Theses and Dissertations
Departamento de Informática
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
This file contains the list of the MSc. Dissertations and PhD. Thesis presented to the Departmento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, in 2017. They are all available in print format and, according to the authors' preference, some of them are freely available for download, while others are freely available for download to the PUC-Rio community exclusively(*).
For any requests, questions, or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho
Last update: 22/MARCH/2018
[In construction; sometimes, digital versions may not be available yet]
Coreference resolution for the English language. [Title in
Portuguese: Resolução de co-referência para a língua inglesa].
M.Sc Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/04/2017. 62 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.
One of the problems found in natural language processing systems, is the
difficulty to identify textual elements referring to the same entity; this task
is called coreference. Solving this problem is an integral part of discourse
comprehension since it allows language users to connect the pieces of speech
information concerning to the same entity. Consequently, coreference resolution
is a key task in natural language processing. Despite the large effort of
existing research, the current performance of coreference resolution systems has
not reached a satisfactory level yet. In this work, we describe a structure
learning system for unrestricted coreference resolution that explores two
techniques: latent coreference trees and automatic entropy-guided feature
induction. The latent tree modeling makes the learning problem computationally
feasible, since it incorparates a relevant hidden structure. Additionally, using
an automatic feature induction method, we can efficeintly build non-linear model
learning algorithms, namely, the structure and sparse perceptron algorithm.
We evaluate the system in the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task closed track data set, for
the English portion. The proposed system obtains a 62.24% value on the
competitition's official score. This result is bellow the 65.73%, the
state-of-the-art performance for this task. Nevertheless, our solution
significantly reduces the time to obtain the clusters of a document, since, our
systems takes 0.35 seconds per document in the testing set, while in the
state-of-the-art, it takes 5 seconds for each one.
Avaliação da qualidade da montagem de fragmentos de sequências biológicas.
[Title in English: Quality evaluation for fragments assembly of biological
sequence]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/10/2017. 61 p. Advisor: Sérgio
Lifschitz. DOI
Abstract: New DNA sequencing technologies, known as NGS - Next-Generation
Sequencing, are responsible for making the sequencing process more efficient.
However, they generate a result with very small DNA fragments, known as reads.
We consider the genome assembly from these fragments a complex problem due to
its combinatorial nature and the large volume of reads produced. In general,
biologists and bioinformatics experts choose the sequence assembler program with
no regard to the computational efficiency or even the quality of the biological
result information. This research aims to assist users in the interpretation of
assembly results, including effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, this may
sometimes increase the quality of the results obtained. Firstly, we propose an
algorithm to obtain information about the genes present in the result assembly.
We enumerate the identified genes, those that have the correct size and the
correct base pair sequence. Next, exhaustive experimental tests involving five
of the main genome assemblers in the literature which are based on the use of
graphs of Bruijn and eight bacterial genomes data set were ran. We have
performed statistical comparisons of results using QUAST and REAPR tools. We
have also obtained qualitative information for the genes using the proposed
algorithm and some computational efficiency metrics. Based on the collected
results, we present a comparative analysis that allows users to understand
further the behavior of the tools considered in the tests. Finally, we propose a
tool that receives different assemblies of the same genome and produces a
qualitative and quantitative report for the user, enabling the interpretation of
the results in an integrated way.
Alexander Arturo MERA CARABALLO.
Clustering and dataset interlinking recommendation in the linked open data
cloud. [Title in Portuguese: Clusterização e recomendação de interligação
de conjunto de dados
na nuvem de dados abertos conectados.].
Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 17/03/2017. 89 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio
Casanova. DOI
The volume of RDF data published on the Web increased considerably, which
stressed the importance of following the Linked Data principles to foster
interoperability. One of the principles requires that a new dataset should be
interlinked with other datasets published on the Web. This thesis contributes to
addressing this principle in two ways. First, it uses community detection
algorithms and profiling techniques for the automatic creation and analysis of a
Linked Open Data (LOD) diagram, which facilitates locating datasets in the LOD
cloud. Second, it describes three approaches, backed up by fully implemented
tools, to recommend datasets to be interlinked with a new dataset, a problem
known as the dataset interlinking recommendation problem. The first approach
uses link prediction measures to provide a list of datasets recommendations for
interlinking. The second approach employs supervised learning algorithms,
jointly with link prediction measures. The third approach uses clustering
algorithms and profiling techniques to produce dataset interlinking
recommendations. These approaches are backed up, respectively, by the TRT, TRTML
and DRX tools. Finally, the thesis extensively evaluates these tools, using
real-world datasets, reporting results that show that they facilitate the
process of creating links between disparate datasets.
Alexander CHÁVEZ LÓPEZ. How does refactoring affect
internal quality attributes? A multi-project study. [Title in Portuguese:
Como a refatoração afeta os atributos de qualidade interna? Um estudo multi-projeto].
M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 23/09/2017. 80 p. Advisor: Alessandro Fabrício
Garcia. DOI
Abstract: Developers often apply code refactoring to improve the internal
quality attributes of a program, such as coupling and size. Given the structural
decay of certain program elements, developers may need to apply multiple
refactorings to these elements to achieve quality attribute improvements. We
call re-refactoring when developers refactor again a previously refactored
element in a program, such as a method or a class. There is limited empirical
knowledge on to what extent developers successfully improve internal quality
attributes through (re-)refactoring in their actual software projects. This
dissertation addresses this limitation by investigating the impact of
(re-)refactoring on five well-known internal quality attributes: cohesion,
complexity, coupling, inheritance, and size. We also rely on the version history
of 23 open source projects, which have 29,303 refactoring operations and 49.55%
of re-refactoring operations. Our analysis revealed relevant findings. First,
developers apply more than 93.45% of refactoring and re-refactoring operations
to code elements with at least one critical internal quality attribute, as
oppositely found in previous work. Second, 65% of the operations actually
improve the relevant attributes, i.e. those attributes that are actually related
to the refactoring type being applied; the remaining 35% operations keep the
relevant quality attributes unaffected. Third, whenever refactoring operations
are applied without additional changes,whichwecallroot-canal
refactoring,theinternalqualityattributes are either frequently improved or at
least not worsened. Contrarily, 55% of the refactoring operations with
additional changes, such as bug fixes, surprisingly improve internal quality
attributes, with only 10% of the quality decline. This finding is also valid for
re-refactoring. Finally, we also summarize our findings as concrete
recommendations for both practitioners and researchers.
Alice HERRERA DE FIGUEIREDO. Campos de direcionalidade
na geração e avaliação de malhas de quadriláteros. [Title in English:
Directionality fields in generation and evaluation of quadrilateral meshes].
