INDEX Informatics Department - PUC-Rio Pontifical Catholic University Rio de Janeiro - Brazil This file contains the technical reports list of the Informatics Department, PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Reports are being added as they become available. All the reports are available in their print format an can be obtained via the e-mail bellow. Many of them are also available via this ftp-site. Those that ARE NOT have a short notice about the author to be contacted if electronic copies are still desirable. Files are compressed by "gzip" or "zip" and the default languages are "postscript" and "pdf". If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, Please contact: Rosane Castilho Last update: 16/MAR/2005 ===================== ========================================================== Filename Description ===================== ========================================================== 93_01_marques MARQUES, M.P.; LANZELOTTE, R.S.G. Banco de dados e hipermidia: construindo um meta-modelo para o projeto Portinari. 100 p. Please contact 93_02_potengy POTENGY, A.B.; LUCENA , C.J.P.; COWAN, D.D. A programming approach for parallel rendering applications. 30 p. Please contact 93_03_porto PORTO, S.C.S.; RIBEIRO, C.C. A tabu search approach to task scheduling on heterogeneous processors under precedence constraints. 24 p. Please contact 93_04_haeberer HAEBERER, A.M.; BAUM, G.; SCHIMIDT, G. Dealing with non-constructive specifications involving quantifiers. 37 p. Please contact 93_05_duran DURAN, J.E.; BAUM, G. Construccion formal de programas a partir e especificaciones en un calculo de relaciones binarias extendido. 94 p. Please contact 93_06_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. The object and event oriented language TOOL. 18 p. Please contact 93_07_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. On the reuse of applications as components. 17 p. Please contact 93_08_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. Sobre o comportamento de objetos. 14 p. Please contact 93_09_jaumard JAUMARD, B.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Implication graph and quadratic 0-1 optimization. 17 p. Please contact 93_10_carneiro CARNEIRO, L.M.F.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The semantics of nesting in object-oriented design. 20 p. Please contact 93_11_guedes GUEDES, L.C.; STAA, A.v. Um processo de re-engenharia economico e eficaz. 17 p. Please contact 93_12_duarte DUARTE, C.H.C.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Tecnicas formais e informais: um estudo sobre integracao usando "statecharts". 17 p. Please contact 93_13_leite LEITE, J.C.S.P. Eliciting requirements using a natural language based approach: the case of the meeting scheduler problem. 15 p. Please contact 93_14_sanchez SANCHEZ, M.L.D.; MAFFEO, B. Ferramentas e tecnicas para modelagem da essencia de sistemas de tempo-real para controle e monitoramento de processos. 25 p. Please contact 93_15_garcia GARCIA, A.C.B. Aquisicao e recuperacao de intencionalidade atraves de documentos ativos. 12 p. Please contact 93_16_soares SOARES, L.F.G.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.; CASANOVA, M.A. An open hypermedia system with nested composite nodes and version control. 32 p. Please contact 93_17_martins MARTINS, I.H. Uma proposta para tratamento de excecoes em uma linguagem orientada a objeto. 29 p. Please contact 93_18_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. Asynchronous behavior in the TOOL programming system. 32 p. Please contact 93_19_Leite LEITE, J.C.S.P. Working results in re-engineering. 16 p. Please contact 93_20_garcia GARCIA, A.C.B.; STEFIK, M.J.; HOWARD, H.C. Supporting design collaboration through active documents. 19 p. Please contact 93_21_hertz HERTZ, A.; JAUMARD, B.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; FORMOSINHO FILHO, W.P. A multi-criteria tabu search approach to cell formation problems in group technology with multiple objectives. 23 p. Please contact 93_22_souza SOUZA, C.S.; DIAS, M.C.P.; GARCIA, L.S.; BASILIO, M.P. Semantica lexical em linguagens pseudo-naturais de interface. 18 p. Please contact 93_23_souza SOUZA, C.S.; CUNHA, M.O. Animacao de imagens fractais e representacao de processos em linguagens visuais. 10 p. Please contact 93_24_souza SOUZA, C.S. General help systems for network resource discovery. 11 p. Please contact 93_25_silva SILVA, M.T.M.P.; FUKS, H. Um esboço de calculo de influencia de dialogos na escolha entre propostas de acao. 40 p. Please contact 93_26_staa STAA, A.v. Criterios para avaliacao da coesao. 17 p. Please contact 93_27_staa STAA, A.v. Projeto TOTEM, meta-ambiente de desenvolvimento de software - desenvolvimento do projeto. 36 p. Please contact 93_28_staa STAA, A.v. Uso de instrumentacao para a construcao de programas confiaveis. 11 p. Please contact 93_29_frias FRIAS, M.; BAUM, G.; HAEBERER, A.M.; VELOSO, P.A.S. A representation theorem for fork-algebras. Please contact 93_30_feijo FEIJO, B.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; BENTO, J. A formal approach to design based on cognition. 17 p. Please contact 93_31_souza SOUZA, C.S. Testing predictions of semiotic engineering in HCI. 10 p. Please contact 93_32_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; HAEBERER, A.M. Fork algebras and program derivation. 35 p. Please contact 93_33_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. Specifying object behavior. 26 p. Please contact 93_34_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. Coroutine semantics in the TOOL programming environment. 19 p. Please contact ================================================================================ 94_01_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; HAEBERER, A.M. On fork algebras and reasoning about programs. 18 p. Please contact 94_02_andreatta ANDREATTA, A.A.; RIBEIRO, C.C. A graph partitioning heuristic for the parallel pseudo-exhaustive logical test of VLSI combinational circuits. 37 p. Please contact 94_03_ierusalimschy IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; CELES FILHO, W. Reference manual of the programming language Lua. 22 p. Please contact 94_04_souza SOUZA, C.S.; JAMES, D. Especificacoes formais para linguagens visuais de programacao. 11 p. Please contact 94_05_souza SOUZA, C.S.; GARCIA, A.C.B. Towards a rethoric of active design documents. 16 p. Please contact 94_06_souza SOUZA, C.S. Structure and expressiveness of visual computer languages. 21 p. Please contact 94_07_fuks FUKS, H.; MOURA, L.M. A document based approach for cooperation. 24 p. Please contact 94_08_garcia GARCIA, A.C.B.; STEFIK, M.; HOWARD, H.C. Design rationale for collaboration: the active document approach. 32 p. Please contact 94_09_garza GARZA, J.M.; GARCIA, A.C.B.; HOWARD, H.C. Making a case for design rationale in the A/E/C/ industry. 15 p. Please contact 94_10_garcia GARCIA, A.C.B.; HOWARD, H.C.; STEFIK, M.J. Improving design and documentation by using partially automated synthesis. 37 p. Please contact 94_11_bigonha BIGONHA, M.A.S.; RANGEL NETTO, J.L.M. Sistema gerador de geradores de codigo para arquiteturas superescalares. 19 p. Please contact 94_12_bigonha BIGONHA, M.A.S.; RANGEL NETTO, J.L.M. Linguagens para descricao de arquiteturas de computadores. 12 p. Please contact 94_13_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MAIBAUM, T.S.E. Logical specifications: 1. Introduction. 16 p. Please contact 94_14_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MERE, M.C. Construtores parametrizados de sortes. 20 p. Please contact 94_15_oliveira OLIVEIRA, A.P.A.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. SERBAC: uma estrategia para definicao de requisitos. 19 p. Please contact 94_16_gilvaz GILVAZ, A.P.P.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. FAES - uma estrategia para aquisicao de informacoes. 19 p. Please contact 94_17_ierusalimschy IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Side effect free functions in object-oriented languages. 20 p. Please contact 94_18_figueiredo FIGUEIREDO, L.H. ; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; CELES FILHO, R. The design and implementation of a language for extending applications. 18 p. Please contact 94_19_borges BORGES, R.; CASSINO, C.; CERQUEIRA, R.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. UAI - um framework para suporte a objetos visuais. 10 p. Please contact 94_20_celes CELES FILHO, W.; FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; GATTASS, M.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Estrategias para reuso de software no TeCGraf. 20 p. Please contact 94_21_cowan COWAN, D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Abstract data views: motivation, current proposal and research trends. 12 p. Please contact 94_22_alencar ALENCAR, P.S.; CARNEIRO-COFFIN, L.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The semantics of abstract data views: a design concept to support reuse-in-the-large. 18 p. Please contact 94_23_carneiro-coffin CARNEIRO-COFFIN, L.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SMITH, D. An experience using JASMINUN: formalization with assisting the design of user interfaces. 19 p. Please contact 94_24_nogueira NOGUEIRA, J.H.M.; FURTADO, A.L. Analise e implementacao da teoria formal de reconhecimento de planos. 50 p. Please contact 94_25_nogueira NOGUEIRA, J.H.M.; FURTADO, A.L. Representacao do conhecimento em banco de dados textuais. 26 p. Please contact 94_26_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MAIBAUM, T.S.E. Logical specifications: 2. Specifications as representations. 26 p. Please contact 94_27_cerqueira CERQUEIRA, P.M.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Recuperacao de requisitos a partir de especificacoes estruturadas - um estudo de caso. 19 p. Please contact 94_28_amaral AMARAL, F.C.V.; MILET, J.R.L.; LANZELOTTE, R.S.G. Utilizando a metodologia OMT para uma aplicacao de banco de dados orientado a objetos. 37 p. Please contact 94_29_lucena LUCENA, C.J.P.; CASANOVA, M.A.; VELOSO, P.A.S. Visoes sobre as contribuicoes academicas de Antonio Furtado. 20 p. Please contact 94_30_schwabe SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G. From domain models to hypermidia applications: an objected-oriented approach. 43 p. Please contact 94_31_martins MARTINS, I.H.; SOUZA, C.S.; GATTASS, M. Orientacao semantica versus sintatica na captura de dados para aplicacoes computacionais pelo metodo dos elementos finitos. 46 p. Please contact 94_32_laufer LAUFER, C.; FUKS, H. ACCORD - cliches de conversacao para cooperacao. 25 p. (English Version: Please contact 94_33_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MAIBAUM, T.S.E. Logical specifications 3. Extension of specifications. 58 p. Please contact 94_34_levy LEVY, C.H.; FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; GATTASS, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; COWAN, D.D. IUP/LED a portable user interface development tool. 29 p. Please contact 94_35_alencar ALENCAR, P.S.C.; CARNEIRO-COFFIN, L.M.F.