executable interface from an abstract description. Being the Semantic Hypermedia Design Method (SHDM) development environment, the HyperDE framework became the target platform for the RIA interface code generation. Our solution also introduces a message queue-based protocol as a way to implement asynchronous communication between Model and View. It will make it possible to update the interface with the partial results of a request processing and, therefore, improve the user experience, enhancing what Ajax technology has accomplished so far.

Baldoíno Fonseca dos Santos NETO. JAAF: implementando agentes auto-adaptativos orientados a serviços. [Title in English: JAAF: implementing service-oriented self-adaptive agents]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/03/10. 106 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: Service oriented multi-agent systems (SOMS) have emerged in order to incorporate the benefits of two software engineering disciplines: Service-oriented Architecture and Agent-oriented Software Engineering. The first
provides loosely coupled services that can be used within different domains. The second is based on a new software engineering paradigm that adresses the development of Multi-agent Systems, which are composed of autonomous,
pro-active and reasoning entities, named software agents. One of the main goal of SOMS is to help the development of service-oriented systems able to adapt themselves on dynamic computing environments. Those systems must be able to react at runtime to changes in their requirements, as well as to efficiently accommodate for derivations from their expected functionality or quality of services. In this context, this work proposes a framework (Java self-Adaptive Agent Framework - JAAF) to implement self-adaptive agents able to autonomously and pro-actively discover services, decide about the most appropriate one and adapt themselves if they face a problem while executing the service. The applicability of the proposed framework is demonstrated through two case studies. The first is a system responsible for generating susceptibility maps, i.e., maps that show locations with landslides risks in a given area. The second is a system where the main goal is to satisfy the users' needs related to travel.

Bernardo Quaresma DIAS. Um mecanismo de tolerância a falhas para sistemas de gerenciamento de workflow. [Title in English: A Fault tolerant mechanism for workflow management systems]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/10/10. 73 p. Advisors: Renato Fontoura de Gusmão Cerqueira and Carlos Roberto Serra Pinto Cassino.

In this work we propose a mechanism for failure detection, group management and service replication, providing fault tolerance for workflow management systems. Workflow management systems require specific replication features, since such systems deal with non-deterministic operations and update their s internal state without any external calls. As a case study we use an industrial automation system and analyze the needed modifications to use the proposed mechanism and evaluate the impact of the mechanism in the system s performance.

Börje Felipe Fernandes KARLSSON. A model and an interactive system for plot composition and adaptation, based on plan recognition and plan generation. [Title in Portuguese: Um modelo e um sistema interativo para composição e adaptação de enredos, baseados em reconhecimento e geração de planos]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 19/01/10. 157 p. Advisors: Antonio L. Furtado e Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: This work aims at a model and an interactive system for plot composition and adaptation, based on a plan-recognition / plan-generation paradigm. The generated plots must belong to some chosen genre, to be previously specified in terms of static, dynamic and behavioural aspects. The modeling technique involves the analysis of plots under a fourfold perspective, in view of syntagmatic, paradigmatic, antithetic and meronymic relations between the constituent events. The implemented interactive system, named LogTell-R, demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed model.

Bruno Santana da SILVA. O uso de casos na reflexão em ação em atividades de design de IHC. [Title in English: Using cases in reflection in action in HCI design activities]. Ph.D Thesis. Port. Presentation: 31/08/10. 193 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: The design process involves investigating the current situation to define a design problem, to propose an intervention in form of a solution and to evaluate whether it is satisfactory (Lawson, 2006). Schön (1983) investigates the design practice epistemology as a process of reflection in action. In this context, we explore case-based reasoning concepts (Kolodner e Leake, 1996) to index and recover HCI design cases. An HCI design case can be understood as an HCI problem and solution definition recorded in representations and models during the design activity. Schön (1983) argues that a designer can enrich his reflection in action process when he/she identifies similarities and differences between the current case and other cases he/she already knows. This thesis presents the results of a qualitative research study about the effects of consulting design cases in the reflection in action process of undergraduate and graduate Computer Science students during HCI design activities. In particular, we consider a base of cases with contributions of third parties, that is, those who consulted the cases did not participate in the definition of the problem nor of the solution. In the observed sessions, consulting existing design cases enriches the participants’ reflection in action process through conversation with design artifacts. This result extends Schön’s result considering the consultation of several design cases experienced by third parties. Furthermore, we realized that differences and similarities between the proposed HCI solutions and those consulted depend on the participants’ judgment on the consulted design cases. This judgment may vary at different moments of a design process conducted by the same person.

Carlos Eduardo Meger CRESTANA. A token classification approach to dependency parsing. [Title in Portuguese: Uma abordagem por classificação token-a-token para o parsing de dependência]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/03/10.  66 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.

Abstract: One of the most important tasks in Natural Language processing is syntactic parsing, where the structure of a sentence is inferred according to a given grammar. Syntactic parsing, thus, tells us how to determine the meaning of the sentence from the meaning of the words in it. Syntactic parsing based on dependency grammars is called dependency parsing. The Dependency-based syntactic parsing task consists in identifying a head word for each word in an input sentence. Hence, its output is a rooted tree, where the nodes are the words in the sentence. This simple, yet powerful, structure is used in a great variety of applications, like Question Answering, Machine Translation, Information Extraction and Semantic Role Labeling. State-of-the-art dependency parsing systems use transition-based or graph-based models. This dissertation presents a token classification approach to dependency parsing, by creating a special tagging set that helps to correctly find the head of a token. Using this tagging style, any classification algorithm can be trained to identify the syntactic head of each word in a sentence. In addition, this classification model treats projective and non-projective dependency graphs equally, avoiding pseudo-projective approaches. To evaluate its effectiveness, we apply the Entropy Guided transformation Learning algorithm to the publicly available corpora from the CoNLL 2006 Shared Task. These computational experiments are performed on three corpora in different languages, namely: Danish, Dutch and Portuguese. We use the Unlabelled Attachment Score as the accuracy metric. Our results show that the generated models are above the average CoNLL system performance. Additionally, these findings also indicate that the token classification approach is a promising one.

Carlos Soares de SALLES NETO. Autoria de documentos hipermídia orientada a templates. [Title in English: Template based authoring of hypermedia documents]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 02/09/10. 146 p. Advisors: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares and Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza.

Abstract: In the past years, it has increased the demand for hypermedia applications which relate objects of audio, video, images, etc., in time and space. A hypermedia application is formally specified in a document. It is usual for a group a set of applications structurally and semantically similar to each other as a documents family. Conceptual models for hypermedia authoring are the basis for documents specification, but they are not satisfactory to define documents families. This work presents as contribution a method for hypermedia authoring based in the identification of these families and their instantiation in order to create new documents. This method addresses the hypermedia document authoring as a social practice, where specialist authors collaborate to help and to ease the task of less skilled authors.  Another contribution of this work is to define a language for specification of these documents families, named TAL (Template Authoring Language), which can be applied in the proposed method. TAL relies mainly on extending the concept of composition, uusally present in hypermedia models. In TAL, compositions can be incomplete, with a few of its internal elements purposely left undefined and with restriction rules on how these missing elements may be included in the composition.  In order to achieve this language, an empirical study was conducted investigating the learning and use of Nested Context Language (NCL). The choice of NCL relies on the fact that it is based in a compositional model that can be extended to specify documents families, and because it is used by various professional profiles and not just programmers in the hypermedia document authoring. Thus, a third contribution due to this work is to provide guidelines to NCL evolution, especially improving its usability.