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/09/2017. 59 p. Advisor: Waldemar Celes
Filho. DOI
Abstract: One of the main challenges in quadrilateral mesh generation is to
ensure the alignment of the elements with respect to domain constraints.
Unaligned meshes insert numerical problems in simulations that use these meshes
as a domain discretization. However, there is no alignment metric for evaluating
the quality of quadrilateral meshes. A directionality field represents the diffusion
of the constraints orientation to the interior of the domain. Kowalski et al.
use a directionality field for domain partitioning into quadrilateral regions. In
this work, we reproduce their partitioning method with some modifications, aiming
to reduce the final number of partitions. We also propose a metric to evaluate
the quality of a quadrilateral mesh with respect to the alignment with domain
Álan Lívio Vasconcelos GUEDES.
Extending multimedia languages to support multimodal user interactions. [Title in
Portuguese: Estendendo linguagens multimídia para suportar interações
multimodais]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 29/09/2017. 111 p. Advisor:
Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa.
Abstract: Recent advances in recognition technologies, such as speech, touch
and gesture, have given rise to a new class of user interfaces that does not
only explore multiple modalities but also allows for multiple interacting users.
The development of applications with both multimodal and multiuser interactions
arise new specification and execution issues. The specification of multimodal
application is commonly the focus of multimodal interaction research, while the
specification of the synchronization of audiovisual media is usually the focus
of multimedia research. In this thesis, aiming to assist the specification of
such applications, we propose to integrate concepts from those two research
areas and to extend multimedia languages with first-class entities to support
multiuser and multimodal features. Those entities were instantiated in NCL and
HTML. To evaluate our approach, we performed an evaluation with NCL and HTML
developers to capture evidences of their acceptance of the proposed entities and
instantiations in those languages.
Anthony Seabra MEDEIROS.
Particionamento como ação de sintonia fina em Bancos de Dados Relacionais. [Title in
English: Partitioning as a tuning action for Relational Databases].
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/04/2017. 156 p. Advisor: Sérgio Lifschitz.
Abstract: The main fine tuning strategies used by relational database
administrators are the construction of access structures, such as indexes,
partial indexes and materialized views, and techniques such as denormalization
and query rewriting. These techniques and access structures, together or
separately, can improve the performance of queries submitted to the database.
Database partitioning, a technique traditionally used for data distribution, has
also the potential for fine tuning, since it allows the scanning of tables to be
performed only on partitions that satisfy query predicates. Even in queries with
high selectivity predicates, whose execution plans often use indexes,
partitioning can offer even greater benefit. This dissertation proposes to
evaluate the partitioning as a fine tuning
action of relational databases and, for that, develops heuristics for selection
of partitioning strategies and evaluation of its benefit. An evaluation of the
quality of the results obtained is carried out through experiments with a
standard benchmark for this type of research and we have shown that, in certain
cases, it is advantageous to partition data.
Fall risk analysis during VR interaction. [Title in Portuguese: Análise
do risco de queda durante a interação com realidade virtual].
M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 17/03/2017. 56 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa
Abstract: With the increasing popularity and accessibility of high-quality
Virtual Reality (VR) systems, concerns have been raised about the propensity of
VR to induce balance loss. Balance is essential for safe use of VR experience
and its loss can result in severe injury. This project is set to create a system
able to measure the impact of VR in the human balance system. In this work, we
design and conduct an experiment making use of the Oculus Rift VR headset and MS
Kinect Sensor. In this experiment, we are able to visualize, quantify, and
compare the effect of different VR scenes on the balance of the experiment
subjects as well as the effect of visual and auditory warnings of balance loss.
Carlos Raoni de Alencar MENDES. Effective resource allocation for
planning and control project portfolios under uncertainty: a robust optimization
approach. [Title in Portuguese: Alocação efetiva de recursos para
planejamento e controle de portfolios de projetos sob incerteza: uma abordagem
de otimização robusta].
Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 24/08/2017. 112 p. Advisor: Marcus Vinicius
Soledade Poggi de Aragão and Bruno da Costa Flach (IBM).
Abstract: Planning and controlling complex project portfolios is a
challenging task. These portfolios are subject to a number of potential risk
sources coupled with resource constraints, intricate precedence relationships,
and penalties for project delays. For this reason, it is fundamental that
optimal strategies for the allocation of the available resources are constantly
adopted by the decision makers to ensure that their projects are completed
within limits of time and cost. Moreover, the uncertainty that affects these
projects has to be taken into account for effective resource allocation
decisions. Within this context, this work proposes a robust optimization-based
methodology for planning and controlling project portfolios under uncertainty.
The method combines models and algorithms for multiple resource allocation
problems under the same robust optimization framework. In this approach, the
uncertainty environment is modeled as an adversary that selects the worst-case
combination of risks for any decision maker’s actions. Subsequently, the main
goal of the decision maker is to determine optimal resource allocation plans for
minimizing a particular objective subject to the assumption that the adversary’s
worst-combination of risks will materialize. The approach also provides a way to
control the degree of conservatism of the solutions. For each studied problem, a
solution strategy is developed through a reformulation scheme from a compact
min-max formulation to a cut-generation algorithm. Several computational
experiments are conducted, providing key insights that drive the design of the
referred portfolio planning and control methodology. The ineffectiveness of
traditional critical path analysis under worst-case realizations of uncertain
activities’ durations and the importance of taking integrated resource
allocation decisions in the context of project portfolios, are examples of the
key findings of the experiments. The application of the methodology is
demonstrated in a case study of a portfolio aimed at the construction of two
refineries. This example presents the capabilities of the developed techniques
in a practical context.
Cassio Freitas Pereira de ALMEIDA. Mapeamento da distribuição
populacional através da detecção de áreas edificadas em imagens de regiões
heterogêneas do Google Earth usando Deep Learning. [Title in
English: Population distribution mapping through the detection of building areas
in Google Earth images of heterogeneous regions using Deep Learning].
Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 26/10/2017. 72 p. Advisor: Hélio Côrtes Vieira
Lopes. DOI
Abstract: The importance of precise information about the population
distribution is widely acknowledged. The census is considered the most reliable
and complete source of this information, and its data are delivered in an
aggregated form in sectors. These sectors are operational units with irregular
shapes, which hinder the spatial analysis of the data. Thus, the transformation
of sectors onto a regular grid would facilitate such analysis. A methodology to
achieve this transformation could be based on remote sensing image
classification to identify building where the population lives. The building
detection is considered a complex task since there is a great variability of
building characteristics and on the images quality themselves. The majority of
methods are complex and very specialist dependent. The automatic methods require
a large annotated dataset for training and they are sensitive to the image
quality, to the building characteristics, and to the environment. In this
thesis, we propose an automatic method for building detection based on a deep
learning architecture that uses a relative small dataset with a large
variability. The proposed method shows good results when compared to the state
of the art. An annotated dataset has been built that covers 12 cities
distributed in different regions of Brazil. Such images not only have different
qualities, but also shows a large variability on the building characteristics
and geographic environments. A very important application of this method is the
use of the building area classification in the dasimetric methods for the
population estimation into grid. The concept proof in this application showed a
promising result when compared to the usual method allowing the improvement of
the quality of the estimates.
