Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts 1979-1983 For any information, please contact 1979 79_MSc_yano Adelio Hiromiti YANO. Um ensaio sobre Lambda Calculo e combinadores. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/08/79 102 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: The Lambda calculus and Combinatory theories are presented in a didactic way, including the demonstration of Church-Rosser's theorem by Barendregt for Lambda calculus. We present an extension of this demonstration for Lamda calculus. Besides that, we have no restriction when substituting variables in a lambda-expression. Such restriction, generally founded in the literature, which prejudices the rigor of the demonstrations. 79_MSc_teixeira Ademar Raimundo M. TEIXEIRA. Implementacao de um filtro lexico de proposito geral: um estudo experimental em engenharia de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/07/79 [irr.] p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The first activity to be performed when translating is to decompose the input stream into lexical units. Some of these will be of no value for alter processing phases, e.g. comments. A lexical filter is a routine which separated the source program into lexical units, discarding the useless one and compressing the useful ones by means of a symbol table, returning standard identifications of short and fixed length. This dissertation attempts to show the applicability of software engineering concepts to non trivial programs, through the implementation of a general purpose lexical filter. 79_MSc_frizerajr Anselmo FRIZERA JR. Sistemas de informacao integraveis. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/07/79 97 p. Advisor: Jayme Goldstein (NSI/PUC/RJ) Abstract: In this work we propose a technique that, given a conceptual specification of an Integrated Information System, makes it available to its user the necessary information to the development of applications as well as for decision making processes. A DBMS emulation of some functions, resulting from this proceeding, will serve as an intermediate strategy for installations which are in a phase of equipment expansion or of Information Systems definition. 79_PhD_borquez Atendolfo Pereda BORQUEZ. Metodos de descricao de tipos de dados e estruturas de dados. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 07/12/79 147 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho. Abstract: This work proposes a conceptual unification of the different methodologies used to describe data types and data structures. This conception is based on the degree of abstraction and on the point of view used to visualize the domain of data used by each description method. To meet this objective, it is proposed to classify the methods into four groups: intentional descriptions, extensional descriptions, generative descriptions and operational descriptions. Examples are provided for each class of description, and strategies are suggested to prove the equivalence between descriptions belonging to different views. 79_MSc_mirandajr Cid Carvalho MIRANDA JR. Instrumentos gerenciais na evolucao da funcao processamento de dados. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/08/79 54 p. Advisor: Heitor Luiz Murat de Meirelles Quintella. Abstract: Electronic Data Processing is focused as a functional area of a company, characterized by a specific evolutionary starting in the first application and growing through total integration. Three theories of evolution are analyzed: economical, functional and maturity of utilization. It is done a comparison between them, with a proposition of an integrated view. Following, it is analyzed a set of relevant management procedures that may be implemented in order to achieve a proper evolutionary process. Each procedure is evaluated according its objectives, characteristics and evolution dynamics. Finally, it is proposed a relationship between the integrated evolution picture and the applicability of each management procedure within each evolutionary stage. 79_MSc_medeiros Claudia Maria Bauzer MEDEIROS. Estudo comparativo de tecnicas de teste de programas. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/12/79 308 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This paper contains a comparative study of three program test data generation techniques. The efficiency of each technique in pointing out some of the most common programming errors is given special attention. Conclusions stress differences among these techniques in treating specific problems in the area and emphasize the obstacles to their automation. 79_MSc_teixeira Claudio Andrade TEIXEIRA. Um sistema de orcamento-programa para orgaos da administracao direta apoiado em banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/07/79 178 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: After analyzing the current government agencies budget-programming systems a alternative data-base integrated system is suggested in order to improve the organizational management information system. 79_MSc_crisostomo Cleto Prata CRISOSTOMO. Um estudo sobre a funcao do administrador de dados. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/09/79 150 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The goal of this work is to present a methodology for data administration implementation and the use of a data dictionary system as a tool for this function. First, the main concepts of the data administration function and data dictionary systems are presented. In this presentation, emphasis is given to the clarification of concepts and to the standardization of important terms. Finally, a methodology is proposed in parallel with the presentation of an example of its application in a particular enterprise. 79_MSc_moura Eduardo Taquece MOURA. Manutencao de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/07/79 173 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The software maintenance problem is stated within an actual context. Basic concepts about software quality and its life cycle are presented. After this, the problem related to the introduction of changes are examined. Procedures, techniques and tools aiming at the easy development of maintenance of already implemented software are studied. 79_MSc_lage Estephan Leitao LAGE. Especificacoes fisicas para a construcao de um cross-compiler. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/07/79 200 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The objective of this work is to set up the physical specifications to implement a CROSS COMPILER for an ALGOL like language. Based in an already known logical specification for such compiler, we carefully study the concepts, techniques and available tools in order to get the mentioned specifications. After this, the next step is to implement the compiler. 79_MSc_silveira Fernando Malburg da SILVEIRA. Controle de processos por sistemas digitais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/07/79 302 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Process Control by digital computers is a technology resulting from the interaction of several disciplines, as for instance Control Engineering, Software Engineering, Operational Research, Instrumentation, Computer Architecture and others. Its field of applications is notably growing in industries, armed forces and laboratories. Currently, the demand of specialized technicians on digital control is expanding rapidly. This justifies a greater care of the post-graduating students in Informatics with that technology. It also stimulates the writing of a didactic text covering the main components of the matter: the basic control principles and the real-time software/hardware requirements and characteristics for Process Control applications. The purpose of this work is to produce such text, didactically summarizing the most relevant information concerning the matter, and putting together data rarely found unified under the Informatics point of view, in current publications. 79_MSc_costa Geraldo Machado COSTA. Um estudo sobre a especificacao do sincronismo de processos concorrentes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/03/79 61 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: A method of expressing synchronization on shared resources by regular expressions is presented and the motivations which led to this method are explained. Path expressions and flow expressions, notations based on regular expressions, are defined and some of their properties are presented. 79_MSc_teixeira Gilberto Antunes TEIXEIRA. Especificacao formal de banco de dados e suas restricoes de integridade. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/01/79 143 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work analyzes critically the conceptual models proposed by Bo Sundgreen in "An Infological Approach to Data Bases", and by H. Biller & E. Neuhold in "Semantics of Data-Bases: The Semantics of Data Models", and it also presents a set of concepts and guide-lines which are necessary to model the "slice of reality" of interest to the users. The ideas presented by Chamberlin & Eswaram in "Functional Specification of a Subsystem for Data Base Integrity" are detailed by the definition of grammatical syntax rules which enable the formal specification of integrity assertions. Such rules are applied to the problem formulated by Prof. A. L. Furtado in "Complete and Compatible sets of update operations", demonstrating that the solution to the problem of cooperation among "basic operations" applied on a data base, is necessary to express the semantics of user model. 79_MSc_villalobos Horacio Melendez VILLALOBOS. Um estudo sobre a geracao de codigos por compiladores. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/10/79 93 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: A formalism for the code generation phases within a compiler is described. The formalism departs from an abstract program tree generated during the analysis phase. Encoding methods for this abstract tree are shown. This formalism is illustrated with examples taken from several programming languages. 79_MSc_mello Isis D. L. Silva MELLO. Macro e micro programacao de um monitor de entrada e saida. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/08/79 130 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: No English abstract provided. 79_MSc_magalhaes Ivo Mauricio R. de MAGALHAES. Um simulador para arquiteturas distribuidas utilizando micro processadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/09/79 177 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Not provided 79_MSc_vaz Joao Paulo VAZ. Nucleo de sistema operacional para micro-computador Intel 8080. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/08/79 33 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: A kernel is defined for a multi-level system designed to run on a INTEL 8080 based micro-computer. The implementation of the defined kernel is also showed. The kernel comprises the two lower levels of the system: CPU queue management is the only function performed by the first level; the second level implements inter-process communication, interruption handling, semaphore control and process control. 79_MSc_mendes Jose Antonio F. MENDES. Tecnica de desenvolvimento de software confiavel. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/06/79 157 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: In this work the basic aspects of reliable software are discussed in a didactic form. Design and programming techniques, reliability models, debugging, testing, fault tolerant software, project management and human factors are considered. The main papers and books of the area are presented in an annotated bibliography. 79_MSc_magalhaes Jose Augusto C. MAGALHAES. Tecnicas para o projeto e a implementacao de sistemas de software confiaveis. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/03/79 54 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This paper suggests a set of techniques that are applicable to the development of reliable software systems with particular stress being laid on the aspects of fault tolerance and intolerance. The paper also covers some basic means of error detection, fault treatment, damage assessment and error recovery. As an example of the techniques proposed the design of a system that is already in operation is presented and its particular reliability characteristics are analyzed. 