Theses and Dissertations



Departmento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains the list of the MSc. Dissertations and PhD. Thesis presented to the Departmento de Informática, Pontifcia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, in 2002.  They are all available in print format and, according to the authors' preference, some of them are freely available for download, while others are freely available for download to the PUC-Rio community exclusively(*)
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Rosane Castilho

Last update: 31/MARCH/2005


Adelailson Peixoto da SILVA. Extração de malhas adaptativas em multi-resolução a partir de volumes, usando simplificação e refinamento. [Title in English: Multiresolution adaptive mesh extraction from volumes, using simplification and refinement] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 04/10/02 104 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho.

Abstract: This work presents a method for extracting multiresolution adaptive polygonal meshes, from volumetric objects. Main applications of this work are related to medical area, fluid dynamics, geosciences, metheorology and others. In these areas data may be represented as volumetric objects. Volumetric datasets are implicit representations of objects, so it's very difficult to apply directly any process to these objects. Mesh extraction obtains an explicit representation of the object, such that it's easier to process directly the objects. The presented method extracts the mesh from two main processes: Simplification and Refinement. The simplification step extracts a supersampled representation of the object (in the same volume resolution), and simplifies it in such a way to obtain a base mesh (or coarse mesh), in a low resolution, but containing the correct topology of the object. Refinement step uses the distance transform to obtain a multiresolution representation of the mesh, it means that at each instant it's obtained an adaptive higher resolution mesh. The final mesh presents a set of important properties, like good triangle aspect ratio, convergency to the object surface, may be applied as to objects with boundary and as to objects with multiple connected components, among others properties.

Alésio Leoni PFEIFER. ALua: um sistema multi-canal baseado em eventos e mobilidade de código. [Title in English: ALua: a multi-channel system based on events and code mobility] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/07/02 58 p. Advisor: Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez.

Abstract: Current interest in wide-area distributed computing has highlighted the need for an adequate programming model for this environment. Because of its asynchronous nature, event-driven programming provides a suitable model for dealing with the failures and delays that are frequent in this context. Besides that, new services and uses of computer networks often demand a high degree of customizability and increasingly demand more flexibility and extensibility. Recent research has explored the mobile code paradigm, investigating how dynamic code exchange between processes can enhance the flexibility of services and applications. In this work we propose an architecture for distributed multimedia applications based on an event-driven programming model. To avoid the synchronization problems that are inherent to multi-threaded programming, the propose architecture is based on a single-threaded structure. Instead of multithreading, we opted for the event-oriented approach allied to multiple communication channels with user-defined handling procedures to allow the application to deal concurrently with control and data streams. We discuss this programming model, present the system we have implemented based on this model, and describe the experience we have had with this system.

Alexandre MELE. Um framework para simulação de redes móveis ad-hoc. [Title in English: A framework for simulation of mobile ad hoc networks] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 30/12/02  109 p. Advisor: Markus Endler.

Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network consists of a set of portable computational devices, equipped with a wireless communication interface, that are randomly and dynamically distributed in space, and where each host serves as a router for the other hosts by discovering and maintaining multi-hop routes among the hosts. In general, protocols for mobile ad hoc networks are more complex than equivalent protocols for static networks, due to several properties of such networks, such as its dynamic topology, the mutual interference, concurrent access and smaller communication  bandwidth of the wireless links, as well as, operation with restricted amount of energy, and scarce resources of the mobile devices. A main focus of research in mobile ad hoc networks has been the development, analysis and comparison of routing protocols for such networks. Therefore, there is some demand for environments that facilitate the rapid prototyping, the simulation and the debugging of protocols at the network and other layers for such networks. These environments should preferably be flexible, easy to use, and allow for the definition of different levels of abstractions for modeling the main characteristics of the mobile network, such as the pattern of mobility, the wireless links, the energy consumption, etc. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a framework for the simulation of mobile ad hoc networks, which aims at supporting the development of concrete simulation environments for prototyping, testing and doing the complexity and performance analysis of protocols for such networks.

Antonio Carlos Pereira de AZAMBUJA. Multi-resolução para a visualização de reservatórios naturais de petróleo.[Title in English: Multi-resolution for visualization of natural oil reservoirs] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 06/05/02 138 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Waldemar Celes Filho.

Abstract: Current flow-simulation meshes of natural oil reservoirs (NOR) are composed of hundreds of thousands of hexahedral cells. The visualization of the geometry of these cells superimposed with color attributes to represent properties and flow results requires the rendering of an unstructured mesh of millions of triangles. Current graphics hardware does not allow for an interactive visualization of such meshes. As computers and graphics boards increase their processing capacity, simulation meshes also grow and the solution to the rendering problem usually includes acceleration techniques, one of which is multi-resolution (MR). However, currently known MR models are not applicable to NOR simulation meshes due to this field's specific requirements, such as the preservation of the hexahedral-cell model and discontinuities among cells. In fact, MR techniques tend to focus on Realistic Visualization, while the NOR problem is one of Scientific Visualization, for which generic solutions still do not exist. The present work proposes a specific MR model for the visualization problem concerning NOR simulation meshes, in which discontinuous space partition, hexahedral-cell-based semantics and the problem's visualization characteristics are taken into account. The proposed model allows an efficient construction of a MR structure, from which, in real time, adaptive meshes can be extracted that depend on: (a) the geometric error approximation, (b) the view, and (c) the polygon budget. This model can also be used combined with another acceleration technique, frustum culling, which allows for the hierarchical elimination of regions in the mesh that are out of the view volume. The proposed model was implemented in a system on which extensive testing was performed, providing results that allowed us to draw some conclusions and recommendations.