Carlos Vinicius Sousa de OLIVEIRA. Mapas de disparidade utilizando cortes de grafo e multi-resolução. [Title in English: Disparity maps using graph cuts with multi-resolution]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/03/10. 43 p. Advisor: Marcelo Gattass.

Abstract: Reconstructing the 3D information of a scene is a common task in Computer Vision. Stereo matching is one of the most investigated techniques used to perform this task, which basically consists of, given two images of a
scene seen from different view points, determining corresponding pixels in these two images and store this information in a disparity map. Several methods have been proposed to solve the stereo problem keeping good
performance and giving good quality results. This is however a very arduos task which hardly achieves precise results with low computational power. In this context, the Graph Cuts method has been very much considered, which aims to solve the energy minimization problem in polinomial time. In this case the stereo problem can be modelled as an energy minimization problem and, thus solved using the Graph Cus technique. in this work we investigate the most recent and efficient Graph Cuts methods and propose a method for establishing the correspondences between two images in the context of multi-resolution, in which a Gaussian pyramid for the input images is built and the Graph Cuts methods is applied in coarser levels, optimizing the performance and getting more precise results through the use of the alfa-expansion algorithm. The Graph Cuts and multi-resolution techniques are reviewed and the results of the proposed method are presented and evaluated compared to similar methods.

Críston Pereira de SOUZA. Políticas eficientes para revisitação de páginas Web. [Title in English: Efficient Web Page Refresh Policies] Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 25/05/10 84 p. Advisor: Eduardo Sany Laber.

Abstract: A search engine needs to continuosly revisit web pages in order to keep its local repository up-to-date. A page revisiting schedule must be defined to keep the repository up-to-date using the avaible resources. In order to avoid web server overload, the revisiting policy must respect a minimum amount of time between consecutive requests to the same server. This rule is called politeness constraint. Due to the large number of Web pages, we consider that a revisiting policy is efficient when the mean time to schedule a revisit is sublinear on the number of pages in the repository. Therefore, when the politeness constraint is considered, there are no existing efficient policies with theoretical quality guarantees. We investigate three efficient policies that respect the politeness constraint, called MERGE, RANDON and DELAYED. We provide approximation factors for the repository's up-to-date level for the MERGE and RANDOM policies. Based on these approximation factors, we devise a 0.77 lower bound for the approximation factor provided by the RANDOM policy and we present a conjecture that 0.927 is a lower bound for the approximation factor provided by the MERGE policy. We evaluate these policies through simulation experiments which try to keep a repository with 14.5 million web pages up-to-date. Additional experiments based on a repository with Wikipedia's articles concluded that the MERGE policy provides better results than a natural grredy strategy. The main conclusion of this research is that there are simple and efficient policies that can be applied to this problem, even when the politeness constraint must be respected, resulting in a small loss of repository's up-to-date level.

Daniel FLEISCHMAN. An Improved Exact Method for the UBQP. [Title in Portuguese: Um Método melhorado para o UBQP] M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/08/10. 56 p. Advisor: Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi de Aragão.

Abstract: Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Programming (UBQP) is widely studied. It is a powerful modeling tool and its associate problem is NP-hard. In this work a new approach is introduced, which can be used to build an exact algorithm. Also, the fundamental idea behind it can be used in an even wider family of problems. This exact algorithm derived from the new method is highly parallelizable, which is a desired feature nowadays, when the cloud computing is a reality. For reasonably large instances of UBQP, the new method can parallelize to hundreds, or even thousands, of cores easily, with a near-linear speedup.

Daniel Ribeiro TRINDADE. Técnicas de navegação 3D usando o cubo de distâncias. [Title in English: 3D Navigation Techniques Using the Cube Map] M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/03/10. 80 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: The use of 3D viewers is becoming common in several activities. The appearance of new technologies, with the resulting increase in processing power, made possible the creation of larger and richer 3D virtual environments.
However, the navigation in 3D environments, especially the multiscale ones, is still a problem for many users. The goal of this work is to propose solutions to some 3D navigation problems in order to improve the user experience with this kind of application. In this sense, techniques to automatically adjust the navigation speed, the clipping planes and the rotation center are presented. It is also proposed a solution for the detection and treatment of collision between the camera and the scene, and a technique that aims to prevent users from getting lost when no scene object is visualized. These solutions are based on the construction and maintenance of a structure called cube map, which provides information about the spatial location of the scene points relative to the camera. Currently in development at Tecgraf/PUC-Rio, the SiVIEP (Integrated Visualization System for Ezploration and Production) is a viewer aimed at professionals in the area of oil exploration and production that was used to detec and understand the mentioned problems, and also for validating the implemented solutions.

Danielle Loyola SANTOS. Um modelo de operações para aplicações na Web semântica. [Title in English: An operation model for semantic Web applications]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 6/01/10. 101 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: Operation Model aims to describe the application's business logic through additional modeling primitives to represent operations. The Operation Model classes represent the definition of what might be an operation on an application, i.e. which values should be provided for its execution and which values should be returned as a result of an execution. the main motivation for the development of this work is the fact there are no models in the literature specifying operations semantically, integrated with other models of the hypermedia applications development methods. SHDM method was extended to include this new model.

David Sotelo Pinheiro da SILVA. On the permutation flow shop scheduling problem. [Title in Portuguese: Sobre o problema de escalonamento permutation flow shop]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 06/05/10. 80 p. Advisor: Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi de Aragão.

Abstract: In the last fifty years, the Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with makespan minimization (PFS) has been a central and well-studied problem in combinatorial optimization community, known by its intractability from theoretical and computational aspects.  In this work, three major contributions were obtained for the PFS problem. The first one is an approximation algorithm for the PFS problem with n jobs in m machines. This algorithms achieves an approximation garantee o O(√ n+m) and runs in linear time. This is the best performance ratio already obtained for the PFS problem in the case of n=Θ(m). Furthermore, a novel connection between PFS and monotone subsequence problems is established, resulting on an extension of the Erdös-Szekeres theorem to weighted monotone subsequences.  The second result is a faster algorithm for the PFS with n jobs and two machines (2-PFS). We give a O(n log k) algorithm that determines optimal solutions for the 2-PFS problem, where k ≤  n is the minimum number of cliques necessary to cover the nodes of an underlying interval graph.  From the best of our knowledge, this is the first improvement upon the O(n log n) time complexity of the classical algorithm from JohnsonThe third contribution of this work is a new family of competitive deterministic heuristic for the PFS problem.  Four new heuristics are introduced as extensions of the classical NEH heuristic.  Such heuristics are based on pruning techniques on the implicit enumeration tree of the PFS problem.  Computational results attest that the new proposed method stand among the most effectives for the PFS problem.

