Monografias em Ciência da Computação
Departmento de Informática
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
This file contains a list of the technical reports of the Departmento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Brazil,
which are published in our series Monografias em Ciência da Computação (ISSN
0103-9741), edited
by Prof. Carlos Lucena. Please note that the reports not available for download
are available in their print format and can be obtained via the e-mail below.
For any questions, requests or suggestions, please contact:
Rosane Castilho
Last update: 27/DECEMBER/2009
FURTADO, A.L. PMA – a Plot-Manipulation Algebra. 34 p. Eng. E-mail:
Abstract: Plot composition is examined here at a logic design level, an
intermediate stage that comes next to the conceptual level wherein the intended
narrative genre is specified. An abstract data structure is proposed to
represent plots, together with an algebra for manipulating the data structure.
Our purpose is to adapt for narratives the strategy applied to databases by
Codd's relational model. The basic operators of our Plot-Manipulation Algebra (PMA)
were introduced in view of the four fundamental relations between events that we
identified in a previous work. A logic programming prototype was implemented, in
order to run examples using the algebra.
MORENO, M.; MORENO, M. GINGA-NCL - transmissão de aplicações e comandos de
edição ao vivo em sistemas de TV digital. 26 p. Port. E-mail:
DTV applications, with their related media objects, and live editing commands,
with their associated parameters, are transmitted embedded in data structures
supported by asynchronous transport services that must be defined by each
particular DTV system. This report proposes several transport alternatives
supported by Ginga-NCL middleware, stressing their data structures that allow
not only mapping the authoring syntax to the transfer syntax without the
author's intervention and knowledge, but also improving the transmission and
processing performance of DTV applications. Although focusing on the Ginga-NCL
middleware for terrestrial TV and IPTV systems, the proposed alternatives can be
extended to other middlewares.
Nested Context Language 3.0 – Part 12: Support to multiple exhibition devices. 26 p. Port. E-mail:
Abstract: This technical report describes the support offered by NCL 3.0 to
multiple exhibition devices. NCL (Nested Context Language) is an XML application
language based on the NCM (Nested Context Model) conceptual model for hypermedia
document specification, with temporal and spatial synchronization among its
media objects.
FAUSTINO, G.M.; GATTASS, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Automatic embryonic stem cells
detection and counting in fluorescence microscopy images. 22 p. Eng. E-mail:
Abstract: In this
paper, we propose an automatic embryonic stem cell detection and counting method
in fluorescence microscopy images. We handle with pluripotent stem cells
cultured in vitro. Our approach uses the luminance information to generate a
graph-based image representation. Then, a graph mining process is used to detect
the cells. The proposed method was extensively tested on a database of 92 images
and the results were validated by specialists. We obtained an average precision,
recall and F-measure of 93:97%, 92:04% and 92:87%, respectively.
B.; LABER, E.S. Merge source coding revisited. 11 p. Eng. E-mail:
Abstract: We show that any comparison-based
merging algorithm can be naturally mapped into a source coder via a conversion function introduced here. By applying this function over some well known merging
algorithms, namely Binary Merging and Recursive Merging, we realize that they
are closely related to a runlength-based coder with Rice coding and to the
Binary Interpolative Coder, respectively. Furthermore, by applying the
conversion function over the Probabilistic Merging algorithm we obtain a new
runlengthbased coder that uses a variant of the Rice code, namely Randomized
Rice Code. This new code uses a random source of bits with the aim of reducing
its average redundancy with high probability.
L.G.M.; MILIDIÚ, R.L. Aprendizado de máquina para
Intraday Traders do mercado acionário.
25 p. Port. E-mail:
Abstract: In this paper we investigate
current strategies for Automated Intraday Traders of the Market and the state of
the art of Machine Learning techniques. Based on this studies, we propose a new
Intraday Trader which buys when prices are beginning to rise and sells when they
start to fall, based on VWAP information of market stock prices. The trader
strategy uses two market advisors: an interday detector of buy/sell candidate
days and an intraday detector of buy/sell instants of candidate days. For the
interday detector we use a SVM predictor to classify wether the next day VWAP
will rise or fall. For the intraday detector, we use a committee of SVR and PLS
to forecast daily VWAP, aiming at buying/selling below/above the VWAP,
respectively. For testing the new trader, we use the LearnTrade Framework that
supports: financial time series predictors, simulation resources for automated
traders and a dataset of Bovespa. Promissing results were obtained with maximum
profit of 75% for stocks with positive mean returns and 3.7% for stocks with
negative mean returns.
