Monografias em Ciência da Computação



Departmento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains a list of the technical reports of the Departmento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, which are published in our series Monografias em Ciência da Computação (ISSN 0103-9741), edited by Prof. Carlos Lucena. Please note that the reports not available for download are available in their print format and can be obtained via the e-mail below.

For any questions, requests or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho

Last update: 18/DECEMBER/2003


MARTINS, S.L.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; ROGRIGUEZ, N.D.L. Ferramentas para programação paralela em ambientes de memória distribuída. 33 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: This article presents a survey of software tools for parallel computing on a distributed memory environment. Some concepts of parallel programming are introduced. Some particular software tools for distributed memory environments (such as PVM, p4, Express, and Linda) are described in more details and compared in terms of performance, support, and ease of use.

CIARLINI, A.E.M.; FURTADO, A.L. Sistema para reconhecimento e geração de planos. 35 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: Plan recognition is an important feature of database cooperative interfaces, since if a system knows what its user intends to do, it will be in a better position to help him. Planning gains importance when detected plans violate integrity constraints, because it can be used both to adapt a detected plan and to generate another one with the same effects. This paper presents a prototype where plan recognition and generation are integrated within a database context.

RIBEIRO, C.C.; PORTO, S.C.S. A case study on parallel synchronous implementations for tabu search based on neighborhood decomposition. 34 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: We study in this paper different synchronous strategies for the implementation of tabu search on a parallel machine. The task scheduling problem on heterogeneous processors under precedence constraints is used as the framework for the development, implementation, validation, and performance evaluation of different parallel strategies. Several strategies are proposed, discussed and compared: the master-slave model, with two different schemes for improved load balancing, and the single-program-multiple-data model, with single-token and multiple-token schemes for message passing. The IBM SP1 parallel machine running PVM is used for the implementation and evaluation of these strategies. Computational results are presented and the behavior of the different strategies is discussed, evaluated, and compared.

VELOSO, P.A.S. On algebraic structure of fork algebras. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: A fork algebra is a relational algebra enriched with a new binary operation. They have been introduced because their equational calculus has applications in program construction. In this paper, we present some simple results concerning the algebraic structure of fork algebras and some of their metamathematical consequences. This paper stems from the crucial, though simple, observation of the interdefinability of fork and projections in fork algebras. We begin with some preliminaries about fork algebras and their reducts: relational and Boolean algebras. We introduce a basic expansion construction and proceed to examine its connections with homomorphisms and direct products. We establish the closure of the class of fork algebras under some of its cases. Then, these results are used to characterize the simple fork algebras as those with simple relational-reducts and to decompose fork algebras into subdirect products of their simple homomorphic images. We use these algebraic results to reduce equational (and Horn-clause) properties of fork algebras to their simple components. These simple results enable one to reduce some properties of fork algebras to corresponding ones about relational algebras.

VELOSO, P.A.S. On finite and infinite fork algebras. 17 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstact: A fork algebra is a relational enriched with a new binary operation. They have been introduced because their equational calculus has applications in program construction, they also have some interesting connections with algebraic logic. In this paper, which stems from the crucial, albeit simple, observation of the interdefinability of fork and projections in fork algebras, we examine the finite and infinite fork algebras and contrast them with relational algebras. We show that the finite fork algebras are somewhat uninteresting, being essentially Boolean algebras, uniquely characterized by their relational reducts. This contrasts with the case of infinite fork algebras: we introduce a technique for the analysis of fork algebras and use some set-theoretical constructions to exhibit many relational algebras of each infinite cardinality with many expansions to fork algebras. We begin by providing some background about fork algebras and their reducts (relation and Boolean algebras): their abstract versions, some simple results concerning the algebraic structure of fork algebras, and their concrete, set-based, versions (fields of sets and proper relational and fork algebras). We then examine the Boolean fork algebras (where fork is Boolean meet), show that their relational reducts are Boolean relational algebras, and characterize them as subalgebras of direct powers of the two-element fork algebra. These results are then applied to finite fork algebras: they are described as finite direct powers of the two-element fork algebra, the only simple finite fork algebras being those with one or two elements. This shows that a finite fork algebra is completely determined by its relational reduct (which we call rigid), in contrast to the infinite fork algebras. We examine fork-expansions of relational algebras, with the purpose of comparing relational algebras and fork algebras. Then, we introduce a technique for the analysis of fork algebras and use some set-theoretical constructions to exhibit many (simple proper) relational algebras of each infinite cardinality with many expansions to fork algebras. Such (infinite) relational algebras demonstrate quite clearly the diversity of possible fork operations.