Daniel Lemes GRIBEL. Hybrid genetic algorithm for the
Minimum Sum-of-Squares clustering problem. [Title in Portuguese:
Algoritmo genético híbrido para o problema de clusterização Minimum
M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 20/03/2017. 54 p. Advisor: Thibaut Victor Gaston
Abstract: Clustering plays an important role in data mining, being useful in
many fields that deal with exploratory data analysis, such as information
retrieval, document extraction, and image segmentation. Although they are
essential in data mining applications, most clustering algorithms are adhoc
methods. They have a lack of guarantee on the solution quality, which in many
cases is related to a premature convergence to a local minimum of the search
space. In this research, we address the problem of data clustering from an
optimization perspective, where we propose a hybrid genetic algorithm to solve
the Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering (MSSC) problem. This meta-heuristic is
capable of escaping from local minima and generating near-optimal solutions to
the MSSC problem. Results show that the proposed method outperformed the best
current literature results – in terms of solution quality – for almost all
considered sets of benchmark instances for the MSSC objective.
Felipe Oliveira CARVALHO.
Descoberta contínua
de serviços em IoT. [Title in English: Continuous service discovery
in IoT].
M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 26/04/2017. 65 p. Advisor: Markus Endler.
Abstract: The popularization of the Internet of Things sparked a growing
opportunity for the creation of applications in various areas, by combining the
use of sensors and/or actuators. In IoT environments, the role of elements
called gateways is to provide an intermediate communication layer between IoT
devices and cloud services. A crucial factor for the construction of large-scale
applications is to allow the use of IoT devices in a transparent manner, in a
service-oriented paradigm, where details of communication and configuration are
handled by the gateways. In service model, applications must discover the
high-level interfaces of the devices and do not have to deal with underlying
details that are handled by gateways. In scenarios of high dynamism and mobility
(with connections and disconnections of devices occuring all the time), this
discovery and configuration must occur continuously. Traditional service
discovery protocols, such as Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) or Service Location
Protocol (SLP), have not been developed taking into consideration the high
dinamicity of IoT environments. In this sense, we introduce complex event
processing (CEP), which is a technology for real-time processing of
heterogeneous event flows, which allows the use of CQL (Continuous Query
Language for the search of events of interest. In a model where events
related to sensor discovery are sent to a CEP flow, expressive queries are
written for an application to continuously discover services of interest. This
work presents the extension of MHub /CDDL to support continuous service
discovery in IoT, using CEP. The MHub / CDDL (Mobile Hub / Context Data
Distribution Layer) is a middleware for service discovery and quality context
management in IoT, developed in a partnership between the Laboratory for
Advanced Collaboration (LAC) from PUC-Rio and the Laboratório de Sistemas
Distribuídos Inteligentes (LSDi) from Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA).
The implementation of this work is done in Android (Java) platform and a case
study in the domain of smart parking is conducted and implemented, elucidating
the use of the continuous discovery mechanism.
Fernando Alberto Correia dos SANTOS JUNIOR. Geração
automática de exemplos de uso a partir da descrição textual de casos de uso. [Title in
English: Automatic generation of examples of use from the textual description
of use cases].
M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation: 24/04/2017. 128 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa.
Abstract: This master's dissertation presents a solution for the automatic
generation of examples of use from the textual description of use cases. Use
cases describe specifications in a sufficiently formal way that is enough to
automatically generate usage examples. A generated example is a text in a
natural language which is the paraphrase of one possible manner to use the
software, extracted from the use case and applied to a real context where actors
are converted into fictitious personas and attributes are valued according to
the business rules specified in the use case. The proposed format to present the
example aims to allow clients to read, to understand
and to judge whether the expressed behavior is in fact what he wants. With this
approach, it is expected that the customer himself can approve the
specifications and when defects are found, so the specification can quickly be
corrected and reflected in the examples. At the same time, the formalized
specification in the form of a use case will help developers create solutions
that are by construction closer to the correct one when compared to conventional
textual specifications.
Haydée GUILLOT JIMÉNEZ. Applying process mining
to the academic administration domain . [Title in Portuguese:
Aplicação de mineração de processos ao domínio acadêmico administrativo]. M.Sc.
Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/09/2017. 67 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado.
Abstract: Higher Education Institutions keep a sizable amount of data,
including student records and the structure of degree curricula. This work,
adopting a process mining approach, focuses on the problem of identifying how
closely students follow the recommended order of the courses in a degree
curriculum, and to what extent their performance is affected by the order they
actually adopt. It addresses this problem by applying to student records two
already existing techniques: process discovery and conformance checking, and
frequent itemsets. Finally, the dissertation covers experiments performed by
applying these techniques to a case study involving over 60,000 student records
from PUC-Rio. The experiments show that the frequent itemsets technique performs
better than the process discovery and conformance checking techniques. They
equally confirm the relevance of analyses based on the process mining approach
to help academic coordinators in their quest for better degree curricula.
Herminio PAUCAR CURASMA. Uma ferramenta para a
introdução à programação e pensamento computacional com motivação usando
realidade virtual. [Title in English: A tool for the introduction
of programming and computational thinking with motivation using virtual reality]. M.Sc.
Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/10/2017. 111 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa
Raposo. DOI
Abstract: Nowadays, we often hear about the importance of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) by various social actors. The influence of ICT
crosses the various areas of society as agriculture, services, trade, industry,
research, among others. If we do an inverse reasoning, it will be difficult to
name social fields that are not directly or indirectly influenced by ICTs. In
addition, the demand for workers in Computer Science and areas related to the
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is on the rise. That is
why it is important to make the young person interested in technology (Computer
programming) and participate in it in a fun and playful way. The present work
proposes the creation of a Virtual Reality tool that allows students to learn
basic concepts of programming and computational thinking with the purpose that
they enjoy the technology and feel motivated to learn more. The tool is a Visual
Programming Language; the algorithms are formed by block-assembly, thereby
solving one of the students' main problems, which are "syntax errors". In
addition, the tool brings with it a set of level-ordered challenges aimed at
teaching students basic principles of programming and logic (sequential
programming, repetitive and conditional data structure), where at each level the
student will learn the different concepts and behaviors of computational
thinking. For the evaluations with the users we counted on the participation of
18 students between 12 and 15 years old coming from two public institutions of
Rio de Janeiro. In these evaluations it was also considered to measure the
sensation of immersion through Telepresence, Social Presence and Usability.