Elizabeth SUESCUN MONSALVE. Construindo um jogo educacional com modelagem intencional apoiados em princípios de transparência. [Title in English: Building an educational game with intentional modeling supported on principles of transparency]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/10. 196 p. Advisor: Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite.

Abstract: Educational games have been proposed for teaching computer science, and software engineering as well. This work presents an approach for intentional modeling supported by concepts of transparency towards the implementation of the educational game SimulES. SimulES is a game for helping software engineering teaching. The approach is innovative in that context. We believe that intentional modeling is akin to game modeling, since it allows us to represent the interaction and collaboration among the actors as well concepts of transparency. The intentional model we produced was used to develop the software that implements SimulES-W, a Web based version of the game.

Felipe Nogueira Barbará de Oliveira. Aplicação adaptativa de guia eletrônico utilizando o Ginga-NCL. [Title in English: Adaptive Electronic Guide Aplicattion based on Ginga-NCL]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/08/10. 104 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares e Rogério ferreira Rodrigues.

Abstract: One of the consequences of the digitalization of TV systems is the increased amount of available channels and, as a consequence, the great number of services that can be offered to viewers. Due to the great number of content available, there has been a need for applications responsible for helping viewers to find what they want to watch. These applications are called EPGs (Electronic Program Guides). Most work related with EPG focuses either on the development of recommendation systems or on the design of EPG user interfaces. A recommendation system integrated with an EPG adapts the information to be presented based on the viewer’s preferences. On the other hand, the EPG application is responsible for gathering information and generating the EPG. Usually this EPG application can only be replaced by sporadic updates. Unfortunately, as far as the author knows, there is no work that offers support for application adaptations in real-time, which would make it possible to change algorithms without stopping the EPG presentation. This dissertation discusses the importance of providing real time adaptations and presents an EPG implementation based on the support offered by Ginga-NCL. The application modular architecture provides support to dynamic adaptations through a metaservice responsible for these tasks.

Flávia Andrade RABELO. Uma sistemática baseada em data warehousing para apoio ao Governo Eletrônico. [Title in English: A systematic based on data warehousing to support the e-Government]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/08/10.  123 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo.

Abstract: Aiming to adapt to the new way of relationship beteween government and society, governments are faced with the growing need to offer easy access to public information to a public that increases everyday. To contribute to this purpose, the main objective of this work is to develop a system based on Data Warehousing to support the electronic government. Thus, the objective is to offer a service of access to the analytical information to society via Internet and low cost.  As a proof of concept of the systematical proposal, it will be used real data from statistical service (PNAD), available on the Web.  The systematic application of these data generates an analytical access service to information on the Web (in cubes for analysis).  This approach follows the SaaS pattern ( Software as a Service), that is, the user may use this service without having to create and maintain local infrastructure for this analysis.  The use of several advanced technologies guided by that systematic, aims to contribute to best practices for e-government as well as the effective provision of a "demo" version of a cube for PNAD data analysis as a service on the Web.

Guilherme Schirmer de SOUZA. Renderização de pele humana em tempo real para jogos. [Title in English: Real time skin rendering for games]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/08/10. 101 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: Skin rendering is a fundamental research topic for the digital entertainment industry. Realistic results are very challenge to obtain, especially for real time applications. In this dissertation, two skin rendering techniques are studied and developed to simulate light behavior through human skin. Both techniques are based on physic and empiric models and use texture space in GPU to reproduce diffuse illumination and subsurface scattering in real time. This dissertation compares these two techniques and gives guidelines for the implementation of a skin rendering module in 3D game engines.

Gustavo de Sá Carvalho HONORATO. NCL-Inspector – uma ferramenta para análise de código NCL. [Title in English: NCL-Inspector – a NCL static code analysis tool]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/10. 120 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: Ginga-NCL and the NCL language were selected as a recommendations as the interactive multimedia environment and language for IPTV by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). In order to promote the
use of these technologies, it is necessary to create tools to help developing applications using NCL. At present, the support provided by tools for NCL development is quite limited. There are only few available systems that can create NCL applications. These softwares do not help developers in assessing the quality of the NCL code. In this dissertation, we propose NCL-Inspector, a critique system of the NCL code, which aims at leveraging the developer's skills in detecting error-prone NCL applications. Also, we specified the requirements for critiquing systems for source code inspection.

Gustavo Lopes MOURAD. Um framework para a construção de mediadores oferecendo eliminação de duplicatas. [Title in English: A framework for the construction of mediators offering deduplication]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/09/10. 69 p. Advisor: Karin Koogan Breitman.

Abstract: As Web applications that obtain data from different sources (Mashups) grow in importance, timely solutions to the duplicate detection problem become central. Most existing techniques, however, are based on machine learning algorithms, that heavily rely on the use of relevant, manually labeled, training datasets. Such solutions are not adequate when talking about data sources on the Deep Web, as there is often little information regarding the size, volatility and hardly any access to relevant samples to be used for training. In this thesis we propose a strategy to aid in the extraction (scraping), duplicate detection and integration of data that resulted from querying Deep Web resources. Our approach does not require the use of pre-defined training sets , but rather uses a combination of a Vector Space Model classifier with similarity functions, in order to provide a viable solution. To illustrate our approach, we present a case study where the proposed framework was instantiated for an application in the wine industry domain.

Gustavo Soares Souza. Sobre a Engenharia Semiótica da interação com sistemas de monitoração. [Title in English: About the Semiotic Engineering of interaction with monitoring systems]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/06/10.  108 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza.

Abstract: Monitoring Systems of both Internet applications and services are, nowadays, a rich source of information and an agile decision support tool for System Administrators. In environments with a high access volume and hundreds of servers, to communicate abnormal events in an interface accessible through a Web browser is considered a big interface design and interaction challenge, particularly in situations where information and decision-making are critical. Given that, the main focus of this work is to study monitoring systems in a big Brazilian Internet company. We begin with a detailed evaluation of systems used in the company and then we elaborate, implement and evaluate a new design model that we propose for similar monitoring systems. This new model demonstrates how the Semiotic Engineering, a semiotic theory of HCI, can be combined with elements of a human-factor and ecological psychology design theory, the Ecological Interface Design, in order to elaborate the communicability and build interaction for monitoring systems. The combination of both approaches provides certain characteristics of representation and communication that, according to the evaluations conducted in this research, the decision-making support becomes both increasingly efficient and agile for the users in such domain.

Hildebrando Trannin da ENCARNAÇÃO. NCLite: explorando o conceito de cenas interativas em ferramentas de autoria para TV digital. [Title in English: NCLite: Exploring interactive scenes concepts in Digital TV authoring tools] M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/07/10. 124 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: Digital TV enables interaction in television programs. However, authors who want to produce this kind of application have to learn programming languages, such as NCL, the declarative language of the Brazilian standard for digital TV. Authoring tools can provide us with adequate abstractions that facilitates the authoring process. however, nowadays we don't have authoring tools that do so for the NCL language. In this dissertation, we present a tool that allows authors to visualize and edit content whitout knowing NCL. This tool accelerates and makes easier the authoring process of Digital TV applications.

