Theses and Dissertations



Departamento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains the list of the MSc. Dissertations and PhD. Thesis presented to the Departmento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, in 2012.  They are all available in print format and, according to the authors' preference, some of them are freely available for download, while others are freely available for download to the PUC-Rio community exclusively(*). 

For any requests, questions, or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho

Last update: 31/DECEMBER/2013


** Electronic version not available yet.

Airton José Araujo LIBÓRIO. Suporte à evolução arquitetural de sistemas distribuídos baseados em componentes de software. [Title in English: Support for architectural evolution in component-based distributed systems]. M.Sc. Diss.Port. Presentation: 16/05/2013. 95 p. Advisor: Renato Fontoura de Gusmão Cerqueira.

Abstract:The nature of some software systems determine that they run without interruption. Furthermore, many software systems are constantly subject to change for reasons that include, but are not limited to, infrastructure changes, bug fixes, addition of functionalities, and changes in the domain logic. Dynamic software evolution consists into changing application during execution without stopping them, keeping them available even when applying these modifications. Component-based distributed systems allows decomposing software into clearly separated entities. In such cases, evolution can be summarized to removal, addition and modification of such entities, and if such activities can be performed while the application is executing, dynamic adaptation is achieved. In this work, we’ve investigated an approach that aims to allow manipulation of distributed software architectures developed over the SCS middleware, in order to minimize system disruption while certain adaptations are deployed. The mechanism was tested in an already consolidated distributed system, the CAS, which consists of an extensible recording infrastructure that supports automatic capture and access of distributed medias.

Alexandre Leite SILVA. Reúso de estratégias sensíveis a domínio para detecção de anomalias de código: um estudo de múltiplos casos. [Title in Portuguese: Reuse of domain-sensitive strategies for detecting code anomalies: a multi-case study]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 08/08/13. 84 p.  Advisors: Alessandro Fabrício Garcia and Elder José Reioli Cirilo.

Abstract: To prevent quality decay, detection strategies are reused to identify symptoms of maintainability problems in the entire program.  A detection strategy is a heuristic composed by the following elements: software metrics, thresholds and logical operators combining them.  The adoption of detection strategies is largely dependent on their reuse across the portfolio of the organizations software projects.  If developers need to define or tailor those strategy elements to each project, their use will become time-consuming and negleted.  Nevertheless, there is no evidence about efficient reuse of detection strategies accross multiple software projects.  Therefore, we conduct and industry multi-project study to evaluate the reusability of detection strategies in a critical domain.  We assessed the degree of accurate reuse of previously-proposed detection strategies based on judgement of domain specialists.  The study revealed that even though the reuse of strategies in a specific domain should be encouraged, their accuracy and reuse were significantly improved when the metrics, thresholds and logical operators were tailored to each recurring concern of the domain.

Alexandre Valdetaro PORTO. A non-intrusive solution for didtributed visualization and colaboration in a visualizer. [Title in Portuguese: Uma solução não intrusiva para visualização distribuída e colaboração em um visualizador]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 26/03/13. 55 p.  Advisor: Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: In this work, we present the design and implementation of distributed visualization and collaboration for a, immersive 3D visualizer. We start by presenting, on a high abstraction level, our design of a generic visualizer. The design follows an MVC approach, isolating all the business objects in the lowest level of the application, making it modular and extensible, therefore providing an easier prototyping of functionality and the isolation of complex business logic algorithms. This design as a solution came from the real necessity of a visualizer with a monolithic implementation, whose maintainability and improvement are impaired due to a high complexity because of the coupling between the business logic and the diverse visualization and distribution algorithms. Our hope is that our design can be reused as an inspiration for other visualizers that wish to reduce the complexity and cost of the development of new business functionality. On top of this design, then, we present the detailed design and implementation of a module that provides distributed visualization and collaboration to the visualizer. This module is non intrusive because it requires no changes to the application architecture, and the application can become distributed just by the inclusion of the module. This module serves as a proof of concept for our design as it solves a classic problem of distribution and synchronism in a visualizer in a way that is transparent to the business logic. Also, we implemented an example visualizer with our design and our proposed module, where we veri_ed both the synchronism of the distributed visualization and the consistency of the collaboration among multiple nodes, we also evaluated the performance impact caused by the distributed visualization.

Aline Medeiros SAETTLER. On the simultaneous minimization of worst testing cost and expected testing cost with decision trees.  [Title in Portuguese: Minimização simultânea do pior custo e do custo médio em árvores de decisão]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 30/07/13. 51 p.  Advisor: Eduardo Sany Laber.

Abstract: The problem of minimizing the cost of evaluating a discrete function by sequentially reading its variables is a problem that arises in several applications, among them automatic diagnosis design and active learning. In this problem, each variable of the function is associated with a cost, that we have to pay in order to check its value. In addition, there may exist a probability distribution associated with the points where the function is defined. Most of the work in the area has focussed either on the minimization of the maximum cost or on the minimization of the expected cost spent to evaluate the function. In this dissertation, we show how to obtain an O(log n) approximation with respect to the worst case minimization (the best possible approximation under the assumption that P 6= NP). We also show a polynomial time procedure for evaluate a function that simultaneously optimizes both the worst and the expected costs.

Ana Carolina Brito de ALMEIDA. Framework para apoiar a sintonia fina de banco de dados.  [Title in English: Framework to support database tuning]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 13/09/13. 176 p.  Advisor: Sérgio Lifschitz.

Abstract: There is a strong demand for automation of Database Management Systems (DBMS) tasks, as those related to self-management and self-tuning activities. However, whenever automatic decisions are made, there is also a lack of clearness about the considered decisions and actions. This thesis proposes a framework to support the DBA (and possibly other database users) on choices concerning tuning activities. This research work includes the proposal of an ontology for (autonomous or not) database tuning that enables a formal approach for decisions and inferences. The goals are to offer transparency and confidence on the available tuning alternatives with respect to the possible DBMS scenarios through a concrete justification about the decisions that are made. Moreover, new tuning practices may be obtained automatically as soon as new rules, concepts and practices are known. Finally, our approach enables an actual combination, at a high level of abstraction, of distinct database tuning strategies.

André Luis Cavalcanti BUENO. Resolução de sistemas de equações lineares de grande porte em clusters multi-GPU utilizando o método do gradiente conjugado em OpenCL. [Title in English: Solving large systems of linear equations on multi-GPU clusters using the conjugate gradient method in OpenCLTM]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/13. 64 p. Advisor: Noemi da La Roque Rodrigues.

Abstract: The process of modeling problems in the engineering fields tends to produce substantiously large systems of sparse linear equations. Extensive research has been done to devise methods to solve these systems. This thesis explores the computational potential of multiple GPUs, through the use of the OpenCL tecnology, aiming to tackle the solution of large systems of sparse linear equations. In the proposed methodology, the conjugate gradient method is subdivided into kernels, which are delegated to multiple GPUs. In order to achieve an efficient method, it was necessary to understand how the GPUs’ architecture communicates with OpenCL.

Bernardo Bianchi FRANCESCHIN.
Visualização de seções de corte arbitrarias de malhas não estruturadas. [Title in English: Visualization of arbitrary cross section of unstructured meshes]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/04/2013. 53 p. Advisor: Waldemar Celes Filho.