79_MSc_carvalho Jose Geraldo A. C. CARVALHO. Um metodo para automatizacao de um sistema de gerencia de caixa: estudo de casos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/02/79 79 p. Advisor: Heitor Luiz Murat de Meirelles Quintella Abstract: The report begins with a description of Cash Management problem considering Esso Brasileira de Petroleo S.A. specific's case, pointing out benefits resulting from accurate controls applied to it. The most frequent problems found by company's team in charge of Cash Management, mainly those related with banks, are here identified and analyzed. For each problem found, the following report present control suggestions as Informational Models, with the objective of providing fast and precise operating tool that help company on taking decisions. Finally, conclusion is presented, in order to generalize problems considered. 79_MSc_leite Julio Cesar S. P. LEITE. Contabilidade de custos no desenvolvimento de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/03/79 144 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The high cost of software is known to be a reality. Facing this problem, this dissertation studies the following topics: an overview about Economics of Software; a survey of the most important works in the area of Estimating costs of Software; a proposition of a technique that gather information to a Cost Data Base. This technique is based on the principals of Cost Accounting, with records of productivity in the construction of software. 79_MSc_pion Margarida Maria Bereta PION. Sistema interativo para a construcao de modelos minimais no universo de Herbrand. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/02/79 180 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: This work presents a SPTIBOL implementation of a system that helps analyzing axiomatizations for data structures and data types. This system guides the construction of a minimal model on the Herbrand universe obtained by skolemizing the axioms. It also includes a theorem prover based on J. A. Robinson's unification algorithm. So, it can be used as a basis for semi-automatic theorem provers. The system was designed so as to be used by researchers without any programming experience. 79_MSc_monteiro Mario Antonio MONTEIRO. Transmissao automatica de mensagens em redes de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/07/79 294 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: This work deals with the study of automatic transmissions of messages in hard copy through a computer communications network. First, we present a survey on the basic concepts in teleprocessing and computer networks in order to make this work self contained. Following, we investigate the feasibility of a system to transmit written messages automatically, implemented by a computer communications network. The system is carefully discussed in terms of data specifications, functional and operational requirements, protocols definitions, topology calculations, software design and hardware characteristics. We are looking for a system that should be practical, feasible and very cost effective. For this last reason we direct our attention toward the possibility to use it in microprocessor technology. The work concludes with the presentation of a general methodology for developing such a system. We presume that a system, like the one discussed in this dissertation, should be very useful to reduce cost and increase efficiency in large corporations and in the communications services of government agencies, like the Post Office or the Armed Forces. 79_MSc_steinbruch Pedro Luiz STEINBRUCH. Um estudo sobre modularizacao de programas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/04/79 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Note: Not available. 79_MSc_freitas Ronaldo Ribeiro FREITAS. Metodologia para selecao de sistemas de gerenciamento de banco de dados. M;Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/07/79 306 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The implementation of a Data Base System is a complex process that involves the allocation of human and material resources larger than those usually needed by the development of conventional software systems projects. The Data Base project affects every aspect of an Organization or enterprise. It implies on data processing activities integration, for several users. The success in the Data Base implementation requires careful planning, execution and control of actions. The selection of a Data Base Management System (DBMS) adequate, as an effective tool in assisting the Data Base Administrator in his functions, is a critical task in the implementation process. This text provides a practical and systematic method, and a framework, to conduct the feasibility study of the Data Base approach, and the planning and execution of activities inherent to the identification of the Organization data structuring controlling and processing requirements, specification of the desirable set of DBMS characteristics and capabilities, construction of profiles and evaluation of generalized packages available in the software market, and finally the selection and acquisition of the best DBMS as a result of the computation of figures of merit and performance evaluation of the candidate systems. 79_PhD_chaves Therezinha da Costa Ferreira CHAVES. Metodos ciclicos com extensa regiao de estabilidade. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 29/03/79 78 p. Advisor: Peter Albrecht Abstract: Our principal aim is to study the region of stability of k-step M-cyclic methods, trying to get high order of convergence together large region of stability. We show the existence of methods, with k=M=3, which have high order of convergence q= 2k=6, and whose real region of stability besides to be small [formula] is equivalent to those ones of Adams-Moulton's methods, for q=6 or k=3. After we create methods with lower order of convergence (for M=k=3, q=5 and for M=k=4 q=6) but now stiff-stable. 79_MSc_alves Weber ALVES. Especificacoes logicas para a construcao de um 'Cross-Compiler' . M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/07/79 95 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: In small size computers, we have noted the excessive time in compilation and the main reason for that is the lack of available space in main memory. One possible solution for this problem deals with the utilization of a compiler that, running in a large computer, can generate object code ready to be executed in a small computer. The goal of this work is carefully study the required objectives and to obtain the logical specifications for such compiler, regarding an ALGOL like language. -------------------------------------------- 1980 80_MSc_lapa Alcio Jose Cintra LAPA. Estudo e aplicacao de tecnicas analiticas na avaliacao de desempenho de sistemas de computacao. M.Sc Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/08/80 219 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Queuing network models are among the most cost effective tools for performance evaluation of modern computer systems. This work presents a detailed survey of several analytic techniques for performance evaluation, namely: Operational Analysis, Stochastic Queuing Networks, Decomposition and Diffusion Approximations. Some of them were applied, as a case study, to the performance evaluation and capacity planning of an actual computer system. 80_MSc_silva Arlindo Jorge da SILVA. REL-MUMPS: Uma interface relacional para o MUMPS. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/09/80 117 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Relational data model has been the principal direction in the research of data base interfaces for data manipulation because of its data independence and the possibility of use of a non procedural language. This work is a proposal of a relational interface for the MUMPS system with following features-Data Definition Language with the capabilities to define and maintain a Relational Data Base Schema, Data Manipulatio Language with the capabilities to retrieval and update the data base and Relational Utilities to support the data base administration. 80_MSc_duarte Carlos Andrade DUARTE. Em busca de uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de sistemas em ambiente de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/07/80 103 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The objective of this dissertation is to present a series of procedures and/or techniques towards the implementation of a methodology for systems development in a data base environment. Existing methodologies are analyzed for the clarification of concepts and standardization on the use of the terminology, assuring and adequate understanding of the topic. The work emphasizes Data Analysis as the basis for logical data base design and for definition of schemata. It also shows the relationship between Data and functional analysis. Finally, the appropriate procedures and/or techniques for our established objective are detailed. 80_PhD_santos Clesio Saraiva dos SANTOS. Caracterizacao sistematica de restricoes de integridade em banco de dados. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 18/10/80 149 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The present work is a systematic study on integrity constraints in data bases, including a proposal for their classification. An Entity- Relationship model, extended by the definition of abstraction mechanisms, is used as the data base model. A many-sorted first order predicate calculus is used as the specification language. Problems related to the use of such a formalism for the specification and manipulation of data bases are also discussed. 80_MSc_palatnik David PALATNIK. Projeto de um emulador para sistema baseado em microprocessador de terminais IBM voltados para entrada remota de servicos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/04/80 125 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: A description is presented of the program RJEIBM, which enables the COBRA-300 microcomputer to emulate the following IBM Remote Job Entry (RJE) terminals: 2770, 2780 and 3780. This description is preceded by a discussion of the following characteristics of digital data communications: links, protocols and modulation. 80_MSc_falcao Francisco Pedroso FALCAO. Um Cross-Assembler para o microprocessador Intel 8086. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/07/80 113 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe. Abstract: The microprocessors usage in growing sophisticated application justifies the CROSS-ASSEMBLERS and CROSS-COMPILERS construction. These resources give facilities to software development and debugging, through the use of another computer. Present work describes how was developed and implemented CROSS86, a Cross-Assembler for INTEL s 8086 microprocessor. 80_MSc_medeiros Geraldo Moraes MEDEIROS. Uma metodologia de gerencia de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/09/80 180 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: We consider that the great majority of our Data Processing installations present a low productivity problem, and that problem refers to new systems and programs, mainly because of high indicator maintenance, our work have the purpose: to analyze the software development/maintenance of the application in the installation; to suggest a new functional structure which helps us to minimize these problems; to show a programming method based in resents programming methodology; to adopt a control programming system with the purpose to evaluate the successfulness of this methodology, and to detect the problems out of programming, responsible to retard the programs development and projects in the installation. 80_MSc_chahon Jose Alberto CHAHON. Modelos analiticos e de simulacao para sistemas de filas com e sem prioridade. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/10/80 143 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: It is undeniable the great importance of studying queuing systems that arise from overpopulation and technological development. Analytical models to provide the average time that a customer waits in the queue were developed in this work. The proposed queuing systems are of the M M m type, with priority oriented queuing disciplines. Both static and dynamic priorities, and also nonpreemptive and preemptive resume disciplines were considered. With the purpose of solving the formulated queuing systems, it has been made a general outline about the application of techniques concerning the Theory of Queuing Systems, which served as a basis for the construction of analytical models. Finally, discrete simulation models, built in GPSS were used as a tool to verify the correctness of all analytical models developed for the queuing systems taken into consideration. 80_MSc_morais Jose Bezerra de MORAIS. Auditoria de sistemas atraves do computador. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/12/80 163 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: This thesis presents an analysis of the principal features of auditing in Electronic Data Processing - EDP. The importance of systems audit "through" the computer is emphasized and explained in detail, along with a description of several techniques and tools available to the auditor in his work. Viewed as the main purpose of this study, systems audit "through" the computer is introduced as an important element in the level of training necessary to the auditor. A methodology is also presented which proves useful to auditors responsible for the examination and evaluation of EDP systems. This methodology encompasses both the development proces of new systems as well as those systems already in use. 80_MSc_macedo Lucas Mortimer MACEDO. Projeto e implementacao de banco de dados considerando restricoes de integridade e seguranca. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/04/80 54 [+78] p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This thesis is an example of data base design in the relational model, through a methodology, which takes into consideration: data integrity; access security; operational facilities for the users. It also presents the specification and implementation of the update and query transactions and other functions, using the HYADES data base management system. 80_MSc_caminha Marcelo Thome CAMINHA. Desenvolvimento estruturado de sistemas interativos: um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/09/80 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Note: Not available. 80_PhD_monard Maria Carolina MONARD. Projeto e analise de algoritmos de classificacao externa baseados na estrategia de QUICKSORT. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 04/02/80 133 p. Advisor: Gaston Gonnet Abstract: One of the topics which arises frequently in programming is sorting when the items are kept in the computer s memory or external sorting, when the items are held mainly in external memory. The problems to be solved in external sorting are quite different than those in external sorting. The main purpose of this thesis is a detailed analysis of a new external sorting algorithm based on the technique of "divide and conquer" which sorts in situs a file held in random access secondary memory. An analysis of its worst case, best case, upper bound of the average case and its average case are presented as well as the influence of the blocking factor on sorting. 80_MSc_jaguaribe Maria Elisa F. T. JAGUARIBE. Um estudo comparativo entre o sistema PSL/PSA e sistema de dicionario de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/09/80 196 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Not provided. 80_MSc_carvalhofilho Mario Belisario de CARVALHO FILHO. Um estudo sobre desenvolvimento de sistemas: a fase de definicao de requisitos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/07/80 131 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The aim of this work is to present concepts on software systems requirements in order to point out the purposes of the first phase of software development: the Requirements Definition. Five distinct steps, each with its own features, are suggested in order to achieve those purposes. For each step we suggest a documentation set along with some comments on the main characteristics of a well-defined specification and a summary of some of the actual methods for analysis and requirements definition. 80_MSc_landes Oscar Ernesto LANDES. Recuperacao de falhas em bancos de dados distribuidos: especificacao de um componente de armazenamento confiavel. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/01/80 248 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce. Abstract: The property of a database management system to recover from failures, preserving the database integrity is extremely important. A survey of several techniques of crash recovery in database management systems is presented in this work. Next, the idea contained in this survey are integrated and expanded in order to allow for the complete specification of a storage component of a distributed database management system. The storage component is the portion of the DBMS which is responsible for accessing the data in secondary storage and for the implementation of crash recovery mechanisms. The specification of the storage component is given in "PASCAL-like" . The performance evaluation of the component is presented in terms of average number of accesses to secondary storage on a per procedure basis. Finally, it is shown here how the storage component being proposed can be used to implement a distributed file system. 80_MSc_cardim Oscar Sergio Marques CARDIM. Analise e critica de topicos relevantes na construcao e operacao de sistemas de informacao. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/80 139 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The techniques for the development of Information Systems are still in their infancy. Recent studies show that existing specification and programming tools are not conducing, as expected, to systems processing a high quality levels. Quality in itself requires much more study. The objective of this dissertation is to obtain more insight into properties of Information Systems, not only from the technical point of view but also from that of the end user. 80_MSc_cunhajunior Osmar Boavista CUNHA JUNIOR. Avaliacao de projetos de sistemas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/07/80 116 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: This work analyzes the System Design evaluation process taking into account the peculiarities of Software development. Starting from a basic financial Cost/Benefits analysis of a given System, a Technical, Administrative and Economical validation is derived, aiming at the identification of uncertainty components. A complementary study of Project Sensibility introduces this uncertainty on the financial analysis, establishing the environment for management decisions in Automate Systems Project. 80_PhD_azeredo Paulo Alberto AZEREDO. Tratamento de excecoes em ambientes modulares. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 05/12/80 194 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The exception handling problem is studied, specially in the case of modular environments. The problem is characterized, and the requirements that a mechanism for handling exceptions in such environments must have are identified. Current approaches for dealing with the problem are analyzed and evaluated with respect to those requirements. A mechanism for handling exceptional conditions in modular environments that fits the requirements is proposed. The main characteristics of the mechanisms are its applicability in modular environments and the enforcement of verifiability. 80_MSc_kacelni Paulo KACELNIK. Aplicacao de metodos ciclicos a equacoes STIFF. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/08/80 148 p. Advisor: Gerhard Honig Abstract: The cyclic methods present advantages over the multistep methods, generally used for the numerical solution of differential equations, likewise larger convergence order and stability region. Stiff equations appear in a great range of applications like Circuit Theory, flow of a chemical reacting gas, etc. Properties of cyclic methods, definitions, examples of stiff equations and a selection of stiff-stable cyclic methods for K<4 and M<4 will be presented. Each one of these methods is checked against a stiff equation, in order to verify its behavior. A suggestion is given for the generation of stiff-stable cyclic methods. 80_MSc_coutinho Roberio da Cunha COUTINHO. Sistema basico de comunicacao entre processos para uma rede distribuida de microprocessadores: maquina GMB dirigida por dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/07/80 266 p. Advisors: Wilson Vicente Ruggiero (USP/SP) and Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Much recent works have shown the enormous advantages to be gained by the implementation of distributed architectures using networks of multi-microprocessors, which have become economically viable due to the low cost of VLSI technology. The new architectural concepts have been accompanied by the creation of new formal models of computation. Starting from the description of the GMB Model, we present a programming nucleus structured for basic support to the distributed data driven GMB interpreter. Relevant services are defined; central amongst these is an effective system for inter-process communication using the exchange of message without sharing memory. This mechanism is also considered a fundamental component for any distributed Operating System Kernel, thus expanding the scope of its application. The text also serves as a complete introduction to the material under discussion. 80_MSc_ladeira Rosa Maria Martins LADEIRA. Uma arquitetura alternativa para G-10 M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/03/80 86 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: A microprogramming development system to G-10 had been created in this work. It permits the flexibility of defining and testing new architectures for specific uses. 80_MSc_holanda Talia Chaves Buarque de HOLANDA. Projeto e desenvolvimento estruturado de um sistema de programacao: estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/03/80 211 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This paper shows the applicability and advantages of the use of Composite Design combined with Structured Programming Techniques in the development of a programming system. A Corporate Model for financial planning is used as example. This software must be able to fit the use by different enterprises, therefore demanding a flexible programming, easy to maintain, reliable and easily changeable or extendable at low costs. 80_MSc_almeida Virgilio Augusto F. ALMEIDA. Um modelo para o planejamento de capacidade de sistemas de computacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/09/80 93 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Capacity planning of computer systems requires an adequate tool to predict the performance of a data processing installation under several possible configurations. This dissertation presents such a tool based on queuing network analytic models and an operational analysis theory. Taking as input parameters which characterize the workload and hardware and the software of the computer system, the model calculates several measures of interest to the performance analyst. ---------------------------------------------- 1981 81_MSc_brzezinski Antonio BRZEZINSKI. Um modelo de implementacao de um subconjunto da linguagem ADA. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/04/81 306 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This work describes a implementation model for a subset of the programming language ADA, using stack as main structure. The following characteristics of the language are studied: blocks, subprograms, modules and dynamic allocation. The implementation of blocks is similar to ALGOL 60. A detailed example shows how the implementation of and ADA program behaves with respect to this kind of the structure, and an access algorithm to names is developed in environment of the block. In ADA there are two kinds of subprograms: non-limited subprogram and limited program. The mainly concern is with the latter. Simulations using static chain and display of the implementation of ADA programs which contain subprograms are shown. Algorithms to access names in such environment are also developed. Modules are show in the following forms: named collection of declarations, groups of related subprograms, and encapsulated data types. For each form; examples are used to show its implementation. Access Algorithms to names are also developed in such environment. An Algorithm for memory allocation for such modules is developed. The facility to specify the size of the "heap" memory which contains the dynamic variables is a novelty in ADA. An example, which contains access types is analyzed in detail. Finally, are presented some conclusions and suggestions for further works in ADA programming language. 81_MSc_amaralfilho Antonio Rubens Anciaes AMARAL FILHO. Avaliacao de desempenho de sistemas do banco de dados atraves da tecnica de medicao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/09/81 165 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: Database technology has been gaining wide acceptance among data processing specialists and the users community. If this tendency remains unchanged, the number of applications that do not use databases will decrease considerably, which implies that the performance of database systems will influence more and more the behavior of data processing systems. Because of its flexibility, a database environment allows not only changes in the database schema, but also the constant addition of new classes of users. However, even though both factors may generate the response time of the system, very little attention has been devoted to database system performance evaluation. We propose in this thesis a set of performance indexes and parameters which are tuned to database systems. These indexes and parameters are organized according to a performance evaluation model following the measurement techniques. We also describe a specification of a performance measurement system. Finally, we present performance evaluation results obtained from experiments with a concrete database system. 81_MSc_souza Celso Teixeira de SOUZA. O enfoque de entidades e relacionamentos na analise estruturada de sistemas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/02/81 145 p Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work presents an application of the Entity Relationship model in Structured Systems Analysis and Design. It shows how the system processes may be easily identified form the information modeling in terms of the entity and relationship concepts. On the other hand the analysis of the processes allows the right adjustment on the initial modeling. Thus this work emphasizes the need of the interaction between Data Analysis in system development. An example of application of this method is also included. 81_MSc_mazzoni Claudia Junqueira MAZZONI. Um modelo para especificacao e controle de qualidade de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/10/81 121 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Software quality is examined based on the main published works. The software quality characteristics introduced by these publications are described and analyzed. The study of the causes for the high costs of software systems has shown the importance of software quality contributes to the reduction of the average system life. A new organizational method of software quality is introduced, based on the practical aspects of product acceptance-evaluation, utilization and modification. 81_MSc_bertini Claudio dos Santos BERTINI. Aplicacao do algoritmo de decomposicao a implementacao de um interface relacional. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/09/81 114 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: Given the increasing access to computing resources by untrained users from other professions, the current tendency is to develop languages that are easy to learn and use. This opposes the old tendency, however, the internal structure of man-machine interfaces grew in complexity considerably. This thesis focus on the major problems of designing a high-level interface for relational databases. The interface adopted, Query-by-Example (QBE), is a high-level, interactive query language that is quite easy to use. A subject of QBE is first defined, as well as the generic syntax of a class of queries, called conjunctive queries. Then a detailed analysis of a method, called decomposition, for processing conjunctive queries is carried out. This thesis concludes with a brief discussion on variations of the decomposition method. 81_MSc_gomes Elpio Luciano GOMES. Gerencia de configuracao de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/08/81 304 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Software integrity is placed within the actual context. Basic concepts about Software Configuration Management are presented. Afterwards, Software Configuration Management functions and their application during the system's life cycle are studied. Several Software Configuration Management documents and tools are commented. 81_MSc_rocha Eraldo Souza ROCHA. Analisador sintatico para prova de teorema. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/04/81 221 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: There has been a lot of research for elaboration of software to Theorem Proving. The motivation for this work was the need of elaboration of a trustful and complete program which would help the difficult task of manual Theorem Proving. So we are presenting the development of a software in this area named Syntactic Analyzer for Theorem Proving. The present work is of interest to future researchers that wish to continue on the elaboration of a wider software. 81_MSc_pessoa Francisco Edson Pinheiro PESSOA. Programacao com tipos de dados abstratos. M.Sc.Diss. Port Presentation: 13/03/81 144 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: Abstract data types have been claimed as a powerful tool in the development of programs. Its use provides an elegant construction of the program by factoring it into two parts: a program that manipulates an abstract data type and an implementation of this type in terms of some selected representation. Likewise, the correctness proof of the program is factored into a proof of the program that manipulates the abstract data type and in a proof of the correctness of the implementation of the data type. Both proofs require the use of a formal specification of the data type. Various approaches have been proposed in the literature for the specification of abstract data types. Among these, the algebraic approach has received special attention, hence its adoption in this work. The present work, that intends to be an introduction to the subject, deals with the relevant aspects concerning abstract data types (what they mean; how to specify them; how to prove their correctness; how to implement them) and how they are used in programming (abstract mechanisms in the current programming languages, design and proof of abstract programs. 81_MSc_mendes Iziderio de Almeida MENDES. Rede de computadores: protocolos no interior da rede de comunicacao de dados, uma especificacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/07/81 323 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce. Abstract: Computer networks are being developed or designed by many countries, including Brazil, using the packet switching technology as a means of communication between computers and/or terminals. These networks use a hierarchy of protocols that there are inside the data communication network. These protocols are responsible for the accuracy and reliability in transferring data between source and destination switching nodes. To provide this facility, this level of hierarchy uses inter nodes trunks allied to a routing strategy and an end-to-end procedure between source-node and destination-node. This assures that packet sequencing is preserved and carries out the flow control in the network. Starting from the detailed description of what a protocol is like and which functions it executes to assure the data exchangeability between processes that implement it, in an orderly manner, this work intends to identify, define and specify the protocols that will establish the transmission layer: the data communication network - RECOMDOS, that is used as a means of communication in computer networks. As protocols, routing techniques and other internal controls of RECOMDOS are invisible to network users, one intends to generate, as one of the aims a broad didactic text about the subject issued, apart from a formal specification of protocols identified, using a protocol specification language called APSL. 81_MSc_medeiros Joel Martins MEDEIROS. Sistema de intercomunicacao para uma rede distribuida de micro-processadores aplicada ao processamento de informacoes navais. M.Sc. Port. Presentation: 08/05/81 238 p. Advisors: Wilson Vicente Ruggiero (USP/SP) and Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: Most recent research shows great benefits in designing real time process control systems based on distributed microprocessor networks. The continuous decline of LSI and VLSI chips, as consequence of technologic development, makes economically feasible the implementation of distributed microprocessor networks with low hardware cost and high level of concurrency, performance, reliability and availability. This thesis is concerned with the definition of a distributed microprocessor network applied to naval information processing and the design, based on a project methodology, of an intercommunication system for the proposed network. To estimate the behavior of such an interconnection structure, an analytical study is presented, including performance, reliability and costs. Also, several fundamental concepts about interconnection structures are summarized, and existing communication protocols are discussed. 81_MSc_palmer Jose Carlos da Silva PALMER. Um modelo numerico para escoamento de fluidos multifasicos compressiveis em meios porosos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/10/81 36 p. Advisor: Paulo Jorge Paes Leme Abstract: We developed a numerical model for a simulation of fluids flow in parous media. In this work we take into consideration two phases gaseous (compressible) and liquid (incompressible). The basic laws which rule the flow are mass conservation law and Darcy law (friction). The equations are reduced to a coupled system of a hyperbolic equation with a parabolic equation. This system is solved by means of splitting, by alternating a step in the hyperbolic equation with a step in the parabolic equation. This work aims to test the use of finite difference methods, which is implicit in the parabolic step and explicit in the hyperbolic step, as a preliminary to a simulation of the back-oil problem. The resulting semi-implicit methods did not present any instabilities, as shown by the results. 81_MSc_lobel Lucia LOBEL. Especificacao e implementacao de uma linguagem de consultas baseada no modelo de entidades e relacionamentos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/04/81 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Note: Not available. 81_PhD_lopes Manoel Agamenon LOPES. Introducao a uma teoria geral de problemas. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 12/05/81 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Note: Not available. 81_MSc_rego Paulo Fernando Lopes REGO. O enfoque de entidades e relacionamentos na analise e projeto estruturado de sistemas: um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/10/81 85 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work presents an application of a Structured Analysis and Design Methodology. This methodology combines the so-called Entity-Relationship (ER) approach to System Analysis and Design with the recent Structured Analysis and Design methods (GANE, YOURDON, MYERS, etc.) The resultant method is called here as ERAPES. The work presents two solutions of the same problem, being one of these through the use of ERAPES and suggests some of the advantages of this methodology. 