Dissertation Abstracts 1974-1978 For any information, please contact bib-di@inf.puc-rio.br 1974 74_MSc_pimentel Ana Maria Salles PIMENTEL. Determinacao automatica do significado de palavras em portugues utilizando um modelo de rede semantica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/10/74 p. Advisor: Sueli Mendes dos Santos Note: Not available. 74_MSc_duarte Ari Meirelles DUARTE. Modelo matematico para o planejamento do sistema educacional no Brasil. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/06/74 p. Advisor: Fernando Curado Note: Not available. 74_MSc_pereira Arnaldo de Souza PEREIRA. Calculo automatico de tarifas aereas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/08/74 88 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: The process of calculating an international airline ticket involves a set of well-defined rules, access to catalogues containing data regarding prices and distances, as well as the ticket agent's common sense. The price calculation can be quite time consuming and tiring because several complete calculations must be performed until the minimum price is obtained. This thesis presents a program which aids the ticket agent in computing air fares. The program is developed so as to allow the agent to vary those variables which depend on his experience and good judgment. The program was implemented in PL/I on the IBM 370/165 system at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. 74_MSc_zimmermannsiesta Carlos Jorge ZIMMERMANN. SIESTA: Um sistema integrado estatistico conversacional. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/12/74 88 p. Advisor: Miklos Antal Vasarhelyi Abstract: This work presents the development of an interactive (conversational) system to be used in the solution of problems in statistical analysis and operation research as: frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, regression and correlation, linear programming, critical path method, transportation problem, etc. The Integrated Statistical System (SIESTA) was idealized with the basic aim of serving the non-programming or the user with little programming experience. 74_MSc_oliveira Clovis de OLIVEIRA. Metodos heuristicos na prova automatica de teoremas usando arvores de derivacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/04/74 194 p. Advisor: Marilia Rosa Millan Abstract: Since the last few years research has been developing in the field of artificial intelligence, which uses formal systems to prove theorems automatically. One of the existing systems, the - analytical tableaux - developed by M. Smullyan (18), uses binary trees to prove theorems of propositional and pure predicate calculus. This system, which is a variant of the semantic tableaux of Beth (1), is simpler because it uses only one tree instead of two. The aim of this paper is to present possible heuristics for Smullyan's system, using the two algorithm (17) as basic tools, in order to improve the research time as well as to decrease the number of steps in the automatic proof of a theorem. The algorithms and heuristics are in the actual implementation using the SPITBOL (19) programming language. 74_MSc_goldstein Jayme Simao Portugal GOLDSTEIN. Um sistema de recuperacao de informacoes para o computador IBM1130. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/12/74 p. Advisor: Victor Moreno Note: Not available. 74_MSc_nacif Jose Mansur NACIF. Programas em FORTRAN para autovalores e autovetores de matrizes reais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/06/74 98 p. Advisor: Peter Albrecht Abstract: Five algorithms and their respective programs in FORTRAN are presented for the calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real matrices. In each of the first three chapters the theoretical basis of a specific method for symmetrical matrices as well as the corresponding program and an example of utilization are succinctly presented. They are the algorithm of Jacobi, the Givens-Householder method and the implicit QL algorithm for symmetrical matrices. In the fourth chapter the same is done with respect to the Duble QR algorithm for real matrices. Appendix A presents a program for real matrices based on a method like that of Jacobi algorithm. Several examples were tested and the results are presented in Appendix B. 74_MSc_mesquita Jose Marcio Castelloes MESQUITA. PHADA - processador de histogramas para aquisicao de dados em automacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/09/74 191 p. Advisor: Wilson Aguiar Abstract: The aim of this work is to give the searcher a way to the visual exposition of statistical material through a graphic system. The design of statistical graphics is a hard work and requires high level qualified staff. Its automation allows a prompt obtainment of the graphics and guarantees its accuracy. For this purpose, a virtual machine was designed and all the system is interconnected by procedures. 74_MSc_carvalho Marco Aurelio Palhas de CARVALHO. Modelo probabilistico de simulacao de um sistema hidro-termo-eletrico. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/09/74 [irr.] p. Advisor: Miklos Antal Vasarhelyi Abstract: This paper presents an explicit probabilistic model, that describes the behavior of an electric generation system, mainly composed of hydro-power plants, based on the natural energy hydrograph. Likewise a model of the natural energy of Brazil's Southeast Region is formulated. 74_MSc_goncalves Maria Encarnacion del Pilar Martinez GONCALVES. Traducao automatica de frases da linguagem natural. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/07/74 86 p. Advisor: Sueli Mendes dos Santos Abstract: The general objective of the paper is to describe a system to translate phrases from the natural language (Portuguese) to the first order logic language. The first step is to verify if the phrase is grammatically correct, according to the rules of the grammar described in the paper; the second is to associate a meaning to the phrase and, finally, to translate the phrase. A model of transformational grammar is used as model to the grammar of the subset of Portuguese language admitted as input of the translation system. The algorithm is implemented in PL/I and in order to improve the interaction with the users, taking into account the system characteristics, the facilities offered by the Terminal System Operation (TSO) were used. 74_MSc_penedo Maria Heloisa PENEDO. Uma aplicacao de computador na educacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/09/74 103 p. Advisor: Sueli Mendes dos Santos Abstract: This work consists of three interrelated parts concerning Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). The first part provides a review of the important topics regarding CAI such as: the advantages and disadvantages of such systems, systems currently available or under development, and the application of CAI to elementary school education. Second, a general model of computer based instruction is presented together with fixed strategies for lesson presentation, course structure, and student performance evaluation. Last, a simplified computer is developed in order to teach basic concepts concerning the digital computer to students in the ten to fifteen year old range. A course curriculum and lesson plan were developed for teaching the computer model according to the strategies outline above. 74_MSc_lima Paulo Roberto Schubnell de Rezende LIMA. Estudo experimental sobre a analise da variancia, por meio de simulacao discreta, em caso de universos nao-normais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/08/74 79 p. Advisor: Thadeu Keller Filho Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to use the discrete simulation technique to study the Analysis of Variance empirically in cases of non-normal universes. Most studies already done on the subject do not lead to definitive conclusions, for, at the time they were made, the resources which are offered nowadays by electronic computing, were not available. The methodology followed in this thesis largely utilizes the generation of random variables in the computer, in accordance with distributions of the most different degrees of -remoteness - from a normal distribution. The results obtained allowed us to identify a family of distributions which serve as a descriptive model of the ratio F sampling distribution, on which the Analysis of Variance is based. Besides, the empirical study of the percentage points of the ratio F sampling distribution made it possible to verify in which conditions negligence of the normality postulation affects the decisions which result from the application of the classical model of the Analysis of Variance. 74_MSc_leal Ronald LEAL. Um modelo probabilistico para avaliacao e analise de desempenho de um sistema de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/11/74 86 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: This thesis presents a probabilistic model for the analysis and performance evaluation of programming systems. The model, called the Probabilistic Flowgraph, consists of the system flowgraph together with information regarding processing costs and the probability of executing certain blocks of code. Thus, the Probabilistic Flowgraph can be considered a simulation model of the system. Two methods are presented which allow the user to obtain information regarding the system model. The first method, proposed by Beizer [1], reduces the original flowgraph by means of elementary operations to a single arc. The values associated with this arc are the system's mean execution time (or cost) and the variance of this estimate. The second method treats the Probabilistic Flowgraph as a Markov chain. In this context much more information is available, such as the mean number of times each node will be visited during execution, the probability of walking from node i to node j in exactly k steps, as well as the system's mean execution time (or cost). Since the Markov chain model is quite general, the Probabilistic Flowgraph is generalized to permit a more detailed analysis of the system being modeled. Lastly, some practical aspects concerning the model are presented, in particular, how one estimates the decision nodes probabilities and how the two analysis techniques can be interrelated. 74_MSc_berenguer Sancho Eduardo de Bittencourt BERENGUER. Um sistema integrado de controle de espaco em disco. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/08/74 43 p. Advisor: Miklos Antal Vasarhelyi Abstract: This thesis is concerned with the problem of disk space management in a computer center. Lack and inadequate utilization of disk space create serious problems for the computer center user. The problem is solved by the development of an Integrated Storage System with batch and interactive modes of utilization. This solution is compared with practice adopted in different computer centers and conclusions are drawn on the adequacy of its utilization at the Rio Datacenter of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. ------------------------------------------- 1975 75_MSc_bosisio Angela Maria BOSISIO. Um processo de detecao e recuperacao automatica de erros sintaticos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/07/75 130 p. Advisor: Sergio Roberto Pinto Teixeira Abstract: This paper studies the possibility of a formalization and automatization of syntax error detection and recovery process, to be applied in regular and LR ( K) languages. In this way of detection and recovery of the error, backtrack is not used, and certain language's symbols made the process to be deterministic. It's a process similar to the one that's used to detect and recover errors in ALGOL, through the use of the symbol '; '. These symbols are defined as a function of language's recognizer and grammar and will be called Precise Symbols. When a language's sentence has been analyzed these symbols are used to induce a factorization in the same sentence. This factorization gives correct, incorrect and not yet analyzed substrings of the sentence. The correct substrings begin with a Precise Symbol. Analyzing the efficiency of the process, considerations about 'type of error' and 'position of the error' are made. The difficulties to automatization of this process with LR (K) languages, are also shown. 