Monografias em Ciência da Computação



Departmento de Informática 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

This file contains a list of the technical reports of the Departmento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil, which are published in our series Monografias em Ciência da Computação (ISSN 0103-9741), edited by Prof. Carlos Lucena. Please note that the reports not available for download are available in their print format and can be obtained via the e-mail below.
For any questions, requests or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho

Last update: 16/DECEMBER/2008


NUNES, C.P.B.; NUNES, I.O.; KULESZA, U.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Developing and evolving multi-agent system product lines. 72 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Software Product Line (SPL) approaches motivate the development and implementation of a flexible and adaptable architecture to enable software reuse in organizations. The SPL architecture addresses a set of common and variable features of a family of products. Based on this architecture, products can be derived in a systematic way. A multi-agent system product line (MAS-PL) defines an SPL architecture that is modularized, also using software agents to model, design and implement its common and variable features. This paper presents the development of an MAS-PL for the web domain, describing its architecture, the agents that compose the system and details of the object-oriented implementation and design. This MAS-PL consists of the evolutionary development of the ExpertCommitee (EC) web-based system. Furthermore, this paper presents an analysis of this MAS-PL, reporting some lessons learned based on our experience in the development of the MAS-PL as: features type, crosscutting features where the aspect-oriented programming is relevant to improve the separation of concerns, and some problems with SPL methodologies.

.G.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G. Nested context language 3.0 – Part 10: interactive object in NCL: the NCLUA scripting language. 52  p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: This technical report describes how imperative NCL objects may be related to other NCL objects and how imperative object players shall behave. NCL (Nest Context Language) is an XML application language based on the NCM (Next Context Model) conceptual model for hypermedia document specification, with temporal and spatial synchronization among its media objects. NCLUA objects and players are also described as an example. Lua is in the main scripting language of NCL and the standard language for the Brazilian DTV System.  

CRUZ, V.M.; MORENO, M.F.; SOARES, L.F.G. TV Digital para dispositivos portáteis-middlewares. 69 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: This document is a study about the Digital Television technologies, mainly about the available declarative middlewares, and its use on protable devices.

IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; MOURA, A.L. Some proofs about coroutines. 17 P. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper presents some formal proofs regarding the equivalence of expressive power of asymmetric coroutines, symmetric coroutines, one-shot continuations, and one-shot delimited continuations.

VASCONCELOS, C.N.; SA, A.M.; CARVALHO, P.C.P.; GATTASS, M. Using quadtrees for energy minimization via graph cuts. 16 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Energy minimization via graph cut is widely used to solve several computer vision problems. In the standard formulation, the optimization procedure is applied to a very large graph, since a graph node is created for each pixel of the image. This makes it difficult to achieve interactive running times. We propose modifying this set-up by introducing a pre-processing step that groups similar pixels, aiming to reduce the number of nodes and edges present in the graph for which a minimum cut is to be found. We use a quadtree structure to cluster similar pixels, motivated by fact that it induces an easily retrievable neighborhood system between its leaves. The resulting quadtree leaves rerplace the image pixels in the construction of the graph, substantially reducing its size. We also take advantage of some of the new GPGPU concepts and algorithms to efficiently compute the energy function terms, its penalties and the quadtree structure, allowing us to take a step toward a real time solution for energy minimization via graph cuts. We illustrate the proposed method in an application that addresses the problem of image segmentation of natural images by active illumination.

GUIMARAES, F.J.Z.; SOUZA, C.S. Análise de um ambiente de apoio a comunidades de prática utilizando o método de inspeção semiótica. 22 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: Such work aims at presenting a supporting environment analysis to Communities of Practice and it was developed, implemented and use as well in a large organization. One of the analysis methods used is the Semiotic Inspection Method (SIM) proposed by the Semiotic Engineering, what allows the characterization the design intent in richness of details. Another method used is the user's interview as to characterize the user's experience. In contrast with the results of both methods we come to the conclusion that: the advantages of using SIM as an evaluation tool of suppporting environment to Communities of Practice and its importance of supporting conversation and continuous contextualization in such environments.

FAUSTINO,G.M.; GATTI, M.A.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; GATTASS, M. A multi-agent-based 3D visualization of stem cell behavior. 11 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper presents some results achieve in order to build a multi-agent based 3D visualization for the stem cell behavior simulation. The main challenge of this work was to develop the visualization of the behavior of stem cells, such as proliferation and differentiation as self-organizing agents, considering that it is an autonomous, adaptive, complex system. We designed the stem cell spatial self-organization that made it possible to visualize the emergent phenomenon and the entity agent. It also allowed visualization of the interaction between the agent and the environment.