Abstract: For the visualization of scalar fields in volume data, the use of cross sections is an effective technique to inspect the field variation inside the domain. The technique consists in mapping, on the cross section surfaces, a colormap that represents the scalar field on the surface-volume intersection. In this work, we propose an efficient method for mapping scalar fields of unstructured meshes on arbitrary cross sections. It is a direct-rendering method (the intersection of the surface and the model is not extracted) that uses GPU to ensure efficiency. The basic idea is to use the graphics rasterizer to generate the fragments of the cross-section surface and to compute the intersection of each fragment with the model. For this, it is necessary to test the location of each fragment with respect to the unstructured mesh in an efficient way. As acceleration data structure, we tested three variations of regular grids to store the elements (cells) of the mesh, and each element is represented by the list of face planes, easing the in-out test between fragments and elements. Once the element that contains the fragment is determined, it is applied procedures to interpolate the scalar field and to check if the fragment is close to the element boundary, to reveal the mesh wireframe on the surface. Achieved results demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed method.

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Bernardo Evangelho MIRANDA. Conceitos centrais e componentizção de diagramas de classe UML representados em grafo. [Title in English: Core concepts and componetization of UML class diagrams represented in graph]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/04/2013. 101 p. Advisor: Arndt Von Staa.

Abstract: The Goal of this dissertation is to develop a web application that explores different analysis of UML diagrams. One of the main features of this tool is the compatibility with other tools that create UML diagrams. In order to do that, we implemented a generic XML parser that import class diagrams and provides as extra information regarding this diagram. The first study is the identification of the classes that can be considered "core Concepts" (defining the important classes of the system). The other study performs graph clustering, aiming to create groups of classes, making it possible to generate components. Finally, we discuss estimates of importance and degree of cohesion, as well as size and coupling metrics of the diagram as a whole and the generated components.

Bruno Ferreira FABRI. FEAF: uma infraestrutura para análise da evolução das características de uma linha de produto de software. [Title in English: FEAF: An infrastructure for analyzing the evolution of the features in a Software Product Line]. M.Sc. Diss.Port. Presentation:18/04/13. 97 p. Advisor:Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: Software Products Lines (SPL) is a software engineering approach to developing software system families that share common features and differ in other features according to the requested software systems. The adoption of the SPL approach can promote several benefits such as cost reduction, product quality, productivity and time to market.  As with any approach to software development, the activities of software evolution should be seen as something inevitable, constant and routine. Within the scenario of development of SPLs, evolution activities are driven by changes in its features over the releases. As such, the development of SPLs imposes new challenges to the activities of analyzing and comprehension the evolution of their features, considering the various releases of an SPL. Recent research works propose visual strategies with automated support by visualization tools. Such approaches have limitations since some do not provides support for a comparison of features in different releases of an SPL and others do not support the concept of features present in the SPL. This paper proposes the FEAF, an infrastructure to support the construction of tools for analyzing and comprehending the evolution of features in different releases of an SPL. Based on the proposed infrastructure, we developed a visual tool, which assists with the analysis and understanding of the evolution of the features of an SPL, called FEACP. It provides a visualization strategy that uses two light views based on graph representation. The tool was evaluated through a controlled experiment that compares our visualization strategy with the visualization strategy of Source Miner Evolution.

Carla Gonçalves OUROFINO. Materialização e manutenção de ligações owl:sameAs. [Title in English: Materialization and maintenance of owl:sameAs links.] M.Sc. Diss.Port. Presentation: 23/08/13. 97 p. Advisor:Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: The Web of Data has grown significantly in recent years, not only in the amount of data but also in the number of data sources. In parallel with this tendency, owl:sameAs links have been increasingly used to connect equivalent data published by different sources. As a consequence, it becomes necessary to have a routine for the identification and maintenance of these connections. In order to automate this task, we have developed the "MsA Framework - sameAs Materialization" to materialize and recompute owl:sameAs links between local databases and data published on the Web. These connections, once identified, are materialized along with the local data and recomputed only when necessary. To achieve this goal, the tool monitors the operations (insertion, update and deletion) performed on local and remote records, and for each type of operation it implements

Carlos Eduardo Coelho Freire BATISTA. GINGA-MD: uma plataforma para suporte à execucao de aplicações hipermídia multi-dispositivo baseada em NCL. [Title in English: GINGA-MD: An NCL Based Platform for Supporting the Execution of Multi-Device Hypermedia Applications]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 28/02/13. 160 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: The increase of digital media formats fostered the creation of interactive multimedia applications, including the development of multi-user interactive scenarios. There are many spaces where digital interactive multimedia artifacts are consumed by groups of people, such as homes with Digital TV, theaters with Digital Cinema and conferences with interactive lecture presentations. In this thesis, a platform to support the execution of distributed hypermedia applications is proposed aiming at these spaces of collective digital multimedia consumption. The proposed platform uses the NCL language as the application description format, since it is a hypermedia glue-language that supports the concept of multi-device applications following a declarative abstraction level. The platform establishes a reference software architecture, defining mechanisms and interfaces for heterogeneous device integration. A prototype is implemented and validated against different usage scenarios, in which hypermedia applications use media resources coming from and going to multiple devices.

Daniel Pires de Sá MEDEIROS. Uma ferramenta de interação 3D para ambientes virtuais de engenharia utilizando dispositivos móveis. [Title in English: A 3D Interaction tool for engineering virtual environments using mobile devices]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/09/2013. 80 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: Interaction in engineering virtual environments is characterized by the necessity of the high precision level needed for the execution of specific tasks for this kind of environment. Generally this kind of task uses specific interaction devices with 4 or more degrees of freedom (DOF). Current applications involving 3D interaction use interaction devices for object modelling or for the implementation of navigation, selection and manipulation tecniques in a virtual environment. A related problem is the necessity of controlling tasks that are naturally non-immersive, such as symbolic input (e.g., text, photos). Another problem is the large learning curve to handle such non-conventional devices. The addition of sensors and the popularization of smartphones and tablets, allowed the use of such devices in virtual engineering environments. These devices, besides their popularity and sensors, differ by the possibility of including additional information and performing naturally non-immersive tasks. This work presents a 3D interaction tablet-based tool, which allows the aggregation of all major 3D interaction tasks, such as navigation, selection, manipulation, system control and symbolic input. To evaluate the proposed tool we used the SimUEP-Ambsim application, a training simulator for oil and gas platforms that has the complexity needed and allows the use of all techniques implemented.

Danilo Moret RODRIGUES. Distributed RDF graph keyword search. [Title in Portuguese: Busca distribuída em grafo RDF por palavra-chave]. M.Sc. Diss.Eng. Presentation: 25/03/13 66 p. Advisor:Karin Koogan Breitmam.

Abstract: The goal of this dissertation is to improve RDF keyword search. We propose a scalable approach, based on a tensor representation that allows for distributed storage, and thus the use of parallel techniques to speed up the search over large linked data sets, in particular those published as Linked Data. An unprecedented amount of information is becoming available following the principles of Linked Data, forming what is called the Web of Data. This information, typically codified as RDF subject-predicate-object triples, is commonly abstracted as a graph which subjects and objects are nodes, and predicates are edges connecting them. As a consequence of the widespread adoption of search engines on the World Wide Web, users are familiar with keyword search. For RDF graphs, however, extracting a coherent subset of data graphs to enrich search results is a time consuming and expensive task, and it is expected to be executed on-the-fly at user prompt. The dissertation's goal is to handle this problem. A recent proposal has been made to index RDF graphs as a sparse matrix with the pre-computed information necessary for faster retrieval of sub-graphs, and the use of tensor-based queries over the sparse matrix. The tensor approach can leverage modern distributed computing techniques, e.g., nonrelational database sharding and the MapReduce model. In this dissertation, we propose a design and explore the viability of the tensor-based approach to build a distributed datastore and speed up keyword search with a parallel approach.