75_MSc_cardoso Anibal Pereira CARDOSO. Programacao estruturada, equipes de programacao e COBOL. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/12/75 210 p. Advisor: Eugenio Vilar Pires Abstract: This work is divided in three parts. In the first part, a detailed description of the Structured Programming technique is given, based on an extensive literature on the subject. In order to point out the advantages of the technique, some considerations on correctness and quality in programming are made. The second part presents a proposal for the use of Structured Programming in COBOL and contains an example of the implementation of a typical BDP program. Finally, the Chief Programmer Teams methodology is described. 75_MSc_botelho Antonio Julio Lossio BOTELHO. Gerador automatico de reconhecedores de linguagens por matrizes de transicao com particionamento. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/03/75 45 [+195] p. Advisor: Luiz Ferrara de Almeida Cunha Abstract: The MATREC system (Automatic generator of recognizers of languages parsable by Transition Matrix, with partitioning), generates a syntactic oriented recognizer from a grammar using the transition matrix method, giving the user the possibility of partitioning, in a attempt to reduce the core problem presented by original method. 75_MSc_oliveira Antonio Manoel de OLIVEIRA. Um modulo para criacao e modificacao de cursos para ensino por computador. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/12/75 160 p. Advisor: Marilia Rosa Millan Abstract: The Autor Module allows instructor-made CAI courses over a predefined structure in automatic and semi-conversational way. This facility is provided by a statement Autor language single-syntaxes and reduced. 75_MSc_serpa Arnaldo de Vasconcellos SERPA. Um processador de arquivos para o sistema operacional do mini-computador G-10. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/07/75 170 p. Advisor: Firmo Freire Abstract: The main objectives of this work is to propose a definition for a Disk File Manager running in a multiprogramming environment created by a Disk Operating System for the G10 Minicomputer. This minicomputer was designed under the auspices of the "Grupo de Trabalhos Especiais" (GTE), organ related to the "Ministerio da Marinha" and the "Planejamento de Coordenacao Geral". This thesis was developed in didactic fashion always trying to justify the adopted solutions; it is thus hopped that this work will be used in further research related to this topic. 75_MSc_borquez Atendolfo Pereda BORQUEZ. Analisador de estrategia mista: Top-Down e Bottom-Up. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/03/75 69 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: The present work is concerned with the creation of a mixed strategy (top-down - bottom-up) analyzer. An adequate methodology for the partition of grammars that can be analyzable in this form is developed. Algorithms are presented for the application of the mixed analyzer. The bottom up analyzer used as the basic model is of the LR(O) type; the top down analyzer is of the RR(k) type. 75_MSc_barbosa Carlos Roberto Sarmento BARBOSA. Um estudo comparativo de sistemas de ensino por computador. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/03/75 [irr.] p. Advisor: Marilia Rosa Millan Abstract: This work compares CAI systems, trying to characterize their advantages, disadvantages and the problems which rise in their development. The systems are grouped in the following classes: frame oriented, generative and intelligent systems. They are compared based on their methodological model and computational model. It is suggested a way of implementing each one of the systems. 75_MSc_beltrao Catherine Blin A.N. BELTRAO. Uma estimativa de erros e aplicacoes em problemas semilineares de valor de contorno. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/12/75 79 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Abstract: The main object of this thesis is to present some generalities and refinements to a theory developed by Gunter Bertram; and furthermore, to test it, aiming to set upper bounds for the absolute values of the errors committed when using approximate methods to solve a class of semilinear boundary value problems with ordinary differential equations. 75_MSc_menasce Daniel Alberto MENASCE. Um algoritmo eficiente para calculo de arvores minimas usando Backtracking. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/04/75 95 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: A backtracking algorithm for computing minimum spanning trees in non-directed graphs is introduced in this work. The algorithms of Prim, Kruskal and Sollin are also presented, as well as the Kruskal/Treesort algorithm. The complexity analysis of the Backtracking algorithm is accomplished through the development of a model of the algorithm's execution. An estimate of n log...n for the number of operations performed is obtained by calculations on the model. Tests performed with the algorithm demonstrated the validity of the model as well as the superiority of the Backtracking Algorithm over the Kruskal/Treesort Algorithm regarding the number of operations performed. 75_MSc_diniz Ester de Carvalho DINIZ. Um estudo sobre tecnicas de memoria virtual. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/12/75 124 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work is divided in two parts. The first part is a survey of techniques used in the implementation of virtual memory, covering results obtained in this area. The second part consists in the implementation of a laboratory to be used in the study of the behavior of a system using virtual memory. The main parameters considered in this study are - Size of virtual memory, page size, replacement algorithm and number of multiprogrammed processes. 75_MSc_cunha Eunice de Biassio da CUNHA. Um estudo comparativo de linguagens de consulta para bancos de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/12/75 125 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: This thesis presents a comparative study of query and data manipulation languages for databases. Initially, languages dealing with binary relations are presented, such as: Relational Data File, LEAP, TRAMP, REL and FORAL. Moreover, languages designed for Codd's Relational Model are presented, such as: ALPHA, MORIS (COLARD), SQUARE, SEQUEL, QUERY BY EXAMPLE, EDBS e INGRES (QUEL). Finally, the Functional Model of Data is described. This model is a semantic model which indicates the interrelationships among entities which constitute the database. A syntax for a query language is presented. The specification of a query corresponds to the enumeration of a set of quantified paths though the model's graph. Sample queries are given with respect to a database presented in Zloof [18]. The conclusions contain a series of points which rate the languages with respect to their proximity to natural language, the type of user, and the capacity to manipulate arithmetic expressions. 75_MSc_milet Evandro Barreira MILET. Definicao e dimensionamento de uma rede de mini-computadores para agencias bancarias. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/07/75 106 p. Advisor: Mario Aloysio Telles Ribeiro Abstract: This work does an analysis of options to implement a minicomputer's network in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This network interconnects branch offices with their own systems, based on minicomputers, in order to allow transferring funds between branch offices of the same Bank. The solution of a distributed intelligence system like this makes each branch self-sufficient on dealing with their checking accounts, allowing an eventual transfer of funds between branch offices and increasing the system's security and reliability since the main processing, which is the own branch's one doesn't stay dependent of the transmission lines which continue to be the critical problem in teleprocessing systems in Brazil 75_MSc_freitas Expedito de FREITAS. Desempenho de um processo descrito por um fluxograma sobre um dominio integravel. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/12/75 45 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: The objective of this work is the development of a methodology to study the performance of systems described by flowgraphs in which the activities associated with the nodes or arcs are described by functions from an integral domain, i.e., usually polynomial functions in several variables. The performance evaluation is done by reducing the flowgraph via Mason's reduction rules to a reduced flowgraph consisting of one arc. The method used herein is due to Bareiss which in turn is a variation of a two-pass, division free method due to Gauss. An algorithm is presented which transforms a flowgrph in which activities are associated to arcs to another equivalent flowgraph with activities assigned to nodes. This permits any flowgraph to be studied using a unique algorithm. A new method is given to compute the generating function of a flowgraph which is superior to Mason's node elimination method. This method computes the generating function using MacLaurin Series to obtain the coefficients of higher powers of the transmission matrix of the flowgraph. Lastly, some topics for future research regarding the model are discussed. 75_MSc_castro Fernando Bley Vicente de CASTRO. Utilizacao de linguagem com manipulacao de formulas para minimizacao de funcoes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/01/75 97 p. Advisor: Therezinha da Costa Ferreira Chaves Abstract: The problem of unconstrained minimization of a non linear function .........can be solved by methods that don't use derivatives, called frequently direct search methods, or by methods that need analytic derivatives. As a general rule, these converge more rapid to the solution than those ones. However, in practice, the methods that use derivatives have two main barriers to their implementation in computers. First - in functions with a modest number of variables is laborious and many times impossible to provide analytical derivatives of these ones. Substitutions on evaluation of analytic derivatives by difference schemes can not be well succeeded because numerical error introduces which invalidate important characteristics of the methods, turning them less efficient. Second - the minimization techniques based on the evaluation of the first derivatives and, eventually the second one require a big time to the prepare of the problem by the user before the utilization of the algorithm, that is disadvantageous comparing this with the direct search techniques. The appearance of programming language allowing symbolic manipulations of mathematical formulas, in which the formal derivation of a big set of functions could involve sine, cosine, logarithms, etc. opening a new field to the algorithms with derivatives, and making easy the use of them. The present survey claim to analyze the behavior of some algorithms of Nonlinear Programming coded in FORMAC. FORMAC is a programming language that allows a symbolic manipulation of mathematical expressions, by example, the expression SIN (X) can be derived, resulting the expression COS (X). Expressions can contain variable, constants, functions defined by the user, symbolic constants as the number ..... and i (the square root of -1), as well as the build in functions as SIN, COS, EXP, and others. Expressions can be derived, evaluated, replaced and parsed. The behavior of the algorithm coded in that language will be analyzed, making a test in several functions. For each presented algorithm coded in FORMAC, will be done a comparing survey with two other implementations, one using derivatives get manually and given by the user, and the other doing the use of difference schemes substituting the evaluations of analytical derivatives. Conclusions with regard to run time and accuracy of solution will be given in tables as well as information about the facility of utilization and required storage. With the amount of these information it will be possible to define the preferable situations in the use of FORMAC. 