IERUSALIMSCHY, R. A text pattern-matching tool based on parsing expression grammars. 28 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Current text pattern-matching tools are based on regular expresions. However, pure regular expressions have proven too weak a formalism for the task: many interesting patterns either are difficult to describe (e.g., C identifiers) or cannot be described by regular expressions (e.g., parenthesized expressions). Moreover, the inherently non-determinism of regular expressions does not fit the need to capture specific parts of a match. Moved by these reasons, most scripting languages nowadays use pattern-matching tools that extend the original regular-expression formalism with a set of ad hoc features, such as greedy repetitions, lazy repetitions, possessive repetitions, "longest match rule", lookahead, etc. These ad hoc extensions bring their own set of problems, such as lack of a formal foundation and complex implementation. In this paper, we propose the use of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) as a basis for pattern matching. Following this proposal, we present LPEG, a pattern-matching tool based on PEGs for the Lua scripting language. LPEG unifies the ease of use of pattern-matching tools with the full expressive power of PEGs. Because of this expressive power, it can avoid the myriad of ad hoc constructions present in several current pattern-matching tools. We also present a Parsing Machine that allows a small and efficient implementation of PEGs for pattern matching.

SILVESTRE, B.O.; ROSSETO, S.; RODRIGUEZ, N.R; BRIOT, J-P. Flexibility and coordination in event-based, loosely-coupled, distributed systems. 22 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Coordination languages are tools to manager the interactions among the parts of distributed systems. However, applications with a large scaled distribution and loosely coupled interaction demand flexible coordination mechanisms instead of pre-defined models. We believe that characteristics of dynamic progrmming languages and coordination libraries can provide more appropriate control on the application interactions.

SERRANO, M.; SERRANO, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Engineering multi-agent systems for the design and implementation of ubiquitous computing. 18 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Agent properties are very relevant for the domain of ubiquitous application. This is especially true for the properties of mobility and autonomy. Moreover, agent collaboration and technologies such as reasoning, learning and goal-oriented planning help to solve one of the main Ubiquitous Computing concerns: to provide services to clients that are in a distributed world and that have only limited mobile devices to access them. In addition, the Belief Desire Intention (BDI) Model with goals, plans, beliefs, plans deliberations, events and other JADEX agent capabilities is useful to allow for goal-oriented modeling. This modeling approach makes it is easy to maintain the ubiquitous requirement of traceability,including functional and non-functional requirements. Based on this, evolutionary maintenance can be achieved using the previous deployment decisions through the analysis of the goal-oriented model. Some of challenges for Software Engineering in the realm of ubiquity include dealing with content adaptation, security, mobility, requirement modeling, ethno-methodology (e.g. personalities, capabilities and users' preferences) and different profiles (e.g. network, user, device and content profiles). In this challenging and almost untapped context, we have conducted novel experimental research that investigates the engineering of Multi-Agent Systems in association with Ubiquitous Computing.

SANTOS, I.H.F.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GATTASS, M. A service oriented architecture for a collaborative engineering environment in petroleum engineering. 15 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstrac: In this paper we discuss the scenario of Petroleum Engineering projects at Petrobras, a large Brazilian governamental oil & gas company. Based on this scenario, we propose a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for a Collaborative Problem Solving Environment (CPSE), that we call Collaborative Engineering Environment (CEE), responsible for controlling and executing specialized engineering projects in the oil & gas industry. The environment is composed by the integration of three different technologies for distributed group work: Scientific Workflow Management System (ScWfMS), Multimedia Collaborative System (MMCS) and Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE).

SANTOS, I.H.F.; RAPOSO, A.B.; SOARES, L.P.; CORSEUIL, E.T.L.; WAGNER, G.N.; SANTOS, P.I.N.; TOLEDO, R.; GATTASS, M. EnViron: an integrated VR tool for engineering projects. 6 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: One of the objectives in engineering departments of large industries is the implementation of integrated information systems to manage their projects' life cycle. EnViron (ENvironment for VIRtual Objects Navigation) is an application motivated by the demand to use Virtual Reality (VR) in large industrial engineering models generated by CAD tools. EnViron's main goal is to offer 3D visualization resources for CAD models with enough realism to be used for virtual prototyping, collaborative design review, change management systems and training, among other activities.