81_MSc_araujo Paulo Sergio Simoes de ARAUJO. Um subsistema de manipulacao de dados para um sistema de gerencia de banco de dados (Tipo CODASYL/78). M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/10/81 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Note: Not available. 81_MSc_birchal Renato BIRCHAL. Uma especificacao conceitual do sistema nacional de informatica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/04/81 136 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This dissertation proposes a methodology for the design of database at the conceptual level (following the ANSI/SPARC standards) as a support to the planning and coordination of the activities in the area of Informatics that take place in the country. This set of activities define the National Informatics System. Two levels of abstraction are suggested for the formulation of the conceptual model: the structural and the "infological" levels. For the development of the first level we make use of a notation similar to the ones used in connection with the so called structured analysis approach. For the second level we adapted the Entity-Relationship model of CHEN extended by the data type constructors proposed by SANTOS and FURTADO. 81_MSc_lobel Roberto Eugene LOBEL. Uma contribuicao para o desenvolvimento de estruturas flexiveis para sistemas de dicionarios de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/02/81 262 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The main objective of this work is the proposition of a flexible structure for Data Dictionary Systems. First, the concepts involved in the subject of Data Base, Data Administration and Data Dictionary are reviewed. Then the main Data Dictionary Systems are analyzed, based on a taxonomy developed for this system category. The existing recommendations in Brazil about Data Dictionaries are also analyzed. From these analysis it is specified and implemented the SDDPUC, a flexible Data Dictionary System with managerial approach oriented for interactive use. The SDDPUC allows to describe Information Systems by the Entity-Relationship approach using an almost natural language, similar to Portuguese. 81_MSc_campos Roberto de Lima CAMPOS. Um subsistema de definicao de dados para um sistema de gerencia de banco de dados (Tipo CODASYL-78). M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/09/81 330 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The purpose of this work is to specify a data definition subsystem (SSDD) of a database management system, based on the recent revisions of the CODASYL proposal. This subsystem covers three languages in different levels: DDL (DATA DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE), SDDL (SUBSCHEMA DATA DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE) and DSDL (DATA STORAGE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE). The main design characteristic of the SSDD is the integration of user database with the data directory. A database implemented with this system is seen in two levels. The first level corresponding to the directory describing the schema, subschemas and storage schema. The second level corresponding to the database itself. The work presents the specification of the DDL and SDDL and some comments on the DSDL. A partial implementation of the system is also included. 81_MSc_carvalho Rodney Ferreira de CARVALHO. Especificacao de um sistema para automacao bancaria. M.Sc. Port. Presentation: 30/04/81 157 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: With the appearance of new microprocessors, distributed systems, computer-communication networks and database technologies, great chances have occurred in the Information System area. Real time systems, once limited to industrial processes control and similar, are feasible today to commercial applications like banking data processing. This potential market, given the rigid requirements of cost and efficiency and the complexity of designing an integrated system, become a defiance to the flourishing Brazilian computer industry. In this work we present a commented specification of the functions we think such system must offer. The various alternative solutions are commented and criticized in each item. We also present a logical specification of the system's database, based on the entity-relationship data model. Numerous future development trends are pointed out. 81_MSc_roenick Ronaldo D'Avila ROENICK. Comutador de pacotes com arquitetura distribuida: consideracoes e especificacao preliminar. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/81 [irr.] p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: This dissertation intends to establish technical, economical and functional considerations about multi-processor architectures and, based on these considerations and following previously defined criteria, to select a distributed architecture, including a preliminary specification of hardware and software for a packet switching exchange. The resulting specification will be used as an initial proposal for the development of the packet switching node considered in the contract signed among PUC/RJ, EMBRATEL and CPQD/TELEBRAS. It puts in evidence the viability of such a project in an university ambient, analyses the various possible architectures and selects an architecture, based on a distributed cyclic bus access - DCBA - protocol, which is developed in greater detail during the definition of the preliminary specification. 81_PhD_pequeno Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti PEQUENO. Uma descricao formal dos processos de especificacao e implementacao de tipos abstratos de dados. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 15/01/81 96 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work presents a system for the formal specification of abstract data types and proposes a model for the problem of the implementation of data types. The aim is to contribute to the foundation of the process of construction of programs by the methodology of abstract data types, by making possible its formal description. Special emphasis is given to the problem of implementation, here recognized as of fundamental importance to the process of program construction and verification. Its formalization is based on the theory of the definition. 81_PhD_nakanishi Tatuo NAKANISHI. Analise de desempenho de mecanismos de controle de concorrencia em banco de dados. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 18/09/81 149 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Concurrency control mechanisms are necessary in a multi-user database environment to avoid synchronization anomalies. The purpose of this thesis is to study through analytical models the performance of both mechanisms for centralized as well as distributed database systems. In both cases, the average response time of transactions is equated as a function of parameters of the computer system and the communication system, as well as parameters affecting the amount of conflict between transactions. In the centralized databases case, a timestamp-based mechanism is analyzed using a two-level analytic model. The results obtained by this model are compared with results obtained through simulation for a locking-based mechanism. As for distributed databases, a reliable concurrency control mechanism, which uses the two-phase commit protocol, is first specified. Then, the mechanism is proved correct. Finally, the performance of the mechanism is studied through an analytic model derived using Queuing Theory. 81_MSc_leiva Yussef Eloy Farran LEIVA. Especificacao de uma implementacao da recomendacao X.25 da CCITT em um sistema IBM/370. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/02/81 144 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The CCITT X.25 recommendation describes an access protocol to a packet-switched network, and permits communication between separate computer systems. This work presents an interpretation of the X.25 recommendation written in the protocol specification language APSL, and also specifies an implementation for an IBM System/370, based on the concept of concurrent processes communicating through monitors. The implementation is being carried out using a concurrent programming system, SPC, whose design and implementation is also described here. The SPC system extends the capabilities of the BCPL programming language to allow concurrent programming. -------------------------------------------- 1982 82_MSc_oliveira Aloysio Alcantara de OLIVEIRA. Uma metodologia para elaboracao do plano diretor de informatica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/03/82 140 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This dissertation proposes a methodology for the planning of management information systems in organizations, with focus on strategic issues, which are necessary for effective information systems to serve corporate needs. A strategic planning model is formulated, according to STEINER's ideas, which describes the primary activities involved in the planning process. The planning methodology contains several phases of interest, particularly the ones that follow: a strategic profile analysis, built upon the stage's theory of NOLAN; an integrated strategy for information systems development, where several approaches are discussed. 82_MSc_andrade Dimas Augusto de ANDRADE. Uma sistematica para o projeto de sistema de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/10/82 124 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This dissertation proposes and discusses a systematic to Data Base Design, based on the works developed by Borge Langefors & Bo Sundgren, ANSI/X3/SPARC Committee and Peter P. Chen. This systematic divides a Data Base System Design into six stages, during the modeling of information and data. These stages are: I) Object System Definition; II)Primary Conceptual Model Specification; III) External Models Specification; IV) Final Conceptual Model Specification; V) Logical Model Specification; VI) Physical Model Specification. After treating and analyzing the main problems regarding each stage, the tools and techniques used to solve them, are presented. 82_MSc_mendezortiz Eduardo Esteban MENDEZ ORTIZ. O modelo analitico do nivel de transporte em redes de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/05/82 136 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Transport protocols implement reliable interprocess communication mechanisms across a computer network. Functions of the transport level include: addressing, connection management, error and flow control, multiplexing of virtual circuits and synchronization. This work develops an analytic model of the transport level aimed at studying the influence on delay throughput of important parameters such as window size, message size and message arrival rate per connection. A program to calculate performance measures for closed queuing networks was written and is also presented here. 82_MSc_mendes Fernando Mauricio Ribeiro MENDES. Analise de desempenho de um sistema de transferencia eletronica de fundos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/10/82 189 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The increasing amount of papers exchanges among banks, caused by Funds Transfers arises a lot of problems. To improve efficiency in this area, several banks are investing in the automation of these services. The development of computers and the improvement of the high level mechanisms applied to them, as Data Bases and Data Communication Networks, gives the necessary tools for the automation. This thesis analyzes the causes and mechanisms of Funds Transfers, and suggest a computerized Electronic Funds Transfer System. The implementation is then discussed considering the necessary performance for the system, in order to study the appropriate tools. Finally aspects of viability are examined for the system, through the known volume of transactions, the prediction of their distribution and the characteristics of conventional computer systems. 