Monografias em Ciência da Computação



Departmento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains a list of the technical reports of the Departmento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, which are published in our series Monografias em Ciência da Computação (ISSN 0103-9741), edited by Prof. Carlos Lucena. Please note that the reports not available for download are available in their print format and can be obtained via the e-mail below.
For any questions, requests or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho

Last update: 12/NOVEMBER/2015


FURTADO, A.L. Storytelling variants: the case of Little Red Riding Hood.
27 p. Eng. E-mail:

A small number of variants of a widely disseminated folktale is surveyed, and then used in an attempt to determine the ways whereby such variants can emerge. The study is based on the folktale types and motifs identified by Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Our ultimate objective, with the continuation of the research, is to apply what we are learning about the formation of variants to the development and implementation of methods, employing plan-recognition algorithms, for helping users to compose different narrative plots, starting from virtual libraries of variant patterns.


NASCIMENTO, N.M; LUCENA, C.J.P.; FUKS, H. Internet das Coisas para a conservação de frutas: o caso da banana.
23 p. Port. E-mail:

Imagine a device capable of providing in advance an informative perspective on fruit shelf life based on local storage conditions. Also, it is capable of indicating the percentage of fresh fruit losses during transportation between farm and distribution. Through these features, the device makes it possible to monitor the storage period of fruit, between harvest and consumption. In addition, consumers can also monitor fresh fruit at home. Several questions about fruit shelf life can be answered, as follows: (i) Is it better to store fruit in the fridge? (ii) Can I put fruit in closed storages? (iii) If I wash fruit before storing it, will its shelf life decrease? (iv) Does lighting affect ripe fruit? We believe that the shelf life of fruit varies according to conditions of the environment in which it is stored. Therefore, through these information, both quantitative and qualitative losses can be considerably reduced. Our work proposal is to present a device named "Quantifed Fruits". This tool allows monitoring fruit storage and making inferences about it. The "Quantified Fruits" monitors environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, lighting and some gases which may affect fruit ripening. In addition, it shares all these data on the Internet. Different stored data about similar fruits share data that will predict how many days it takes for fruit to spoil under specific environmental conditions.

VALENTE, L.; CLUA, E.; SILVA, A.R.; FEIJÓ, B. Live-action virtual reality games.
17 p. Eng. E-mail:

This paper proposes the concept of “live-action virtual reality games” as a new genre of digital games based on an innovative combination of live-action, mixedreality, context-awareness, and interaction paradigms that comprise tangible objects, context-aware input devices, and embedded/embodied interactions. Live-action virtual reality games are “live-action games” because a player physically acts out (using his/her real body and senses) his/her “avatar” (his/her virtual representation) in the game stage – the mixed-reality environment where the game happens. The game stage is a kind of “augmented virtuality” –a mixed-reality where the virtual world is augmented with real-world information. In live-action virtual reality games, players wear HMD devices and see a virtual world that is constructed using the physical world architecture as the basic geometry and context information. Physical objects that reside in the physical world are also mapped to virtual elements. Live-action virtual reality games keeps the virtual and real-worlds superimposed, requiring players to physically move in the environment and to use different interaction paradigms (such as tangible and embodied interaction) to complete game activities. This setup enables the players to touch physical architectural elements (such as walls) and other objects, “feeling” the game stage. Players have free movement and may interact with physical objects placed in the game stage, implicitly and explicitly. Live-action virtual reality games differ from similar game concepts because they sense and use contextual information to create unpredictable game experiences, giving rise to emergent gameplay.

FIoT: An agent-based framework for self-adaptive and self-organizing Internet of Things applications.
29 p. Eng. E-mail:

The agreed fact about the Internet of Things (IoT) is that, within the coming years, billions of resources, such as cars, clothes and food will be connected to the Internet. However, several challenging issues need to be addressed before the IoT vision becomes a reality. Some open problems are related to the need of building self-organizing and self-adaptive IoT systems. To create IoT applications with these features, this work presents a Framework for Internet of Things (FIoT). Our approach is based on concepts from Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Machine Learning Techniques, such as a neural network and evolutionary algorithms. To illustrate the use of FIoT, we derived two different instances from IoT applications: (i) Quantified Things and (ii) Smart Cities. We show how exible points of our framework are instantiated to generate an application.

GOTTIN, V.M.; CASANOVA, M.A.; FURTADO, A.L. A story-based approach to information systems. 24 p. Eng. E-mail:

We claim that characterizing information system domains by what stories can emerge from their formal specification helps determining whether a proposed rule-based conceptual modelling operational definition of the domain meets the prospective users' expectations. To provide a suitable environment, we start with a running specification, where event-producing operations are conceptually defined in declarative style in terms of their pre-conditions and post-conditions, and plan generation is employed to compose storyplots, whose execution is simulated in workspace memory. This three-schemata conceptual specification, expressed in a logic programming formalism, is processed along successive stages towards a DBMS implementation. While plan generation remains available to examine alternative ways to reach future states, an event-oriented database log, which registers the executed event-producing operations with their timestamp and transaction reference number, provides a repository of past stories. To conduct experiments while investigating how to thus extend data-bases in the direction of intelligent story-bases, we developed a prototype tool, called IDB, which is now fully operational.

, A.P.L.; PAULA, F.C.; BISTENE, J.P.; PORTUGAL, R.L.P.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Observações sobre o processo de construção de requisitos: o caso de projetos do Curso de Engenharia de Requisitos na graduação na PUC-Rio. . 24 p. Port. E-mail:

The use of observation with undergraduate students of a requirements engineering class, makes it possible to learn about requirements processes from an outsider´s view. The text lists notes taken by graduate researchers acting as consultants within a project based requirements engineering course. The pedagogic strategy, based on role-playing, is described, as well as the ethnography like process used to produce the notes. These notes reflect the observer understanding of the work conducted by the students using methods, techniques and tools on the process of producing software requirements. The publishing of these notes are target to a future analysis of their content.