SERRANO, M.; SERRANO, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Modeling ubiquitous applications based on agent's intentionality and multi-agent systems. 20 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Current approaches for distributed computing need to be improved and extended for the ubiquitous computing domain. This new and relevant computing application area has issued original concerns and challenges, such as different devices, users and services. Thus, an appropriate approach in needed for coordinating heterogeneous computers that act as a virtual computer around a distributed, mobile and ubiquitous computing environment. Moreover, this approach has to support various services (e.g. downloads, payment, sales) that are presently beyond the capacities of single computers. In this scenario, the possibilities offered by use of well-engineered Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) seem to offer possibilities. In order to investigate appropriate ways to deal with the challenges brought about by ubiquitous computing and to investigate novel software engineering methods and techniques for this domain, we have developed an exemplar application centered on a collaborative Multi-Agent System. This application provides an experimental platform for experimental research in distributed and mobile environments. For the deployment of the application, we have used several MAS concepts such as agent's intentionality and the Belief Desire Intention Model (BDI Model). Based on the described experimentation, we have development a specific Software Engineering method for Ubiquitous Computing based on Multi-Agent Systems and Agent's Intentionality.

LUCENA, C.J.P. Uma agenda de pesquisa para o jovem profissional em Engenharia de Software. 10 p. Eng. E-mail:

The development and operation of high-quality widely-available software is essential for modern society to function, and the knowledge to create such software, called software engineering, can lead to a stimulating and fulfilling career. Thus, young people with very different backgrounds should consider this exciting field as it contains many problems related to both technology and economics, whose clear solution promises substantial rewards. For those with an interest in a research career, software engineering also offers many open problems in need of solution.


COSTA, A.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SILVA, V.T.; ALENCAR, P.S.C. A hybrid diagnostic-recommendation system for agent execution in multi-agent systems. 18 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Open multi-agent systems are societies with autonomous and heterogeneous agents that can work together to achieve similar or different goals. Agents executing in such systems may not be able to achieve their goals due to failures during system execution. This paper's main goals are to understand why such failures occurred and what can be done to remediate the problem. The distributed, dynamic and open nature of multi-agent systems calls for a new form of failure handling approach to adress its inique requirements, which involves both diagnosing specific failures and recommending alternative plans for successful agent execution and goal attainment. In this paper, we discuss solutions to the main challenges of creating a system that can perform diagnoses and provide
recommendations about agent executions to support goal attainment, and propose a hybrid diagnostic-recommendation framework that provides support for methods to address such challenges.


COSTA, A.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SILVA, V.T.; AZEVEDO, S.C.; SOARES, F.A. Computing reputation in the art context: agent design to handle negotiation challenges. 21 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Multi-agent systems are societies in which autonomous and heterogeneous entities can work together to achieve similar or different goals. However, it is offten a difficult task to perceive when an agent can be trusted to perform a specific negotiation. In other words, to establish its reputation. For that purpose, a number of models and strategies have been studied and proposed in the literature. The AAMAS Agent Reputation Trust (ART) Tesbed competition has been created to make it possible to compare different strategies. This is achieved through an environment for agent-based simulation games. In the second edition of ART tha took place in 2007, new models and strategies emerged that incorporated important research contributions to the field. In this paper, we provide the description of the main set of concerns that we took into consideration to create a competitive strategy for the second version of ART. We go beyond that by providing explanations for tested good strategies that permit comparisons with the 2006 winning strategy.

CONCEICÃO, D.B.; GATTI, M.A.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. An agent-based framework for stem cell behavior modeling and simulation. 15 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper presents an agent-based framework for the modeling and simulation of stem cell behavior. It covers a simplified cell life cycle model and stem proliferation and differentiation process. We instantiated the framework for the neurons cell differentiation process. We belive that in silico stem cell therapy is an important step for in vitro stem cell therapy research, reducing costs and avoiding some ethical issues.

GATTI, M.A.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Cell simulation: an agent-based software engineering approach. 17 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: The simulation of cellular processes involves diverse components and complex interactions. All cellular subsystems are highly nonlinear, and subsystem couplings are often nonlinear as well. This nonlinearity indicates that the whole system is not equivalent to the sum of its subsystems and their interactions will procedure emergent phenomena. We also know that multi-agent systems are heterogeneous interactive systems composed of subsystems called agents which produce an emergent behavior. It is outr belief that to successfully model such cell processes, simulation systems must meet a number of computational requirements, from the area of agent-based software engineering in its design and implementation. That said, this paper arques why we need an agent-based software engineering approach for modeling and simulating cell behavior and processes. To support our hypothesis we have developed a framework that can be reused for simulating different kinds of cells and different cellular processes rather than only stem cell behavior. There is a 3D visualization tool and the framework can be instantiated to different differentiation processes rather than only to neuron generation.