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Towards a logical theory of ADVs. 18 p. Please contact 94_36_souza SOUZA, C.S.; FERREIRA, D.J., Fundamentos de Projetos para uma linguagem visual de programacao estruturada. 36 p. Please contact 94_37_mere MERE, M.C.; VELOSO, P.A.S. On definition-like extensions by sorts. 20 p. Please contact 94_38_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MERE, M.C. Some constructs for sort introduction in logical specifications. 15 p. Please contact 94_39_mere MERE, M.C.; VELOSO, P.A.S. The eliminability property in extensions by sort. 31 p. Please contact 94_40_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MERE, M.C. On definability properties for sort introduction constructs. 2 p. Please contact 94_41_schwabe SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G. Building hypermedia applications as navigational views of information models. 10 p. Please contact 94_42_barbosa BARBOSA, S.; SCHWABE, D. Navigation modeling in hypermedia applications. 21 p. Please contact ================================================================================ 95_01_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On some general logical properties related to interpolation and modularity. 30 p. Please contact 95_02_maia MAIA, A.C.P.; GARCIA, A.C.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Representing team design activities. 22 p. Please contact 95_03_bumbulis BUMBULIS, P.; ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Combining formal techniques and prototyping in user interface construction and verification. 16 p. Please contact 95_04_alencar ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; NOVA, L.C.M. A formal approach for reusable interface objects. 21 p. Please contact 95_05_lanzelotte LANZELOTTE, R.S.G.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; RIBEIRO, C.D. Query optimiztion in distributed relational databases. 22 p. Please contact 95_06_porto PORTO, S.C.S.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Parallel strategies for task scheduling algorithms using PVM. 16 p. Please contact 95_07_rossi ROSSI, G.; SCHWABE, D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; COWAN, D.D. An object oriented model for designing the human-computer interface of hypermedia applications. 19 p. Please contact 95_08_ierusalimschy IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; CELES FILHO, W. Reference manual of the programming language Lua 2.1. 24 p. Please contact 95_09_lifschitz LIFSCHITZ, S.; MELO, R.N.; PACITTI, E. Practical behavior of parallelization strategies for Datalog. 22 p. Please contact 95_10_oliveira OLIVEIRA, D.A.S.; SOUZA, C.S.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Converting large proof structures into natural language hypertex-like explanation. 16 p. Please contact 95_11_barbosa BARBOSA, E.; MAFFEO, B. Modelo de implementacao (design) de um sistema de controle para uma area de linhas de engarrafamento. 96 p. Please contact 95_12_ierusalimschy IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; CELES FILHO, W. Lua - an extensible extension language. 15 p. Please contact 95_13_sanchez SANCHEZ, M.L.A.; MAFFEO, B. Sistema de tempo-real para controle de processo - design orientado a encapsulamento de dados e a troca de mensagens entre subsistemas autonomos. 68 p. Please contact 95_14_braga BRAGA, C.O.; STAA, A.V., Ferramentas para geracao automatica de documentacao. 15 p. Please contact 95_15_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; FURTADO, A.L. Towards a logical analysis of design: formal software engineering and data base concepts. 27 p. Please contact 95_16_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; FURTADO, A.L. Encapsulamento em bancos de dados e engenharia de software: analise e projeto de refinamento. 23 p. Please contac 95_17_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. From extensions to interpretations: pushout consistency, modularity and interpolation. 23 p. Please contact 95_18_seixas SEIXAS, R.B.; GATTASS, M.; FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; MARTHA, L.F. Visualizacao volumetrica com otimizacoes do ray casting e deteccao de bordas. 15 p. Please contact 95_19_staa STAA, A.v. Consideracoes sobre educacao em engenharia de software. 15 p. Please contact 95_20_costa COSTA, M.; FEIJO, B.; SCHWABE, D. Reactive agents in behavioral animation. 13 p. Please contact 95_21_correa CORREA, M.S.; HAEUSLER, H.E.; PAIVA, V. A dialectica model of state. 28 p. Please contact 95_22_araujo ARAUJO, R.M.; FUKS, H. QUORUM - W: a group decision support tool for the Internet environment. 14. p. Please contact 95_23_muchaluat MUCHALUAT, D.C.; SOARES, L.F.G.; CASANOVA, M.A. Browsing in a hypermedia system with nested composite nodes. 13 p. Please contact 95_24_correa CORREA, M.S.; HAEUSLER, E.H. A concrete categorical model for the Lambek calculus. 25 p. Please contact 95_25_coelho COELHO, L.C.G.; SOUZA, C.S. Aspectos semioticos de uma interface 3D. 16 p. Please contact 95_26_prates PRATES, R.O.; SOUZA, C.S.; VAREJAO, F.M. Sobre o onus da representacao de modelos em interfaces multimodais para sistemas de configuracao espacial. 16 p. Please contact 95_27_alencar ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Integrating design patterns and subject oriented programming within the ADV framework. 22 p. Please contact 95_28_alencar ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D ; GERMAN, D.M.; LICHTNER, K.J.; NOVA, L.C.M. A formal approach to design pattern definition and application. 29 p. Please contact 95_29_sanchez SANCHEZ, M.L.A.; MAFFEO, B. Modelagem da essencia de um sistema de controle e monitoramento de litografia por feixe de eletrons - COMONLIFE - volume 1-2. 213 p. Please contact 95_30_schwabe SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G.; BARBOSA, S.J.D. Systematic hypermedia application design with OOHDM. 15 p. Please contact 95_31_souzafilho SOUZA FILHO, G.L. Synchronization aspects of a presentation model for hypermedia documents with composite nodes. 14 p. Please contact 95_32_casanova CASANOVA, M.A.; SOUZA FILHO, G.L.; SOARES, L.F.G. Anchors and links for composite nodes. 12 p. Please contact 95_33_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MAIBAUM, T.S.E. Logical specifications: 4.A - Interpretations of unsorted specifications. 36 p. Please contact bib-di@inf.puc-rio.brr 95_34_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; MAIBAUM, T.S.E. Logical specifications: 4.B - Interpretations of many-sorted specifications. 44 p. Please contact 95_35_staa STAA, A.v.; COWAN, D.D. An overview of the Totem software engineering environment. 41 p. Please contact 95_36_serrano SERRANO, M.A.; STAA, A.v. Ambiente de requisitos. 50 p. Please contact 95_37_maculan MACULAN, N.; PORTO, S.C.C.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; SOUZA, C.C. A new formulation for scheduling unrelated processors under precedence constraints. 6 p. Please contact 95_38_leite LEITE, J.C.S.P.; FIORINI, S.T. Reusing business proces information. 17 p. Please contact 95_39_leite LEITE, J.C.S.P.; SANT'ANNA, M.; PRADO, A.F. Porting Cobol programs with a transformational approach. 17 p. Please contact 95_40_staa STAA, A.v. Cenarios de Totem. 13 p. Please contact 95_41_maia MAIA, A.C.; FUKS, H. ; LUCENA, C.J.P. A model of the coounicative behavior of designers involved in cooperative software design. 30 p. Please contact 95_42_sanchez SANCHEZ, M.L.A.; MAFFEO, B. Design baseado na troca de mensagens entre subsistemas autonomos de um sistema de controle e monitorament de litografia por feixe de eletrons - COMONLIFE. 114 p. Please contact ================================================================================ 96_01_martins MARTINS, S.L.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; RODRIGUES, N.R. Ferramentas para programacao paralela em ambientes de memoria distribuida. 33 p. Please contact 96_02_ciarlini CIARLINI, A.E.M.; FURTADO, A.L. Sistema para reconhecimento e geracao de planos. 35 p. Please contact 96_03_ribeiro RIBEIRO, C.C.; PORTO, S.C.S. A case study on parallel synchronous implementations for tabu search based on neighborhood decomposition. 34 p. Please contact 96_04_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On the algebraic structures of fork algebras. 12 p. Please contact 96_05_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On finite and infinite fork algebras. 17 p. Please contact 96_06_colcher COLCHER, S.; SOARES, L.F.G.; CASANOVA, M.A.; SOUZA FILHO, G.L. Modelo de objetos baseado no CORBA para sistemas hipermidia abertos com garantias de simcronizacao. 19 p. Please contact 96_07_mediano MEDIANO, M.R.; CASANOVA, M.A.; GATTASS, M. Map-tree: um metodo de acesso para mapas longos. 16 p. Please contact 96_08_souza SOUZA, C.S. The semiotic engineering of concreteness and abstractness: from user interface language to user programming languages. 25 p. Please contact 96_09_maia MAIA, A.C.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A model for cooperative software design. 29 p. Please contact 96_10_duran DURAN, J.E. Some classes containing a fork algebra equivalent variety involving projections and their use to specify abstract data types. 48 p. Please contact 96_11_oliveira OLIVEIRA, A.P.; OLIVEIRA, C.; CARVALHO, R.L. The application of translation grammars to definitional theorem proving. 14 p. Please contact 96_12_souza SOUZA, C.S.; PRATES, R.O.; VAREJAO, F.M. On classes and costs of multimodal interfaces. 23 p. Please contact 96_13_rodriguez RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R.; URURAHY, C.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; CERQUEIRA, R. The use of interpreted languages for implementing parallel algorithms on distributed systems. 12 p. Please contact 96_14_staa STAA, A.v., ed. GG-01 Processos de criacao e manutencao de normas de engenharia de sofware. 15 p. Please contact 96_15_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; LABER, E.S. The WARM-UP algorithm: a lagrangean construction of lenght restricted Huffman codes. 18 p. Please contact 96_16_lerner LERNER, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; PLASTINO, A. Analise de custos, desempenho e balanceamento de carga de algoritmos de juncao em ambientes com memoria distribuida. 36 p. Please contact 96_17_sanchez SANCHEZ, M.L.A.; MAFFEO, B. Software design baseado em encapsulamento de dados e a troca de mensagens entre subsistemas autonomos - focalizando o reuso. 15 p. Please contact 96_18_sanchez SANCHEZ, M.L.A.; MAFFEO, B. Modelagem conceitual de sistemas de tempo-real - um estudo de caso. 15 p. Please contact 96_19_souza SOUZA, C.S.; BARBOSA, S.J.D. End-user programming environments: the semiotic challenges. 15 p. Please contact 96_20_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On finite fork algebras and their relational reducts. 34 p. Please contac 96_21_cafezeiro CAFEZEIRO, I.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Paradigmas de linguagens de programacao: uma abordagem geometrica. 12 p. Please contact 96_22_ferreira FERREIRA, D.J.; SOUZA, C.S.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. An analysis of strictly visual codes in programming environments from a semiotic perspective. 