COLCHER, S.; SOARES, L.F.G.; CASANOVA, M.A.; SOUZA FILHO, G.L. Modelo de objetos baseado no CORBA para sistemas hipermídia abertos com garantias de sincronização. 19 p. Port. e-mail:

Abstract: This paper outlines some extensions to the object model underlying the CORBA specification to addrress the requirements of multimedia and hypermedia systems. These extensions include the adaptationof many concepts brought from other standards, such as ODP, ANSA and PREMO,like the concept of active objects. Based on the synchronization aspectsof hypermedia models, the proposed extensions include support forspecification of objects with continuous media attributes, like audio andvideo. and the " Media Pipes ", which allows for the selection of suitable abstractions to deal with the access and transfer of continuous media information.

MEDIANO, M.R.; CASANOVA, M.A.; GATTASS, M. Map-tree: um metodo de acesso para mapas longos. 16 p. Port. e-mail:

Abstract: Access metods for map play a fundamental role on geographic databases performance that typically stores very large maps. It becomes necessary to treat a map as a long object. This paper introduces a new data structure, called " map-tree ", designed to store geometrical and topological information of very large maps. The VR-tree and winged-edge structures are adopted to index the complete geometry description of the map and optimize topological operations, respectively. The paper also defines clustering techniques to optimize the access to secondary storage.

de SOUZA, C.S. The semiotic engineering of concreteness and abstractness: from user interface languages to end user programming languages. 25 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Most successful User Interface Languages have been designed observing two important guiding principles: task specificity and direct manipulation of graphic objects. Programming Languages, in their turn, have often been pursuing such goals as general purposeness and efficient symbolic manipulation of linguistic objects. When it comes to End User Programming Languages, features that are apparently in conflict with each other must be combined to allow non-programmers to write extensions to existing applications and to design implement completely novel applications and programs. In view of increasingly strong evidence for the need of engaging end users in the programming of software tools, some researchers advocate that the interface language should become a programming language, whereas others remain skeptical about this posibility. We propose that an integrated interface environment should be designed within a unified semiotic framework that accounts for interaction with and specification of computer applications. A brief case study about a successful text editor and its extension language reveals some of the features this unified semiotic framework should have and provides important topics for empirical and theoretical research agendas in the field. Integration of interactive and programming profiles in interface systems design is the object of the Semiotic Engineering of concretenes and abstractness in computer-mediated interpersonal communication through software applications.

MAIA, A.C.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A model for cooperative software design. 29 p. Eng. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: In this paper we present a cooperative software design process model. We are particularly concerned with software design as a social interaction activity. Consequently, we focus on cooperative design. By cooperative design we mean a form of design in which all information exchange and decision-making are collectively undertaken during design meetings. This sort of design is very interesting because it is strongly based on cooperation among people with various abilities and from differentareas of expertise. This leads to a great diversity of cooperation (design) episodes to be analyzed. Design episodes have been previously represented using diagrams called Dynamics of Interaction Diagrams from which we have drawn up a specification of the cooperative design process. We have now used Coloured Petri Nets as the design process modeling language to produce a model based discuss model validation and analyses results performed by a tool, called ANARCO, which considers three net properties: boundedness, liveness and re-initiation. Finally, we present our conclusions and provide comments on future work.

DURAN, J.E. Some classes containing a fork algebra equivalent variety involving projections and their use to specify abstract data types. 48 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Some varieties that are extensions of relational algebras with two constants that play the role of projections are studied. They are obtained by weakening some laws valid in abstract fork algebra. Applications in the literature and in the specification of abstract data types are exhibited. For the subvarieties formed with the models that have a representable relational reduct, a representation theorem is proved. For them the finitization problem is studied. Next the varieties presented are compared by means of the inclusion order. The existence of equivalent classes with a binary operation like fork is studied. Simple models and elementary properties in the classes are studied.