GATTI, M.A.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D. Self-organization and emergent behavior in multi-agents systems: a blo-inspired method and representation model. 35 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Self-organization is a dynamic and adaptative process where components of a system acquire and maintain information about their environment and neighbors without external control. A fundamental engineering issue when designing self-organization emergent multi-agent systems (MASs) is to achieve required macroscopic properties by manipulating the microscopic behavior of locally interacting agents. Current agent-oriented methodologies are mainly focused on engineering such microscopic issues as the agents, the rules, the protocols, and their interaction without explicit support for engineering the required outcome of the system. The novel emergence property adjustment requires a discrete agent-based model to interface with the continuous simulation tools and interact with them as they move towards convergence. In contrast with current approaches, we propose a bio-inspired approach consisting of a method that allows a systematic specification (i.e., a representation model) of desirable macroscopic properties, which can be mapped into the behavior of individual agents, followed by development of a system, and the interactive adjustment of the required emergent macroscopic properties that need to be achieved.

GATTI, M.A.C.; MILIDIÚ, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Verificando e otimizando agentes adaptativos auto-organizaveis. 7 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: We present in this paper the research done in order to use a learning technique to optimize the agent' self-organization. Those agents represent a biological system, more specifically, the stem cells behavior. We need to optimize their emergent behavior. To accomplish this goal, we've used Plansim, a tool for planners' agents, and the LRTA* algorithm. We've done some experiments in order to evaluate the research hypothesis's adequacy. We  describe the work done, the results achieved with some discusion and the future work.

PAES, R.B.: LUCENA, C.J.P.; CARVALHO, G.R. Implementation of dependability explicit computing in open multi-agent systems by using interaction laws. 19 p. Port. E-mail:

In this paper we propose to incorporate the Dependability Explicit Computing (DepEx) ideas into a law-governed approach in order to build dependable open multi-agent systems. We show that the law specification can explicitly incorporate dependability concerns, collect data and publish them in a metadata registry. This data can be used to realize DepEx and, for example, it can help to guide design and runtime decisions. The advantages of using a law-approach are (i) the explicit specification of the dependability concerns; (ii) the automatic collection of the dependability metadata reusing the mediators’ infrastructure presenting in law-governed approaches; and (iii) the ability to specify reactions to undesirable situations, thus preventing service failures.

PAES, R.B.: LUCENA, C.J.P.; CARVALHO, G.R. Incorporation of dependability concerns in the specification of multi-agent interactions by using a law approach. 13 p Port. E-mail:

There has been a considerable amount of research using the notion of interaction laws to define the expected behavior of an open multi-agent system. In open multi-agent systems, there is little or no control over the behavior of the agents. In this paper we introduce laws as a way to support system structuring for fault tolerance. The idea is that mediators can provide very powerful means for detecting problems and allow for flexible recovery after they have been detected. The detection strategies are specified through the laws. We also discuss how some dependability attributes can be incorporated into the law specification and present the specification of two fault tolerance techniques to illustrate our approach.

FURTADO, A.L. A four-sided view of plot composition. 27 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper argues that the process of plot composition can be viewed under a four-sided perspective, induced by the presence of syntagmatic, antithetic and meronymic relations between the constituent events. In turn, these relations are shown to be associated with the four major tropes of semiotic research. A set of facilities for interactive plot composition and adaptation dealing with these four relations is described. To accomodate antithetic relations, corresponding to the irony trope, our plan-based approach leaves room for the unplanned. To illustrate the discussion, as well as the description of a logic programming prototype implementation, we use a small number of events, which, in strikingly different combinations, have been treated repeatedly in literary works.

LACHTERMACHER, L.; SILVEIRA, D.S.; PAES, R.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Transformando o diagrama de atividade em uma Rede de Petri. 21 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: With the evolution of the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), there is a big concern about model transformation. The OMG (Object Management Group ) recently adopted a standard transformation language called Query View Transformation (QVT). The main goal of this paper is to perform a transformation between models, where the source model used was Activity Diagram shown in UML 2.0 and the target model was Petri Net.

NUNES, I.O.; KULESZA, U.; NUNES, C.P.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P.  Documenting and modeling multi-agent systems product lines. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

This work presents a new machine learning strategy that combines the feature selection characteristics of Decision Trees (DT) and the robustness of Transformation Based Learning (TBL). The proposed method, Entropy Guided Transformation Learning (ETL), produces transformation rules that are more effective than decision trees and also eliminates the need of a problem domain expert to build TBL templates. We carry out experiments with three computational linguistic tasks: Portuguese noun phrase chunking, English base noun phrase chunking and text chunking. In all three tasks, ETL shows better results than Decision Trees and TBL with hand-crafted templates. ETL also provides a new training strategy that accelerates transformation learning by a factor of five. For Portuguese noun phrase chunking, ETL shows the best reported results for the task. For the other two linguistic tasks, ETL shows state-of-the-art competitive results and maintains the advantages of using a rule based system.