12 p. Please contact 96_23_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On cartesian codings and the set-theoretic nature of fork algebra relations. 20 p. Please contact 96_24_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-01 Regras e recomendacoes para a escolha dos nomes de elementos em programas C e C++ - Versao 1.01. 27 p. Please contact 96_25_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-02 Regras e recomendacoes para o uso de constantes simbolicas em C e C++ - Versao 1.00. 8 p. Please contact 96_26_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-03 Regras e recomendacoes para a programacao em C e C++ - Versão 1.01. 18 p. Please contact 96_27_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-04 Regras e recomendacoes especificas para a programacao em C++ - Versao 1.01. 14 p. Please contact 96_28_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-05 Regras e recomendacoes para a inclusao de especificacoes no codigo de programas - Versao 1.00. 25 p. Please contact 96_29_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-06 Regras e recomendacoes para fluxos de controle em algoritmos - Versão 1.01. 17 p. Please contact 96_30_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-07 Regras e recomendacoes para estruturas de projeto - Versao 1.01. 21 p. Please contact 96_31_staa STAA, A.v., ed. PG-08 Regras e recomendacoes para o uso de instrumentacao em programas C e C++ - Versao 1.01. 20 p. Please contact 96_32_costa COSTA, M.; FEIJO, B. An architecture for concurrent reactive agents in real-time animation. 6 p. Please contact 96_33_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; VELOSO, S.R.M.; FIADEIRO, J.L. On modularity under internal and external choice in formal software development. 26 p. Please contact 96_34_moreth MORETH, R.C.; HAUESLER, E.H.; REYES, G.E. The decidability of MAO. 27 p. Please contact 96_35_porto PORTO, S.C.S.; KITAJIMA, J.P.F.W.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Performance evaluation of a parallel tabu search task scheduling algorithm. 22 p. Please contact 96_36_batista BATISTA, T.V.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Um estudo sobre a interoperabilidade em ambientes distribuidos. 40 p. Please contact 96_37_lifschitz LIFSCHITZ, S.; PLASTINO, A.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Exploring load balancing in parallel processing of recursive queries. 17 p. Please contact 96_38_varejao VAREJÃO, F.M.; GARCIA, A.C.B.; de SOUZA, C.S. ADD-GHS: a structured annotations based proposal for ADD's extensions. 12 p. Please contact 96_39_varejao VAREJÃO, F.M.; GARCIA, A.C.B.; de SOUZA, C.S. Aquisição de design rationale através de anotações formais em documentos ativos de design. 40 p. Please contact 96_40_almeida ALMEIDA, E.S.; HAEUSLER, E,H. A lambda calculus for the Lambek calculus. 17 p. Please contact 96_41_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On fork relations for program development. 16 p. Please contact 96_42_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Fork relational frameworks on structured universes. 22 p. Please contact 96_43_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On algorithmic fork relations: effectiveness and program constructs. 28 p. Please contact 96_44_leite LEITE, J.C.S.P.; BREITMAN, K. Requirements engineering of virtual applications: some initial thoughts. 8 p. Please contact 96_45_uchoa UCHÔA, E.M.A.; MELO, R.N.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Interoperabilidade de objetos em sistemas de bancos de dados heterogêneos. 30 p. Please contact ================================================================================ 97_01_zukin ZUKIN, M.; FUKS, H.; DALCOL, P.R.T. Digital communication technology: connecting design, engineering and manufacturing. 34 p. Please contact 97_02_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On algorithmic fork relations and programs. 29 p. Please contact 97_03_cafezeiro CAFEZEIRO, I.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; HAEBERER, A.M. From diagram to code via attribute grammar. 38 p. Please contact 97_04_prates PRATES, R.O.; de SOUZA, C.S.; GARCIA, A.C.B. Semiotic framework for multi-user interfaces. 24 p. Please contact 97_05_cunha CUNHA, C.K.V.; de SOUZA, C.S. The role of explanation systems in multiagent applications. 8 p. Please contact 97_06_furtado FURTADO, A.L.; CIARLINI, A.E.M. Plots of narratives over temporal databases. 12 p. Please contact 97_07_ciarlini CIARLINI, A.E.M.; FURTADO, A.L.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Modelando enredos de narrativas com planos. 22 p. Please contact 97_08_milidiu MILIDIÚ, R.L.; LABER, E.S. Some bounds on the redundancy of lenght-restricted prefix. 12 p. Please contact 97_09_furtado FURTADO, A.L. Combinando programação funcional com programação em lógica. 21 p. Please contact 97_10_leite LEITE, J.C.S.P.; de SOUZA, C.S. A framework for the semiotic engineering of user interface languages. 12 p. Please contact 97_11_desouza de SOUZA, C.S.; LEITE, J.C.P.S. Projeto de interfaces de usuários. 62 p. Please contact 97_12_desouza de SOUZA, C.S. Supporting end-user programming with explanatory discourse. 5 p. Please contact 97_13_frias FRIAS, M.F.; HAEBERER, A.M.; VELOSO, P.A.S. A finite axiomatization for fork algebras. 11 p. Please contact 97_14_fontoura FONTOURA, M.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Um ambiente para modelagem e execucão de processos. 17 p. Please contact 97_15_braga BRAGA, C.O.; STAA, A.v.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. A hybrid architecture for documentation production. 17 p. Please contact 97_16_fiorini FIORINI, S.T.; LEITE, J.C.S.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Descrição de padrões de processo em um ambiente automatizado para a modelagem de processos. 16 p. Please contact 97_17_lifschitz LIFSCHITZ, S.; LIMA, I.N. O ambiente de integração SGBD e Web. 28 p. Please contact 97_18_lifschitz LIFSCHITZ, S.; LIMA, I.N. Modelos de conectividade SGBD e Web Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 36 p. Please contact 97_19_fuks FUKS, H.; TAROUCO, L. Chaining CU-SeeMe reflectors: the SBRC'96 experiment. 10 p. Please contact 97_20_fuks FUKS, H.; LAUFER, C. Cooperative administration of a public CU-SeeMe reflector. 7 p. Please contact 97_21_garcia GARCIA, A.V.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; HAEBERER, A.M. A semantic approach to the solution of the legacy code problem. 18 p. Please contact 97_22_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On simpler (equational) presentations for fork algebras and their relational reducts. 22 p. Please contact 97_23_silva SILVA, S.R.P.; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; de SOUZA, C.S. Communicatong different perspectives on extensible software. 17 p. Please contact 97_24_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R.; CRUZ, S.O.; OLIVEIRA, T.C. State dependent behavior in the ARTS project. 12 p. Please contact 97_25_feijo FEIJO, B. Virtual environments for CAD systems. 18 p. Please contact 97_26_almeida ALMEIDA, E.S.; MAFFEO, B. Especificao de estruturas conceituais basicas atraves de redes de Petri compactas. 45 p. Please contact 97_27_rosseti ROSSETI, I.C.M. Balanceamento de carga em ambientes distribuídos. 10 p. Please contact 97_28_ferreira FERREIRA, S.B.L.; LEITE, J.C.S.P.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; MELO, R.N. Requisitos não funcionais para interfaces com o usuário - um estudo do aspecto cor. 15 p. Please contact 97_29_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. DDL: an object oriented design description language. 20 p. Please contact 97_30_barbosa CARVALHO, S.E.R. DDL: an object oriented design description language. 20 p. Please contact 97_31_workshop WORKSHOP DE PESQUISAS DO DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA (1996: Rio de Janeiro, RJ). Resumo dos trabalhos. 52 p. Please contact 97_32_andrade ANDRADE, A.M.S.; VELOSO, P.A.S. Uma modelagem lógica do processo de desenvolvimento de software. 24 p. Please contact 97_33_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; LABER, E.S. Improved bounds on the inefficiency of lenght-restricted prefix codes. 22 p. Please contact 97_34_poggi ARAGÃO, M.V.S.P.; UCHOA, E. The gamma connected assignment problem. 17 p. Please contact 97_35_gomes GOMES, P.C.R.; FEIJÓ, B.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Reactivity and pro-activeness in virtual prototyping. 10 p. Please contact 97_36_moura MOURA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Ambiente visual spider para desenvolvimento de aplicacões para a Internet. 17 p. Please contact 97_37_modiano MODIANO, M.R. OPS: um subsistema extensível e configurável de armazenamento de objetos persistentes. 16 p. Please contact 97_38_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On some connections between Logic and Computer Science. 25 p. Please contact 97_39_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; LABER, E. S.; PESSOA, A.A. Improved analysis of FGK algorithms. 14 p. Please contact 97_40_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Logic and Computer Science: logical specifications. 37 p. Please contact 97_41_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Computer Science and Logic: fork algebras. 41 p. Please contact 97_42_antunes UCHOA, E.M.A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; MELO, R.N. HEROS: um sistema de bancos de dados heterogêneos usando CORBA. 42 p. Please contact 97_44_almeida ALMEIDA,E.S.; MAFFEO, B. Especificacao de estruturas conceituais basicas atraves da logica de predicados. 19 p. Please contact 97_45_lucena LUCENA, C.J.P.; FUKS, H.; MILIDIU, R.; MACEDO, L.T.; SANTOS, N.; LAUFER, C.; FONTOURA, M.F.; NEVES, P.; CRESPO, S.; CARDIA, E. E.; TORRES, V. AulaNet TM Um ambiente para desenvolvimento emanutencao de cursos na WWW. 16 p. Please contact 97_46_moura MOURA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A. A spider environment. 25 p. Please contact 97_47_silva SILVA, S.R.P.; de SOUZA, C.S.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. A communicative approach to end-user programming languages. 25 p. Please contact: =================================================================================== 98_01_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; VELOSO, S.R.M.; FIADEIRO, J.L. On families of specifications over a II-Institution: modularity in formal stepwise development. 30 p. Please contact 98_02_milidiu MILIDIU, R.; PESSOA, A.A.; LABER, E.S. A space-economical algorithm for minimum-redundancy coding. 22 p. Please contact 98_03_rodriguez RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; CERQUEIRA, R. Dynamic configuration with CORBA components. 15 p. Please contact 98_04_laufer LAUFER, C.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Rio internet TV AulaNet: video conferencia em Web-based learning. 14 p. Please contact 98_05_choren CHOREN, R.; BLOIS, M.; FUKS, H. QUEST-an assessment tool for Web-based learning. 