Clarissa Maria de Almeida BARBOSA. MetaCom-G*: especificação da comunicação entre membros de um grupo. [Title in English: MetaCom-G*: specification of the communication among members of a group] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/03/02 111 p. Advisors: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza and Raquel Oliveira Prates.

Abstract: The complexity inherent in the design activity and the challenges proper to the design of multi-user interfaces motivate the development of models, methods, techniques and tools for the support of the design process of multi-user interfaces. MetaCom-G is one of such models. Within the Semiotic Engineering framework by De Souza, Prates proposes that the designer be offered an environment which enables him to describe how members of a group organize themselves in order to perform the group activity. In addition, this environment should provide the designer with qualitative indicators of his description, which will assist him in making his design decisions. Nevertheless, MetaCom-G only allows the designer to describe communication among group members at a high level of abstraction. Consequently, the environment proposed in this model holds little information about the group's communication process to effectively help the designer make his future design decisions. In order to expand MetaCom-G's support to the designer, we extend this model and propose MetaCom-G*. With the extended model, we enable the designer to  describe more accurately the communication process of a group. As the extension is based on the Speech Act Theory and Discourse Analysis, the information provided by the environment for the support of the design process of multi-user interfaces proposed in MetaCom-G* leads the designer to reflect on the effect of communication on group members. By doing so, it helps him make his future design decisions regarding this communication.

Diego Fernandes NEHAB. A implementação da linguagem de programação Sloth. [Title in English: The implementation of the Sloth programming language] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 12/07/02 58 p. Advisor: Roberto Ierusalimschy.

Abstract: This work describes a new functional programming language and its implementation. Sloth is a non-strict purely functional interpreted programming language, which supports high order functions as first class values, structured data types and pattern-matching based function definitions. Sloth was created for academical use in activities related to the use and to the implementation of functional programming languages. Therefore, there has been a great concern with the simplicity of both the language specification and its implementation. As a result, Sloth's syntax is modest, but expressive enough for practical applications. Furthermore, the great simplicity and portability of its implementation has no serious impact on its performance. The main contributions of this work are the design and implementation of Sloth, an optimization to combinator graph reduction as an alternative to the use of Turner combinators, a new architecture for the implementation of interpreted functional programming languages, based on the cooperation between two programming languages, and the performance comparison between Sloth and similar languages.

Diogo Vieira ANDRADE. Um modelo para determinação de preços para leilões. [Title in English: A model for determining prices in auctions] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 14/08/02 69 p. Advisor: Marcus V. S. Poggi de Aragao

Abstract: This work presents a linear programming model for virtual markets. The main objective is to encourage sellers to offer lower prices and buyers to pay more for products. This is done through a system where the agents are awarded for acting this way. The basic version of the model works as an auction where buyers and sellers can make their bids. Some extensions were developed for this basic model, to allow situations like: transportation cost between buyers and sellers; scale economy for the buyer's price; multiples products in the same auction. For the basic model and each of its extensions, the system of awards has been developed based on Game Theory principles. In each case, the model was reinterpreted as a game and its core solutions were found. It was also verified how these solutions determine market's behavior.

Eduardo Ribeiro POYART. IEngine - uma interface abstrata para motores de jogos 3D. [Title in English: IEngine - an abstract interface for 3D games engines] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/04/02 64 p. Advisor: Bruno Feijó

Abstract: 3D game engines are APIs that help the development of games with real time 3D graphics. It is convenient to use a 3D game engine when developing games, because all the low-level functionality is already built. However, each 3D engine API is constructed in a different way, causing engines to be incompatible. The learning process is also difficult, because the APIs of some engines are not well designed. This work analyzes this issue by doing a critic survey of some existing 3D engines and proposes an abstraction layer over them, called IEngine. The IEngine layer gives engines a standard API. An application built over IEngine can be compiled with any of the 3D engines adapted to IEngine, and that application could switch engines without any code change. The adaptation of a new engine to IEngine is also facilitated by IEngine's structure of abstract classes (interfaces) and is done by inheritance. In this work, an implementation of IEngine over the open-source and multiplatform engine Crystal Space is presented. Also, it is presented a way to implement IEngine over a second engine, Fly3D. Finally, the possibility of IEngine receiving an interface layer with other programming languages such as Java and Lua is studied, in such a way to allow the quick development of good visual quality 3D games.