TANABE, A.  A verbal stemmer for the Brazilian portuguese language. 9 p. Eng. E-mail:

This paper describes a Verbal Stemmer for the Brazilian Portuguese idiom, with recognition of verbal forms playing a main role in this process. After a word has been recognized as an accurate verbal form, the process outputs the corresponding in-finitive form of the verb. The infinitive form is the correct stem for the verbal form. Por-tuguese verbal recognition is a hard task for a computer, because the idiom is very rich in inflected verbal forms, with many irregularities. A painstaking task of constructing a knowledge base for the recognition of Brazilian Portuguese verbs by computer has been accomplished. With more than 4,000 verbs it has a broad coverage when consider-ing words currently in use.

SILVA, A.O.; COLCHER, S.  Evolução da otimização do handoff no Mobile IP. 23 p. Eng. E-mail:

 Mobile IP is intended to enable nodes to move from one IP subnet to another. Although its architecture be suitable for its purpose, the process associated to node transition among IP subnets that change the point of attachment, known as handoff or handover, presents two factors that disturb real-time applications and interactive or delay sensitive ones. The first factor is the high latency of this process that generates a long period of time without receiving packets. The second one refers to the high number of packets dropped or delayed because of the change of the point of attachment. This monograph aims to present the evolution of MIP handoff optimization with focus on proposals that were published as RFCs and Drafts, also presenting results of researches that demonstrate the effective gain of these optimizations.

SILVA, A.O.; SOARES, L.F.G.; COLCHER, S.  Aprimoramentos no RSVP para o Mobile IPv6. 33 p. Eng. E-mail:

 Internet was originally conceived to offer only a very simple quality of service (QoS) support, known as point-to-point best-effort data delivery. As this service model does not attend requisites of real-time applications, the Integrated Services (Int-Serv) model was specified to provide QoS support to end-to-end hosts on a network. Among its functionalities, this model incorporates the necessary mechanisms to provide resource reservation control and admission control on network elements. However, the signaling protocol specified to setup resource reservation (RSVP) does not operate efficiently with mobile end-to-end hosts. This deficiency and the evolution of mobile networks determined the elaboration of innumerous proposals to enhance RSVP with new controls to provide QoS guarantees on environments with IP mobility. This monograph presents the requirements to provide a service model with QoS support to Mobile IP and analyses several proposals to enhance RSVP based on these requirements.

SILVA, A.O.; ENDLER, M.; COLCHER, S.  Otimização do Handover na camada de rede (L3) utilizando o Media Independent Handover (MIH). 28 p. Port. E-mail:

 The growth of availability of different broadband wireless network technologies increased the interest on seamless heterogeneous handover (vertical handover). To achieve this goal, a Generic Link Layer (GLL) was proposed as a reference model to allow the exchange of information between layers 2 and 3. In order to standardize a GLL, IEEE created a working group to specify the Media Independent Handover (MIH), also known as IEEE 802.21. As MIH information become available, MIPv6 and its optimizations, HMIPv6 and FMIPv6, can reduce L3 handover latency and, as a consequence, packet loss. This monograph aims to present MIH specification and the enhancements proposed to handover procedure.

BARBOSA, S.D.J.; CIARLINI, A.E.M.; FURTADO, A.L.; CASANOVA, M.A.  A four-sided view of plot composition
(and the PlotBoard tool). 30 p. Eng. E-mail:

The use of suitable methods for plot composition is a key issue for obtaining interactive storytelling systems that are able to entertain and surprise. In this paper, it is argued that the process of plot composition can be viewed under a four-sided perspective, induced by the presence of syntagmatic, paradigmatic, antithetic and meronymic relations between the constituent events. In turn, these relations are shown to be associated with the four major tropes of semiotic research. A modelling discipline is described, together with a set of facilities for interactive plot composition and adaptation, on the basis of these four relations. To accommodate antithetic relations, corresponding to the irony trope, our planbased approach leaves room for the unplanned. To illustrate the discussion, as well as the design and use of a logic programming prototype implementation, we employ an example involving a small number of events, which, in strikingly different combinations, have been treated repeatedly in literary works.

NUNES, I.O.; KULESZA, U.; NUNES, C.P.B.; CIRILO, E.J.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Extending web-based applications to incorporate autonomous behavior. 14 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Web applications are popular nowadays due to the ubiquity of the client and also because user experience is becoming each time more interactive. However, several tasks of these applications can be automated. Agent-oriented software engineering has emerged as a new software engineering paradigm to allow the development of applications that present autonomous behavior. In this work, we present two case studies of web-based systems, on which we added autonomous behavior by means of software agents. We also discuss some design and implementation issues found on the development of those systems and propose an architectural pattern as a consequence of our case studies.