VARASCHIM, J.D. Implantando o SCRUM em um ambiente
de desenvolvimento de produtos para Internet.
18 p. Port. E-mail:
Abstract: Internet companies need to
implement products rapidly and efficiently, respecting time-to-market. In
addition, as the popularity of agile development, companies are discovering that
simply breaking down projects into small iterations is not enough. Agile methods
require changes in management, architecture, testing as well as project
management. Given the large adjustments required, enterprises are looking for
some guidance.
J.D.; ARAGÃO, M.V.S.P.; SILVA, D.S.P. Competitive
deterministic heuristics for permutation flow shop scheduling.
20 p. Eng. E-mail:
Abstract: In the last 50 years, the
Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with makespan minimization (PFSP) has
been a central and well-studied problem in Scheduling and Operations Research
communities, known by its intractability, from theoretical and practical aspects.
This work introduces polynomial time deterministic heuristics for the PFSP based
on pruning techniques of the implicit enumeration tree following new extensions
of the classical NEH heuristic. Experimental results attest that the proposed
methods currently stand among the most eectives for the PFSP.
GATTI, M.A.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. A multi-environment multi-agent simulation
framework for self-organizing systems.
13 p. Eng. E-mail:
Abstract: This paper introduces a
multi-environment simulation framework for building self-organizing multi-agent
systems. From an engineering point of view, the multienvironments approach
brings the necessary modularity and separation of concerns to build
self-organizing multi-agent systems that address hierarchy, interoperability and
multi-aspects problems and domains. Our framework provides higher abstractions
and components to support the development of self-organizing systems with
multiple environments, which can be situated or not. Furthermore, the framework
provides a coordination component and self-organizing design patterns to be
instantiated and flexibility to evolve the framework with more complex patterns.
To date, the literature does not present any architectural self-organizing
pattern reuse at implementation level.
funcionais para um middleware paralelo e distribuído de sistemas multi-agentes
auto-organizáveis. 6 p. Eng. E-mail:
With the technological advance, some
research areas turn itself more dependants to advanced computer system.
Laboratory simulations become more expensive and take too long to be performed
and computer simulations provide a more affordable way to make scientific
experiences. Either way, the actual computers are still not so advanced to
provide an efficient mechanism for those experiences to be executed in a
satisfactory time. On this paper, it is described part of a framework’s
architecture with the goal to provide an infra-structure to run agent-based
simulations on a parallel and/or distributed environment, with total
transparency to the system developer.
GATTI, M.A.C.; SANGIORGI, U.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P. Towards a model driven approach
for engineering self-organizing multi-agent systems. 10 p. Eng. E-mail:
This paper introduces a tool for modeling
self-¬organizing multi¬-agent systems based on a design approach that contains
models that allow the design of more than message passing but the emergence of
highly decentralized and dynamic distributed systems. It is crucial for
self-organizing systems to model an environment where agents can interact
indirectly through intentional events, for example by leaving objects in an
environment for other agents to see. It is more scalable and convenient for the
application developer. Our tool allows the visual construction and validation of
the proposed models, representing the first step for code generation.
SOARES, L.F.G. Nested Context Language 3.0 - Part 11: Declarative objects in NCL:
nesting objects with NCL code in NCL documents. 21 p. Eng. E-mail:
This technical report describes how
declarative objects, including objects with NCL code, may be related with other
objects in an NCL application, and how declarative object players shall behave.
NCL (Nested Context Language)is an XML application language based on the NCM (Nested
Context Model) conceptual model for hypermedia document specification, with
temporal and spatial synchronization among its media objects.