75_MSc_gattazsobrinho Fuad GATTAZ SOBRINHO. Autovalores de grafos e suas aplicacoes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/07/75 65 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: Graph Topology studies are in general complex. They show useful in determining clusters of points in a document space, partitions, and other properties of interest, in Graph theory. This thesis stress the importance of eigenvalues and Boolean Algebra as efficient tools when dealing with Graph Topology. Also presents future alternatives for research in the area. 75_MSc_falkembach Gilse Antoninha M. FALKEMBACH. Sistema MACHRIS - sistema de edicao e manutencao de documentos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/12/75 206 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: This work presents the project of a conversational system to the elaboration and maintenance of documents. The process consists on the phases of edition, bringing up to date and formatting of documents. It was established a special language of edition and manipulation of texts. The work is basically constitutes of three parts, which are: manual of application of the system; manual of description of the language; documentation of the system. It is also presented the conclusions referring to the system and some suggestions for its implementation. 75_MSc_rodriguezestay Hector Manuel RODRIGUEZ ESTAY. Um sistema de informacao hospitalar. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/12/75 279 p. Advisor: Emmanuel Piseces Lopes Passos Abstract: The present work is concerned with the project of a computerized hospital information system. The Hospital System designed, is targeted to provide non-profit hospital, and as by-product, private hospitals also, the ability to control the clinic history of their out-patients and inpatients. As a normal consequence of such control, cost per patient, per clinic, etc., are calculated. The cost per patient can be used as the basis for patient billing. The registration will be for the inpatients, as well as for the out-patients. 75_MSc_guedes Jackson GUEDES. Avaliacao de sistemas de informacao: um estudo sobre viabilidade economica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/10/75 134 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The relevance of Information Systems in society in general and to their components organizations in particular can be seen by the volume of resources that has been invested in their development. Thus, it is necessary to study the decision-making process that precedes the design of these systems in terms of economic feasibility in such a way that the decision to invest can be done rationally. This work intends to contribute in this problem area, first analyzing various existent criteria of evaluation. Secondly, studying the application of cost-benefit analysis in order to include the quality of information. 75_MSc_oliveira Joao Carlos de Assis Ribeiro de OLIVEIRA. Um estudo sobre ordenacao em arquivos parcialmente ordenados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/12/75 76 p. Advisor: Luiz Ferrara de Almeida Cunha Abstract: We present here the main sorting algorithms. For each one we stress the way in which the initial order of the input file affects its performance. The goal of this work is finding the most efficient sorting methods for partially ordered files. 75_MSc_dantas Joao Eduardo de Rezende DANTAS. Um conjunto de rotinas basicas de entrada e saida para o sistema operacional do mini-computador G-10. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/07/75 156 p. Advisor: Firmo Freire Abstract: The objective of this work is to present, in a comprehensive form, the methodology of development of a basic input output package. As an example a real package was developed here. This package is to be a part of the Disk Operating System for the Brazilian computer G-10. This computer is being developed under the coordination of the Grupo de Trabalho Especial (GTE) linked to the ministries of Naval Affairs and Planning, created by presidential decree number 68267 on February 18th 1971. The purpose here is to prove that, in many cases, input output routines are not more difficult to write than application program and that, with a good knowledge of the hardware characteristics, coding them becomes a natural effort. 75_MSc_schuck Joao Sebaldo SCHUCK. Um novo metodo Adams-Moulton de ordem e passo variavel para equacoes diferenciais ordinarias. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/12/75 56 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: A new method for the solution of initial value problems of ordinary differential equations is presented. It is a variable order, variable step, predictor-corrector method of the Adams multistep type. Instead of the Adams-Bashforth predictor formula it first uses, by means of extrapolation, the backward difference table for predicting the value of the derivative for a new step, and then calculates the first approximation of the solution by by the Adams-Moulton formula. After this it takes the evaluation of the derivative, the first time for this step, and a second application of the Adams-Moulton corrector formula., which may terminate it if the result satisfies the criterion for the error estimation. Otherwise a second use of the evaluation-correction procedure is applied to terminate the step. The order of the method varies between three and ten. The most typical feature of the method is its technique for minimizing the effects of errors propagated through the difference table from the previous steps. The method was only implemented for one-equation problems. In this form a PL/I program obtained very good results, comparable with those of other Adams methods. 75_MSc_barbetta Jose Clovis BARBETTA. Compactacao de arquivos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 0210/75 90 p. Advisor: Luiz Carlos Gomes Abstract: In this work we consider several data-set compaction methods, with special emphasis on large and static data-sets, such as those made of census data. A critical study is done about several techniques, based on information theory, and presenting whenever possible, theoretical and practical measurements on the methods functioning. 75_MSc_espejel Jose Luiz San Miguel ESPEJEL. Equacoes diferenciais rigidas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/04/75 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Note: Not available. 75_MSc_alves Manoel ALVES. Um estudo de metodos recursivos para a geracao de circuitos em grafos dirigidos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/12/75 141 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: This work presents the recursive and generic algorithm of Ardon and Malik to the generation of the circuits in the directed graphs. The generality of this algorithm is in its power to generate cycles of nonoriented graphs, Hamiltonian circuits and directed paths of a directed graph. The recursive algorithm of Tarjan and Szwarcfiter are presented too. A pattern of an execution of the algorithm is presented with the purpose of making an analysis about its complexity. The number of executed operations is in the order of 5N. According to the calculations done about the model. Tests made with the Ardon's and Malik's algorithm showed that, in spite of its generality, it mustn't be used to real cases where greater then 8, because the Tarjan's and Szwarcfiter's algorithms are higher than the number of executed operations. 75_MSc_carneiro Marcelo Barbosa CARNEIRO. Um gerente de memoria para o sistema operacional em disco do minicomputador G-10. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/06/75 106 p. Advisor: Firmo Freire Abstract: This work consists on the design and implementation of the Memory Manager for the SOD (Disk Operating System) presently being developed for the G-10 Minicomputer, developed under the auspices of the GTE (Grupo de Trabalho Especial), sponsored by the Navy Ministry. The objective of this work is to provide an efficient algorithm in terms of main memory usage and time overhead. Tests are given to show this efficiency under various conditions of memory allocation. 75_MSc_amaral Marcio Pecegueiro do AMARAL. Planejamento e controle de projeto de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/12/75 115 p. Advisor: Emmanuel Piseces Lopes Passos Abstract: A project can be seen as a system. The considerations of the two other systems related-Organization and Project Product - and the use of System Analysis, Systems Engineering and Architecture, is expected to result in better specifications of the objectives, functions and goals, and harmonious interaction between these systems. This is the basic approach in the text. Chapter 1 explains the scope of this dissertation. In the 2nd chapter, the functions of planning and control are studied. The 3rd chapter surveys, briefly, the main aspects of planning, stressing the topics demanded for a clear definition of a project. The 4th chapter is dedicated to the particularities of a software project, suggesting specific methods to deal with them. Some general ideas considered useful in planning are discussed. Finally, the 5th chapter presents a case study - The Guaranys Project. This Project involves the development of software for the G-10, a Brazilian mini-computer. Some interesting points are raised and examples of the methods employed are given. 75_MSc_clementino Marcus Vianna CLEMENTINO. Programacao de producao em uma usina siderurgica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/08/75 p. Advisor: Nicacio Barrreto Celestino Note: Not available. 75_MSc_garcia Nelson Antonio Borges GARCIA. O metodo de Ritz em elementos finitos para problemas de energia potencial a duas dimensoes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/09/75 70 p. Advisor: Gunter Bertram Abstract: An approximate solution of the first, second and third boundary - value - problem of the Laplace - Differential - Equation......is often found with Ritz - Galerkin methods in a modern version by using Finite Elements. The differences of the two methods are discussed. Exact error bounds with the Cheby-shev-norm are given on the basis of a generalization of the well known maximum principle, published in 1974 by Natterer and Werner, and the use of an idea by Grunsch (1952). 