Hugo Marques de Castro SALDANHA. Utilizando anotações em linguagens orientadas a objetos para suporte à programação orientada a componentes. [Title in English: Using annotations in object oriented languages to support component oriented programming]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/08/10. 74 p. Advisor: Renato Fontoura de Gusmão Cerqueira and Maria Júlia Dias de Lima.

Abstract: In component-based distributed systems, the use of object-oriented programming languages is very common to define, through frameworks, programming interfaces for building and using components. However, most programming models that follow this approach, use the own object-oriented language concepts, such as classes and interfaces, to define a programming interface that follows a component-oriented paradigm. As a consequence, the source code mixes component functionality aspects with the programming model specific implementation mechanisms, what prevents the reuse of this component in other frameworks, and moreover, includes an extra complexity in the source code. Recently, a tendency to the addition of meta-data to the component implementation has been observed, by the use of specific markings on the source code. These meta-data provide the necessary information for tools, based on code generation or based on reflection mechanisms, to perform the integration of the component implementation with the component model’s infrastructure support. Some authors call this technique as Attribute-Oriented Programming. Languages as Java and C# already provide native support to this technique through Annotations. The goal of this dissertation is investigate the adoption of the attribute-oriented programming technique with object-oriented languages to build components based applications. As part of the research, we developed a new programming mechanism based on attributes to the Java version of the middleware SCS.

Iam Vita JABOUR. O Impacto de atributos estruturais na identificação de tabelas e listas em documentos HTML. [Title in English: The impact of structural attributes to identify tables and lists in HTML documents]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/11/10. 64 p. Advisor: Eduardo Sany Laber and Raul Pierre Renteria.

Abstract: The segmentation of HTML documents has been essential to information extraction tasks, as showed by several works in this area. This paper studies the link between an HTML document and its visual representation to show how it helps segments identification using a structural approach. For this, we investigate how tree edit distance algorithms can find structural similarities in a DOM tree, using two tasks to execute our experiments. The first one is the identification of genuine tables where we obtained a 90.40% F1 score using the corpus provided by (Wang e Hu, 2002). We show through an experimental study that this result is competitive with the best results in the area. The second task studied is the identification of product listings in e-commerce sites. Here we get a 94.95% F1 score using a corpus with 1114 HTML documents from 8 distinct sites. We conclude that algorithms to calculate trees similarity provide competitive results for both tasks, making them also good candidates to identify other types of segments.

Ismael Humberto Ferreira dos Santos. A collaborative environment for offshore engineering simulations based on visualization and workflow. [Title in Portuguese: Um Ambiente colaborativo para simulações em Engenharia Offshore baseado em visualização e workflow]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 09/04/10. 145 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Alberto Raposo Barbosa.

Abstract: Deep water production systems,ncluding floating productio units (platfoms or ships) and all the equipment playing a part in the production process, are currently designed by means of complex computational modeling systems.  Those systems invlove the areas of structural calculus, meteo-oceanography (currents, waves and wind forces), hydrodynamics, risers (rigid and flexible steel pipes for carrying olil from the well in subsurface up to the production unit), mooring systems, submatine equipment, seabed foundations and geological/Geotechnical rislk assessment.  The project of a new production unit is a lengthy and expensive process, that can last many years and cosume hundreds os million dollars depending on the complexity of the unit and how mature is the technology developed to make the project technically and economically feasible.  Projects are conducted by diverse specialiss, sometimes geographically distributed, yelding independent but highly interrelated artifacts and results.  The need for collaboration in an inherent characteristc of deep-water folating production unit projects.  The possibility to share information among users, control the execution of different modeling tools, visualize and manipulate virtual 3D models in immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environments is pushing the limits of teamwork activities in oil & gas industry especially in Offshore Engineering.  The objective of this thesis is to establish the fundamental principles and address the main issues in the development of a Collaborative Environment for Engineering, named CEE (Collaborative Engineering Environment), in order to allow the collaborative visualization and interpretation of simulation results produced in engineering projects, which in general also involve different specialties. Due to the multi-disciplinary characteristic of those projects, collaborative visualization becomes a
key component during the life cycle of engineering projects, especially those in Offshore Engineering, used in this work as case of study. We propose an integrated collaborative environment to be used by project engineers' teams during the execution and control of complex engineering projects, as is the case of the projects of deep-water floating production units. The system requirements were carefully compiled aiming to enable an effective collaboration among the participants, creating a suitable environment for discussing, validating, interpreting and documenting the results of the simulations executed during the different phases of an engineering project. To further improve the interpretation capacity and a better comprehension of results the support for for immersive 3D visualization is also available in the visualization tool, especially tailored for the
Offshore Engineering domain. In order to meet these goals, we devise a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for CEE. This architecture is composed of the integration of different technologies of computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), Virtual Reality (VR) and Grid Computing (GC). We use a Scientific Workflow Management System (ScWfMS), based on BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), a Grid-enabled software infrastructure for executing engineering simulations, and a Video Conferencing system (VCS) to furnish audio and video collaboration. For visualizing the results, a VR visualization tool, specialized for Offshore Engineering, ENVIRON, has also been developed in conjunction with the PUC-Rio/TecGraf team.

Jefferson de Barros SANTOS. Infraestrutura para provadores interativos de teoremas na Web. [Title in English: Infrastrucutre for Web-based interactive theorem provers]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/03/10. 89 p. Advisor: Edward Hermann Haeusler.

Abstract: Automatic theorem proving consists of proving mathematical theorem by means of computer programs. Depending on the logic used, the process of proving a formula is not computable. Moreover, depending of the deductive system applied to, the search for a proof can involve the application of long sequences of axioms and inference rules, reinforcing the need of human intervention in the proof process. Such systems are known as interactive theorem provers or proof assistants. In a typical scenario, the user interacts with the prover through a graphical interface, usually a desktop application. Recently, however, applications like those started to be delivered to users through the web. This way of software deployment avoids that final users have to deal with complex activitieslike prover installation and configuration and allows this user to access the system from different machines with a simple Internet connection. In this research we study the use of web as a platform for interactive theorem proving environments construction. Our purpose is to study some interaction models between user and automated proof environments and verify how these models can be adapted to work as a web application. As a result we show a graphical tool for visualization and direct manipulation of formal proofs on web to work as an alternative interface between user and proving machines.

José Eurico de VASCONCELOS FILHO. Um modelo de suporte ao design baseado no rationale: relacionando espaço de problema ao espaço de solução no design. [Title in English: A design model based on rationale: relating problem space to solution space of design]. Ph.D. Thesis. Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/08/10. 124 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa and João José Vasco Peixoto Furtado.

Abstract: The design of interactive systems is a complex, interactive and collaborative process, composed of different activities that are interrelated in the composition of a final product and requires different expertise to perform it.  The information produced during each activity is very important for the continuity of the process and to understand, explain and maintain the product produced. This information must be related and integrated in a clear and coherent speech, allowing traceability and addressing the origin and the context in which they were produced.  It is noted, however, that the proposed process catch and modeling in HCI design provide a fragmented and/or incomplete view of this process.  For this reason, we propose an epistemic model, based on Design Rationale (DR), suitable for the recording and modeling of the design of interactive systems.  Based on the review and analysis of the key views and proposals of the design process, their requirements, models, notations and support languages, the epistemic model Idea has been proposed.  The model has as its main goal to register and report design activities in a cohesive manner, offering support for the reflection of the design team about the activities of the design process as well as information sources for the traceability of information.  For this, the model proposes the integration of inputs and outputs (e.g. requirements, models, artifacts) of the activities of analysis (problem space) and the conceptual design (solution space) DR.  The model was implemented in the Deprost prototype and adopted in the design of part of the WikiMapps project, allowing us to evaluate the proposal in real case study.