Context Language 3.0 - Part 13: Ginga-NCL implementors guide
v1.0. 66 p. Port. E-mail:
This technical report provides operational guidelines for Ginga-NCL middleware
implementations aiming at terrestrial and satellital DTV, and IPTV systems which
follows norms ABNT 15606.2 and 15606.5, and ITU-T recommendation H.761.
IVSON, P.; DUARTE, L.; CELES, W. GPU-accelerated uniform grid construction for
ray tracing dynamic scenes. 17 p. Eng. E-mail:
We present a novel data-parallel algorithm
for quickly rebuilding Uniform Grids on state of the art GPUs. The technique
combines very fast scan and sorting procedures to classify scene primitives
according to the spatial subdivision. Results demonstrate this routine is not
only scalable with scene size, but achieves faster rebuild times than other
state of the art implementations. In addition, we have developed a ray-tracing
procedure that achieves interactive visualization rates, even when enabling
shadows and reflection rays. Since the grid structure can be effciently rebuilt
each rendering frame, we can maintain performance with fully animated scenes
containing unstructured movements. Overall performance achieved greatly improves
upon Uniform Grids on the CPU, while remaining competitive to more adaptive
structures such as the BVH and kd-tree.
VALENTE, L.; de SOUZA, C.S.; FEIJÓ, B. Turn off the graphics: designing
non-visual interfaces for mobile phone games. 24 p. Eng. E-mail:
Mobile phones are a widespread platform for
ICT applications because they are highly pervasive in contemporary society.
Hence, we can think of mobile gaming as a serious candidate to being a prominent
form of entertainment in the near future. However, most games (for computers,
console and mobile devices) make extensive use of the visual medium, which tends
to exclude visually-impaired users from the play. While mobile gaming could
potentially reach many visually-impaired users, who are very familiar with this
technology, currently there seems to be only very few alternatives for this
community. In an attempt to explore new interactive possibilities for such users,
this work presents an initial study on non-visual interfaces for mobile phone
games. It is based on Semiotic Engineering principles, emphasizing communication
through aural, tactile and gestural signs, and deliberately excluding visual
information. Results include a number of issues that can be incorporated to a
wider research agenda about mobile gaming accessibility, both for the
visually-impaired and sighted.
C.J.P.; GARCIA, A.F. A pattern language for self organizing systems. 15 p.
Eng. E-mail:
Developers and maintainers of
self-organizing software systems need design patterns to facilitate design
reuse. To tackle this problem, we propose a catalogue of agent-oriented design
patterns for structuring the pivotal mechanisms of a selforganizing system. The
presented pattern language has a twofold purpose. First, it defines the common
self-organizing behavior and the underlying environment structure. Second, all
the patterns describe how the information flow should be designed in a complex
self-organizing system. The pattern language also shows how the basic patterns
can be composed to design more sophisticated self-organizing mechanisms. The
automated guided vehicles application was chosen as a unified example of the
pattern language usage, while a number of well-known pattern uses are also
NETO, C.s.; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; SOARES, L.F.G.S. Nested
Context Language 3.0 - Aplicações declarativas NCL com objetos NCLua imperativos
embutidos. 30 p. Port. E-mail:
The Nested Context Language (NCL) allows
the development of multimedia applications with spatio-temporal synchronization
among media objects, such as videos, sounds and images. In order to extend NCL
with a general purpose programming language, objects written with the Lua
language, the so called NCLua objects, are also supported. For common media
objects, it is the role of the media player to interpret the actions commanded
by the NCL formatter, such as start and abortion of media presentations. However,
for NCLua objects, this role is attributed to the object author, which can give
any semantics to the commanded actions. An NCLua object communicates with the
NCL document in which it is embedded through events, in accordance with the
transitions in its state machine. This technical report describes how NCLua
objects are developed
C.J.P. Suporte a uma abordagem para uma LPS de SMA
com configuração dinâmica. 21 p.
Port. E-mail:
Multi-Agent Systems Products Lines (MAS-PL)
have been used in order to produce high congurable solutions. In this sense,
one of the goals is to characterize an approach for high congurable systems.
