Monografias em Ciência da Computação



Departmento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains a list of the technical reports of the Departmento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, which are published in our series Monografias em Ciência da Computação (ISSN 0103-9741). The serie scientific editor is Prof. Carlos Lucena and Rosane Castilho is it's technical editor. Please note that the reports not available for download are available in their print format and can be obtained via the e-mail below.
For any questions, requests or suggestions, please contact:

Last update: 20/August/2023


[MCC01/23] [DOI Biblioteca Digital PUC-Rio]
LUCENA, C. J. P.; BARBOSA, A. C. B.; LUCENA, C. A. P.; BARBOZA, P. S. R. Vital Sign Project: remote monitoring of patients for healthcare workers. January 28th, 2023. 15 p. Eng.  E-mail:

Abstract: The healthcare area has presented great opportunities for scientific research in Information Technology. One of the reasons that highlighted the relevance of healthcare area was the pandemic reality we have dealt since the beginning of 2020. As impact, the leading app stores registered significant growth in the number of available eHealth apps. Aiming to design and develop innovative technological solutions to help leverage the healthcare sector to a technological development level compatible with its importance and criticality levels, as initial result the Software Engineering Lab, this whitepaper presents a solution developed to monitor remotely vital sign data from patients who are at hospitals. Details of the architecture proposed and how the iOS app developed to healthcare workers present vital sign data of patients are explained in detail. Keywords: healthcare, health, mobile, iOS development, and vital signs.

[MCC02/23] [DOI Biblioteca Digital PUC-Rio]
POGGI, M.; LOPES, H. Towards efficient searches for the Discrete Basis Problem. February 28th, 2023. 9 p. Eng.  E-mail:

Abstract: The discrete basis problem is a variant of the set covering/partitioning problem, in which not covering is allowed, but penalized in the objective function, and over-covering an item is also penalized. This problem sparked new interest recently as a subproblem for algorithms applied to Binary Dictionary Learning, Frequent Itemset Discovery, and, most importantly, Binary Matrix Factorization (BMF). The BMF can be used for clustering items, categorical characteristics of observations, and recommendation systems for users interacting with itemsets. The most common algorithms approximate the factorization through gradient descent. We achieved theoretical results that greatly improve solving the discrete basis problem. These results will enable a backtracking approach that can solve the linearized formulation of the subproblem in large binary matrices taking advantage of their sparsity in real settings. Keywords: binary matrix factorization, non-negative matrix factorization, integer programming, discrete basis problem.

[MCC03/23] [DOI Biblioteca Digital PUC-Rio]
PAIVA, V.; ENDLER, M. Extracting blockchain concepts from texts. May 5th, 2023. 16 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Blockchains provide a mechanism through which mutually distrustful remote parties can reach consensus on the state of a ledger of information. With the great acceleration with which this space is developed, the demand for those seeking to learn about blockchain also grows. Being a technical subject, it can be quite intimidating to start learning. For this reason, the main objective of this project was to apply machine learning models to extract information from whitepapers and academic articles focused on the blockchain area to organize this information and aid users to navigate the space. Keywords: blockchain, machine learning, information extraction, term extraction.

[MCC04/23] [DOI Biblioteca Digital PUC-Rio]
TALAVERA, L. E.; REIMER, T.; CAVALCANTI, M.; CANTERGIANI, G.; TEIXEIRA, M. A.; ENDLER, M. Design and implementation of a flexible architecture for mobile edge design
. May 5th, 2023. 17 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: The ever-growing use of smartphones, especially in urban centers, which are held/carried almost anytime and anywhere by users, combined with the devices’ ubiquitous Internet connectivity and the presence of embedded sensors and short-range wireless interfaces (NFC, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Smart) now enables new kinds of participatory mobile IoT applications. In these, smartphones may act as universal hubs for interaction with wireless IoT devices, sensors, actuators - or mesh networks thereof - that have only shortrange wireless connectivity. This paper describes the main features and architecture of our
redesigned (mobile) edge middleware Mobile-Hub (M-Hub2). It is a Kotlin-based Edge component for Android devices (smartphones, etc.), that can discover nearby Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices (sensors or actuators, beacons, etc.) and opportunistically connect them to back-end services and IoT applications. The main novelty of M-Hub2, compared to its original version is its modular software design and its ability to use multiple WWAN and WPAN protocols. Keywords: Internet of Things. middleware. mobile objects; mobile sensing, dynamic adaptation, remote sensing and actuation.

[MCC05/23] [DOI Biblioteca Digital PUC-Rio]
FURTADO, A. L.; CASANOVA, M. A.; LIMA, E. S. Some preliminary steps towards metaverse logic
. July 11th, 2023. 19 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Assuming that the term ‘metaverse’ could be understood as a computer-based implementation of multiverse applications, we started to look in the present work for a logic that would be powerful enough to handle the situations arising both in the real and in the fictional underlying application domains. Realizing that first-order logic fails to account for the unstable behavior of even the most simpleminded information system domains, we resorted to non-conventional extensions, in an attempt to sketch a minimal composite logic strategy. The discussion was kept at a rather informal level, always trying to convey the intuition behind the theoretical notions in natural language terms, and appealing to an AI agent, namely ChatGPT, in the hope that algorithmic and common-sense approaches can be usefully combined. Keywords: metaverse, multiverse, possible worlds, virtual worlds, Logic, AI agents.

[MCC06/23] [DOI Biblioteca Digital PUC-Rio]
WANOUS, C. A.; ENDLER, M. Design and implementation of the ContextNet Kafka core middleware
. August 20th, 2023. 27 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: ContextNet is a communication middleware based on the OMG DDS standard, which supports real-time monitoring, unicast, groupcast and broad- cast for thousands of mobile nodes. This work aims to replace the DDS (Data Distribution Service) infrastructure, used in the communication of the ContextNet Core nodes, with the Kafka platform; simplify the construction of applications that use ContextNet middleware and add new features. Kafka is a distributed streaming platform capable of subscribing, publishing, storing and processing in real time streams. Kafka will allow applications built on ContextNet to be paralelizable. Keywords: cloud-mobile communication, middleware system, Kafka, scalability, Internet of Mobile Things.