Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts 1989-1993 For any information, please contact 1989 89_MSc_vervloet Elvira Jacques da Silva VERVLOET. Sistemas de autoria para CD-ROM: uma proposta de arquitetura. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/04/89 102 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The optical disk drives, especially the CD-ROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory -, are arousing considerable interest because of their large storage capacity and their multimedia characteristics. Authoring Systems are hardware and software tools that allows the creation of the CD-ROM in an interactive way. This dissertation describes the steps of the CD-ROM generation, presents a data structure and the concept of objects for multimedia environments, and proposes an architecture for CD-ROM Authoring System. 89_MSc_nasser Fernando Elyas Nobrega NASSER. Em busca de um metabanco de objetos para o OMS-EITIS. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/12/89 242 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: EITIS (Environment of Integrated Tools for Interactive Systems) is an (adjustable) environment used to specify, design and execute Interactive Systems. A search for elements that can help to set the configuration of an EITIS environment for the construction of Expert Systems is the main subject of the present work. Software Engineering aspects related to the development of these systems are examined. A prototype of an Expert System for Planning the expansion of power transmission networks is used as an example. Methods for designing User Interfaces, specially graphical, are studied. A graphical User Interface to the Expert System mentioned is developed. Considerations about EITIS environments for Expert Systems and suggestions for further research conclude this work. 89_MSc_relvas Glauce da Costa Lins RELVAS. Um assistente especialista para projeto de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 01/89 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Note: Not available. 89_MSc_hernandezfigueroa Hugo Enrique HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA. Resolucao por elementos finitos com funcoes base otimizadas, do problema de autovalores associado a equacao de Helmholtz 2-D, proveniente do problema fisico de propagacao eletromagnetica em guias cilindricos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/03/89 71 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Abstract: It is the purpose of this dissertation to study the performance of the Optimized Basis Functions Method, for application into the electromagnetic propagation problem. This method was recently formulated (1987) and consists, essentially, in minimizing the discretization error of the Finite Element Method when applied into eigenvalue problems, where the Rayleigh-Ritz Principle is available. In this sense, it was introduced, for the first time in the literature, two sets of modified basis functions (MBF) for P1 finite element. The other finite element here used, the Q1 kind, was tested by using one set of MBF previously introduced in the literature. The computational experiments showed a good performance of one of the two sets of MBF here introduced, as well as of the previously known set. These results confirmed the potentiality of the method at issue. 89_MSc_ferreira Joao Luiz Carvalho de Queiroz FERREIRA. O compilador para CLU: um modelo de geracao de codigos para arquitetura 8086/88. M.Sc. Port. Presentation: 11/08/89 188 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This work presents a code generator model for the programming language CLU from the three address code shown in [AHO 87] , used as the Intermediate Language. The object code is Assembly language and the code generator's implementation is described in detail. A fraction of the Run Time Suport have been implemented, and the space allocation has been specified. Possible optimizations are shown, and another ones are suggested for the next versions. This part of the CLU Compiler Project in this Department. 89_MSc_rios Jose Riverson Araujo Cysne RIOS. Raciocinando por jogos semanticos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/10/89 127 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: Haeusler and Pequeno developed a theorem proving method based on the semantic games introduced by Hintikka. This work describes the program ProGame, which implements the method, accentuating its description and the heuristic rules developed. Among the outstanding features offered is the mechanism that permits the creation of user-defined strategies, thereby providing an excellent tool for the prototyping of new specialized control regimes. The method was extended in order to allow for answer extraction. 89_MSc_costa Leonardo Cruz da COSTA. Um compilador CLU: analise lexica e tratamento de tabelas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/08/89 148 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: Models are described for a prototype of CLU compiler. This prototype will be used for future studies mainly on oriented-objects language projects. Furthermore, the semantic behavior of some aspects of CLU is discussed. It also characterizes a context of execution that implies a lexical analyzer and a symbol table manager. 89_MSc_lasmar Luis Cesar Chehab LASMAR. GRAFTEX: um tradutor para textos graficos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/03/89 341 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This work presents a handler for texts and graphics and is oriented for edition of long texts which are organized in items and subitems, with the inclusion of internally generated graphics or imported graphics from other editors. The used environment for the construction of this handler was Turbo Pascal 4.0. 89_MSc_souza Luiz Antonio Francisco de SOUZA. Sistemas especialistas aplicados a escolha de produtos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/03/89 310 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: In this dissertation, the application of Expert Systems in the domain of Product Selection is investigated. Product Selection is defined here as a process which is part of the Capital Goods and Technical Services selling activity. This process requires both specific knowledge and experience of consultants who work with product providers to help customers make good choices. Based upon this investigation, illustrated through the analysis of many Expert Systems now operating in Europe and North America, a methodology for Product Selection Expert Systems development and implementation is recommended. This methodology, based upon the experience and contributions of standing authors, takes into consideration both technical aspects and strategic, organizational and psycho-social issues, all very important steps towards an adequate integration of Expert Systems in the product provider marketing environment. The methodology is exercised in a practical problem, the selection of RENPAC services. RENPAC services are switched data communications services provided by EMBRATEL - Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicacoes, a Brazilian telecommunications carrier and services company, through RENPAC - Rede Nacional de Comutacao de Pacotes, the public Packet Switching Network in Brazil. From the evaluation of the exercises in the selection of RENPAC services domain, similar problems are also explored as to the adequacy of the referred methodology. Conclusions and comments are presented, addressing Brazilian companies that are now studying whether and how to make use of the strategic power of Expert Systems in business. 89_PhD_tucherma Luiz TUCHERMAN. Uma disciplina para projeto modular de bancos de dados. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 23/06/89 135 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: A modularization discipline for database schemas is first described. The discipline incorporates both a strategy for enforcing integrity constraints and a tactic for organizing large sets of database structures, integrity constraints and operations. Then, a systematic way for verifying the design requirements, as defined by the discipline, that guarantees the correctness of modular schemas during the design and maintenance phase is presented. More precisely, two problems are addressed: how to test for the requirements and when to apply such tests. Finally, a software tool that helps the development and maintenance of database schemas modularized according to the discipline is presented. It offers a user-friendly interface that guides the designer through the various stages of the creation of a new module or through the process of changing objects of existing modules. The tool incorporates, in a declarative style, a description of the design and redesign rules behind the modularization discipline, hence facilitating the incremental addition of new expertise about database design. 89_MSc_peixoto Marcos Veloso PEIXOTO. Especificacao algebrica de tipos abstratos de dados via sequencia de sistemas de reescrita. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/03/89 108 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: No English abstract provided. 89_MSc_baccar Mauro BACCAR. Um sistema de controle de versoes de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/04/89 142 p. Advisor: Albrecht Von Plehwe Abstract: Microcomputer software development environments usually do not have tools to control programs' source code versions. To fill this gap, a tool is proposed which has the characteristics of those existing for main frame computers. A prototype of this tool is used to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed storage method. Storage based on difference files (also called deltas) was found to be competitive to file compression. As an additional information, a listing of the programs used is included. Two of them implement good comparison algorithms and can be used to compare two text files. 89_PhD_omar Nizam OMAR. Paralelismo em programacao logica com participacao binaria. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 27/02/89 142 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: A deduction system, with dynamic problem partition, for parallel processing on message based communication computer networks or multiprocessors is presented. The deduction can be made with any number of available processors. The communication is done using Communication Predicates as communication channels without direction restriction. A formal definition of a system with binary and automatic problem partition is presented and its completeness and consistency are proved. 89_MSc_gualandi Pedro Mendes GUALANDI. Manutencao de dependencias de inclusao em bancos de dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/03/89 155 p. Advisors: Marco Antonio Casanova (IBM) and Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: This thesis presents a method that enforces inclusion dependencies in relational databases. This method is based on a constraint enforcement pre-compiler that accepts a user's program and produces a new program that has the same basic behavior as the old program and preserves the consistency of the database when executed. Additional remarks concerning the enforcement of assertions and trigger processing are also included. 89_MSc_vallejoscampos Reinaldo Antonio VALLEJOS CAMPOS. Aplicacao de metodos numericos na avaliacao de politicas de manutencao periodica, em sistemas de computacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/12/89 91 p. Advisors: Edmundo Souza e Silva (COPPE/UFRJ) and Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: In this work was implemented an efficient software tool for availability measures in computer systems submitted to periodic maintenance. This tool is based on models 2 and 3 of [5]. It was analyzed the optimization of the following measures: Availability, Maintenance Cost and a tradeoff between this measures. It was considered different types of Cost-Availability functions and normalization alternatives for them. Using the developed software tool, availability measures for different systems was obtained. Some conclusions based on the realized experiences was extracted. This conclusions may help the analyst in the establishment of hypothesis that permit the development of simple and precise models. 89_PhD_koppjunior Roberto Velasco KOPP JUNIOR. Sistemas especialista de segunda geracao: algoritmos, metodos e tecnicas para sistemas de diagnosticos. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 29/09/89 274 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: The Expert Systems technology had a huge development in the last decades, but notwithstanding, researches such as Hubert Dreyfus and Luc Steels show us some fallacious results and failures of several kinds, even among the most well known and famous systems. The Fifth Generation Computer Project has also ended, after several years of research and investments of billions of dollars. Very important results have been achieved, but insufficient to pursue the goals of current applications, which we define as Second Generation Expert Systems. Nowadays, huge efforts are being directed through the Sixth Generation Computer Project, which synthesizes advances in many areas. This thesis addresses the investigation of the application of those emergent technologies, such as Conexionist Models, Semi-Automatic Generation of Knowledge Bases, Object Oriented Expert Systems and Genetic Algorithm in the construction of new systems. To allow experimentation over algorithms, methods, techniques and heuristics, we developed an environment which is being held in an academic scope, originating several sub-projects of research. 89_MSc_kerstenetzky Valeria de Albuquerque KERSTENETZKY. Estudo para implementacao de um gerenciamento de memoria virtual no MINIX-CYGNUS. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/04/89 99 p. Advisor: Albrecht Von Plehwe Abstract: This dissertation presents the paged virtual memory management to be incorporated into the MINIX system for the CYGNUS machine at the Computer Systems Engineering Laboratory at PUC-RJ. This implementation consists of the following functions: logical mapping, physical mapping and page archiving ("swapping"). The concepts of virtual memory based upon paging, some techniques for core page substitution and the virtual memory management routines are described. 89_MSc_nasser Yanira D'Arcanchy Nobrega NASSER. Gerencia de janelas no ambiente EITIS. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/05/89 175 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This dissertation deals with the problem of window management in user interface management systems. Initially, it is made a general analysis on user interfaces, where the most important issues are presented. Then, two examples of user interface systems are studied: the "Presentation Manager" (OS/2) and "X Window"(UNIX). Finally, two proposals for window managers are presented. The former, for the present implementation of the EITIS environment, uses the graphics standard GKS with an extension for accepting virtual workstations (GKS-VW) under DOS. The latter, for the future implementation of the EITIS environment, uses the X Window System under UNIX. ----------------------------------------- 1990 90_MSc_xavier Aloysio Salles XAVIER. Modelagem de modelos de apoio a decisao: uma abordagem pratica. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/03/90 147 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The main objective of this work is the study of the Decision Support Models creation and its practical application in fourth generation environments available in the software market. The concepts of MMAD - Model to Modeling Decision Support Systems, proposed in Maria Helena Braz's doctoral thesis presented at PUC-RJ (march/1990), are introduced together with the basic procedures for its application in a fourth generation environment. A set of rules to construct Decision Support Systems based on the elements of MMAD and on the resources offered by the employed environment are presented. This work is intended to contribute for the Decision Support Systems study in three basic aspects: in the practice of the methodology already mentioned, giving inputs to its improvement; in the evaluation of the Decision Support Models implementation mechanisms available in the used environment; in the proposition of a set of rules to guide the Decision Support Systems construct based on the concepts of MMAD. 90_MSc_moreira Ana Maria Martins MOREIRA. Um tradutor de prolog para Pascal Leme. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/02/90 93 p. Advisor: Jose Lucas Mourao Rangel Netto Abstract: This work presents a PROLOG to PASCAL translation technique and describes the implementation of a translator following this technique. The main characteristic of this translator is the use of continuation procedures, which, in association with the use of domains and modes declarations, makes it possible to generate a readable and easil optimizable PASCAL code. 90_MSc_ribeiro Andrea Reis RIBEIRO. Banco de dados multimidia em CD-ROM: primitivas de acesso a objetos multimidia. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/02/90 131 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The availability of large capacity optical disks, has made possible the implementation of applications which manage multimedia objects, i.e., objects composed of text, sound and images dimensions. The purpose of this dissertation is to define and implement a set of access primitives to multimedia objects that extend the conventional DBMS ARCO-IRIS in order to allow for the easy implementation of multimedia applications. As a case study, several applications based on a database about the Brazilian painter Candido Portinari were implemented using the multimedia access primitives. 90_MSc_arany Daniel Raul ARANY. REXXMOD, um pseudo-compilador RFXX: analise e implementação. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/03/90 104 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: Rexx is a command language for IBM's VM/CMS operating system. Because it is also a high-level character-string processing language which is interpreted, it has been used in other areas such as prototyping, macro programming and personal computing. This function will be enhanced through compiled execution - greater efficiency and portability, and new interfaces to other languages. Rexx, though, is hard to translate because of its interpreted-oriented attributes. In the present work we analyze this problem and present as one possible solution the interpreted execution of pseudo-compiled object decks. 90_MSc_mizutani Eduardo Edison MIZUTANI. Recuperacao inteligente de informacoes: um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/02/90 102 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe Abstract: Information retrieval through indexing has its critical point stemming from the differences between the indexer's and retriever's views of the associations between domain concepts and documents. A good representation of the domain is important to reduce these differences and, thus, artificial intelligence techniques for knowledge representations, such as semantic network and frames, can be useful in this task. Besides, these techniques suggest query tools with features as browsing and investigation of domain concepts, adapted to the user's level of knowledge. Although it is typically a task of retrieving documents in a library, this problem can also be found in information retrieval from generic databases related to a certain domain of knowledge. The objective of this thesis is to describe several indexing and retrieval approaches, emphasizing knowledge-based techniques. As a case study, a system called AS which assists the user in accessing a statistical database called SINTESE, on the Brazilian Social Welfare system is described. 90_MSc_costa Eduardo Robson Tardin COSTA. MVS/CC - uma ferramenta para caracterização de carga no MVS/XA. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/03/90 237 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Obtaining the parameters required by a queuing network model of a large computing system is a very demanding job, which strongly recommends the use of a software tool that automates it. This dissertation describes the MVS/CC, a tool developed with this purpose for IBM mainframes using the operating system MVS/XA. An overview of MVS/XA and analytic models of computing systems is presented. The MVS/CC user's interface is described and the algorithms used to obtain the parameters from the data generated by the MVS/XA monitors. SMF and RMF, are indicated. Validation results are also presented. 90_PhD_haeusler Edward Hermann HAEUSLER. Prova automatica de teoremas em deducao natural: uma abordagem abstrata. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 20/12/90 136 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: In this work we present a formal method for building Natural Deduction (ND) theorem provers. The logics for which the method can be applied are those specified on a computable generalization of ND systems defined here for this purpose. The first-order rules have a special treatment, however the method works uniformly on them. Abstract Completeness and Soundness for the theorem provers are shown. The completeness is shown with the use of the Normal Form Theorem for the ND system considered. We conclude the work by applying the method to the Minimal, intuitionistic classical, S4 and GL (both modal logics). Some remarks are considered when we extended the method in order to deal with S5, Linear Logic, Intuitionistic Type Theory and the paraconsistent logic Cw. 90_MSc_carvalho Eliane Bezerra Soares de CARVALHO. Generalizacao de gramaticas de determinacao para consultas a bases de dados em linguagem natural. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/08/90 200 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza Abstract: The present dissertation investigates computational aspects of Determination Grammars (DG's), so as to identify the degree of generality achieved by the principles on which they are based. The main goal is to automate some steps of their development and, consequently, to improve their portability. Determination Grammars are a methodological tool to support the development of semantic grammars to be used in Natural Language Interfaces to Conventional Database querying. They're based on the identification of existing determination relations among the components of the DB. Automating semantic grammars is a difficult task due to their domain dependence. However, since the determination principle can be taken as a syntactic counterpart of the relationships dealt with in DB models, the present investigation centers around automation from data models. This study shows that domain dependence can be kept inside the boundaries of syntactic classification of lexical items. The grammar, thus, remains unchanged across domains. In order to achieve portability, two processes have been automated: the mapping between data model and determination syntax and the development of a basic domain independent grammar. 90_MSc_mazini Floriano Saad MAZINI. Banco de dados multimidia em CD-ROM: um ambiente de manipulacao de textos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 15/02/90 169 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: This work deals with an extension of a conventional data base management system for applications that access multimedia data (unstructured data) like sound, image and text in an optical media (Compact Disc Read Only Memory - CD ROM). A prototype was defined and implemented using a Multimedia Database Architecture defined here. This architecture, divided in two environments, conventional and non-conventional, has a particular process of data preparation due to read only feature of a CD-ROM. A set of programs for data preparation, text editing and indexing was specified and implemented. Also, a set of primitives for text retrieval from the optical media were also implemented. 90_MSc_matich Graciela H. MATICH. Modelagem de uma extensao da linguagem CLU para orientacao a objetos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/02/90 184 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: In its first stage this project researches and discusses basic principles in object oriented languages (OOLs). The CLU programming language is characterized in general, and then analyzed from the perspective of OOLs, in order to discover coincident and missing points. We conclude that "inheritance" is the main notion to be included in a possible extension. A model to add subtyping inheritance to CLU, intending to preserve the original language's spirit, is elaborated and introduced. Finally some considerations about binding, to find more flexible ways either in the original CLU language and in the extension model, are presented. 90_MSc_fernandes Iara Regina de Azevedo FERNANDES. Um editor de documentos para um sistema cooperativo com servicos integrados de voz e dados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/90 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares Note: Not available. 90_MSc_martins Isa Haro MARTINS. O perfil da comunicacao homem-maquina em linguagem natural para sistemas com bases de conhecimento. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/12/90 117 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza Abstract: In view of the increasing demand for natural language (NL) interfaces, this dissertation aims at optimizing the implementation of menu-oriented NL interfaces, to be used for the communication with knowledge-based Systems. The research is based on Searle's Speech Acts Theory, because it deals with the intentionality which exists in human communication and which is to be assimilated to human-machine communication, when it is processed through NL. The analysis of what effectively happens in human-machine communication allows for the definition of the actual profile of this kind of communication. From the analysis results were proposed: (a) a NL sub-domain, with a communication capability equivalent to that of the functional capability of the system - this provides for the elaboration of the menu-oriented interface; (b) a proper methodology for dealing with intentionality, as distinct from semantic meaning thus eliminating "ad hoc" treatments and permitting the interface future expansions. 90_MSc_azevedo Joao Bosco Gomes de Oliveira AZEVEDO. Modelagem dos aspectos socio-tecnicos de um sistema de transporte - um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/12/90 3 vol. Advisor: Bruno Maffeo Abstract: The construction of information systems for modern organizations whose requirements should be accomplished has been a permanent concern of Software Engineering. A computational system case study, based on real requirements for a large company, was modeled and implemented with the objective of perform evaluation, synthesis and refinement of the structured techniques and tools. A structure of models and modeling languages are introduced and the development of information systems as a process of construction of models with different abstraction levels, as long as a process of delivering messages among people are evaluated. A modeling technique for large systems is presented. Its application intends to control the representation complexity for large systems by a consistent treatment for embedded human-sub-systems. A new component for the modeling structure, the Operational Schema, is specified and its application to design conversational interfaces is tested and analyzed. 90_PhD_braga Jose Luis BRAGA. Episteme - Um sistema semi-automatico para estruturacao de conhecimento. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 25/09/90 133 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: The task of building Knowledge Based Systems might, in principle, be preceded by a thorough phase of acquisition and organization of the knowledge about the portion of the world being focused. Only after that should an Inference Engine suitable to its processing be built. By now this analysis phase is not carefully carried out, mainly because of lack of a method to systematize the modeling activities. A prototype is built as soon as possible, that is put to work experimentally in the environment to which it is driven. By observing the behavior of the prototype, knowledge engineers tune the Knowledge Base, by adding new knowledge and by eliminating bugs, until its performance is considered adequate. This thesis, starting with a Theory for Scientific Knowledge Structuring proposed by the logical positivist philosopher Rudolf Carnap, proposes as enhancement to it in order to shape it to the particular case of analysis and structuring Specialized Knowledge, namely, knowledge produced and used by experts in domains of human knowledge. Our proposal, named Theory of Planes of Knowledge, embodies a method for the systematic Acquisition, Analysis and Structuring of Specialized Knowledge whose final product is a Structured Knowledge Base. A system that realizes part of the proposed theory , named Episteme, was implemented using SAFO to show that it is possible to automatize the whole proposed theory. 90_MSc_garcia Laura Sanchez GARCIA. Requisitos para a integraca de elementos do discurso e dialogo as interfaces de linguagem natural orientadas por menus. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/90 175 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza Abstract: In the context of cooperativity, as proposed by Grice (75), for conversational environments, theories of discourse have contributed for the elaboration of adequate responses. Because they adopt such theories, almost exclusively, as their linguistic foundation, extant natural language interfaces still lack in efficiency because they do not take considerations some specific characteristics of dialogue dynamics. Starting from the computational contribution by Grosz and Sidner (86) about the structure of discourse, and from the proposals by Ferrari and Reilly (86) and by Wachtel (86) on dialogue modeling, the present work tries to meet some of the needs of a specific environment. Having as its starting-point a menu-driven natural language interface, and as it aims the extension of that interface for the treatment of references between queries, this research proposes a new frame of analysis for the development of this kind of interpreter. 90_MSc_maranhao Marcelo Pecanha de Albuquerque MARANHAO. GKS-W: estudo de uma implementacao no ambiente SunOS/SunView. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 09/03/90 124 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The aim of this work is to evaluate the extension of the GKS graphics standard, in order to allow it to use some of the features of a windowing environment. Special attention is given to user and application program interfaces. An overview of windowing systems, its origin and goal, necessary resources, operation methods, among other issues, are also included, without going into details. 90_PhD_braz Maria Helena Lima Batista BRAZ. MMAD- um modelo para modelagem em sistema de apoio a decisao. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 27/03/90 187 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Model Management Systems (MMS) are fundamental tools for supporting the development of Decision Support Systems (DSS). In order to contribute towards the solution of some open issues in this field, an overview of Model Management is presented and a model called MMAD is proposed for modeling in DSS. The formalization of MMAD concepts in terms of annotated Petri Nets is also presented. A MMS called SIGMAD, based on MMAD, is proposed and its implementation using an object oriented Database Management System is discussed. 90_PhD_tavares Orivaldo de Lira TAVARES. Uma linguagem para modelagem de objeto de interacao. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 26/09/90 95 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: The modeling of the knowledge about the user interaction is one of the most important aspects in an environment for knowledge processing. This thesis presents a language for modeling this knowledge - the Moldes language. The knowledge about the user interaction is distributed in three planes which are: presentation, procedural and declarative planes. The presentation plane contains the knowledge about the way the communication objects are presented or asked to the users, i.e., this plane contains the knowledge about the hardware and the software used in the presentation. The procedural plane defines the dynamic of the interaction by specifying how the interaction must behave along the time, throughout the sequence of actions that compose the interaction. The declarative plane defines the knowledge that supports the interaction. This knowledge describes the structure of the interaction and the syntax of the language to be used at each interaction point. The dynamic and the structure of the interaction, and the syntax of the language to be used at each interaction point are described by the primitive objects of the Moldes language, called respectively dynamic of the interaction, structured molde and syntactic molde. 90_MSc_costa Paulo Savio da Silva COSTA. Um gerador automatico de geradores de codigo. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/02/90 202 p. Advisor: Jose Lucas Mourao Rangel Netto Abstract: The emergence in the last twenty years of numerous programming languages, as well as several functionally contrasting machine architectures, has stimulated the development of software tools to assist the automation of compiler production. The first successful achievements happened in the field of lexical and syntactical analysis. Tools to support code generation, however, have only recently begun to appear, due in a certain degree to the difficult formalization of such a machine dependent process. This dissertation describes AutoCode , a code generator production system. The code generators are based on a pattern matching algorithm and driven by tables automatically created from a formal machine description. 