Hisham Hashem MUHAMMAD. Dataflow semantics for
end-user programmable applications. [Title in Portuguese: Semânticas de
dataflow para aplicações programáveis por usuários finais].
Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 28/04/2017. 184 p. Advisor: Roberto
Ierusalimschy. DOI
Abstract: Many applications are made programmable for advanced end-users by
adding facilities such as scripting and macros. Other applications take a
programming language to the center stage of its UI. That is the case, for
example, of the spreadsheet formula language. While scripting has benefited from
the advances of programming language research, producing mature and reusable
languages, the state of UI-level languages lags behind. We claim that a better
understanding of such languages is necessary. In this work, we model the
semantics of existing end-user programming languages in three different domains:
multimedia, spreadsheets and engineering. Our focus is on dataflow languages, a
representative paradigm for end-user programmable applications. Based on this
analysis, we aim to provide a better understanding of dataflow semantics as used
in the context of end-user programming and propose guidelines for the design of
UI-level languages for end-user programmable applications.
Igor Oliveira VASCONCELOS. Detecção móvel e online
de anomalia em múltiplos fluxos de dados: uma abordagem baseada em processamento
de eventos complexos para detecção de comportamento de condução. [Title in
English: A mobile and online outlier detection over multiple data streams: a
complex event processing approach for driving behavior detection].
Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 31/03/2017. 102 p. Advisor: Markus Endler.
Abstract: Driving is a daily task that allows individuals to travel faster
and more comfortably, however, more than half of fatal crashes are related to
recklessness driving behaviors. Reckless maneuvers can be detected with accuracy
by analyzing data related to driver-vehicle interactions, abrupt turns,
acceleration, and deceleration, for instance. Although there are algorithms for
online anomaly detection, they are usually designed to run on computers with
high computational power. In addition, they typically target scale through
parallel computing, grid computing, or cloud computing. This thesis presents an
online anomaly detection approach based on complex event processing to enable
driving behavior classification. In addition, we investigate if mobile devices
with limited computational power, such as smartphones, can be used for online
detection of driving behavior. To do so, we first model and evaluate three
online anomaly detection algorithms in the data stream processing paradigm,
which receive data from the smartphone and the in-vehicle embedded sensors as
input. The advantages that stream processing provides lies in the fact that
reduce the amount of data transmitted from the mobile device to servers/the
cloud, as well as reduce the energy/battery usage due to transmission of sensor
data and possibility to operate even if the mobile device is disconnected. To
classify the drivers, a statistical mechanism used in document mining that
evaluates the importance of a word in a collection of documents, called inverse
document frequency, has been adapted to identify the importance of an anomaly in
a data stream, and then quantitatively evaluate how cautious or reckless
drivers' maneuvers are. Finally, an evaluation of the approach (using the
algorithm that achieved better result in the first step) was carried out through
a case study of the 25 drivers’ driving behavior. The results show an accuracy
of 84% and an average processing time of 100 milliseconds.
Jefferson de Barros SANTOS.
Systems for
provability and countermodel generation in propositional minimal implicational
Logic. [Title in Portuguese: Sistemas de prova e geração de contra
exemplo para Lógica Proposicional Minimal Implicacional]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation:
18/05/2017. 82 p. Advisor: Edward Hermann Haeusler.
Abstract: This thesis presents a new sequent calculus called LMT! that has
the properties to be terminating, sound and complete for Propositional
Implicational Minimal Logic (M!). LMT! is aimed to be used for proof search in
M!, in a bottom-up approach. Termination of the calculus is guaranteed by a
strategy of rule application that forces an ordered way to search for proofs
such that all possible combinations are stressed. For an initial formula, proofs
in LMT! has an upper bound of jj 2j j+1+2log2j, which together with the system
strategy ensure decidability. System rules are conceived to deal with the
necessity of hypothesis repetition and the contextsplitting nature of !-left,
avoiding the occurrence of loops and the usage of backtracking. Therefore, LMT!
steers the proof search always in a forward, deterministic manner. LMT! has the
property to allow extractability of counter-models from failed proof searches
(bicompleteness), i.e., the attempt proof tree of an expanded branch produces a
Kripke model that falsifies the initial formula. Counter-model generation (using
Kripke semantics) is achieved as a consequence of the completeness of the
system. LMT! is implemented as an interactive theorem prover based on the
calculus proposed here. We compare our calculus with other known deductive
systems for M!, especially with Fitting's Tableaux, a method that also has the
bicompleteness property. We also proposed here a translation of LMT! to the
Dedukti proof checker as a way to evaluate the correctness of the implementation
regarding the system specification and to make our system easier to compare to
Jonatas dos Santos GROSMAN.
anotação e
classificação automática de entidades e relações. [Title in English: LER:
Annotation and automatic classification of entities and relations].
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/04/2017. 196 p. Advisor: Hélio Côrtes Vieira
Lopes. DOI
Abstract: Many techniques for the structured information extraction from
natural language data have been developed and have demonstrated their potentials
yielding satisfactory results. Nevertheless, to obtain such results, they
require some activities that are usually done separately, such as text
annotation to generate corpora, Part-Of- Speech tagging, features engineering
and extraction, machine learning models’ training etc., making the information
extraction task a costly activity due to the effort and time spent on this. The
present work proposes and develops a web based platform called LER (Learning
Entities and Relations), that integrates the needed workflow for these
activities, with an interface that aims the ease of use. The work also shows the
platform implementation and its use.
network analysis and monitoring. [Title in Portuguese: Análise e monitoramento
de redes de ônibus]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 26/05/2017. 137 p. Advisor:
Marco Antonio Casanova.
Abstract: Buses, equipped with active GPS devices that continuously transmit
their position, can be understood as mobile traffic sensors. Indeed, bus
trajectories provide a useful data source for analyzing traffic in the bus
network of a city, if the city traffic authority makes the bus trajectories
available openly, timely and in a continuous way. In this context, this thesis
proposes a bus GPS data-driven approach for analyzing and monitoring the bus
network of a city. It combines graph algorithms, geospatial data mining
techniques and statistical methods. The major contribution of this thesis is a
detailed discussion of key operations and algorithms for modeling, analyzing and
monitoring bus network traffic, specifically: (1) modelling, analyzing, and
segmentation of the bus network; (2) mining the bus trajectory dataset to
uncover traffic patterns; (3) detecting traffic anomalies, classifying them
according to their severity, and estimating their impact; (4) maintaining and
comparing different versions of the bus network and traffic patterns to help
urban planners assess changes. Another contribution is the description of
experiments conducted for the bus network of the City of Rio de Janeiro, using
bus trajectories obtained from June 2014 to February 2017, which have been made
available by the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro. The results obtained corroborate
the usefulness of the proposed approach for analyzing and monitoring the bus
network of a city, which may help traffic managers and city authorities improve
traffic control and urban mobility plans.