The presented work aims at provide an approach for dynamic conguration of
MAS-PLs, allowing runtime product derivation. As a Case-Study, it has been
reused NASA Projects for ANTs conguration. However, several possible congurations
have been explored in order to present self-adaptation in parallel with MASPL
dynamic capability.
P.M.; GATTASS, M.An application of optical flow to time-lapse analysis in
2-D seismic images. 10 p. Port. E-mail:
Time-lapse (4-D) seismic reservoir
monitoring is a relative new technology that is gaining recognition in oil and
gas producing areas around the world. In this paper, we propose an application
of Horn-Schunck’s optical flow estimation method in order to obtain the movement
field between pairs of seismic images. Optical flow estimation can provide
important information about velocity of each image pixel. This way, we show that
is possible to catch important displacements between pairs of seismic images
separated by a time interval. In this work, each seismic image was deformed
through the application of a synthetic field. The results obtained show that
this method is able to recover with reasonable precision tiny displacements
commonly found in time-lapse seismic data.
On object and component design
approaches for parallel programming. 14 p. Port. E-mail:
The evolution of the field of programming
traditionally trades performance for more powerful abstractions that are able to
simplify the programmer's work. It is possible to observe the effects of this
evolution on the parallel programming area. Typically parallel programming
focuses on high performance based on the procedural paradigm to achieve the
highest possible throughput, but determining the point in which one should trade
performance for more powerful abstractions remains an open problem. With the
advent of new system level tools and libraries that deliver greater performance
without programmer's intervention, the myth that the application programmer
should optimize communication code starts to be challenged. As the growing
demand for large scale parallel solutions becomes noticeable, problems like code
complexity, design and modeling power, maintainability, faster development,
greater reliability and reuse, are expected to take part on the decision of
which approach to use. In this paper, we discuss the use of new paradigms that
provide higher-level abstractions and may provide many benefits to parallel
programming developers. We argue that the decision of whether or not one should
choose to apply these techniques on an application project remains subjective
and depends on many factors related to time to delivery, programmer experience,
and complexity, among others.
decision-making process for digital storytelling. 19
Eng. E-mail:
The method proposed here to determine, in a simplified but still
plausible way, the behaviour of the characters participating in a story is based
on rules that associate a given situation with a list of different goals. In
view of the rules whose situation holds at the current state, each character
engages in a decision-making process along three steps: goal selection, plan
selection, and commitment. The selection criteria reflect individual preferences
originating, respectively, from drives, attitudes and emotions. Four kinds of
inter-character relations are considered, which may lead to goal and plan
interferences. A prototype logic programming tool was developed to run
Algoritmos de eleição para redes móveis
ad hoc. 13 p.
Port. E-mail:
This paper presents the leader election problem in mobile ad hoc and
surveys several algorithms in the literature. Two of which were chosen so that
an in-dept study and a comparison regarding not only the applicability, but also
the computational complexity, were done.
Processos para desenvolvimento de aplicações Web.
25 p. Port. E-mail:
Web application development presents significant differences from
conventional application development. The spectrum varies from technical to
organizational differences. Technical means the specific architectures and
technologies employed and the impacts involved. Organizational is related to the
strategic use of these applications aiming at improving the business. Among
other issues, uncertainty, volatility and high competitiveness are innate
characteristics which must be carefully addressed. Therefore, the nature of web
engineering suggests the need of specialized software processes that cover, in a
systematic way, the complete life cycle of hypermedia web applications, in
contrast to adopting ad-hoc approaches to comply with the constraints imposed by
this application domain. This essay presents an abridge discussion concerned
with the impact of these differences on development process for web
applications, analyzing some proposals, indentifying the requirements and
challenges. This work intends to be an initial step towards the definition of a
process suitable to web development, in dimensions such as requirements
gathering, user interface, testing and navigation design.
S.D.J.; LEITE, J.C.S.P. Validação de cenários. 34 p. Port. E-mail:
Scenario is a description technique which has become more evident in many
projects. For using natural language in the communication between requirements
engineers and stakeholders, scenarios have contributed directly to the
collaboration among all participants in the requirements definition process. The
main contribution of this work is the elaboration of a simulation-based scenario
validation strategy. This strategy makes use of interactive techniques, allowing
for better adjustments in the elicited information by the requirements engineer.