Dárlinton Barbosa Feres CARVALHO. Combining a process and tools to support the analysis of online communities applied to healthcare. [Title in Portuguese: Combinando um processo e ferramentas para apoiar a análise de comunidade online aplicados à área de saúde]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 22/03/13. 82 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: This research thesis is aiming to exploit valuable social media, especially those available in online communities of social network sites, in order to perform social studies about healthcare issues. Based on a practical approach,a process was defined to conduct such studies. This process relied on tailored computational tools to provide support for specific tasks such as content retrieval, selection, and analysis. Two tools that stand out are presented because of their utility and the complexity of the process in which their development was based on. The first tool, for the benefit of online community analysis, is the Community Association Map, a process developed to support experts in understanding users’ interests based on their associations within their communities. Our second tool (TorchSR) aims to aid analysts in the selection of discussions from online forums to be manually analyzed by (qualitative) research techniques (e.g. content and discourse analysis). This task, which was defined as solving the content selection problem, was tackled with a tool based on unsupervised machine learning techniques, such as hierarchical clustering. An exploratory study case shows that TorchSR helps analysts in dealing with the problem. The proposed process was employed in two studies about relevant healthcare issues (i.e. hepatitis C and drug abuse) which resulted in interesting findings in the field of public health. In conclusion, this thesis presents a practical application of computational social science to the field of health, through development of a process and tools used to support analysts and improve its application.

Eduardo de Oliveira FERREIRA. Geração automática de suítes de teste da interface com usuário a partir de casos de uso.
 [Title in English: Automatic generation of user interface test suites specifiedby use cases]. M.Sc. Diss.Port. Presentation: 23/08/13. 118 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa.

Abstract: It is expected that the development of test suites from models can contribute substantially to reducing the human effort and to increase the effectiveness of the generated tests. Means for tests’ effectiveness (ideal) the percentage of existing defects found by these tests. Most of these techniques is based on state machines and mostly directed to testing the functionality. However, there is a need to be able to test highly interactive systems, such as smartphones and tablets, from a description of its human computer interface. The goal of the dissertation is to make a first evaluation of a technique aimed to generate test suites for test of human computer graphic interface. For this purpose was developed and evaluated its effectiveness, a tool called Easy, using use cases tabular and state machine for the automatic generation of the suite tests. The use cases are described in natural language restricted. From this description, the tool builds a state machine, and then uses this to generate scenarios. By construction scenarios will be in accordance with the use cases. Each scenario corresponds to a test case. The scenarios are presented to the user in natural language, allowing the visualization of them before the generation of the final scripts tests. The generated scripts are intended to a running automated tool geared to testing graphical interfaces. In this work, we used the UI Automation tool, responsible for running tests on applications for the iOS, operational system for iPhones, iPads and iPod touchs. The effectiveness of the procedure was evaluated in a real application, available in the online store applications App Store. In addition, HCI tests were performed in order to evaluate the influence on the cost of production of the test suite.

Eduardo Kinder ALMENTERO. Dos requisitos ao código: um processo para desenvolvimento de software mais transparente.  [Title in English: From requirements to code: a process to develop more transparent software]. M.Sc. Diss.Port. Presentation: 12/12/13. 183 p. Advisor: Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite.

Abstract: Transparency is a keyword present in different contexts such as the economic and the political ones, and, currently, one of the new contexts, in which it stands, is software. Free (open source) software is a good example of transparency, where the great advantage is that one can access the source code and then choose the characteristics he/she wants, but, in this way, we will be serving only those who understand the source code. Understanding software source code can be an arduous task, especially if no technique has been used for facilitate reading. In this work we explore a method for developing free software based on the use of scenarios. The result of applying this method is a single document, the source code, in which the scenarios will be integrated within the code, making it easier to read and understand, thus bringing more transparency to the software. This method was refined during its application to reengineer the C&L software. In order to produce additional documentation, besides the scenarios embedded in the code, we used the LEL (Language Extended Lexicon) technique to map the namespace of the new C&L.

Eduardo Ribeiro SILVA. Uso de ambientes imersivos para colaborção com usuários remotos não imersos. [Title in English: Use of immersive environments in collaboration with remote non-immerse users]. M.Sc. Diss.Port. Presentation: 10/04/13. 100 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: Throughout the years, many studies have explored the potential of virtual reality technologies to support collaborative work, particularly for training and simulation applications. By using a virtual environment, it is possible to create applications for simulation and training capable of representing real scenes, which also allow more flexibility to make structural changes to objects and other aspects of the virtual scenario to simulate, for instance, emergency situations and accidents, which are difficult to simulate in a real scenario. This work studies the use of collaboration in immersive environments to support user training. The 3C collaboration model (communication, cooperation and coordination) was used to define the model and collaboration tools in the development of a collaborative virtual reality application. The 3C model defines that in a collaborative environment individuals need to exchange information (communication) and organize (coordination) so they can work together in a shared environment (cooperation). For this work we implemented a collaborative training program between a user immersed in a CAVE and a remote user using a desktop computer. We implement techniques to help users accomplish collaboration: waypointing and highlight. To assist wayfinding, which is the cognitive process of defining a path through an environment using and acquiring spatial knowledge, aided by natural and artificial slopes, it was allowed to the desktop user to create waypoints, artificial slopes that allowed the definition of a path to the task goal. The highlight consists of the application of a silhouette on objects, highlighting them, allowing the users to easily identify the objects of interest. A series of tests was developed with the main objective of evaluating the heterogeneous scenario for collaboration, checking aspects such as: importance and effectiveness of audio communication, text communication need and the role of auxiliary techniques (highlight and waypointing) as eventual substitutes or complements techniques of communication in tasks based on real situations with different levels of complexity.

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Fabian Arturo CASTILLA PEÑARANDA. Vehicle routing problems with time windows and exact synchronization constraints. [Title in Portuguese: Problemas de roteamento de veículos com janelas de tempo e sincronização exata de operação]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 10/06/2013. 68 p. Advisor: Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi de Aragão.

Abstract: This dissertation addresses a generalization of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) that arises in real life applications in ports and mine operations. In this VRP variant, each customer may demand di_erent types of vehicles to perform a task collaboratively. Vehicles are allowed to wait at the locations but they must start operating at the same time. The objective is to route the available vehicles while maximizing the (weighted) sum of served customers and minimizing the total distance traveled. The specific case where all customers must be served while minimizing the total distance traveled is the central problem here studied. This special case can be viewed as a straightforward generalization of, a well known and more speci_c routing problem, the VRP with time windows (VRTPTW) where the capacity of the vehicles is su_ciently large. We support this narrower scope by stating that it allows a clear comparison of the problem hardness by its relation to the VRPTW. Sticking to the classfication of synchronization in vehicle routing proposed by (DREXL, 2012) we named this problem as the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Exact Operation Synchronization (VRPTWEOS). In this work, a formal de_nition for the VRPTWEOS is provided. Integer programming models for this problem are proposed and analyzed. Furthermore, we propose a solution method based on the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition for which exact and aproximated resolution algorithms are described. In order to test the performance of those algorithms, a group of benchmark instances for the VRPTWEOS was created on top of the Solomon benchmark for the VRPTW. The method used to create the benchmark instances is described in detail. Computational experiments over the mentioned set of instances showed that the proposed solution approach is a promising alternative for solving the VRPTWEOS.