90_PhD_guerreiro Ramiro Affonso de Tadeu GUERREIRO. Semantica inicial e metodos abstratos de refutacao para clausulas genericas. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 27/12/90 127 p. Advisor: Marco Antonio Casanova Abstract: In this thesis we introduce a new abstract way to consider the problem of automated theorem proving and computation of answers, instances and definite answers. We first define a new semantics for generic clause programs. This semantics has most of the "nice" properties that are found in Herbrand semantics for definite clause programs, including the existence of minimum model, which is an initial object in a category of models and also the least fix point of an operator on a lattice. Another nice property of this new semantics is its equivalence to the classical semantics. The rest of this work we are concerned with separating what is essential from what is contingent with respect to soundness and completeness results for refutation methods. We have found that some properties of such methods are central issues. We believe to have opened a new path of investigation in automated theorem proving and computation of answers, instances and definite answers. 90_PhD_ierusalimschy Roberto IERUSALIMSCHY. O=M: Uma linguagem orientada a objetos para desenvolvimento rigoroso de programas. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 25/09/90 130 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work intends to achieve compatibility between Object-Oriented Languages and formal methods for software development. We investigate the main properties of Object-Oriented Languages, as well as their qualities and pitfalls. We propose a formal method for software development with the concepts of Specification Inheritance and Nesting. Based on this method we propose the programming language O=M. The main features of O=M are a complete identification between the Module and the Object concepts, separate hierarchies for specification and implementation and a high degree of polymorphism. A formal description of this language, in denotational semantics, is presented in the appendix. 90_MSc_carmo Rosa Maria Leao Rust CARMO. Especificacao de uma ferramenta para simulacao distribuida de algoritmos de roteamento. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/04/90 201 p. Advisors: Edmundo A. de Souza e Silva (IM/UFRJ) and Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: No abstract provided. 90_PhD_lanzelotte Rosana de Saldanha da Gama LANZELOTTE. OPUS - Um otimizador extensivel para SGBD's nao convencionais. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 07/08/90 46 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Query optimization in Database Management Systems is still a challenge. One of the greatest achievements of the relational database technology has been to propose algorithms for solving the problem. The appearance of object-oriented and deductive database systems raises new difficulties. New query representation formalisms are needed and non-exhaustive search strategies must be used. Query optimizers should be extensible to cope with environment modifications. Some recent works have addressed the problem of extensible query optimization. However, the proposed solutions do not apply to object oriented data models. Furthermore, most extensible query optimizers are not able to implement new combinatorial search strategies, such as simulated annealing. In this work we propose an extensible OPtimizer for Up-to-date database Systems (OPUS). Its extensibility relies on two main aspects: a formal study of the query optimization problem; an object oriented approach for design and implementation. An object-oriented approach has been adopted for the design and implementation of OPUS. The optimization problem is first studied from the point of view of a generic search problem. The objects used in the implementation of search strategies are, thus, designed prior to their use in a specific application. On the other side, the usual objects of a query optimizer and their properties are studied, which provides the basis for applying the generic framework of a search system to the query optimization problem. Doing so, the main aspects of a query optimizer, i.e., its search strategy and cost model, can be independently specified and extended. The object oriented design of OPUS is one of the key issues for improving its extensibility. The appropriate modeling of the optimization objects provides an implementation framework where several search strategies can be easily prototyped. The extensibility of OPUS is demonstrated by prototyping three different search strategies: Iterative Improvement, Simulated Annealing and that of System R optimizer. Also, case studies concerning changes on the physical model are discussed. 90_PhD_martins Sebastiao Pereira MARTINS. A ortogonalidade nas condicoes de ordem dos metodos de Runge - Kutta e as condicoes simplificadoras. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 21/11/90 88 p. Advisor: Peter Albrecht Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the orthogonality relation that exists between vectors that compose the order conditions of Ringe-Kutta methods, using the theory of A-methods, developed by Albrecht. The exploration of orthogonality conducted us to: a) the results developed by Butcher and b) news simplification conditions to the order conditions. Simplification conditions for explicit Runge-Kutta methods of order four, five and six are given. 90_MSc_krause Werther Galvao KRAUSE. Representacao de conhecimento normativo em engenharia integrando hipertexto com multiplos paradigmas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/05/90 172 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijo Abstract: This work presents a model of normative knowledge representation in engineering that integrates Hypertext - an emerging field in Information Technology - with AND/OR Graphs and Horn Clauses. A prototype in the domain of design codes in Mechanical Engineering is implemented in Hypertalk. This system has a number of new characteristics such as: views representing high-level interpretations of a norm, anchors supporting the navigation process, automatic navigation oriented by views, and a sub-system of glossary/index integrated into the navigation process. Also in this work, the nature of the normative knowledge is investigated and the incorporation of the proposed model into Intelligent CAD Systems is discussed. ----------------------------------------- 1991 91_PhD_nunes Adelia Cecilia Goncalves NUNES. Uma arquitetura multicache com controle integrado de coerencia e concorrencia. Ph.D. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 29/05/91 373 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: In cache-based multiprocessor, each processor has an associated private cache memory, where data from global memory is stored. The introduction of local cache memories creates the problem of managing the access to shared data. Two types of control mechanisms are required in order to manage access to shared in multicache multiprocessors: coherence control and concurrency control. Cache coherence is usually maintained by hardware, while concurrency control is usually left to the programmer or to the compiler Motivated by the fact that a better performance may be achieved if those two controls are implemented together, we propose in this work a cache-based multiprocessor architecture with an integrated mechanism for cache coherence and concurrency control. The proposed architecture may be expanded, in a modular fashion, through a hierarchy of buses and caches. A simulator was developed to compute performance-wise the proposed architecture with an architecture with independent coherence and concurrency control mechanisms. 91_MSc_diaz Adriana Lopez DIAZ. Uma experiencia de computacao distribuida em rede de computadores PC-XT. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/05/91 171 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: This work presents a system to accomplish distributed computations in PC-XT computer network acquired and releasing machines dynamically. The machines of the network are acquired by a centralizing machine under its control. The system makes a clear separation between the mechanism of distributed execution and the application programs for which it aims at providing a comfortable and simple environment. 91_MSc_silva Alexandre Antonio Bruno da SILVA. Sistema de biblioteca para orientacao a objetos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/08/91 142 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This work presents the object-oriented programming paradigm as a bases to code reutilization. Based on this paradigm a Library System of components is proposed. The objective of this system is to facilitate the reutilization so that the production costs can be reduced. On the system, a special emphasis is given on the mechanisms of representation, classification, recovering and components reutilization metrics. Finally, a comparative study is made between the library systems for conventional procedures published in [PRIETO-DIAZ-87] and [TEIXEIRA-89] and the tool implemented on this work. 91_MSc_ayres Antonio Gil Coquillard AYRES. Sistema PIC: uma experiencia na geracao automatica de programas para reproducao de imagens. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/07/91 244 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: This work presents the specification of an experimental CASE tool, containing a graphic editor capable of simulating available resources in certain programmable image reproducing devices, and with an additional module to generate the source program which produces each image in the simulated device. Therefore this system operates as a translator of images into source programs, accelerating the process of creation or modification of images, with the assurance of syntactic and semantic correctness of the programs which will produce them later. 91_MSc_varela Antonio Pepe VARELA. ALETHEA - Uma linguagem exata para a especificacao de sistemas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 31/07/91 238 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: This work presents a system specification language which can be used for function and control modeling in all phases of the life cycle of a system, so that parallelisms and synchronization points which are present in the reality being modeled may be preserved from the conceptual model to its implementation. Since the language is not ambiguous, it generates code right from the system specifications, which allows a considerable reduction of time and cost of development and maintenance. A prototype of this language is implemented and an example of its use is provided to exhibit the products it obtains. 91_PhD_haeberer Armando Martins HAEBERER. Fundamentos para um metamodelo descritivo e prescritivo do processo de desenvolvimento de software. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: /03/91 227 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: This work is embedded into an encompassing research program whose goal is the development of a meta-model of the Software development Process. This meta-model should be not simply descriptive but also prescriptive. Paraphrasing classical sciences, such meta-models are general theories which, given a specific empirical basis, provide a Weltanschauung and a formalism, both coherent and unifying. Such Weltanschauung and formalism allow explication and prediction over the empirical basis, both by means of their own tools and by allowing the incorporation of particular models and theories. Our Weltanschauung is provided by Carnap-Hempel's statement view of scientific theories extended by Nagel-Hesse iconic models. Then our meta-model consists of four planes: a linguistic one (first order logic); the plane of its natural iconic model (the n-ary relations plane); the plane of denotations of first-order formulas as input-output binary relations (which provides an iconic abstraction of the observational level encompassing applications and machines); and finally, the plane of calculus of partial binary relations (which allows the construction of programs by means of input-output relations instead of by means of linguistic objects). The interrelations among the 4 planes should constitute a commutative diagram. This involved solving the then open problem of constructing a finitary relational algebra of first-order logic. The commutation of this diagram allows the explication and modeling of software development methods, be they based on linguistic notions (such as transformation ones), or based on the notion of iconic model (such as prototyping), or some combination of them. This commutation, together with the expressive power of first-order logic, provides the desired coherence to our meta-model. Finally, it is shown that the definition of the correctness relation between programs and specifications in the plane of input-output relations involves a counterfactual conditional. It is argued that the subjunctive character of this conditional permeates the whole Software Development Process. It is also suggested that the logic underlying the models of this process including validation obligations, is a conditional logic. 91_MSc_souza Armindo Luis Menezes Felippe de SOUZA. AIRES - Ambiente integrado de re-engenharia de software. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 05/02/91 336 p. Advisor: Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite Abstract: Software maintenance is the software development activity that concentrates most of the expenditures on the software life cycle. The focus we used is the software re-engineering approach. The definition of the concepts associated to this activity are given, and proposed classification is discussed. Quality evaluation criterions are presented in such a way to give a view of the current state in software maintenance. Techniques and tools are presented in order to support activities in areas such as re-documentation, design recovery, maintenance quality control, depuration, regression test, software configuration management and change management A system (SARES), which integrates the activities related with the reconstruction of data processing systems, is proposed. The system encompasses techniques and tools of software re-engineering, in order to obtain quality and productivity in the activities of software maintenance. An experiment in the area of software re-engineering was conducted in order to recover design from source code programs developed in the COBOL language. The results of this experiment are presented as well as a brief analysis. 91_MSc_carvalho Carmen Maria Costa de CARVALHO. Um sistema de arquivos para um sistema operacional de controle de processos. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 29/04/91 Port. 154 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: This work describes a file system for a process-control operating system (SCP), which is being developed for PC/XT microcomputers. This file system uses a development system, the DOS from Microsoft and is partially compatible with the DOS file system, allowing transportation of files between both. This master's thesis presents the global description of the SCP operating system and of file systems in general, describing in detail the one developed for DOS. Special emphasis is given to the detailing of the structure of the proposed file system. 91_MSc_mazzuca Daniel Anibal MAZZUCA. Profundidade de campo e motion Blur no metodo de Ray tracing distribuido. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: /09/91 82 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijo Abstract: The current work discusses a powerful technique for the synthesis of realistic images generated by computer, called Distributed Ray Tracing. By applying stochastic sampling, Distributed Ray Tracing enhances the treatment of the alias effect and, at the same time, introduces the treatment of other special effects, such as depth of field and motion blur, and guarantees the same simplicity of the conventional ray tracing algorithm. These effects turn the algorithm into an adequate tool for computer animation. Also the incorporation of other effects into the Distributed Ray Tracing algorithm, such as gloss, translucency and penumbrae, is discussed. 91_MSc_bion Eduardo Castello Branco BION. Uma metodologia para integracao automatica de redes de Petri estocastica generalizada e redes de filas. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: /06/91 117 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: A Generalized Stochastic Petri Net (GSPN) is a powerful tool to model systems which exhibit instances for parallelism, synchronization, blocking and simultaneous resource possession. For large systems, however its resolution may be computationally unfeasible due to the combinatorial growth of the state space. A Queueing Network (QN) is a modeling tool which has efficient solution algorithms if certain systems features such as synchronization, blocking, parallelism and simultaneous resource possession are not present. In this case the QN is called Product Form Queuing Network (PFQN). This work presents a methodology by which large GSPN's can be efficiently solved by the automatic detection of this subnetworks which are equivalent to PFQN's . Subnetworks with only one input place and only output transition are replaced in the original GSPN by Flow-Equivalent Servers (FES's). Each FES is composed of a place/transition pair with marking dependent transition rates. The marking dependent transition rates of each FES are obtained by the resolution of the corresponding subnetwork, using the efficient solution algorithms of PFQN's. The reduced (high-level) GSPN's obtained in this way have much less states than the original one and their performance metrics match those obtained from the original one with great accuracy. Algorithms which implement the methodology were specified in this dissertation and implemented in a computer program. Also, a theorem which states a necessary condition for a GSPN to be equivalent to a PFQN is given in this dissertation. 91_MSc_varejao Flavio Miguel VAREJAO. ALBA: Um ambiente para classificadores Bayesianos por aglomeracao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/05/91 135 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiu Abstract: Many of existing expert systems were developed to solve differential classification problems. The Bayes' Theorem has been frequently used with the assumption of conditional independence of attributes to solve such problems. However, the interactions between attributes must be considered in difficult discrimination problems. The Sparse Attribute Cluster Model is a flexible and powerful discrimination procedure that can be applied in these circumstances. This Model allows to obtain high classification rates. This dissertation presents the ALBA: an expert system shell using the Sparse Attribute Cluster Model as knowledge representation technique. The main capabilities of this environment are: probabilistic reasoning, supervised learning and intermittent consultations. Additionally, three new attribute clustering techniques were incorporated to the Sparse Model. Experiments were performed in three medical diagnostic problem domains: coronary disease, renal disease and pulmonary diseases. 91_MSc_silveira Gledson Elias da SILVEIRA. Modelagem de aplicacoes paralelas em multiprocessadores fracamente acoplados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/07/91 229 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: The exploration of parallelism in multiprocessors imposes that parallel applications should be partitioned into several cooperating processes, which exchange information during their execution. The distribution of these processes over the processors must take into account the characteristics of the architecture in order to minimize the contention on shared resources. The goal of this work is the development of a generalized methodology for obtaining estimated execution times of parallel applications, executed on Loosely Coupled Multiprocessors. This methodology is based in the construction of a two level hierarchical model. The applications structure is modeled with a Generalized Stochastic Petri Net and the architecture of the multiprocessor is modeled with Queuing Networks. As a case study, the methodology was applied to the ACD II multiprocessor. Simulation results obtained with the RESQ package showed that the model is extremely accurate even in heavy load conditions. 91_MSc_souzafilho Guido Lemos de SOUZA FILHO. Um editor de voz para sistemas hipermidia. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 13/08/91 129 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares Abstract: This work describes the development of a voice editor under UNIX environment, with an interface to a multimedia hiperdocument management system. A multimedia hiperdocument can be characterized by a set of nodes (text, voice, image, etc.) interconnected by links. In addition to the usual edition operations, this editor optionally compresses the voice nodes using the detection and removal of silence intervals. The voice signal is displayed to the user through its waveform. In this representation the anchors are displayed and accessed, enabling the navigation through the hiperdocument. 91_MSc_nigri Helio NIGRI. Uma solucao hibrida para sintese de imagens realistas combinando o metodo da radiosidade com o Ray Tracing. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 04/07/91 97 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The present work tackles the global illumination problem in order to achieve photo-elastic computer generated images. The adopted solution to compute the propagation of light on diffuse and specular surfaces is a radiosity/ray tracing hybrid model implemented in a system called Radioray. It is proposed a new technique for the calculation of the radiosity, named Progressive Technique with Fixed Number of Steps, which allows arbitrary geometrics to be used in the scene description. This technique is an extension to the Progressive Refinement Solution [COHE88] that only deals with polygonal surfaces. It makes use of a sampling method, based upon the ray tracing method, to evaluate the form factors. The shading calculation becomes independent of the geometric representation and thus eases the Radioray interface with geometric modeling systems. 91_MSc_leite Jair Cavalcanti LEITE. A Interacao entre usuarios e sistemas de computadores em linguagem natural orientada por menus. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 20/09/91 107 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza Abstract: The interaction between Users and Computer Systems is becoming more and more complex and people ask about the use of Natural Language. In this work we present the theoretical foundations to justify the need of a dialog centered interface design, to discuss and to show how the interaction is language dependent and how it's strongly related with the representation of a conceptual model of an application. We use a menu-driven natural language as a feasible way to study the interaction in a natural language. We also present a conceptual meta-model of systematic domains representation and a methodology for the implementation of a prototype of a menu-driven natural language interface. 91_PhD_araujo Jose Henrique Carneiro de ARAUJO. Metodos de elementos finitos otimizados para o sistema de Stokes associado a problemas de viscoelasticidade. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 25/11/91 170 p. Advisor: Vitoriano Ruas de Barros Santos Abstract: The Stokes system expressed in terms of three fields, namely, velocity, pressure and extra stress tensor, is generally acknowledge as a basic problem associated with the system describing the motion of a viscoelastic liquid. In particular, in the framework of a finite element simulation of this kind of flows, many specialists so far searched for classes of methods that are able to produce fine approximations of the three variables in the case of Stokes system. In this work, two new elements for the approximation of this problem following similar ideas are presented. However thanks to convenient choices of bubble tensors lead to a significant reduction of the number of degrees of freedom needed to define element spaces for the extra stresses, suitable for the solution of viscoelastic flow problems is attained. Some computer tests illustrate the potentialities of the new methods. 91_MSc_torres Jose Julio Martins TORRES. Abordagem de ferramentas e tecnicas da area de metodos estruturados sob a perspectiva do metodo Warnier - ORR. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/04/91 201 p. Advisor: Bruno Maffeo Abstract: A method for system's development is proposed by joining two existent methods. The system development process is done by construction of models (Essential Model, Implementation Model and Automation Model) based on the method of system's modeling initially proposed by Stephen M. McMenamin and John F. Palmer for the Essential Systems Analysis. In the construction of these models, we have the Warnier/Orr Method, instead of tools and techniques used in the area of Structured Methods. The use of models permits the team involved in the system's development a better control of the system's complexity. The use of the Warnier/Orr Method for the modeling allows the use of the same representation language by the user, analyst, designer and programmer. It also forces the system's designer to employ a systemic thinking and to document the system during the system's development project. The work is oriented to modeling of socio-technical systems more commonly used in business area. 91_MSc_kozovits Lauro Eduardo KOZOVITS. Otimizacao da tecnicas de Ray Tracing no sistema ASAP. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/02/91 141 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Realistic image synthesis is an area of great interest in Computer Graphics. The current thesis presents the basis of the ASAP System, an environment for research development in the area of realistic image synthesis, in the Computer Science Department of PUC-Rio. The kernel of the system is based upon the ray tracing method due to its high quality images and its simplicity, which naturally makes the code modular and easily extensible. The high computational cost associated with the ray tracing technique has motivated the development of an optimized algorithm. 91_MSc_oliveira Lucia Lea Gondar Dias de OLIVEIRA. Um realizador para o gerador automatico de texto descritivo do gema. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/09/91 115 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza Abstract: Most of the literature concerning automatic text generation are not directed towards Portuguese language. The main purpose of this work is to provide the automatic generation of text in Portuguese language. The description of abstract data objects, in natural language, should contain a considerable amount of information, so that users can construct an adequate mental model of the objects being described. The Conciliatory Planning [Scott,1990] proposition is to generate texts which are longer than those produced by other language generation systems. The present work studies the proposal's possibility of implementation for the Natural Language Syntax Generation of GEMA system, and suggest an appropriate architecture. 91_MSc_araujo Luis Antonio Pereira de ARAUJO. Suporte inteligente a selecao de metodos especiais de recuperacao de petroleo. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/91 331p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiu Abstract: The scope of this work is to introduce a proposal of a Decision Support Environment for Enhanced Oil Recovery. This environment intends to support all the stages of the decision process. It provides automatic tools for the selection of technically viable alternatives, inference of missing data, prediction of the behavior during production, forecast of future oil prices, study of the necessary resources for the implementation of the project and, finally, the study of economic viability. To project this environment some concepts of Decision Support Systems and Multi-Models Expert Systems were used. The modules of this environment use, in an homogenous and integrated way, many knowledge representing tools, like frames, production and semantic networks. Classic tools like mathematical simulators and relations, procedural routines and data bases are used. The concepts of Fuzzy Sets are used to represent the heterogeneity and uncertainty due to the oil reservoirs. It was necessary to give a Fuzzy version to some knowledge representation and classic tools. Special care was taken with the quality of the man-machine interfaces, as well as with the project of tools that would permit decision scenario creation and sensibility analysis, a required Decision Support System characteristic. Some conventional systems projects and development supporting tools had been used, like Data Flow Diagram, Entity-Relationship Model and Modular Structure Diagram, the last being used in an adapted way. In the study of the Decision Process, it has been used with success the Influence Diagram. It had been developed a prototype for the environment, using PROLOG. 91_PhD_trevelin Luis Carlos TREVELIN. Uma metodologia para avaliacao de desempenho de aplicacoes de tempo real em arquiteturas paralelas. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 30/04/91 191 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Performance Debugging has fundamental importance in the project of Real Time Distributed Systems Applications, where time is the determinant factor. The performance characteristic of the applications cover from the organization of the tasks they are made of, through the mapping of their tasks to the processors, to the characteristics of the architecture where they will be processed. The modeling attempts of computational systems are, generally, based on some theory that depends on the analyst working area. The differences among these theories rely on the mathematical theories used in their construction and resolution. And these are the reason why they are so difficult to be used, making the application designers of an analyst who understands these tools. This work presents a methodology for performance modeling of real time distributed applications to multiprocessor environment. This methodology is based on a simple language for the application representation, and on the use of Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPNs) in the modeling process. It is also discussed an application project support tool for the automatic models generation and solution. 91_MSc_vergara Luiz Fernando de Barros Falcao VERGARA. Coleta de dados para modelos de planejamento de capacidade em ambientes VAX/VMS. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/03/91 117 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Analytical models describing the performance of computer systems were developed and are available to support Capacity Planning activities. Some Data Collectors are supplied to provide information about the use of resources of computer systems; such collectors do not always obtain the data needed for the construction of the analytical models. This work, particularly, proposes practical strategies to obtain data to feed analytical models representing VAX/VMS systems, from the Data Collectors available for these machines. This work provides as raw material a critical vision of the Data Collectors for VAX/VMS systems under the focus of Capacity Planning purposes and raises the problems involved in building of analytical models for VAX/VMS systems. 91_MSc_barbosa Luiz Fernando Diniz Junqueira BARBOSA. Um prototipador e gerador de interfaces por manipulacao direta: um modelo baseado em eventos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/12/91 205 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: Software developers have come to realize that the user interface paradigm is itself a kind of specification notation that expresses the user's intent and desires in terms of images, as opposed to words. The user interface implicitly defines most of the functional requirements, i.e., specifying the user interface often suffices to obtain an almost complete system specification. An environment is proposed to support this goal, using an event-based methodology to specify the asynchronous dialogues that exist in an environment that uses direct manipulation with rapid prototyping. To test the environment an interface prototype and generator system was constructed using direct manipulation based in events. 91_MSc_donato Luiz Felipe Catanhede DONATO. Implementacao de protocolos RPC/XDR/NFS em microcomputadores da linha IBM- PC. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/06/91 110 p. Advisor: Michael Anthony Stanton Abstract: This dissertation describes a client implementation of the protocols Sun-RPC (Remote Procedure Call), XDR (External Data Representation) and NFS (Network File System) for the MS-DOS operational system, one of accessing services that are implemented over RPC/XDR platform on equipment with the UNIX operational system. For each protocol, a presentation is made of its characteristics, relationship with the OSI Reference Model, relationship with other protocols and the procedures implemented. 