7 p. Please contact 98_06_blois BLOIS, M.; CHOREN, R.; FUKS, H. CLEW - a cooperative learning environment for the Web. 7 p. Please contact 98_08_schwabe SCHWABE, D.; PONTES, R.A. OOHDM-WEB: Rapid prototyping of hypermedia applications in the Web. 15 p. Please contact 98_09_schwabe SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G.; GARRIDO, A. Designing web information systems. 19 p. Please contact 98_10_barroso BARROSO, N.G.; SCHWABE, D. Projeto de navegacao em aplicativos hipermidia orientado ao usuario. 19 p. Please contact 98_11_schwabe SCHWABE, D.; ROSSI, G.; GARRIDO, A. Reutilizacao de projetos em aplicacao hipermidia. 13 p. Please contact 98_12_moura MOURA, A.L.; ISHIKAWA, E.; LIMA, M.E.; RODRIGUEZ, N. Aplicacoes de gerencia extensiveis. 19 p. Please contact 98_13_crespo CRESPO, S.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A framework development method using viewpoints and the views-a relationship in the OO design. 10 p. Please contact 98_14_crespo CRESPO, S.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.L. AulaNetTM: An object-oriented environment for Web-based education. 16 p. Please contact 98_15_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Some constructions on categories related to fork and projection algebras. 18 p. Please contact 98_16_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; LABER, E.S.; PESSOA, A.A. A work efficient parallel algorithm for constructing Huffman codes. 12 p. Please contact 98_17_alencar ALENCAR, P.; COWAN, D.D.; CRESPO, S.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using viewpoints to drive a conceptual model for web-based education environments. 24 p. Please contact 98_18_alencar ALENCAR, P.; COWAN, D.; CRESPO, S.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. OwlNet: an object-oriented environment for WBE. 11 p. Please contact 98_19_braga BRAGA, C.O.; STAA, A.v.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Documentu: a flexible architecture for documentation production based on a reverse engineering strategy. 22 p. Please contact 98_20_laber LABER, E.S.; MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Improving the complexity of the WARM-UP algorithm. 17 p. Please contact 98_21_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R. Mediator-based object-oriented frameworks. 11 p. Please contact 98_22_porto PORTO, F.A.M.; SILVA, M.J.V.; CARVALHO, S.E.R. Object life-cycles in active relational databases. 11 p. Please contact 98_23_lima LIMA, M.J.D.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; SILVA, M.V. An object-oriented framework for pattern assistants. 20 p. Please contact 98_24_andreatta ANDREATTA, A.A.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; RIBEIRO, C.C. An object-oriented framework for local search heuristics. 13 p. Please contact 98_25_carvalho CARVALHO, S.E.R.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Module interconnection features in object-oriented development tools. 12 p. Please contact 98_26_silva SILVA, M.J.V.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; KAPSON, J. Patterns for layered object-oriented applications. 10 p. Please contact 98_27_costa COSTA, H.A.X.; MAFFEO, B.; SANCHEZ, M.L.A. SAME - Prototipo de um sistema para apoio a modelagem da essencia baseado no reuso em larga escala. 17 p. Please contact 98_28_braga BRAGA, C.O.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MOURA, L.M. Using domain specific languages to instantiate OO frameworks. 21 p. Please contact 98_29_rosseti ROSSETI, I.C.M.; RODRIGUEZ, N. Balanceamento de carga em uma implementacao distribuida do problema dos N-Corpos. 44 p. Please contact 98_30_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Towards a methodology for extracting programs and solutions from constructive proofs. 21 p. Please contact 98_31_crespo CRESPO, S.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Ambientes para educacao baseada na Web e o modelo IMS/EDUCOM. 19 p. Please contact 98_32_franca FRANCA, L.P.A.; STAA, A.v.; LUCENA, C.J.P.L. Medicao de software para pequenas empresas: uma solucao baseada na Web. 23 p. Please contact 98_33_fontoura FONTOURA, M.F.M.L.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The hot-spot relationship in OO framework design. 10 p. Please contact 98_34_ crespo CRESPO, S.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MOURA, L.M. ALADIN: an architecture for learningware applications design and instatiation. 18 p. Please contact 98_35_fontoura FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A framework design and instantiation method. 36 p. Please contact 98_36_albuquerque ALBUQUERQUE, A.L.P., Texturas em computacao grafica. 29 p. Please contact 98_37_paiva PAIVA, A.C., RODRIGUEZ, N.; GATTASS, M. Tecnicas paralelas de renderin; 70 p. Please contact 98_38_vidal VIDAL, M.E.F.; MAFFEO, B. Metodo para mapeamento e avaliacao de processos organizacionais. 23 p. Please contact 98_39_crespo CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v. Um meta-ambiente para suporte a construcao sistematica de frameworks. 13 p. Please contact 98_40_carvalho CARVALHO, S.; LERNER, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S. An application framework for the parallel join operation in database systems. 17 p. Please contact 98_41_porto PORTO, F.A.M.; SILVA, M.J.V.; CARVALHO, S.; MELO, R.N. Persistent ojbject synchronization with active relational databases. 14 p. Please contact 98_42_crespo CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v. FrameConstructor: um ferramenta para suporte a construcao sistematica de frameworks. 45 p. Please contact 98_43_lucena LUCENA, C.J.P.; FUKS, H.; MILIDIU, R.L.; LAUFER, C.; BLOIS, M.; CHOREN, R.; TORRES, V.; DAFLON, L. AulaNet: ajundando professores a fazer seu dever de casa. 12 p. Please contact 98_44_scuri SCURI, A.E.; SZENBERG, F.; SOUZA, C.S. Estudo de usabilidade do microsoft visual C++. 12 p. Please contact 98_45_carneiro CARNEIRO, M.M.; VILAIN, P.; RENTERIA, R.P. Avaliação da usabilidade do programa para Imposto de Renda (IRPF98). 53 p. Please contact 98_46_blois BLOIS, M.; CHOREN, R. Avaliacao sobre a interface do White Pine CU-SeeMe,v. 3.1. 35 p. Please contact 98_47_guellbarroso GUELL BARROSO, N.; SOUSA, M.V.V. Teste de usabilidade de software - um estudo de caso. 41 p. Please contact 98_48_ciarlini CIARLINI, A.E.M.; FURTADO, A.L. The plan recognition / plan generation. 13 p. Please contact 98_49_plastino PLASTINO, A.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Uma taxonomia de algoritmos de balanceamento de carga para aplicacoes SPMD. 33 p. Please contact 98_50_cysneiros CYSNEIROS, L.M.; MACEDO-SOARES, T.D.L.v.A.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Using ISO 9000 to elicit business rules. 12 p. Please contact 98_51_lucena LUCENA, C.J.P. (coord.); CRESPO, S.; LIMA, F.; Fontoura, M.F.; PORTO, F.; COLCHER, S.; (eds.) 1o. Workshop Pronex sobre Frameworks. 70 p. Please contact 98_52_aragao ARAGAO, M.V.S.P.; PALMEIRA, M.M. Tabu serach and strong cutting planes for the flow shop scheduling problem. 8 p. Please contact 98_53_uchoa UCHOA, E.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P. Vertex-disjoint packing of two Steiner trees: polyhedra and branch-and-cut. 13 p. Please contact ============================================================================== 99_01_lerner LERNER, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P. An online approach for parallel join algorithms analysis. 12 p. Please contact 99_02_cassino CASSINO, C.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L. LuaJava - scripting tool for Java. 8 p. Please contact 99_03_paiva PAIVA, A.C.; SEIXAS, R.B.; GATTASS, M. Introducao a visualizacao volumetrica. 146 p. Please contact 99_04_paiva PAIVA, A.C.; GOMES, J. Visualizacao volumetrica em multiresolucao. 84 p. Please contact 99_05_schmidt SCHMIDT, A.E.F.; GATTASS, M.; CARVALHO, P.C.P. Combined 3D visualization of volume data and polygonal surfaces using a shear-warp algorithm. 25 p. Please contact 99_06_riveraescriba RIVERA ESCRIBA, L.A.; CARVALHO, P.C.P.; VELHO, L. Modelagem e manipulacao de objetos de geometria complexa. 38 p. Please contact 99_07_braganca BRAGANCA, R.C.M.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; PEREIRA, L.C. A new cut-free sequent calculus for S5. 23 p. Please contact 99_08_silva SILVA, A.R. Pequi: uma implementacao de PKIK para comuncacoes seguras. 73 p. Please contact 99_09_cafezeiro CAFEZEIRO, I.L.; HAEUSLER, H.E. Programming language syntax: expressing sharing. 30 p. Please contact 99_10_desouza de SOUZA, C.S. Semiotics engineering principles for evaluating end-user programming environments. 23 p. Please contact 99_11_desouza de SOUZA, C.S.; PRATES, R.O.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. A method for evaluating software communicability. 10 p. Please contact 99_12_uchoa UCHOA, E.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P. Vertex-disjoint packing of two Steiner trees: polyhedra and branch-and-cut implementation issues. 23 p. Please contact 99_13_fiorini FIORINI, S.T.; LEITE, J.C.S.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Describing process patterns. 16 p. Please contact 99_14_castilho CASTILHO, R.T.L., comp. e org. Catalogo de teses e dissertacoes do Departamento de Informatica 1992-1998. 33 p. Please contact 99_15_batista BATISTA, T.V.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L. Configuracao de aplicacoes baseadas em CORBA. 23 p. Please contact 99_16_lima LIMA, F.; TANAKA, A.; MELO, R.N. Integracao de regras ativas e dedutivas no paradigma de orientacao a objetos. 20 p. Please contact 99_17_cunha CUNHA, C.V.K.; QUENTAL, V.; de SOUZA, C.S.; SCHWABE, D. End user programming model for workflow web based systems. 18 p. Please contact 99_18_lima LIMA, F.; CASANOVA, M.A.; MELO, R.N. Revistando tecnicas de banco de dados no contexto da Web. 12 p. Please contact 99_19_lima LIMA, F.; MELO, R.N. Consultas em sistemas gerenciados de bases de dados heterogeneos. 12 p. Please contact 99_20_riveraescriba RIVERA ESCRIBA, L.A.; MENEZES, I.F.M.; CARVALHO, F.P. Modelagem e dinamica de estruturas articuladas para propositos de animacao em Computacao Grafica. 29 p. Please contact 99_21_bergmann BERGMANN, U.; SANT'ANNA, M.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Transformation circuit visual designer: an interface for component-based development. 30 p. Please contact 99_22_barbosa BARBOSA, C.A.M.; FEIJO, B.; DREUX, M.; BENTO, J.; MELO, R.N.; SCHEER, S. Distributed data model for collaborative CAD environments based on design history. 16 p. Please contact 99_23_szwarcman SZWARCMAN, D.; FEIJO, B.; COSTA, M. A framework for network emotional characters. 12 p. Please contact 99_24_plastino PLASTINO, A.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Uma ferramenta de aplicacoes SPMD com suporte para balanceamento de carga. 49 p. Please contact 99_25_ripper RIPPER, P.S.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; MAIA NETO, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. V-Market: a framework for agent mediated e-commerce systems based on virtual marketplaces. 13 p. Please contact 99_26_fontoura FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A systematic approach for framework development. 