Fabiana Pedreira SIMÕES. Supporting end user reporting of HCI issues in open source software projects. [Title in Portuguese: Apoiando o relato de problemas de IHC em projetos de software open source]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 21/08/2013. 144 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Empowering end users to proactively contribute to OSS by reporting HCI issues not only represents a potential approach to solving HCI problems in OSS projects, but it also fits the Open Source values and ideology. By referring to the end users’ personal experiences and feedback reports, designers in OSS communities may build their design rationale not only in an open and transparent manner, but also in such a way that end users relate to the values embedded in the community. This study aims to contribute to the existing literature by exploring (a) how issue reports fit and influence OSS designers' activities, (b) what the information needs of designers in OSS projects are, and (c) how to support users on the task of creating HCI issues reports that meet those needs. In order to collect data about questions (a) and (b), we conducted interviews with four designers contributing to OSS projects, and qualitatively evaluated a set of 547 bugs reported under HCI-related keywords. Using this data and based on Semiotic Engineering, we designed a form for users to report HCI issues. To investigate how well this form communicates the information needs of OSS designers and address question (c), we performed a study in which participants were invited to report HCI issues through the designed form.

Felipe Coimbra BACELAR. Uma abordagem baseada em gerenciamento de interesses para o particionamento dinâmico de simulações distribuídas. [Title in English: A new approach for mining software repositories using semantic tools]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/08/2013. 58 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

To achieve high scalability in distributed simulation is necessary to avoid communication bottlenecks. Messages between machines are necessary when an agent kept in a specific computer needs to interact with elements kept in another computer.  This work presents an approach to dynamically partitioning a distributed simulation keeping each agent in the same network node where are the elements more accessed by it, reducing the communication cost between the network computers.  To reach this objective, we are using the concept of interest management, which aims to provide to an agent only the smallest set of information necessary to allow it to interact with the environment in a coherent way.  To
illustrate the proposed solution a case study was developed comprehending a distributed simulation representing an oil scenario.

Fernando Freitas SILVA. Uma nova abordagem de mineração de repositórios de software utilizando ferramentas da Web semântica. [Title in English: A new approach for mining software repositories using semantic tools]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/08/2013. 178 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: The mining of software repositories is a field of research that extracts and analyses information available in software repositories, such as a version control system or issue tracker. Currently, several research works in this area have used Semantic Web tools during the extraction process to overcome some limitations that the traditional approach faces. The objective of this work is to extend the existing approaches that use Semantic Web tools to mine information not considered in these works.  The objective of this work is to extend this approches using Semantic Web to mine information not currently considered. One of these information is the relationship between revisions of version control and changes that occurs in the Abstract Syntax Trees of files modified by these revisions. Additionally, this new approach allows modelling interdependence of software project, thrir licences and extracting information from builds generated by continuous integration tools. The validation of this approach is demonstrated through a set of questions that are asked by developers and managers during the execution of a project and have been identified in various works in the literature. We show how the questions are translated into SPARQLE queries and how this work can answers the questions that are not answered or partially answered in other tools.

Francisco Dantas de MEDEIROS NETO. On the role of composition properties on program stability. [Title in Portuguese: Análise de propriedades de codigos de composição em estabilidade de programas]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 15/03/13. 166 p. Advisor: Alessandro Fabrício Garcia.

Abstract: The demand for incremental software development has driven a search for advanced programming techniques, such as aspect-oriented programming and feature-oriented programming. These techniques share the goal of supporting localized implementation of software changes in order to promote program stability. To achieve this goal, they offer a wide range of sophisticated composition mechanisms, which provide means to flexibly define the composition of two or more modules in a program. However, given the complexity of the resulting composition code, the initial definition and further changes to a single composition specification might affect the structure and behaviour of multiple modules, thereby harming the program stability. A complicating factor is that those changes often require some reasoning about certain composition properties, which are not explicit in the implementation or design artefacts. Unfortunately, there is no understanding in the state of the art about the composition properties that affect positively or negatively the program stability. This understanding is not yet possible as: (i) there is no conceptual characterization and quantification means for composition code properties, and (ii) there is no empirical investigation on the influence of these properties on program stability. A side effect of these gaps is that developers have resorted to conventional metrics, such as coupling, to determine or predict the stability of a program implemented with advanced programming techniques. In this context, this thesis presents three contributions to overcome the aforementioned problems. First, we have developed an empirical study revealing that widely-used metrics, such as coupling, are not effective indicators of stability when advanced programming techniques are used. Second, we propose a measurement framework encompassing a suite of composition metrics intended to quantify properties of the composition code. This framework is based on a meta-model and terminology for characterizing the elements and properties of the composition code. This framework is extensible and agnostic to particular programming techniques. Third, we also investigate how to alleviate the maintenance effort in performing changes related to the composition code.We evaluate if the availability of design models enriched with specification of composition properties help developers to improve program stability in their maintenance tasks.

Francisco Figueiredo Goytacaz SANT'ANNA. Safe systems-level concurrency on resource-cosntrained nodes with Céu. [Title in Portuguese: ]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 12/09/13. 86 p. Advisors: Roberto Ierusalimschy and Noemi da La Roque Rodriguez.

Abstract: Despite the continuous research to facilitate Wireless Sensor Networks development, most safety analysis and mitigation eorts in concurrency are still left to developers, who must manage synchronization and shared memory explicitly. We propose a system language that ensures safe concurrency by handling threats at compile time, rather than at runtime. The synchronous and static foundation of our design allows for a simple reasoning about concurrency that enables compile-time analysis resulting in deterministic and memory-safe programs. As a trade-o, our design imposes limitations on the language expressiveness, such as doing computationally-intensive operations and meeting hard real-time responsiveness. To show that the achieved expressiveness and responsiveness is su-cient for a wide range of WSN applications, we implement widespread network protocols and the CC2420 radio driver. The implementations show a reduction in source code size, with a penalty of memory increase below 10% in comparison to nesC. Overall, we ensure safety properties for programs relying on high-level control abstractions that also lead to concise and readable code.

Francisco José Zamith GUIMARÃES. O uso de histórias como forma de explicitar o conhecimento tático. [Title in English:The use of stories as a way to explicit the tacit knowledge]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 25/03/13. 158 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: With the globalization process, companies are increasingly decentralized, which makes it a challenge to exchange knowledge between employees. In literature, several Knowledge Management practices aims at facilitating the knowledge exchange, but many of them have difficulties in collecting and later reuse that knowledge. Some of these practices are based on the employee experience exchange, through sharing stories. The objective of this thesis is to define a model for the representation of stories (ontology), a set of activities, rules and tools to improve the collective dynamic gathering and the reuse of knowledge.Through some experiments we observed that this proposed model is better than other models regarding the collection and reuse of knowledge.

Gabriel Agostini CHEQUER. Alinhamento entre arquitetura empresarial e PDTI: um estudo de caso. [Title in English:
Aligning enterprise architecture with IT planning: a case study]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/08/13. 138 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa.

Abstract: Good IT planning is essential to enable and leverage the organizational performance. The Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP) is a planning tool that defines the IT strategies and action plans.  An essential part of the ITSP is the construction of an Enterprise Architecture, which integrates business processes, technologies and informationsystems of an organization to supprt the business goals. The objective of this work is to analyze the role of Enterprise Architecture in the context of an ITSP using a method that supports the identification os suggestions to an Infornmation Architecture Process in use by the Software Enginering Laboratory (LES) of The Catholoc University of Rio de Janeito (PUC/Rio).  An assessment was performed. The results are encouraging.

Guilherme Alves LOPES. Um framework para simulação de microbacias como serious game. [Title in English: A framework for microbasins simulation as a serious game]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/04/13. 52 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: This dissertation presents a framework for the simulation of a watershed environment as a serious game, where the commitment of a more realistic representation of characters, processes and environment is aligned with the usual features of entertaining games. The game aims to assist education and discussing topics on economic sustainability and environmental preservation. In addition to the physical simulation of the terrain, this work adds a new functionality to the simulator which makes it capable of simulating the interaction of the inhabitants of a small watershed with the terrain and the interaction between them as a game. The framework allows us to implement logic in the agents that simulate inhabitants, and the settings for updating prices and values of production.