Liester Cruz CASTRO. Sintonia fina de sistemas de gerenciamento de
banco de dados em ambientes virtualizados.
[Title in English: Tuning of database management systems in virtualized
environments]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/04/2017. 84 p. Advisor: Sérgio
Lifschitz. DOI
Abstract: Due to the huge amount of data present in current applications
there is a growing use of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) in
virtualized environments. This fact increases the workloads' input/output (I/O)
requirements with respect to the corresponding workloads. This is due to
resources virtualization and virtual machines scheduling. Our work’s goal is to
propose strategies that enable better performances for the I/O operations
managed by the RDBMS. Considering an intelligent assignment of computational
resources, we have executed fine tuning actions at the virtualized environment
and on database parameters. We consider a system that works coordinately with
distinct virtualization layers. We show some experimental results that evaluate
and measure the impact of our proposed approach.
Lívia Couto Ruback RODRIGUES. Enriching and analyzing semantic
trajectories with linked open data.
[Title in Portuguese: Enriquecendo e analisando trajetórias semânticas com dados
abertos interligados]. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 15/12/2017. 104 p. Advisor:
Marco Antonio Casanova and Chiara Renso (ISTI/CNR, Pisa, Italy).
Abstract: The last years witnessed a growing number of devices that track
moving objects: personal GPS equipped devices and GSM mobile phones, vehicles or
other sensors from the Internet of Things but also the location data deriving
from the Social Networks check-ins. These mobility data are represented as
trajectories, recording the sequence of locations of the moving object. However,
these sequences only represent the raw location data and they need to be
semantically enriched to be meaningful in the analysis tasks and to support a
deep understanding of the movement behavior. Another unprecedented global space
that is also growing at a fast pace is the Web of Data, thanks to the emergence
of the Linked Data initiative. These freely available semantic rich datasets
provide a novel way to enhance trajectory data. This thesis presents a
contribution to the many challenges that arise from this scenario. First, it
investigates how trajectory data may benefit from the Linked Data Initiative by
guiding the whole trajectory enrichment process with the use of external
datasets. Then, it addresses the pivotal topic of the similarity computation
between Linked Data entities with the final objective of computing the
similarity between semantically enriched trajectories. The novelty of our
approach is that the thesis considers the relevant entity features as a ranked
list. Finally, the thesis targets the computation of the similarity between
enriched trajectories by comparing the similarity of the Linked Data entities
that represent the enriched trajectories.
Lucas Caracas de FIGUEIREDO.
Remoção de superfícies encobertas no cálculo de área de pintura em modelos CAD.
[Title in English: Hidden surfaces removal in painting area calculation on CAD
models]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/08/2017. 53 p. Advisor: Waldemar Celes
Filho. DOI
Abstract: CAD Systems – Computer-Aided Design Systems – are widely used in
the different life cycle stages of an engineering enterprise, such as conceptual
design, physical structure construction, and plant operation. The maintenance of
the facility is a very important task during the operation, where painting the
equipments and structures is essential. Estimating the painting area of the
different objects has a high cost if done manually, using measuring tapes and
lasers. A more efficiently way to calculate these areas is through the use of
CAD tools. However, the modeling process of the CAD model, using parametric
objects and three-dimensional meshes, inserts surfaces that are hidden by other
objects. These hidden surfaces are not painted, and considering their areas in
the painting budgeting leads to considerable errors. Therefore, the use of a
simple calculation of all the surfaces areas that compose the objects is not
adequate. With the objective of eliminating the hidden surfaces of the painting
area computation, this work proposes an approach based on adaptive distance
fields together with constructive solid geometry operations. Firstly, the meshes
pass through a preprocessing phase, in which they are adjusted to fulfill the
requirements for the adaptive distance field construction, and then their fields
are computed. Parametrized objects do not need this step because they already
have an implicit distance field. Constructive solid geometry operations were
then used to obtain the difference and the intersection fields of each object
with the scene. With this data, the painting areas are calculated considering
the areas of the difference with the scene, the intersection and the surface
area of each object. In controlled tests, the painting areas obtained differs of
a maximum of 0.84% of the real areas. In tests with real models, a reduction of
up to 38% of the estimated area was obtained in relation to the simplistic
approach of not treating hidden surfaces.
Luis Felipe Müller de Oliveira HENRIQUES. Deep
architecture for quotation extraction. [Title in Portuguese:
Arquitetura profunda para extração de citações]. M.Sc. Diss. Eng. Presentation:
08/03/2017. 68 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.
Abstract: Quotation Extraction and Attribution is the task of identifying
quotations from a given text and associating them to their authors. In this
work, we present a Quotation Extraction and Attribution system for the
Portuguese language. The Quotation Extraction and Attribution task has been
previously approached using various techniques and for a variety of languages
and datasets. Traditional models to this task consist of extracting a rich set
of hand-designed features and using them to feed a shallow classifier. In this
work, unlike the traditional approach, we avoid using hand-designed features
using unsupervised learning techniques and deep neural networks to automatically
learn relevant features to solve the task. By avoiding design features by hand,
our machine learning model became easily adaptable to other languages and
domains. Our model is trained and evaluated at the GloboQuotes corpus, and its
F1 performance metric is equal to 89.43%.
Luís Marcelo Vital Abreu FONSECA.
Classificação de
objetos em contexto real por redes neurais convolutivas. [Title in
English: Classification of objects in real context by convolutional neural
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/03/2017. 56 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.
Abstract: The classification of objects in real contexts is the
technological apex of object recognition. This type of classification is
complex, containing diverse computer vision problems in abundance. This project
proposes to solve that type of classification through the use of machine
learning knowledge applied to the MS COCO dataset. The implemented algorithm in
this project consists of a Convolutional Neural Network model that is able to
learn characteristics of the objects and predict their classes. Some experiments
are made that compare different results of predictions using different
techniques of learning. There is also a comparison of the results from the
implementation with state of art in contextual objects segmentation.
Marcio Luiz Coelho CUNHA. Software of places: toward a
self-learning closed plant production system. [Title in Portuguese:
Software dos Lugares: em direção a um sistema fechado para produção de plantas
com autoaprendizado]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation:
20/12/2017. 111 p. Advisor: Hugo Fuks.