82_MSc_sa Jose Eduardo Amaral de SA. Conversao de sistemas convencionais para o enfoque de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/11/82 198 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: Information Systems (IS) have been constructed under two approaches historically opposed. Systems developed under the conventional approach have several limitations which motivate their conversion to data bases approach, thus obtaining high level descriptions. Conversion methodologies currently known build record descriptions from the conceptual schema. This work conversely explains how to model the conceptual schema from conventional record descriptions. A concise study about this description is presented and a high level language to be used to define the conceptual schema based on entities, attributes and relationship (EAR) is suggested. Using this language, mechanisms to map records onto these objects are recognized and a simple and practical methodology to convert conventional description in the high level description suggested is defined. 82_MSc_silva Jose Geraldo SILVA. Um metodo de projeto de estrutura de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/12/82 173 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The SIBER (Integrated System Based on Entity-Relationship) is an environment of systems development using automated tools and methodologies based on entity-relationships model. This work contributes as a systematic method to the designing of database structures, which uses the SDDPUC (Data Dictionary System-PUC) as support tool to analysis and documentation. The SDDPUC is one of SIBER's tools. As per this method, the designing process of database structure can be reached in two distinct steps: in the first, a macro vision of the conceptual schema is produced, and in the second one the details are completed. In the first step, the Entity-Relationship model and its extensions are analyzed, and it is suggested the use of facilities to record information without any data dependencies problems. In the second step, a systematic method for graphic representation of database structure is used with an auxiliary flexible data dictionary system (SDDPUC). Finally, a summary of the procedures for designing of database structure is introduced. 82_MSc_medeiros Jose Hamurabi Nobrega de MEDEIROS. Logicas nao-monotonicas - aplicacoes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/04/82 75 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: Classical logic has been used by Computer and Artificial Intelligence scientists in formalizing facts about program and common sense. However classical logic systems seem inadequate in several situations since they are based on static pre-established axiomatic, and it is quite different from the needs of the incomplete knowledge sciences where the former two cases are included. A text is proposed which analyses and evidences three different approaches of the so-called non-monotonic logic - "Circumscription", "Modalized-Formulae Logic" and "Defaults Reasoning Logic" - which extend classical logic by introducing different mechanisms. 82_PhD_castilho Jose Mauro Volkmer de CASTILHO. Especificacoes formais para o projeto de aplicacoes de banco de dados. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 24/03/82 180 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The subject of this work is the formal description of very high level schemas for database applications. Firstly, schema related properties are presented and discussed, within a proposal for a methodology of database applications design, considering static and state transition aspects of the applications. Then, several formalisms based on logic are presented, and their adequacy to the description of schemas are corresponding properties is examined, with examples. Finally, formalisms from the abstract data type are, adapted to the description of data base applications as data types, are presented, together with examples. Some aspects of this last approach are emphasized, specially the query or update orientation of each formalism and the treatment of the implementation of an application. 82_MSc_shitara Jose Quenji SHITARA. Modelos analiticos de protocolos de controle de linha. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/06/82 191 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Protocols constitute the "basic software" of packet-switching networks and as such their performance affects directly the network performance itself. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop mathematical models for the performance evaluation of a link level control protocol (level 2 of CCITT's X.25 recommendation). Three different models with increasing level of complexity are presented. All of them assume POISSON arrivals and exponentially distributed packet lengths. An important contribution of this work is the calculation of the probability under with a confirmation packet confirms a variable number of packet in the transmission window. The models are solved by means of finite Markov chain techniques and the results are compared with data obtained from simulation for validation purposes. 82_MSc_romero Marco Antonio ROMERO. Uma facilidade para construcao de programas utilizando o metodo Jackson. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/10/82 144 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The present use of Electronic Data Processing, in a growing scale, suggests the implementation of automated tools to improve the productivity in software development, necessary to meet the increasing demand. This work considers the existing automated software development tools, and presents the Program Project Language (Linguagem de Projeto de Programas - LPP), as a tool for automating program development, based on Jackson's Design Method. 82_MSc_costa Maria Elisa Barroso Mendonca COSTA. Um algoritmo heuristico para estudo de redes fechadas de filas em um sistema de computacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/10/82 85 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: This work presents an algorithm to obtain statistics to analyze the performance of closed, product-form queuing networks which stations have a single-server or infinite servers. This algorithm, named Linearizer, is speed, to obtain accuracy results and is easy to understand. Networks with large populations, many job classes and stations may be analyzed interactively by the Linearizer even on microcomputers with limited memory. This work, also presents others efficient algorithms to analyze the performance of computer systems. 82_MSc_oppenheimer Marli OPPENHEIMER. Uma facilidade para usuario final do SDD/PUC. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/12/82 173 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The SDDPUC is a Data Dictionary developed by the Informatics Department of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. It possesses a quite simple language, but when one wants to make queries to the database or when one wants to include new data or update old one, one has to enter the information in a "one to one command" basis, which can become very tiresome and tedious. This paper presents a review of the latest concepts regarding End Users facilities in database systems. Based on this study, a Facility using menus and forms is proposed in order to expedite more efficiently the entrance of commands into the SDDPUC. 82_MSc_pastor Martha Ymelda Santa Cruz PASTOR. Transporte do sistema Pascal concorrente para o IBM/370. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 13/12/82 176 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: This thesis describes the transportation of the Concurrent PASCAL System of Brinch Hansen to an IBM 370 (OS/370 Operating System). The source and object codes of the system software (PDP-11 version) were obtained from the SOLO distribution tape (provided by Professor W.M. Waite, Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado). An interpreter to simulate exactly the PDP-11 system was written in PASCAL 8000. A package of PASCAL 8000 routines was then constructed which simulated an operating system environment (kernel) in which the interpreter could run. Clock interrupts were simulated so that processes scheduling can be undertaken as if real interrupts were being generated. The system was constructed to provide a basic tool for teaching the programming of small operating systems at the PUC-Rio Computer Science Department. 82_MSc_medeiros Paulo Roberto Gosling MEDEIROS. Especificacao de um nucleo distribuido para Intercomunicação entre Processos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/01/82 209 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: Comparing the requirements for communication between processes running in the same computing unit with those for processes belonging to different unites of a distributed computing system, similarities can be concluded. The problem is generalized and a understructure is specified to support the implementation of several communication and application protocols. ADA programming language is used for the formal specification, and some of its facilities related to concurrent abstract programming are discussed as well. The subject is developed along three main levels: the discussion of a methodology to write concurrent programs; the presentation and complementing of the Theory of Colloquies (G. Le Moli), in order to build an abstract model of the Nucleus; the specification of two protocols, one to implement the set of communication functions between processes belonging to the same computing unit and another one to supervise this service. 82_MSc_mandarino Paulo Roberto Nunes MANDARINO. Seguranca de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/04/82 140 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: The development of data base technology and its adoption by most of the computer users community brought new characteristics to the security measures that should exist in a computerized environment. It is fundamental to guarantee the security and privacy of data kept in this unique repository of information, since users can access, organize and control interrelated data collections, which are stored together, with controlled redundancy and which serve different applications in an organization. This work analyses computer systems protection-related problems, with a special emphasis on the security, of centralized data bases. Theoretical models for access control are studied and preventive actions to avoid inference in statistical data bases are described. Finally, a comparative study of the access control mechanisms of three data management systems is presented. 82_MSc_monteironeto Pedro Jose MONTEIRO NETO. Seguranca em sistemas automatizados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/02/82 248 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The necessity of security in the automated systems is emphasized with a didactic aspect, considering the required resources and the values they deal with. It is discussed involved factors in security that include integrity, privacy , and quality. Also, it is studied suitable resources that make possible the development of a security plan suggesting methods or considerations in a way systems be projected and operated secure. 82_MSc_limafilho Raul Andrade de LIMA FILHO. Especificacao de um subconjunto do Query-by-Example. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/02/82 151 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: This thesis focus on the major problems of designing a high-level relational interface compatible with the decomposition algorithm. The adopted interface is a Query-by-Example, an easy language to learn and use, suitable for the non-programmer community. Firstly a subset of QBE called SUBQBE is defined where each query formulated presents an equivalent conjunctive query. Then an interpreter had been specified for this query's classes in order to make a translation from those to the graph design compatible with the decomposition algorithm. This thesis is concluded showing different processing methods to other query's classes to allow extensions for the defined subset. 