OLIVEIRA, A.P.; OLIVEIRA,C.; CARVALHO, R.L. The application of translation grammars to definitional theorem proving. 14 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Since theorem proving is considered a difficult problem it is worthwhile to use alternative methods of knowledge representation and structuring in order to cut down on the number of axioms considered and thus reduce the search space. Given a theory represented in such a structured way we present a method of hybrid reasoning which switches from resolution theorem proving to grammatical translations to program interpretation in orther to bridge the hierarchical levels of definitions.

de SOUZA, C.S.; PRATES, R.O.; VAREJÃO, F.M. On classes and costs of multimodal interfaces. 23 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Multimodal Interfaces have considerably enhanced computer-human interaction by allowing designers and users to communicate via different codes, and often different channels. Nevertheless, multimodality does not involve a homogeneous set of design options. Rather, there are quite different situations for which we propose a taxonomy of alternatives based on each mode's expressive power relative to the application's conceptual model. According to it, optional and mandatory cases of multimodality can be identified and associated to specific cognitive and computational costs. We report the results of a small-scale exploratory experiment carried out to gauge the incremental costs of maintaining high-quality multimodes for layout applications. And, we conclude that there are certain semiotic conditions that maximize the chances of success in multimodal interface design, a point which is further supported by research results achieved in the field of Cognitive Science.

RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R.; URURAHY, C.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; CERQUEIRA, R. The use of interpreted languages for implementing parallel algorithms on distributed systems. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper proposes the investigation of the role of interpreted languages as a tool for the development of parallel programs in distributed environments. Besides, it argues that an event-driven approach simplifies many aspects of concurrent programming, since processes are never blocked on communication primitives. The ideas have been experimented with through the implementation of several solutions to the classical problem of termination detection. This implementation has used a programming
environment based on the extension language Lua.

STAA, A.v., ed. GG-01 Processos de criação e manutençao de normas de engenharia de software. 15 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document we describe how to create and maintain technical standards internal to software development groups. The resulting technical standards establish and explain sets of rules and recommendations to be observed when creating or maintaining software. The standardization process is similar to processes employed by standardization institutions. This document defines the format of a standard, the creation, assessment, adoption and maintenance processes.

MILIDIÚ, R.L.; LABER, E.S. The WARM-UP algorithm: a lagrangean construction of length restricted Huffman codes. 18 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: An O(n.log n + n.log fn) algorithm is introduced for constructing an approximated solution to Variable Length Code Problem with LengthRestriction, where n is the number of symbols in the alphabet and fn is thehighest frequency ocurrence. The relative error of the approximate solutionis no greater than 4/(w^(H-log n) -4), where H is the maximum admissible length, and w is the golden ratio 1.618. From this result, we observe that we can get a very sharp approximate solution.

LERNER, A.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; PLASTINO, A. Análise de custos, desempenho e balanceamento de carga de algoritmos de junção em ambientes com memória distribuída. 36 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: We study here the practical and analytical behavior of some parallel join algorithms implemented in a shared-nothing environment. Particularly, we have considered the parallel approaches for the nested-loops algorithm and the hashing algorithm. The implementations are done in a IBM SP2, using the MPI and PVM tools. We first present a cost model for both algorithms and some comments on the potential performances before discussing the practical results achieved. Then we discuss two important issues: the communication cost and workload balancing. With respect to the latter, we suggest and implement a parallel strategy that dynamically balance the workload based on a better use of the computational resources available. We also show some preliminary results and a performance discussion for this strategy.

SANCHEZ, M.L.; MAFFEO, B. Software design baseado em encapsulamento de dados e troca de mensagens entre subsistemas autônomos - focalizando reúso. 22 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: This work presents a method of software design for real-time control systems. The method is based on "Information Hiding and Exchange of Messages between Independent Subsystems". Employing the data encapsulation concept and concepts inherited from development techniques using Configuration Languages, the method partitions a complex system into more manageable subsystems intended for reuse in other systems that have to perform similar functions.

SANCHEZ, M.L.; MAFFEO, B. Modelagem conceitual de sistema de tempo-real - um estudo de caso. 15 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper presents a summary of results concerning a controlled experiment related to employing concepts, tools and techniques for systems modeling to construct the conceptual specification of the real-time control portion of a realistic process-control system. The control subsystem, COMONEL, is intended for COntroling and MONitoring ELectrons Beam Litography process, in future use by the Department of Materials Science and Metalurgy (DMSM) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). This work emphasizes an experimental approach to Software Engineering. It follows a model of research inspired on methods of empirical investigation used by traditional engineering disciplines and by the sciences of nature. Specifically aiming at the conceptual modeling of software systems, we elaborated on tools and techniques proposed for the essential requirements specification of software for process-control real-time systems as extensions of those in use by practitionners for developing conventional information systems. This choice reflects a concern related to reducing the costs associated with the transfer to practice of the proposed method. These tools and techniques were tested and refined within the context of a controlled empirical process: the development of a realistic system, COMONEL, with size and intrinsic complexity seemingly adequate to the scope of the experiment. Specifically,the paper focuses: - the results of Requirements Analysis and Specification restricted to the construction of the Conceptual Model; - an overview of a deduction technique based on the Essential Model for generating an object-like oriented design, emphasizing the reuse possibilities of that model.