Katia Fabiola CANÉPA VEGA. TREG: un juego de entrenamiento en ingeniería de requisitos. [Title in Portuguese: Um jogo de treinamento em engenharia de requisitos]. M.Sc. Diss. Esp. Presentation: 26/02/10. 133 p. Advisor: Hugo Fuks and Gustavo Robichez de Carvalho.

Abstract: REG is a game for training in Requirement Engineering, specifically in the Workshops techniques. It was created in Second Life using its building and scripting possibilities. This works presents an exploration in the use of a prototyping process and techniques for developing the game. The prototyping process of the book "Effective Prototyping for Software Makers" is an iterative process which was customized for the development of the game in this virtual world. Branching Stories is a simulation genre that gives an overview of all the possible paths the player can take in TREG. Scenario is a Requirements Engineering technique used for the specification of the simulations modeled in the Branching Stories graph. The design of TREG used the Scenarios specifications for modeling the software perspectives. The state machine diagrams shows the dynamic behavior of the TREG objects, a class diagram represents the objects created in Second Life and the communication diagrams shows the relationships and the flow of messages between objects. This work also shows the results of the evaluation made and the difficulties presented by the participants whereas TREG was used.

Kelly Azevedo Borges LEAL. Relato de experiência da implantação de boas práticas de Engenharia de Software em um ambiente heterogêneo. [Title in English: Reporting the experience of deployment of Software Engineering best practices in a heterogeneous environment]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/08/10. 118 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa.

Abstract: Agile methodology is a recent Software Engineering strategy (it became popular in 2001) that was created to be flexible and adaptable enough - characteristic very import to deal with constant requirements changes during a project lifecycle. Scrum, the agile methodology used during this study, requires an adequate infrastructure in order to offer its benefits. This study implemented Scrum and an adequate infrastructure of processes and tools to suport it, inside a organization that didn't use any kind of project management before. With the establishment of some goals using the GQM model, some improvements were expected and results are detailed in this study.

Leandra Mara da SILVA. Uma abordagem sensível à história para detecção de anomalias de código. [Title in English: A history sensitive approach to code anomaly detection]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/08/10. 120 p. Advisors: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena and Alessandro Fabrício Garcia.

Abstract: The modularization of the code can directly influence the software maintainability. Therefore, researchers have proposed mechanisms to contribute to the identification of potential modularity anomalies in source code. In this context, a mechanism based on metrics that have been widespread are the detection strategies. Commonly, they are based on metrics that consider only properties of isolated versions of the systems. However, recent studies have reported that these strategies have been considered counter-productive. Our research is related to the investigation of the possible benefits of considering information about the code evolution to detect anomalies. In this context, this paper proposes a set of metrics and detection strategies that consider historic properties of the code evolution. Furthermore, a measuring and assessing tool to support the approach was also developed. This tool allows the declarative specifcation of different detection strategies through a domain-specific language. This fact meets the particular needs of developers in setting strategies and dispose to researchers an opportune environment to detection strategies experimentations. Also as a contribution of this research is presented an evaluation of strategies in terms of precision and recall in two systems of different domains. Results of conventional strategies and of history-sensitive strategies are compared in detections of classical modularity flaws, such as God Class, Divergent Change and Shotgun Surgery in a total of 16 versions of these systems. Results of this study showed that the use of information related to the code evolution can provide important contributions to detect design flaws in code.

Luana LACHTERMACHER. O uso de tabelas de decisão para a automação da geração e da execução de casos de teste. [Title in English: Using decision tables to automate the generation and execution of test cases]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/10. 105 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa.

Abstract: Testing is a very important area in the software development. However, this area needs more effective tools with a higher level of automation with are more comprehensive than the tools available today. A large part of the techniques that do generation of test cases use explicity or implicitly decision tables as an auxiliary tool. This dissertation aims to develop a semi-automatic process that has as outputs test suites that were generated using decision tables. These suites must be appropriate for the test automation tools. To achieve these goals were
implemented: (i) an decision table editor, (ii) a automatic generator case test, and (iii) an automatic test scripts generator of the FEST framework. After it was necessary evaluate the benefits that these tools could bring for the test area, both in the planning (generation of valued test cases from semantic test cases) and in the execution of test cases.The evaluation was based on a series of examples involving specific elements of human interfaces, and also in application to real software.

Lucas Euzébio MACHADO. Parallel algorithms for multicore game engines. [Title in Portuguese: Algoritmos paralelos para motores de jogos em multiprocessadores]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 19/03/10. 70 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: This thesis presents several techniques about parallel technology on electronic games. The thesis begins presenting several possible architectures for a game engine. A new architecture is presented, more flexible and
adequate for the processors of the future that will have a higher level of parallelism. Following, a new technique for processing an octree, a classic data structure for computer graphics, is presented. the last techniques presented are related to collision detection. New techniques for processing hierarquical grids and balancing collision detection on a set of objects are presented.

Lucas Pinto TEIXEIRA. Local SLAM — localização de câmera e mapeamento local de ambientes simultâneos. [Title in English: Local SLAM — simultaneous camera localization and local environment mapping]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/10. 66 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass e Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: Nowadays, vision systems is portable computers are becoming an important tool for personal use. Vision systems for object localization are an active are of research. This dissertation proposes an algorithm to locate position and objects in a regular environment with the use of a simple webcam and a personal computer. To that end, we use two algorithms of marker tracking to reboot often a Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping algorithm. This dissertation also presents an implementation and a set of tests that validate the proposed algorithm.

Luiz Rodolfo Neves CALDEIRA. Geração semi-automática de massas de testes funcionais a partir da composição de casos de uso e tabelas de decisão. [Title in English: Semi-automatic generation of functional test scripts by composing use cases with decision tables]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/08/10. 98 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa.

This work aims at developing a process and tools for the semi-automatic generation of functional test scripts for web based systems. The process and tools depart from use cases and decision tables, in order to produce high quality automated tests as well as to reduce the time spent generating them. The tests specifications are provided by use cases written in semi-structured Portuguese and obeying a well defined structure. By means of a tool, decision tables are manually built from the use case descriptions. Afterwards semantic test cases are automatically generated from these decision tables. Another tool generates executable test scripts from these test cases. The generated test scripts must suit the tool used for automated testing. In this work, the Selenium tool was used for automating test interaction with the browser. The evaluation of the efficacy of the process and tools was performed applying them to a real system and comparing the result with traditional techniques of automated test generation regarding this same system.