82_MSc_castro Roberto Luis Miranda Pereira de CASTRO. Especificacao de um sistema de transferencia eletronica de fundos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/10/82 218 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The dramatic growth in the volumes of financial transactions have caused severed administrative and operational problems for the banking institutions. The state of the art in Computer Science and Data Communications has steered the discussion of banking automation. The banking automation problem, considered in its entirety, is very complex and proposed solutions are still very costly to implement. A feasible approach is the automation of a critical subset of the banking operations. This work considers the well known problem of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) that will tend to replace most of the current check and document based transactions. The first part of this work is devoted to the study of the Payment Systems in the context of the National Financial System, emphasizing the accounting structure used in current Clearinghouse procedures. Then, an Electronic Funds Transfer System is proposed and its components, including the database model and transactions, are specified. This dissertation concludes with a brief analysis of the impact of such a system in our society. 82_MSc_barros Sergio Caetano de BARROS. Controle de qualidade aplicado ao desenvolvimento de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/02/82 223 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The software development is being characterized nowadays by the employment of high financial resources allied to a very high level of risk. Considering that the software systems are responsible for activities which are vital and more complex we identify the quality and cost aspects in those systems as critical. Aiming the definition of a model which makes possible the setting up of a quality control for software during its development, based on the life cycle of a system and on a structure for prediction/evaluation of quality, aspects related to software quality, quality assurance and quality control are analyzed. The Sketch of a Quality Assurance Plan and a Quality Metrics List are presented too. 82_MSc_rego Severino Pompilho do REGO. Uma teoria de dependencias funcionais e dependencias de inclusao sobre expressoes relacionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/04/82 125 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: A formal system for reasoning about functional dependencies (FDs) and inclusion dependencies (IDs) defined over relational expressions is described. An FD e: X Y indicates that Y is functionally dependent on X in the relation denoted by expression e; an DI e [symbol] indicates that the relation denoted by e is a subset of that denoted by [symbol] The system is shown to be sound and complete by resorting to the analytic tableaux method. Applications of the system include the problem of determining if a constraint of a subschema is implied by the constraints of the base schema and the development of database design methodologies similar to normalization. 82_MSc_santos Suzana Lent SANTOS. Especificacao e implementacao de um sistema de automacao de escritorios. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/05/82 221 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Office automation is an important and current area of research within the Computer Science field. Automated offices imply in rather dramatic in the dynamic of office work, provide increased employee productivity and bring a revolution into the concept of conventional data processing. Basically, systems developed for offices differ from traditional systems in the non-structured nature of it's data, in the need of great flexibility to enable adaptation to the context of a variety of organizations, and in the close participation of users, who interact with the machines. This dissertation focuses on the development of applications in the area of office work automation for Brazilian manufactured mini computers. Starting from a preliminary office study, a conceptual schema is presented for a selected sub-system and an user interaction language is defined. Finally a description of the internal schema and the implementation of routines are presented. 82_MSc_chaves Vania Lucia Susini Ramalho CHAVES. Uma implementacao de arquivos invertidos utilizando arvores B+ em COBOL. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/10/82 86 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The main objective of this work is to present a set of routines, that, based on a user's file, develops an inversion over a desired secondary key. It implements appropriated procedures to maintain (insert, update and delete), and retrieve this inverted file. The technique of B+ tree is employed to accelerate the access method and give more reliability to the package. A commercial language (COBOL) is used in order to permit the implementation of this system with little changes, in a large range of computers. 82_MSc_vidal Vania Maria Ponte VIDAL. Projeto de banco de dados atraves de integracao de visoes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/82 124 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: This work approaches a data base project methodology where a global data base description is obtained by integrating several user views. First, a set of concepts that can represent the usual situations occurring in database design is informally presented. These concepts are formalized using the relational model, extended with connections between relations that explicitly indicate the effect an update operation on a relation produces on the others. Procedures that eliminate some difficulties of the integration process, such as the integration of views with different structure and the detection of transitive relationships, are presented. Optimization techniques are also proposed to eliminate redundancies and to minimize the interrelation restrictions. 82_MSc_araujojunior Waldeck Pinto de ARAUJO JUNIOR. Consideracoes sobre especificacao e implementacao de um protocolo de entrada. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/10/82 205 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The characteristics of packet-switched networks and their protocols are analyzed, with more detail in the CCITT's recommendation X.25. After general considerations about transport protocols, is presented a specification in natural language, but sufficiently detailed, comprising interfaces and procedures. Any aspects of how to implement the transport protocol are studied, for a medium capacity computation systems or above. ---------------------------------------------- 1983 83_MSc_martins Acir Ferreira MARTINS. Projeto de um compilador transportavel para a linguagem EDISON e implementacao dos modulos de analise semantica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/05/83 134 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: The installation of computer industry in Brazil and the availability of microprocessors demands the development of base software. This paper presents the design and implementation of an EDISON compiler, a high-level language to be used for base software development. The compiler was designed to be portable and the implementation divided into modules. This paper presents the semantic analysis modules. 83_PhD_rocha Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ROCHA. Um modelo para avaliacao da qualidade de especificacoes. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 27/06/83 260 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The majority of errors in software are due to ambiguous, incorrect and inadequate specifications. Thus, the quality of software is directly related to the specification quality. To produce specification with the desired quality, it is necessary to work in an organized manner towards it. Even more, specifications are produced with methodologies and specification languages. Thus, specification quality depends on the quality of these methodologies and languages. This thesis defines a model for evaluating and predicting specification quality and methodologies and specification languages quality. Based on this model and the study of current methodologies and specification languages, we define the requirement specification for a network of specification languages. 83_MSc_cardoso Armando Mercio Barros CARDOSO. Projeto modular de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 01/03/83 121 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: A data base conceptual schema description is usually lengthy and complex task. Therefore, there is a great interest in developing techniques that structure information in a way that permits implementing data bases in a gradative fashion. To achieve this goal, we develop a modular design technique, based on the concepts of module and module generator mechanism. A module can be taken as the basic cell of conceptual schema. A module generator mechanism is a set of rules that captures natural abstractions of the types generalization, aggregation,....etc. The technique is bottom up in nature and begins with what we have called start modules. These are the basis of the schema. At the end of the generation process, the redundant modules are eliminated. A module is called redundant when it can be generated from others only by mapping their information. The modules which are not eliminated after that process will define the conceptual schema. 83_MSc_pereira Celio da Silva PEREIRA. Sistema de intercomunicacao de uma rede distribuida de microprocessadores aplicada a um sistema de simulacao em tempo real. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/11/83 315 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: Distributed microprocessor networks have been used extensively in recent years to support distributed processing, mainly because of advances in computer technology and the falling cost of hardware, particularly microprocessors. Intrinsic advantages of distributed networks such as high reliability and high throughput make these architectures suited for most real time applications. The performance of these distributed systems depends on the performance of the Intercommunication System (IS), which interconnects the various stations that compose the network. This dissertation formally specifies the Communication Protocol for a IS applied to a real time simulation system. This specification uses a language adequate for protocol specification, APSL, and is based on the definition of the requirements of the IS and its proposed hardware architecture. The Structural Documentation of the software that implements the Protocol functions is elaborated using a methodology previously developed. This documentation includes the functional description of the diverse modules that constitute the Protocol, their structural diagrams, the description of the data structures and the codification of the modules. 83_MSc_moura Claudio Mucio de Oliveira MOURA. Procedimentos de decisao para dependencia de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/07/83 71 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: A constraint definition language, that provides a uniform notation for data dependencies commonly used, is proposed. In this language a logical implication or inference operator is introduced for, given a set [symbol] of data dependencies to determine whether [symbol] logically implies a new dependency [symbol] , that is, [symbo] . The decision problem for certain classes of data dependencies is analyzed through the use of the method of the tableaux defined by Aho, Sagiv and Ullman and through the use of the analytical tableau method from the first order logic. This problem presents a special interest due to some practical utilization of decision procedures in the project phase of relational databases. 83_MSc_menezes Credine Silva de MENEZES. Simulador de micromaquinas: requisito, especificacao funcional, projetos e implementacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/03/83 158 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: A micro-machine simulator is described. This system allows specification and simulation of computers at the bitslice level. By means of a machine description language a wide variety of micro-machines may be simulated. The system is used to simulate the behavior of micro-programs to be executed on described machines. The evolution of the micro-program may be monitored by means of a control language. The project was developed using a set of software engineering disciplines and tools. This set showed to be adequate, as it allowed the system construction within quality constraints and schedule previously defined. 