de SOUZA, C.S.; BARBOSA, S.D.J. End-user programming environments: the semiotic challenges. 13 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Empowering users with programming abilities is an issue of increasing importance in the software industry today. A few challenges to be faced are the different trends between interface design and programming language design, the lack of "semantic" embedding in programming languages, and users' fear and lack of motivation to try to program. End-User Programming Languages (EUPL) and User Interface Languages (UIL) are a peculiar piece of communication between system designer and system user, which form a continuum with each other, and which once broken can seriously impact the whole endeavor of end-user programming. A Semiotic approach to the problem will consider the integration between EUPL and UIL as a dynamic integrative process, like the processes of interpreting, understanding, and learning that users shoul go though when programming. We will illustrate how the notion of an interpretant can organize and clarify the relationships that hold between a single application's UI and its corresponding EUP Environment. Interpretants are crystallized into a predictable set of variations which can be used to adjust meaning to a very precise configuration of semantic parameters pertinent to a certain application's domain. This approach has the potential to explain and predict, in theoretic terms, the points of breakdown from UI to EUP Environment.

VELOSO, P.A.S. On infinite fork algebras and their relational reducts. 34 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: A fork algebra is a relational algebra eriched with a new binary operation. They have been introduced because their equational calculus has applications in program construction, they also have some interesting connections with algebraic logic. In this paper, we concentrate on the infinite fork algebras, with the purpose of contrasting them with relational algebras and with the finite fork algebras. For this purpose, we introduce some concepts for the analysis of fork algebrasand construct some special infinite relational algebras and fork algebras. We try to correct a some what embarrassing mistake (and simplify some constructions) that occured in a previous report. The finite fork algebras are somewhat uninteresting, being essentially Boolean algebras, uniquely characterized by their relational reducts. This contrasts with the case of infinite fork algebras: we introduce concepts and methods for the analysis of fork algebras and use some set-theoretical constructions to exhibit many relational algebras of each infinite cardinality with many expansions to fork algebras. We begin by providing some background about fork algebras and their reducts (relation and Boolean algebras): their abstract versions, some simple results concerning the algebraic structure of fork algebras, and their concrete, set-based, versions (fields of sets and proper relational and fork algebras). We then recall some results concerning the Boolean fork algebras (where fork is Boolean meet) and the finite fork algebras (they are completely determined by their relational reducts, which we call rigid, in contrast to the infinite fork algebras). We examine fork-expansions of relational algebras, with the purpose of comparing relational algebras and fork algebras. Then, we introduce methods for the analysis and construction of fork algebras and, finally, use some set-theoretical constructions to exhibit many (simple, proper) relational algebras of each infinite cardinality with many expansions to fork algebras. Such (infinite) relational algebras demonstrate quite clearly the diversity of possible fork operations.

CAFEZEIRO, I.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Paradigmas de linguagens de programação: uma abordagem geométrica. 12 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: This article proposes a framework for defining programming languages paradigms. The main idea is the existence of various levels ofabstraction over the notion of programs with inputs. Categorical
language and the concept of sheaf are used in order to obtain an approach for a mathematical definition of programming languages paradigms based a geometric definition of computable functions.

FERREIRA, D.J.; SOUZA, C.S.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R. An analysis of strictly visual codes in programming environments from a semiotic perspective. 15 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: A semiotic analysis of the use of visual programming codes supports the exploration of their limits for the specification of programs. Results suggest why strictly visual representation for program control and modularization structures are inadequate. Nevertheless, visual codes can be combined with textual codes to help programmers to understand and create software in a communicatively rich environment. VEPascal is one such environment being used in the study as a reference for pilot tests. In it, images are based on geometric forms, the composition of which evokes similar concepts to those of the control and modularization structures in structured programming languages. Such images are motivated by perceptions related to semantic aspects of the control and modularization structures represented by them and are modeled by means of L-systems designed so as tobe used in processes of understanding, debugging or conversion of software.