NUNES, I.O.; KULESZA, U.; NUNES, C.P.B.; CIRILO, E.J.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Extending PASSI to model multi-agent systems product lines. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Multi-agent System Product Lines (MAS-PLs) have emerged to integrate software product lines (SPLs) and agent-oriented software engineering techniques by incorporating their respective benefits and helping the industrial exploitation of agent technology. Some approaches have been proposed in this context; however, they do not address development scenarios of traditional SPL architectures using agent abstraction. In this paper, we present a new approach for modeling MAS-PLs, focusing the domain analysis stage. Our approach is based on PASSI methodology and incorporates some extensions to address agency variability. A case study, OLIS (OnLine Intelligent Services), illustrates our approach.

COSTA, A.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SILVA, V.T.; COWAN, D.D.; ALENCAR, P.S.C.; KEEDWELL, B.G. Using reputations to diagnose and recommend execution plans to software agents in ubiquitous computing systems. 20 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) organized as collections of autonomous and heterogeneous agents working together to achieve a set of goals is a new paradigm in the software engineering of complex and distributed systems. However, it may be the case that the collection of agents is not able to attain their goals owing to failures during the execution of their related plan. When an agent tries to achieve its desired goals, but faces failures during execution, it becomes important to understand why such failures occurred and what can be done to remedy the problem. In this paper, we discuss solutions to the main challenges of performing diagnoses, namely determining what caused the failure of a plan, and to provide recommendations for alternate plans so that the collection of agents may repeat its attempt to achieve its goal. We also propose a hybrid diagnostic-recommendation framework that provides support for different methods of addressing such challenges. We focus on ubiquitous computing applications to demonstrate the proposed framework.

AZEVEDO, S.C.; ABREU NETTO, M.T.; COSTA, A.D.; BORSATO, B.S.S.; SOARES, F.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Multi-agent system for stock exchange simulation - MASSES. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Competitions based on Multi-Agent Systems have encouraged the academic Community to conduct several contributions in the area. Based on real world cases, the Multi-Agent System for Stock Exchange Simulation (MASSES) was conceived. The application domain used by the simulator is the Stock Exchange Market, where agents 
play the investor's role. From the MASSES studies between different strategies can be carried out and the results analyzed in order to verify how they behave in different situations. This paper aims to explain MASSES, in addition to show test results from the investment strategies used in the real world.

COSTA, A.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SILVA, V.T.; SANTOS NETO, B.F. Applying the concept of agent reputation to the context of diagnoses and recommendations for agent's execution plans. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: In Multi-Agent Systems, autonomous and heterogeneous agents can work together to achieve the same or different goals. When an agent is not able to attain its goals, a big challenge is to understand the reason why this happens, and what can be done to remedy the problem. In this paper, we propose a hybridiagnostic recommendation framework that provides support for different challenges in performing diagnoses, namely determining what caused the failure of a plan. We also offer recommendations for alternate plans so that the collection of agents may repeat the attempt to achieve its goal. The example used to demonstrate the proposed framework is based on ubiquitous computing.

AVILA, B.T.; LABER, E.S.; GATTASS, M. Merge source coding. 10 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This paper presents a new entropy coding called Merge Source Coding, which is based on merging algorithms. We show that any merging algorithm can be used as a basis for a binary entropy coder. As a consequence, a new binary entropy coder is proposed, which is called Binary Merge Coder. Experimental evaluation shows that it presents little redundancy and that it is much faster than arithmetic coders and quantized indexing coders. We believe that it can be a valuable contribution to those interested in real-time compression.

REIS, V.Q.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G.  Gerenciamento de recursos em ambientes distribuídos: uma visão do escalonamento de processos. 25 p. Port. E-mail:

As distributed computing infrastructures get more and more eterogeneous, with a higher quantity of nodes, the role of the resource managers become more important. Resource managers, responsible for ensuring system usage policies, have been through several changes in order to efficiently manage highly diversifed environments, such as the ones which are found in grids. This paper presents the research about four different resource managers one can find in the literature; also it identifes the main functionalities provided by the mentioned resource managers. The main goal is that the identifed basic profile can be used as a guideline for future implementations of resource managers in distributed computational environments.

REIS, V.Q.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G. Estudo de mecanismos para a reserva de processamento em sistemas computacionais. 24 p. Port. E-mail:

This paper presents the description of four projects which propose processing reservation in computational systems. The document exposes different ways of implementation which have their architectures analyzed under several aspects such as modularity, portability, scheduling flexibility and adaptation. Finally, in the conclusion section, a brief comparative study is presented, focusing on the main characteristics that must be found in computational systems which provide processing reservation.