Abstract: As the population grows, more food will need to be produced in the
next four decades than has been in the past 10,000 years. However, the modern
world still depends on high yield monoculture production which is increasingly
threatened by unusual weather, water shortages, and insufficient land. In order
to overcome these problems and feed the world, a practical path to provide
quality fresh healthy food at scale with minimal weather dependency, water usage
and reduced carbon footprint is necessary. One reasonable approach is to build
vertical farms inside the cities in a close environment full of sensors and
artificial lighting controlled by software for efficient production of food
crops. This thesis proposes a model, entitled Software of Places Cycle (SoPC),
that should be able to answer to environmental stimuli in a closed plant
production system using artificial lighting in order to create a self-learning
environment. This thesis describes the SoPC, the approaches and processes of
implementing a mini Plant Factory using Artificial Lighting based on the
discussion on five action-research cycles. The thesis main contribution is a
conceptual model to guide the development and maintenance of a mini-PFAL (m-PFAL),
a minor contribution is the deployment of the SoP, i.e., the very notion of
having software dedicated to a specific place.
Marcos Paulino RORIZ JUNIOR.
DG2CEP: an on-line algorithm for real-time
detection of spatial clusters from large data streams through complex event
processing. [Title in
English: DG2CEP: um algoritmo on-line para detecção em tempo real de aglomerados
espaciais em grandes fluxos de dados através de processamento de fluxo de dados].
Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 22/03/2017. 121 p. Advisor: Markus Endler.
Abstract: Spatial concentrations (or spatial clusters) of moving objects,
such as vehicles and humans, is a mobility pattern that is relevant to many
applications. A fast detection of this pattern and its evolution, e.g., if the
cluster is shrinking or growing, is useful in numerous scenarios, such as
detecting the formation of traffic jams or detecting a fast dispersion of people
in a music concert. An on-line detection of this pattern is a challenging task
because it requires algorithms that are capable of continuously and efficiently
processing the high volume of position updates in a timely manner. Currently,
the majority of approaches for spatial cluster detection operate in batch mode,
where moving objects location updates are recorded during time periods of
certain length and then batch-processed by an external routine, thus delaying
the result of the cluster detection until the end of the time period. Further,
they extensively use spatial data structures and operators, which can be
troublesome to maintain or parallelize in on-line scenarios. To address these
issues, in this thesis we propose DG2CEP, an algorithm that combines the
well-known density-based clustering algorithm DBSCAN with the data stream
processing paradigm Complex Event Processing (CEP) to achieve continuous and
timely detection of spatial clusters. Our experiments with real world data
streams indicate that DG2CEP is able to detect the formation and dispersion of
clusters with small latency while having a higher similarity to DBSCAN than
batch-based approaches.
Paulo Henrique Cardoso ALVES.
Agentes de software
com traços de personalidade baseados na arquitetura BDI para tomada de decisões
normativas. [Title in
English: Software agents with personality traits based on BDI architecture to
improve normative decision making process].
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/08/2017. 57 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira
de Lucena. DOI
Abstract: Norms are applied in multiagent systems as mechanisms capable of
restricting the behavior of software agents in order to achieve a desirable
social order. However, norms eventually can be conflicting — for example, when
there is a norm that prohibits an agent to perform a particular action and
another norm that obligates the same agent to perform the same action in the
same period of time. The agent’s decision about which norms to fulfill can be
defined based on rewards, punishments and agent goals. Sometimes, this balance
will not be enough to allow the agent to make the best decision. In this
context, this proposal introduces an approach that considers the agent’s
personality traits in order to improve the plan decision-making process and
resolving normative conflicts. Our approach’s applicability and validation is
demonstrated by an experiment that reinforces the importance of considering the
norms both in the agent’ and society’s points of view.
Pedro Henrique Thompson FURTADO.
Interpretação automática de relatórios de operação de equipamentos.
[Title in Portuguese: Automatic interpretation of equipment operation reports].
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/04/2017. 130 p. Advisor: Hélio Côrtes Vieira
Abstract: The operational units at the Exploration and Production (E&P) area
at PETROBRAS make use of daily reports to register situations and events from
their Stationary Production Units (SPUs), the well-known petroleum
production platforms. One of these reports, called SITOP (the Portuguese acronym
for Offshore Unities’ Operational Situation), is a daily document in free text
format that presents numerical information and, mainly, textual
information about operational situation of offshore units. The textual section,
although unstructured, stores a valuable database with historical events in the
production environment, such as: valve breakages, failures in processing
equipment, beginning and end of maintenance activities, actions executed,
responsibilities, etc. The value of these data is high, as well as the costs of
searching relevant information, consuming many hours of attention from
technicians and engineers to read the large number of documents. The goal of
this dissertation is to develop a model of natural language processing to
recognize named entities and extract relations among them, described formally as
a domain ontology applied to events in offshore oil and gas processing units.
After all, there will be a method for automatic structuring of the information
from these operational reports. Our results show that this methodology is useful
in SITOP’s case, also indicating some possible enhancements. Relation extraction
showed better results than named entity recognition, what can be explained by
the difference in the amount of classes in these tasks. We also verified that
the increase in the amount of data was one of the most important factors for the
improvement in learning and methodology efficiency as a whole.
Pedro Nuno de Souza MOURA. LSHSIM: A Locality Sensitive Hashing Based
Method for Multiple-Point Geostatistics. [Title in Portuguese:
LSHSIM: Um Método de Geoestatística Multiponto Baseado em Locality
Sensitivity Hashing]. Ph.D. Thesis. Eng. Presentation: 21/09/2017. 93 p.
Advisor: Eduardo Sany Laber.
Abstract: Reservoir modeling is a very important task that permits the
representation of a geological region of interest. Given the uncertainty
involved in the process, one wants to generate a considerable number of possible
scenarios so as to find those which best represent this region. Then, there is a
strong demand for quickly generating each simulation. Since its inception, many
methodologies have been proposed for this purpose and, in the last two decades,
multiple-point geostatistics (MPS) has been the dominant one. This methodology
is strongly based on the concept of training image (TI) and the use of its
characteristics, which are called patterns. In this work, we propose a new MPS
method that combines the application of a technique called Locality Sensitive
Hashing (LSH), which permits to accelerate the search for patterns similar to a
target one, with a Run-Length Encoding (RLE) compression technique that speeds
up the calculation of the Hamming similarity. We have performed experiments with
both categorical and continuous images which showed that LSHSIM is
computationally efficient and produce good quality realizations, while achieving
a reasonable space of uncertainty. In particular, for categorical data, the
results suggest that LSHSIM is faster than MS-CCSIM, one of the state-of-the-art
Priscilla Fonseca de Abreu BRAZ.