VELOSO, P.A.S. On cartesian codings and the set-theoretical nature of fork algebras of relations. 20 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: A fork algebra is a relational algebra enriched with a new binary operation. This class of algebras was introduced because its equational calculus has applications in program construction. It also has some interesting connections with algebraic logic. In this report we examine the set-theoretical nature of fork algebras, namely to what extent fork algebras of relations are concrete. We investigate whether every fork algebra of relations can be represented as a cartesian one (whose underlying coding is true cartesian-product pair forming). We argue that the answer is affirmative, but with a proviso. The main idea is using the room provided by the neutral element for relational composition to accommodate the cartesian behaviour. We first show that these widened fork algebras of relations are still fork algebras, in that they satisfy the fork equations, and then that can be represented by proper fork algebra (with real identity). We also establish that the fork algebras of relations can be represented as cartesian ones, and exhibit a simple proper cartesian fork algebra of each given infinite cardinality. We finally show that the enlargement of the identity is essential, by exhibiting large collections of (simple) proper fork algebras of relations that cannot be represented as cartesian ones.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-01 Regras e recomendações para a escolha dos nomes de elementos em programas C e C++ - Versão 1.01. 27 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document we establish rules and recommendations forchoosing names of program elements. The standard structure of a name is {<Product>|<Domain>}_<Type prefix><Theme><Type suffix>. This structure is used for all categories and usage modes of names in C or C++ programs.When adopting this standard it is expected that: a) the creation of namesis as developer independent as possible; b) names in use can be easily and correctly remembered when creating or modifying a program, without needing to search extensive documentation; c) names can easily be shown to be correctly used
wherever they occur; d) documentation defining names can easily be located; e) programmers can easily and rapidly understand and make correct changes to existing programs.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-02 Regras e recomendações para o uso de constantes simbólicas em C e C++ - Versão 1.00. 8 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document we establish rules and recommendations for usingconstants in C or C++ programs. When adopting this standard it is expectedthat: a) the maintenance of programs is simplified when involving constant values; b) constants can be easily and correctly remembered when creating or modifying a program, without needing to search extensive documentation;c) programmers can easily and rapidly understand and make correct changes to values and use of constants in existing programs.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-03 Regras e recomendações para a programação em C e C++ - Versão 1.01. 18 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document we establish style and formatting rules for programs written in C. These rules apply also to the sub-language of C++ similar to C.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-04 Regras e recomendações específicas para a programação em C++ - Versão 1.01. 14 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document we establish style rules for programs written in C++, where this language differs from C.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-05 Regras e recomendações para a inclusão de especificações no código de programas - Versão 1.00. 25 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document we establish rules and recommendations for including comments in program source code. Comments are classified according to their meaning. The meaning of every comment can be
identified by means of the source text syntax and markup text contained in the comments. This assures the possibility to generate technical documentation directly from source code.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-06 Regras e recomendações para fluxos de controle em algoritmos - Versão 1.01. 17 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document we define criteria for the control flow designof programs. By adopting these criteria we expect that: a) a perceptiblereduction of creation and maintenance cost; b) a perceptible reduction ofcontrol flow errors; c) a standard control flow organization of programs.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-07 Regras e recomendações para estruturas de projeto - Versão 1.01. 21 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document a set of design structure evaluation criteria are presented. These criteria can be applied when-ever design uses techniques based on successive decomposition. The criteria are not directed towards a specific representation language or design method. They apply equally well when designing algorithms, class structures, data structures, data flow diagram structures. When adopting this standard it is expected that: a) well organized design structures will result; b) code fragments will tend to aggregate all text concerning a given aspect of a problem to be solved; c) maintenance will be simpler and less error prone.

STAA, A.v., ed. PG-08 Regras e recomendações para o uso de instrumentação em programas C e C++ - Versão 1.01. 20 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this document active software instrumentation is described. The instrumentation is geared towards C or C++ programs. Several instruments are proposed: structural assertion verifiers, which assure integrity of the contents of data structures; structure explores, which support exploring and editing of the contents of data structures; and verifying coroutines which perform verification during idle times. When adopting this standard it is expected that: a) the effort required to diagnose errors will be perceptibly reduced; b) the code will be capable to verify the correctness of data structures while executing; c) efficiency and efficacy of tests will be increased; d) there are means to dynamicallycontrol correctness of parallel programs, or programs subjected to non repeatable event sequences.