75_MSc_barroso Paulo Blanco BARROSO. Discussao e implementacao de um formalismo para definicao de tipos de Dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/04/75 171 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The purpose of this work is to develop a set of commands that make possible the definition and the manipulation of structured data that can be included in the main programming languages, proposing a Data Definition Facility general and non procedural. The work can be looked upon as having two parts, first a discussion to justify the choice of using a graph class to represent structured data and formal grammars as transformation mechanisms. Next, the Data Definition Facility syntax chosen is explained and the implementation done as an extension of the PL/I is described. 75_MSc_jobimfilho Paulo JOBIM FILHO. Especificacao de sistemas de informacao: uma abordagem metodologica e um estudo comparativo de tecnicas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/12/75 102 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This paper starts by identifying what should be specified during the logic design of information systems, in order to: establish a list of design requirements and use it as a basis for comparison of characteristics and distinctive features of the various information systems analysis and documentation techniques, either in use or proposed in the literature; propose a framework for the description of information systems, which should be useful as a starting point for the development of future specification methodologies. Based on the above mentioned list of design requirements, some manual and computer-aided specification techniques are discussed. 75_MSc_absy Paulo Roberto ABSY. Tecnicas de avaliacao de desempenho de sistemas de computacao com aplicacao ao sistema G-10. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/06/75 65 p. Advisor: Larry Kerschberg Abstract: The most commonly used techniques for computer systems performance evaluation are presented here, together with the situations where they are applicable. We also report on the development of a system for computer program evaluation for the G-10 computer. This system is here called Program Evaluation Monitor. The Program Evaluation Monitor is used to supply information about programs executed on the G-10 system. 75_MSc_donosovaliente Renan Fernando DONOSO VALIENTE. Sistema de instrucao programada utilizando um mini-computador orientado a operacoes com terminais video/teclado. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/75 184 p. Advisor: Sueli Mendes dos Santos Abstract: The computer Aided Instruction Systems (SEAC) generates DATA IV/70 programs specifying lessons that operates as data entry jobs. The courses are defined by the teacher as prefixed directed graphs, whose parameters are given to the SEAC during the load by means of oriented messages (author language). The SEAC operates on a video/keyboard terminal oriented minicomputer, the FOUR-PHASE SYSTEMS. 75_MSc_bigonha Roberto da Silva BIGONHA. Processador de gramaticas SLR (K). M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/07/75 246 p. Advisor: Luiz Ferrara de Almeida Cunha Abstract: The goal of the present work is to describe the implementation and the use of a SLR (K) Processor of Grammars. The class of SLR (K) Grammars is defined, as well as the algorithms to generate the Characteristic Finite State Machine (CFSM), the Deterministic Pushdown Automaton (DPDA), and to obtain the Simple Look ahead Sets. Subsequently comes the description of the algorithms and the information structures used in the implementation of the SLR (K) processor. The final part is a critical comment on the implementation, followed by two appendixes containing the program listing and the user's manual. 75_MSc_peixoto Silvia Regina Goes PEIXOTO. Experimentacao para um sistema de prova automatica de teoremas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/12/75 104 [+44] p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: A set of experiments made with an automatic theorem proving system for extensions of the Boolean Algebra of Classes, denoted by (BAC)i, is described. Those extensions are presented as formal systems with their valid formulae, as well as concepts and results obtained with resolution in the context of a many-sorted logic. The method developed by Roberto Lins de Carvalho to prove theorems in Set Theory is summarized. This method consists basically in the transformation of a given set of clauses, representing the negation of a formula, through the introduction of new predicate symbols, called "communication predicates". These new symbols are a great help in simplifying the refutation process of a formula in a Definitional Theory as is the case of Set Theory. The syntax used in the (BAC) i formulae is also described with illustrative examples. An implementation, using the SNOBOL/4 language, of a system for (BAC)i is presented in order to illustrate the above mentioned method. This work is concluded with an analysis of the results obtained from tests made for approximately 550 (BAC)i formulae. This analysis includes suggestions that seem to make possible an improved implementation for this system. -------------------------------------------- 1976 76_MSc_price Ana Maria de Alencar PRICE. Minisnap, definicao formal e sugestoes para sua implementacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/03/76 78 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: Students of Humanistic and Social Sciences usually have difficulties in learning programming languages lectured in introductory courses to Computing Science, mainly because of the mathematical approach of those languages. This report is basically the formal description in BNF of MINISNAP, a programming language suitable to that kind of user: a simplified natural language with powerful test processing facilities. A study has been done to introduce blocked commands to make the language appropriate for structured programming. Suggestions for the implementation of the language concerning to symbol table construction and data storage allocation are given. 76_MSc_veiga Ana Maria Machado VEIGA. Analisador em linguagem de producao Floyd-Evans para gramaticas LL (K). M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/02/76 71 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: An algorithm for the construction of a syntax recognizer for LL (k) grammars, written in FLOYD-EVANS production language, is presented. Such recognizers are capable of recognizing and parsing an input string in a top-down manner, without backtrack, using a fixed amount of look-ahead, as the traditional LL (k) analyzers. Besides, they possess all the well known advantages of algorithms written in production language. 76_MSc_dante Antonia Marli DANTE. Definicao formal de tipos de dados abstratos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/07/76 117 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: A formal definition of the syntax and semantic of clusters as introduced in the language CLU is presented, through the set of techniques and methodologies of VDL ("Vienna Definition Language"). The cluster entity defines a class of objects by means of the operations applied to members of the class. The Vienna model is specified by the components concrete syntax, abstract syntax, a set of abstract machine states, a transition function and a translator, which will be described. 76_MSc_goncalves Carlos Alberto GONCALVES. Um sistema interativo para avaliacao d desempenho de redes de comutacao de pacotes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/02/76 279 p. Advisor: Wilson de Padua Paula Filho Abstract: In order to provide an appropriate instrument to the computer network designer, who uses the packet switching technique, it was developed and implemented a conversational system with the following components: a Theoretical Calculator, a Simulator, a command language interpreter. The indicators which are directly related to the statistical properties of the link queues are meaningful indicators for the quality of the network designed. This system intends, therefore, to be an analysis tool, so that the effects of the design parameters choices on the performance indicators may be verified. A brief description of this system components is as follows: The Theoretical Calculator and the Simulator generate indicators that are acquired, respectively, from a numeric approximation based on the analogy with a diffusion process (Kobayashi method) and from simulation. The command language interpreter allows to change the design parameter conversationally, acquiring performance indicators from an appropriate repertory. It allows the Theoretical Calculator and the Simulator modulus to be used together or separately. In this subject each one of the system components is described in detail. Some examples of application are displayed with conclusion and comparisons with the purpose of proving the relationship between the performance indicators values of the network obtained by the Theoretical Calculator and those obtained by the Simulator. It's also suggested some future development for the system. At the end, it's presented a user guide some auxiliary tables and also the documentation. 76_MSc_schwabe Daniel SCHWABE. Aspectos de engenharia de software no projeto de linguagens de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/06/76 50[ (+97] p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: Using principles of Software Engineering as design objectives for a programming language, a construct is proposed that allows the association of the notions of abstract data types and uniform reference to data structures to a programming language. The proposed mechanism addresses the problems of portability, efficiency and provability. An experimental system that incorporates this mechanism to PL/I is described, and some examples of its use are discussed. 76_MSc_santimateogalvez Diego SANTIMATEO GALVEZ. Estudo comparativo de duas linguagens de simulacao continua: CSMP/360 e DYNAMO II. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/12/76 128 p. Advisor: Heitor Luiz Murat de Meirelles Quintella Abstract: This work is divided into three parts. In the first, a general description of the CSMP's and DYNAMO's characteristic and their capabilities is given. The second part presents a detailed comparison of all elements and facilities of both languages. Last a study is made of the modeling capabilities existing in both languages. 76_MSc_magalhaes Geovanne Cayres MAGALHAES. Modelo fisico e operacoes primitivas para um banco de dados relacional. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/07/76 91 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This work is a proposal of implementation for the basic level of a Data Base Management System, using the relational approach. The file structures are described as well as the primitive commands which allow the access to the Data Base through a high level language. 76_MSc_andrade Gilberto Keller de ANDRADE. Projeto e construcao de banco de dados: especificacao de uma linguagem de manipulacao de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/02/76 113 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work contains the specification of a data manipulation sub-language for a data base which uses the Network Model. In the definition of the statements of this language Fortran was employed as meta-language, enriched with certain routines contained in the data base facilities of the PSL/PSA. 76_MSc_trinkereich Jorge TRINKEREICH. Modelo linear mensal e usinas individualizadas de intercambio entre subsistemas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/08/76 139 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Palhas de Carvalho Abstract: This dissertation describes the formulation of a linear programming model for the operation of a hydro-thermal electrical generation system characterized by individual units with energy flow restrictions between regions 76_MSc_eizirik Leila Maria Ripoli EIZIRIK. Um estudo em manipulacao simbolica de expressoes algebricas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/04/76 98 p. Advisor: Emmanuel Piseces Lopes Passos Abstract: This thesis is a study on symbolic manipulation. We describe the major studies developed in this area, we examine specifically the problem of the greatest common divisor of polynomials and we present the most important algorithms. Moreover, we describe the LISP, FORMAC and REDUCE languages presenting two programs, written in LISP for symbolic differentiation. One of the programs is a generalization of a program developed by Weissman. 