Manoel Teixeira de ABREU NETTO. Um Framework baseado em padrões para a contrução de sistemas multi-agentes auto-organizáveis. [Title in English: A pattern-based framework to build self-organization multi-agents systems]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/03/10. 81 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: The approach of self-organizing systems has increased in relevance and use within complex domains, for it allows the development of decentralized systems that exhibit a dynamic and adaptable behavior in facing the challenge of handling disturbances in the environment, which were previously unknow. The main difficulties in building self-organizing systems lie in the development of mechanisms of interaction and coordination between the agents of the environment and the lack of reuse of solutions already adopted. In this context, this dissertation proposes a framework as a reusable solution for building decentralized self-organizing systems, based on major architectural patterns found in the literature, and also provide a means of extensibility to develop new mechanisms of interaction and coordination. From the framework, instances of various fields can be created, for example, a self-organizing and decentralized solution to the automated guided vehicles problem, as will be presented in this dissertation.

Marcelo Cohen de AZEVEDO. Gerador de aplicações para consultas a bases RDF/RDFS. [Title in English: An application builder for quering RDF/RDFS datasets]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/01/10. 134 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: Due to increasing popularity of the semantic web, more data stes, containing information about varied domains, have become available for access in the Internet. This thesis proposes a tool to assist accessing and exploring this information. This tool allows the generation of applications for querying databases in RDF and RDFS through programming by example. Users are able to create use cases through simple operations using the RDFS model. These use cases can be generalized and shared with other users, who can reuse them. The shared use cases can be customized and extended collaboratively in the environment which they were developed. new operations can also be created and shared, making the tool increasingly more powerful. Finally, using a set of use cases, it's possible to generate a web application that abstracts the RDF model where the data is represented, making it possible for lay users to access this information without any knowledge of the RDF model.

Marcelo OIKAWA. Conversão de regexes para parsing expression grammars. [Title in English: Converting regexes to parsing expression grammars]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/08/10. 71 p. Advisor: Roberto ierusalimschy.

Abstract: Regular expressions are a formalism used to describe regular languages and form the basis of several pattern-matching libraries. However, many interesting patterns either are difficult to describe or cannot be described by pure regular expressions. Because of these limitations, modern scripting languages have pattern matching libraries based on regexes, ie, extensions of regular expressions mainly composed by a set of ad-hoc constructions that focus on specific problems. Although very useful in practice, these implementations are complex and distant from the original formalism of regular expressions. Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG) are a formal alternative to recognize patterns and it is much more expressive than pure regular expressions and does not need use ad-hoc constructions. The goal of this work is to study the convertion of regexes to PEGs. To accomplish this task, we studied the current implementations of regexes and show how to convert some constructions to PEGs. Finally, we present an implementation that convert regexes to PEGs for the Lua language.

Marcio David de Magalhães SANTOS. Estendendo a ferramenta SAFE para JBOSS AOP. [Title in English: Extending the SAFE tool for JBOSS AOP]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/08/10. 147 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa and Roberta de Souza Coelho.

Abstract: Aspect Oriented Paradigm (AOP) is used in many frameworks and applications in order to improve the modularity and separation of concerns. However, the combination of AOP and exception handling mechanisms may increase the number of error-prone scenarios. AOP may raise exceptions which the application was not designed to handle it. This dissertation presents (i) an empirical study showing how the AOP affects exception handling in an application that uses JBoss AOP to implement AOP, and (ii) a support tool for the study. The study shows that error-prone scenarios occur mainly because exception handling exceptions are caught by subsumption.

Márcio Ferreira MORENO. Conciliando flexibilidade e eficiência no desenvolvimento do ambiente declarativo Ginga-NCL. [Title in English: Bringing together flexibility and efficiency in the development of the Ginga-NCL declarative environment]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 16/08/10.  p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: Digital TV (DTV) systems are defined by a set of specifications that establish the technologies involved in the counter encoding, transmission, reception and presentation, including the specification of applications (non-linear programs), their various related media objects and metadata. In this scenario, support to applications is accomplished through an intermediary software layer, or middleware, positioned, in the receiving environment, between the application code and the execution infrastructure (hardware platform and operating system). The middleware design and implementation bring a number of challenging issues.  Among them are: efficient resource management, since resources are ususally scarce in DTV receiver devices; support to dynamic evolution of the middleware functionalities; support to dynamic evolution of the middleware functionalities; support to fault recovery at runtime; the mecahnisms for resource location management, allowing using the same syntax used in authoring environment the different receiver environments; support to live editing of non´linear programs (i.e. applicationns); the infrastructure definition for the asynchronous transport of interactive applications and control commands; and the life cycle control of interactive applications to be started, paused and resumed at any point in their life duration, without loosing their evolution history.  Most of these issues are addrssed in the existing systems, however with important limitations; some of them are not even addressed , being only treated with workaround tricks.  This work proposes alternative solutions to the mentioned issues and incorporates the solutions in the Ginga-NCL declarative middleware specification and in its reference implementation.  Ginga-NCL and its declarative language NCL are adopted by SBTVD-T in 2007.  In early 2009, Ginga-NCL and NCL have become part of the ISBD-TB standard and part of the ITU-R BT 1699 Recommendation.  Even in early 2009, Ginga-NCL and NCL have become the ITU-T H.761 Recmmendation for IPTV services.

Marcio Luiz Coelho CUNHA. Redes sociais dirigidas ao contexto das coisas. [Title in English: Context driven things social networks]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/08/10. 72 p. Advisor: Hugo Fuks.

Abstract: Every day, more and more Brazilians have a next generation mobile phone with an Internet connection. These new devices are able to read different types of labels used to store, retrieve and manage information; they are with us everywhere to support our daily tasks.  The small computers are aware of their surrounding and propitious to communication and collaboration with the real world. Due to their popularty, availability and critical mass of users reached, new services are developed based on the concept of ubiquitous computing, where computers and humans are unified around the concept of environment.  These systems deal with issues of pervasive interaction of context, recognition of environments and adapt according to preferences. This thesis presents a description of the developemnt and usability testing of a social network that is based on the concepts of ubiquitous computing and Internet of Things.  This social network, adddressed to the theme of enogastronomy, is accesible by mobile devices and uses two-dimensional codes pasted on the bottles of wine for using the software and the phone's camera to bring information in accordance with the context of the object, place and user preference.

Pablo Frias de Oliveira Bioni GOMES. Extração de primeiro plano em imagem HD com fundos variados. [Title in English: Foreground extraction from HD images with any type of background]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/03/10. 55 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: The film and broadcast industry have been massively using the Chroma key technique, also known as Blue Screen Matting. This technique deeply transformed the entertainment industry, allowing impossible scenes become reality. The evolution of this technique allowed that complex productions could have better control and lower costs. However, this technique needs a sequence of preparation stages, which require high budgets and precise planning. furthermore, continuity errors usually cause serious post-production problems. Currently, the entertainment industry is searching for other matting techniques that work on any kind of background. The use of these techniques is still restricted to academic works and softwares of still image manipulation. The present work has the goal of making an analysis of the current chroma key processes and aims to propose a matting technique over any type of background in High Definition images. Two methods of calculating alpha values are presented: a local method based on clusters and a local one based on electric potential.

