Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts 1984-1988 For any information, please contact Teses1984 84_MSc_furtado Alfredo Braga FURTADO. Gerencia de desenvolvimento de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/03/84 174 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: In this dissertation several aspects referring to software development management are discussed. Work Breakdown Structures are shown to be a basic instrument to software development planning, assuring precision to cost and time estimation process. They also assure visibility to the intermediate components of each of the development. Several techniques and methods of project planning and control are also discussed. Finally, a specification of an automated system to supporting the software project management is sketched. 84_MSc_reis Aloisio de Oliveira REIS. Projeto hardware e software de um conversor X.25. MSc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 01/11/84 242 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: A Packet Switching Network can be linked to an equipment in several ways. We give special attention to two of them: by using a PAD (Packet Assembler Dissembler) or through a Conversor, if the equipment to be linked is a computer. This thesis gives the hardware and software specifications of a X.25 Conversor which implements the X.25 protocol in such way to permit the link of a Computer or Terminal equipment to a Packet Switching Network. This is done by adding to the Conversor most of the PAD functions. The software specified is composed of concurrent processes communicating by message switching, and a kernel supporting facilities for them. The methodology used in the specification showed very appropriated for this situation. The Conversor hardware is based on the INTEL 8088 microprocessor and on the INTEL 8273 line controller. 84_MSc_waga Christina Fraga Esteves Maciel WAGA. Metodos de resolucao de problemas. MSc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/05/84 80 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: Problems have been seen as questions of a general character to be answered, employing all the available knowledge. This work aim at increasing the understanding about problems, showing formal descriptions of some strategies to solve them. The main chapters describe some methods using abstract data types together with some examples. The methods are: Reduction, Divide-and-Conquer (Decomposition), Greedy, Dynamic Programming and Backtracking. This work is a contribution towards a better understanding of these methods, their applicability and limitations. 84_MSc_alvarenga Claudia de Campos ALVARENGA. Um estudo de tecnicas de mapeamento de textura. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/12/84 71 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The realism in the production of 3D synthetic images is one of the objectives of the application of Raster Graphics techniques. Texture Mapping techniques simulate real surface textures. Since Edwin Catmull's work that introduced this idea in 1974, various Texture Mapping techniques have been proposed. This present work contains an individual and a comparative study of the Texture Mapping techniques available in the literature. The specific issues of the texturing process are identified in the individual study. A classification is then derived from the analysis of the texturing techniques. 84_MSc_dipolito Claudio D'IPOLITTO. Um sistema de autoria brasileira. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/10/84 180 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The Authoring System concerns one of the applications of Informatics in Education. We are dealing with a tool that will help any professional in Teaching and Training (the author) to generate a computer program with instructional means ("a courseware", an instructional material or simply a Lesson). This work suggests a pattern to the problem of specification of instructional material basing itself on the premises of (i) a viewing from general to particular in authoring ("Topdown" approach), (ii) the elimination of the explicit need of programming, (iii) the possibility of following the material's evolution under development. Basing itself on this modeling, it presents the SAB Project - Brazilian Authoring System - and describes the implementation of a simplified prototype in a 8-bit microcomputer, which is expected to offer support to future work in the area of Computer Application in Teaching and Training Activities in the country. 84_MSc_oliveira Claudio Mendes de OLIVEIRA. Requisitos de um centro de informacoes estatisticas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/03/84 103 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: It is made a survey of basic requirements for the development of a statistical data basis with a conventional type attendance into an information center, and it is also suggested characteristics of a data dictionary, a master tool in such development process. 84_MSc_torres Ernesto Rocha TORRES. Um gerador automatico de analisadores sintaticos com recuperacao automatica de erros. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/05/84 63 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: Not provided. 84_MSc_costa Hermes Jose Loyola COSTA. Ferramenta para automatizacao do metodo de transformadores de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/05/84 160 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The present work describes the conception and implementation of a tool designed to allow the automation of the Data Transform Method concerning the general idea of automizing the processes of software development. This Method is an extension of the Jackson Basic Method and solves problems of backtracking and structural clashes in an homogeneous way. 84_MSc_fuks Hugo FUKS. Sistema de gerencia da interface do usuario. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/05/84 88 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: No English abstract provided. 84_MSc_cunha Joao Bosco Schuman CUNHA. Banco de dados para informacoes academicas e de producao cientifica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/03/84 [irr.] p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This dissertation presents the specification design of a Data Base to be used in Academic and Scientific Information Systems. The aim of this work was to develop a useful Data Base System to the Brazilian Universities, possible to implement in any available DBMS. An implementation of the System in the Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajuba - EFEI is also presented. 84_MSc_neves Jose Carlos Pereira das NEVES. Projeto de um compilador transportavel para a linguagem EDISON e de implementacao do modulo de geracao de codigo. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/10/84 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Note: Not available. 84_MSc_fernandes Jose Danilo Silvestre FERNANDES. Especificacao de uma arquitetura em camadas de controle para um SGBD e implementacao de um mecanismo de controle de concorrencia. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/12/84 166 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The design of distributed database management systems requires that several aspects of resource coordination such as concurrency control, crash recovery and distributed query processing be adequately treated. This dissertation proposes a layered architecture definition for a distributed database management system giving special emphasis to the mechanism for concurrency control. An implementation of concurrency mechanism control in the context of the proposed architecture is also given. 84_MSc_tala Jose Elias TALA. Implementacao de tipos abstratos de dados como interpretacao de teorias. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/10/84 75 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: Motivated by abstract data types (ADT's) the usual first order logic is generalized to one in which vectors and vector-valued functions are expressible. The notion of implementation of ADT's as interpretation between theories is generalized to this new context, where the greater expressiveness enables dealing with vector entities instead of their components, without resorting to the metalanguage. A constructive procedure for translating well-formed formulas from a theory to another is shown. To illustrate the formalism developed a detailed example of implementation of ADT's is presented, using this generalized notion of interpretation. 84_MSc_carvalho Jose Roberto Lopes de CARVALHO. Suporte de execucao para um compilador transportavel para a linguagem EDISON em ambiente de CP/M-86. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/08/84 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Note: Not available. 84_MSc_thome Luciana Ferraz THOME. Sistemas interativos de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/05/84 107 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The subject of this thesis is the Interactive Database Systems. In this context the two main interfaces: User-Application and Application-BD are analyzed. Both interfaces are studied considering both the modeling and implementation aspects. The work also presents a case study as an application of this approach. On this case study an Interactive Query System (SICON) was developed and one Interactive Application System (SICAP) for controlling teaching projects in more than 4000 Brazilian localities. 84_MSc_norberto Marcelo Correa NORBERTO. Uma contribuicao em gerencia de sistemas de informacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/10/84 161 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The central theme of this thesis is the presentation of a method to give support to the information Management in complex organizations. Using this method, an Information Management prototype was developed aiming the company by the TOP-DOWN/BOTTOM-UP process, in order to offer conditions for information modeling, support to the system analysis phase validation and recording of the organizational behavior in its levels. The prototype validation was tested in a Planning System. 84_PhD_pion Margarida Maria Berreta PION. O problema de decisao da logica temporal estendida. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 26/03/84 181 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Advisor: Variations of Temporal Logic have been used both as a specification and as a verification tool for concurrent programs, communication protocols and database integrity constraints. In this thesis a family of Temporal Languages sufficiently flexible to the specification and verification of concurrent programs will be present. The expressive power of these languages is a consequence of the utilization of new modalities defined via grammars. Chomsky's hierarchy then naturally induces a classification of these languages. Initially it is shown that the validity problem for right-linear propositional temporal languages is decidable but the validity problem for context-free temporal languages is not even partially decidable. A sequence of results about the expressiveness of these languages is also presented. Next, a decision procedure for the simultaneous satisfiability problem, for right-linear propositional temporal languages, that is, the problem of determining if two sets are simultaneously satisfiable is presented. Finally a decision procedure for a class of properties of communicating finite-states machines is described. The procedure uses a single data structure, the reduced tableaux, to represent both information about models of wffs, and information about executions of a communication finite-state machines. 84_MSc_brandao Maria Augusta BRANDAO. Redes de Petri estendidas atraves de tipos abstratos de dados: definicao e analise. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/09/84 80 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: This dissertation investigates the modeling of concurrent systems, using Petri Nets extended with state variables. This extended Petri Nets is described as abstract data type. In order to analyze these extended nets, a system was designed and implemented which allows the specification and proof of properties of algebraically specified abstract data types. 