Elisette Maria Figueiredo de Almeida RODRIGUES. Aplicando o modelo MOF e o XMI para a integração de bancos de dados heterogêneos. [Title in English: Applying the MOF model and XMI for heterogeneous databases integration] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/03/02 77 p. Advisor: Rubens Nascimento Melo

Abstract: The Information Technology Boom during the last decades, consequence of technology maturation, resulted in a large diversity of implementations technologies. The current software vendors' strategies pass now, due to that variety of implementation technologies used during the "IT rush", through an integration path. The heterogeneity of systems to be integrated, allied to the massive use of the Internet, specially for publishing businesses information, providing the user with a simple and complete assessment of the subjects, and also reducing the information storm that has to be handled, while improving their quality, asks for solutions that allow an easy and sound legacy data integration to new applications implemented using modern technologies. Heterogeneous Database Systems are viewed as a good legacy systems' integration solution, since they can be coupled "as is". However, the majority of newly developed applications use object technology, usually not used in DBMS's. From this, arises the need for integrating OO applications with DBMS's using distinct technologies. This work aims at presenting a model for systems integration, considering the characteristics above, developing a framework to facilitate the construction of specific solutions for integrating OO applications to legacy systems. The framework is based on the MOF Model and XMI, both OMG standards.

Fábio Marcos de Abreu SANTOS. Plataformas para jogos de guerra com computação móvel. [Title in English: Warfare games platforms using mobile computation] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/05/02 117 p. Advisors: Marco Antonio Casanova and Roberto de Beauclair Seixas.

Abstract: Mobile applications attracted great interest in the last years. Several applications, based on totally new concepts have been created by taking advantage of the ubiquitous computation. War games traditionally have helped military training in many countries, bringing to the classroom simulations of the operation theater.  Military field exercises are equally necessary to prepare the troop. The use of war games with mobile equipment represents a new field trainning facility for the Brazilian Marines. We believe that war games can not be limited to classrooms, but be extended to the field, where the realism of the operation theater helps the Brazilian Marines to receive a fuller and better training, compatible with the importance of its mission. The main goal of this work is to propose some ways to use mobile devices on Brazilian Marines field exercises integrating it with the war game, which runs in classrooms. Nowadays, the field exercises use only wired workstations and the server needs to be transported to the exercise's place. The data entry is manual and data are received by radio communications. By developing a WAP application and using techniques of data summarization and active databases, we will receive the response of each requested message by SMS.

Flávio Heleno Bevilacqüa e SILVA. Coordenação de sistemas multiagentes via equilíbrio de mercado econômico. [Title in English: Multi-agent systems coordination via balance of the economic market] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/04/02 134 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.

Abstract: Multiagent systems need efficient strategies of coordination to achieve their objectives. When there is a task distributed among agents, their interaction involves an exchange of messages. This problem can be harmful depending on the volume. The strategies of coordination must reduce the volume of messages exchanged and the number of centralized elements without prejudice the system efficacy. The objective here uses the balance of the economic market to develop coordination techniques for multiagent systems with the market-oriented modelling. These techniques reduce the interaction of agents and don't need a central coordinator. We explain this model by using two applications: a resource allocation and a component realocation in consumer groups. Preliminary results compared with another technique of coordination present advantages in some aspects, essentially in the search for the best possible solution and the measurement of the agents performance. We conclude that this modeling is an efficient strategy of coordination, with easy implementation that, depending on the kind of application, generates better solutions than other existing coordination techniques.

Francisco José Zamith GUIMARÃES. Utilização de ontologias no domínio B2C. [Title in English: Ontologies use in B2C domain] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 19/12/02 195 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: The main difficulty associated with the B2C domain is increasing the usefulness of WWW for the electronic trade through the improvement of the services provided to the consumer. Even though the WWW allows the buyer to have access to a great amount of information, to obtain the information from the right supplier that sells the desired product by a reasonable price can be a very expensive task. One of the ways of improving the web functionality is through the use of intelligent agents for search of information, that is, the introduction of purchase agents that aid the buyers to find products of their interest. For that to happen we need to overcome an inherent difficulty of the WWW: the mixture of natural language, images and layout information in HTML is one of the greatest barriers for the automation of the electronic trade, because the semantics of the information is only comprehensible for human beings. To solve this problem we hope to produce more efficient purchase agents by associating them to the use of ontologies, and virtual stores that have special annotations that follow ontologies. In the present dissertation we make a study of the main technologies related to ontologies development in Computer Science. We also develop a case study about the ontologies application to the B2C domain, seeking in this way to evaluate potential and existing  difficulties for the development of this type of application.

Gustavo Moreira PIERRE. Ambiente integrado para posicionamento em operações militares. [Title in English: Positioning integrated environment for military operations] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 01/07/02 65 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Roberto de Beauclair Seixas.