Pedro Luchini de MORAES. Motion synthesis for non-humanoid virtual characters. [Title in Portuguese: Síntese de movimentos para personagens virtuais não-humanóides]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/03/10. 49 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: We present a technique for automatically generating animations for virtual characters. The technique is inspired by several biological principles, especially evolution and natural slection. The virtual characters themselves
are modeled as animal-like creatures, with a musculoskeletal system that is capable of moving their bodies through simple physics principles, such as force and torques. because our technique does not make any assumptions about the structure of the character, it is capable of generating animations for any kind of virtual creature.

Rafael Savignon MARINHO. Ginga-NCL como plugin para navegadores Web. [Title in Portuguese: Síntese de movimentos para personagens virtuais não-humanóides]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/10/10.  p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: Over the past few years the Web (World Wide Web) users have been presenting a significant change on their behavior, becoming, beside consumers, multimedia content producers. On the other hand, the Brazilian Digital TV content production, more especially the interactive applications written in NCL (Nested Context Language) are still made by professionals allocated in TV broadcasters and content producers companies. Considering the new Web users profile and the fact that NCL is a hypermedia programming language whose scope is not restricted to Digital TV application the opportunity to popularize the use of NCL arises as a new way to specify multimedia content also in the Web. Moreover, once NCL is recommend by ITU-T as reference to IPTV service, is reasonable to realize a new platform to deploy such services on the Web. Motivated by this new scenario this work proposes the adaptation of Ginga-NCL declarative middleware, which is the software layer in charge to execute of the NCL application, to the Web environment. The proposed adaptation aim to offer the content presentation control, live editing support and synchronization among media objects from both domains (Web and Interactive TV). In short, the presented work discusses how a Web page can be benefit by the internal player API and other features offered by the middleware Ginga. In addition is also proposed a new platform support for the middleware in order to facilitate adaptation process

Raphael do Vale Amaral GOMES. MatchMaking - uma ferramenta para alinhamento de esquemas OWL. [Title in English: MatchMaking - a tool to match OWL schemas]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/04/10. 73 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: A database concectual schema, or simply a schema, is a high level description of how database concepts are organized. The schema matching from a source schema S into a target schema T defines concepts in T on terms of the concepts in S. This work describes a software tool that helps implement instance-based schema matching techniques for OWL dialects that depend on the definition of similarity functions to evaluate the semantic proximity of elements from two different schemas. The tool is designed to accommodate different similarity functions and distinct matching algorithms, thereby facilitating experimenting with alternative matching configurations.

Roberto Gerson de Albuquerque AZEVEDO. Suporte ao controle e à apresentação de objetos de mídia tridimensionais em NCL. [Title in English: Supporting three-dimensional media object control and presentation in NCL]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/08/10. 113 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: The world where we live in is physically formed by a three-dimensional space and it is natural human being wants to represent it as faithful as possible. In Web for example there are a lot of efforts in order to support the creation of interactive 3D applications, most of them based on scene graphs and route graphs. Scene graphs have become a standard for modeling spatial 3D applications from a hierarchical and declarative approach. In order to represent the scene graphs behavior, route graphs or imperative languages are more commonly used. As regards Interactive Digital Television (iDTV), on the other hand, there is still a lot of work to be done. Nested Context Language (NCL) is the standard declarative language for Terrestrial Digital Television Systems (ISDB-T) and IPTV (ITU-T), which allows the hypermedia document authoring through a simple and expressiveness approach. Even though NCL does not restrict any type of media object, in its current version (3.0), NCL treats only two-dimensional objects, relating them temporally and spatially. Given the importance of NCL in the iDTV scenario, this research aims discuss how it can also control three-dimensional objects. As a special case, this work discusses how NCL can control composite object behavior represented by scene graphs, discussing its advantages and disadvantages. In order to test what was proposed, an X3D (which is an ISO standard language based on scene graphs) player was incorporated to the Ginga-NCL reference implementation, which is responsible to play NCL applications. Additionally, it is also proposed a new set of NCL events, in order to reflect three-dimensional events, and the incorporation of NCL regions based on three-dimensional geometric, so that the presentation of two-dimensional media objects over 3D object’s surfaces is possible.

Rodrigo Marques Almeida da SILVA. Simulação e visualização de oceano em tempo real utilizando a GPU. [Title in English: Real-time ocean simulation and visualization using GPU]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/03/10. 156 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: he synthesis of realistic natural scenes in real time is one of the most important research areas for applications in games and simulators. In the beginning of real-time computer graphics, most of the applications treated water surface as a texture plane. this approach produces a very low realistic rendering of the water surface and does not reproduce the correct hydrodynamics behaviour of the water. So, a lot of research groups developed techniques for realistic water rendering, most of them for the off-line processes and a few for real-time use. However, current improvementson hardware performance allow the usage of traditional off-line techniques for real-time proposes, but there is no research work that describes these techniques and makes a comparative analysis of them. Then, without this comparative analysis, it is very difficult to choose the best technique for a specific hardware or to decide if a particular technique provides the simulation control that a certain application needs. In this context, the present research work analyses the most important techniques for real-time ocean water simulation and visualization using the graphics processor unit as a main processor. moreover, it makes a performance comparative analysis of each technique and analyses the pros and cons of them. Furthermore, some classic off-line methods are adapted for GPU use.

Roger ROCHA. Petroleum supply planning: models, reformulations and algorithms. [Title in Portuguese: Planejamento do suprimento de petróleo: modelos, reformulações e algoritmos]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 24/05/10. 124 p. Advisor: Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi de Aragão.

Abstract: The Petroleum Supply Planning activity is an important link for the integration of the Petroleum Supply Chain at Petrobras as it is the responsible for refining the strategic supply planning information to be used at the operational level.  In this thesis we set the ground for understanding this important problem and we propose a mathematical model to solve it. Although the solvers in the last decade have evolved enormously, for this particular application we cannot get solutions with satisfactory quality in reasonable computational time with only the initial proposed model.  This directed the line of research of this thesis into investigating, in detail, the structure of this problem in order to find more suitable reformulations and algorithms to tackle it.  Our primary goal is to solve efficiently the petroleum supply planning problem at Petrobras. Nevertheless as a by-product of this endeavor, we propose a novel decomposition algorithm and reformulations based on cascading knapsack structures that turn out to be applicable in a wide range of problems.  Concerning the achievement of the main objective, we obtain good results for all instances we tested.  We show that novel decomposition algorithm is the most fitted method to solve the petroleum supply planning problem if we consider more than two tankers to offload each platform.  In the case of one or two tankers to offload each platform, the hull relaxation formulation based on the cascading knapsack structure introduced after an inventory reformulation at platforms is the best option if one is to solve this problem.  For the real application, these solution alternatives allow to implement a general algorithm that automatically switches to the best solution option depending on the structure of the problem.  For the mixed situation, i.e., number of tanker varying from one to four, one can use more than one approaches in parallel and take the fastes or the best result obtained.  This model is being tested at Petrbras and is showing to be an effective tool to help integrate its petroleum supply chain as well as to do what-if analysis to look for alternative solutions never thought before.