83_MSc_aguiar Henrique Manoel Guedes de AGUIAR. Projeto de um compilador transportavel para a linguagem EDISON e implementacao dos modulos de analise lexica e sintatica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/05/83 110 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: The installation of computer industry in Brazil and the availability of microprocessors demands the development of base software. This paper presents the design and implementation of an EDISON compiler, a high-level language to be used for base software development. The compiler was designed to be portable and the implementation divided into modules. This paper presents the syntax analysis modules. 83_MSc_borquezlegasa Hugo BORQUEZ LEGASA. Implementacao de um metodo de otimizacao para processamento de consultas multirelacionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 01/03/83 171 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: The relational model of data allowed the development of high level languages in which users specify only the desired results in the query, without worrying about the internal organization. A language with a great acceptation in the non-programmer community is Query-by-Example (QBE). A subset of QBE called SUBQBE was defined, accepting only conjunctive type queries. Queries formulated in these kind of languages, don't specify access paths to the stored data, which implies that there must exist interfaces that find efficient paths, optimizing automatically the access to these data. A strategy for query optimization was proposed by WONG and YOUSSEFI (1976). This strategy is called "decomposition" and the general procedure is to decompose the query into a sequence of one-variable queries by alternating between reduction and substitution. The objective of this work, is the implementation of an interpreter of queries formulated in SUBQBE, and the implementation of the decomposition algorithm, adapted to support queries in the form of a query graph. 83_MSc_silv Joao Carlos SILVA. Um processador de consultas sobre uma relacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/06/83 113 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: This thesis presents a detailed description of a processor for one-variable queries. Initially, a brief description of high-level query language is given and a global view of strategies for query processing is presented. Then, the main characteristics of the storage support system, the formulas used to estimate costs, the method used to select access paths to data and its internal representation. A brief description of the Hydes database management system is also presented. Finally, the implementation of the main components of the processor is described. Such processor is the basis for the implementation of interpreters for relational query languages based on decomposition, which is a strategy developed to minimize the processing costs of queries that involve several relations through the reduction of such queries to a sequence of one-variable subqueries. 83_MSc_corderopena Juan Carlos CORDERO PENA. Um estudo comparativo de modelo de dados semanticos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/09/83 89 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Semantic data models are analyzed from the viewpoint of structures, operations and constrains utilized as modeling concepts. Considering the specific characteristic of the models analyzed, several criteria for evaluating and comparing models are deduced. From these criteria the work presents a comparative frame of the models analyzed, attempting to extract the fundamental characteristics of a good semantic data model. 83_MSc_cockbaineojeda Juan COCKBAINE OJEDA. Controle das restricoes de integridade em sistemas tipo CODASYL. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/02/83 178 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The integrity constraints specification play a very important role in a Data Base project. Although this specification is initially made in a conceptual level, the control of those constraints must be implemented in terms of the facilities of the DBMS used. In CODASYL systems the great part of this control is in general under responsibility of ADB, who must implant a lot of additional procedures for each project. In this work, we propose that the same system has facilities for the automatic monitoring of integrity constraints. This for, are specified a DDL and a DML CODASYL like extended for a better constraints treatment. Besides this the work includes a detailed project of a preprocessor that implement the integrity constraints control described at the schema. 83_MSc_contrerasarriagada Luis Ricardo CONTRERAS ARRIAGADA. Integracao entre especificacao e projeto de programas: um modelo de implementacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/07/83 250 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work is aimed to project a tool that allows the user a rigorous (although not formal) specification, in the stage of software development that play the role of interface between a specification for 'programming-in-the-large' and a specification for 'programming-in-the-small'. The development of such tool, must allow a coherent supervision in systems construction, interacting in a strong way with specifications tools for 'programming-in-the-small' (PREPROG specifically). Interesting features of the proposed systems are, the documents generation through the different levels of the specification process, consistence verification and completeness testing. The goal of constructing such a system is to form, with PREPROG, a software environment to increase the possibilities of obtaining reliable software products. 83_PhD_soares Luiz Fernando Gomes SOARES. Sintese de protocolos para redes locais de computadores. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 16/10/83 196 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Local area computer networks have been receiving increasing attention in the context of distributed systems research. Efficient resource sharing and the design of highly reliable and high performance systems are among the main motivations for building such networks. Communication protocols for local networks should take advantage of its characteristics, and are generally complex. Therefore, a methodology for their design is required. This thesis presents a contribution towards the definition of a methodology for the design of communication protocols. The methodology was applied to the design of a token passing based access protocol for a global bus local area network. The protocol was formally specified using Time Petri and Temporal Logic. The hardware and software implementation of the protocol is also discussed. 83_MSc_tucherman Luiz TUCHERMAN. Avaliacao de uma estrategia de encapsulamento para projeto de aplicacoes de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/07/83 113 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This paper presents an evaluation of the encapsulation strategy for data base application design. This evaluation, done over a case study, consists of: (1) the study of the update operations propagation on a conceptual model, represented by an entity-relationship diagram: (2) the implementation of these operations using an encapsulation technique, in order to guarantee the integrity constraints and (3) the cost measurement of these verifications. 83_MSc_erlich Paulo Jose ERLICH. Um pequeno pacote de algebra linear voltado para mini-computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/12/83 87 p. Advisor: Therezinha Costa Ferreira Chaves Abstract: The greatest problem we find when we want to make Programs in Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra is the length of the Data and the Program Areas necessary for the implementation. Nowadays this problem has grown with the Mini-Computers, because their Memory size is very strong and limiting factor. On this paper we use the Matrix Partition Theory to improve Subroutines that solve Systems of Linear Simultaneous Equations and to Invert Matrices, trying to show the viability of the use of Mini-Computers to solve problems in Linear Algebra. 83_MSc_torresfilho Paulo Roberto Pinheiro TORRES FILHO. Um sistema semi-automatico para apoio a indexacao de documentos tecnicos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/06/83 81 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: We discuss the problem of technical document indexes generation. We define what we understand as indexing automatization (mechanization) and we approach some difficulties. We define the objectives of the proposed system and the type of solution adopted to the developed prototype. We make some considerations about the terminology and we present some basic concepts used in the implementation of the prototype. We describe the most relevant algorithm within this implementation. We present the results we have observed and a plan for a future work. 83_MSc_bigio Ricardo Soares BIGIO. Um sistema de agendas distribuido para uma rede local. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/10/83 170 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: This dissertation describes the project and implementation of a distributed Calendar System, where each station is a microprocessor with local direct access auxiliary memory availability and CP/M operating system, and is connected to the other stations via an existent local network. 83_MSc_gouveia Roberto de Souza GOUVEIA. Metodos de estruturacao de dados em linguagens de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/06/83 139 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: Methods and techniques using abstract data types for the construction of reliable software are presented. Some considerations on the stepwise refinements of programs, and on the Floyd-Hoare method for the verification of programs, are initially presented. These are followed by considerations on the Hoare-Wirth mechanism for data structuring, and by an examination of the use of abstract data types in the structuring and verification of programs. The transition from an abstract data structure to a concrete data structure is exemplified in the programming languages Pascal, CLU, Euclid and Ada. 83_MSc_koppjunior Roberto Velasco KOPP JUNIOR. Um gerador de sistemas de apoio a decisao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/07/83 131 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This paper describes the experience of joining the main roles in a Decision Supprot System (DSS), the Designer, the Builder and the Decision Maker as well as develop a Decision Support System Generator. 83_MSc_correa Romulo Jose Valenca CORREA. Utilizacao de arquivos diferenciais em banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/12/83 116 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work's main goal is to analyze various applications of the differential file technique and their importance for Database online systems. Initially, we show how to utilize and implement the differential files in a systematic way. After that, we make a detailed study of the Bloom filter, investigating new procedures for utilization and implementation. Finally, we describe a technique's implementation at a large company's pilot project with our participation. 83_MSc_mello Sheila Regina Viola de MELLO. Uma facilidade de verificacao de sistemas para o SDDPUC. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/04/83 96 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The main objective of this work is the development of a verification facility for the SDDDPUC specifications. Initially the main verification and specification methodologies, and the SDDPUC's features and functions are briefly introduced. Next the work describes the specification and implementation of the AUDIT system, which allows the auditing of system description made with SDDPUC. The AUDIT system receives auditing rules defined in a language similar to SDDPUC. These rules validate the specification of a system in the SDDPUC data base.