91_MSc_melo Marcelo Pereira MELO. Previsao de precos de derivados de petroleo no mercado internacional utilizando redes neurais artificiais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/07/91 209 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiu Abstract: Neural Networks research has proven its applicability for time series modeling. In the efforts of several researchers the most used method has been backpropagation and its variants. We investigate the applicability of the backpropagation method for predicting the price of oil products in the international market. Aspects of project, difficulties and suggestions are discussed. In short-term prediction we verified a performance better than that obtained by the experts. We also suggest a simple way to combine forecasts and do analysis of scenarios. 91_MSc_amaral Maria Beatriz Machado do AMARAL. Um estudo sobre depuracao em aplicacoes de controle de processos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/04/91 178 p. Advisor: Albrecht Karl von Plehwe Abstract: This work presents a debugging tool for programs developed to a process control system called SCP. This system is designed for PC/XT type microcomputers and its main component is the multitasking Kernel. The new debugger - DSCP - allows the programmer to analyze the system control structures, as well as, to follow dynamically the extension of concurrent task and mechanisms offered by the Kernel. 91PhD_nunes Maria das Gracas Volpe NUNES. A Geracao de respostas cooperativas em sistemas baseados em logica. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: /03/91 197 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: This work discusses the potentiality of reasoning systems based on Logic in achieving cooperative interaction. Taking into account strictly structural information, our approach proposes a basic interaction strategy for general purpose. The discussion is divided in two parts: the generation of cooperative responses and the generation of explanations. The first of these tasks is based on the analysis of questions represented as logical formulae which, together with other kinds of information, suggests the best of various possible responses. The second task, on the other hand, is based on transformations on a Natural Deduction proof tree and on the use of rhetorical information for the construction of a text plan. 91_PhD_vieira Marina Teresa Pires VIEIRA. Um modelo de objetos para um sistema de gerencia de objetos em ambientes de desenvolvimento de sistemas interativos. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 25/04/91 181 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: It is proposed an Object Model with suitable features to modeling objects of non conventional applications and especially user interface objects. It is shown an specification of user interface objects, by means of the concepts of the proposed model. In this specifications the behavior of this objects express the functions of a User Interface Management System, which was implemented as a prototype using the O2 Objects Oriented Database System. 91_MSc_pinto Mauro Jose Fridman Ferreira PINTO. Gerencia de Transacoes e Controle de Concorrencia em Servidores de Banco de Dados em Redes Locais. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 25/06/91 244 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: A multi-user database management system, based on the client/server architecture, has been specified in order to build an environment for on-line transactions, using appropriate techniques of concurrency control and fail recovery. The implemented prototype used, as the system kernel, the SBD/Ts database management developed by Tecnosoft Tecnologia de Software. The design proposed in this dissertation is intended to present an environment as secure as those found in mainframe systems and in addition much more user-friendly and at lower cost. 91_PhD_duartefilho Nelson Lopes DUARTE FILHO. Raciocinio evidencial e aquisicao automatica de conhecimento em sistemas especialistas: uma abordagem Bayesiana. Ph.D.Thesis Presentation: 16/10/91 208 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: A resolution to the problem of evidential reasoning is presented, applied to the elaboration of diagnosis, considering it as an inference of the occurring probabilities of the possible diagnostic hypotheses, conditioned to the observed evidences. It is proposed that knowledge should be represented under the subjective point of view of the Probability Theory, in a way that the inferred probabilities be coherent to the existing beliefs about domain in question. As such beliefs should be represented under the form of a bayesian network, codifying a joint probabilities distribution, it is possible that difficulties be find in obtaining them. It is suggested, thus, that they be acquired automatically, as a first contact, from representative data bases. All the proposed ideas were implemented in a prototype with the characteristics of a shell to construct Expert Systems, enlarged with the ability to acquire knowledge automatically from examples. Those ideas were tested with positive results by five experiences accomplished. 91_PhD_farias Oscar Luiz Monteiro de FARIAS. A dinamica do complexo eletronico: implicacoes para as politicas de informatica dos paises em desenvolvimento. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 26/05/91 419 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The industries that comprise the Electronics Complex (EC), particularly the Informatics, are causing deep transformations in the economic activities, with the related implications in the social field. The extension of the EC impact in the society poses serious problems to developing countries like Brazil. At one side, EC strategic aspects put as a central goal the mastery of the activities concerned with the project and manufacturing of electronic products. This reasoning is in the fundamentals of industrial policies aimed at promoting or protecting national industries. At other side, electronic products, mainly computers, are inputs demanded by all the economy. So, the internal market reserve policy favoring national manufacturers may diffuse inefficiency through the Brazilian economy, by hindering the national firms the use of up-to -date equipment at more affordable prices. A cost/benefit analysis of the Informatica National Policy (INP) is then, needed. Based in the infant industry and product cycle theoretical framework, the informatics Brazilian industry is evaluated, taking as a reference the international industry. The reasons for the technological gap and price differential between Brazilians and international industries are investigated. The are presented some suggestions to the INP, based in the analysis of the Brazilian case, the successful experiences of South Korea and Japan, and the EC dynamics. These suggestions have a central parameter the search international competitiveness of the national industry, in order of not penalize the entire Brazilian society. 91_MSc_pastorbraga Paulo Jacinto PASTOR-BRAGA. Tecnologia e organizacao numa empresa de informatica: um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/08/91 148 p. Advisors: Diana de Macedo Soares (IND) and Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The Brazilian computer industry is changing: the conditions that supported the strongly protectionist policy in which it blossomed do not exist any more and despite of, or because of it, local firms feel threatened in the face of the faster than expected deregulation. The conditions that would favor these firms' chances of survival, through the enhancement of their performance, have been investigated into. In particular, organizational structure in its relationship with technological options has been stressed, also because, in Brazil, this aspect has not been sufficiently taken into account as a success factor in industrial organizations. The identification of organizational options in their interaction with technological ones in a specifically Brazilian context is believed to contribute to a better management of informatics firms in the Electro-electronic sector. An organizational model for CORBA Computadores that was propounded in the scope of the first research, and that was partly implemented since with the author's intervention,. Is described and its first results are discussed. 91_MSc_maia Regina Elvira Machado MAIA. Uma ferramenta para auxilio a previsão de desempenho de sistemas de software em desenvolvimento. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/07/91 154 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Software Performance Engineering arises as a complement to consecrated Software Engineering techniques. Its purpose is to guarantee that new applications will perform in accordance with predetermined goals. This can be attained with the permanent evaluation of the system performance metrics, since the initial design phase until the system "death". This dissertation proposes a methodology for the software performance forecasting. As the design is refined, new evaluations can be done, allowing for a continuous and accurate prediction of the ultimate application performance. The methodology is supported by an integrated set of tools: a compiler for the LDA - Language for the Description of Applications, a database with information about the environment that will be used (hardware and basic software) by the application, and PC/1 PLUS, a third-party queuing network based capacity planning package. The analyst will obtain the performance metrics without the need of acquiring special expertise on systems performance models. The syntax and semantic rules of the LDA, the algorithms used on the LDA implementation - the CLDA - and the database logical design are described in detail in this work. At the end, we show a case study, utilizing the proposed methodology. 91_MSc_teixeira Robin R.R. Reimermendt TEIXEIRA. Editor grafico semantico no apoio a ambientes de desenvolvimento. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/02/91 106 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Graphic Symbols editors aim at making and modifying drawings with the aid of computers. It is usual to find specific graphic editor as part of systems development environments to support several design steps. Although these editors allow constraints to be defined on the links between symbols, they do not offer enough flexibility for the user to customize his or her specific personal environment. This work presents a graphical editor that allows a better specification of the semantics of development methodologies. This editor, named EGS (Semantical Graphic Editor), contributes to the EITIS project, under development at the Informatics Department of PUC-RJ, as a graphic tool for systems development. Its behavior is determined through specifications generated by the meta-environment. EGS also supports, through well defined rules, the conversion between representations and the generation of formatted text. The project conception was based on a user-interface, focused on the development environment. A prototype was implemented using the PHIGS graphics standard for a mainframe environment. EGS was customized to become an editor of Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) diagrams, which also generates from the graphic representation the equivalent commands in a textual DDL for the EER model. 91_MSc_fischer Rolf FISCHER. GeneSys - sistema hibrido para modelagem de solidos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/08/91 127 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijo Abstract: This dissertation proposes a new methodology for the effective use of hybrid representation schemes in the development of Solid Modeling in second generation CAD (Computer-Aided Design) environments). The presentation of this method is preceded by a careful analysis of the main problems involved in the establishment of composed representation schemes and modeling processes. Following this introduction, the proposed method for obtaining hybrid architectures is presented. Basically, this method derives the hybrid scheme by unifying and structuring all transactions over the representation kernel during the modeling process. The practical viability of this is then demonstrated by means of the implementation and description of the representation scheme, architecture and modeling techniques of the hybrid system GeneSys. In addition, this work as a whole shows the importance of new criteria stated by recent research in ICAD (Intelligent Computer-Aided Design) during the development of Engineering software. 91_MSc_levy Rubens Chamtob LEVY. Aspectos praticos da modelagem geometrica baseada em superficies parametricas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 24/07/91 153 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Geometric modeling based on spline curves and surfaces is a major topic in Computer Graphics, as it offers the most adequate solution for free-form objects representation. However, the implementation of spline modeling systems requires the analysis of various topics, like the choice of the best user interface techniques for design, the optimization of evaluation algorithms and the choice of the formulations better suited to the specific application. All these subjects are found in this work, which also investigates other utilization of splines in Computer Graphics (Computer Animation and Font Design). 91_MSc_band Silvia BAND. Modelagem de aspectos socio-tecnicos associados a um centro de informacao: estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/07/91 3 v. Advisor: Bruno Maffeo Abstract: This work presents a set of construction model's tools and techniques and its practical application. This allows the solution's representation to real problems in a clear and intelligible way to the several distinct groups who take part of the development process of a software product. The study will be based on the project of a typical Information Center (IC) system modeled on the basis of field researches in some corporation's installations. The contribution expected in this thesis consists basically in three points: definition and modeling of a typical IC using conceptual tools and techniques of the Software Systems Structured Development Methods; demonstration of the usefulness of these modeling tools and techniques in the construction of models for socio-technical systems with emphasis on the social aspect; experimental validation of the modeling tools and techniques employed, indicating points to optimize the proposed methods. 91_MSc_ferreira Simone Maria Bacelar Leal FERREIRA. Modelos de iluminacao: um estudo comparativo. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/11/91 131 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: Realistic image synthesis is an area of great interest in Computer Graphics. In one of its stages, an attempt is made to show to the fullest colors of all the objects under study; in order to do this, one must be aware of all the minute details involved in interactions between light and matter. This information is made available by the illumination model. Illumination models are extensively dealt with in literature, but then only theoretically. Putting them into practice is no easy matter, as there are many limitations varying from the exhibition mechanism to the very knowledge of physical properties applicable to each model. In the present work it has been studied the theory of various models and modifications in the classic ray-tracing method have been done so as to be able to incorporate other much more complex models. Thus, through analysis and experiment, we have strived to obtain funding that would enable us to make an adequate evaluation and selection of a system synthesizing images and cartoon figures. We then made a comparative analysis of the various models in use. In addition to the evaluation of processing time for each model, we have also made a visual comparison of images rendered by each of them. 91_MSc_porto Stella Cavalcanti da Silva PORTO. Algoritmos heuristicos para escalonamento de tarefas em multiprocessadores em arquiteturas heterogeneas: construcao sistematica e avaliacao de desempenho. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/07/91 340 p. Advisor: Daniel Alberto Menasce Abstract: Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures have been shown to be a promising area of research in the development of high performance computers. The scheduling of tasks in such a framework poses difficult since decisions as to which processors to allocate (and not only how many processors should be allocated) have to be taken. The present work proposes a special taxonomy and a systematic methodology for building heuristic algorithms for static task scheduling in Multiprocessors with Heterogeneous Architectures (MPHAs). Using this methodology, several algorithms are described based on the proposed taxonomy criteria. The comparison criterium is the total execution of the parallel application. A comparative performance analysis of these algorithms is developed, using numeric results obtained through simulation. The final conclusions of this provides, not only an understanding of the scheduling process in all its levels, but also synthesizes several guidelines towards the formulation of a task scheduler for systems with this type of architecture. 