84_MSc_guimaraes Mario Andre GUIMARAES. Especificacao e implementacao de um sistema de pastas eletronicas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/05/84 115 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The low productivity of office workers compared to that of industry workers, the increasing amount of information, the decline in the cost of electronic equipment and the advance in telecommunication are causing radical chances in office operations. This dissertation describes the design and implementation of an Electronic Folder System. The user interface, as well as the access methods developed to support the implementation of electronic folders are also described. 84_MSc_menesesrojas Marisol MENESES ROJAS. Especificacao de uma arquitetura em camadas para um SGBD e implementacao dos mecanismos de recuperacao de falhas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/07/84 129 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The design of distributed database management systems requires that several aspects of resource coordination such as concurrency control, crash recovery and distributed query processing be adequately treated. This dissertation proposes a layered architecture definition for a distributed database management system giving special emphasis to the mechanisms for crash recovery. An implementation of crash recovery mechanisms in the context of the proposed architecture is also given. 84_MSc_hijjar Nadia Abrahao HIJJAR. Avaliacao da performance do projeto fisico de banco de dados: um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/10/84 131 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The physical design determines the file structure and the access method for data base. Although several methods of automatic selection have been proposed in this area, in practice, the analyst develops some alternatives based on the analysis of the data base applications. Generally, the choice of the alternative that gives the best performance is not obvious, then an important step in the design is the performance estimative for physical data base. This work presents two methods of performance estimative for physical data bases and a case study where the data base system for "Diretoria de Pessoal Militar da Aeronautica" , is designed and implemented. Real measure of the estimated values during the implementation of the selected alternative of the physical data base was also included in this work. 84_MSc_castro Olivaldo Rezende de CASTRO. Auditoria de aplicacoes computarizadas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/06/84 215 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Not provided. 84_MSc_tavares Orivaldo de Lira TAVARES. Protocolos de transferencia de arquivos para redes de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/05/84 184 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: This dissertation discusses file transfer protocols in the context of computer networks. In suite, it presents the specification and shows the implementation of a file transfer protocol of general use, allowing for file system independence and with an automatic transfer restart option. This protocol is situated above the transport layer, that is, in the session, presentation and application layers within the Open Systems Interconnected architecture proposed by ISO. 84_MSc_zunigadespirito Patricio Armando ZUNIGA DE SPIRITO. Protocolo de acesso a uma rede local de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/07/84 100 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: This dissertation presents a description of the first four layers of the REDPUC LAN architecture, and the implementation of kernel of the transport layer, the transport layer itself, and the internetwork layer simulator of REDPUC. For each procedure, a description of its use, its interfaces and internal implementation is given. The appendix includes implementations considerations and a description of the modifications to the network kernel necessary for ROM installation. The modifications to the transport layer necessary to install a communication interrupt scheme, are also presented. 84_MSc_campelo Pedro Isaac Candel CAMPELO. PUCLOG, uma versao do PROLOG. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/07/84 115 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: A PROLOG's version, called PUCLOG, is presented. We discuss its syntax and semantics in detail. We include a description of design and implementation and considerations for future expansions and other implementations. A brief discussion of PROLOG, with its actual solutions, and implemented examples are included. 84_PhD_martins Raul Cesar Baptista MARTINS. Metodo dos transformadores de dados. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 03/02/84 174 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work presents a new programming method, called the data transform programming method. In particular, we present a specialization of data transform programming to deal with file processing applications. Direct comparison is made with Jackson's approach by the presentation of uniform solutions to problems that cannot be solved through has basic method. The next method consists of the application of data transformations to the abstract problem statement, following the formal notions of problem reduction and problem decomposition. Data transformations are expressed in programming terms through a basic set of data type constructors. The method reduces the original problem to a set of sub-problems that can be solved through the direct application of Jackson's method. It produces a solution which is correct by construction. 84_MSc_nigri Valeria Esther NIGRI. Uma interface de tipos abstratos para banco de dados para CAD. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/06/84 131 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Databases for CAD (Computer Aided Design) have several requisites and characteristics that differ fundamentally from the conventional commercial databases. Particularly, the use of Interactive Computer Graphics techniques and methods of engineering require a variety of complex data types and a more dynamic database schema. This work first presents an overview of the programming language and database techniques to solve this problem and then an Abstract Data Type System (STAD) as an interface for relational databases is proposed as a proper solution. -------------------------------------------- Teses1985 85_MSc_nunes Adelia Cecilia Goncalves NUNES. Modelagem de sistemas de E/S. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/02/85 2 v. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: New analytic modeling techniques have been recently developed in order to evaluate the performance of complex input/output systems. This dissertation describes a set of techniques which are used to model the following I/O systems: single path I/O systems involving channels, RPS and/or NON-RPS disks; single path I/O systems involving channels, RPS disks and controllers; single path or multipath I/O systems involving channels, RPS disks, controllers and head-of-strings. Those techniques have been implemented with execution speed and main space saving concerns in mind. 85_MSc_barbosa Alvaro Cesar P. BARBOSA. Facilidades de banco de dados relacional para aplicacoes nao convencionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 13/12/85 147 p. Advisor: Raul Cesar Baptista Martins Abstract: An environment for the development of new applications of Database has basically three subsystems: A UIMS (user interface management system), a MBMS (method base management system) and a DBMS (database management system). This work contributes to such an environment adding to it database facilities of two kinds: A relational database interface for general use and the (partial) implementation of an Abstract Data Type System oriented to new application of database. 85_MSc_maia Antonio Carlos Pereira MAIA. Estudo e implementacao de tecnicas de compressao de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/01/85 134 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This work s main goal was the study and implementation of data compression techniques, in a Brazilian minicomputer (COBRA-530). Initially, we show a survey of the techniques presented in the literature. Through the application of the semantic independent techniques to a set of files, a data analysis was done. This work was used as a tool in the analysis of the benefits and constraints associated with the use of each technique, and, may be useful in the choice of the most indicated technique to a given application. 85_PhD_dupire Bruno DUPIRE. Problemas variacionais, sua aproximacao e formulacoes mixtas. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 26/06/85 132 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Abstract: This work presents a unified approach to Linear Variational Problems. We give an answer to some mathematical questions and we develop a general theory of approximation, which contributes to clarify numerical problems arising in the computer solution of partial differential equations. 85_MSc_nehab Carlos Eddy Esaguy NEHAB. Por uma nova teoria geral dos algoritmos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/85 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Note: Not available. 85_MSC_aquino Diogenes Carvalho AQUINO. Projeto e implementacao de um tradutor lexico para a linguagem modula-2. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/03/85 88 [+16] p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: The growth of Computer Science in Brazil has fostered increasing requests for basic software, such as operating systems, compilers, etc. This dissertation presents the specification and the implementation of a Lexical Translator for MODULA-2. The translator transforms a source program in a sequence of tokens, besides building and maintaining a Symbol Table for the program. The translator was totally implemented and is reusable. 85_MSc_rodrigues Fares Franc Abinader RODRIGUES. Especificacao e implementacao de um sistema interativo para tratamento de gramaticas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/08/85 75 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: For the development of programming language compilers, interpreters, and/or translators, studies and evaluations in grammars are needed. In the dissertation several operations which can be applied to grammars are discussed: for example, the elimination of left-recursivity, left-factoring, the finding of the first and follow sets, and the elimination of useless nonterminals. A system offering facilities for the storing, recovery, modification and presentation of grammars has been implemented. The system is interactive, and was developed as a microcomputer tool. 85_MSc_soares Jeferson Ferreira SOARES. Uma ferramenta de programacao em logica para construcao de prototipos de sistemas a partir de suas especificacoes funcionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/07/85 189 p. Advisor: Raul Cesar Baptista Martins Abstract: This work presents an interactive software tool to be used in the systems design activity. Functional specifications are treated as systems executable prototypes by this tool, whose basic idea is testing and evaluating the correctness of those specifications under three major points of view: a)The observation of the syntactic rules to be followed in the building of diagrams that represent systems specs according to a specific structured analysis methodology. b) The application of the heuristics of use proposed by the same systems development methodology. The consistency of the hierarchical functional partitioning of those specs. With a logic programming language, the PROLOG, used in the implementation of the software tool, a logic model of the mentioned systems design methodology was built. This model is used in the performing of the symbolic executions through which the tests and evaluations are made. 85_MSc_medeiros Jose Laedio MEDEIROS. Especificacao e implementacao de um servidor de nomes para uma rede local. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/85 198 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The problem of naming and placement of objects in a Local Area Network environment is discussed in this work. Individual objects such as terminals, file servers, persons or processes, as well as group of objects, such as a user access control list are considered here. This dissertation presents a complete and detailed specification of a Name Server (NS), along with a description of its implementation in the local area network REDPUC. The main functions of this NS are: the establishment of the dynamic mapping between process names and transport level ports as well as the management of the process name space. 85_MSc_lima Josefino Cabral de Melo LIMA. DBTGinho/CAD: um sistema de gerencia de banco de dados para aplicacoes nao convencionais. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 23/12/85 233 p. Port. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: A Database Management System (DBMS) oriented to CAD applications differs in several points from a traditional DBMS. This work first presents the main characteristics of such DBMS and then shows the specification and implementation of DTGinho/CAD, CAD oriented extension of a conventional DBMS called DBTGinho. 85_PhD_leite Leonardo Lellis Pereira LEITE. Projeto e avaliacao de desempenho de redes locais isoladas e interligadas. Ph.D.Thesis. Presentation: 25/10/85 225 p. Port. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The interconnection of workstations through local area networks has been a subject of great interest in the past few years. This thesis deals with the problem of performance evaluation of isolated and interconnected local area networks. Approximate results for the average packet delay are obtained for the case of token bus local networks. Upper and lower bounds for the average delay are also obtained for the latter type of networks. Results for the average end-to-end packet delay for a set of interconnected are derived. This analysis takes into account the internetwork topology, as well as the external traffic matrix. A comparative analysis between the exhaustive and non-exhaustive service discipline in a set of token bus interconnected networks is shown. Finally, the thesis focuses the problem of optimal allocation of workstations to a set of interconnected networks. Efficient heuristic solutions are presented. 85_MSc_carvalho Luiz Geraldo Rocha CARVALHO. Um servidor de telex para redes locais de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 20/02/85 140 p. Port. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: This dissertation presents the specification and implementation of a local area network telex server, especially for REDPUC. The telex server provides the local area network workstations with the facilities typically available for teletypes connected to the public telex network, besides additional services, such as: online message retrieval, message redialing and selective message routing. 85_MSc_bragafilho Luiz Juliao BRAGA FILHO. O SAFO e a visao do usuario. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 06/09/85 p. Port. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Note: Not available 85_MSc_costa Marcos Mota do Carmo COSTA. Descricao e implementacao de um tradutor Pascal para codigo executavel sob a forma de clausulas. M.Sc. Diss. Presentation: 26/02/85 108 p. Port. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: The need for reliable software and the search for more knowledge on programming has motivated researches to develop techniques on proving facts about programs, and, in particular, their correction. The possibility of using techniques such as symbolic execution and controlled execution of parts of programs, through its representation in clause forms and the resolution principle, constitutes an important contribution for studies in this area. This dissertation presents a specification and an implementation of a PASCAL translator. Such translator changes a source program - using a syntactic parser SLR and semantic actions specified by attribute grammar - into clauses of first order, which main goal is the program analysis. 85_MSc_baffa Marcus Vinitius da Silva BAFFA. Uma interface relacional com otimizacao do processamento da consulta. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 11/03/85 138 p. Port. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: One of the existing problems concerned with the construction of a Relational Interface is the query optimization. With this purpose several optimization techniques have been suggested. This work presents a specification and a partial implementation of a Relational Interface that optimizes the query execution utilizing automatic programming techniques and coordinating sort orders in temporary relations. A description of Smith and Chang optimization method and the design of a Relational Interface with details of the data structures and algorithms are presented. The representative graph that encodes the queries makes the Relational Interface independent from the query language. 85_MSc_benevides Mario Roberto Folhadela BENEVIDES. Uma implementacao de protocolo multienlace em um computador COBRA 540. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 11/03/85 99 p. Port. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The multi-link protocol was standardized by CCITT in a X.25 Recommendation. Its objective is to multiplex virtual circuits (level 3) in one or more links (level 2), making possible the exchange of information by multiple links in parallel. The objective of this dissertation is to present an implementation of the multi-link protocol for COBRA - 540 with two synchronous links, propose some modifications in COBRA'S X.25 implementation and to test this protocol. 85_MSc_rodrigues Mario Cesar Marques RODRIGUES. Implementacao do protocolo de transporte, classe 4, para o COBRA-450. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 19/08/85 122 p. Port. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The Transport Layer is of great importance in The Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model. A standard for The Transport Layer Protocol is being considered by several international organizations. Class 4 of The Transport Layer Protocol has errors detection and recovery mechanisms, and is used when high confidence in data transport required. This dissertation is an implementation of the Transport Layer Protocol Class 4 for a COBRA-540 System, using the "Sistema Operacional de Disco" (SOD). 85_MSc_hernandez Marli de Freitas Gomes HERNANDEZ. Estudo experimental dos efeitos da mudança de passo na estabilidade de metodos Adams-Mouton-Nordsieck. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 12/03/85 107 p. Port. Advisor: Therezinha Costa Ferreira Chaves Abstract: In this work we present computational results of an experimental study on the stability of the Adams-Moulton Methods in the form of Nordsieck with steps k = 3,4 and 5, and orders p = 4,5 and 6 respectively with random step changing frequencies [symbol] and random step changing factor [symbol] defines the number of approximations calculated with the same size of step. ( h)). 85_MSc_duartefilho Nelson Lopes DUARTE FILHO. Especificacao e implementacao de um servidor de arquivo para redes locais. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 26/07/85 p. Port. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Note: Not available. 85_MSc_takeda Oswaldo Kazuo TAKEDA. Estudo de metodologias e analise experimental de uma ferramenta para o projeto de sistemas de controle distribuido. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 05/08/85 242 p. Port. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: Distributed Control Systems constitute new class of systems, which substitute with advantages the centralized systems, specially when the controlled equipment are physically distributed. A workstation can be located close to the equipment being controlled, and a communications network can be used to enable the stations to communicate in order to co-ordinate their actions. For that to be accomplished the software must be carefully designed to exploit the advantages of distribution. In this work the emphasis has been placed on the evaluation of CONIC system. The CONIC system is a set of techniques and tools for the design, implementation and management of distributed control systems. 85_MSc_coelho Otavio Pecego COELHO. Especificacao e implementacao de um gateway entre uma rede local - e uma rede publica - RENPAC. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 20/05/85 138 p. Port. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: In this thesis the interconnection of networks is discussed, with special emphasis on the connection between the local are network REDPUC and the public network RENPAC. The architectures of the internetwork and the gateway REDPUC-RENPAC are described, as well as the architecture of X.25 protocol software implemented in the gateway. 85_MSc_bruggemann Pablo Javier de La Quintana BRUGGEMANN. Descricao da implementacao e nova proposta para o sistema SAFO. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 25/02/85 154 p. Port. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: Software that use inference had been very used in last few years and are the main part of an expert system. This work introduces the basic concepts used in building an inference system. The inference machine of a system called SAFO (which permits to build expert systems prototypes) is described. SAFO's language, features of that system, comments about design decisions and there consequences are also described. 85_MSc_santos Paulo Fernando Almeida dos SANTOS. Um sistema grafico independente de dispositivo e interativo. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 01/03/85 [irr.] p. Port. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: In computer graphics environments with a great variety of devices, the programs portability among them is a problem. In this work, the efforts to achieve device independence and the implementation of graphic software, according to CORE standards, are presented. 85_PhD_foina Paulo Rogerio FOINA. Sistema formal para especificacao de arquiteturas de computadores. Ph.D.Thesis. Presentation: 13/03/85 145 p. Port. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: This paper explores new ways of specifying computer architecture projects. We have sought solutions in a new framework, allowing the synthesis and the systematization of new projects. A new algorithm description language (LINDA) is presented. Examples are given at the end where traditional and modern architectures, such as von-Neumann, data flow and computers networks, are described. 85_MSc_cavalcanti Paulo Roma CAVALCANTI. Ferramentas para modelagem geometrica e edicao grafica. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 27/08/85 126 p. Port. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The aim of this work is to establish conditions for the construction of a basic graphic processing environment. It is composed of three main parts: The design and implementation of a CORE like graphics system; a survey and analysis of some known graphic editors, using a proposed Terminology; the design and implementation of a graphic editor. A geometric modeling oriented interface is also implemented. 85_MSc_ierusalimschy Roberto IERUSALIMSCHY. Interface de barra microprogramada para a rede local REDPUC. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 05/12/85 61 p. Port. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares Abstract: Not provided. 85_MSc_silva Sidney Dias da SILVA. Uma ferramenta para especificacao de sistemas interativos. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 02/08/85 193 p. Port. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work presents ESPEDI - a tool for specification of interactive systems. The basic characteristic of User Interface Management Systems (UIMS) are reviewed, positioning the problem of modeling the man-machine from a user-centered perspective. A specification language is proposed, and examined the main characteristics of the tool that implements it. ESPEDI is part of the UIMS-PUC, being developed in the DI/PUC-RJ. 85_MSc_telloechegaray Walter Anibal TELLO ECHEGARAY. Um modelo de controle de qualidade para o projeto logico de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/04/85 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Note: Not available. ----------------------------------------- 1986 86_MSc_silva Anilton Joaquim da SILVA. A construcao de erro e o seu efeito no erro global - resultados experimentais para alguns metodos lineares M-ciclicos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/09/86 58 p. Advisor: Therezinha Costa Ferreira Chaves Abstract: In this work, the error constants of some linear M-cyclic methods are computed, the performance of these methods is studied by applying them to some ordinary differential equations with initial condition. 