LUCENA, C.J.P. Modeling user preferences into agent architectures: a
survey. 12 p.
Port. E-mail:
Personal agents are becoming popular for automating tasks for users. Given that
these agents represent individuals, there is the need to capture user
preferences and customize agents according to the users' specific needs. Several
approaches have been proposed in order to model user preferences and use them in
algorithms that generate an output specific for each user. In this paper we
present a survey of these approaches and concepts proposed to represent user
preferences, mainly into agent architectures. We also discuss how these concepts
are used in the agent reasoning process.
Desenvolvimento baseado em comportamento
gráfico. 19 p.
Port. E-mail:
This article proposes a behavior-driven method that focuses on GUI-based
applications. Developing such applications frequently leads to translation
errors when transforming the specification produced by the customer into scripts
to be used to automatically validate the implementation. This method is based on
the behavior-driven development method and on the choice of existing appropriate
tools for creating inter-faces and capture & replay tests. The method suggests
that the specification should be based on scenarios; on recording a test script
using an application interface prototype; and later on using this script to
automatically validate the implementation. The method supports test script
co-evolution while the base application evolves.
A conceptual data model involving protein sets
from complete genomes: a biological point of view. 8 p. Port. E-mail:
This work involves the comparison of protein information in a genomic scale. The
main goal is to improve the quality and interpretation of biological data,
besides our understanding of biological systems and their interactions.
Stringent comparisons were obtained after the application of the Smith-Waterman
algorithm in a pair wise manner to all predicted proteins encoded in both
completely sequenced and unfinished genomes available in the public database
RefSeq. Comparisons were run through a computational grid and the complete
result reaches a volume of over 900 GB. In this context, the database system
design is a critical step in order to extract the expected information from the
comparisons' results. This paper describes database conceptual design issues for
the creation of a database that represents a dataset of sequence
crosscomparisons. We show that our conceptual schema enables users to query from
simple to rather complex queries, providing a conceptual framework that can be
further implemented in any object-relational database.
Protein world database: geração do esquema
lógico e processo de ETL. 22 p. Port. E-mail:
The automated methods development of DNA sequencing on a large scale, coupled
with the technologies development for high performance computing and more
efficient algorithms, has provided generation of a large amount of data, and
enabled the scientific community to study the genomes structure, organization
and evolution. Today, the main challenge is the biological data organization,
storage and availability, without compromising the biological systems
interpretation and understanding, and their interactions. This report describes
the logical schema used to store the data from the Protein World Database
project and integrate data from various public sources, e.g. RefSeq, Swissprot,
NCBI Taxonomy, Pfam, KEGG and GO, as well as the difficulties encountered in the
data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading process (ETL). This scheme allows
obtaining information relevant to the similarity analysis between proteins,
basic process in functional annotation and new proteins discovery
Pesquisas em bancos de dados biológicos 12 p. Port. E-mail:
We discuss in this paper research opportunities specific for database systems
applied to computational biology data. As data volumes increase, typical
functionalities that appear in database managers, including the availability of
storage structures and persistency control; memory management at all levels and
data distribution, become very useful for this specific application area. We
discuss possible research work directions both in research and development,
while presenting some of the already existing solutions.
INTRATOR, C.; de Souza, C.S.S.
Collaborative Web scripting for improved accessibility.
10 p. Port. E-mail:
This paper presents WNH, the Web Navigation Helper, which is based on CoScripter,
a collaborative macro recorder for the web. WNH helps blind and functionally
illiterate users interact with websites by interpreting previously generated
scripts for achieving various kinds of tasks. We report the results of a
preliminary empirical study carried out during formative evaluation steps and
discuss some of the challenges and promises associated to our findings.