76_MSc_barcelos Lucia Guimaraes BARCELOS. Protecao de processos cooperantes mutuamente suspeitos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/01/76 54 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: A general problem which affects the entire development of an operating system is the design of a protection mechanism. Such mechanism controls the access to objects, specially information objects. This work is aimed at contributing to this problem area, firstly by surveying some protection techniques reported in the literature and describing their power and limitations; secondly, by presenting a suitable model for a multiprogramming environment in which the existence of mutually suspicious users is assumed. The concept of indirect segmentation is introduced, which, besides providing the desired protection, is also useful as implementation model for modular programming. 76_MSc_huguet Luiz Augusto de Matos HUGUET. Um metodo para avaliacao de sistemas de ensino atraves de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/01/76 61 p. Advisor: Emmanuel Piseces Lopes Passos Abstract: Since 1965 different research centers in the USA, UK, and other countries have been working on projects which have as an objective the development of courses, known as CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction), in which the lessons (programming units) are recorded in the auxiliary memory of a computer system, and the lessons are given to the students through terminals. The present work was written with the purpose of establishing evaluation criterium of CAI systems, and to make possible to present the enormous quantity of information recorded during the courses, in clear and compact reports, containing all the necessary information for the mentioned evaluation. A revision of the literature that exists about the matter, a description of the criterium, and the presentation of the parameters used for the measurement of the efficiency of the lessons, are given in chapters 1, 2 and 3. This criterium is applied for the evaluation of the efficiency of a CAI course developed at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica of Rio de Janeiro; a discussion of the results and conclusions obtained is given in chapters 4 and 5 (since the implementation of the course will be latter than the conclusion of this work, the data used to the evaluation was generated in a simulated way). 76_MSc_amorim Luiz Augusto de Mattos AMORIM. Metodologia para a sintese de implementacao de sistemas de programacao a partir de uma especificacao formal bem constituida. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/12/76 157 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: A methodology is developed based on a three linguistic level model for the synthesis of programming systems from a "well constructed" formal specification. Mechanisms for the specification of data abstractions are emphasized, as well as the characteristics of reliability and consistency of the resulting software product. A complete example is presented to illustrate the proposed mechanisms. 76_MSc_casanova Marco Antonio CASANOVA. Sobre a definicao semantica de linguagens de programacao atraves de sistemas para manipulacao de florestas encadeadas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/07/76 186 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: Operational models devoted to the semantic description of programming languages were being explored for the past 10 years. The basic idea of this method is to define semantics via an interpreter manipulating the abstract syntax of the language. The model presented here, the so-called linked forest manipulation systems, was an outgrow of this line of research (Culik 73). Initially, the conceptual construction of the model is revised, with emphasis on the generation or identification of forests with a given structural pattern. Then, there are described sufficient conditions for the interpreters to be deterministic, or just Church-Rosser. 76_MSc_pelisson Maria Celia PELISSON. Um estudo sobre tecnicas para testes de programas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/07/76 68 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: A selection of program test methods is presented. The election is based on an extended study of several of the existing methods which have been reported in the technical literature. Improvements are proposed for some aspects of two of the existing methods, together with a semi-automatic procedure for testing PL/1 programs. The latter approach is based on the use of condition and decision tables. 76_MSc_marinho Maria do Socorro Saboia MARINHO. Recuperacao de erros sintaticos em niveis hierarquicos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/05/76 75 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: A syntactic error recovery method for LR-type analyzer is presented. For each state of the analyzer, the corresponding recovery levels are built. They consist of a nonterminal, an origin state, and a destination state of this nonterminal, and a set of delimiters that can follow this nonterminal, from its destination state. The recovery action is relative to one of these levels. Criteria for the choice of the adequate level are also presented. The method is applied to an ALGOL W analyzer. 76_MSc_silva Maria Tereza Mosella Pereira da SILVA. Modelagem e simulacao de sistemas de computacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/05/76 71 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The aim of this work is to study present techniques of systems simulation with the objective of pointing out new ways for the improvement of such technique. We analyze here a "graph model" as the first step for the representation of a System, and also as a mean of investigating consequences of adaptations and modifications made on the system. To simulate thus represented a quasi-parallel processing based on a co-routine structure is suggested. Some examples are presented in order to test the validity of these suggestions. Finally, ways are shown to build a computer system simulator which can be used effectively on a day-today bases. 76_MSc_ziviani Nivio ZIVIANI. Subconjunto de linguagem natural para consulta a banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/11/76 85 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: An overview of the recent investigations in the areas of computational linguistic and relational data base systems is presented. A language named SLN (Natural Language Subset) for querying relational data base is presented. An algorithm which permits the translation of SLN language to the relational calculus and its implementation are presented. A psychological study to verify the adequacy of the SLN language to the needs of the non-specialized user is outline. 76_MSc_tourinho Octavio Augusto Fontes TOURINHO. Simulacao em banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/05/76 118 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: We present and discuss a simulation model developed to evaluate the performance of information systems implemented with the help of a DBMS (Data Base Management System). The class of DBMS's considered encompasses those which use data-sets in moving-arm disks to store the data. The implementation, also described, was made using three modules: one to describe the physical aspects of the data-base, other to translate the language created to specify the logic of the programs and the third to run the simulation and print the results. Several aspects to the use of the model are also discussed. 76_MSc_rosafilho Pedro Leon da ROSA FILHO. Comunicacao em linguagem natural com um sistema de ensino; base de conhecimento e compreensao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/08/76 83 p. Advisor: Marilia Rosa Millan Abstract: The implementation here suggested, intend to form a system with two other parts for understanding a small set of Portuguese sentences. The result then obtained must be used for becoming more natural the communication between a user and the "Sistema Conversacional para Ensinar e Procesar a Linguagem PBASICO" of the G-10 computer. The procedure to work in a Portuguese input sentence and to transform it in a representative graph of the meaning, and the set of routines to give the correspondent outputs are the two other parts of the project referred previously. The framework of the design of the knowledge base, in a semantic network form, is the representation of the Conceptual Dependency and some others used in the TORUS system. An algorithm, not to be implemented in the given form, was designed to fit to the knowledge base whose graph represents the meaning of an input sentence. The use, in a second algorithm, of the modifier symbols of a conceptualization foreseen in the Conceptual Dependency and here added with some others, permits the choice of a specific routine in a set of them, to execute the task required by the input sentence. 76_MSc_pacheco Quimico Iamamoto PACHECO. Metodos de elementos finitos para solucao de problemas lineares de valores a dois pontos de equacoes diferenciais ordinarias de 4a. ordem. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/03/76 109 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: This thesis studies two different applications of the finite element method to two point linear boundary value problems for fourth order ordinary differential equations. The first application is based on a minimum principle where the boundary value problem is transformed into a variation problem, which is solved using Ritz's method, with Hermite-type finite elements, and convergence is proved. The second application is based on a stationary principle in which both the solution and its second derivative enter as independent variables. Linear finite elements are used and the rate of convergence is determined. The two methods are programmed in PL/1 and compared. 76_MSc_costa Raimundo Machado COSTA. Estudos comparativos entre dois metodos para avaliar a raiz quadrada em computadores digitais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/03/76 93 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: A new order algorithm for obtaining square roots is presented and compared for efficiency with the second order method normally used in digital computers. The two methods were implemented and a detailed study was made of initial minimax approximation obtained using Remez's method, and of the error propagation in the formulae used. 76_MSc_santos Reynaldo Jose Monteiro dos SANTOS. Compactacao de textos da lingu portuguesa. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/02/76 p. Advisor: Marilia Rosa Millan Note: Not available. 