91_PhD_silva Wagner Teixeira da SILVA. Algoritmos para raciocinio evidencial usando funcoes de crenca. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 19/03/91 214 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiu Abstract: The belief Functions Theory, developed by Arthur Dempster and Glen Shafer, is gaining strong interest by the Artificial Intelligence researchers. This interest is due mainly to two factors: a) Belief Functions represent ignorance; and, b) Belief Functions work with incomplete models. However, this Theory has its utilization limited by two causes: the exponential time process of combining evidence that it generally shows: and the lack of a general decision strategy. In order to improve this theoretical tool, this thesis proposes some polynomial time algorithms for combining evidence and also proposes a methodology for decision making with a belief function. The algorithms combine a particular type of belief functions among themselves or with other types of belief functions. The proposed methodology for decision making is based on the maximization of expected utility principle, in a context of partial ignorance. This methodology incorporates the pessimistic and optimistic attitudes, and also a convex combination of pessimistic and optimistic attitudes. Some applications are also proposed here: (1) Electoral preference with belief function; (2) Information retrieval using belief function; and (3) Non-monotonic reasoning with belief function. 91_MSc_chi Wong Hao CHI. Esquemas abstratos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/11/91 138 p. Advisors: Luiz Carlos Pereira (FIL) and Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: Natural deduction, sequent calculus and typed lambda-calculus are formalisms related to automated theorem proving, logic programming and functional programming, respectively. In this work, abstract schemata for these formalisms are proposed and proof-theoretically studied. Abstract schemata are structures in which concrete systems can fit. The concrete systems we consider are natural deduction and sequent calculus for propositional intuitionistic logic and the Curry-Howard isomorphic typed lambda-calculus. In addition to systems of level one, we work on higher level systems, which are based upon the higher level rules proposed by Shroeder-Heister. -------------------------------------------- 1992 92_MSc_franco Ana Paula Moreira FRANCO. Metodos e representacoes para a aquisicao de linguagens de aplicacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/04/92 123 p. Advisor: Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite Abstract: The Draco Paradigm, one of the new paradigms in software engineering, emphasizes the domain idea as a basis for the software development process, maximizing the reusability concept. Domain modelling requires that the modelled knowledge should be made available. The acquisition of this knowledge is recognized to be a difficult problem. Based on the domain idea and on the Draco's Languages, a special kind of language, application language was studied. An application language is a specialized language that attempts to capture the culture of a particular social environment where the application is embedded. An application language can be seen as a restricted domain language, since the main focus is the capture of observed knowledge in the application, instead of knowledge for all applications related to that area (domain). This work proposes a strategy to acquire vocabulary in the task of language elicitation. This strategy is based on a hyperdocument, the Language Extended Lexicon (LEL). This representation is used to support and validate the vocabulary of a language. To guide the elicitation of a LEL, a specific method was developed. In order to support this method, a hypertext tool was implemented. In this implementation a re-engineering process was used. A proposal for elaborating a conceptual model of the application language, based on registered information LEL, was elaborated as part of the method. This conceptual model acts as an intermediate representation to aid the language formalization process. Experimental results on the use of the LEL and the derivation of conceptual models are presented. 92_PhD_prado Antonio Francisco do PRADO. Estrategia de re-engenharia de software orientada a dominios. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 25/08/92 333 p. Advisor: Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite Abstract: Software re-engineering is emerging as an important area within the software engineering field. Software re-engineering aims to improve the productivity and the quality of the software maintenance process. It focuses its attention in understanding the existing source code and the available documents in order to recover the software design in such way that the redesign happens in a higher level of abstraction. Program transformation is an area of research where important results towards automation of the software development process have been achieved. The DRACO paradigm for software construction is an example of such results. DRACO combines program transformations, meta-compiler techniques and computational resources in order to develop systematically software from the specification to the implementation. The DRACO paradigm base is the idea that it is possible to produce software by using high level abstractions implemented as component libraries. The paradigm has a prototype machine, also called DRACO, that partially implements the paradigm. The DRACO machine can be viewed as an application generator, that is a meta generator. DRACO produces software using a combination of domain descriptions. Each domain description is represented by four parts: the parser, the components, the transformations and the prettyprinter. This thesis presents a domain oriented software re-engineering strategy that combines the DRACO paradigm technology of software transformation with software maintenance technologies to recover, specify, redesign and reimplement an existing software system. The strategy represents the software design, used as a re-engineering object, by the parts that constitute a DRACO domain. The parser and the components are domain required parts, and the latter may be defined with semantic actions or refinements in terms of one or more domains known to DRACO. If necessary, the prettyprinter and domain transformations are also written. The DRACO machine, which partially implements the paradigm, was used for validation of the strategy. Thus several systems that compound the DRACO machine were used to validate the strategy that has four steps: design recovering, specification of changes and enhancements, redesign and reimplementation. The DRACO machine proved to be good example in order to demonstrate the strategy. DRACO is a complex piece of software with very little design level documentation, and its re-engineering DRACO-PUC, an operational system. 92_PhD_fernandes Clovis Torres FERNANDES. Modelagem taxonomica e desenvolvimento de sistemas geradores de editores. PH.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 23/12/92 279 p. Advisor: Jose Lucas Mourao Rangel Netto Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the potential of characterizing the domain of language editor generator systems by taxonomic principles, aiming at the detection, verification and implementation of editor generators systems that reflect the state of the art. Firstly, the own domain of taxonomic models is structured and organized, resulting in a new taxonomic modeling process. As part of the taxonomic modeling, a methodology for the characterization of future elements of a domain, named secondary instantiation, is defined. As a result of the application of the taxonomic modeling and of the secondary instantiation to the domain of the editor generator systems, a characterization and a feasibility study for implementing a future element of the domain, named ELBO, is presented. ELBO - an environment for specification of language editors - presents outstanding features not usually found in language specification environment. Out of these features, one can point out the object-oriented model of editing, developed for ELBO. In this model, an object-oriented program representation and a generic editor architecture are defined. The taxonomic modeling and the secondary instantiation processes were developed specially for satisfying the thesis purpose. However, they were developed in a generic way, allowing both processes to be applied, under certain conditions, to other domains. 92_MSc_oliveira Denise Aboim Sande e OLIVEIRA. Um provador de teoremas em deducao natural capaz de complementar seu conhecimento. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/04/92 175 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: In this work we develop an automatic theorem prover for Classical Logic in the Natural Deduction system, based on the formal method for construction of theorem provers in DNCA presented by E. H. Haeusler. This prover is formally defined, in view of a greater efficiency and ease of implementation, and trying to fulfill some interesting characteristics for the use in user cooperative interface systems. The completeness and consistency results with the logic are presented. The definition is then transformed in a sequential and deterministic algorithm. An already implemented prototype is briefly described. It is then presented a method for question generation and criteria for their selection, based in the prover's structure. These questions are to allow a system, of which the prover is part, to be able to gather information, through interaction with the user, that enable the finalization of the proof of a theorem, when the already possessed knowledge base is not enough. 92_MSc_pimenta Eugenio Jose Fonseca PIMENTA. Um ambiente de objetos para geociencias. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/08/92 129 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work deals with geophysics and geology applications development techniques, for petroleum exploration, in workstations. Concepts concerned with user interfaces styles in windowing environment are analyzed, as well as, use of object-oriented paradigm. This work proposes a base of reusable objects, in order to make the development of computer-aided exploration systems more efficient, turning easier the standardization and integration among different areas. 92_PhD_sena Galeno Jose de SENA. Um modelo de sistema cooperativo baseado na modificacao de solicitacoes de consulta e de atualizacao. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 16/09/92 231 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: A methodology for cooperative access to knowledge bases is presented. First, a number of works in the field of cooperative systems are described. Then one discusses the model of cooperative system designed, which consists in the systematic application of request modification rules, a request being allowed to be either a query or an update. The rules are classified in "pre" rules, applicable preliminary to the execution of a request, "s_post" rules, applicable after successful execution of a request, and "f_post" rules, applicable after failure in the request execution. Orthogonally, the rules can be domain-dependent or domain-independent. In the sequel, schemes for error recovery based on the data semantics and for structuring answers to second-order queries are described. The introduced schemes are to be activated from specific request modification rules. Next, the prototype implementing the methodology is described and several examples designed to illustrate its use are included. The conclusions aim at making clear the generality aspect inherent in the rule-directed query transformation methodology. 92_MSc_simaojunior Heitor Neves SIMAO JUNIOR. Ferramenta de avaliacao de esforco computacional. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/08/92 79 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: The use and application of software development techniques need to be measured frequently, so the product meets the standards of software quality specifications. Program instrumentalization is one of the ways to measure these techniques. This work introduces a tool which has the property of measure and store the execution time for parts of a program. The result analysis of these measurements suggests interpretations about local computational effort through out the code, identifies optimization spots as well may be used to demonstrate the usefulness of algorithms under special circumstances. 92_MSc_lopes Helio Cortes Vieira LOPES. Uma estrutura de dados topologica para representacao de superficies. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 03/04/92 63 p. Advisors: Geovan Tavares dos Santos (MAT) and Bruno Feijo Abstract: In this work a representation for surface with or without boundary embedded in Rn, n 3 is introduced. The main mathematical tool used is the Handlebody representation of a surface, based on the Morse theory. The associated data structure, which is called Handle-Edge is presented. And new operators, called Morse Operators, are defined such a way as to have the precedence Morse Operators Euler Operators. The handle-Edge data structure is applied to: topological queries, geometric interrogations, implicit modeling and multi-dimensional visualization. 92_PhD_soares Jeferson Ferreira SOARES. O desenvolvimento de software como um objeto computavel: uma linguagem para a construcao de modelos executaveis de processos de software. PhD. Thesis Port. Presentation: 28/04/92 182 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The subjects of this thesis research are processes. The motivation is to propose a means to represent them in a systematic way, making it possible their precise recording and the analysis of their composition, scope and behavior. The kern of the work comprises the design and experimentation of a language to be used in the construction of process executable models, as well as a proposal for a classification of process properties. The experimental domain of this research was that of work processes related to software development. 92_MSc_forman John Lemos FORMAN. PUCLOGO: um ambiente de programacao voltado para a Educacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/04/92 139 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira da Lucena Abstract: The objective of the thesis was the specification of a set of tools integrated in an educational software environment. Such an environment is highly interactive and has a set of requirements not completely known in advance. This has led to the choice of an evolutionary development. The environment is called PUCLOGO, and is composed by the following tools: a text editor, a graphics editor, a database, a spreadsheet, a file and directory manager, an hypertext, and a programming language. The programming language is based on Logo, maintaining its simplicity and offering a list of new features that enhance the power and sophistication of the environment. The user interface is one of the main components in the uniform integration of the tools in the environment. 92_PhD_thome Luciana Ferraz THOME. Ferramentas para projeto de sistemas de banco de dados: um enfoque de metasistemas. PhD. Thesis. Port. Presentation: 28/08/92 107 p. Advisor: Roberto Lins de Carvalho Abstract: The subject of this thesis is the Interactive Database System. In this context the two main interfaces: User-Application and Application-BD are analyzed. Both interfaces are studied considering both the modeling and implementation aspects. The work also presents a case study as an application of this approach. On this case study an Interactive Query System (SICOM) was developed and one Interactive Application System (SICAP) for controlling teaching projects in more than 4000 Brazilian localities. 92_MSc_correa Marcelo da Silva CORREA. Raciocinio automatico em situacao de conhecimento incompleto e inconsistente. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/08/92 225 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: Nonmonotonic reasoning is applied to situations in which the knowledge is necessarily incomplete, eventually inaccurate as well, and very often involving information giving evidence to contradictory conclusions. The system IDL/LEI (Inconsistent Default Logic and Logic of Epistemic Inconsistency) provide a formalization of this way of reasoning. We present an approach for performing automated reasoning in this situations. We design a tableaux proof method, recursive for the propositional fragment of LEI, as well, for a restricted first order version of it. With regard to the Inconsistent Default Logic, we take restrictions on theories, such that the existence of an extension is assured. We present a procedure in order to obtain one set H from given theory, such that the deductive closure of H is an extension for it. 92_MSc_dantas Marco Aurelio Regis DANTAS. X-NET, uma linguagem para tres paradigmas: suporte a programacao concorrente. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/12/92 228 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: The language bearing the modular (conventional), object oriented and concurrent programming paradigms is presented. This work specifies the syntax and semantic of the language regarding to concurrent programming. The computational model, the run-time support and the Syntax Direct Translator are also presented. 92_MSc_lima Maria Julia Dias de LIMA. O modelo de contextos aninhados para documentos multimidia: definicao e implementacao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/04/92 p. Advisor: Jose Lucas Mourao Rangel Netto. Note: Not available. 92_PhD_coelho Otavio Pecego COELHO. COOL - uma linguagem orientada a objetos comunicantes. PhD.Thesis Port. Presentation: 10/12/92 208 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: This work specifies an imperative, object oriented, strongly typed language directed to parallel and concurrent programming. We investigate the main coordinates guiding a language project that has the intention of putting together the object oriented paradigm with an existing concurrent programming paradigm. A set of basic needs suggested by the contemporary distributed information systems is pointed out. As a resultant from the union of both aspects, conceptual and pragmatic, the language COOL is presented as a possible solution. Besides incorporating the major desired aspects of object oriented languages COOL offers original contribution in the incorporation of similar mechanisms offered by the formal theories on concurrence. This provides simultaneously a good abstraction level and an implementation language closer to the specification language. We present at the end of this work a formal description of the important semantic aspects of COOL. 92_MSc_assis Patricia Seefelder de ASSIS. Indexacao automatica por semantica imprecisa: validacao de um modelo. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/04/92 104 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza Abstract: Automatic text indexing is usually based on models that are either essentially symbolic or essentially numeric. This work investigates the effects of an approach that relies on the use of Determination Grammars on the linguistic side and Belief Function on the probabilistic side to build a hybrid indexing model that uses a thesaurus to find keywords (descriptors). A simplified prototype was implemented on SUN workstations using the C language to the analysis of Portuguese texts from the FONTE database at CNEN. The thesaurus development by CESP has been used to support the indexing. 92_PhD_cavalcanti Paulo Roma CAVALCANTI. Criacao e manutencao de subdivisoes do espaco. PhD.Thesis Port. Presentation: 19/03/92 133 p. Advisors: Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho (IMPA) and Marcelo Gattass Abstract: Geometric Modeling is central to many CAD systems, even though the models traditionally employed do not satisfy all applications. Scientific applications need to deal with objects made of different materials, with distinct properties. Contact relationships are crucial in kinematics, assembly planning, robotic, and geology. In this context, it is necessary to model aggregates of objects (including solids with lower dimensional parts), keeping track of the adjacency relationship among these objects. This suggests the creation of a development environment where the applications can share not only data but also algorithms that process and transform these data. The way to handle such problems is by supporting arbitrary space subdivisions, instead of the classical subdivision in three regions (interior, boundary, and exterior of a solid object). Planar subdivisions are simpler, but also important, mainly in geology and cartography. The creation of a planar subdivision differs from the creation of a spatial subdivision, specially by the interaction with the user (by the modeling process). The aim of this work is to deal with the problem of creating, combining, and maintaining, in real time, subdivisions of the two- and three-dimensional Euclidean space. The main goal is devising a methodology that permits the construction of subdivisions which are topologically and geometrically consistent. This methodology is determined by a modeling process, a mathematical model, and a representation scheme. To achieve this, some extensions were added to the concepts of selective geometric complex, creating the basis for a flexible scheme that eliminates several restrictions imposed by traditional modeling. The proposed representation scheme maintains an explicit boundary representation and allows one to add boolean operations without any additional restriction (furthermore, it enables the implementation of efficient geometrical algorithms). This provides a powerful set of modeling tools that can be used as the base for the creation of an interactive construction language for space subdivisions. The construction of basic operations which allow the insertion of a surface patch or a curve segment in a given subdivision in linear time, is also described in detail. This means that a complete subdivision can be built in a quadratic time with the number of subdivision's elements. 92_PhD_alenca Paulo Sergio Conceicao de ALENCAR. Uma abordagem logica para sistemas evolutivos de software. PhD.Thesis Port. Presentation: 22/05/92 230 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: In this thesis we present a logical framework for evolving software systems that can be seen as a programming-in-the-large transformation process applied to software system architectural descriptions. A generalized formal description of their architectures from the evolutive viewpoint is given. The semantics of the change process of the software configuration states (formally defined as software structure graphs) is presented through a logical approach that involves theories representing these states and their changes when affected by actions. The adopted logical formalism allows us to describe and reason about changes of the structure, the module interdependencies viewed as dependencies between the interfaces of the communicating modules (interface changes) and the functional aspects of the components of the evolving software system architectural description. A modal (action) extension of the many-sorted first-order logic is used to capture the change aspects of the high-level software descriptions. A realization of the semantics of the change process of architectural descriptions of evolving software systems is presented through a general tableau-based proof method for a variant of the proposed logic. Reasoning about functional aspects of these descriptions is achieved through the interaction of a theorem prover for the proposed metalogic formalism and a theorem prover for reasoning about sequential programs. In this approach the alterations of software descriptions, viewed as programming-in-the-large transformations, can be stated by means of the descriptive/prescriptive (deontic) features of actions. 92_MSc_moraes Ricardo Caetano de MORAES. Interfaces cooperativas para sistemas de informacao: um estudo de caso. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/11/92 121 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza Abstract: Many interactive systems present difficulties to their users because of problems in design and implementation of their interfaces. These problems are specially critical in Information Systems. This work proposes a redesign of the interface of a specific Information System - the SINTESE system. Such redesign is based on cooperative principles which are included in the new interface. An adaptive user model, designed to support cooperative interaction is presented. Also, the potential benefits to users resulting from increasing cooperativity of the interface are extensively discussed. 92_MSc_jablonski Silvio JABLONSKI. Uma algebra para suportar linguagens de SGBD's orientados a objetos. M.Sc.Diss. Presentation: 29/12/92 97 p. Advisor: Rosana de Saldanha da Gama Lanzelotte Abstract: The evolution of object-oriented DBMS has determined the discussion on formal models that could encompass all of its features, as well as the needs of declarative interfaces. Most of the research on a formal approach to object-oriented DBMS has been directed to develop models for query languages. There isn't a generic intermediate language suitable to be used at the implementation level, that could accomplish the same role of the relational algebra. In this paper we propose an algebra to support object-oriented DBMS languages. The algebra aims the DBMS implementation layer and can be used to represent execution plans generated by the system optimizer. Our proposal is related to the OPUS Project that have as its target to offer user friendly interfaces for DBMS of new technologies. The algebra is based on a generic data model in order to support different DBMS languages. Its definition is made in two levels: a conceptual algebra independent from the physical level, and a annotated algebra aiming the specialization of the algebra to a specific storage system. The expressive power of the algebra is analyzed by mapping the IQL constructions to it. IQL is a declarative language for deductive object-oriented DBMS with well defined semantics and expressive power. An example of the annotated algebra is defined for GEODE, a storage system for complex objects available at the Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio. -------------------------------------------- 1993 93_MSc_paz Adriana Carlos PAZ. Um ambiente para prova automatica de teoremas em deducao natural. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/08/93 85 p. Advisor: Edward Hermann Haeusler Abstract: The mechanization of theorem proving is mainly concerned with the development of generic proof procedures for many different types of logics, rather than with the construction of specific provers. We present a generator of automatic provers in a natural deduction, which constructs a prover from the rules of the intended logic, optionally, providing some degree of interaction with users. They can interrupt, analyze and participate in the proof's development or leave its construction completely to the prover. The prover generator has its scope delimited by those logics that can be specified in DNCA. 93_MSc_sarmento Alberto Henrique de Vasconcellos SARMENTO. X-Net, uma linguagem para tres paradigmas: arquitetura basica. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/02/93 103 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Abstract: No abstract provided. 93_MSc_ribenboim Alexandre RIBENBOIM. O2 CONSULT - Apoiando usuarios do sistema O2 na formulacao de consultas. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/10/93 71 p. Advisor: Rosana de Saldanha da Gama Lanzelotte Abstract: Database Management Systems (DBMS) usually offer interactive graphic-based tools to formulate queries. Nowadays, facilities like these are very common in relational systems, but still absent in new Object-oriented DBMSs. This work presents the specification and implementation of a visual query language for the Object-oriented DBMS O2, called O2CONSULT. The queries are formulated by navigating through the database schema graph and by specifying an example of the expected result. 93_MSc_gomes Ana Lucia Vilela GOMES. Geracao de interfaces graficas com usuarios a partir de especificacoees funcionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 13/12/93 123 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: Graphical user interfaces, i.e., a set of interrelated windows with which the user interacts, are specified from system specifications using information obtained from DFD's and Data Dictionaries. Given the user interface specification, the necessary code for its implementation is generated in IUP/LED producing a prototype for the system. The generated interface uses a basic set of widgets found on most GUI's. TALISMAN is used to specify the system, the interface and its windows. 93_MSc_andre Anderson de Almeida ANDRE. Analise orientada a objetos - um enfoque metodologico. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 21/12/93 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Note: Not available. 93_MSc_potengy Andre de Barros POTENGY. Um modelo de design para computacao distribuida. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/12/93 76 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: Solutions to many problems in scientific computing can be expressed as parallel computations that can be implemented on multi-processor systems or networks of powerful workstations. Design and implementations of these distributed parallel programs usually is a complex effort which requires cooperation among the participating tasks in order to ensure correct operation and consistency. This paper introduces the ADV/ROI design approach that combines Abstract Data Views (ADVs) and Remote Object Invocation (ROI) and applies this approach to the implementation of distributed parallel programs using the principles of object-oriented design. The ADV/ROI approach is applied in two steps. First, a working sequential version of a program is implemented and then this program is converted to the distributed parallel version using a well-defined procedure involving multiple inheritance. We also demonstrate that consistency of the views of the computation are maintained as the program evolves from its conventional to distributed version. The ADV/ROI approach is then demonstrated by showing the design and implementation of a distributed parallel volumetric ray tracer. 93_PhD_ritto Antonio Carlos de Azevedo RITTO. Ambiente de desenvolvimento de solucoes. Ph.D.Thesis Port. Presentation: 20/12/93 [irr.] p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: A modern organization must pay attention to success criteria such as user satisfaction, availability of people able to develop new ideas and development processes, flexibility and quick adaptation to changes. Computer based technologies constitute an environment for organizational changes. However, the power of the new technologies is due much more to new ways of act and to do things, than to having existing processes performing better. Nothing is changing more rapidly than the end user's view of computing. There are more powerful means to communicate , more means to gain access to information inside and outside the organization, and sophisticated tools to retrieve effectively needed information in a timely fashion and adequate format. New technologies are shifting from centralized computing facilities to end users. They allow end users to explore new knowledge fields, new ways to solve and to analyze user problems. This power shift creates new opportunities, but also creates difficulties to the organization, such as effort dispersion, multiple and inconsistent information, and organization disruption. Several questions arise in this context. How to combine the desired autonomy of organizational units with the necessary overall integrity of this organization? How to provide computing freedom to end users without loosing control over costs, information and data consistency? How to disseminate and generalize solutions developed by a specific unit? How to maintain order and still allow a large number of problem solving alternatives each of which directed to a specific problem? Our thesis states that it is possible to establish a computing model capable to support users process evolution, to integrate and provide for autonomous units and to provide viable answers to the above questions. This model shifts power from central computing facilities to decentralized organization units and promotes the introduction of new values and means to effectively solve users problems. Furthermore, it identifies the role of the central computing facility as one of coordination and of standardization, assuring the establishment and maintenance of an organization wide infra-structure, is capable of capturing and recording new knowledge acquired in individual units and disseminating it throughout the whole organization. 93_MSc_levy Carlos Henrique LEVY. IUP/LED: uma ferramenta portatil de interface com usuario. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/08/93 63 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: The objective of this work is to describe and analyze the design and implementation of a portable user interface system called IUP/LED, from the point of view of portability and layout specification. The portability strategy adopted in IUP/LED allows applications the choice of whether to inherit native look-and-feel. For layouts specification IUP/LED implements an abstract model based on the boxes-and-glue paradigm of TEX. 93_MSc_cardoso Carlos Henrique Reis CARDOSO. Sistema especialista baseado em regras para escalonamento de servicos em ambiente MVS. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/03/93 109 p. Advisor: Antonio Luz Furtado Abstract: No English abstract provided. 93_MSc_guarisco Helena Maria GUARISCO. Em busca de um SGIU-00 para o projeto EITIS. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 07/05/93 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Note: Not available. 93_MSc_magalhaes Helio Geraldo Pacheco de MAGALHAES. O prototipo de um sistema de Walk-Through utilizando o metodo de radiosidade. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/09/93 71 p. Advisors: Marcelo Dreux (MEC) and Bruno Feijo Abstract: This present work studies the computer modeled animation method in static environments - walk-through - and its behavior under a workstation with graphic accelerators. The radiosity global illumination method has been used to account for light reflection among surfaces. This method is independent of the observer position. The characteristics, needs and problems of a walk-through system are described and it is presented a prototype of such a system. 93_MSc_coelhofilho Jose Maria COELHO FILHO. Ambiente generico de deducao automatica baseado em resolucao. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/09/93 100 p. Advisor: Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcanti Pequeno Abstract: This dissertation presents a generic environment for theorem proving based on resolution method. The resolution method has been adapted to many non-classical logics. However, these methods have more differences than similarities, when compared each other. This occurs, in part, because non-classical logics have different characteristics. With the goal of presenting a resolution method that can be applied to a variety of non-classical logics in a uniform way, it was developed an environment that implements a generic method. When a given logic is used, their specific concepts are passed to the environment. Then the automatic theorem proving can be executed. 93_MSc_baruque Lucia Blondet BARUQUE. Auditoria interna assistida por computador. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/04/93 110 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: The aim of this work is to contribute to the area of Computer Aided Internal Auditing. Initially the main concepts of the area are introduced and then the process of the Internal Auditing is presented in details, so that the central Data Base to all which assist the main functions of the internal auditor may be specified. Due to its intrinsic complexity and diversification, these tools range from a simple text editor to sophisticated expert systems. Besides an overview of such tools, this work also includes the design and relational implementation of the Data Base of Internal Auditing. 93_MSc_franca Luiz Paulo Alves FRANCA. Projeto orientado a objetos: um enfoque metodologico. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/06/93 235 p. Advisor: Arndt von Staa Abstract: This dissertation presents a proposal for Object Oriented Design, describing the activities and theirs products, emphasizing the modeling activity. Related work on Object Oriented Design is discussed. Concepts in CASE, Quality and Reutilization are examined within this approach. The application of this proposal in the development of a prototype using TOOL language is demonstrated. 93_MSc_ferraz Marcos Fernando Ribeiro FERRAZ. Reconstituicao de secoes geologicas utilizando subdivisoes planares, transformacoes geometricas e computacao grafica interativa. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/09/93 p. Advisors: Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho (IMPA) and Marcelo Gattass Note: Not available. 93_PhD_mere Maria Claudia MERE. Logicas relevantes: formalismo e semantica. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 31/08/93 181 p. Advisor: Paulo Augusto Silva Veloso Abstract: The main purpose of this thesis is to present a methodology of work in Categorical Logic that allows us to write logics in terms of categories and algebras. We present, among other logics, the family of relevant logics, which have been using to study computational aspects. This family is showed from the point of view of Categorical Logic. For each logic we present the syntactic systems and discuss their semantics (algebraic and categorical). Finally, we construct formal definitions for categorical and algebraic models. These definitions represent a guide for the construction of new categorical and algebraic models. 93_MSc_astorga Maria Lucia Moniz de Aragao Calomino ASTORGA. Sequenciamento progressivo: uma aplicacao a distribuicao de acoes de uma carteira de investimento. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 02/04/93 92 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiu Abstract: SDS - Stock Distribution System - is an expert system which distributes lots of stocks negotiated in the Stock Exchange among several portfolios administrated by a Stock Broker. This paper defines a model to represent this task, the Forward progression Model. Forward Progression splits the principal task into sub-tasks so that the execution of them in a progressive order is the same as the execution of the first one. The specification of SDS was built from this model. The preliminary results of the implementation of the system are reported. Finally, several recommendations are presented for the complete implementation of SDS. 93_MSc_gheiner Mario GHEINER. X-NET - Uma linguagem para tres paradigmas: interface de usuario. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 29/01/93 p. Advisor: Sergio Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho Note: Not available. 93_MSc_lacerda Mario LACERDA. LBF+ uma linguagem para banco de dados funcionais. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/06/93 121 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work presents a data base programming language based on the DAPLEX language. It is an extension of the functional data base language called LBF, with some characteristics of the object-oriented databases systems defined by Atkinson. In this work we also point out the advantages of the functional model and, specifically, the Shipman proposal and some of the function model extension to non-standard applications are revised. The LBF+language mixes characteristics from other systems such as IRIS, PDM, EXODUS, GEMSTONE and O2. The idea of this work is to show a System with a language which allows the user, in a concise and uniform way, to create, operate and update his database and application programs. 93_PhD_kischinhevsky Mauricio KISCHINHEVSKY. Modelagem e simulacao numerica paralela do escoamento de fluidos com contaminantes radiativos em meios porosos naturalmente fraturados. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 17/08/93 113 p. Advisors: Paulo Jorge Paes Leme (MAT) and Therezinha Souza da Costa Abstract: The objective of this work is to develop an efficient numerical simulator to analyze high level radioactive waste contamination flow in fractured rock formations. It performs farfield effects studies of different scenarios of leakage occurring from a repository. We start by modeling the groundwater flow in a fractured porous medium. The concentrations of contaminants evolves by convection and diffusion within the groundwater. These concentrations are modified by decay of the contaminants into other radioactive species, as well as by their retention in the rock. We treat the flow along the whole domain in a dual porosity framework. This means that the model developed includes the interaction between the flow in the rock formation and the macroscopic fracture system. Along the matrix blocks flow, the coupling with the fracture system occurs via its boundary conditions. Along the fractures, the coupling occurs through source terms. The models are discretized by finite volume techniques. The numerical algorithms are specially designed to perform the corresponding numerical calculations in an adequate parallel form. At each time step calculation, the algorithm has two parts. One corresponding to the flow within the matrix blocks, is trivially paralleled. The second part treats the full coupled system in an implicit fashion, the resulting non-linear system is then linearized through the boundary conditions of each matrix block. The resulting system is again treated in parallel. In this case, an iterative method seems to be recommended to benefit from a message-based parallel environment. In order to enhance the performance of the algorithm, a two grid procedure is implemented to fasten the solution in relation to classical iterative methods. Notice that convection diffusion problems are not well suited for standard multigrid approaches. A physical set of prolongation, restriction and coarse grid operator is then adopted to overcome this difficulty. A sequential code was developed in FORTRAN and is currently in use to validate the modeland its numerical scheme, in the completely saturated case. Many tests were necessary to evaluate the overall potential for parallel processing of the model and its numerical scheme. For this purpose a Canopy code was developed at LAFEX/CBPF. The main questions to consider refer to the adequacy of the scheme to circumstances like various sizing of block and fracture problems, number of iterative steps and their corresponding speedups in an ACPMAPS environment. 93_MSc_costa Monica Maria Ferreira da COSTA. Estudo de viabilidade para um sistema de animacao comportamental. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/03/93 73 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijo Abstract: The present work represents a viability study for a Behavioral Animation system and proposes a conceptual model to the implementation of such a system. The developed model follows the approach of Task Level Animation and is based on Planning and first order logic. For concreteness purposes, the prototype of an animation system based on that model is described. 93_PhD_rodriguez Noemi de La Rocque RODRIGUEZ. Um sistema de tipos orientado por objetos para linguagens de programacao persistentes. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 11/01/93 167 p. Advisor: Jose Lucas Mourao Rangel Netto Abstract: This thesis describes a type system which combines the flexibility stemming facilities such as inheritance, polymorphism, and parametric types with strong static type checking. Also, in this type system, exception signaling is part of the specification of operations, in a way which is consistent with the type compatibility rules provided by inheritance. This type system is shown to be adequate for the provision of persistence in an object oriented language. Two examples of application of this system are discussed. 93_PhD_guaranys Paula Ypiranga dos GUARANYS. Planejamento da utilizacao casual: projeto e utilizacao de um laboratorio para estudos cognitivos da interface homem-maquina. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 23/12/93 155 p. Advisor: Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena Abstract: PUC is a software environment for the development of user interface that supports experiments by the user. For that reason it can be seen as a laboratory for interface design. It has been designed to be handled by users with different knowledge levels coming from different backgrounds. Its architecture is based on the customization of a general blackboard model. The main characteristics of this software laboratory environment are: independence from the functionality of the application, the provision for an embedded interface designer and its ability to generate a model of the user knowledge about the application through a double static stereotype. 93_MSc_juca Paulo Pereira JUCA. Treinamento da fala - uma aplicacao multimidia, usando modelo de contextos aninhados. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/08/93 149 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares Abstract: This work describes the development of the application Treinamento da Fala in a Windows environment, using the Nested Context Model as a manager of multimedia objects. The application is an auxiliary tool to the speech training of deaf, adding to the auditory return of sound a visual feedback, through a graphic representation of the voice signal. The graphic representation shows the structural areas of the vocal tract involved in sound production, calculated from the reflection coefficient of the autocorrelation equations of the LPC model. Although it is restricted to the exhibition of vowel sounds, the tool may be an excellent aid to the work of the educators of the deaf. Later expansions will permit the training of words, in addition to vocalic sounds, and the inclusion of a better man(deaf)/machine interface. 93_MSc_aguiar Ricardo Portella de AGUIAR. Em busca de uma implementacao eficiente de um sistema de gerencia de objetos. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 22/01/93 88 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo Abstract: This work aims at contributing to the development of an object management system for the EITIS project, starting from studies on storage methods, solutions adopted in other existing object management systems and Benchmark techniques applicable to Databases. This system, named OMS-Engine, is developed based on the definition of an object oriented database model and its primitives are defined taking into account the main functions of tests proposed by the chosen Benchmark. Those primitives are the basis for a comparison between the OMS-Engine and the O2Engine. 93_MSc_gomes Sergio Augusto Simonetti GOMES. Computacao grafica interativa-adaptativa aplicada a escoamentos complexos em fenomenos de transporte. M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/08/93 115 p. Advisors: Marcelo Dreux (MEC) and Bruno Feijo Abstract: This work presents a interactive-adaptive graphic system to aid the prediction of complex flows. The interactive-adaptive methods have become increasingly useful in modern computational mechanics. The system developed here apply these concepts to a numerical method for analysis of heat/mass transfer in fluid-flow processes. The finite volume method was selected to solve the conservation equations. The coupling between pressure and velocity was resolved by the SIMPLE algorithm. The system of algebric equations of the different conservation equations were solved in a sequential manner utilizing the iterative TDMA line-by-line method. Relating to the numerical method, the dependent variable interpolation scheme and the algorithms for solve the coupled velocity-pressure and the algebric equations are presented. Relating to the interactive-adaptive methods, it is discussed how to monitor the analysis results, to change parameters and to control the flow of the analysis. Also, the visualization module is discussed and the graphical representation techniques are presented. Finally, examples are shown to illustrate the techniques and demonstrate their power for both practical nonlinear analysis and computational mechanics research. 93_MSc_colcher Sergio COLCHER. Uma arquitetura aberta para sistemas hipermidia. M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/08/93 93 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares Abstract: Most hypermedia systems have been developed as a monolithic and self-contained application in the sense that: (1) they do not provide or identify the basic common services that could be reused by many applications; (2) by using proprietary data structures they make it very difficult to interchange information; (3) they do not allow the utilization or integration of existing tools such as editors or browsers for the various media types. In this work, an open architecture for hypermedia systems is presented that allows the implementation of a set of basic multimedia/hypermedia services, providing an environment where applications can be constructed to cooperate and to be integrated, and where information can be interchange and shared between local or remote applications. It is also described some aspects of the implementation of the HyperProp system - a system which provides basic support for implementation and integration of application in a hypermedia environment. 93_PhD_scheer Sergio SCHEER. Uma analise critica sobre o tratamento cognitivo de design em sistemas de CAD. Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 24/08/93 193 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijo Abstract: This work deals with the design phenomena. It intends to contribute to this understanding of this central process in productive lines. A critical approach on cognitive-based design is developed. The main aspects on knowledge elicitation and data and process modeling are presented and discussed. In consequence, a sequence of procedures for the design knowledge base construction is proposed. The final effort is the study-case, reaching the initial validation for the exposed ideas. The practical viability of this approach is demonstrated by means of this sample application.