Abstract: With technological development, we have been witnessing a growing popularization of satellite-location equipment (GPS receivers) and pocket computers (PDA) in several areas: air, sea and earth transports, mapping and geoprocessing, sports and entertainment. We can see hikers, for example, acquiring their own GPS receivers. In the military environment, this popularization is also occurring: the Armed Forces in several countries are obtaining increasing numbers of GPS receivers and are testing equipment to interact with them. The purpose of this work is to integrate GPS receivers and PDAs, with the intention of employing them in military operations in order to obtain quick responses for a faster and more efficient use of fractions of involved troops. This work involves the generation of files readable by PDAs, the communication of GPS receivers with PDAs, and an easy and fast visualization of the information provided by the receivers. It also includes a comparison between the use of map in two different representations, raster and vector, both allowing for zooming and movement of the image, as well as the possibility of measuring distances between points of the map in the PDA screen, and the inclusion, exclusion and alteration of several observations. The great advantage of using raster images instead of vector images in PDAs for this purpose was verified, as well as some disadvantages in the use of PDAs, common in military operations, with general-purpose GPS receivers.

Ivan MATHIAS FILHO. A documentação e a instanciação de frameworks orientados a objetos. [Title in English: Documenting and instantiating object oriented frameworks] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 17/04/02 184 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: The extreme competitiveness of contemporary economy generates a huge demand for cheaper, efficient and reliable software products, which often are developed under great pressures of time and budget. These premises suggests that software development must take place in an environment where proved solutions can be modified, combined and adapted to be used in the development of new products. Therefore, the use o object oriented frameworks, or frameworks for short, seems to be one of the most promising techniques for code and design reuse. Nevertheless, one of the obstacles that have to be removed before the widespread use of frameworks is the great amount of time for study necessary to be proficient in the use of a specific framework. This situation occurs due to the inherent complexity of the design of the frameworks, which are conceived to fulfill the requirements of an entire application family. In this context, this work presents a detailed description of a high-level framework instantiation process based on the Features Model. This model is responsible for presenting to the application developers a simplified view of the main functional and technological characteristics of a framework. In a following step, the instantiation process modifies the original design of the framework to produce a new design for a specific member of an application family. All of the modification steps will be based on choices available in the Features Model.

João Alfredo Pinto de MAGALHÃES. Um framework multi-agentes para busca e flexibilização de algoritmos de classificação de documentos. [Title in English: A multi-agent framework for search and flexibilization of document classification algorithms] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/09/02 103 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: We are living in the information age, where knowledge is constantly being created in a rate that was never seen before. This is mainly due to Internet, that changed all the information exchange paradigms between people. Through the net, it is possible to publish or exchange whole works, reaching an audience impossible to be reached through other means. However, excess of information can be harmful: having too much information can be equal to having no information at all. Our work was to build a multi-agent framework for search and flexibilization of textual document classification algorithms of a specific domain. We have built an infra-structure that separates the concerns of document search and selection (platform) from the concerns of document classification (an application of the separation of concerns concept). It is possible not only to use existing algorithms, but also to generate new ones that consider domain-specific characteristics of documents. We generated four instances of the framework, a webclipping application, a knowledge management component, a search engine for websites and an application for the semantic web.

Leonardo Magela CUNHA. Formação de grupos de trabalho utilizando agentes de software. [Title in English: Working groups formation using software agents] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 17/04/02 104 p. Advisor: Hugo Fuks.

Abstract: Nowadays, the complexity of work and the dissemination of the information and communication technologies value and make group work a potential allied for the organizations. The computer support offered under the umbrella of groupware systems is based on the research from Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). The support for the workers should be given since the group formation until its dissolution, going through the group work itself. In Software Engineering, multi-agent systems provide a properly level of abstraction for the treatment of complex and distributed problems. One of these problems is characterized by environments for group work and/or learning in groups. In this dissertation it is presented the study and how a multi-agent system was implemented in AulaNet to help group formation.

Luciana dos Santos LIMA. Um framework para provisão de QoS em redes móveis sem fio. [Title in English: A framework for QoS provisioning in wireless mobile networks] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 23/08/02 142 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: In the last decades, increasing interest has been observed in technologies related to wireless mobile communication environments. Great part of such interest follows the growth in the telecommunications industry, more specifically of cellular mobile telephony systems. Users are quickly absorbing these technologies and generating new necessities, such as the use of services of multimedia data, which demand quality assurance. In this context, one of the challenges is the efficient use of the limited frequency spectrum available, providing users quality services. This dissertation proposes an architecture for the provision of end-to-end QoS in wireless mobile networks, taking into account inherent characteristics of these environments. To reach this purpose, modifications were proposed to the frameworks for QoS provisioning in generic processing and communication environments, aiming to fulfill the necessities brought by mobile networks, generating an adaptable architecture to offer QoS in environments that support mobile connections. In order to validate the proposal, an instantiation of frameworks for QoS provisioning in wireless mobile networks is described by means of a mobility scenario in which an infrastructure network of integrated services is simulated working over Mobile IP.