76_MSc_delaroli Romeu DELAROLI. Uma tecnica semi-formal de documentacao para especificacao de sistemas de processamento da informacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/12/76 105 (+100) p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This dissertation proposes a three-step method for the specification of information processing systems (under the assumption of the availability of the PSL/PSA system). For the specification of the first step we propose a documentation technique based on a semi-formal notation to help the designer to express a very early problem statement. The second step consists of a problem specification in PSL based on the information contained in the existing documentation. This conversion can be made by a PSL-programmer based on a proposed conversion method. The third step involves the verification of the specification (to be carried out based either on the proposed documentation approach, or in PSL). 76_MSc_pereira Ronaldo Castiglioni PEREIRA. Uma abordagem para especificacao de um sistema de informacao para administracao de carteira de titulos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/76 p. Advisor: Luiz Carlos Sa Carvalho Note: Not available. 76_MSc_pizzatto Sandra Regina PIZZATTO. Dois metodos para a solucao do problema geral de auto-valores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/05/7 102 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: We describe and implement in FORTRAN IV two methods for solving the generalized eigenvalue problems. Ax = ..Bx and Abx = ..x where A and B are real symmetric matrices and B is positive definite. The first method is based on Jacobi's algorithm, and the second on Bauer's simultaneous iteration, as modified by Rutishauser. 76_MSc_silva Vilmondes Gomes da SILVA. Validacao de sistemas de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/12/76 201 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: A methodology is proposed for a validation of software systems. The validation process assumes a formal specification expressed in the PSL language and the use of the COBOL language for the system's implementation. The method establishes the transformation rules which must be followed for the construction of the implementation from the formal specification. Additionally, the methodology proposes a way of designing a static test and a dynamic test for the validation of the resulting implementation vis-a-vis the given specification. --------------------------------------------- 1977 77_MSc_silveira Antonio Morais da SILVEIRA. Analise de aspectos estruturais de programas para auxilio na geracao de dados de teste. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/12/77 84 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: In the present work several problems related to the process of generation of program test data are presented together with some attempts to the solution of such problems. A methodology is proposed for the generation of test data which is based on the structural aspects of programs. The methodology deals with the problems of nontraversable programs paths and arrays by using symbolic execution of programs based on forward substitution. The proposed methodology is compared to the work developed by Lori Clarke and James King for their automatic program test systems. 77_MSc_barros Artur Ribeiro de BARROS. MIPSI: Uma metodologia integrada de projeto de sistemas de informacao computadorizados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/77 114 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: An integrated approach to the process of information systems development is presented according to a proposed information system model. The sub-problem on the computerized sub-system of a information system is then analyzed and a programming system project methodology is proposed based upon an specification language, both graphic and informal, and a set of director indices. 77_MSc_fox Cheryl Owens FOX. Um Estudo sobre a funcao de administracao do banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/07/77 69 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The report begins by demonstrating the need for data management and the motivation for creation of organizational units whose responsibility is to administer the data resource. Administrative activities and resulting benefits related to the entire data resource are described under Data Administration, while those associated with data base technology are described under Data Base Administration. The report then presents and compares various viewpoints of the data management function which are found in technical literature. Finally, the implementation of Data Base Administration at Esso Brasileira de Petroleo S.A. is described, to serve as an actual example of how the function can be organized. 77_MSc_gusmao Elenir Delboni GUSMAO. Especificacao conceitual de sistemas de informacao apoiados em banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/02/77 [irr.] p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work introduces the notion of "Conceptual Specification of Information Systems supported by Data Bases". Such a specification is characterized as consisting of: Conceptual Schema of the System Data Base; and Description of the Evolution of the Data Base in the System. The use and the limitations of PSL as a language for Conceptual Specifications are also discussed. The usefulness of the Conceptual Specification for the effective construction of the System Data Base and application programs utilizing a given DBMS (Data Base Management System) is emphasized. In particular, an outline of the mapping of the Conceptual Specification to an implementation by means of a specific DBMS (the one used by the PSL/PSA system) is presented. It is also suggested that the user interaction with the system should be at the conceptual level. Two languages are proposed for this interaction, namely, a sublanguage for data manipulation at the application's program level and a query language for non-procedural interaction. 77_MSc_silva Erico de Oliveira SILVA. Controle de acesso e uso das informacoes de um banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/02/77 194 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: We consider aspects related to the security and integrity of information in data bases. We intend to establish a set of concepts adequate for the understanding of problems related to the implementation of security and integrity measures, with special emphasis those problems related to access control and use of information in data bases. Many relevant aspects are treated, such as the need for security, the economic aspects of information security, security in computer systems, file and data base security and integrity, and the security characteristics of some data base management systems. We suggest several alternatives for improving current schemes of information access control. 77_MSc_mellofilho Herodoto Bento de MELLO FILHO. Valibol - uma extensao da linguagem COBOL visando uma especificacao simplificada de procedimentos de validacao de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/12/77 141 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Having come to the conclusion that the data validation problem has not been given its due attention in the universe of facilities to software, initially a survey is done, showing ways for a simplified specification of validation procedures. Next, an extension to the COBOL language, called VALIBOL, is introduced, intending to attend the revealed necessities. Finally, a non-algorithmic description of the translation from VALIBOL to COBOL is presented, aiming to a future implementation of a pre-processor. 77_MSc_szrajbman Lea Dina SZRAJBMAN. Um estudo de planarizacao de ligacoes e posicionamento de componentes eletronicos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/77 105 p. Advisors: Joao Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes de Araujo (COPPE/UPRS) and Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This thesis has as objective to help in the design of electronic circuits in the part of integrated circuits masks. It is built, based on the description of an integrated circuit by its elements, a drawing in which the semiconductor material is represented as a rectangle, where the components are internal rectangles occupying areas without superposition and connected together by straight lines that represent the electrical connections. The circuit is modeled in form of a graph and upon this graph an algorithm of planarization based on the test of planarization of Tarjan, is applied. Afterwards, the components are positioned and connected together in a reticule on the rectangle, from the information furnished by the algorithm of planarization. This result constitutes an initial solution, which will be presented ion the screen of a graphic interactive terminal, and improved by a draftsman in order to attend to specific technological problems. 77_MSc_novoa Miguel Angelo Alves NOVOA. Um estudo da aplicacao de monitores ao projeto de sistemas operacionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/10/77 161 p. Advisor: Firmo Freire Abstract: Study of the adequacy of monitors as a structuring tool for the modular design of operating systems. Three proposals, due to Hoare, Brinch Hansen, and Wirth, respectively, are analyzed. A fourth proposal is suggested, having a specification language as background. This language is used to specify the virtual machine where concurrent processes are executed. Another application of this language is in the complete specification of a resident real-time control system of physical processes. The main goal of this specification is to evaluate the use of monitors as a building tool for operating system design. 77_MSc_lopes Omar de Abreu LOPES. Uma metodologia de teste baseada na especificacao e estrutura de programas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/12/77 64 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: In the present work we investigate the advantages and limitations of the main criteria for program testing that have been published in the Technical Literature. We propose a testing method which is viable in practical situation and that seems to lead to final programs that are satisfactory error free. The proposed method is based simultaneously in the program specification and in its internal structure. In other words, it adopts a point of view which is both top-down (program specification) and bottom-up (program structure). We also describe the implementation of a software which supports the application of the method. 77_MSc_farias Oscar Luiz Monteiro de FARIAS. Proposta de uma analisador conceitual para aplicacao no sistema de ensino basico. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/03/77 140 p. Advisor: Sueli Mendes dos Santos Abstract: The aim of this work is to present a Conceptual Analyzer Model for a subset of the Portuguese Language. The Analyzer receives Portuguese Sentences as input. The sentences are coded by the Analyzer in such a way that they can be integrated into the Semantic Network proposed in master dissertation of Rosa Filho, in 1976. The goal of the whole system is to allow the user of the Automatic Course for Teaching the PBASICO Language to ask information about the subject of the lessons using natural language. 77_MSc_costa Paulo Oliveira Araujo COSTA. Simulacao de uma rede de computadores para transmissao de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/08/77 190 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The state of the art of the computer-communication network technology is described. Presentation of a GPSS model to simulate all the pertinent factors that cause the message delay in a packet-switched computer network, similar to ARPANET. The model simulates the line protocol and the basic store-and-forward message processing algorithms, including adaptive routing and error control features. Comprehensive sample cases covering the capabilities of the model are included. Presentation of the model's usefulness to network design, including topological and parameter tradeoff studies. 