86_MSc_ferreir Antonio Claudio FERREIRA. Doutor - um sistema especialista de auxílio ao diagnostico. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/86 132 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: The Doutor system - an expert system to aid medical diagnosis - works, originally, in the area of Pneumatology. It has been developed with Artificial Intelligence techniques and uses knowledge acquired from expert physicians. Some components of early versions of the Safo system (a software tool for the development of expert systems) have been used as Doutor's inference engine. The system is expected to contribute to the gathering of experience in the area of knowledge engineering and in the actual use by medicine students, general practitioners and expert physicians. 86_MSc_santos Aurea Guerreiro dos SANTOS. Sistema de gerencia de interface do usuario: especificacao e interpretacao de dialogos. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 25/08/86 85 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The recent increase in the use of computers in our society has brought the end user to interact directly with the machine. Interactive Systems are user interface oriented systems and need special tools and techniques and a different approach to system design. This work contributes to a project of an Interactive Graphics Systems development Environment showing how to extract and interpret the dialog part from the system global specification. 86_MSc_wagne Carlos Roberto WAGNER. Teste de programas: integracao de dois metodos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/12/86 110 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The objective of this dissertation has been to select complementary software test methods and to propose an integration among them in order to reduce the amount of work in test runs. An automatic structural test case generator has been implemented and the feasibility automation of program testing has been analyzed. 86_MSc_niskier Celso NISKIER. Prisma: utilizacao de paradigmas complementares para a aquisicao de especificacao de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/11/86 169 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work presents a study about software specification acquisition process based on the utilization of three representations - Data FlowDiagrams, Entity Relationship Models and Petri Nets - these representations are seen as complementary "views" or paradigms combined in order to capture more widely the knowledge about the specification. PRISMA can be regarded from different angles: as formalization of heuristics for structuring, validating and testing the complemantarity of the three representations; as a multiparadigmatic environment for software specification acquisition; and finally as a "test jig" for the above mentioned ideas. 86_MSc_cury Davidson CURY. Uma estrutura eficiente de armazenamento e recuperacao de informacao para ambientes de desenvolvimento de programa. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/12/86 236 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The subject of this dissertation is the Software Base of a wider project, MOSAICO, a CASE system for supporting program development. MOSAICO'S Software Base constitutes the database of all technical information about the project of a program developed within MOSAICO'S environment. Here are defined the objectives, the specifications, the architecture, the logical design, and the implementation of the Software Base. It is also found here, a evaluation of the database available in the market. Those databases are analyzed from the point of view of MOSAICO'S constraints and needs. Finally is carried out a critical evaluation of the model implemented. 86_MSc_haeusler Edward Hermann HAEUSLER. Procedimentos para traducao de resolucao em deducao natural. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 24/04/86 191 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: The resolution method to generate proofs by machine is widely used because it is a quick way to check whether a formula is a theorem. But the proofs it provides are hard to read. We set out criteria for readability of proofs, and then present a function which translates resolution proofs into Natural Deduction proofs. The latter will satisfy the criteria. Besides, this work tries to provide a characterization for the intuitionisticaly provable formulae. 86_MSc_hiraga Emiko HIRAGA. Implementacao de um interpretador do codigo M. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/10/86 105 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: The implementation of an M-code interpreter forms part of a project whose main purpose is the implementation of Modula-2 on locally manufactured 8-bit microcomputers. M-code is the object code of a virtual machine architecture particularly suited to execute Modula-2 programs. After a brief description of the evolution of programming language, the evolution of abstract machines for languages of the Pascal family is also presented. The M-machine is described in detail, and an specification in C of the interpreter is given in an appendix. Finally, the phases of the above mentioned project are described. 86_MSc_simpliciofilho Francisco Castro SIMPLICIO FILHO. Um metodo de analise por prototipos baseados em representacao de conhecimentos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/08/86 127 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucen Abstract: Formal representation of the knowledge acquired from software specification activities has been of great interest both in the fields of software engineering and artificial intelligence. This paper presents a systems analysis method - MAPCon - which borrows concepts from techniques available in those fields. Systems analysis is considered to be based upon an irregular, but incremental, knowledge-acquisition process of observing and modeling reality. Such a process admits tries and recoveries as healthy means for acquiring knowledge. MAPCon is both a method and a tool to support the systems analysis task in acquiring and representing knowledge about the functioning of an applicative, whether it already exists or is still a project. The end product of MAPCon is a set of formal functional specifications that explicitly represent the functional knowledge acquired throughout the analysis task. These specifications can indeed be executed and mechanically handled, thus, MAPCon makes use of them to set up a development environment that provides facilities to simulate the applicative's expected behavior (in a prototype fashion) and to reuse at least part of the efforts made to analyze and to implement the software. 86_MSc_batista Gustavo do Rosario BATISTA. Uma metodologia para o projeto de dialogos em sistemas graficos interativos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/01/86 109 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The design of interactive computer graphics based systems is studied in this work having as a starting point issues related to the man-machine interaction. The dialogue design is a specialized task if we want to reach functional requirements and allow the user to operate the system with good performance. The proposed form of application development looks for systems that run under an UIMS (User Interface Management System), although it is general enough to be used in any software environment. At the same time we are searching for dialogues adequately oriented to user skills and knowledge, we obtain, as a byproduct, the application decomposition into functional modules. 86_MSc_alentejano Jose Augusto Raposo ALENTEJANO. Modelo basico de sistema para estudo de linguagens de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/08/86 206 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: In order to assist designers in developing new programming languages, and users in learning them, a prototype has been developed for a system capable of displaying on a screen each step taken during the execution of a program. Development milestones are describes, as are the alternatives chosen. The routines that display program execution are described in depth. The subset of PASCAL used in carrying out the basic programming language mechanisms is also described. 86_MSc_pereirafilho Jose Goncalves PEREIRA FILHO. Projeto de um sistema operacional em tempo real para aplicacao de controle de processos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/86 139 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: Most of the operating systems based on Intel 8080 processor and used in process control applications have been designed to small machines, without much RAM memory capacity and with programs stored in ROM memory. Due to the reduction of costs of hardware, machines with large RAM memory areas, address mapping mechanisms and equipped with flexible and even hard disk devices are now frequently found. In lack of control process systems to this kind of machine is at the basis of the objectives of this work. First a comparison of four Real Time Operating Systems used in control process applications is presented. All of them are bound to small microcomputers with the Intel 8080 processor. Follows the proposal of a Real Time Operating System to more powerful machines. 86_MSc_silva Lucy Vidal SILVA. Modelos de implementacao para o paralelismo em ADA e RED. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/08/86 2 v. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: The languages Ada and RED, recently created for the development of large software systems, include modern facilities for concurrent programming. In this dissertation an implementation model supporting parallelism in both languages is designed and formally defined. Also presented are algorithms which, executing on that model, define the semantics of concurrent programming in both languages. 86_MSc_martinho Luiz Alberto A. Medeiros MARTINHO. Servidor telefax para rede local de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/04/86 148 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: Teletex is a communication service which enables text correspondence to be sent and received automatically and which respects both the content and the layout of the text. Teletex, as defined, is an important step towards office automation, because it offers the opportunity to combine word processing and text transmission which today is transmitted by mail, messengers, telex or facsimile. Local area network (LAN) has been used as support for office automation application. This thesis proposes the adoption of a system using a teletex server to be shared by all users of LAN, instead of implementing a teletex protocol in each workstation. 86_MSc_bravosoza Luiz Eugenio BRAVO SOZA. Um ambiente de programacao para uma linguagem de icones. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/09/86 110 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This work presents a programming environment for an iconic/textual language oriented towards the learning of programming. The language uses graphical representations permitting the student to formulate and resolve problems in an easier way. The system supports a visual interface for creating, deleting and running programs in an animated and visual fashion. A SMALLTALK version has been chosen for the implementation of the language. 86_MSc_martins Maria Luiza Dias MARTINS. Definicao e especificacao de um protocolo de transporte padronizado para rede local COBRA. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/07/86 202 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: The research present in this thesis concerns the use of standard protocols for local area networks. The main goal is the choice of an adequate class of transport protocol to be used in a homogeneous and reliable environment, to which the Cobra local area network is targeted. The thesis discusses also the of formal description techniques for protocols, presenting a specification of the chosen protocol using ISO's proposed language Estelle. 86_MSc_lourenco Mariza Carpenter Fraga LOURENCO. Simulacao de um algoritmo de defeccao e correlacao de impasses em redes de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/03/86 100 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The buffer deadlock is a problem that limits and restricts the design of computer networks on the basis of store-and-forward communication. This dissertation implements, simulates and analyses the performance of a detection and removal algorithm of deadlocks in store-and-forward networks. Measures are collected to indicate the necessary amount of time to detect and remove a deadlock in a computer network depending on the number of nodes involved and on the number of buffers in the nodes. 86_MSc_cavalcanti Mauricio Roma CAVALCANTI. Realizacao de um sistema interativo para estudo de linguagens de programacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/08/86 176 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalh Abstract: This work deals with the definition and the implementation of an environment aimed at teaching and aiding programming language design. The different approaches that were adopted, together with their underlying problems, are described. Moreover some techniques for accompanying program runs and a language containing high level mechanisms such as parallel processing were included in the resulting system. 86_MSc_rodriguez Noemi de La Roque RODRIGUEZ. Um sistema operacional dedicado a MODULA-2 para um microcomputador. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/04/86 147 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: Not provided. 86_MSc_maciel Paulo William Cardoso MACIEL. Desenvolvimento de dicionarios de dados inteligentes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/03/86 111 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: In this work, the prototype of a computerized tool to aid in the interactive conceptual design of databases, based on the Entity-Relationship model is described. The functions of this tool are a subset of those of a conventional data dictionary system, however they differ in the way it is structured. The expert knowledge about design/redesign of data conceptual "views", was embedded in a knowledge base, and has as objective the consistent creation/maintenance of the conceptual schema. For the creation of conceptual views, design requirements are established. For the schema redesign, update propagation rules are stored in the knowledge base. 86_MSc_genar Sergio GENARO. Construcao de sistemas epecialistas usando o SAFO. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/04/86 2 v. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: Expert Systems are actually the most important artificial intelligence application area for the near ten years, mainly after the Fifth Generation Japanese project. This text is a didatic approach about the subject for aids other people concerned in the matter. The core idea is the development environment supplied for the SAFO inference machine, building in PUC/RJ for Brazilian searchers. This text justify the resolution refutation method - borrowed of automatic theorem proving - used by SAFO and present sights of its state of art giving the international publication. Finally are showed some application examples. 86_MSc_goncalves Silvesneto Abreu GONCALVES. Teste sistematico de programas: experimento e analise. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/05/86 222 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The main goal of the present work has been to search, select, and practice existing methodologies that, based on requirements of completeness, validity, and reliability, generate program test cases for programs considered to be complex (large size). Further this work has intended to carry out viability analysis on the chosen methodologies in terms of costs x quality and value x quality relationships. The methodologies and the concrete results of the experimental evaluation are presented in details. Automation possibilities were also pointed out and some were partly implemented. 86_MSc_silva Solon Benayon da SILVA. Uma experiencia em validacao de protocolos aplicada a redes locais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/04/86 119 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Several research groups around the world are dedicated to protocol validation and verification. IBM Zurich Laboratory has done significant work in this direction and as a result a complete line of prototype tools for automatic protocol validation was developed. Each one of these tools was primarily defined for specific types of protocols. On the other hand, PUC/RJ has a local network project, REDPUC, which includes a communication protocol which has an special characteristic and specific definition. The main objective of this thesis is to verify how adequate the tools developed in IBM Zurich Laboratory are to validat the REDPUC protocol. In addition, we intend to make these tools available here so we can gain experience in the field of protocol validation. 86_PhD_monteiro Sonia Limoeiro MONTEIRO. Analise logica de dialetos do portugues. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 10/12/86 138 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: Discussions about the grammaticality of natural languages can be traced back to Chomsky's work, and to more than 2.000 years the dedication of philosopher to the Meaning Theory. By putting together two paradigms of the Computer Science, namely, First Order Language (FOL) and the use of Regular Grammars as descriptions of subset of Formalizable Languages, a better understanding of the existent relations between sintax and semantic of PORTUGUESE Formalizable Dialects can be achieved. From a syntactic point of view, the emphasis is given to the construction of noun phrases of PORTUGUESE, in such a way that the parser can be process them in real time. From a semantic point of view, the emphasis is given to the "definite descriptions". For this purpose, the construction of a First Order Applied Language (LPOA) is proposed, which is a FOL extended to functors. LPOA is an intermediate language between PORTUGUESE Dialects and a FOL, in such a way that the "deep structure" of the Dialect sentences can be captured and represented on it. 86_MSc_pessoa Theonilla Estelitta C. PESSOA. Projeto de programas assistido por computador: um sistema especialista para o metodo de Jackson. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 13/03/86 128 p. Advisors: Raul Cesar Baptista Martins (IBM) and Daniel Schwabe Abstract: This paper reports our research into the construction of an expert system for software development. We have been investigating both the programming-in-the-Large and the programming-in-the-small problems, but the Later has a greater number of methodologies which aim at its solutions (1, 2, 3). In particular, the Jackson Program Development Methodology (JSP) has been used to solve sequential file processing problems with considerable success. However, its presentation, with two exceptions (4, 5), has always been through case studies, indicating the use of a number of heuristics for its adequate use. We have undertaken the design and implementation of an expert which aids the inexperienced programmer in the use of JSP. The system uses as inputs the Jackson diagrams describing the input and the output of the program; the functional description of the elements of the of the output file and the physical description of the input file. The output produced is the complete Jackson diagram of the program. In order to construct this system, we have been able to precisely characterize what type of information must be extracted from the statement of the problem, as well as disambiguating number of concepts in the definition of the methodology. We have been able to define a knowledge base of "well known building blocks" that can be used in the solutions of common problems. A prototype exists that is able to solve "balance line, multiple break, counting batches" types of problems. It is implemented using logic programming, at the moment micro-Prolog. 86_MSc_manfredi Vanilde MANFREDI. Sistemas de apoio a decisao: um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/86 99 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work presents a study of Decision Support Systems (DSS). The main concepts, characteristics and components of a DSS are described. Some techniques for DSS design and implementation suggested in the literature are analyzed and the design of a DSS for resource allocation in civil engineering projects is also presented. ------------------------------------------ 1987 87_MSc_direne Alexandre Ibrahim DIRENE. Uma ferramenta para mapeamento de esquemas de bancos de dados em estruturas fisicas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/02/87 122 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: The development of software tools to aid data base systems design is largely scattered among the different areas of application in the last few years. This paper presents the analysis and the building of a tool for mapping logical modular data base schemas into data files structures and their application programs. 87_MSc_portilho Carla Abreu PORTILHO. Uma ferramenta para apoio da utilizacao de logica no ensino. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/07/87 80 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The report of positive results obtained through the use of logic programming, in particular PROLOG, at English schools (the continuation of a project started at the Computing Department of Imperial College) has provided the motivation for this work. After using PROLOG in a simple and direct way, software environments were developed for the language (ex: MITSI) which started to be used mostly to simplify the user interface. This dissertation describes the design and implementation of a software environment to assist on the use of logic for the preparation of educational software. The environment we have produced manages to remove many of the weak characteristics identified in tools evaluated by teachers in England. Geography and Portuguese Grammar were the areas chosen for the development of test cases for the system. 87_MSc_pietrobom Carlos Alberto PIETROBON. Visualizacao tridimensional em sistemas graficos segundo a proposta GKS-3D. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/03/87 204 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: In the recent years, the graphics systems standards have developed greatly and today there are a lot of proposals for graphics standards in development. This work introduces the GKS-3D with emphasis on the study of the three-dimensional visualization process and graphics output primitives. A brief graphics systems standardization historical will be shown, along with the GKS's philosophy and functionality. A comparison between GKS-3D and two other systems (CORE and PHIGS) is also supplied. Finally, a conclusion and examples of the use are presented. 87_MSc_allevato Cesar Luis Sovat ALLEVATO. Um sistema de controle de E/S para uma rede local de microcomputadores da linha Itautec I-7000. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/08/87 195 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: This dissertation develops and implements an input/output system as a portion of programming of a local network for microcomputers Itautec I-7000. The system is composed by set of modules, one for each device supported, where each module is composed by one set of subroutines. Reentrance problems are resolved with the attendance of a developed multiprogramming nucleus, implemented through binary semaphores for mutual exclusion among the several process. 87_MSc_ferlin Claudia FERLIN. Um sistema especialista para auxilio na interpretacao de testes projetivos na area de psicologia. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/03/87 118 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: This dissertation presents a prototype of expert systems for supporting the interpretation of psychological projective tests, exemplified by the Rorschach Test. It specifies and implements a generic way for representing the knowledge in such domains class. Finally, the features needed for definition of a methodology for acquisition of imprecise knowledge are presented. 87_MSc_marins Cristina MARINS. Interfaces inteligentes. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/09/87 105 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The subject of this thesis is the study of man-machine relationship, aiming at a natural and friendly user interface. The evolution of traditional systems to interactive ones, the emergence of new techniques for system project and development and the increasing need of intelligent user-system interfaces are expounded. Intelligent interface concepts and actual subject research are described. In particular, this work intends to contribute to EITIS (Environment of Integrated Tools for Interactive Systems) project, being developed at PUC, by introducing some Intelligent Interfaces techniques. 87_MSc_chavesfilho Eliseu Monteiro CHAVES FILHO. Sistema de comunicacao de dados para interligacao de microcomputadores - hardware e software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/03/87 53 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: This dissertation describes the development of a local network for microcomputers. The aim is to obtain a simple, low cost system with adequate characteristics for applications such as access to file and printer servers. The network has a multi-connected double ring topology, called Forward Loop Backward Hop, which presents better reliability and performance compared to the other simpler types of ring topologies. For data transport a packet switching technique is used. The communication medium is the twisted pair, and the transfer rate is 800 kbps. The access to the network is through a microprocessor-based interface. Two microcomputers can be connected to each interface using RS-232 compatible connections, and two others using parallel connections. The interface software controls the data transfer and also keeps information about the network conditions. This information is used for packet routing and to bypass malfunctioning interfaces. 87_MSc_sena Galeno Jose de SENA. Implementacao de prototipo de ferramenta para projeto/reprojeto de banco de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/08/87 313 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: A modularization discipline that helps in the design and maintenance of complex database schemas is first described. The discipline incorporates both a strategy for enforcing integrity constraints and a systematic for the organization of large sets of database structures, constraints and operations. Plan-formation systems can aid in the specification, usage and maintenance of data-based information systems. A simple prototype for plans generation is shown. An expert tool is then described that supports the modularization discipline and integrates the design/redesign method with that which concerns plans generation. The expert tool aids in the development and maintenance of database schemas modularized in conformity to the discipline and this is implemented in PROLOG. Examples of using the expert tool at the design/redesign phases of a modular schema are exhibited. 87_MSc_quacchia Gloria Maria E. Acquadro QUACCHIA. Resolucao computacional de um problema de viscoelasticidade plana incompreensivel via elementos finitos mistos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/09/87 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Note: Not available. 87_MSc_rotenberg Helio Bruck ROTENBERG. Programacao orientada a objetos: um enfoque de engenharia de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/05/87 149 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Object-Oriented Programming is discussed using a Software Engineering point of view. In its first part, the particular style of programming peculiar to OOP is presented, and its characteristics are discussed. In its second part, a model for the programming system development process is proposed, exploring the advantages of OOP and discussing the activities involved. 87_MSc_guimaraes Joao Francisco GUIMARAES. Um sistema de submissao remota de tarefas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/87 243 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: Remote Task Submission (RTS) adds distributed and interchanged results facilities to the advantages usually found in VM/CMS environment remote job entry (RJE). This paper explore layered protocols concepts to specify RTS application; in the implementation phase, take advantages of Kermit protocol for file transfer. 87_MSc_pizol Jumar PIZOL. Especificacao do mapeamento de esquemas de bancos de dados em estruturas fisicas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/02/87 70 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: In the past few years, there has been considerable debate on the research of software tools for the automatization of the different phases of data bases design. This work provides support to the development of a tool for mapping logical modular specifications of data systems into files structures and their application programs. 87_MSc_pereira Luiz Antonio Moraes PEREIRA. Sintese de imagens realistas por rastreamento de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/12/87 187 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work deals with the main feature of the Ray Tracing Method, one of methods for the production, in raster devices, of images in perspective of three-dimensional objects. We present the basic characteristics of the hardware involved, the most well known method used in the modeling of solids, the mathematical expressions for calculating the intersections of visual rays with some modeling elements (primitives) and the Cook-Torrance method for modeling the light behavior, which allows the representation of the image to be very close to reality. We also deal with aspects of color vision as well as we extend our model to the point that we can represent illuminated colored objects by means of sources of colorful lights. Finally, we present some results of the implementation of the method in a 16 bit micro computer. 87_MSc_carneiro Luiza Maria Fonseca CARNEIRO. Um editor formatador com importacao de graficos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/12/87 174 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This dissertation describes a text editor and formatter which, besides the traditional functions attributed to text formatters, includes graphics imports. For the construction of this tool, the Smalltalk environment was used. In this environment, it is possible to edit text and graphics. 87_MSc_labruni Marcos Moraes LABRUNIE. SAICOR - um sistema especialista para indicacao de estudo hemodinamico da insuficiencia coronariana. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/10/87 141 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: A Medical application of Artificial Intelligence concepts, through the development of an Expert System in Cardiology. Definition of an heuristical Decision Model for coronary arteriography indication. Definition of the knowledge base representation method. Testing with medical clinic cases. 87_MSc_endler Markus ENDLER. O metodo da reducao e a decomposicao de problemas: alguns aspectos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/06/87 192 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: In the context of the Mathematical Theory of Problems we study the method of reduction and its application aiming at decomposing problems. First, we investigate some conditions for the existence of a reduction between general problems and see how the solution-transformation of such reduction depends on the link between problems. Next, we examine some characteristics of problems composed of more elementary ones, e.g. the Cartesian-product problem, the union problem and the composition problem, and search for conditions for the existence of a reduction to such problems. Finally, we investigate the process of specifying real problems, which generates a precise formulation for them in our general-problem structure. We also identify some relations between the aspect of the logical formula expressing the problem condition and the possibility of representing the problem as a composite one. 87_MSc_silvafilho Nelson Alves da SILVA FILHO. Protocolo de chamada remota de procedimento. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/08/87 82 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: This dissertation examines the remote procedure call approach for communication between processes in a distributed system environment. It presents an implementation, in Modula-2, of a multiprogramming kernel, a remote procedure call protocol and specifies its interfaces. 87_MSc_fonseca Nelson Luis Saldanha da FONSECA. Uma ferramenta portatil para a atividade de planejamento de capacidade. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/08/87 288 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The increasing dependence of most company on Data Processing services requires a systematic methodology for the adjustment between the computer system and the workload. The capacity planning analyst task of modeling the complex dynamics between computer and the workload may be extremely simplified by the use of appropriate tools. This dissertation describes a capacity planning software called Sistema de Planejamento de Capacidade as well as presents the underlying mathematical models. 87_PhD_vieira Newton Jose VIEIRA. Maquinas de inferencia para sistemas baseados em conhecimento. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 09/10/87 211 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: The problem we approach here is the problem of specification and development of inference machines particularly appropriate for knowledge based systems, assuming as premise the use of first order logic as paradigm for knowledge expression. Without imposing previous restrictions as to the used logic we make a proposal of inference machines which admits an efficient implementation model. We consider it is fundamental the possibility of application of heuristics based in the application domain. Consistently, we admit one more level for application of heuristics than related systems as, for example, model elimination. The realization of existential quantifiers may be made without any additional processing load. We present several models for answer explanation with emphasis in the easy of understanding for the layman. 87_MSc_ponte Oliver Barreira PONTE. Geracao de codigo para a linguagem nova. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/03/87 170 p. Advisor: Jose Lucas Mourao Rangel Netto Abstract: This work presents a code generation model for the programming language NOVA from the abstract syntax tree used as intermediate language. The code generation implementation is described and specified in detail. The run time support with its functions, the language statements flow of control and the space allocation have been specified, programmed and tested. Many situations where optimization applies are presented and implemented or suggested for next compiler versions. Some of the code generation techniques discussed here are independent of the choice of target processor (Intel 8086), some other are essentially interconnected with specific machine instructions. 87_MSc_guaranys Paula Ypiranga dos GUARANYS. IN-Edito - Interface inteligente para um editor de texto. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/03/87 76 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: IN -edito, Intelligent Interface for a text editor, is an experimental software tool to help the user make an efficient use of the text editor for which it has been implemented. The interface consists of three modules: help, explanation and inference (an intelligent module). The help module is an interactive "manual" displayed in the form of superi-posed windows that carry different levels of detail. An explanation is provided upon request and describes a command and its corresponding action. The intelligent module monitors the utilization of the software by the user and interferes in the session whenever the interface can show how to make a better use of the system. The dissertation concludes by proposing a methodology through which the design of the interface can be extended to other application software. 