35 p. Please contact 99_27_baruque BARUQUE, C.B.; MELO, R.N. Estendendo um banco de dados relacional extensivel para aplicacoes OLAP. 24 p. Please contact 99_28_baruque BARUQUE, C.B.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Auditoria em data warehousing. 34 p. Please contact 99_29_barbosa BARBOSA, A.C.P.; MELO, R.N. Usando SGBDH para acessar e disponibilizar informacoes na Web. 29 p. Please contact 99_30_barbosa BARBOSA, A.C.P.; TANAKA, A.K. SGBDH como integrador de informacoes ambientais heterogeneas. 37 p. Please contact 99_31_silva SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. ContentNet; um framework para interoperabilidade de conteudos educacionais utilizando a plataforma EDUCAUSE-MS. 13 p. Please contact 99_32_uchoa UCHOA, E.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Preprocessing Steiner problems from VLSI layout. 20 p. Please contact 99_33_baruque BARUQUE, C.B.; FEIJO, B. Um estudo sobre a integracao das areas de mineracao de dados e visualizacao de dados. 38 p. Please contact 99_34_fontoura FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ANDREATTA, A.A.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Using UML-FW to enhance framework development: a case study in the local search heuristics domain. 13 p. Please contact ================================================================================== 00_01_assis ASSIS, R.L.; FUKS, H. Um framework conceitual de percepcao para ambientes virtuais utilizando a tecnologia groupware. 38 p. Please contact 00_02_barbosa BARBOSA, A.C.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Integracao de frameworks de software. 25 p. Please contact 00_03_hansen HANSEN, P.; CHAUNY, F.; ARAGAO, M.P.; JAUMARD, B.; PERRON, S. Probabilistic satisfiability with imprecise probabilities. 9 p. Please contact 00_04_cunha CUNHA, C.K.V.; QUENTAL, V.S.T.D.B.; de SOUZA, C.S.; SCHWABE, D. A model for extensible Web based information intensive task oriented systems. 33 p. Please contact 00_05_lemos LEMOS, M.; CASANOVA, M.A. Algoritmos para analises de sequencias. 73 p. Please contact 00_06_moura MOURA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Analysis of parallel programs. 12 p. Please contact 00_07_moura MOURA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; HAEUSLER, E.H. A modular implementation of action notation. 15 p. Please contact 00_08_moura MOURA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Automating the generation of program analysis and verification tools. 39 p. Please contact 00_09_silveira SILVEIRA, M.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; MONTEIRO, C.C.O.; de SOUZA, C.S. The role of designer-generated scenarios in developing web applications in their help systems. 13 p. Please contact 00_10_lima LIMA, M.J.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Funcoes remotas com valores de primeira classe em um sistema de objetos distribuidos. 11 p. Please contact 00_11_fuks FUKS, H. Aprendizagem e trabalho cooperativo no ambiente AulaNet. 20 p. Please contact 00_12_vilain VILAIN, P.; SCHWABE, D.; de SOUZA, C.S. Use cases and scenarios in conceptual design of Web applications. 12 p. Please contact 00_13_silveira SILVEIRA, M.S.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Frameworks para as interfaces de busca e catalogacao de conteudo de ContentNet. 26 p. Please contact 00_14_carneiro CARNEIRO, M.M.; VELHO, L. Um estudo de algoritmos para visualizacao simultanea de dados volumetricos e superficies poligonais. 54 p. Please contact 00_15_carneiro CARNEIRO, M.M.; MARTHA, L.F.R. Visualizacao interativa 3D de dados volumetricos. 47 p. Please contact 00_16_carneiro CARNEIRO, M.M.; GATTASS, M. Metodos de aceleracao de rendering de volumes. 35 p. Please contact 00_17_lucena LUCENA, C.J.P.; FUKS, H., BLOIS, M.; CHOREN, R.; ASSIS, R.L.; ROBICHEZ, G. Tecnologia de informacao aplicada a Educacao: um (meta) curso no ambiente AulaNet. 9 p. Please contact 00_18_oliveira OLIVEIRA, T.C.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. DSSFrame - a decision support system framework with agents. 28 p. Please contact 00_19_markiewicz MARKICWICZ, M.E.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; COWAN, D. Taming access control security: extending capabilities using views relationship. 25 p. Please contact 00_20_blois BLOIS, M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The e-society groupware approach. 12 p. Please contact 00_21_maia MAIA NETO, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. CommercePipe: a framework for the creation of commerce channels on the Internet. 11 p. Please contact 00_22_chavez CHAVEZ, C.v.F.G.; CRUZ, C.O.; CARVALHO, S.E.R. An action semantics for the D2L design description language. 18 p. Please contact 00_23_werneck WERNECK, R.F.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C. Sorting methods for small arrays. 14 p. Please contact 00_24_franca FRANCA, L.P.; STAA, A.v. A construction process for artifact generators using a CASE tool. 9 p. Please contact 00_25_choren CHOREN, R., FUKS, H., LUCENA, C.J.P. Using a group support system to meet educational objectives. 11 p. Please contact 00_26_sauerbronn SAUERBRONN, L.E.; FEIJO, B.; DREUX, M. Transparent video watermarking. 13 p. Please contact 00_27_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Qualitative reasoning with 'generally': a logical approach - Part I. 25 p. Please contact 00_28_peixoto PEIXOTO, A.; GATTASS, M. Reconstrucao de superficies a partir de secoes bidimensionais. 25 p. Please contact 00_29_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Qualitative reasoning with 'generally': a logical approach - Part II. 33 p. Please contact 00_30_ururahy URURAHY, C.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. ALua: an event-driven communication mechanism for parallel and distributed programming. 26 p. Please contact 00_31_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; CUNHA, L.M. Avaliacao em IBW (Instrucao Baseada na Web). 31 p. Please contact 00-32_gerosa GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Categorizacao de mensagens nos servicos grupo de discussao e grupo de interesse do ambiente AulaNet. 13 p. Please contact 00_33_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Qualitative reasoning with 'generally': a logical approach - Part III. 38 p. Please contact 00_34_peixoto PEIXOTO, A.; CARVALHO, P.C.P. Esqueletos de objetos volumetricos. 26 p. Please contact 00_35_peixoto PEIXOTO, A.; VELHO, L. Transformadas de distancia. 30 p. Please contact 00_36_silveira SILVEIRA, M.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; de SOUZA, C.S. Getting users to understand designers via help systems. 13 p. Please contact 00_37_milidiu MILIDIU, R.; PESSOA, A.A.; LABER, E.S. Pipeline transportation of petroleum products. 23 p. Please contact 00_38_markiewicz MARKIEWICZ, M.E.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Understanding objetc-oriented framework engineering. 11 p. Please contact 00_39_braga BRAGA, C.O.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; MESEGUER, J.; MOSSES, P. Maude action tool: using reflection to map action semantics to rewriting logic. 29 p. Please contact 00_40_zonenschein ZONENSCHEIN, R.; GOMES, J.; VELHO, L.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Towards interactivity on texturing implicit surfaces: a distributed approach. 7 p. Please contact 00_41_furtado FURTADO, A.L.; CIARLINI, A.E.M. Aiding the construction of libraries of typical plans. 32 p. Please contact 00_42_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. Ultrafilter logic has interpolation and related properties. 11 p. Please contact 00_43_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S., TOSCANI, L.V. On the time complexity of divide-and-conquer algorithms. 15 p. Please contact 00_44_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On a logical approach to qualitative reasoning with 'several'. 17 p. Please contact 00_45_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On a logic for qualitative reasoning with 'most' and 'typical'. 19 p. Please contact 00_46_markiewicz MARKIEWICZ, M.E.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; COWAN, D.D. Abstract design views and design patterns. 28 p. Please contact 00_47_rosseti ROSSETI, I.C.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; UCHOA, E.; WERNECK, R.F. Instancias para o problema de Steiner em grafos. 19 p. Please contact ================================================================================ 01_01_casanova CASANOVA, M.A.; LEMOS, M. Optimized buffer management for nucleotide databases. 21 p. Please contact 01_02_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On some meanings of 'generally' and 'rarely'. 11 p. Please contact 01_03_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On some postulates for 'generally' and 'rarely'. 16 p. Please contact 01_04_veloso VELOSO, P.A.S. On some logics for qualitative reasoning about 'generally'. 20 p. Please contact 01_05_renteria RENTERIA, R. APLS: a fast approximate algorithm for partial least-squares. 15 p. Please contact 01_06_abelem ABELEM, A.J.G.; STANTON, M.A.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L. QoS fim a fim atraves da combinacao entre servicos integrados e servicos diferenciados. 17 p. Please contact 01_07_rosseti ROSSETI, I.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; UCHOA, E.; WERNECK, R.F. New benchmark instances for the Steiner problem in graphs. 6 p. Please contact 01_08_medina MEDINA, M.T.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; SOARES, L.F.G. Automatic scheduling of hypermedia documents with elastic times. 20 p. Please contact 01_09_silva SILVA, O.R.; GARCIA, A.F., LUCENA, C.J.P. Achieving system-level and agent-level dependability in multi- agent systems. 15 p. Please contact 01_10_gerosa GEROSA, M.A., FUKS, H., LUCENA, C.J.P. Uso da categorizacao e estruturacao de mensagens para dinamizar a discussao e reduzir a sobrecarga de informacao em cursos via internet. 17 p. Please contact 01_11_fuks FUKS, H.; GREROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. The development and application of distance learning courses on the internet. 14 p. Please contact 01_12_gerosa GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Desenvolvimento e aplicacao de cursos totalmente a distancia na internet - um estudo de caso - . 17 p. Please contact 01_13_silveira SILVEIRA, M.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. Revelando as afordances do designer via sistemas de help e interjeicoes de comunicabilidade. 41 p. Please contact 01_14_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MILIDIU, R.L. An aspect-oriented design approach for multi- agent systems. 19 p. Please contact 01_15_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; PESSOA, A.A.; LABER, E.S. On-line pipeline transportation of petroleum products with no due dates. 24 p. Please contact 01_16_cortes CORTES, S.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Um framework de regras ativas para sistemas de gerencia de banco de dados distribuido. 25 p. Please contact 01_17_silveira SILVEIRA, M.S.; SOUZA, C.S. Analise comparativa de help online como fonte para a avaliacao heuristica destes sistemas. 