Romualdo Monteiro de Resende COSTA. Controle do sincronismo temporal de aplicações hipermídia. [Title in English: Temporal synchronism control of hypermedia applications]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 30/08/10. 160 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: Synchronization control in hypermedia applications is one of the most important requirements in the presentation of these applications. To assure highquality presentations, it is necessary to know when events, produced during an application execution, occur in time. By means of this information, it is possible to predict undesirable delays and to forestall actions needed to avoid presentation adjustments. This thesis discusses how event occurrences can be predicted in the course of an application presentation. In order to assist this goal, a temporal graph, built up from the application specification, is proposed. This graph, called Hypermedia Temporal Graph - HTG, can be used in the temporal control of hypermedia applications, from the media transport system up to their presentation at client sides. Besides the quality of service control, this thesis elucidates other advantages that come from the synchronization management. Among them is allowing for presentations to be started at any moment in time of their life cycle, and allowing for presentations to be moved backward and forward up to a desirable presentation moment in time. Another advantage, also dealt with in this thesis, is the support to distributing parts of an application to different devices in charge of their presentations, without causing any hazard to the whole application temporal synchronism. Finally, this thesis also proposes how editions can be made over the HTG, and, therefore, how application control can be modified during runtime.

Sérgio Queiroz de MEDEIROS. Correspondência entre PEGs e classes de gramáticas livres de contexto. [Title in English: Correspondence between PEGs and classes of context-free grammars]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 30/08/10. 86 p. Advisor: Roberto Ierusalimschy.

Abstract: Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) are a formalism that allow us to describe languages and that has as its distinguishing feature the use of an ordered choice operator. The class of languages described by PEGs properly contains all deterministic context-free languages. In this thesis we discuss the correspondence between PEGs and two other formalisms used to describe languages: regular expressions and Context-Free Grammars (CFGs). We present a new formalization of regular expressions that uses natural semantics and we show a transformation to convert a regular expression into a PEG that describes the same language; this transformation can be easily adapted to accommodate several extensions used by regular expression libraries (e.g., lazy repetition and independent subpatterns). We also present a new formalization of CFGs that uses natural semantics and we show the correspondence between right linear CFGs and equivalent PEGs. Moreover, we show that LL(1) grammars with a minor restriction define the same language when interpreted as a CFG and when interpreted as a PEG. Finally, we show how to transform strong-LL(k) CFGs into PEGs that are equivalent.

Tanara LAUSCHNER. Modelagem de restrições de esquemas medianos. [Title in English: Modeling the mediated schema constraints] Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 09/08/10. 80 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova

Abstract: Data integration refers to the problem of combining data stored in different sources, providing users with a unified view of the data. Queries are then expressed in terms of a global or mediated schema, which should include
integrity constraints that contribute to a correct understanding of what the semantics of the data sources have in common. This thesis addresses the problem of modeling the constraints of a mediated schema from the imported
schemas constraints and mappings. It argues that the constraints should be modeled as the greatest lower bound of the constraints of the export schemas, after appropriate translation to a common vocabulary. This assures that users of the mediated schema will correctly interpret query results. For a rich family of constraints, it shows how to efficiently compute the greatest lower bound of sets of constraints.

Thiago Pinheiro de ARAÚJO. SDiff: uma ferramenta para comparação de documentos com base nas suas estruturas sintáticas. [Title in English: SDiff: a comparison tool based in syntactical document structure]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/03/10. 95 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa.

Abstract: Associated with each version control system there's comparison tool for extracting the differences between two versions of a document. These tools tend to make a comparison based on textual information from documents, in which the indivisible element is the line or word. But the content versioned is usually highly structured (for example, programming languages) and the use of this mechanism can disrespect syntactical limits and other properties of the document, becoming difficult to interpret what really changed. In this work we created a tool to identify differences between two versions of a document using a comparison mechanism based on the syntactic structure. Thus, it is possible to identify more precisely the relevant differences to the reader, reducing the effort to understand the semantics of the changes. The tool can support different types of documents by implementing components that interprets the desired syntax. The example syntax component implemented in this work deals with the syntax of the programming language C++.

Thuener Armando da SILVA. Estudo experimental de técnicas para otimização de carteiras. [Title in English: Experimental study of techniques for portfolio optimization]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/06/10. 126 p. Advisor: Eduardo Sany Laber.

Abstract: Markowitz in 1959 structured the foundations of the modern portfolio theory through the analysis of risk and return of assets. Now, after five decades his theory is still widely used as a basis for building portfolios. In this thesis we investigate variations of the Markowitz model for portfolio selection from both a theoretical and practical point of view. We analyzed the impact of different methods for the prediction of risk and return, transaction costs, target risk and frequency of revision of the portfolio. In order to test and analyze the strategies studied we implemented a robust and versatile simulator and created a database with daily data of 41 assets from the Brazilian stock exchange, CDI and IBOVESPA.

Ugo Braga SANGIORGI. Apoiando o projeto e avaliação da interação e da interface: um estudo e uma ferramenta. [Title in English: Supporting interaction and interface design: a case study and a too
l]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/03/10. 81 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: Nowadays, with the growing popularity of the Internet and mobile devices, interactive systems have increasingly gained ground among different people, with different cultural backgrounds. However, the design of the interaction that takes place between the users and those systems is not properly supported by tools nor notations, turning the intercative experience into a mere consequence of the internal functions of the systems - in which errors
are treated as exceptions and must therefore be avoided, instead of properly supported. This work presents a study on how systems design migh be supported by a model that combines interaction and interface design, and a tool to support this modeling and to generate prototypes, supporting the designer's reflection about the interactive solution being created. The MoLIC language is used to represent the systems behaior and sketches are used to represent the interface in a combined model. The prototypes are generated from a sequence of sketches, guided by the interaction model. An exploratory study was conducted in order to gather feedback about the proposed approach and to investigate the feasibility of the integrated project of interaction and interface.

Valéria Quadros dos REIS. Um estudo sobre reserva de recursos computacionais no nível do usuário. [Title in English: A study on computacional resource reservation at user level] Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 17/05/10 100 p. Advisor: Renato Fontoura de Gusmão Cerqueira

Abstract: The way computing is done today is changing as a result of the ever increasing processing, storage, and communication capacities of modern computer hardware. Resource sharing scenarios, in which a physical server is shared for different applications, are becoming much more common. These scenarios require special attention to guarantee that the performance isolation of each application is carried out exactly as if it were being locally executed. Based on this situation, the present work aims at investigating techniques for providing resource reservations and thus guaranteeing quality of service (QoS) and performance isolation for applications. Considering environments in which the use of operating system extensions or the use of virtualization are unreasonable or inappropriate, this work investigates the viability and effectiveness of reservations done at user level, that is, reservations guaranteed with no operating system kernel instrumentation. For this purpose, we have implemented a tool that limits and ensures the proper usage of processing and disk bandwidth resources through the exclusive use of Linux Operating system primitives, which, among other functions, permits easy scheduling policy extensions. this feature enables flexibility in how resources are shared among distinct processes. Through tool usage analysis, we have identified the advantages and limitations of the techniques used. For a case study, aiming to achieve some specific performance goals, we have established parameter reservations for a three-tier application. We were able to verify that, even for complex applications, simple methodologies like linear regressions are capable of predicting resource usage with a low margin of error.