SALGADO, L.C.C.; de SOUZA, C.S. A semiotic
inspection of ICDL. 10 p. Port. E-mail:
This study reports the results of a semiotic inspection carried out with the
International Children’s Digital Library, a paradigmatic example of
multi-cultural systems, since it poses very concrete and difficult HCI design
challenges in terms of cultural issues. The study is part of the ICDL-Brasil
Project, a binational cooperation partnership that aims at finding alternatives
for cultural adaptation of the ICDL website to the Brazilian context.
C.J.P. A self-adaptive
process that incorporates a self-test activity. 13 p.
Port. E-mail:
The self-adaptation paradigm aims to develop software systems that can
autonomously adapt themselves to context changes and handle adverse situations
on their own. However, appropriate implementation of self-adaptive processes or
architectures able not only to check the needs for the adaptations and perform
them but also to ensure their compliance with new environment requirements is
still an open issue. Therefore, this paper proposes a self-adaptive process that
contemplates a new activity that promotes the test of the adaptations in
order to check their compliance with the new requirements. Our approach extends
a basic self-adaptive process composed of four main activities (monitor, analyze,
plan and execute) by including the test activity that will check the
adapted behavior before its execution. The applicability of the proposed process
is demonstrated by a case study where a system responsible for generating
susceptibility maps, i.e., maps that show locations with landslides risks in a
given area, uses the self-adaptive process to adapt its behavior and to check
the adaptations before using them.
Nested Context Language 3.0 - Reúso e importação.
21 p. Port. E-mail:
NCL, standard declarative language of the Brazilian
Terrestrial Digital TV System and ITU-T Recommendation for IPTV Services,
provides a high level of reuse in the design of hypermedia applications. Not
only static code reuse is possible, speeding up the application design time and
minimizing the probability of programming errors by reusing already tested code
spans, but also the reuse of code spans in exeution, making easier the
application understanding and the definition of relationships among
application's components. Moreover, NCL allows not only the reuse inside the
same application, but also the reuse among applications, besides the reuse of
code spans stored in libraries external to the application. This paper
discusses all the features provided by the language and implicitly proposes a
methodology to take profit of these features.
C.J.P.; CAMPOS, T.M.P; MONCADA, M.P.H. Plataforma GeoRisc – Engenharia da
Computação aplicada à análise de riscos geo-ambientais. 16 p.
Port. E-mail:
This work describes the GeoRisc platform, such software
manipulates the knowledge acquired by researchers and specialists on landslides
in Rio de Janeiro, a city in Brazil. Such knowledge has been encapsulated into
agents and from them, were generated models and
that compose a software product line. In this way, is possible to
generate different types of products in response to the users necessities.
Another important aspect of the platform is the flexibility of the architecture.
The plat-form allows that different models and functionalities can be added.
C.J.P.; CAMPOS, T.M.P; MONCADA, M.P.H. Um agente especialista em
recomendação de modelos de susceptibilidade.
7 p.
Port. E-mail:
This work presents a recommendation specialist agent of
susceptibility mod-el to specific places. A flexible architecture was projected
to the specialist agent aiming that it can be evolved. This specialist agent was
developed like a feature of the Plat-form GeoRisc which also is described in
this work.
B.; GUERRA, F.W.; FURTADO, A.L. On the craft of interactive stories. 37 p.
Port. E-mail:
LUCENA, C.J.P. SUAP – sistema unificado de assistência pré-natal.
11 p.
Port. E-mail:
LUCENA, C.J.P. Estudos sobre algorimos de classificação para o referenciamento
de gestantes de alto risco.
12 p.
Port. E-mail:
The Prenatal Care Unified System (SUAP) is a system under
development whose aim is to support the prenatal care. One of its
functionalities is to support the referral process of high-risk pregnancy by the
indication of which unit a pregnant must be referred to according to her
complications and location. Our goal is to use historical cases and machine
learning algorithms for such functionality. Thus, in this work we aim at making
an exploratory study of machine learning algorithms and tools that may be
incorporated in the SUAP to solve our problem. Given that the system does not
have a representative dataset yet, we used datasets with similar characteristics.
We concluded that the Weka tool is appropriate to be incorporated in the SUAP,
and it can be easily parametrized to choose an algorithm that is more adequate
to the target problem.