Guilherme Carvalho CUNHA. Reconhecimento de emoções através de imagens em tempo real com o uso de ASM e SVM. [Title in English: Real time emotion recognition based on images using ASM and SVM]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/04/13. 59 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó.

Abstract: The facial expressions provide a high amount of information about a person, making the ability to interpret them a high valued task that can be used in several fields of Informatics, such as Human Machine Interface, Digital Games, interactive storytelling and digital TV/Cinema. This dissertation discusses the process of recognizing emotions in real time using ASM (Active Shape Model) and SVM (Support Vector Machine) and presents a comparison between two commonly used ways when extracting the attributes: neutral face and average. As such comparison can not be found in the literature, the results presented are valuable to the development of applications that deal with emotion expression in real time. The current study considers six types of emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust.

Helena Serrão PICCININI. W-Ray - uma abordagem para publicação de dados da deep Web. [Title in English: W-Ray - an approach to the deep web data publication]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 21/06/13. 195 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: The Deep Web comprises data stored in databases, dynamic pages, scripted pages and multimedia data, among other types of objects. The databases of the Deep Web are generally underrepresented by the search engines due to the technical challenges of locating, accessing and indexing them. The use of hyperlinks by search engines is not sufficient to achieve all the Deep Web data, requiring interaction with complex queries interfaces. This thesis presents an approach, called W-Ray, that provides visibility to Deep Web data. The approach relies on describing the relevant data through well-structured sentences, and on publishing the sentences as static Web pages. The sentences can be generated with embedded RDFa, keeping the semantics of the database. The Web pages thus generated are indexed by traditional Web crawlers and sophisticated crawlers that support semantic search. It is also presented a tool that supports the W-Ray approach. The approach has been successfully implemented for some real databases.

Isabel Bebelú Crisólogo BOHORQUEZ. Carioca: framework para la configuración de ambientes inteligentes utilizando dispositivos con recursos limitados. [Title in English: Carioca: framework for the configuration of smart environments using resource-constrained devices]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/06/2013. 68 p. Advisor: Hogo Fuks.

In this work we introduce a framework in order to have available "Things" in to the Web making use of a wireless sensor network with limited resource nodes following the paradigm of the Web of Things. We focused on those type of nodes that do not have an IP address and have capacity of limited memory. We offer one tool that will be reusable and configurable for scenarios inside the area of Smart Home that united with the wireless sensor network make possible to monitor and intervene in to the physical environment through the Web. For the implementation of wireless sensor networks applications we used the TERRA tool which offers remote configuration and remote programming of the nodes. A functional evaluation and a case study were realized. In evaluating the system we looked for prove that the initial planned objectives was reflected in our software. The case study was realized for the programmer user of the framework. The most important contribution of this work is offering a framework for the monitoring of this sensor nodes and the adequacy of the framework to other applications of physical environments. These contributions were based on an approach that makes possible the distributed programming of nodes using TERRA in devices of limited resources.  This work shows all the process of prototyping the framework, the application cases, and the difficulties presented.

Isela MACIA BERTRAN. On the detection of architecturally-relevant code anomalies in software systems. [Title in Portuguese: Detecção de anomalias de códigos arquiteturalmente relevantes em sistemas de software]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 20/03/13. 260 p. Advisor:  Arndt Von Staa.

Abstract: Code anomalies can signal software architecture degradation. However, the identification of architecturally-relevant code anomalies (i.e. code anomalies that strongly imply architectural deficiencies) is particularly challenging due to: (i) lack of understanding about the relationship between code anomalies and architectural degradation, (ii) the focus on source code anomaly detection without considering how it relates to the software architecture, and (iii) lack of knowledge about how reliable these detection techniques are when revealing architecturally-relevant code anomalies. This thesis presents techniques for identifying architecturally-relevant code anomalies. Architecture-sensitive metrics and detection strategies were defined to overcome the limitations of conventional detection strategies. These metrics and strategies leverage traces that can be established between architectural views and system implementation. The thesis also documents code anomaly patterns (i.e. recurring anomaly relationships) that are strongly related to architectural problems. A tool, called SCOOP, was developed to collect the architecture-sensitive metrics, apply the new detection strategies, and identify the documented code anomaly patterns. Using this tool, we evaluated our technique in a series of empirical studies, comparing its accuracy with that of conventional detection techniques when identifying architecturally-relevant code anomalies.

Jeferson Rômulo Pereira COELHO. Uma solução eficiente para subdivisão de malhas triangulares. [Title in English: An efficient solution for triangular mesh subdivision]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/03/13. 92 p. Advisor: Marcelo Gattass.

Abstract: Subdivision of triangular surfaces is an important problem in modeling and animation activities. Deforming a surface can be greatly affected the quality of the triangulation when as equilateral triangles become elongated. One solution to this problem is to refine the deformed region. Refinement techniques require the support of topological data structure. These structures must be efficient in terms of memory and time. An additional requirement is that these structures must also be easily stored in secondary memory. This dissertation proposes a framework based on the Corner Table data structure with support for subdivision of triangular meshes. The proposed framework was implemented in a C ++ library. With this library this work presents a set of test results that demonstrate the desired efficiency.

Jéssica Margarita PALOMARES PECHO. Estudo e avaliação de técnicas de separabilidade e da oclusão em superfícies multitoque. [Title in English: Study and evaluation of separability techniques and occlusion in multitouch surfaces]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/09/13 103 p. Advisor:Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: he multitouch technology is emerging as a trend in recent years. The multitouch interfaces allow interacting with a virtual object directly, similar to a real object. However, this technology has not only advantages. There are several issues to be resolved, such as the accuracy of the manipulation, the occlusion, the separability of the manipulation, etc. The multitouch interfaces allow multiple spatial transformations that can be performed on a virtual object with only a gesture. For example, an object can be rotated, translated and scaled with two fingers with a single gesture. However, some unwanted movements may occur accidentally. The technique of separability appears with the intent to prevent unwanted movements on multitouch surfaces. Occlusion is another problem that occurs in multitouch interfaces. Often the user’s hand hides the vision of the object with which he/she interacts; or the user’s action on interface hinders the movement when it clicks on a bottom that triggers action. This dissertation studies, proposes and evaluates two techniques of separability, aiming to reduce the problems that arise due to excessive freedom of manipulation in multi-touch interfaces, and evaluates the efficiency of these techniques. The techniques developed are not only applicable in simple virtual objects; they are also for WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer) objects, aiming to reduce occlusion. A series of tests was performed to evaluate precision, occlusion time for completion of task, and ease of use.

José Antonio Goncalves MOTTA. Investigating the case-based reasoning process during early HCI design [Title in Portuguese: Investigando o processo de raciocínio baseado em casos durante o início do design de IHC]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 21/02/13. 158 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: During the early stages of design, the designer forms an initial understanding about the problem and some ideas on how to solve it, often influenced by previous design knowledge. In order to support HCI design in this context, we investigated ways to use case-based reasoning (CBR) to help designers access and reuse design knowledge to solve new HCI design problems. We conducted interviews with professional HCI designers to collect data about how they deal with design problems, and their motivations and expectations regarding the use of design knowledge aided by a CBR tool. Using this data, we designed and developed a tool called CHIDeK, which has a library containing HCI design cases and provides access to them through faceted navigation, direct links between cases, and search. To investigate the way CHIDeK influences the design activity, we conducted a study that simulated the early stage of HCI design of an online bike reservation system. Some participants could solve the problem while having access to CHIDeK and others had to solve it without CHIDeK. We discovered that the cases from CHIDeK supported the design by motivating the designers reflective process, triggering their memories of experiences with systems similar to the ones in cases, and helping generate new ideas. We also identified some limitations in the case representation, which offers an opportunity for further research. When comparing both kinds of design activities, we noticed that designers without the case library used the same solution for one of the issues described in the study scenario, while the designers with the cases varied between two solutions. We concluded that a CBR tool has much potential to aid the design activity, but there are still issues that need to be addressed by further research.