87_MSc_vaz Paulo Cesar T. Mello VAZ. Algoritmos Branch-and-Bound: uma implementacao distribuida. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/03/87 103 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: This work report on the design and implementation of an hybrid Branch-and-Bound algorithm enhanced with disjunctive cutting planes B(5) for a personal computer local area network system. 87_MSc_buschbaum Paulo Eduardo L. BUSCHBAUM. Especificacao semantica de nova e seu Front-End. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/08/87 127 p. Advisor: Jose Lucas Mourao Rangel Netto Abstract: This work describes a new programming language of general use, named NOVA, and its front-end's implementation. The main goal is the language's use as base to build a programming integrated environment. The front-end, besides to do a complete semantical analysis of a source program written in NOVA, builds a intermediary representation as a tree in a suitable way to a posterior code generation/optimization. Moreover, the dissertation contains a description of language's main features, that include specific facilities to modular programming, exception handling, pattern matching and data base programming. 87_MSc_rivero Paulo Roberto RIVERO. A formacao de recursos humanos em informatica: o estudo de um caso em engenharia de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/08/87 318 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The work has three different approaches. The first one presents software and software engineering, what they are, how they evolved, what is being researched and what are its trends. The second is characterized by a survey of the international and Brazilian state of art in computer science, specially in software engineering, in the technical and educational areas. Finally, the third one presents an experience in teaching software engineering, conducted jointly by PUC/RJ and SERPRO, which lead us to proposals related from the experience itself, to a model for technical development of human resources and to a discussion of alternatives concerning University-Industry interactions. 87_MSc_souza Ricardo de Saboya Pinheiro SOUZA. Um protocolo de transporte distribuido. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/04/87 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Note: Not available. 87_MSc_viegas Ricardo VIEGAS. VM/CC: Uma ferramenta para caracterizacao de cargas em ambientes VM. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/03/87 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Note: Not available. 87_MSc_vieira Simone Cordeiro VIEIRA. Ambiente de ensino por analise/recomendacao de estrategia. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/12/87 149 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: Through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques some new perspectives begin to introduce computers in education. In this paper the author presents one of these possibilities using teaching system like "Coach" which is able to criticize and advise about strategies used by the student in learning environments based in games. A prototype called PEAO (Teaching Program through analysis and guidelines for action), was developed intending to teach chess final strategies through different modes. 87_MSc_diniz Valter Araujo DINIZ. Rede de dados com satelite. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/03/87 2 v. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: This dissertation provide the basic elements that will be respected in the project of a data communication system by satellite. It present options to choose the protocols appropriate in the networking subscriber to system, showing the performance of principles protocols and finally it presents some applications and services. 87_MSc_vervloet Werther Jacques da Silva VERVLOET. Analise de software fonte: uma alternativa para medicao de qualidade de programas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/04/87 65 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: Automatic measuring of Software Quality in large Data Processing Bureau has been a dream to almost all DP - Managers. This dissertation proposes a way of Quality Measuring through Modular and Structured Programming paradigms. It also shows the implementation of a tool that figures out some of the most relevant aspects that have major influence in good or bad Software Quality. -------------------------------------------- 1988 88_PhD_pereira Aldenice Brito PEREIRA. Estabilidade na presenca de mudanca do passo e metodos STIFF - estaveis a mudancas. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 27/07/88 130 p. Advisor: Therezinha Souza da Costa Abstract: The purpose of this dissertation is to study the numerical stability of integration processes of ODE's, which allow order and step changing and utilizes linear multistep methods in the solution of initial value problems, stiff or not. Integration with BDF methods are considered and strategies for step changing are elaborated. The integration processes defined by them are analyzed in relation to their efficiency and stability when changes occur. Stiff-stable cyclic methods which are insensible to step changes are also obtained. 88_MSc_andrade Aline Maria Santos ANDRADE. Um interpretador para regras de producao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 01/03/88 129 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This work proposes an inference system for knowledge bases using production rules with a strategy that prefers rules leading to shorter deduction sequences, and avoiding recursive inference. The user can interfere in the control of the inference through the specification of meta-rules. 88_MSc_silva Andrea SILVA. Fundamentos de programacao em clausulas genericas e defaults por eliminacao de modelos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/11/88 119 p. Advisors: Marco Antonio Casanova (IBM) and Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: This dissertation presents a theoretical foundation for logic programming systems based on general clauses and defaults. A procedural semantics for computing answers, based on weak model elimination, is first proposed. The proof of the soundness and completeness of this method is discussed in detail. Then, the basic method is extended to deal with defaults along the lines of Reiter's default logic. Finally, a logic programming language is defined, including extra-logical facilities 88_MSc_braga Anelise Pacheco BRAGA. Mapeamento de esquemas conceituais relacionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/09/88 120 p. Advisors: Marco Antonio Casanova (IBM) and Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This thesis discusses the mapping of Extended Entity-Relationship schemas into relational schemas. Initially, a data definition language following the Entity-Relationship Model and incorporating certain extensions is described along with a data definition language following the language SQL and also incorporating some new features. Then, the mapping is described in detail and its syntactic and semantic correctness is discussed. Finally, a methodology, called Successive Trivialization, to optimize the relational scheme obtained from the mapping is described. 88_MSc_buschbaum Arthur Ronald de Vallauris BUSCHBAUM. Um metodo automatico de prova para a logica paraconsistente. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/09/88 161 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: The paraconsistent logic is suitable for working with automated reasoning systems that present contradictions. We have developed an automated proof method for the prepositional calculus C1 and for the quantificational calculus C1*, based on tableaux. We have shown that this proof method is sound and complete with respect to the semantics of these calculi. We have constructed a rule system to implementation, we have validated this system with respect to the original proof method and from it we have made a prototype to C1*. 88_MSc_pinheiro Celso Escobar PINHEIRO. Sistemas especialistas em legislacao - um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/03/88 132 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: A description of an Expert System based on the Brazilian Social Welfare Benefits legislation is given, analyzing in detail the methodology employed on its development, the problems involved in knowledge acquisition, the main aspects of its representation and its explanation mechanisms. The practical use of temporal logic and event calculus is examined, looking for a set of predicates specified in Prolog which can support the handling of concepts involving time periods commonly found in legal texts. An extension of the explanation mechanism is presented in order to allow an interactive consultation about the system deduction steps, so as to supply planning suggestions to conform to the legislation conditions. 88_MSc_perpignan Daniel M. PERPIGNAN. Tradutor automatico ASN.1/X.409 - aplicacao em sistemas de tratamento de mensagens X.400. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/02/88 156 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: One of the fundamental problems in data communication is to deal with the diverse formats used to represent information in different computational systems. In the ISO Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection, the presentation layer is charged with the task of resolving the different ways of data representation (syntax) so that the application layer can process the correct interpretation of their semantics. For that, it is necessary some mechanism for describing the data in a representation independent way (Abstract Syntax) and, ensure a consistent, mutually acceptable set of codification rules for transmission of the application information (Transfer Syntax). The "Abstract Syntax Notation One" - (ASN.1) and the "Basic Encoding Rules" - (BER) defined in the international standards ISO DIS8824, ISODIS8825 and CCITT X.409 provide such mechanism. To pass from ASN.1 data specification to the Transfer Syntax codification (BER), an automatic translator has been developed, using techniques of compiler design and the specifications of the OSI Reference Model, more specifically for the application in the Message Handling Systems that conforms to CCITT X.400 series recommendations. 88_PhD_pamplona Djenane Cordeiro PAMPLONA. Analise do comportamento e instabilidade de membranas anulares planas sob a acao de cargas de bordo axisimetricas. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 23/05/88 116 p. Advisors: Luiz Bevilacqua (COPPE/UFRJ) and Therezinha Souza da Costa Abstract: Finite deformations of homogeneous, isotropic, incompressible initially flat, unstressed membranes under vertical and moment loads are studied. The general equilibrium equations and boundary conditions were established throughout the principle of stationary potential energy. Axiasymmetric examples are studied and the coupled non-linear differential equations solved analytically and numerically, to obtain the angle of twist, the deflection and the radial deformation at every point of the membrane. Two strain energy densities are considered: Neo-Hookean, for which is possible to obtain an approximate analytical solution, and Mooney-Rivlin. An estimate of the results was obtained experimentally and the results are compared and presented in non dimensional form in a number of figures. 88_MSc_russo Enio Emanuel Ramos RUSSO. Um sistema de interpretacao de dialogos graficos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/03/88 223 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The purpose of this work is the construction of a dialog interpretation system that uses graphic resources, ever more prevalent in present computers. To achieve this, concepts and techniques to the project of a good user interface are defined, studies of how the User Interface Management Systems (UIMS) can be utilized in the construction of interfaces are made, and many logical models of dialog representation are studied and analyzed . The main existing UIMSs are also described and analyzed. Based on these studies, a proposal of a UIMS to EITIS - Environment of Integrated Tools for Interactive Systems - , a project being developed by DI-PUC-RJ., is made. This proposal specifies a graphic dialog interpreter that is implemented with the dialogs represented as a data base structure of type DBTG-CODASYL (network model). 