COSTA, M.; FEIJÓ, B. An architecture for concurrent reactive agents in real-time animation. 6 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper proposes an architecture for real-time behavioral animation based on parallel interactions between simple recursive reactive agents and allowing for integration with external articulated figure software. An animated sequence of a navigation scene where two actors play different roles is generated by a prototype.

VELOSO, P.A.S.; VELOSO, S.R.M.; FIADEIRO, J.L. On modularity under internal and external choice in formal software development. 26 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: We examine some interactions between internal and external choices performed by agents in the context of modular software development of (versions of) programs from formal specifications. We emphasise implementations of collections of specifications, which may be viewed as describing versions of programs, and the use of labels to tag them and their development paths. The concept of implementation, as interpretation into a conservative extension, is generalised to labelled collections of specifications and formulated in categorical terms. We then show that the category of such collections has pushouts and that this construction preserves modularity as required for composing implementations.

MORETH, R.C.; HAEUSLER, E.H. The decidability of MAO. 27 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: MAO - Modal Adjoint Operators - is a Modal Propositional Theory, where the modal operators of necessity and possibility are definable in the context of a Topos as adjointed geometric morphism. The proof of Decidability of MAO follows a proof-theoretic framework. We define a Sequent Calculus for MAO, showing MAO and sequent calculus to MAO areequivalents in the Hilbert Style Presentation, and, the Cut-elimination Property is proved for the sequent calculus. Then observing that any MAO-theorem has a proof-tree finitely built from botton-up, so we have the main result.

PORTO, S.C.S., KITAJIMA, J.P.F.W., RIBEIRO, C.C. Performance evaluation of a parallel tabu search task scheduling algorithm. 22 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper presents the solution quality analysis of a parallel tabu search algorithm for the task scheduling problem on heterogeneous processors under precedence constraints. We evaluate the achieved makespan reduction of different parallel aplications relatively to the results obtained by the best greedy algorithm in the literature, as a function of parameters such as problem size, system heterogeneity and number of processors. Our results show that the tabu search algorithm is superior to the greedy algorithm in many cases where the latter is not capable of profiting from the inherent application parallelism and system heterogeneity.

BATISTA, T.V.; RODRIGUEZ, N.L.R. Um estudo sobre a interoperabilidade em ambientes distribuídos. 41 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: Development of distributed applications requires support for interaction and integration between programs running on different network sites, frequently on different software platforms. Current mechanisms for the provision of interoperability in distributed systems include software components, as proposed by standards such as CORBA and OLE/COM, and software agents. This report studies these two different approaches, presenting basic concepts and interrelationships between them. Some of the specific proposals, which were considered representative of current trends, are also discussed.

LIFSCHITZ, S.; PLASTINO, A.; RIBEIRO, C.C. Exploring load balancing in parallel processing of recursive queries. 15 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Recent work on load balancing has confirmed its importance when one wants to achieve good performance during the actual evaluation of parallel database queries. Existing work mostly focuses on the join processing for parallel relational databases. We are interested here in more complex queries, such as recursive ones. The main difference is that, in the latter case, the work due to a task cannot be previously determined and, consequently, no method can define at the outset the tasks to be executed in parallel in order to balance the workload at each processor. We propose a "dose-driven" dynamic strategy that aims at obtaining an improved workload balance and better use of the available resources. We examine the applicability of our strategy with its specialization to the case of the transitive closure query. Preliminary computational results on randomly generated test problems illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

VAREJÃO, F.M.; GARCIA, A.C.B.; de SOUZA, C.S. ADD-GHS: a structured annotation based proposal for ADD's extensions. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Many approaches have been proposed to document the design activity. ADD is a system that is based on the idea of transforming documents from a repository of data to a model of the design. This system provides a clearly delimited expressive language where a previous set of domain abstractions and active and communicative intentions is "fixed". However, design activity is "flexible" by nature, in consequence of its own exploratory character. To solve this problem, we propose an ADD's extension that aims to increase its expressiveness as a design rationale tool. This extension allows the designer to include structured annotations to design documentation. These annotations are free text annotiations organized by an index structure captured from the context where the annotation is made. This structure supports retrieval of annotations in different context from that the annotations is made.