Leandro Guimarães Marques ALVIM. Estratégias de negociação de ativos financeiros utilizando agendamento por intervalos ponderados. [Title in English: Weighted interval scheduling resolution for building financial market trading strategies]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 14/03/13. 80 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiu.

Abstract: There are different types of investors who make up the financial market and produce market opportunities at different time scales. This indicates a heterogeneous market structure. In this thesis, we conjecture that may have more predictive opportunities than others, what motivates research and construction of what we denominate multirresolution optimal strategies. For multirresolution strategies there are time series decomposition approaches for operating at different resolutions or proposals for dataset construction according to multirresolution trading optimal decisions. The other approaches, are single resolutions. Thus, we address two problems, maximizing cumulative returns and maximizing cumulative returns with risk control. Here, we propose solving the Weighted Interval Scheduling problem to build multirresolution strategies. Our methodology consists of dividing the market day into time intervals, specialize traders by interval and associate a prize to each trader. For the cumulative return maximization problem, the prize corresponds to cumulative returns between days for the associated trader operation interval. For the cumulative return maximization problem with risk control each trader prize corresponds to cumulative return divided by risk with associated operation interval. In order to control the risk, we employ a set of traders by interval and apply the Markowitz Mean-Variance method to find optimal weight for set of traders. Here, we conjecture that controlling each interval risk leads to the overall risk control of the day. For signaling buy and sell orders, our traders use opportunity detectors. These detectors correspond to Machine Learning algorithms that process technical analysis indicators, price and volume data. We conducted experiments for ten of the most liquid BMF&Bovespa stocks to a one year span. Our Trading Team Composition strategy results indicates an average of 0.24% daily profit and a 77.24% anual profit, exceeding by 300% and 380%, respectively, a single resolution strategy.Regarding operational costs, CTT strategy is viable from US$ 50,000. For the cumulative return maximization problem under risk control, our Portfolio Composition by Intervals strategy results indicates an average of 0.179% daily profit and a 55.85% anual profit, exceeding a Markowitz Mean-Variance method. Regarding operational costs, CCI strategy is viable from US$ 2,000,000. Our main contributions are: the Weighted Interval Scheduling approach for building multirresolution strategies and a portfolio composition of traders instead of stocks performances.

Livia Couto Ruback RODRIGUES. LDC Mediator: a mediator for linked data cubes. [Title in Portuguese: Mediador LDC: um mediador de cubos de dados interligados]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 12/09/13. 69 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: A statistical data set comprises a collection of observations made at some points across a logical space and is often organized as what is called a data cube. The proper definition of the data cubes, especially of their dimensions, helps to process the observations and, more importantly, helps to combine observations from different data cubes. In this context, the Linked Data Principles can be profitably applied to the definition of data cubes, in the sense that the principles offer a strategy to provide the missing semantics of the dimensions, including their values. This work introduces a mediation architecture to help consume linked data cubes, exposed as RDF triples, but stored in relational databases. The data cubes are described in a catalogue using standardized vocabularies and are accessed by HTTP methods using REST principles. Therefore, this work aims at taking advantage of both Linked Data and REST principles in order to describe and consume linked data cubes in a simple but efficient way.

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Luiz Felipe de Souza e SILVA. Inspeção não intrusiva da comunicação em aplicações baseadas em RPC. [Title in English: Non-Intrusive communication inspection in RPC based applications]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/04/13. 85 p. Advisor: Renato Fontoura de Gusmão Cerqueira.

Abstract: Software debugging is an activity that typically requires an huge effort, primarily due to the need to analyze multiple conditions that determine the execution context of the software and to create assumptions that explain the problem, for only thus being able to fix it. In the case of distributed systems, parallelism,  order scheduling, delays in communication and equipment failures are examples of factors that further increase the complexity of the debugging activity. Therefore, the search for tools that assist in this process is continuous. In this dissertation, we propose a tool for non-intrusive monitoring and visualization of communications between components of distributed systems, based on communication protocol analyzers and monitoring of read and write system calls.

Marcela Costa Câmara do BOMFIM. Avaliação de técnicas de visualização 2D-3D e de gestão de atenção para operação de plantas industriais. [Title in English: Evaluation of 2D-3D visualization and attention management techniques for the operation of industrial plants]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/03/13. 108 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: 3D Visualization can be valid for different purposes. 2D visualizations can decrease the occlusion in specific parts, show undistorted angles and distances and enable precise positioning and navigation. Already the 3D visualization can provide an overview of the space, illustrate shapes of objects, offering precise notions of size and distance and support free navigation, and allows the user to understand how this place is in reality or quickly recognize it when the place is already known physically. Despite the advantages of the 3D environment, we are still encountering some challenges in this environment, such as the occlusion of objects, which, in an environment of real-time monitoring, can bring some dangers. The main objective of this research is to provide an environment that supports a scenario of industrial plants monitoring in real time, exploring techniques of information visualization and scientific data in an integrated environment that mixes 2D and 3D visualizations, determining how important information will be displayed to call the user’s attention through warnings about risky situations. Currently, this monitoring is made on a 2D space plant and some factors motivated the migration of this type of visualization for the 3D environment, such as ease the perception of the mapping to the action vision, communication between different teams who do not know the plant and the intention of, in the future, make the operation system an integrated part of other areas of expertise that already use this 3D environment. Thus, this study’s main research question is to investigate ways of combining these techniques and propose ways to handle the occlusion, the difficulties of navigation in the 3D environment and different ways to draw the user’s attention, considering both the events that are in his field of vision as those who are outside of his field of view (due to the possibility of free navigation).

Maximilien Philipe Marie de BAYSER. Flexible Composition for c++11. [Title in Portuguese: Composição flexível em C++11]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 04/04/13. 107 p. Advisor: Renato Fontoura de Gusmão Cerqueira.

Abstract: Dependency injection, a form of inversion of control, is a way of structuring the configuration and composition of software components that brings many benefits such as a loose coupling of components. However, a generic dependency injection framework requires runtime type introspection and this is why dependency injection is popular in Java and almost non-existent in C++. In this work we present a introspection system for C++11 and show how to use it to improve an implementation of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) for C++. It uses several features of C++11 such as perfect forwarding, variadic templates and lvalue references to improve usability and minimize overhead.

Paula Ceccon RIBEIRO. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um jogo em dispositivos móveis para estimular a comunicação de crianças com autismo. [Title in English: Development and evaluation of a mobile game to encourage communication among children with autism]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 01/08/13. 93 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: About 50% of people diagnosed with autism have dificulties in developing any kind of functional language. This paper presents the development and evaluation of a multi-user collaborative game for mobile tangible interfaces. The game was designed based on requirements of a group of children with autism, in order to stimulate communication through collaborative strategies. The game was designed for interaction by pairs of users. Each user has a mobile tangible interface to share game resources and a TV as a shared space. The game was evaluated following research aspects related to the interest of the users on the technology, the perception of each user's interlocutor and communication intentions observed between the users to collaborate with each other. Tests were carried out for 8 weeks with 4 children with autism. The results indicate that both the environment provided by the technology used as well as the strategies of the game have stimulated the users communication through this shared space.