Uma análise do espaço do
problema End User Development no domínio de tecnologias para terapeutas
do Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo. [Title in
English: An analysis of the End User Development's problem space in the domain
of technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorder's therapists].
Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 11/01/2017. 160 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa
Raposo and Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza.
Abstract: This thesis presents a study on the problem space in the context
of development of technologies
for Autism Spectrum Disorder's (ASD) therapists and it aims to contribute to the
design of technologies in this area. Although there is a large number of
technologies to the audience with ASD, such technologies usually allow a limited
use, given the extent of the Autism Spectrum and the variety of disorders that
people with ASD diagnosis can have. Thus, it is essential to develop more
flexible technologies that meet the needs of each individual with ASD. Moreover,
the literature presents specific reports (of success or failure) about the
developed technologies, but there is no organization of the domain. Therefore,
we consider that there is a gap regarding the problem characterization in this
area, and it is important to explore the problem space before proposing new
solutions. There are several challenges related to the adoption of technologies
for generating adaptable software by ASD therapists, such as the lack or little
knowledge of the therapists about this kind of technology, the limited time for
learning and using these technologies and even the lack of interest. We
conducted studies in order to explore the problem space in the context of the
End User Development (EUD) and
to raise the main meanings, questions and difficulties of the therapists related
to adaptable and/or extensible technologies and they showed us that the use of
the design probes concept was essential for the approximation of the therapists
with such technology type and a deepening understanding of their own
difficulties and needs, and the challenges placed in this context. Moreover,
these studies have allowed us to raise a set of possible changes and adaptations
that a technology targeted for this audience could do in order to address the
needs of therapists and their patients. From this achieved set, we have analyzed
these possible changes based on the Semiotic Engineering theory for EUD context
and we have investigated how existing technologies enable or not these kinds of
changes. Thus, this research has enabled us to identify the ASD domain as an EUD
application area with several challenges, to analyze them in greater depth and
to identify possible ways to overcome them, contributing to the design of
technologies for the ASD audience.
Rafael dos Reis SILVA.
Direct and indirect quotation extraction for Portuguese. [Title in
Portuguese: Extração de citações diretas e indiretas para o Português]. M.Sc.
Diss. Eng. Presentation: 08/02/2017. 59 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.
Abstract: Quotation Extraction consists of identifying quotations from a
text and associating them to their authors. In this work, we present a Direct
and Indirect Quotation Extraction System for Portuguese. Quotation Extraction
has been previously approached using different techniques and for several
languages. Our proposal differs from previous work, because we build a Machine
Learning model that, besides recognizing direct quotations, it also recognizes
indirect ones in Portuguese. Indirect quotations are hard to be identified in a
text, due to the lack of explicit delimitation. Nevertheless, they happen more
often then the delimited ones and, for this reason, have an huge importance on
information extraction. Due to the fact that we use a Machine Learning model
based, we can easily adapt it to other languages, needing only a list of verbs
of speech for a given language. Few were the previously proposed systems that
tackled the task of indirect quotations and neither of them for Portuguese using
a Machine Learning approach. We build a Quotation Extractor using a model for
the Structured Perceptron algorithm. In order to train and evaluate the system,
we build QuoTrees 1.0 corpus. We annotate it to tackle the indirect quotation
problem. The Structured Perceptron based on weight interval scheduling obtains
an F1 score of 66% for QuoTrees 1.0 corpus.
Rafael Oliveira VASCONCELOS.
Uma abordagem eficiente para reconfiguração coordenada em sistemas distribuídos
de processamento de data streams. [Title in
English: An efficient approach to coordinated reconfiguration in distributed
data stream systems].
Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 07/04/2017. 74 p. Advisor: Markus Endler.
Abstract: While many data stream systems have to provide continuous (24x7)
services with no acceptable downtime, they also have to cope with changes in
their execution environments and in the requirements that they must comply
(e.g., moving from on-premises architecture to a cloud system, changing the
network technology, adding new functionality or modifying existing parts). On
one hand, dynamic software reconfiguration (i.e., the capability of evolving on
the fly) is a desirable feature. On the other hand, stream systems may suffer
from the disruption and overhead caused by the reconfiguration. Due to the
necessity of reconfiguring (i.e., evolving) the system whilst the system must
not be disrupted (i.e., blocked), consistent and non-disruptive reconfiguration
is still considered an open problem. This thesis presents and validates a
non-quiescent approach for dynamic software reconfiguration that preserves the
consistency of distributed data stream processing systems. Unlike many works
that require the system to reach a safe state (e.g., quiescence) before
performing a reconfiguration, the proposed approach enables the system to
smoothly evolve (i.e., be reconfigured) in a non-disruptive way without reaching
quiescence. The evaluation indicates that the proposed approach supports
consistent distributed reconfiguration and has negligible impact on availability
and performance. Furthermore, the implementation of the proposed approach showed
better performance results in all experiments than the quiescent approach and
Roberto Felício de OLIVEIRA. To collaborate or not to collaborate?
Improving the identification of code smells. [Title in Portuguese: Colaborar ou
não colaborar? Melhorando a identificação de anomalias de código]. Ph.D. Thesis.
Eng. Presentation: 21/08/2017. 143 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena and
Alessandro Fabricio Garcia.
Abstract: Code smells are anomalous code structures which often indicate
maintenance problems in software systems. The identification of code smells is
required to reveal code elements, such as classes and methods, that are poorly
structured. Some examples of code smell types perceived as critical by
developers include God Classes and Feature Envy. However, the individual smell
identification, which is performed by a single developer, may be ineective.
Several studies have reported limitations of individual smell identification.
For instance, the smell identification usually requires an indepth understanding
of multiple elements scattered in a program, and each of these elements is
better understood by a dierent developer. As a consequence, a single developer
often struggles and to find to confirm or refute a code smell suspect.
Collaborative smell identification, which is performed together by two or more
collaborators, has the potential to address this problem. However, there is
little empirical evidence on the eectiveness of collaborative smell
identification. In this thesis, we addressed the aforementioned limitations as
follows. First, we conducted empirical studies aimed at understanding the
eectiveness of both collaborative and individual smell identification. We
computed and compared the eectiveness of collaborators and single developers
based on the number of correctly identified code smells. We conducted these
studies in both industry’s companies and research laboratories with 67
developers, including novice and professional developers. Second, we defined
some influential factors on the eectiveness of collaborative smell
identification, such as the smell granularity. Third, we revealed and
characterized some collaborative activities which improve the developers’
eectiveness for identifying code smells. Fourth, we also characterized
opportunities for further improving the eectiveness of certain collaborative
activities. Our results suggest that collaborators are more effective than
single developers in: (i) both professional and academic settings, and (ii)
identifying a wide range of code smell types.