42 p. Please contact 01_18_barroso BARROSO, N.G.; SCHWABE, D.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. Metodo de avaliacao de usabilidade na web baseado em modelos e padroes de comportamento. 20 p. Please contact 01_19_rodrigues RODRIGUES, R.F., BACHELET, B. MAHEY, P. SOARES, L.F.G. Elastic time computation for hypermedia documents. 17 p. Please contact 01_20_seibel SEIBEL, L.F.B. A genome databases framework. 20 p. Please contact 01_21_mathias MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Uma proposta para a incorporacao do modelo de features a linguagem UML. 17 p. Please contact 01_22_oliveira OLIVEIRA, T.C.; MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A framework based approach for workflow software development. 8 p. Please contact 01_23_mathias MATHIAS FILHO, I.; OLIVEIRA, T.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Domain oriented framework construction. 16 p. Please contact 01_24_oliveira OLIVEIRA, T.C.; MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using XLM and frameworks to develop information systems. 11 p. Please contact 01_25_muchaluat MUCHALUAT-SAADE, D.C.; COLCHER, S.; SOARES, L.F.G. Relacoes de sincronizacao espaco-temporal hipermidia tambem merecem status de primeira classe. 18 p. Please contact 01_26_silveira SILVEIRA, M.S.; DIAS, M.C.; QUENTAL, V. Estudos preliminares para composicao de conteudo de help atraves de interjeicoes de comunicabilidade. 46 p. Please contact 01_27_castilho CASTILHO, R.T.L.; GARCIA, A.H. Theses and dissertations presented to the Departamento de Informatica of PUC-Rio from 1969 - 2000. 206 p. Please contact 01_28_costa COSTA, R.L.C.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Uma proposta de arquitetura de SGBD baseado em agentes para auto-sintonia de indices. 30 p. Please contact 01_29_chavez CHAVEZ, C.F.G.; GARCIA, A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P. From AOP to MDSOC: an experience report. 19 p. Please contact 01_30_silva SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Um modelo orientado a objetos para sistemas multi-agentes. 14 p. Please contact 01_31_pinheiro PINHEIRO, S.; VELHO, L.; GATTASS, M. A virtual memory system for real-time visualization of multi-resolution 2D objects. 8 p. Please contact 01_32_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; PESSOA, A.A. Complexidade de problemas de planejamento de distribuicao em oleodutos. 13 p. Please contact 01_33_cortes CORTES, M.; FONTOURA, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using refactoring and unification rules to assist framework evolution. 9 p. Please contact 01_34_moura MOURA, A.L.; URURAHY, C.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G.; RODRIGUEZ, N. Dynamic support for nonfunctional requirements in distributed applications. 17 p. Please contact 01_35_cortes CORTES, S.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Um framework para construcao de sistemas de bancos de dados movel. 17 p. Please contact 01_36_montenegro MONTENEGRO, A.A.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Um algoritmo randomizado para o problema de determinacao do corte s - t minimo em grafos direcionados. 42 p. Please contact 01_37_montenegro MONTENEGRO, A.A.; CARVALHO, P.C.P. Algoritmos de fluxo maximo para o problema de correspondencia em visao estereo. 55 p. Please contact 01_38_montenegro MONTENEGRO, A.A.; GATTASS, M. Determinacao de superficies de profundidade atraves de visao estereo. 48 p. Please contact 01_39_cruz CRUZ, S.O.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; RANGEL, J.L.M. Identificando objetos atraves de pronomes. 26 p. Please contact 01_40_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; CHAVEZ, C.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Developing multi-agent software: an aspect_based approach and a pattern_based approach. 16 p. Please contact 01_41_cunha CUNHA, L.M.; GARCIA, A.F.; ASSIS, R.L.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. O " acompanhamento da participacao" e avaliacao no ambiente AulaNet. 8 p. Please contact 01_42_moura MOURA, M.A.M.; ENDLER, M. An infrastructure for management of fault tolerant CORBA applications. 21 p. Please contact ================================================================================= 02_01_porto LABER, E.S.; PORTO, F.A.M.; VALDURIEZ, P.; GUARINO, R. Cherry picking: a data-dependency driven strategy for the distributed evaluation of expensive predicates. 24 p. Please contact 02_02_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; PESSOA, A.A.; LABER, E.S. Complexity of makespan minimization for pipeline transportation of petroleum products. 13 p. Please contact 02_03_carasso CARASSO, F.; STAA, A.v. Utilizando JNI para Adicionar implementacao nativa C ou C++ a programas JAVA. 32 p. Please contact 02_04_paula PAULA, M.G.; SILVEIRA, M.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. Sistema de explicacao para o processo de matricula da pos-graduacao do Departamento de Informatica da PUC-Rio. 28 p. Please contact 02_05_silva SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Multi-level role modeling in multi-agent systems. 14 p. Please contact 02_06_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; RIBEIRO, P.C. An object-oriented framework for building software agents. 10 p. Please contact 02_07_lucena LUCENA, C.J.P.; FUKS, H. Tecnologias de Informacao Aplicadas a Educacao (TIAE): manual do aprendiz. 13 p. Please contact 02_08_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; CASANOVA, M.A. A fault-tolerance in distributed tuplespaces. 20 p. Please contact 02_09_silva SILVA, A.C.; CARVALHO, P.C.P.; GATTASS, M. Visualization of density variation in lung nodules. 13 p. Please contact 02_10_cortes CORTES, S.C.; PORCARO, R.M.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Mineracao de dados - funcionalidades, tecnicas e abordagens. 35 p. Please contact 02_11_cortes CORTES, S.C.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Sistemas de gerencia de banco de dados baseados em agentes para um ambiente de computacao movel. 30 p. Please contact 02_12_goni GONI, J.L.; FERNANDES, M.C.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P. e_Learning e a web semantica. 18 p. Please contact 02_13_goni GONI, J.L.; MILIDIU, R.L. Agentes de software para auxiliar ao professor na busca de conteudos educacionais no padrao IMS. 19 p. Please contact 02_14_goni GONI, J.L.; FUKS, H. Comparacao de ambientes de ensino na Web baseados em plataforma IMS a partir dos papeis dos atores envolvidos. 24 p. Please contact 02_15_ayres AYRES, F.V.M.; PORTO, F.A.M.; BARBOSA, A.C.P.; MELO, R.N. Um framework para construcao de maquina de execucao de consultas. 15 p. Please contact 02_16_renteria RENTERIA, C.J.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; VELOSO, P.A.S. NUL: deducao natural para logica de ultrafiltros. 28 p. Please contact 02_17_fuks FUKS,H.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GEROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. O modelo de colaboracao 3C e a engenharia de groupware. 16 p. Please contact 02_18_silva SILVA, G.M.H.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; VELOSO, P.A.S. Constructive program synthesis in imperative language using intuitionist logic and natural deduction. 19 p. Please contact 02_19_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; OMICINI, A.; CASTRO, J.; ZAMBONELLI, F. Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems SELMAS 2002: workshop report. 19 p. Please contact 02_20_macedo MACEDO, L.M.; FURTADO, A.L. PlotDBase-integracao de narrativas e dados de aplicativos na forma de enredos para descoberta de conhecimento. 23 p. Please contact 02_21_felix FELIX, M.F.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; SOARES, L.F.G. Validating hypermidia documents: a timed automata approach. 15 p. Please contact 02_22_amaral AMARAL, F.N.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; ENDLER, M. A real-time specification language. 12 p. Please contact 02_23_mamanimacedo MAMANI MACEDO, N.A.; LEITE, J.C.S.P.; MACEDO-SOARES, T.D.L.v.A. Building a strategic oriented corporate memory. 28 p. Please contact 02_24_silva SILVA, O.; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, J.C.P. The reflective blackboard pattern. 21 p. Please contact 02_25_carvalho CARVALHO, G.R.; STAA, A.v. Estudo e analise do processo de desenvolvimento e de ferramentas associados a ebXML. 37 p. Please contact 02_26_coelho COELHO, T.A.S.; ENDLER, M. Ambientes de suporte a colaboracao em redes moveis. 50 p. Please contact 02_27_leite LEITE, M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Introducing object circuits. 18 p. Please contact 02_28_coelho COELHO, T.A.S., CASANOVA, M.A. Linguagens para especificacao de workflows. 43 p Please contact 02_29_brandao BRANDAO, A.A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Uma introducao a engenharia de ontologias no contexto da Web Semantica. 16 p. Please contact 02_30_silva SILVA, V.T.; GARCIA, A.F.; BRANDAO, A.A.F.; CHAVEZ, C.v.F.G.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P.S.C. Theoretical foundations for agents and objects in software engineering. 21 p. Please contact 02_31_furtado FURTADO, A.L.; CIARLINI, A.E.M. Cognitive and affective motivation in conceptual modelling. 30 p. Please contact 02_32_cunha CUNHA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P., eds. PRONEX MOBILE 2002 - frameworks e tecnologia de software: metodos, ferramentas e solucoes de dominio especifico. 61 p. Please contact ================================================================================ 03_01_pimentel PIMENTEL, M.G.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Perdas de co-texto em sistemas de bate papo textual. 12 p. Please contact 03_02_ferreira FERREIRA, F.; LUCENA, J.C.P.; SCHWABE, D. Peer-To-Peer architectures using Asynchronous Web services. 14 p. Please contact 03_03_coelho COELHO, T.A.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. Usando um modelo de interacao para analise de aplicacoes WIMP: um estudo de caso. 35 p. Please contact 03_04_lemos LEMOS, M.; SEIBEL, L.F.B.; CASANOVA, M.A. Sistemas de anotacoes em biossequencias. 75 p. Please contact 03_05_lemos LEMOS, M.; BASILIO, A.; CASANOVA, M.A. Um estudo dos algoritmos de montagem de fragmentos de DNA. 42 p. Please contact 03_06_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; SANT'ANNA, C.N.; CHAVEZ, C.v.F.G.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v. Agents and objects: an empirical study on software engineering. 44 p. Please contact 03_07_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; RENTERIA, R.P. MKPLS: a multi-kernel based partial least-squares regression. 14 p. Please contact 03_08_silva SILVA, J.C.T.; FEIJO, B. Uma maquina de estados finitos para avaliacao de desempenho em um grupo de discussao on-lile. 15 p. Please contact 03_09_staa STAA, A.v. Arcabouco para automacao de testes de programas redigidos em C. 29 p. Please contact 03_10_pereira PEREIRA, L.A.M.; PORTO, F.A.M.; MELO, R.N. Objetos de aprendizado reutilizaveis (RLOs): conceitos, padronizacao, uso e armazenamento. 