88_PhD_lima Fernando Soares de LIMA. Sobre a construcao de funcoes de Green e caracterizacao. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: /10/88 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Note: Not available. 88_MSc_melo Florentino de Aguiar MELO. Programacao por objetos como ferramenta de desenvolvimento: uma proposta. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: /03/88 p. Advisor: Raul Cesar Baptista Martins Note: Not available. 88_MSc_quental Francisco de San Tiago Dantas B. QUENTAL. Modelagem dinamica de sistemas interativos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/01/88 [irr.] p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: A technique is proposed for the modeling of interactive non-concurrent systems, which incorporates dynamics (time dependent behavior) from the early steps of the development process. State Transmission Diagram, adapted to the case of non-concurrent systems, is used as the representation language. The proposed technique links the control representation to the system's functional decomposition, yielding consistency rules for each separate level as well as for the whole hierarchy of levels. The transformation of the control hierarchy (represented by a set of state transition diagrams) into a program outline (written in a programming language) is discussed, using PASCAL as an example. The modeling of a system dynamics is presented as part of a broader set of development techniques and tools, inspired by two complementary insights: systems development viewed as model building and as a message transmission process. 88_MSc_berliner George BERLINER. CRON - Um sistema especialista para planejamento de atividades. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/03/88 115 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: This dissertation presents an application of Artificial Intelligence concepts in the planning area through the development of an Expert System that will propitiate a knowledge based environment for the programming and planning of enterprises in several areas of interest. An example in the area of civil engineering is described. 88_MSc_jardim Joao Batista da Conceicao JARDIM. Projeto e implementacao das operacoes de visualizacao do projeto MOSAICO. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: /04/88 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Note: Not available. 88_PhD_toscani Laira Vieira TOSCANI. Metodos e desenvolvimento de algoritmos: especificacao formal, analise comparativa e de complexidade. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 21/10/88 174 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: Through a frequent use of an algorithm design method, the designer may acquire an intuitive knowledge of the method properties. Often the designer does not know if the properties are generally applied or may be only applied to a small class of problems. In many cases he is not confident on certain properties. The work presented here demonstrates that it is possible to formalize algorithm design methods (adm's) so to study their properties and to compare adm's regarding to both generality and complexity of the algorithms generated by the methods. The work also shows that it is possible to formalize and demonstrate those intuitive ideas acquired by the mda user and thus to take advantage of it so to increase the knowledge and clarity of the method. 88_PhD_kobayashi Leila Nocchi KOBAYASHI. Um metodo de elementos finitos do tipo hermite para solucao do problema de Stokes em formulacao potencial vetor. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 29/09/88 85 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Abstract: This dissertation deals with the numerical solution of the 3D Stokes problem in vector potential formulation. Due to the boundary conditions of the Cartesian components of the vector field occurs. A decoupling method is described in details and for its implementation a escalator solver is necessary. For this purpose a Finite Elements Method based upon Hermit's polynomials is studied and implemented for rectangular domains. 88_MSc_albuquerque Leonel A. ALBUQUERQUE. Um sistema especialista para a identificacao e quantificacao das modalidades de intercambio de energia eletrica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/12/88 132 p. Advisor: Celso da Cruz Carneiro Ribeiro Abstract: Many problems related to the energetic operation planning of electric power system are difficult to solve computationally because they need complex or still inexistent mathematical models or they deal with methodologies that change frequently. In this paper we try to study one of these problems by the highly experienced professionals point of view and to use the expert system technique to develop an efficient tool to solve it. We study the energy interchanges modalities identification and quantification problem of the Brazilian electric power system and we describe the expert system developed. 88_PhD_barroso Leonidas Conceição BARROSO. Metodos ciclicos tipo ADAMS estaveis com mudancas do passo de integracao. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 01/06/88 61 p. Advisor: Therezinha Souza da Costa Abstract: We show how to derive Adams type - cyclic methods for Initial Value Problems that maintain their stability properties when using step change procedures. To reach this aim we use Albrecht's theory of A-Methods as theoretical tool. As examples we derive 3 - Cyclic 3 - Step methods of convergence orders 3,4 and 5. And 2-Cyclic 2-Step methods of order 2 and 3. The methods of order up to 4 are A-stable while the one of order 5 is stiffly-stable. 88_MSc_marques Manoel MARQUES. Sistema interativo de auxilio ao desenvolvimento e validacao de programas em turbo Pascal. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/03/88 76 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work presents a system that helps integration, structure and testing of programs developed in Turbo Pascal. All the concepts involved and the previous study for this work are described. From the analysis of some environments, we have built one based on the modularity theory to provide structured, documented and tested programs. It was projected to complement the utilization of Turbo Pascal, using in a intelligent way its available resources. Much can be improved and other facilities can be added. We intend to present a system that is a bridge for the viability analysis of building similar environments that won't be a collection of tools, but a system that helps the complete development of a program. 88_MSc_rezende Marco Antonio Mortari REZENDE. Um sistema de armazenamento para banco de dados orientado a aplicacoes nao convencionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/11/88 138 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work describes the design and implementation of SSAE, the storage subsystem of OMS-EITIS. It aims to support the development of relational DBMSs extended for nonconventional applications. The new requirements and some proposals under development are studied and SSAE is put in relation with them. The storage structures are detailed; they support the introduction of new sorts of attributes - divisible and virtual. The interface of SSAE is presented. It comprises data definition and manipulation primitives that allow physical schema definition, realization of sequential and direct access to the stored records, manipulation of divisible fields through the use of partial handlers and, at last, efficient sorting by a specific sort component. 88_MSc_rozo Marco Aurelio Ferreira ROZO. Ambiente integrado para sistemas interativos: criacao de sistemas de apoio a discussao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: /03/88 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Note: Not available. 88_PhD_mendes Orlando Alcino MENDES. Resolucao numerica do problema de Stokes em formulacao potencial vetor por um metodo de elementos finitos parametrado. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/09/88 106 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Abstract: The subject of this thesis is the numerical solution of the Stokes problem in vector potential formulation. The components of the vector potential which are coupled due to boundary conditions are treated separately by using the method of the influence matrix. A non conforming tetrahedral finite element method is used for the solution of this resulting scalar biharmonic equations in R3. 88_MSc_rocha Paulo Carlos ROCHA. Um tipo de dado chamado planilha - projeto e implementacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/12/88 192 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: Project and implementation's proposal that joins the advantages of interactivity and prototyping, intrinsic features from the interpreted environments (particularly the Electronic Spreadsheet), with the acquired efficiency in programming languages through the encapsulation of data structure and fundamental operations, that characterize the SPREADSHEET DATA TYPE. 88_MSc_bosignoli Ricardo BOSIGNOLI. Analise do acesso aleatorio em sistemas de comunicacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/04/88 111 p. Advisors: Luiz Felipe de Moraes (IME) and Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares Abstract: This work proposes and analyses the use of Data Communications Satellite-based Systems in which a great number of users, generating low intensity traffic, shares, in accordance with a random algorithm and CDMA, the same communications channel. After the initial characterization of the multiple access methods used in satellite communications and the basic characteristics of systems applying these methods, it is introduced the concept of bursty traffic and proposed the use of CDMA. Thus, after modeling and analyzing the CDMA system, producing average message delay by system load curves, it is analyzed, for the same conditions, the performance 88_MSc_martins Simone de Lima MARTINS. Especificacao de servicos de voz e dados integrados em uma rede local de computadores. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/01/88 2 v. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares Abstract: In the past few years, the computer local area networks, which interconnect computers within a small area such as a building or a campus have greatly increased in use. These networks support a great number of applications such as electronic mail and file transfer and also allows the shared use of large computers and expensive peripherals. Nowadays, various studies are being made in order to investigate the utilization of these networks to voice transmission. In this work, it is presented the specification of services that a voice and data integrated local area network can offer, such as selected attendance, automatic redial, subscriber following procedure, message sending and receiving and others. The functions that each level of a protocol for voice transmission should have are also shown. 88_MSc_lima Tarcisio de Souza LIMA. Interface generalizada com o usuario para estacoes de trabalho: aspecto grafico na abordagem de objetos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/09/88 192 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: A general view of a workstation is shown, situating the context of the Generalized User Interface (IGU is the achronym). The standard interface, a conceptual framework, is presented and discussed. The IGU is focused on the graphical aspect. The design and construction of the IGU leave to object oriented programming (OOP). The cases generated by an assayed study implement the principal functions, leading to some conclusions no how the use of OOP reflects on the generalized interface design. A follow-up of activities is presented in the conclusion.