Lucimar Candido MARTINS. Personalização de visões sobre documentos hipermídia. [Title in English: Personalization of views over hipermedia documents] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 10/06/02 125 p. Advisors: Marco Antonio Casanova and Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: One of the most difficult tasks in dealing with the large amount of available data on the Web is to deliver the right data to a specific user. Many applications related to e-learning, e-commerce and information retrieval have been developed for this purpose. Some examples are search engines, recommendation systems and personalization systems. In spite of the great effort to develop personalized presentation and filtering systems there are challenging problems to be resolved. Some of them are directly related to information filtering, packaging and formatting, wherever this information needs to meet the user goals, interests and preferences. The main purpose of this dissertation is to define a framework, using the separation of concerns concepts, which contemplates personalization  issues such as filtering, packaging and formatting processes. The framework facilitates the implementation and fine-tuning of algorithms addressing these issues.

Luiz Fernando Bessa SEIBEL. Bio-AXS: uma arquitetura para integração de fontes de dados e aplicações de biologia molecular. [Title in English: Bio-AXS: an architecture for integration of molecular biology data sources and their applications] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 20/05/02 169 p. Advisor: Sergio Lifschitz.

Abstract: There are many molecular biology databases, also known as genome databases, that need to be integrated with all related applications and other data sources. This work proposes the use of an object-oriented framework for genome data access and manipulations. It is an innovative approach for an integration tool, which deals well with these application domain requirements, such as flexibility, reusability and extensibility. This works also presents a conceptual schema for the central dogma of molecular biology, defining an ontology which can be used within the data sources and compared to previous approaches. The framework, called Bio-AXS, is presented in details using class and sequence diagrams that explore both the structural and dynamic parts of the architecture. The Bio-AXS implementation issues are discussed, as well as some functionalities of the implemented prototype. Indeed, many case studies were explored in order to show the adequacy and applicability of the proposed architecture.

Marcelo Blois RIBEIRO. Web life - uma arquitetura para a implementação de sistemas multi-agentes para a Web. [Title in English: Web Life - an architecture for the implementation of multi-agent systems for the Web] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 19/12/02 203 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: The resolution of distributed problems by applying computer systems composed by agents and organized towards a common objective is attracting the scientific community's attention. This is shown by the increasing number of initiatives for the development of methods and platforms to help constructing multi-agent systems. Some platforms concentrate efforts on supporting some multi-agent systems' aspects while others try to offer a complete infrastructure for the agents and organizations development. The Web Life architecture offers an implementation platform for developing Web-based multi-agent systems. The architecture is focused on the provision of a complete multi-agent infrastructure with native support for communication, coordination, decision-taking and task-oriented behavior. The incorporation of current under development standards and tools for solving specific problems in multi-agent systems is one of the main objectives of this work. These standards and tools are integrated by the Web Life framework. The architecture try to help the evolution of the Web into a Web with semantic contents that may be automatically processed - the Semantic Web.

Marcelo Ferreira MORENO.
Um framework para provisão de QoS em sistemas operacionais. [Title in English: A framework for QoS provisioning in operating systems] M.Sc. Diss. Port. Presentation: 16/08/02 105 p. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares.

Abstract: The progressive demand for distributed multimedia applications, which are characterized by strong requirements over computational resources, makes evident the need for quality of service (QoS) provisioning in each one of the involved subsystems (e.g. communication networks and operating systems). At the same time, these subsystems must be flexible enough that they can offer new services to future applications, or in other words, they must be adaptable at runtime. Specifically, general-purpose operating systems provide few or no QoS/service adaptability support, what have motivated many isolated studies about these topics. Observing some implemented technologies on specific operating systems, it is noted that the provisioning mechanisms have certain functional similarities. In this way, this work proposes an adaptable architecture for QoS provisioning on networking and process scheduling subsystems of operating systems, through the description of generic frameworks. It is demonstrated how the framework hot-spots can be specialized in order to implement some QoS models. Finally, it is proposed a scenario of use of the architecture, where a bit modified generalpurpose operating system is used as infrastructure for an instantiation of the QoS frameworks.

Marcelo Medeiros CARNEIRO. Interfaces assistidas para deficientes visuais utilizando dispositivos reativos e transformadas de distância. [Title in English: Assistive interfaces for the visual impaired using force feedback devices and distance transforms] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 30/10/02 162 p. Advisors: Luiz Velho and Marcelo Gattass.

Abstract: The natural evolution of user interface models that occurred in the last few decades ended up popularizing a standard model based almost exclusively on visual metaphors. This process has left visually impaired users unable to use computers and to access new technologies. Some actions have been made to revert this scenario. Most of them were based on adapting the existing models instead of creating specific solutions for the visually impaired community. The development of applications for such users requires the use of new technologies, tools and communication media. This thesis proposes the use of force feedback devices in the project and implementation of assistive user interfaces,
helping blind users in simple 2D interaction tasks. By exploring the sense of touch, such devices can be used to improve the efficiency of the communication between the user and the interface. Also, this work investigates the use of distance transforms as a powerful mechanism to support many 2D interaction tasks.