Pier-Giovanni TARANTI. Uma arquitetura para controle de atrasos de tempo em simulações baseadas em sistemas multiagentes. [Title in English: An architecture to tame time tardiness in multiagent based simulations ]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 27/03/13. 153 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: Virtual Environment Simulations (VES) are a special type of simulation, often used to implement games and serious games with virtual space representation and using both the next-event or stepped–time simulation time advance approach. An example of serious games is the simulation used to support War Games. Multiagent Based Simulation (MABS) are suitable to implement these simulations because of their ability to handle with complexity and individual actors modeling. However, when agents are responsible for advance their own simulation time, a situation similar to a parallel simulation arises. This implies in treat issues such as delays in performing scheduled actions (i.e. tardiness) and its consequences in the virtual space representations. This situation is worst in Java based MABS, because of Java technology particularities. This work presents an approach to tame this tardiness and help the development of these cited VES using agent oriented paradigm.

Rafael de Pinho ANDRÉ. Avaliação do uso de análise estática na detecção de conflitos semânticos em tipos de dados. [Title in English: Evaluation of static analysis in data type semantic conflict detection]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/04/13. 95 p. Advisor: Arndt Von Staa.

Abstract: Within information system, faults can occur by the difference in understanding of the parties involved regarding the meaning of data. This is a well-known problem for software engineering and defects of this type have been responsible for catastrophic failures, such as the Mars Climate Orbiter, in 1999.  The current scenario of data processing and exchange, with high information traffic volume and heterogeneous participants, increases system’s vulnerability to these defects. Besides that, techniques of software quality assurance are typically oriented to data structure and physical properties, failing to efficiently address semantics issues. This work has the objective to evaluate the use of static analysis to detect semantic conflicts in data types, investigating its efficacy through an qualitative study comparing different software quality assurance approaches. The static analysis tool VERITAS (VERIficador esTÁtico Semântico) and the SemTypes notation were exclusively developed to address the problem of semantic conflicts - adding a semantic control to the types recognized by compilers – and are presented in this work.

Rafael Jessen Werneck de Almeida MARTINS. Recomendação de pessoas em redes sociais com base em conexões entre usuários. [Title in English: People recommendation in social networks based on user connections]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 09/01/13. 59 p. Advisor: Karin Koogan Breitman.

Abstract: Social networking websites have gained importance in recent years.  In them, users can connect with other users to interact with.  However, generally, the number of registered users is very large. Therefore, find other users with common interests is not easy. Recommender sytems are software tools which generate suggestions for various types of items to users and can be applied to recommend people (other users) on social networks. Systems that recommend people use specific techniques and, due to social implications involved in personal relationships, it must take several factors in consideration.  The lack of data available makes the task to generate good recommendations more difficult.  This paper discusses the theme and presents a person recommendation systems for social networking websites based on user connections.  To test the system presented,  we conducted an experiment with Peladeiro, a real website of a social network that has over 500.000 users, where few reliable data available.

Rafael Oliveira VASCONCELOS. A dynamic load balancing mechanism for data stream processing on DDS systems. [Title in Portuguese: Um mecanismo de balanceamento de carga dinâmico para processamento de fluxo de dados em sistemas DDS]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 09/01/13. 75 p. Advisor: Markus Endler.

Abstract: This thesis presents the Data Processing Slice Load Balancing solution to enable dynamic load balancing of Data Stream Processing on DDS-based systems (Data Distribution Service). A large number of applications require continuous and timely processing of high-volume of data originated from many distributed sources, such as network monitoring, traffic engineering systems, intelligent routing of cars in metropolitan areas, sensor networks, telecommunication systems, financial applications and meteorology. The key concept of the proposed solution is the Data Processing Slice (DPS), which is the basic unit of data processing load of server nodes in a DDS Domain. The Data Processing Slice Load Balancing solution consists of a load balancer, which is responsible for monitoring the current load of a set of homogenous data processing nodes and when a load unbalance is detected, it coordinates the actions to redistribute some data processing slices among the processing nodes in a secure way. Experiments with large data stream have demonstrated the low overhead, good performance and the reliability of the proposed solution.

Ricardo Cavalcanti MARQUES. Algoritmo robusto para interseção de supefícies triangulares. [Title in English: Robust algorithm for triangulated surfaces intersection]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/09/13. 117 p. Advisor: Hélio Cortes Vieira Lopes.

Abstract: The goal of this work is to design and develop an efficient, reliable and accurate algorithm for the intersection of triangular surfaces that represent complex geological models. The wide range of these models' cordinates in contrast with the relatively small average size of its elements lead up to numerical instability problems, which may generate bad models or crash the geometric modeler. Additionally, a high degree of precision is desired in the model to avoid accidents in the field of oil exploration.  In this work, it is proposed a solution to reduce the numerical issues by the use of some geometrical strategies and the Exat Arithmetic.  xampels are used ot demosntrate these robustness problems and to validade the proposed algorithm.

Renato Deris PRADO. Visualização de rótulo em objetos de modelos massivos em tempo real. [Title in English: Real-time label visualization in massive models objects]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/04/13. 57 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa Raposo.

Abstract: Virtual Labels are used in computer graphics applications to represent textual information arranged on geometric surfaces. Such information consists of names, numbering, or other relevant data that need to be noticed quickly when a user scans the objects in the scene. This paper focuses on the so-called massive models, as CAD models (Computer Aided Design) of oil refineries, which have a large number of geometric primitives whose rendering presents a high computational cost. In large engineering projects, the immediate visualization of information specific to each object or parts of the model is desirable, which, if displayed by conventional texturing techniques can extrapolate the available computational resources. In this work we have developed a way to view, in real time, virtual labels with different information on the surfaces of objects in massive models. The technique is implemented entirely on the GPU, shows no significant loss of performance and low memory cost. CAD models objects are the main focus of the work, although the solution can be used in other types of objects once their texture coordinates are adjusted correctly.

Sergio Ricardo Batuli Maynoldi ORTIGA. DCD Tool: um conjunto de ferramentas para descoberta e triplificação de cubos de dados estatísticos. [Title in Portuguese: Catálogo de descrições de cubos de dados interligados]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 06/09/13. 225 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: The production of social indicators and their availability on the Web is an important initiative for the democratization and transparency that governments have been doing in the last two decades.  In Brazil, several government or government-linked institutions publish relevant indicators to help assess the government performance in the areas of health, education, environment and others. The access, query and correlation of these data demand substantial effort, especially in a scenario involving different organizations.  Thus, the development of tools, with focus on the integration and availability of information stored in such data bases, becomes a significant effort.  Another aspect that requires attention, in the case of Brazil, is the difficulty in identifying statistical databases among others type of data that share the same database.  This dissertation proposes a software framework which covers the identification of statistical data in the database of origin and enrichment of their metadata using W3C statndadized ntologies, as basis for the triplification process.

Sofia Ribeiro Manso de ABREU e SILVA. Catalogue of linked data cube descriptions. [Title in Portuguese: Catálogo de descrições de cubos de dados interligados]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 28/06/13. 85 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: Statistical Data are considered one of the major sources of information and are essential in many fields as they can work as social and economic indicators. A statistical data set comprises a collection of observations made at some points of a logical space and is often organized as what is called a data cube. The proper definition of the data cubes, especially of their dimensions, helps processing the observations and, more importantly, helps combining observations from different data cubes. In this context, the Linked Data principles can be profitably applied to the definition of data cubes, in the sense that the principles offer a strategy to provide the missing semantics of the dimensions, including their values. This dissertation first describes a mediation architecture to help describing and consuming statistical data, exposed as RDF triples, but stored in relational databases. One of the features of this architecture is the Catalogue of Linked Data Cube Descriptions, which is described in detail in the dissertation. This catalogue has a standardized description in RDF of each data cube actually stored in statistical (relational) databases. Therefore, the main discussion in this dissertation is how to represent the data cubes in RDF, i.e., how to map the database concepts to RDF in a way that makes it easy to query, analyze and reuse statistical data in the RDF format.