77_MSc_fresneda Paulo Sergio Vilches FRESNEDA. Gerencia de projetos e sistemas de informacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/10/77 235 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Main aspects of project management are described in order to give a general and comprehensive overview of the main tools used by project managers. The use of information systems as a basis for the management of activities in a project is emphasized. An example of an information system for management support of Agriculture research projects is included. Two chapters are devoted to acquaint the reader with the basic problems of managing research problems. 77_MSc_nascimento Pedro Vieira do NASCIMENTO. Aplicacao de analisador focal na geracao de resposta para o sistema de ensino basico. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/08/77 104 p. Advisor: Sueli Mendes dos Santos Abstract: This work proposes a system for generating the answer to questions about the lessons for teaching the PBasico language. This system will be connected with the Conceptual analyzer presented by Oscar Luiz Monteiro de Farias in his master thesis. Our system includes an Analyzer that is designed for detecting the focus of certain questions. Through the detection of the focus of a question it is possible to extend the set of sentences understood by the system presented by Pedro Leon da Rosa Filho in his master thesis. The Focus Analyzer transforms the output of the Conceptual Analyzer in such way that permits it to be integrated in the semantic network of the understanding system. The aim of this work is to permit a dialogue between the teaching system and the user by means of sentences in Portuguese in such a way that the user will be able to ask questions or to require information from the system about the content of the lessons. 77_MSc_lanzelotte Rosana de Saldanha da Gama LANZELOTTE. Manipulador de teorias definicionais - uma aplicacao a topologia. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/09/77 108 p. Advisor: Emmanuel Piseces Lopes Passos Abstract: The Manipulador de Teorias Definicionais is a conversational system that has been implemented in the study of definitional theories, that may or not be mathematical ones. The user create a data-base for each theory. Afterwards he can submit queries to the system, by means of a query-language specially designed. A classifier of topological spaces also has been implemented as a system application. 77_MSc_pequeno Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti PEQUENO. Logica aplicada a verificacao de programas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/02/77 144 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: Recently research on techniques for proving facts about programs, specially their correctness, has been rather intense. The motivation has been the need to produce reliable software and/or the quest for more knowledge on programming. The amount of results is enough to justify the creation of courses on program verification. A text for such course is proposed, in which strong emphasis is given to mathematical logic, indispensable to the understanding of the course contents. Various methods of verification, considered illustrative of the several approach are presented and discussed. 77_MSc_shiel Ulrich SHIEL. Um sistema heuristico de demonstracao automatica de teoremas para extensoes da algebra booleana das classes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/10/77 106 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: Using a specific theory, the Boolean Algebra of Classes (BAC), and supported by an equivalent concept, the almost-definition ...Theory, a direct strategy of automatic theorem-proving has been developed. A set of inference as well as substitution rules has been stated; these rules will be applied to the hypotheses and the already deducted clauses. The strategy is based on, alternately, applying a rule and verifying if the thesis is already proved. The formed rules have revealed themselves sufficient for the deduction of many formulas, and the efficiency has been equivalent to other theorem-provers based on the negation of the original formula (refutation). The axioms are not built-in, therefore, they can be stated by each user. 77_MSc_koelsch William Carlyle KOELSCH. A implementacao de um subconjunto de linguagem natural para consulta a banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/10/77 145 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work presents a subset of natural language for the extraction of data from a data base and a generalized flowchart for printing programs which present the requested data in a hierarchical structure. First, because the user's view of the data is relational, some of the main concept of the relational data model are presented. The storage structures permitted by the DBMS used (TOTAL) are shown, and finally the implementation of the system is illustrated. -------------------------------------------- 1978 78_MSc_rocha Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ROCHA. Plano de desenvolvimento de projetos de sistemas automatizados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/12/78 248 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: After placing the planning in the life-cycle of a project, we have made a study about what the recent literature say about Project Plans. Based on this study, we have presented a methodology to elaborate plans that would allow the development of software projects. We have also presented a sample of the Plan produced by means of the proposed methodology. 78_MSc_rodriguesneto Antonio RODRIGUES NETO. Uma aplicacao de banco de dados usando as tecnicas do Jackdaw em sessoes interativas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/03/78 244 p. Advisor: Michael F. Challis Abstract: This thesis introduces and evaluates the techniques made available by the Jackdaw Database Package for the creation and maintenance of databases using an interactive terminal. An Information System for the Departamento de Informatica was designed and implemented in order to illustrate the concepts involved. Finally, various suggestions are made for the further development of Jackdaw in the light of experience gained during the execution of this project. 78_MSc_araujo Ascendino Rodrigues de ARAUJO. Um Estudo sobre Tecnicas de Transformacao de Programas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/12/78 113 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This paper is a study on the use of semantic definitions of programming language structures, with the objective of applying them to test the validity of techniques for program transformations. Logical combinators are used to define the semantic of structures. A equivalence relation on the structures is presented and examples of equivalent structures are given. The behavior of the structures and the equivalencies are shown. 78_MSc_tortato Diana Pitlik TORTATO. Modelos de Avaliacao e Escolha de Organizacoes de Arquivos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/12/78 125 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work deals with the problem of evaluating and selecting file organizations for a certain class of application. For this purpose, several generalized models of file organization have been suggested in the literature. Here some of the main works are analyzed and compared and one of them, the Hierarchical Access Model (HAM) [23] is specially presented in detail. Several examples of typical file organization modeling are showed. In particular this model is also applied to the file structures managed by ADABAS. 78_MSc_lins Elisabeth do Rego LINS. Especificacao conceitual de sistemas de informacao: um esquema metodologico. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/08/78 105 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The work firstly presents and discusses Bo Sundgren's proposal to data base conceptual specification. His concepts refer to the description of entities in objective reality that are to be represented in data systems and they also refer to forms by which these entities can be referenced. The studied concepts were applied to an actual case in a business environment and the work finally proposes a basic methodological approach to Information Systems conceptual specification. 78_MSc_crippa Elizabeth de Jesus Maragno CRIPPA. Um metodo para composicao de modulos de sistemas de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/08/78 149 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work presents a methodology for the design of program modules based on a fundamental specification expressed in PSL. The implementation of the methodology uses the concept of matrix algebra for the grouping of process and files and for the evaluation of the reduction of the transport volume produced by those groupings. 78_MSc_parente Fernando Antonio Frota PARENTE. Auditoria de sistemas automatizados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/12/78 176 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: This dissertation was elaborated considering auditing within the context of automated information systems. It includes a theoretical appraisal trying to show the needs, definition and operating area of automated systems auditing. This dissertation examines the several stages of systems auditing, some behavioral techniques and methods to be applied in these several stages. In conclusion it presents a methodology which aims to develop some audit tasks for automated systems. 78_MSc_amaral Helena Maria Barbosa do AMARAL. Estudo de um modelo de redes semanticas para banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/12/78 205 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work is a critical study of the Semantic Network Model of Data Bases, proposed by Nicholas D. Roussopolos. The basic concepts were explained and compared with other models. We elaborate an example of the model's practical application and show the advantages to utilize this model. We present the problem found in the construction of the example, suggest solutions for some of these problems and relate those which require more detailed studies to be resolved. 78_MSc_chaves Hernani Aquini F. CHAVES. Mapas batimetricos - problemas de construcao e analise automatica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/0178 223 p. Advisor: Antonio Cesar Olinto de Oliveira Abstract: Mechanical drawing of isoplets is a two-phase process: griding and contouring. The first one is the core of any machine contouring system and depends upon samples distribution, spatial structure of mapping variable, map scale and projection, mapping purpose, and desired estimation precision. The SURFACE II graphic system has three griding procedures: weighted mean, dip projection, and Universal Kringing, the late based on Matthernon's regionalized variable theory, and the only one that takes account of the spatial structure of the variable. Underway marine geophysical data are characterized by clustering of points on ship tracks, irregularly spaced with odd patterns, making it difficult to use computer contouring. In spite of this, machine drawing isoplets are more objective and can save a lot of mechanical work and time for geologists. In order to find out major difficulties in computer using to draw marine geophysical isoplet maps, bathymetric charts of three Brazilian Continental Margin areas were constructed using REMAC project Geophysical Data Bank: 1) Albardao, with high sampling density, 2) South Continental Shelf, with rectangular sampling patterns, and 3) the Sao Paulo Plateau, with varied and irregular sampling density. The final product precision depends upon the spatial sampling distribution, griding method, and survey procedure. Once the "best" map is obtained, numerical analysis of the of the grid matrix can be used to identify regional trend and local anomalies. The obtained results by the three griding algorithms are statistically equivalent in honoring the original data point, but differences between estimations are autocorrelated and their maps show that estimation by Universal Kriging is the closest to reality, while theothers tend to smooth the topography. The machine contoured maps of the three areas agree with the manual contoured one. The better definition of the surface topography estimated by Universal Kriging justifies the increase in computer time to use it. Big areas should be processed by parts, in order to reduce individual run computer time. The addition of a few control points among the survey lines assures the resolution of the U.K. system equations for more nodes in the matrix. 