Marco Aurélio GEROSA. Categorização e estruturação de mensagens textuais em ambientes virtuais de colaboração. [Title in English: Categorizing and structuring textual messages in virtual environments of collaboration] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 28/02/02 85 p. Advisor: Hugo Fuks.

Abstract: The telecommunications technologies are improving the way of transmitting and generating information. But these technologies also lead to a non-manageable growth of the quantity, nature and quality of the available information. This is a critical problem in collaboration, where group members have to intensively communicate in order to resolve tasks. A way to minimize the information overload in textual communication is to organize, structure and categorize messages. The objective of this work is to analyze whether by structuring and categorizing the messages, there is a reduction in the information overload, and to figure out what other effects take place when the communication and collaboration of a group is realized through textual messages. The categorization of messages was implemented in the asynchronous communication services of the learning environment AulaNet and used during four semesters in a course.

Marcos Aurélio Citeli da SILVA. Simulação do escoamento de água e óleo em meios porosos. [Title in English: Computer simulation for a two-phase fluid flow in porous media] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 11/09/02 67 p. Advisors: Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi de Aragão and Marcus Vinicius Sarkis Martins.

Abstract: Many problems arising from real world can be represented by systems of partial differential equations (PDE's). However, the resulting discrete equations produce large and frequently bad conditioned matrices. This work implements the mixed finite element method to numerically solve a system of PDE's coming from a multiphase flow in porous media model and improve its performance by preconditioners and parallel processing.

Maurício Hofmam da SILVA. Tratamento eficiente de visibilidade através de árvores de volumes envolventes. [Title in English: A comparison among diferent bounding volumes for view-frustum culling] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 08/03/02 154 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Waldemar Celes.

Abstract: Rendering complex three-dimensional engineering models has been a challenge for Computer Graphics ever since its origin, as detailed models are often composed of millions of polygons while current graphic stations are able to display, at interactive rates, only dozens or hundreds of thousands of polygons. A way to increase the performance of viewers of three-dimensional models is to reduce the number of polygons passed to the rendering pipeline by eliminating large groups of polygons classified as non-visible for being out of the viewing frustum or hidden by other polygons. In this work, we study the use of bounding volumes to determine sets of polygons which are potentially visible, propose ways to automatically structure such polygons in a hierarchy so as to restrict the necessary computations for this purpose, and compile a series of results which allow us to take some conclusions on the use of bounding volumes and model structuring.

Milene Selbach SILVEIRA. Metacomunicação designer-usuário na interação humano-computador: design e construção do sistema de ajuda. [Title in English: Designer-to-user meta-communication in human-computer interaction: help system design and development] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 18/12/02 147 p. Advisor: Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza.

Abstract: This work is based on the Semiotic Engineering theory of Human-Computer Interaction. This theory views the application interface as a meta-communication act, a message from designer to user, representing the designers' view of the artifact he developed. Since the designer cannot be present in the interface, he is represented by his deputy, who is endowed with a communicative capacity that allows it to carry out a discourse that is complete and exclusively regarding the designers' final conclusions about the needs, preference, capacities and opportunities that he understands the user has. Being impossible to predict all the interpretations that each user can generate for the application, the designer needs, through his deputy, to explain everything that he did (and why he did it), and to give the users a chance to clarify their doubts. The best alternative for meta-communication is, certainly, the help system. In this way, the work herein proposed extends the current theoretical model of Semiotic Engineering, making explicit the presence of the help system and its communicative role. The purpose of this extension is to provide software designers with epistemic tools to support them when constructing their application's help systems. These tools allow designers to explore help systems' communicative power, supporting them in the reflection about the materials available for its elaboration (design models, design rationale, among others), thus supporting them both in the construction of the discourse embedded in the help system, and in the elaboration of the possible ways the user will be able to express himself within this discourse.

Otávio Rezende da SILVA. Uma arquitetura para sistemas multi-agentes baseada em espacos de tuplas reflexivos. [Title in English: A reflective tuplespace-based architecture for the development of multi-agent systems] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 18/12/02 79 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: Software technology is undergoing a transition from monolithic architectures, constructed according to a single overall design, into open architectures composed of conglomerates of collaborative, heterogeneous, and independently designed agents and multi-agent systems (MAS). These architectures are driven by additional system-wide properties, such as communication, coordination, adaptability, mobility and persistence. However, controlling these properties and managing different application agents is not an easy task, requiring a more sophisticated software architectural approach. In this context, we propose the Reflective Blackboard architectural pattern, which is the result of the composition of two other well-known architectural patterns: the Blackboard pattern and the Reflection  pattern. The pattern allows a better separation of concerns, supporting the separate handling of control strategies, by means of the computational reflection technique. An infrastructure, which implements the proposed pattern and provides support to multiple system-level properties, such as mobility, communication, coordination and persistence, was also developed. The Reflective Blackboard pattern was applied together with this infrastructure to the development of a Marketplace application in order to validate de concepts proposed in this work.