REIS, V.Q.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G. Gerenciamento de recursos no monitor de máquinas virtuais Xen.  19 p. Port. E-mail:

With the popularization of grid and utility computing systems, virtual machines have reappeared as a feasible option for multiplexing resources among the different services hosted in a same machine. Virtual machines are able to ensure security and performance isolation for the different active domains of a system, in addition to increasing the system resource utilization. This paper presents, in a detailed manner, the architecture of a virtual machine monitor which has gained a great relevance in the academic area, the Xen. The paper sections describe the virtualization technique that Xen adopts for computer devices. The goal of these sections is to provide a basic knowledge about how Xen's resource management works and is implemented.

MALCHER, M.; ENDLER, M. M. A Context-aware collaborative presentation system for handhelds. 12 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Many systems support sharing and co-edition of slides, and thus enable active engagement and collaborative interaction among users of portable devices during lectures or meetings. The majority of these systems, however, run only on larger and more resource-full devices, like notebooks or tablet PCs. Handhelds, such as pocket PCs and smart phones, are becoming cheaper, lighter and with increasing computational power and storage capacity. Therefore, these devices are now also equally eligible for adoption in interactive classes, in the same way as notebooks and tablet PCs are used. In this paper, we present a collaborative presentation system named Interactive Presenter for Handhelds (iPH) which supports sharing and co-edition of slide presentations, and which runs on both tablet PCs and handhelds. We also report the ndings of performance tests and usability experiments with iPH on handhelds in an exercise class.

MONTEIRO, J.M.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; BRAYNER, A. Estado da arte em auto-sintonia do projeto.  37 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: Database physical design plays a critical role regarding performance. There has been considerable work on automated physical design tuning for database systems. Existing solutions require offline invocations of the tuning tool and strongly depend upon the capacity of DBAs to identify significant workloads manually. In real-world dynamic environments, with various ad-hoc queries, it is diffcult to identify potentially useful indexes in advance. A few initiatives present brief descriptions of prototypes that address some aspects of online physical tuning. This work presents a partial survey in automated database physical design. We introduce a new taxonomy for the research efforts in autonomic databases. We give a detailed comparative analysis among the approaches for the automated database physical design available in the literature.

MONTEIRO, J.M.; LIFSCHITZ, S.; BRAYNER, A.  Extraindo metadados para a captura da carga de trabalho e planos de execução de SGBDs. 29 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: The performance of database servers is a key factor for the success of mission-critical applications. In order to ensure acceptable performances, we need to continuously monitor the database server's infrastructure. Whenever an unexpected event that reduces the system performance is detected, the DBMS must react immediately, solving the problems e±ciently. The main source of information used for database performance monitoring is the DBMS metadata. However, checking these metadata information is highly dependent of the DBMS version. In this work we present a study of database metadata of some popular and widely used DBMSs: PostgreSQL 8, Oracle 10g and SQL Server 2005. We give a series of programming scripts that may be used to fetch the database workload, together with the corresponding I/O Cost and Execution Plan. Moreover, we also capture statistical information used in the process of performance analysis and solutions.

Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software. 115 p. Port. E-mail:

Proceedings of the first Brazilian meeting to discuss issues related to the education of software engineers. This meeting is in the context of the 2008’s Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering.

LEME, L.A.P.P.; CASANOVA, M.A.; BREITMAN, K.K.; FURTADO, A. L.  Evaluation of similarity measures and heuristics for simple RDF schema matching. 18 p. Eng. E-mail:

Schema matching is a fundamental issue in database applications, such as query mediation and data warehousing. In this paper, we assume that each database schema to be matched is described in RDF, and contains only class definitions and property definitions whose ranges are XML Schema simple types. We propose and compare RDF property matching heuristics based on similarity functions, applied to sets of observed values. We describe experimental results that show that customized contrast models induce good quality RDF property matchings.

CORTÉS, M.I.; SANTOS, V.A. Software process based on heuristics. 14 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Software process reuse involves different aspects of the knowledge obtained from generic process models and previous successful projects. The benefit of reuse is reached by the definition of an effective and systematic process to specify, produce, classify, retrieve and adapt software artifacts for utilization in another context. In this work we present a formal approach for software process reuse to assist the definition and improvement of the organization’s standard process. The Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) technology is used to manage the collective knowledge of the organization.