42 p. Please contact 03_11_pereira PEREIRA, L.A.M.; CASANOVA, M.A. Sistemas de gerencia de workflows: caracteristicas, distribuicao e excecoes. 33 p. Please contact 03_12_pereira PEREIRA, L.A.M.; MELO, R.N. Um ambiente de banco de dados para ensino a distancia baseado em workflow e objetos de aprendizado. 47 p. Please contact 03_13_staa STAA, A.v. Acompanhamento de projetos. 17 p. Please contact 03_14_ierusalimschy IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; FIGUEIREDO, L.H.; CELES, W. Lua 5.0 reference manual. 65 p. Please contact 03_15_silva SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Extending the UML sequence diagram to model the dynamic aspecs of multi-agent systems. 38 p. Please contact 03_16_siqueira SIQUEIRA, S.W.M.; BRAZ, M.H.L.B.; MELO, R.N. Developing learning objects through concepts and context. 11 p. Please contact 03_17_lemos LEMOS, M.; ARAGAO, M.V.S.P.; CASANOVA, M.A. Padroes em biossequencias. 72 p. Please contact 03_18_paula PAULA, M.G.; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Relating human-computer interaction and software engineering concerns: towards extending UML through an interaction modeling language. 9 p. Please contact 03_19_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MELLO, C.G. Introducing security into prefix-free encoding schemes. 10 p. Please contact 03_20_gerhardt GERHARDT, A.; MACHADO, M.; SILVA, P.M.C.; GATTASS, M. Two-dimensional opacity functions for improved volume rendering of seismic data. 4 p. Please contact 03_21_silva SILVA, P.M.C.; MACHADO, M.; GATTASS, M. 3D seismic volume rendering. 4 p. Please contact 03_22_haendchenfilho HAENDCHEN FILHO, A.; STAA, A.v.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A framework-based approach for building reliable multi-agent systems. 16 p. Please contact 03_23_pessoa PESSOA, A.A.; LABER, E.S.; SOUZA, C.P. On the worst case search in trees with hotlinks. 13 p. Please contact 03_24_silva SILVA, V.T.; NOYA, R.C. Using the MAS-ML to model a multi-agent system. 14 p. Please contact 03_25_laber LABER, E.S. A randomized competitive algorithm for evaluating priced. 14 p. Please contact 03_26_santanna SANTANNA, C.N.; GARCIA, A.F.; CHAVEZ, C.V.F.G.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v. On the reuse and maintenance of aspect-oriented software: an assessment framework. 16 p. Please contact 03_27_clua CLUA, E.W.G.; FEIJO, B.; CELESFILHO, W. Refracao e reflexo para sistemas de visualizacao em tempo real utilizando portais. 14 p. Please contact 03_28_clua CLUA, E.W.G.; DREUX, M.; FEIJO, B. Utilizacao de nailboards para otimizacao em visualizacao distribuida entre CPU/GPU utilizando relief texture mapping. 15 p. Please contact 03_29_clua CLUA, E.W.G.; FEIJO, B.; DREUX, M. Um metodo de avaliacao generico para sistemas de visualizacao baseados em imagens. 10 p. Please contact 03_30_mele MELE, A.; ENDLER, M. Um framework para a simulacao de redes moveis Ad hoc. 11 p. Please contact 03_31_garcia GARCIA, A.; SARDINHA, J.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; LEITE, J.; MILIDIU, R.; CASTRO, J.; ROMANOVSKY, A.; GRISS, M.; LEMOS, R.; PERINI, A. Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems SELMAS 2003: Workshop Report. 24 p. Please contact 03_32_cunha CUNHA, L.M.; BRANDAO, A.A.F.; ORLEAN, D.; ALBARELLO, A.B.; SCHROEDER, B.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Following up a case study for the semantic web. 7 p. Please contact 03_33_leite LEITE, J.C.S.P. ; DOOM, J.H. ; HADAD, G.D.S. ; KAPLAN, G.N. Using scenario inspections on different scenarios representations. 27 p. Please contact 03_34_kozovits KOZOVITS, L.E.; DREUX, M.; FEIJO, B. Um estudo para visualizacao de objetos com geometria dinamica em jogos multi-jogador. 20 p. Please contact 03_35_kozovits KOZOVITS, L.E.; MELO, R.N.; FEIJO, B. Um estudo do uso de SGBDs relacionais em arquiteturas de jogos multi-jogador. 24 p. Please contact 03_36_kozovits KOZOVITS, L.E.; FEIJO, B. Arquiteturas para jogos Massive Multiplayer. 17 p. Please contact 03_37_melo MELO, F.; CHOREN, R.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; BLOIS, M. Anagent deployment model based on omponents. 14 p. Please contact 03_38_pozzer POZZER, C.T.; FEIJO, B.; CIARLINI, A.E.M. Proposicao de um novo paradigma deconteudo para TV interativa. 38 p. Please contact 03_39_pozzer POZZER, C.T.; FURTADO, A.L.; CIARLINI, A.E.M. Agentes e emocoes em historias interativas. 30 p. Please contact 03_40_pozzer POZZER, C.T.; DREUX, M.; FEIJO, B. Representacao grafica de historias interativas. 28 p. Please contact 03_41_pessoa PESSOA, A.A.; LABER, E.S.; SOUZA, C.P. Efficient implementation of a hotlink assignment algorithm for web sites. 12 p. Please contact 03_42_gomes GOMES, A.T.A.; COULSON, G.; BLAIR, G.S.; SOARES, L.F.G. A component-based approach to the creation and deployment of network services in the programmable internet. 23 p. Please contact 03_43_baruque BARUQUE, L.B.; PORTO, F.; MELO, R.N. Towards an instructional design methodology based on learning objects. 7 p. Please contact 03_44_cortes CORTES, M.I.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A rule-based approach to framework evolution. 22 p. Please contact 03_45_staa STAA, A.v. Extensao do arcabouco para a automacao dos testes de programas redigidos em C. 27 p. Please contac 03_46_pimentel PIMENTEL, M.G.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Embutindo mecanismos de coordenacao em ferramentas de bate-papo. 16 p. Please contact 03_47_sayao SAYAO, M.; STAA, A.v.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Qualidade em requisitos. 31 p. Please contact 03_48_albuquerque ALBUQUERQUE, A.L.P.; VELHO, L. Togetherness through virtual worlds: how real can be that presence? 14 p. Please contact 03_49_albuquerque ALBUQUERQUE, A.L.P.; MELO, R.; VELHO, L. Connecting the presence's factors for guiding measurements. 10 p. Please contact 03_50_brauner BRAUNER, D.; BRANDAO, A.A.F.; CUNHA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Um estudo de caso para avaliacao do Knowledge Unified Process para o desenvolvimento de ontologias. 72 p. Please contact 03_51_silva SILVA, V.T.; NOYA, R.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. An UML based approach for modeling and implementing multi-agent systems. 10 p. Please contact 03_52_cunha CUNHA, L.M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Supporting groups and group formation through software agents in a web based learning environment. 23 p. Please contact 03_53_cunha CUNHA, L.M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Setting groups of learners using matchmaking agents. 6 p. Please contact 03_54_gerosa GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Analysis and design of awareness elements in collaborative digital environments: a case study in the AulaNet learning environment. 18 p. Please contact 03_55_santanna SANT'ANNA, C.N.; GARCIA, A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Evolucao de um sistema multi-agentes: implementando mobilidade em agentes de informacao. 12 p. Please contact 03_56_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; LIPORACE, F.S. Planning of pipeline oil transportation with interface restrictions is a difficult problem. 9 p. Please contact 03_57_santos SANTOS, I.H.F.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GATTASS, M. Finding solutions for effective collaboration in a heterogeneous industrial scenario. 9 p. Please contact ================================================================================ 04_01_fuks FUKS, H.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GEROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Applying the 3C model to groupware engineering. 33 p. Please contact 04_02_pessoa PESSOA, A.A. Planning the transportation of multiple commodities in bidirectional pipeline networks. 20 p. Please contact 04_03_lemos LEMOS, M.; SEIBEL, L.F.B.; CASANOVA, M.A. Functional requirements of biosequence annotation systems. 21 p. Please contact 04_04_moura MOURA, A.L.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Coroutines in Lua. 13 p. Please contact 04_05_rossetto ROSSEtTO, S.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Abstracoes para o desenvolvimento de aplicacoes distribuidas em ambientes com mobilidade. 14 p. Please contact 04_06_silva SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Modeling multi-agent systems. 11 p. Please contact 04_07_sardinha SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; GARCIA, A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MILIDIU, R.L. On the incorporation of learning in open multi-agent systems: a systematic approach. 17 p. Please contact 04_08_silva SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Extending UML to model multi-agent systems. 12 p. Please contact 04_09_paes PAES, R.B.; ALMEIDA, H.O.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P.S.C. Enforcing interaction protocols in multi-agent systems. 16 p. Please contact 04_10_longo LONGO, H.; ARAGAO, M.P.; UCHOA, E. Solving capacitated arc routing problems using a transformation to the CVRP. 12 p. Please contact 04_11_silva SILVA, R.J.M.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GATTASS, M. Grafo de cena e realidade virtual. 52 p. Please contact 04_12_sardinha SARDINHA, J.A.R.P. ; CHOREN, R.; MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, J.C.P. Engineering machine learning techniques into multi-agent systems. 28 p. Please contact 04_13_santos SANTOS, A.C.; LUCENA, A.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Solving diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problems in dense graphs. 10 p. Please contact 04_14_ribeiro RIBEIRO, C.C.; URRUTIA, S.A. An application of integer programming to playoff elimination in football championships. 11 p. Please contact 04_15_moura MOURA, A.L.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. Revisiting coroutines. 31 p. Please contact 04_16_vieira VIEIRA, C.E.C.; SOUZA, R.C ; RIBEIRO, C.C. Um estudo comparativo entre tres geradores de numeros aleatorios. 33 p. Please contact 04_17_santanna SANT'ANNA, C.N.; GARCIA, A.F.; KULESZA, U. ; LUCENA, C.J.P. ; STAA, A.v. Design patterns as aspects: a quantitative assessment. 17 p. Please contact 04_18_renteria RENTERIA, R.P.; MILIDIU, R.L. PLS based regression algorithms and their use in Multi-Agent. 11 p. Please contact 04_19_baruque BARUQUE, L.B.; MELO, R.N. Towards a reference model for e-Learning governance. 12 p. Please contact 04_20_baruque BARUQUE, L.B.; MELO, R.N. Applying learning theory in the design of learning objects. 16 p. Please contact 04_21_brandao BRANDAO, A.A.F.; ALENCAR, P.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Extending object-Z for multi-agent systems specification. 15 p. Please contact 04_22_vieira VIEIRA, C.E.C.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; SOUZA, R.C. Geradores de numeros aleatorios. 12 p. Please contact 04_23_vieira VIEIRA, C.E.C ; SEIBEL, L.F.B. Tecnicas de paralelismo aplicadas a execucao de fluxos de programas de bioinformatica. 39 p. Please contact 04_24_russo RUSSO, E.E.R.; FERNANDO, T ; RAPOSO, A.B.; GATTASS, M. Workspaces'challenges for the oil & gas exploration & production industry. 