VAREJÃO, F.M.; GARCIA, A.C.B.; de SOUZA, C.S. Aquisição de design rationale através de anotações semi-formais em documentos ativos de design. 40 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: In this paper we classify the different approaches which have been proposed to document the design activity. Comparing these approaches we identify that argumentative, history and model based approaches are complementary. In order to associate the advantages of these approaches,we propose an ADD's extension based on the capture of structured annotations made by the user during the design process. These annotations are free text annotations organized by an index structure captured from the context where the annotation is made. This structure supports retrieval of annotations in different contexts from that the annotation is made.

ALMEIDA, E.S.; HAEUSLER, E.H. A lambda calculus for the Lambek calculus. 17 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: The Lambek Calculus was introduced by Lambek in order to obtain effective rules to allow forming sentences and distinguishing sentences from nonsentences. Two primitives types are defined in this calculus and from these types is allowed to construct compound types to the words of the sentence. We construct a lambda-calculus for the Lambek Calculus, Curry-Howard isomorphic to the sequent calculus. Some proof-theoretical results and a denotational semantic for this calculus, showing its adequacy with regard to the calculus, are shown. A phase semantics, based on Girard's phase semantics for the Linear Logic, searching to implement a verificationistic approach for meaning in construtivism, is also shown for this calculus.

VELOSO, P.A.S. On fork relations for program development. 16 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: We introduce the question of adequacy of a fork relational framework for program development. We first argue that the familiar apparatus of binary relations must be extended to achieve this aim. Then we suggest that an appropriate extension can be obtained by considering relations on structured universes together with new operations.

VELOSO, P.A.S. Fork relational frameworks on structured universes. 22 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: We examine a fork relational framework for program development. We introduce some structural operations and constants, consider some interconnections among them, which provide alternative bases for the extension, and examine some properties of this fork relational apparatus. In a previous report, we have argued that the familiar apparatus of binary relations must be extended to be adequate for programming; we have also suggested that an appropriate extension could be obtained by considering relations on structured universes together with new operations. In this report we examine more closely the nature of this fork relational framework.

VELOSO, P.A.S. On algorithmic fork relations: effectiveness and program constructs. 28 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: We examine the adequacy of an extended relational framework for program development. We argue that we can select, by effectiveness considerations, a certain set of symbols deserving the name "algorithmic" and we outline a programming language correspondence, which indicates that this repertoire of symbols provides adequate power for expressing programs. In previous reports, we introduced the question of adequacy of an extended relational framework for program development: we argued that the familiar apparatus of binary relations should be extended to be appropriate for programming and we examined the nature of such an extension obtained by considering relations os structured universes with new structural operations. The adequacy of such an extended apparatus hinges on having an appropriate expressive power. In this report we address the issue of adequate expressive power for programming. We offer two explanations for the selection of the algorithmic part and its computing-like nature, which jointly justify its adequacy. First, the identification of the proper repertoire is based on effectiveness, which guarantees soundness, in the sense of not leaving the effective realm. The second - more intuitive - explanation relies on the programming language correspondence, which, besides reinforcing the first explication, indicates that these algorithmic symbols provide adequate power for expressing programs.

LEITE, J.C.S.P.; SEQUERRA-BREITMAN, K. Requirements engineering of virtual applications: some initial thoughts. 5 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: In this paper, we argue that Web applications, here referred to as virtual applications, pose different kind of challenges to requirements engineering (RE). Our ongoing experience in building an Internet collaborative site exemplifies those challenges. Our virtual application is devoted to the acquisition and compilation of a general requirements engineering bibliography, database. Most RE methods and tecniques are centrered in the communication between stakeholders, i.e., developers, users, and clients, but in the case of virtual applicatons the usual distinction between stakeholders is not so clear. Another characteristic of virtual applications is the role of technology, which imposes standarts which directly constraints the definition space. As such, the traditional sequence from requirements to design phases becomes blurred. We argue that virtual applications require innovative requirements processes.

UCHOA, E.M.A.; MELO, R.N.; LIFSCHITZ, S. Interoperabilidade de objetos em sistemas de bancos de dados heterogêneos. 30 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: Heterogeneous database systems have been considered one of the most feasible solution for the integration of existing systems, autonomous and different, without the need of changing them. Object oriented standards have been used as a strategy for a flexible coordination and integration of information resources connected through networks. In the heterogeneous database architecture, these standards may be used for integration and interaction among the heterogeneous components, increasing the federation flexibility and its expansion capacity in new environments. We present in this work the HEROS project, which has been developed in PUC-Rio, and discuss object interoperability issues considering the CORBA architecture, a object oriented standard. Other related projects - MIND and Jupiter - are also cited and compared to HEROS.