MACULAN, N., LUCENA, C.J.P. Brazilian Institute for Web Science Research. 169 p.  Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: This technical report introduces the Brazilian Institute for Web Science Research, which will congregate 110 researchers from 10 Brazilian institutions. Investigations conducted within the Institute will range from understanding the impact the Web has on the daily lives of individuals to meeting the challenges of the Web graph. They will address the problems of developing software for Web-wide applications, of searching, retrieving and managing data stored in hundreds of millions of Web sites, and of proposing novel architectures that overcome the limitations of the current Web infrastructure.

NUNES, I.O.; KULESZA, U.; NUNES, C.P.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P.  A domain engineering process for developing multi-agent systems product lines. 16 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Multi-agent Systems Product Lines (MAS-PLs) have emerged to integrate two promising trends of software engineering: agent-oriented software engineering, which is a new paradigm to support the development of complex and distributed systems based on agent abstraction, and software product lines, a systematic form of reuse that addresses the development of system families that share common and variable features. In this paper, we propose a domain engineering process to develop MAS-PLs, built on top of agentoriented and software product line approaches, addressing agency features modeling and documentation. We describe each one of the process stages, and their respective activities. Our approach is illustrated with a case study, OLIS (OnLine Intelligent Services).

CORREA, S.L.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G. Computação autônoma: uma visão sobre arquiteturas e infra-estruturas. 21 p.  Port. E-mail:

Abstract: Driven by the increasing demand for self-management in computer systems, research in the area of autonomic computing has gained prominence. The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the self-management architectures proposed in the past few years and discuss the underline support required to address their features.

CORREA, S.L.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G. Diagnóstico de falhas e localização de problemas em sistemas Auto-gerenciáveis. 17 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: With the growing size and complexity of computer systems, research in the area of fault diagnosis and problem determination in self-managment systems has started receiving a great deal of attention. The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the existing research in this area and discuss some limitations of the current approaches in order to fully address the self-management issue, specially in large-scale computing environments.

CORREA, S.L.; CERQUEIRA, R.F.G. Estudo de métodos de aprendizado online em sistemas autônomos. 14 p. Port. E-mail:

Abstract: Autonomic computing systems must manage themselves with little or no human intervention. Clearly, decision making is a critical issue in such system, which must learn how and when to invoke actions based on past experience. Learning methods such as clustering, bayesian network and support vector machines have achieved considerable success in several autonomic computing approaches. However most of these works rely on a batch setting where all of the training data is available in advance. There has been little use of online learning in real-time applications. In this work we survey some approaches designed to support online, incremental learning in autonomic system.

 SERRANO, MILENE; SERRANO, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Framework for content adaptation in ubiquitous computing centered on agents’ intentionality and collaborative MAS. 15 p. Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: The proliferation of wireless technologies along with the “anywhere/anytime” paradigm presents new scenarios for service provisioning. This scenarios demand novel technological support capable of dynamically allowing adaptability of services according to user location and preferences and devices capabilities. Mobile devices require an appropriate infrastructure that should be able to dynamically consult different profiles to load, update and discard information. This information is the main ally to provide the best service and guarantee user satisfaction. In this context, there are few satisfactory solutions for content adaptation in ubiquitous applications based on the BDI Model. In order to fill this technological gap, we propose a framework for content adaptation centered on agents’ intentionality and mobility, goal-orientation and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS).

SERRANO, M.; SERRANO, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; LEITE, J.C.S.P.  The modeling and implementation of ubiquitous applications based on agents’ intentionality.  Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Current approaches for distributed computing need to be improved and extended for the ubiquitous computing domain. This new computing application area has issued original challenges, such as different devices and services. Thus, an appropriate approach is needed for coordinating heterogeneous computers that act as a virtual computer around a distributed, mobile and ubiquitous computing environment. Moreover, this approach has to support various services that are presently beyond the capacities of single computers. In this scenario, the possibilities offered by the use of well-engineered Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) seem to offer great possibilities. In order to consider appropriate ways to deal with the challenges brought about by ubiquitous computing and to investigate novel software engineering methods and techniques for this domain, we have developed exemplar applications centered on agent’s intentionality and the Belief Desire Intention Model, that results in a specific Software Engineering method for the modeling and implementation of ubiquitous applications.

SERRANO, M.; SERRANO, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Ubiquitous software development driven by agent’s intentionality. 17 p.  Eng. E-mail:

Abstract: Ubiquitous computing is a novel computational paradigm in which the users’ mobility, the devices’ heterogeneity and the service omnipresence need is intrinsic and intense. In this context, the ubiquitous software development poses some particular challenges that are not yet dealt with by the traditional approaches found in the Software Engineering community. In order to improve the ubiquitous software development, this monograph describes a detailed technological set based on collaborative multi-agent systems, goal-orientation, the BDI model and various frameworks and conceptual models.