15 p. Please contact 04_25_silva SILVA, L.F.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. ; BREITMAN, K.K. C&L: uma ferramenta de apoio a engenharia de requisitos. 24 p. Please contact 04_26_pontes PONTES, A.M.; LEITAO, C.F.; SOUZA, C.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. ; QUENTAL, V.S.T.D.B. Estudo do impacto do design e das formas de uso sobre a recuperacao de informacoes em foruns de discussao online. 13 p. Please contact 04_27_paoliello PAOLIELLO, C.M.; FURTADO, A.L. Sistemas de informacao para comercio eletronico. 45 p. Please contact 04_28_baruque BARUQUE, C.B.; MELO, R.N. Developing digital libraries using data warehousing and data mining techniques. 11 p. Please contact rubens@inf.puc-rio.brvv 04_29_choren CHOREN, R.; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems SELMAS 2004 : workshop report. 18 p. Please contact 04_30_leal LEAL, M.A.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. The weak-reference interface. 15 p. Please contact 04_31_albarello ALBARELLO, A.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P. fGrin: um framework baseado em sistemas multi-agentes para formacao de grupos de interesse a partir de uma base semantica. 8 p. Please contact 04_32_silva SILVA, V.T.; CORTES, M.I.; LUCENA, C.J.P An object-oriented framework for implementing agent societies. 37 p. Please contact 04_33_barbosa BARBOSA, C.M.A.; LEITAO, C.F.; SOUZA, C.S.; PREECE, J. An online community framework-based analysis of an existing online community. 35 p. Please contact 04_34_rubinsztejn RUBINSZTEJN, H.; ENDLER, M.; SACRAMENTO, V.; GONCALVES, K.; NASCIMENTO, F. Support for contex-aware collaboration. 11 p. Please contact 04_35_lifschitz LIFSCHITZ, S.; MILANES, A.Y.; SALLES, M.A.V. Estado da arte em auto-sintonia de SGBD relacionais. 52 p. Please contact 04_36_sardinha SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; PARANHOS, P.M. A methodology for building trading agents in electronic markets. 11 p. Please contact 04_37_SARDINHA SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; PARANHOS, P.M.; CUNHA, P.M. An agent based architecture for highly competitive electronic markets. 13 p. Please contact 04_38_leite LEITE, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; RODRIGUES, L.F.; MAGALHAES, J. Applying a circuit-based component model to a distributed OO application. 18 p. Please contact 04_39_demaria DE MARIA, B.A.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Usando MDA no desenvolvimento de sistemas multi-agentes. 15 p. Please contact 04_40_macedo MACEDO, J.A.F.; PICOUET, P. A performance analysis framework for database management systems. 21 p. Please contact 04_41_kulesza KULESZA, U.; GARCIA, A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v. Integrating generative and aspect-oriented technologies. 15 p. Please contact 04_42_furtado FURTADO, A.L. Uma introducao ao uso de programacao em logica para modelagem conceitual. 15 p. Please contact 04_43_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; FIGUEIREDO, E.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SANT'ANNA, C.N.; KULESZA, U.; STAA, A.v. Aspectizing design patterns: rewards and pitfalls. 21 p. Please contact 04_44_sacramento SACRAMENTO, V.; ENDLER, M.; RUBINSZTEJN, H.K.; LIMA, L.; GONCALVES, K.; NASCIMENTO, F.; BUENO, G.A. MoCA: a middleware for developing collaborative applications for mobile users. 7 p. Please contact 04_45_assis ASSIS, P.S.; SCHWABE, D.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. Meta-modelos para aplicacoes de hipermidia adaptativa e meta-adaptacao. 31 p. Please contact 04_46_condack CONDACK, J.F.S.; SCHWABE, D. AgileOOHDM. 78 p. Please contact 04_47_vasconcelos VASCONCELOS, D.R.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; ARAGAO, M.P.; BENEVIDES, M.F. Reasoning about games via temporal logic: a model checking approach. 13 p. Please contact 04_48_silva SILVA, V.T.; NOYA, R.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Using the UML 2.0 activity diagram to model agent plans and actions. 10 p. Please contact 04_49_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; MELLO, C.G. Ramdomized Huffman codes. 9 p. Please contact 04_50_milidiu MILIDIU, R.L.; MELLO, C.G. Adding security to prefix codes. 18 p. Please contact 04_51_costa COSTA, V.G.; LABER, E.S.; HAEUSLER, E.H. Some remarks on the size of boolean functions. 7 p. Please contact ===================================================================================== 05_01_filippo FILIPPO, D.; ENDLER, M.; FUKS, H. Colaboracao movel com realidade aumentada. 33 p. Please contact 05_02_medeiros MEDEIROS, A.P.; SCHWABE, D.; FEIJO, B. Design rationale for model-based designs in software engineering. 18 p. Please contact 05_03_bornstein BORNSTEIN, C.; LABER, E.S.; MAS, M.A.F. A logarithmic competitive mechanism for unit-demand combinatorial auctions. 3 p. Please contact 05_04_hazan HAZAN, C.; STAA, A.v. Analise e melhoria de um processo de estimativas de tamanho de projetos de software. 31 p. Please contact 05_05_sardinha SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; NOYA, R.C.; SILVA, V.T.; MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, J.C.P. A combined specification language and development framework for agent-based application engineering. 20 p. Please contact 05_06_amaral AMARAL, F.N.; HAEUSLER, E.H. A logic-based model for (Meta)Heuristics. 15 p. Please contact 05_07_ciarlini CIARLINI, A.E.M.; POZZER, C.T.; FURTADO, A.L.; FEIJO, B. A logic-based tool for interactive generation and dramatization of stories. 18 p. Please contact 05_08_maia MAIA, R.F.; RODRIGUES, V.J.S.; ENDLER, M. ORB para dispositivos moveis em redes sem fio. 25 p. Please contact 05_09_brandao BRANDAO, A.A.F.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A model driven approach to develop multi-agent systems. 14 p. Please contact 05_10_brandao BRANDAO, A.A.F.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Multi-agent system design verification using knowledge-based reasoning. 10 p. Please contact 05_11_feijo FEIJO, B.; BADARO, P. Proposta de um sistema brasileiro para producao de conteudo digital. 17 p. Please contact 05_12_soares SOARES, L.F.G.; RODRIGUES, R.F. Levantamento do estado da arte em sincronismo de Midias. 110 p. Please contact 05_13_bornstein BORNSTEIN, C.; LABER, E.S.; MAS, M.A.F. On behalf the seller and society: a bicriteria mechanism for unit demand combinatorial auctions. 23 p. Please contact 05_14_figueiredo FIGUEIREDO, E.M.L.; STAA, A.v. Avaliacao de um modelo de qualidade para implementacoes orientadas a objetos e orientadas a aspectos. 29 p. Please contact 05_15_rodrigues RODRIGUES, P.S.L.; POZZER, C.T.; FEIJO, B.; VELHO, L.; CIARLINI, A.E.M.; FURTADO, A.L. An expressive talking head narrator for an interactive storytelling system. 18 p. Please contact 05_16_hazan HAZAN, C.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Avaliacao do tamanho funcional de ferramentas de E-learning. 28 p. Please contact 05_17_furtado FURTADO, A.L.; CIARLINI, A.E.M.; FEIJO, B.; POZZER, C.T. Conceptual modelling for storytelling (with a Case Study). 42 p. Please contact 05_18_soares SOARES, L.F.G.; RODRIGUES, R.F. Nested contex model 3.0: Part 1 NEM. p. Please contact lfgs@inf.puc-rio 05_19_leal LEAL, M.A.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. A formal semantics for finalizers. 15 p. Please contact 05_20_sayao SAYAO, M.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Rastreabilidade de requisitos. 26 p. Please contact 05_21_bastos BASTOS, T.A.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GATTASS, M. Um framework para o desenvolvimento de aplicacoes de realidade virtual baseadoas em componentes graficos. 14 p. Please contact 05_22_rubinsztejn RUBINSZTEJN, H.K.; ENDLER, M.; RODRIGUEZ, N. A framework for building customized adaptation proxies. 15 p. Please contact 05_23_paula PAULA, M.G.; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Conveying human-computer interaction concerns to software engineers through an interaction model. 15 p. Please contact 05_24_endler ENDLER, M.; RUBINSZTEJN, H.; ROCHA, R.C.A.; SACRAMENTO, V. Proxy-based adaptation for mobile computing. 22 p. Please contact 05_25_brandao BRANDAO, A.A.F.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. An ontology-based method for structuring multi-agent systems formal specifications. 13 p. Please contact 05_26_(confidencial) 05_27_lima LIMA, L.S.; GOMES, A.T.A.; ZIVIANI, A.; ENDLER, M.; SOARES, L.F.G.; SCHULZE, B. Peer-to-peer resource discovery in mobile grids. 13 p. Please contact 05_28_condack CONDACK, J.F.; SCHWABE, D. Swell, SwellOnt and SwellQL - a software engineering environment for searching semantic web services. 15 p. Please contact 05_29_carvalho CARVALHO, G.R.; PAES, R.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; CHOREN, R. Governing the interactions of an agent-based open supply chain management system. 27 p. Please contact 05_30_paes PAES, R.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P. Governing agent interaction in open multi-agent systems. 35 p. Please contact 05_31_maria MARIA, B.A.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P. An MDA-based approach for developing multi-agent systems. 16 p. Please contact 05_32_felicissimo FELICISSIMO, C.H.; SARDINHA, J.A.P.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Sweetening regulated open multi-agent systems with support for agents to reason about laws. 14 p. Please contact 05_33_carvalho CARVALHO, G.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Governing the interactions of an agent-based open supply chain management system. 21 p. Please contact 05_34_cacho CACHO, N.A.A.; FIGUEIREDO, E.M.L.; SANT'ANNA, C.N.; GARCIA, A.F.; BATISTA, T.V.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Aspect-oriented composition of design patterns: a quantitative assessment. 25 p. Please contact 05_35_milanes MILANES, A.; RODRIGUEZ, N.; SCHULZE, B. Managing jobs with an interpreted language for dynamic adaptation. 10 p. Please contact 05_36_sardinha SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; MOLINARO, M.S.; PARANHOS, P.M.; CUNHA, P.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A multi-agent architecture for a dynamic supply chain management. 13 p. Please contact 05_37_araujo ARAUJO, A.P.F.; URRUTIA, S.A.; BOERES, M.C.S.; REBELLO, E.F.V.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Hybrid parallel metaheuristics for computational grids - a case study for the mirrored traveling tournament problem. 19 p. Please contact 05_38_garcia GARCIA, A.F.; BATISTA, T.V.; RASHID, A.; SANT'ANNA, C.N. Driving and managing architectural decisions with aspects. 13 p. Please contact 05_39_filippo FILIPPO, D.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. AulaNetM: extension of the AulaNet environment to PDAs. 9 p. Please contact 05_40_furtado FURTADO, A.L. Lattice operators over entity classes. 29 p. Please contact 05_41_soares SOARES, L.F.G. Recomendacoes para modelos de referencia do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital. 20 p. Please contact