78_MSc_queiroz Joao Dias QUEIROZ. Uma metodologia para elaboracao de propostas de desenvolvimento de sistemas de informacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/03/78 [irr.] p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: After placing this work within an information system development context, we suggest a method for the construction of development proposals for computerized information systems. This method is compared with some other known techniques - BSP, SADT, HIPO, PSL/PSA - which we briefly described in this text. An example of a Development Proposal is presented. This dissertation ends with a critical comparison of the proposed method with the other mentioned techniques. 78_MSc_lellis Joao Victor LELLIS. Sistemas de dados distribuidos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/12/78 123 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Distributed data system problems are identified. In order to achieve this, information system concepts are defined, both from the infological and datalogical points of view. The adequacy of distributed systems as a solution to these information system questions is examined. The implementation requirements needed for distributed systems are also examined. 78_MSc_kakitani Jorge KAKITANI. Estudo da area de estabilidade de certos metodos ciclicos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/07/78 91 p. Advisor: Therezinha da Costa Ferreira Chaves Abstract: The cyclic methods, introduced in 1971 by Donelson and Hansen, are well suited for the acquisition of high convergence order. Using these ideas and creating a new theoretical frame for them Albrecht [3] defines a new class of cyclic methods, the A methods, very adequate for fixed-step discretization algorithms. This work studies the Stability Area of four classes of cyclic methods comparing them from the point of view of order increment versus the extension of the Stability Area. 78_MSc_bastos Leacir Nogueira BASTOS. Projeto logico de uma calculadora: especificacao e simulacao de um microprocessador de 4 bits e implementacao das operacoes mais importantes da calculadora. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/01/78 115 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: We presented in this work a logical project of an electronic calculator and the specification of a 4-bit microprocessor, devised to serve as support for the implementations of the calculator functions. In the calculator project, basically, we define its structure, its functions, the manner of operation of each function and the diagram of the information input. In the microprocessor project, basically, we defined the dimension of its registers and its instruction set. In addition to this, we presented a simulator for the microprocessor functions, constructed with the objective to test the implemented functions. 78_MSc_leite Leonardo Lellis Pereira LEITE. Analise e projeto de arquitetura de um sistema de gerencia de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/12/78 248 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This study consists of the analysis and the design of an architecture for a database management system. At first it considers the aspects that make necessary the use of such systems in information systems; afterwards it establishes some concepts which determine the functional aspects of the design architecture. It also analyses some known systems according to those concepts, and finally it presents the functional specification of a database management system. 78_MSc_brandao Luiz Carlos Ribeiro BRANDAO. Ferramentas para implementacao de sistemas de informacoes apoiados em banco de dados a partir da sua especificacao conceitual. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/03/78 165 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work extends the facilities of a particular DBMS. The extension may also be viewed as a mapping between (part of) the Conceptual Specification of a System and its implementation using the already existing facilities. The combination of a pre processor and a macro generator, as used in this work, allows different alternatives for this mapping. One particular alternative is showed in detail. 78_MSc_malcher Luiz Paulo Leal da Gama MALCHER. Um estudo sobre indices secundarios em sistemas de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/08/78 130 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The use of secondary indexes in Data Base Systems is very important. These are three significant problems in this area: index selection, choice of simple or combined index strategy, and index implementation. This work analyses each problem separately. Several methods of index selection are described and compared. The option between simple and combined index is also analyzed. The implementation of secondary indexes is studied under two aspects: directory access methods and index organization. An example where indexes are selected and a particular index structure is adopted is also presented. 78_MSc_tavares Marcia Pitangueira TAVARES. Aplicacao de simulacao discreta no controle de intersecoes urbanas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/02/78 153 p. Advisor: Heitor Luiz Murat de Meirelles Quintella Abstract: The objective of this work is the design and experimentation of a modular software for modeling of urban traffic systems. Two simulation models to control the traffic flow in urban intersections are presented. The effect of the analyzed by means of statistic distribution and of the average wait times to enter the intersection, evaluated separately for each model. Both models are coded in GPSS of IBM 370/165 system. 78_MSc_martins Mario MARTINS. Analise e implementacao de um algoritmo de criacao e pesquisa de tabelas de simbolos para tradutores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/08/78 111 p. Advisor: Gaston Gonnet Abstract: This thesis analyzes, from a theoretical point of view, and implements the creation and searching procedures of symbol tables using external storage intended for compilers. For this purpose we determine the relations between the various parameters of the table to optimize different aspects of its behavior. In one example we show how these results apply. 78_MSc_mulatinho Paulo Cesar Ferreira MULATINHO. Metodologia para planejamento de sistemas de informacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/12/78 p. Advisor: Heitor Luiz Murat de Meirelles Quintella Note: Not available. 78_MSc_mazzini Ricardo Ladeira MAZZINI. Tipos de dados: um estudo de especificacao formal por meio de algoritmos de Markov. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/04/78 95 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work introduces the concept of formal specification of data types through the use of Markov Algorithms. Within this perspective, the several instances of the structure of a data type are represented by symbol chains, and the type characteristic operations expressed through modifications in this chains; these modifications are accomplished by the use of Markov algorithms. 78_MSc_vasques Roberto Pires VASQUES. Desenvolvimento, implementacao, descricao logica e documentacao de um sistema de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/02/78 2 vol. . Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The development of an implementation software is one of the first phases in a project involving data base. Three structures of fundamental files and one of software and the procedures which allow to manage these structures are included in the implemented software described below. The software is, in principle, compatible with any of the three fundamental models: hierarchical, network, relational. 78_MSc_asteggiano Solange de Lima ASTEGGIANO. Analise de sistemas: uma abordagem sistemica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/03/78 76 p. Advisor: Luiz Carlos Sa Carvalho Abstract: The present work introduces some basic concepts related to the area of systems analysis (and, by extension, to the whole area of information systems). These concepts have to do with the notions of systems, information and language. Based on the proposed concept formulations and in Langefors' work, we present a methodological approach to systems analysis. The methodology is used as a way of exhibiting the advantages and viability of an enhancement of the systematization of systems analysis. 78_MSc_passos Sonia Maria Miguel PASSOS. Desenvolvimento, implementacao e avaliacao da eficiencia de um sistema de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/02/78 139 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This work is a System of Performance Evaluation (SAE) of a System of Data Base (SBD). The analysis of the results get of SAE gives to the users elements that allow to adapt the SBD to his necessities and to get a gather efficiency; this analysis also give us a support to modification into versions futures of SBD. This SAE is a system defined specially about the SBD, which is the work of thesis of ROBERTO PIRES VASQUES and was presented at the same time as this work. 78_MSc_silva Sostenes Apolos da SILVA. Uma metodologia automatizavel para geracao de documentos consistentes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/06/78 146 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The documents describing a system usually present intersections. To avoid inconsistency of the documentation when introducing changes in a given document, all documents which partake of the changed part must also be updated. In this dissertation a methodology is proposed to aid the maintenance of the documentation. This methodology maintains all data giving rise to documents in a documentation data base. Specific documents are then copies of pre-determined portions of this data base. Inconsistencies are avoided due to the single occurrence of documentation elements. 78_MSc_cabral Valneide CABRAL. Em busca de uma linguagem de especificacao dos requisitos para o projeto de sistemas de informacao apoiados em banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/08/78 94 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work outlines a requirement statement language oriented to information system supported by databases. The concepts and terms used by such a language come from the infological approach and the recommendations of the ANSI/SPARC. The need of such a language, the concepts and terms are also analyzed. Part of the syntax, specially in the description of the dynamic aspects of the system, was borrowed from PSL. An example using the language is also included.