Patrícia VILAIN. Modelagem da interação com o usuário em aplicações hipermídia. [Title in English: Modeling user interactions in hypermedia applications] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 30/01/02 221 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: Hypermedia applications are inherently interactive, with which users interact in an intensive way. This work proposes a technique dedicated exclusively to represent the information exchanged in the interaction between users and applications. This technique is called UID (User Interaction Diagram) and it can be used to represent the exchange of information contained in textual descriptions which express the requirements of given hypermedia application, without considering specific aspects of user interface and design. The proposal presented here is to use UIDs in several phases of the development cycle of applications where an intensive exchange of information with users takes place. In requirements gathering, as UIDs present a simple notation and are comprehensible by users, they are used to aid the specification and validation of requirements. In conceptual design, as UIDs present data items participate of the interaction, they are used for identifying the classes, attributes and associations of a preliminary class diagram. In navigation design, UIDs are used for identifying the indexes and contexts through which users can navigate. A UID extension that supports navigation aspects, called UND (User Navigation Diagram), can also be used in this phase. This work proposes a method for requirements gathering where UIDs are used to represent user tasks. Further, guidelines to define a preliminary class diagram, indexes and contexts, from UIDs, are presented. To test and improve the proposed guidelines, three case studies were developed, on which the examples used during the text are based. Besides being used in these case studies, the proposals presented here have been currently applied in the method OOHDM (Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method), thus showing the viability of such proposals.

Paula Salgado LUCENA. Expressive talking heads: um estudo de fala e expressão facial em personagens virtuais. [Title in English: Expressive talking heads: a study on speech and facial expression in virtual characters] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/06/02 80 p. Advisors: Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho.

Abstract: The human face is interesting and challenging mainly because of its familiarity. Essentially, it is the part of the human body that is used to recognize individuals. As well as the face, the speech is an important instrument for human communication, allowing the exteriorization of thoughts and the definition of emotions. Together, speech and face are the main elements of interactivity among human beings. However, the natural and faithful reproduction of the peculiarities of these elements in the computational universe is not a simple task, constituting topics of research in diverse areas, particularly in facial animation. Among the diverse types of facial animation systems developed, those that involve the facial animation of the virtual character combined with speech synchronization are distinguished as directly related to this work. These kinds of systems are known as talking head or talking face. For the development of a talking head system, it is necessary to identify the possible approaches for the speech and face modeling. The models used will influence not only the way that the animation is performed, but will also affect the system's interactivity. An important contribution of the present master thesis is the study of several possible approaches for the main elements and the proposal of taxonomy for the classification of the talking head systems. From the proposed taxonomy and making use of one approach for each analyzed parameter, an application was developed that receives as input a text composed by the character's speech and genus, language and emotion parameters, and it generates as output, in real time, the animation of a virtual character uttering the input text with speech synchronization and expressiveness. The system developed, called "Expressive Talking Heads", explores the naturalness of facial animation and it seeks to offer the user a real-time interactivity interface. The "Expressive Talking Heads" system can run as a stand-alone application or connected to web browsers. It was designed and developed to provide a platform - and operating system-independent solution.

Renata Machado AIEX. Uma investigação experimental da distribuição de probabilidade do tempo de solução em heurísticas GRASP e sua aplicação na análise de implementações paralelas. [Title in English: An experimental investigtion of probability distribution of solution time in GRASP and its application on the analysis of parallel implementations] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 05/08/02 243 p. Advisors: Celso Carneiro Ribeiro and Mauricio G. C. Resende.

Abstract: GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) is a multi-start metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization problems. GRASP has been used to find quality solutions of several combinatorial optimization problems. In this work we describe a methodology for analysis of GRASP. Hybrid strategies of GRASP with path relinking are also proposed. These strategies are studied for the 3-index assignment problem (AP3) and for the job-shop scheduling problem (JSP) and are analyzed according to the methodology proposed. The methodology for analysis of GRASP is used to predict qualitatively how the quality of the solution varies in a parallel independent GRASP, using the data of the GRASP sequential version as input. The GRASPs for the AP3 and for the JSP are parallelized and the computational results are compared to the results obtained using the methodology proposed.

Ricardo Choren NOYA. Uma linguagem de modelagem para sistemas baseados em agentes. [Title in English: A modeling language for agent based systems] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 20/12/02 121 p. Advisor: Carlos José Pereira de Lucena.

Abstract: The agent technology is gaining acceptance, both in academy and industry, with regards to distributed systems development. Modeling languages and development processes were created to formalize the development of agent based systems. Nevertheless, existing modeling languages are either based on previous development methods (object oriented) or they do not have artifacts (models) that show the agency characteristics that exist in a system. This thesis proposes a modeling language, for agent based systems, that generates artifacts that model agency aspects, such as adaptation, learning, interaction and autonomy. The language has artifacts that allow the modeling of the non-agent part of an agent based system, using ontology.

Robson Mattos GUIMARÃES. Considerando o usuário em aplicações hipermidia. [Title in English: Considering the user in hypermedia applications] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 25/04/02 224 p. Advisor: Daniel Schwabe.