Thiago Ribeiro MOTTA. Uma avaliação de filtros 2D
para remoção de ruído speckle em exames de ultrasom. [Title in
English: An evaluation of 2D filters for Speckle denoising ultrasound exams].
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/04/2017. 127 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa
Raposo. DOI
Abstract: Ultrasound exams are a popular tool for image acquisition in
day-to-day medicine, since it is a noninvasive, safe and cheap procedure.
However, speckle noise is intrinsic to any ultrasound exam, and it is
responsible for image quality degradation and for hindering its interpretation
by doctors and patients alike, while also impairing the accuracy of post
processing computational methods, such as classification, reconstruction, tissue
characterization and segmentation, among others. Hence, smoothing or denoising
methods that preserves the observed content core attributes are essential for
those processes. Defined as a multiplicative noise, following non-Gaussian
statistics and as strongly correlated, its solution today is still a matter of
debates and research. In this work, several 2D filters that aim to smooth or
remove speckle noise along with qualitative methods to evaluate their
performances and means of choosing their best parameters are presented.
Thiago Ribeiro
NUNES. A model for exploration of semi-structured datasets. [Title in
Portuguese: Um modelo para exploração de dados semiestruturados]. Ph.D. Thesis.
Eng. Presentation: 06/08/2017. 144 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.
Abstract: Information exploration processes are usually recognized by their
inherent complexity, lack of knowledge and uncertainty, concerning both the
domain and the solution strategies. Even though there has been much work on the
development of computational systems supporting exploration tasks, such as
faceted search and set-oriented interfaces, the lack of a formal understanding
of the exploration process and the absence of a proper separation of concerns
approach in the design phase is the cause of many expressivity issues and
serious limitations. This work proposes a novel design approach of exploration
tools based on a formal framework for representing exploration actions and
processes. Moreover, we present a new exploration system that generalizes the
majority of the state-of-the art exploration tools. The evaluation of the
proposed framework is guided by case studies and comparisons with
state-of-the-art tools. The results show the relevance of our approach both for
the design of new exploration tools with higher expressiveness, and formal
assessments and comparisons between different tools.
Vinícius Gama TAVARES.
Sistema eficiente de otimização topológica estrutural
utilizando o método de malha densa de barras. [Title in
Portuguese: Efficient structural topology optimization system using the ground
structure method]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/2017. 68 p. Advisor:
Waldemar Celes Filho.
Abstract: Structural topology optimization methods are used to find the
optimal material distribution within a given domain, subject to loading,
boundary conditions and design constraints, in order to minimize some specified
measure. Structural topology optimization can be divided into two types:
continuum and discrete, with the discrete type being the research focus of this
dissertation. The goal of this work is the creation of a system to achieve all
the steps of this optimization process, aiming problems with large dimensions.
In order to perform the optimization, it is necessary create a ground structure,
defined as a set of nodes covering the entire domain, connected by bars, with
the supports and the applied loads. This work proposes a new method for the
ground structure generation, using as input only the domain boundary, in
contrast with methods that require a domain already discretized, such as a
polyhedron mesh. With the generated mesh, this work has implemented the
topological optimization, needing to solve a linear programming problem. All the
optimization part was performed within the TopSim framework, implementing the
interior point method for the linear programming resolution. The results
presented have good quality, both in generation and optimization, for 2D and 3D
cases, considering cases with more than 68 million bars.
Proposing two new handling interaction techniques for 3D virtual objects using
the Myo armband. [Title in
English: Proposta de duas novas técnicas de manipulação de objetos virtuais 3D
usando o bracelete Myo].
M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/05/2017. 73 p. Advisor: Alberto Barbosa
Abstract: Flexibility and freedom are always desired in virtual reality
environments. Traditional inputs, like mouse or keyboard, hamper the
interactions between the user and the virtual environment. To improve the
interaction in qualitative terms in a virtual environment, the interaction must
be as natural as possible, and because of that, hand gestures have become a
popular means to the human-computer interaction. The development of immersion
devices like head-mounted displays brought the need for a new way of interaction
and a challenge to developers. Hand gestures recognition using electromyography
signals (EMG) has increased the attention because the rise of cheaper wearable
devices that can record accurate EMG data. One of the outstanding devices in
this area is Myo armband, equipped with eight EMG sensors and a nineaxis
inertial measurement unit (IMU). The objective of this work is to evaluate the
usability of the Myo armband as a device for selection and manipulation of 3D
objects in virtual reality environments, aiming to improve the user experience,
taking advantage of the possibility to measure the force applied to a gesture
and to use Myo vibrations as a feedback system. This study aims to answer the
following question: Has Myo armband high grade of usability for
selection/manipulation of 3D objects in Virtual Reality Environments? And to
achieve that purpose, four sub-questions were proposed to guide this research:
I) Which resources of Myo can be used in Virtual Reality Environments (VRE)? II)
What are the limitations of the Myo armband? III) Can selection and manipulation
tasks be performed using Myo armband? IV) How can Myo armband enrich the
selection and manipulation tasks? To answer to the first two sub-questions, we
conducted a literature review that covers Myo technology, its advantages and
limitations, and related works. Also, it includes basic concepts about
Interactions in VRE. To answer to the last two sub-questions, we proposed two
selection/manipulation techniques using Myo, which were tested with users and
the results were compared, evaluating their usability.
Keyword search over federated RDF graphs by exploring
their schemas. [Title in
Portuguese: Busca por Palavras-chave sobre grafos RDF Federados explorando seus
esquemas]. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/2017. 66 p. Advisor: Marco
Antonio Casanova.
Abstract: The Resource Description Framework (RDF) was adopted as a W3C
recommendation in 1999 and today is a standard for exchanging data in the Web.
Indeed, a large amount of data has been converted to RDF, often as multiple
datasets physically distributed over different locations. The SPARQL Protocol
and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) was officially introduced in 2008 to retrieve
RDF datasets and provide endpoints to query distributed sources. An alternative
way to access RDF datasets is to use keyword-based queries, an area that has
been extensively researched, with a recent focus on Web content. This
dissertation describes a strategy to compile keyword-based queries into
federated SPARQL queries over distributed RDF datasets, under the assumption
that each RDF dataset has a schema and that the federation has a mediated
schema. The compilation process of the federated SPARQL query is explained in
detail, including how to compute a set of external joins between the local
subqueries, how to combine, with the help of the UNION clauses, the results of
local queries which have no external joins between them, and how to construct
the TARGET clause, according to the structure of the WHERE clause. Finally, the
dissertation covers experiments with real-world data to validate the