Taissa Abdalla Filgueiras de SOUSA. Sistema de recomendação para apoiar a construção de gráficos com dados estatísticos. [Title in English: Recommender system to support chart constructions with statistical data]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/03/13. 180 p. Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.

Abstract: Research on statistical data visualization emphasizes the need for systems that assist in decision-making and visual analysis. Having found problems in chart construction by novice users, we decided to research the following question:How can we support novice users to create efficient visualizations with statistical data? Thus we, created ViSC, a recommender system that supports the interactive construction of charts to visualize statistical data by offering a series of recommendations based on the selected data and the user interaction with the tool. The system explores a visualization ontology to offer a set of graphs that help to answer information-based questions related to the current graph data. By traversing the recommended graphs through their related questions, the user implicitly acquires knowledge both on the domain and on visualization resources that better represent the domain concepts of interest.This dissertation presents the problems that motivated the research, describes the ViSC tool and presents the results of a qualitative study conducted to evaluate ViSC. We used two methods in our evaluation: the Semiotic Inspection Method (SIM) and the Retrospective Communicability Evaluation (RCE) — a combination of the Communicability Evaluation Method (CEM) and Retrospective Think Aloud Protocol. We first analyze how the questions influence the users’ traversal through the graph and, then, we address the broader question.

Thiago Delgado PINTO. Uma ferramenta para geracao e execucao automatica de testes funcionais baseados na discrição textual de casos de uso. [Title in English: A tool for the automatic generation and execution of functional tests based on the textual use case description]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/04/13. 190 p. Advisor: Arndt Von Staa.

Abstract: This master's dissertation presents a solution for the automatic generation and execution of functional tests based on the textual use case description and aims to verify whether certain application matches its functional requirements defined by this documentation. The constructed tool is capable of generating valued semantic test cases, of transforming them into source code (for Java Swing and the TestNG and FEST frameworks, in the current version), of executing them, of collecting the results and of analyzing whether the application's use cases matches (or not) its requirements. The solution main differentials includes the coverage of test scenarios that involves more than one use case, the coverage of scenarios containing recursive flows, the possibility of defining business rules using data existing in test databases, as well as the automatic generation of test values, and the generation of semantic functional tests in a format independent of programming languages and frameworks.

Tiago Lima SALMITO. Uma abordagem flexível para o modelo de concorrência em estágios. [Title in English: A flexible approach to staged events]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/09/13. 107 p. Advisor: Noemi de La Roque Rodriguez.

Abstract: The purpose of this work is to explore the flexibility provided by staged event-driven concurrency model to integrate both cooperative event loops and preemptive threads in a single high level abstraction.  The contributions of this work are focused on the extension of the staged model that decouples the specification of concurrent applications of the decisions related to the execution envirnoment, allowing them to be flexibly mapped to different configurations according to the task scheduling needs and processing granularity in secific parts of the application. In order to provide an  adequate definition of the concept of hybrid concurrency models, we propose a classification system that is based on the combination of basic features of concurrent systems and the possibility of parallel execution on multiple processors.  Based on this classification, we analyze the benefits and drawbacks associated with each concurrency model, justifying the adoption of models that combine threads and events in the same programming environment and the extension of the staged model.  Finally, we present the implementation of the proposed model in the Lua programming language and is use in execution scenarios that confirm the benefits of the extension of the staged model in the specification of concurrent application.

Vagner Barbosa do NASCIMENTO. Modelagem e geração de interfaces dirigidas por regras. [Title in English: Rule-based approach to modeling and generation user interfaces]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/04/13. 150 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: Today there is a countless number of applications developed for the World Wide Web. These applications have user interfaces that should be able to adapt to several usage scenarios, content and context changes and also to be compatible with multiple browsers and devices. Furthermore, the design and maintenance of interfaces that need adjustments depending on the business rules of the application require much effort during the development life cycle of an application. In order to assist in the design of these interfaces, some UIDL’s (User Interface Description Languages) have been proposed aiming at providing a level of abstraction so that the designer does not need to immediately focus attention on concrete aspects during the development of an interface. This work presents a proposal for modeling and generating interfaces of web applications based on production rules. These rules define criteria for situations determining the activation of an interface; for the selection the elements that participate in the abstract composition and also for the mapping of specific widgets that will be used in the rendering stage. The proposal contemplates a method for modeling interfaces, an implementation architecture and a framework for authoring and execution of the proposed interface models. An architecture is also presented for building widgets as well as a concrete interface interpretation and rendering machine from a hierarchy specification. The overall goal of the proposal is to design interfaces more responsive to data and contexts of use, including situations of adaptation, generating more flexible and reusable interfaces.

Vitor Pinheiro de ALMEIDA. Patient-Buddy-Build: customized mobile monitoring for patients with chronic diseases. [Title in Portuguese: Patient-Buddy-Build: acompanhaento remoto móvel cusomizável de pacientes com doenças crônicas]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 02/10/13. 201 p. Advisor: Edward hermann Haeusler.

Abstract: This thesis consists of the development of a tool for generating mobile applications that enables a customized form of remote monitoring of patients with chronic deseases. This customization is based on parameters and formal descriptions of patient preferences, the type of chronic desease, monitoring procedure required by the doctor, prescribed medication and information about the context (i.e. environment) of the patient, where the later is to be obtained by sensors.  Based on this data, the system will determine which informations are more relevant to be acquired from the patient from questionnaires and sensors embedded or connected to a smart phone.  Relevant information is the information that best helps to identify possible changes in the monitoring process of a patient.  This set of information will be sent to the mobile application to the responsible physician. The medical treatment and the kind of chronic desease will define the set of information to be collected.  It should be stressed that the goal is not to support automatic diagnosis, but only to provide means for physicians to obtain updated information about their patents, so as to follow remote monitoring of patients.

Wilfredo Bardales RONCALLA. On the lower bound for the maximum consecutive sub sums problem. [Title in Portuguese: Sobre o limite inferior para problemas das sub-somas consecutivas máximas]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 29/08/13. 60 p. Advisor: Eduardo Sany Laber.

Abstract: The Maximum Consecutive Subsums Problem (MCSP) arises in scenarios of both theoretical and practical interest, for example, approximate pattern matching, protein identification and analysis of statistical data to cite a few. Given a sequence of n non-negative real numbers, The MCSP asks for the computation of the maximum consecutive sums of lengths 1 through n. Since trivial implementations allow to compute the maximum for a fixed length value, it follows that there exists a naive quadratic procedure to solve the MCSP. Notwithstanding the effort devoted to the problem, no algorithm is known which is significantly better than the naive solution. Therefore, a natural question is whether there exists a superlinear lower bound for the MCSP. In this work we report our research in the direction of proving such a lower bound.

Ximena Alexandra CABERA TAPIA. EnLiDa: enriquecimento das descrições de linked data cubes. [Title in English: EnLiDa: Enrichment of linked data cube descriptions]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/08/13. 83 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova.

Abstract: The term Linked Data refers to a set of RDF triples organized according to certain principles that facilitate the publishing and consumption of data using the Web infrastructure. The importance of the Linked Data principles stems from the fact that they offer a way to minimize the interoperability problem between databases exposed on the Web. This dissertation proposes to enrich a database that contains Linked Data cube descriptions by interconnecting the components of the data cubes with entities defined in external data sources, using owl:sameAs triples. The dissertation proposes an architecture consisting of two major components, the automatic enriching component and the manual enriching component. The first component automatically generates owl:sameAs triples, while the second component helps the user manually define owl:sameAs triples that the automatic component was not able to uncover. Together, these components therefore facilitate the definition of data cubes according to the Linked Data principles.