Abstract: This work aims at characterizing the problem in using the user as part of the modeling of a hypermedia project and at extending the OOHDM method to represent such problems. To illustrate the motivation, several cases of Web site personalization and information security applied to information systems based on Web are presented. The OOHDM method is extended using new primitives, such as user and role, that are also used in the definition of the main components of this method: navigational classes, links, access structures and contexts. The hypermedia application framework patterns raised to customization are described. Besides that, it is presented how the OOHDM-WEB 2.0 can be altered in order to contemplate the proposed extensions.

Rogério Luís de Carvalho COSTA. Alocação de dados e distribuição de carga para execução paralela da estratégia BLAST de comparação de sequências. [Title in English: Data placement and workload distribution for the parallel execution of BLAST sequence comparison strategy] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 27/03/02 75 p. Advisor: Sergio Lifschitz.

Abstract: The BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is the sequence comparison strategy mostly used in computational biology. While molecular biology databases are getting larger, performance has become an important problem to be solved. Indeed, depending on the processing environment, sequences complexity and the database size, a BLAST execution for a given sequences input set may last for hours or even days. Among all distinct solutions that aim at obtaining better performances, we are interested here in the use of multiprocessor machines and parallel techniques. In this dissertation we study the use of distributed database design methods for executing BLAST in a shared-nothing parallel architecture. We propose specific data allocation approaches similar to conventional fragmentation and replication techniques. We give some practical results obtained from a PC cluster-based implementation with MPI and a WU-BLAST version, which is kept unchanged. The main parameters evaluated include the number and size of input sequences and also the database size. Besides presenting detailed results for performance and speedup, we discuss tasks distribution strategies to deal with load balancing issues.

Ulf BERGMANN. Evolução de cenários através de um mecanismo de rastreamento baseado em transformações. [Title in English: Scenario evolution with a transformation based traceability approach] Ph.D.Thesis. Port. Presentation: 18/12/02 224 p. Advisor: Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite.

Abstract: The importance of traceability in software evolutions was quite established, but despite the effort spent, they are many issues that difficult they effective use. These issues are related to the generating and validating of trace information about the relationships and interdependencies between the real world, the requirements and the software system. This information is often mistrusted since they may have become obsolete due to separate evolution of models and systems. This thesis study the use of the transformational technology in the implementation of a traceability mechanism that automatically obtain trace information by identifying the changes made in consecutive artifact versions and store it as transformations. The main advantages gained with its uses are the elimination of the problems of the lack of trace information updating, the systematization of the trace process and the decrease of the cost to obtain, update and validate trace information. Besides these benefits, the storage of trace information in the form of transformations incorporates a larger knowledge on the accomplished modeling, unlike other mechanisms that only store the artifacts and their static inter-relationships.

Viviane Monteiro BRACONI. Heurísticas multifluxo para roteamento de produtos em redes dutoviárias. [Title in English: Multiflow heuristics for products routing in networks of pipes] M.Sc.Diss. Port. Presentation: 26/04/02 78 p. Advisor: Ruy Luiz Milidiú.

Abstract: This master's dissertation deals with the Problem of Petroleum Derived Products Transportation through Pipelines(PTDPO). We focus on Petrobras nets located in the State of Sao Paulo. These networks represent the most intense operations of Petrobras. Each network is composed of a set of areas (bases) and segments. The bases are responsible for the production and delivery of the products. The areas are not self-sufficient in the supply of their consumers' markets so it is necessary to transport products through pipes. Considering that initial configuration and consumption values are already available, the problem consists of determining how to operate the network of pipes to satisfy the demand within a established time interval without violating the technological restrictions.The PTDPO is a problem of NP-Complete class. As this is a difficult problem and because of the implementation difficulties and acquisition of data, we decided to simplify the problem to obtain better results. In order to find to solution to the problem, we propose a heuristic approach separated in two phases: planning of the products to be pumped and scheduling of the products to be pumped. In the first phase of the proposed heuristic we adopted a relaxation of the problem that makes possible the use of linear programming for definition of routes and products necessary to satisfy the demand of the network . In this phase the proposed model is derived from the network flows model with multiperiods. Due to the difficulty in obtaining an integer result in a reasonable execution time, we restricted the solution to the continuous model. In the scheduling phase we defined for each segment the order of pumping of the products. This order could be modified if some restriction of tank's capacity were violated. If it is necessary, we can accomplish interactions between the heuristic phases to find a feasible solution for PTDPO. In our experiments using a Pentium III 850MHz and the XPRESS-MP application, version 1.2, we found feasible solutions for 5 instances pertaining to two different network of Petrobras, for programming intervals varying between 5 and 30 operational days. Most of these instances were built on the real data of the Petrobras. As a whole, the processing time used for obtaining these results did not exceed 20 minutes. In searching for a feasible scheduling, this work promoted a detailed study of the PTDPO and its intrinsic difficulties. Among other aspects, it made possible development of more efficient linear formulation provided a better understanding of the problem as a result of the performed experiments.